#on right now but just know I think y’all are weirdos if you’re constantly tearing down this couple to build up another one that’s not even
puthyflapps · 2 years
I swear you're one of the few sane people here. A lot of other popular blogs that used to love and post about shoni *only* post about l*atin now for like some weird spiteful reason that i just do not understand. Like even if you ship l*atin why wouldn't you still fully support both? The girlies be losing it.
My priority lies with what’s canon especially when it comes to lgbt rep 🤷🏻‍♀️
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
It’s Complicated/Uncomplicated - Part 2/2
Requested fic by @ineedskyecrandall (if you have any fic ideas or requests you’d like me to write, you can leave me an ask!)
Book: My Two First Loves, (after) Chapter 38
Pairing: Ava Lawrence x MC (Emma Price)
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G, none
Word count: 4,152 (she’s a long one)
A/N: Continuation of Part 1! Ava and MC go on their first date. QUESTION: do you guys prefer shorter or longer fics? Pls lmk. Also I’m pretty sure I chipped my nail polish while writing this so I hope y’all enjoy 😂
Tag list: @ineedskyecrandall @kamilahsayeet2063 @avalawrencefl @lovekamilahsayeed @thequeenkamilahsayeed @midnitesteph (lmk if anyone would like to be included or removed in my next fics.)
I woke up to a text from Ava.
'Rise and shine, you sleepy sloth! I hope you had a good night, here's something to brighten your morning! Xoxo'
She attached a cute cat gif stretching its paws and yawning as it wakes up from it's sleep.
I shot her back a quick reply. 'Morning, babe! Thanks for the adorable cat gif, I can't wait to see your gorgeous face later today <3'.
I may have just woken up but I just knew that today was gonna be an amazing day.
The hours leading up to my date with Ava was a blur. I was wrecked with excitement and anticipation. Mackenzie noticed me on edge and I explained my dilemma to her. She didn't seem that surprised when I came out to her as bi and told her I had a date with Ava.
She just rolled her eyes and said, 'Finally!'.
Two hours before our date, I begged Mack to help me find the perfect outfit. I paced up and down my room, trying on my entire wardrobe and still not being able to settle on anything.
"Oh my god, Em, calm down!" Mack exclaimed in frustration. "It's just Ava! She's seen you at your absolute trash bottom!"
"I know! But it's different!" I defended. "It's like an actual date this time, y'know?"
"You went out for dates with Noah and Mason recently and you weren't walking up and down your room like an agitated child that just shat their pants and is too afraid to tell their parents." She squinted at me. "You like her a lot more than the both of them, don't you?"
"I- what? Mack, no. I mean, I'm not sure. I haven't figured it out yet."
She sighed and stared at me dead in the eyes. "Look, I know you like both boys but I think even you have noticed that you're more drawn to Ava. Shit, you just told me an hour or so ago that you liked her and I can already tell just by looking at you now." She waited for me to process her words before speaking again. "You aren't gonna destroy Mason's or Noah's life if you chose to be with Ava. They're big boys, they can handle the rejection."
Her words struck a chord in me. I have noticed that ever since Ava kissed me I haven't been able to think about either Mason or Noah. When I kissed both of them, I was constantly worrying about the other but with Ava, it was only her that occupied my mind.
I looked away then back at my sister. "I... I think you're right. But I'm just gonna have this date with her before I come to a conclusion."
She waved her hand at me. "Yeah yeah, you do that, but I bet you fifty that you'll agree with me."
"No way am I agreeing to that bet," I scoffed.
"And why not?"
"...'Cuz I'm pretty sure I'll lose."
After over an hour, I finally decided on a cute outfit and waited for Ava in my living room. I was fidgeting with my fingers while Mack made fun of me, teasing me about how nervous I was but I couldn't even focus because it was true; I was mortified.
Ding Dong!
"Ahh!" I shouted in surprise.
My sister just laughed at me and moved to answer the door. "Chill, your girlfriend's here."
"She's not my girl-" I started but stopped mid-sentence when I saw her walk into our hallway.
She may have not been my girlfriend just yet but god, I wish she were.
"Ava," I whispered, speechless. "H-hey!"
"Hey yourself, babe!" She came up to me and wrapped me in a hug. The pet name caused a rush of heat to my cheeks which I was sure she felt when she kissed it. We've always called each other by pet names, 'baby', 'babe', 'darling', 'sweetheart', 'jerk' or 'weirdo' even but this time, it felt different. Different in a good way.
She pulled back slightly as her eyes traveled up and down my figure. Her gaze set my body on fire. "You look amazing!" she complimented. "You're so pretty."
I blushed. "Thanks." I gave her a once over and felt my breath hitch. "You look really hot," I blurted out without thinking and immediately slapped my palm against my mouth.
She burst out laughing, the sound filling me with delight despite my embarrassment. "Thank you, Em." She lifted an arm and it was only then that I noticed that she was holding a bouquet of flowers. "Um, these are for you."
She knew I loved flowers. I accepted it, starting to get a little teary eyed. This was ridiculous! We haven't even stepped out of the house and I was already overwhelmed with emotions. It was a gorgeous bunch of yellow roses with red petal tips. I immediately recognised the meaning behind the colour and the tears started to trickle down my face.
"Ava," I lunged at her, wrapped my arms around her neck and burying my face in the crook of it. "You seriously didn't have to."
"But I wanted to, I wanted to do this right," she laughed and hugged me back.
This moment would've been perfect if it weren't for Mackenzie clearing her throat from the living room couch.
