#on that topic everyone go read this delicious death it’s very queer and very good
gods-favorite-autistic · 10 months
Actually no give me more women kissers in media I wanna see these girls hand them over
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scribe-of-monsters · 2 years
I don't think any character has ever gripped me as fast as Victor Frankenstein. Like I was hyperfixating on him before I even read the book. (All it took was Corinkeen's "Amen" animatic on YouTube which everyone should watch) Then I read the book and,,, like,,, I'm pretty sure in terms of writing? Victor is my favorite character like,, ever. I don't really know how to describe it but I find the way his grief & trauma is portrayed, juxtaposed between the grand descriptions of nature and the emotions of the other characters, is just so compelling and it really makes you feel for him even if he's often in the wrong. I love all his confrontations with the creature; their interactions do such a great job of fleshing both of them out and they're dynamic is incredibly interesting. It always makes me sad when I see people calling Vic a selfish asshole or whatever because, while he is short-sighted (which I find to be delicious irony as Prometheus is the Titan of foresight) I never saw him as having any malicious intent or blatant disregard for anybody (except the monster obv) and I've seen a lot of posts saying he never cared about anyone except himself and only worried about how people's deaths made him feel (which like,,, that's,,,, kinda how grief works? Idk) and idk. Makes me sad because I think his character is much deeper than "sad asshole". This is becoming rambly and I'm not really sure where I was going with it but! Victor's trauma was such a powerful thing to me & I love the way it's portrayed in the narrative. Frankenstein in general is just such a good book & all the characters are so compelling but Victor will always be my favorite,,, like yea Edward is my special scrungly and Wilbur is probably the most important character to me from my whole AU schtick but there's just something about Victor. Idk he's just so incredibly relatable to me despite the fact that I have nothing in common with him.
Like idk when I was reading the book I just felt so,,, seen by this character. Maybe cuz you can project pretty much any queer (& a lot of neurodivergent though I'm less informed on that topic) identity onto him (you can for Adam also which I think is so cool) and I found that very important as somebody who's struggled with labels for such a long time. He's so projectable. Idk I just think Victor Frankenstein is neat and I've never had an experience like when I first discovered him. I adore him so much y'know
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