"Okayyyy, I guess this is my cue to leave," she awkwardly excused herself and made her way upstairs. "Bye, lovebirds! Stay safe! Don't do anything stupid and don't forget to practice safe se-!"
"Mack!" I exclaimed, cutting her off but hurling a pillow from the couch at her.
My face was flushed with heat once again from Mack's comment but Ava just let out a good-natured laugh, obviously finding the whole ordeal amusing.
"C'mon, Em. Let's go," she said.
I excused myself to place the bouquet into a vase before walking to her sedan. She opened the door of the passenger seat for me before closing it and entering the driver's side. This girl was too sweet, I swear she'd be the death of me.
She started the engine and started driving away from my house.
"So, where are we going?" I asked.
"And why should I tell you?" she teased.
"Uh, because I'm in your car and I don't know where you're taking me? That's basically kidnapping!"
"It's not if you entered on your own free will!" she giggled and I couldn't help but laugh along with her. Her laugh was contagious and it made my heart flutter.
I didn't have to wait long to find out our destination. It was a small, quaint ice cream parlour. The same ice cream parlour we went to on our first hang out together. We hadn't been back here since and the sight of the shop made me nostalgic.
We entered the shop and it was just as I remembered. It was quite and calm. A much different ambience from the outside world. We walked up to the display freezer and stared at all the different options.
Ava turned to me. "Okay, so here's how we make things interesting, we order a random ice cream we haven't tried before, no trying the flavours beforehand."
I gave her a look. Leave it to Ava to find a way to spice things up. One thing I can say for sure was that my life would definitely be boring without her.
"So, what would you like?"
"Um, I'm not sure." One particular ice cream stood out to me though I wasn't sure it'd be my cup of tea. "I kinda want to try the Maple Bacon Ice Cream but I don't know if I'll like it."
"First of all, that's the whole point of this! We won't know, it's a game of luck. Second of all, you haven't tried Maple Bacon before?" she asked incredulously.
"And you have?"
"Of course! Who hasn't?"
"Ava, that's not a regular ice cream flavour, weirdo."
"It is in my house...," she muttered as she pouted, eyebrows furrowing. I couldn't help but giggle at how cute she was being. "What if we share it? Since you're too chicken to actually get a whole scoop for yourself."
"Hey! That's not true!" I protested but she was right on some regards. I didn't want to waste it if I didn't like it. "But since you insisted, sure, I guess."
"Don't pretend you're not relieved that I offered to share," she smiled teasingly at me.
After much persuasion, I finally let Ava pay for the ice cream and we found an empty booth in the corner. It was far away and secluded enough from the other patrons to give us some privacy.
We sat across from each other with the cup of ice cream in between us. I noticed that they only gave us one spoon. We've shared food and cutlery before but this time, it made me nervous.
"They only gave us one spoon," I pointed out.
"So?" Ava questioned. "We've shared before, here!"
She scooped up some ice cream and brought it up to my lips. I looked at her and cautiously leaned forward to let her feed me. I saw her gulp as I accepted the ice cream.
She shook herself out of her daze and asked, "How is it?"
I licked my lips and gave her a smile. "It's actually really good!"
"See? You should listen to me more often," she bragged.
"Yeah, yeah, now let me feed you instead, it's only fair."
We continued to feed each other, giggling and laughing every time we smudged ice cream against the other's cheek. At first I did it by accident but Ava wasn't having it so she did it back to me on purpose.
We were attacking each other with ice cream, almost screaming at one point and only stopped when we noticed the ice cream server glaring at us.
We quiet down, trying to hold in our giggles and I couldn't help but get distracted by Ava. I saw her mouth moving, saying something but I wasn't listening. Last night was the first time I really got to look at her but right now, in the daylight, I could see every detail of her face that I missed under the dim streetlight. And now that I know my feeling weren't entirely platonic, I could properly appreciate them.
Her perfectly shaped eyebrows, her almond eyes that were a beautiful shade of chestnut brown, accentuated by her eyeliner and mascara and her soft lips that were painted in a darker shade of red today, perfectly complimenting her features. Her gorgeous hair, her high cheekbones, her strong jaw, her freckles. God, her freckles. They scattered all over her cheeks and nose making her look absolutely adorable. All these combined together to make the absolute masterpiece that was Ava.
I've always liked her freckles. I liked how prominent they were in the summer and I knew sometimes she was insecure about how obvious they were but I've always thought that that was ridiculous. If anything I thought it made her look extremely pretty. Not that she isn't without them but there was something about them that caught my attention.
I was broken out of my reverie when I say Ava waving a hand in front of my eyes.
"Hellooo? Earth to Emma?" she said, laughing. "You completely blanked out, what are you thinking about?"
"About you," I replied without a second thought.
I saw her looking a bit flustered and blush a little but she countered back. "Oh? And what about me?"
"I was just thinking about how stunning you look," I admitted.
She bit her lip. "We've known each other for years, you know how I look like, dork."
"Yeah, but I've never gotten a chance to properly look at you and appreciate your face. You're so breath-taking."
I moved to slowly cup her face in my hands and I felt the warmth from her cheeks. I saw her let out a shaky breath and close her eyes for a while before looking back at me. My own heart was doing flips. She smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Okay, you flirt," she joked.
We talked as we finished up our ice cream. Well, I ate most of eat but on our way out I bought one for Ava since I felt bad for stealing most of it. We walked out of the shop, passing the cone of ice cream back and forth to share.
"Where to next?" I asked her while licking the ice cream.
"Just keep walking, we'll be there soon," she replied while reaching out to take the ice cream from me.
I shook my head at her refusal to tell me but I complied. We walked down the sidewalk, shoulders brushing ever so slightly every now and then. I felt her hand ghost over mine a couple of times before I looked up at her. I could almost sense the conflict going on in her head. I silently giggled to myself before grabbing her hand, interlocking our fingers together.
Just like she did the night before, she looked at our hands and then into my eyes. I saw a twinkle in them as she gave me a shy smile.
"Thank you," she spoke softly.
I gave her hand a squeeze in response as we continued to walk down the street, hand-in-hand and sharing the ice cream.
I loved the way her hand fit in mine. It felt different from Mason's and Noah's hand. Their's were slightly calloused, maybe from playing football, and much bigger than mine. I liked the way their's made me feel protected and secured.
However, Ava's hand, while just as strong, was smooth and smaller. It felt comforting and familiar, like someone you've known for a long time who'd always be there even on your worse days. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer this over their's.
"I like holding your hand," Ava spoke out. "It's nice."
I let out a small chuckle and nodded. "I was just thinking the same."
We walked a few more steps before Ava announced, "We're here."
She brought me to a park that was filled with trees and flowers. The park wasn't too crowded but there were a decent amount of people minding their own business. Being autumn, most leaves on the trees were a fiery yet serene combination of red, orange and amber. We walked down a pathway lined with the trees and covered with fallen leaves.
"The scenery is amazing!" I stated in awe. I looked around to take in the view and turned back to Ava to only see her gazing at me.
"So are you," she added. I don't know how many more times she was going to make me blush but I wasn't complaining.
After walking a little more, we spotted a bench. We finished up the ice cream and threw the wrapper and tissue into the trash can nearby before I pulled her by the hand to sit.
She sat a few spaces away but I scooted closer to her. I took her hand in both of mine and placed it on my lap, caressing it. We've always been physically affectionate with each other and I'm not going to allow that to change now. I still wanted her to be comfortable around me despite our recent revelation about our relationship.
Once I saw her relax a bit, I placed my head on her shoulder. I could tell her heart started to race and I had to admit that her nearness was making my heart do the same. The smell of her perfume wafted up to my nose and made my mind hazy. I was finding it hard to focus on anything else with her so close to me. But the again, why would I want to focus on anything else?
I closed my eyes and heard her speak. "I don't think you know how painful it was seeing you with Noah yesterday at homecoming. I kept trying to tell myself that it wasn't my place to be jealous but I couldn't help it. I'm sorry."
"If it makes you feel any better, even though I was with Noah, I couldn't stop myself from staring at you," I confessed. "When I saw you, I thought I was looking at an ethereal being, you didn't look like you belonged on earth, let alone at some crappy high school gym."
She lets out a radiant giggle and I felt her shoulders shake in laughter as I continued, "I realised last night that it's been like this for some time now. I hope you know that this has been long time coming, it's not just some fluke thing that happened last night."
She wraps an arm around my waist, letting it rest against my hip. "I get it, I feel the same way. I've liked you for some time now but it was time I finally admitted it to myself."
I swallowed, holding back the tears that were threatening to spill. Hearing her speak like that made me indescribably happy. "Yesterday, at the dance, I was secretly hoping you'd cut in and ask me for a dance," I confessed.
"I was hoping you'd ask me!" she revealed and we both laughed.
Ava gently nudged me off of her and stood from the bench. I looked up at her, puzzled. She stretched out an arm, offering it to me. "Since I didn't get to ask you for a dance yesterday, I'm doing it now. Would you like to share a dance with me, darling?"
I giggled at her antics. "Ava, we're in the middle of the park! People will think we're mad!"
"I don't care about them, only you. Do you care?" she challenged back.
I didn't have to think twice about my answer. "When I'm with you? Never have and never will."
I placed my hand in hers and she brought it up to her lips kissing it before pulling me up to her feet. I crashed into her, laughing and holding onto her to stabilise myself. She chuckled along with me and guided us a few paces away from the bench. She positioned a hand on my hip and the other still clutching mine. Instinctively, I brought one hand to rest on her shoulder.
"There's no music," I stated.
"Looks like we'll just have to make our own."
Ava began humming a random tune and we started spinning around as if we were ballroom dancing. We stepped onto the grassy area as my laughter and Ava's humming increased in volume.
She twirled and dipped me. She placed both her hands on my waist and lifted me, spinning me in circles as I giggled uncontrollably. If anyone was staring, I didn't notice or bother. All I cared about was that I was in Ava's arms and I felt like I was flying.
She set me down and we both just looked at each other, smiling wider than we've seen each other grin before. I pulled her into me to hug her, resting my cheek against hers. Our heavy breathing and racing hearts began to subside. I moved back slightly in her arms to still see her smiling at me.
She looked back at me and seeing her so happy made me ecstatic in return. It made my heart sing to know I'm the reason for her happiness. The way she was looking at me made me feel important. It made me feel as if I was the best thing that's ever happened to her and it was then that I knew that the feeling was mutual.
Her mesmerising eyes gazed into mine and I thought back to last night, right before we kissed. I really wanted to kiss her then and I wanted it again now.
As if she could read my thoughts, she leaned in closer to me. Inches before her lips met mine, she stopped, hesitating if she should close the gap between us. I could feel her heart start pounding in her chest again against mine.
"Kiss me, Ava," I whispered, quietly enough so only she could hear.
She placed a hand behind my neck and tugged me into a kiss. Our lips met and it felt just as spectacular as last night's. I grabbed onto her harder, not wanting to let her go in case she pulls away but by the way she was clutching onto me made it clear she wouldn't dare dream of it.
Kissing Ava felt like the most wonderful thing in the universe. Mason and Noah were great kisser but even they couldn't even begin to compete with Ava. The small fluttering feeling in my tummy whenever I kissed them was nothing compared to the overwhelming sensation I was experiencing right now. Electricity was surging through my body, energising my entire being. It was entirely intoxicating. It was other-worldly.
I've never understood why people referred to their significant others as their weaknesses because right now, kissing Ava, I felt more alive than I ever did. She wasn't my weakness, she was my strength and...
Did I just refer to Ava as my significant other?
Like all good things, it had to come to an end. But it wasn't by choice, though. So enraptured in the kiss, I leaned further forward, causing Ava to lean back until she stumbled backwards and tripped over a rock. She crashed to the ground, taking me with her.
We looked at each other and burst into a fit of laughter.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked her in between giggles.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied in a similar manner.
Ava was flat on her back and I was still on top of her as I buried my face in the crook to muffle my laughter. Ava tossed her head back, still laughing.
After a while, the laughter died down and I lifted myself to look at her once again. We couldn't help it. We started giggling madly, so much so that I let out a snort that only made us more hysterical.
"Oh god, I can't breathe," Ava wheezed.
It took us at least a good three minutes to fully calm down. I rolled off Ava and laid beside her.
"C'mere," she said and pulled me closer.
I rested my head on her shoulder and draped an arm over her torso. She wrapped an arm around me while our legs intertwined. She was staring at the sky as I closed my eyes. It's amazing to think that just the day before yesterday I was worried about choosing between Mason and Noah but now, it's never been clearer that there was only one person for me. And ironically, it was neither of them.
Being here with Ava made me recognise that the reason I couldn't choose between either of them was because my heart already belonged to someone else without me even realising.
We stayed like that for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's  presence when I finally broke the quite.
"It's crazy how so much can change in a day." I said softly. "I admit, ever since day one, I would catch myself looking at you. I thought I was staring at you because that's just what people do when they find beauty in something. I know now that while that's true, there's more to it. And it's because I like you, Ava. I really like you. It might have taken us years for us to get here but I wouldn't have had it any other way."
I felt her hold her breath for a while before slowly exhaling.
I spoke again, "I think I'm gonna call it quits with Noah and Mason."
"Are you sure? That's pretty fast."
"I've never been more sure. I can't help but compare how much better everything feels with you. I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend yet, we don't have to rush it, but why lead them on when I already know you're the best for me. You, Ava Lawrence, are my first choice."
I opened my eyes. I still couldn't see Ava's face but I felt her inhaled deeply before gently, tenderly uttering, "You are my first choice too, Emma Price."
I felt the joy bubbling in me at her words. I smiled and let out a contented sigh.
I gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered, "My feelings were never complicated, I was just to blind to see them for what they actually were." And it was true.
I couldn't help but think how glad I was that I didn't take on Mackenzie's bet. She was right. It always was and always will be Ava.
She may not have been my first love but she was my soulmate.
(More fics!)
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iliketoreadstuf · 5 years
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Woohoo I’m posting!! I am still not over that kiss y’all. I had a sudden inspiration to write so here’s a pretty long little hc. It’s pretty much just fluff, fluff, and more fluff! I love Noliv. Yes. Okay, enjoy.
Noah woke up feeling the most content he’d ever felt in his life. He was in Liv’s bed and her body was completely wrapped up around his. Her head was in the crook of his neck, her arms around his waist and her legs tangled with his.
The biggest grin he’d ever done slowly spread across his face as he pulled her even closer. They were finally there. They’d finally kissed and she was really there with him. But then he remembered that she was leaving for Spain that day and his smile disappeared.
Instead of thinking about that he focused on Liv. She looked so peaceful when she slept. Her mouth was slightly parted and she was clinging to Noah like he was a teddy bear. For a moment he wondered if she’d ever done this with anyone else. Noah surely hadn’t; he never let anyone touch him, even if he slept with them.
And they hadn’t even slept together. They’d come back from their high and immediately crashed. Ralph had smirked at them and tried to tease Liv but she just flipped him off and brought Noah to her room.
“So this is your room.” He’d said the night before.
“Mmhmm.” Liv had hummed, kicking her shoes off.
Then they’d climbed into her bed and laid with each other, occasionally kissing and talking about everything. When she’d mentioned Spain Noah had pulled her close and told her she was never leaving. She’d laughed and nuzzled closer to him, not replying.
She stirred and slowly opened her eyes after a while and Noah found his heart clenching. She looked so utterly adorable as she squinted up at him. He smiled and kissed her forehead gently, never wanting the moment to end.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” He whispered.
“Good morning, weirdo.” She mumbled back.
He chuckled and traced her face with his fingers, finding her so beautiful that he could stare at her forever. Her eyes fluttered shut as he ran his fingers over her face. He was suddenly inspired to draw her, paint her. Not that he hadn’t done it before, but he could picture exactly how he would do it in that moment. How the sun shone on her skin, the way her eyes looked golden in the light, her wild curls. She looked perfect.
“What should we do today?” He asked.
“I have to pack for Spain. You should probably go home so I don’t bore you to death.” Liv said.
“You think I’m leaving you now? You’re stuck with me, Liv. Especially because I’m not going to have you for a week.” He said, tapping her nose.
A light blush coated her cheeks as she smiled. Noah didn’t think he’d ever met someone so beautiful, so full of life. Everything she did amazed Noah. He cupped her warm cheek and kissed it. Liv squirmed, obviously more awake and not so cuddly.
“Noahhh,” she whined.
“What?” He grinned, kissing all over her face.
She laughed and lightly pushed him off. He pouted and tried to pull her back down but she was too quick. She pulled out a suitcase and started packing clothes. He got up and kissed her head, telling her he’d be right back.
He went to the kitchen and made tea. Then he found bread and made toast. Ralph came into the kitchen and kissed Noah on the cheek. Noah laughed and waved at him.
“Good morning.” Noah said.
“Good morning, brother-in-law.” Ralph grinned.
Noah just laughed again, offering Ralph a piece of toast. Ralph took it and skipped back out. Noah shook his head in amusement and went back to Liv’s room with the food and tea. Liv was sitting on her bed again, trying to zip her suitcase.
Noah handed her the food and zipped the suitcase. Liv glared him playfully.
“I could’ve done it.” She insisted.
“I know. But I wanted to do it for you.” He shrugged.
“You’re such a cliché.” Liv rolled her eyes with a smile, biting her toast.
“But you love it.” Noah remarked.
“Maybe.” Liv shrugged.
Noah grinned and sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and nuzzling his nose in her neck.
“You’re really cuddly aren’t you?” Liv observed.
“Only with you.” Noah said.
And it was true. He was only cuddly with Liv. He normally didn’t like displays of affection and hugging and constantly touching someone, but he loved it with her. He didn’t know what he was going to do when she left for the week.
“I don’t want you to go.” He mumbled sadly.
Liv put her toast and tea down and turned around to face him. She rested her forehead on his and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“I don’t want to go either.” She admitted.
“So don’t.” Noah suggested.
“Noah…” She said in her tone that meant that she was going to say no. “I have to.”
“Can’t you tell your parents you don’t want to?”
“They already booked the tickets, No.” Liv said reluctantly.
Noah’s heart fluttered at the nickname, but he still pouted. Her leaving that day was about the worst thing he could imagine.
“Okay. But expect me to pester you with texts and calls every second. It’ll be like I’m there with you.” Noah said.
“Okay.” Liv grinned, pecking him on the lips.
Noah smiled and kissed her back passionately. Soon they were having a full on makeout session and Noah didn’t want to moment to ever end. Unfortunately, it came to an abrupt stop.
“Guys, I need your help!” Ralph barged into the room.
Noah reluctantly parted from Liv with an annoyed sigh and Liv looked murderous. She glared at Ralph with a fierceness that even Noah was afraid of.
“Ralph, what the fuck do you want?” She said sharply.
“Look I know you were having a makeout session but I need opinions on what to wear on my date tonight.” Ralph held out two different outfits.
Noah pondered each one and eventually picked the one on the right.
“That one.” Noah pointed at the one he liked.
Liv glared at Noah and he held his hands up.
“See? Some people are reasonable, Livvie.” Ralph smiled and kissed her cheek.
Liv just groaned and pushed him away.
Noah walked Liv to her taxi and kissed her hard when they got there.
“It’s just a week, Noah.” Liv whispered, resting her forehead on his like she liked to do.
“I know. But I’m going to miss you a lot. I just got you, Liv. I don’t want to lose you so quickly.” Noah admitted, looking down.
Liv lifted his chin with her fingertips. With a smile she tenderly kissed him again.
“I’m not going anywhere, weirdo.” She promised.
She kissed him one more time and opened the car door. Noah sighed and stepped back, waving at her. She waved back as the car drove away. Ralph came up next to Noah, wiping a tear.
“I’m going to miss her.” Ralph said with a watery voice.
Noah chuckled and hugged Ralph.
“Me too.” He said.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep20-21: Everyone's Gonna Die For Like the 3rd Time
So a few days ago I kinda tossed my phone at my bro and I was like “listen, it’s dead, don’t ask why this has happened, but I can’t get it to boot. I don’t even want to deal with it right now. I’m so over it. You fix it.” And so he fixes it by doing a factory reset and was like “so...what happened?” and I was like “I can’t say right now, it is too embarrassing.”
So, keep that story in the back of your mind as we go into this episode.
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It’s a Final Threat like a Final Fantasy sort of meaning of the word Final, I see.
Anyways, a review:
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Anyways, Noah has a superpower now that uses these pink balls of power. There’s only 6 of them, so it’s not quite Dragonball, unfortunately. They have some writing on them but I don’t know enough Duolingo to tell you what it is right now.
Especially since I kind of stopped using Duolingo a few months back, so now all of my limited Hiragana and few scattered kanji are gone forever. Thanks brain, glad I spent like a year trying to learn that. Domo. What I tried to go and do in order to read half my twitter feed.
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Yugioh broke my freakin phone.
So anyways, I tried doing a reverse image search on my PC, which is how I got Calligraphy up there. Which I realllllly don’t think is uh...the word. Then, by using a handwriting reading website I got “to fight”, but because I have pretty BAD handwriting in English even, and because I don’t know the order of strokes for really any kanji at all, that was the only one I could find.
If y’all know Japanese, I’d be very curious as to what these are. It’s probably related to something vaguely religious as that’s been Noah’s MO this whole game.
And yes, now that my phone works again, I could just try and re download Google Translate, and give it another go, but this image might actually be cursed, as is Yugioh tradition.
(read more under the cut)
But before we do anything in this upcoming duel, Pharaoh wants to make sure to immediately tell Noah he’s a freakin weirdo as quickly as possible.
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Noah is not that surprised. I mean Noah is a computer brain that’s been isolated for 6 years before going cray, he does not care if Yugi thought he were the king of England. Which Yugi was once in a spinoff game, the King of England.
We get a little explanation as to why Noah has such a God Complex (without playing a single God card, ironically) in that he likes to play this rare deck that Pegasus made that I guess Kaiba and Yugi sort of forgot about? I don’t blame them, I would also try to forget about this deck.
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I like that no matter where Pegasus travels, he puts on that same Banana Republic khaki white-person uniform and just marches out there. The same outfit he wears digging in Egypt is the same outfit he wears visiting Indonesia or India or Canada wherever this is.
This is probably somewhere famous, but I don’t recall it off the top of my head, forgive me. There are a lot of massive relief sculptures in Asia.
Anyways, after that one travel through the vaguely East/South East, Pegasus had a *phase.*
Now listen, I don’t really think it’s my job as a reviewer to say if shoving vaguely religious/mythical/cultural iconography into playing cards is a good idea or a bad idea, because that’s been talked to death in a million other articles you can just go and read. Every art piece has it’s own reason to exist, and every artist is their own person with their own unique life experience. I have had to sit through so much weird ass installation art and avante garde performance art, that I have learned solely one thing about art critique. I am not art Jesus. I cannot save a piece, I cannot condemn a piece. So, I will not throw down, and I will not prop up--unless of course it is weird little shorts on your main villain matched with long black golfing socks--but I am allowed to say--
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Remember how about ten or so episodes ago I was like, low key a little confused that it appeared like Yugioh was waltzing casually into religion territory? Remember how I was like “dude do they realize this is a reference to Lazarus? Like, they’re saying Kaiba could have been THE Lazarus?” Remember when I thought that was a big deal?
Well, Yugioh turned to itself and was like “hold my beer” and then just straight up outdid itself in so many weird ways. And don’t get me wrong, most of these cards are overall fine, nothing really all that shocking, but still like...
...OK, kid’s show. I’m sure all the children in the audience understood the references in this 100%.
Also, the fact that Noah is like “I turned to somewhat religious deities from antiquity to fight your ass” is kind of funny when you recognize he’s fighting a literal Pharaoh who has like 2000 of them of them under his belt already (counting himself). Like, nice job, Noah, you got like...12 in that deck? Congrats.
Anyway, Noah and his slightly problematic deck gets thrown by a bunch of Yugi’s cards and then Noah just plops right out of this giant dude. Or dudette. I didn’t really catch the gender on the Seraphim that is actually a fairy card. But, it was like Noah was being birthed for a second time. Well, third time, if you count when he was reborn as a robot.
So long story short, now he’s a boy again.
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Noah had the foresight to put his clothes back on before he fell out of this gigantic robot god thing who’s name I’ve forgotten. A shame, it would’ve been a good gag to just see how long it takes Noah to realize he’s ass naked when he’s a robot who has no sense of touch. Or...body.
Anyways, Yugi’s friends immediately start doing what they do best, which is to trashtalk the other team so badly that it would get you tossed out of most sporting events. It backfires on them not just once but...several times, and I’m telling you, it is surprising that they never actually learned in this entire episode that all they ever had to do was shut their mouth and stop backseating.
But apparently, it’s courageous to catcall your opponent. Its a sign of undying friendship as per Yugioh law.
Anyways, we’re gonna get death 169 this episode, so stop scrolling right now and then think to yourself--who’s it gonna be. Who’s gonna be death 169?
Some of you (all of you) might know this show by heart but for those who haven’t (none of you), this’ll be our little interactive portion.
OK, here we go.
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I knew that if I kept saying “Duke will die next” that eventually the dice fall in my favor. It took like 5 or 6 deaths before this actually happened, but can I say “called it?” Is that allowed? I’m gonna say “called it” and pretend that I called this.
Although, unfortunately, I did not call everything.
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Wow, Tristan won the shipping wars! All of them! He’s death 169! So NICE!
I did not predict that at all, I honestly thought that 169 would be Duke, and Bro thought it would be Kaiba. We were both so wrong.
It makes sense though. Like he is the littlest horny monkey here. He deserves 169.
Anyway, then the sad stuff starts piling up. Just like so much sadness at once. Yugioh does not pace sadness like, at all, so you never get a chance to grieve since so many deaths are back to back in this show. And by back to back I mean, they play only one round of cards in between each death.
The writing team was so excited to kill everyone off, that it was the fastest rounds of cards I’ve ever seen this show play. We should tempt them with killing off their core cast more often.
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So, seeing that half of his friends have been cursed with an eternity of being brain dead and living out their existence half alive in this weird digital universe, Pharaoh starts to doubt everything about his own abilities.
How weird is it to solve your ghost’s existential crisis when you’re trapped in some VR world he shouldn’t be able to exist in anyway?
But youknow, Pharaoh does this sometimes. Sometimes Pharaoh just gets really anxious if not enough people are telling him “It’s OK, Pharaoh, you’re basically a God. You already died once even so how could it possibly be worse? You’ll probably be OK!”
It’s the typical Yugi meltdown that accompanies every Yugi duel, except Pharaoh style, so it’s lower pitched and his hair is a little bit taller.
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Noah tries to take advantage of this lapse of confidence, but Pharaoh’s melt down isn’t quite enough to make him quit a game.
Again, Noah seems constantly shocked that all of Kaiba’s friends and Kaiba himself are just incapable of putting cards down and walking away. This is like the 4th time he’s begged these kids to just stop and they just kept going.
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And then, it’s time for the romance of the ages that we completely forgot existed. That’s right, shippers rejoice, YugixTea is back on the table, and it’s entirely because everyone else is dead.
Show, can you even be bothered? Like I feel so bad for y’all who shipped the canon ship because they just...forgot about y’all like...a lot.
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But don’t worry, it’s still very vague, and instead of giving any sort of sentimental dialogue, Tea is just going to tear into Noah like a yummy sandwich.
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Also, Tea thinks that Pharaoh has control over turning people to stone, that’s a weird thing she thinks now. 
I mean for all I know, he can totally do this. Why the hell not? Go ahead, Yugioh. Surprise me.
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And then...Noah just kept her alive a little longer?
I know that he was turning people into stone every turn but did I hear that wrong or did he seriously take a turn longer to freeze Tea, just to spite her?
What is it with the Kaiba’s and Tea? I make jokes that she’s the Mom of this mess of a family, but even Noah let her live way longer than anyone else here.
He got over it, though.
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And then Pharaoh decided to die.
Like he wasn’t actually dead, he was just low on lifepoints, and was like....that’s it. I’m done. Goodbye world. It was a good couple of years that I haunted the Hell out of everybody through this weird, very strange child. See you next Millennium.
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And then he just kind of took a nap.
Like canonically, Pharaoh just took a nap in the middle of this duel. He is out for like...kind of a while.
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Pharaoh melt-downs are kind of the worst because they do seem to involve him completely shutting down. At least in this game, he isn’t lying completely flat on his face, as I have seen him do in a duel before.
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PS How does this work?
I know I’m not supposed to think about it, and I’ve held back on talking about it for 20 episodes but like...Noah uploaded the mind of Yugi. Not Pharaoh.
Pharaoh’s mind is attached to Yugi through the puzzle...but the puzzle is not attached to the computer in any way. While Yugi’s brain now has a labyrinth problem, that doesn’t mean that Pharaoh would even be here. He is a magical ghost attached to Yugi’s body which is Not Actually Here.
So like...how is this happening?
Can you seriously trap Pharaoh here in this realm? You can’t, right? Like it isn’t possible, he’s the only one who’s not ever actually here in the first place.
Like...Pharaoh should be able to just wake up in the pod, open the door, and walk right out of there, just like he did with Bakura in Season 1 when Yugi got turned into a playing card. Mind you, in Season 1, Yugi’s soul was dislodged and not his brain, but this just seems like a little bit of a retcon.
I have already thought about this more than the people who made this kid’s show, so I’ll let it go, but this is one of those things I have to try real hard not to think about because...
...if Noah has full control of all their brain functions and projects images on to their brain via hallucinations, then how can they hallucinate anything else? How can you pass out and have dreams?
Which doesn’t matter of course--this doesn’t matter to the plot really, as this is a kid’s show and so just go with it--but I have been thinking about this in the background for 20 episodes and this is where I kind of couldn’t ignore it anymore because we’re gonna dive into some hella weird territory, get ready.
So anyways, Yugi comes down like some sort of cherubic angel and it was very hammy and legit pretty funny I mean look at this.
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If this were Sailor Moon, Yugi would be ass naked and have huge, beautiful fairy wings covered in holographic glitter and cherry blossoms.
I’d normally just put in a picture of the infamous last episode of Sailor Moon I’m referring to in order to make this joke complete, but knowing Tumblr I’d be flagged in like two milla-seconds because this blog gets flagged KIND OF A LOT FOR A RECAP BLOG OF A KID’S SHOW, but just google it for yourself and bear with me here cuz like,
These two?
Same energy.
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I see this image and I can immediately hear that woodwind just bounce off the back of my brain. It’s like conditioned in me although I allllways skip the intro.
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So in this dream/literal brain world reality that they’re walking through, despite being in a digital world, Yugi has stuffed some hand selected hallucinations that seem to have like...a personality embedded into each.
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So...Yugi can just create clones in his head that act like he remembers his friends act.
Really interesting superpower there.
And yes, this does mean that Pharaoh not only has no long term memories, he flat out refuses to check on his short term data as well. He is just acting purely on a margarita mix of impulse and anxiety. He is such a freakin mess.
I can’t believe this guy went on a date once.
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And like, of course this is all a metaphor for how even if your friends can’t be with you physically, their memory is enough to push you forward when you’re feeling all alone. It’s a nice moral of the story, it’s just that it’s a little spooky when it’s literal.
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So yeah, Yugi has a fake Kaiba at all times just flinging insults at him from within his own mind. It’s one thing to say you got the voice of all your rivals, friends, and parents pressuring you in the back of your mind, but to literally have them always stowed there, trapped together in the back of your mind is...that’s very Yugi.
This kid needs so much help.
PS nice little frosting on the cake that that he does not store any family members in the short term memory zoo exhibit. Sorry Gramps, you were uninvited from this show in S2 when Bakura knocked you unconscious and you fell off screen and then we just...forgot to ever check up on you ever again.
I’m sure Gramps is probably fine.
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I keep thinking about it and it never comes full circle. Just--the hearts of our dead friends are in these cards, although the friends we were just talking to were absolutely fake people that Yugi has copy-pasted into his clip board in his brain hut. Also, these cards were drawn before they would have given him these cards so they didn’t...actually give him cards. They just...lodged their hearts in there real good.
Although their minds are trapped in a weird rock state and their bodies are trapped in some pods...their hearts are good to go wherever.
It doesn’t matter, in the end, Yugi played a bunch of different moves--I want to say like all six cards in the longest and most complicated Yugioh turn in the history of the Earth--in order to finally end Noah.
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I can’t have nice things.
Speaking of, I forgot to mention the most tragic death of this episode.
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He may have been resurrected, but his soul was deffo disconnected with his body, or at least my PAD data (during Monster Hunter fest even) and all of my pictures and videos are gone. My auto correcting is also really effed up now, and it’s been auto correcting in kind of...really offensive ways...and I have no idea why because it’s only been rebooted for like...2 days. So it’s almost like my phone got resurrected as an evil person or something like it got Marik’d or something. Either way, I had a fun time explaining some texts at work that my dumbass phone decided were a cool idea.
The things I do for this side blog.
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link where you can read these from the start in chrono order.
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kingdomoftyto · 6 years
Vega Nuzlocke liveblog, part 3
“But there’s no sense crying over every mistake / You just keep on trying til you run out of cake...”
I literally went to an online dice roller to best-2-out-of-3 this and see if I should allow myself a mulligan or start from scratch:
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Tyto jolted upright from her sprawled position on the cushioned bench, eyes squinting against the bright fluorescent lights of the Pokemon Center. It took her a moment to remember why her heart was racing, but then the memory returned to her in a flash.
She inhaled sharply, hand jumping to her belt to clutch at the Pokeballs hooked to it. She pressed the release buttons with shaking fingers... 
...and blinked tears out of her eyes as the bemused faces of Deku and Persephone greeted her. Deku made an inquisitive chirping noise as his smaller companion placed a cool, soothing paw on the weeping Trainer’s knee.
Tyto swept the two Pokemon into her arms and buried her face in the Nimbleaf’s soft neck ruff. “Not you, too,” she whispered.
A hand on her shoulder made her jump. She turned to see Nurse Joy watching her with a melancholy smile, and she wiped at her face in embarrassment. “Sorry about the noise, I just... bad dream,” she mumbled.
Joy nodded understandingly. “I saw you when you arrived yesterday,” she said, not needing to elaborate further. Tyto could still feel the empty slot on her belt like a phantom limb. “If you need someone to talk to about things, I’m happy to lend an ear.”
“Thank you,” Tyto managed after a moment, “but I’m okay now.” She smiled as she hugged her team tighter, eliciting another questioning squeak from Deku. “I’ve got these two to look after me.”
The Nimbleaf and Glachild exchanged glances before turning to Nurse Joy with beaming smiles of their own. They let out confident cries as if to say: “Don’t worry! We can do this!”
Joy’s smile brightened instantly. “My offer still stands, but I think you’re right. You’ll be a great Trainer someday, Miss, and I’ll be rooting for you all the way.  Be careful out there!”
... anyway,
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back to the oLD GRIND
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(Well I’ll be a Chimchar’s uncle, turns out  Route 502 DOES have wild Togepi. Probably, like, a 1% chance, but they’re there. Too bad I caN’T CATCH IT)
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Not sure I understand the name bUT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH??????
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GOD he looks like a GREEN RABBIT. Could his name be any more perfect??
Deku, my son
I will protect you to my dying breath
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(Also dayum, boi, THAT’S the kind of brutal efficiency we need on this team!)
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I think... I think we’re ready
I hope we are
...Let’s go.
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Deku. Do the Windy Thing.
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Defense Curl all you want--you’re going down, you roly poly motherfricker
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Hell yeah
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Really? Really. Really? 
Shuckle though???
Fine whatever let’s go let’s do this
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That... does not sound good
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oh no
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Turns fast asleep: 1
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That’s fine, that’s fine, I don’t care what your Defense stat is anyway, I’m just using special attacks
Turns fast asleep: 2
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Turns fast asleep: 3
Missed with her next Rock Tomb. 
Turns fast asleep: 4
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What’s up now, y’all
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Ohhhhh you piece of shit
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Giving a SITRUS BERRY to a SHUCKLE is the lowest of the freaking low
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... Okay, wasn’t so bad. Deku only slept for two turns while Shuckle used Curse
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You’ve got to be kidding me.
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Wait wait what
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Okay phew, even with all those Curses, that barely hurt at all.
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holy shit
and sHE’S DEAD
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Shut the hell up
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She also gave me the Signal Beam TM and I can use Flash outside of battle.
It’s getting to be 1 a.m. so I say let’s catch a new friend on the next route and then call it a night now that I’ve had my vengeance. 
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What did you hear, Mosmero
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Please tell me these were puns in the original Japanese
I need him to be the kind of weirdo that spouts groan-worthy puns, not just a weirdo who constantly speaks in non sequiturs 
... Pff, his brother calls him on his PokeNav and says, “Hey, how are you?” to which Mosmero replies: “Oh, you know, the general emotional fatigue that plagues us all.” 
I don’t want to like this guy and yet I think I’m starting to, lmao
...That... that phone call had no purpose whatsoever.
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That CONVERSATION had no purpose whatsoever, lmao what the fuck?? 
The only information that I gained from it is that his brother is filling in for him as one of the Hoenn Elite Four now, which I don’t think will really be relevant to my current journey
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There’s our new badge, btw
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And WITH that new badge, we’re free to finally check out Route 503!
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... I guess
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Some Hail and a bunch of time-wasting Charms later, we’ve got ourselves a third party member once more.
I went looking at the Nido family’s Bulbapedia pages for inspiration for a name, and the male Nidoran one mentioned hyraxes as being an animal with some similar traits. I like it.
Hyrax it is. Welcome aboard, buddy.
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He’s Brave which is cool, but I’m not sure about that Ability...
“Hustle increases the user's Attack stat by 50%, but lowers the accuracy of the user's physical moves by 20%.”
Mmmm I really hope that doesn’t come to bite us in the ass later, Hyrax ol’ sport
REGARDLESS, as I said, it’s getting late, so we’ll have to end this here for now. Sorry if the mulligan seemed unfair to the spirit of a Nuzlocke, but I promise that’s the only extra shot I get. Hopefully it’s the last time such a crutch is necessary anyway.  
See you guys tomorrow~
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