#on the other hand deck 2 plays red dragon archfiend
trident-dragion · 10 months
Currently testing for Elemental HERO. My first deck was a pure build (save for Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste) that was designed for balance and access to all of the "Omni HERO" fusions available. My second deck, which I'm testing right now, is a more aggressive Synchro variant using Debris Dragon and Skyscraper. I know I like the first (though I often wonder if I'm just being biased), but which version sounds more appealing to you?
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ygo-tcg-blog · 6 years
Role-Play thread | Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V : fifth arc
Story OC insert to YGO:Arc-V set in alternate universe , what if Yuya had a older brother ? What would Change, What would remain the same.
The concept behind this is a cross between Gx and Arc V based on the latter series. Our world is split into 2 sides light and dark. These forces do not mean good or evil but more so the forces of life : day , night , Fire , wind , Earth , Water. Then just like Arc-V has it the world split into 5 dimensions ( Xyz , synchro , fusion , stranded , Spirit ) in which stranded is the central world that is both light and dark. Just like in the anime the setting is a inter-dimensional war being fraught with duel monsters.
5000 years ago in an unknown nation there lived a king whose name is now lost but is known as the dragon emperor. He was loved by his countrymen along with his high priests .  ' Ray , Kai , Kugeki , Freyja , Raven , Karim ' The king constantly answered to the needs of his people and always protected them. Till one day darkness struck , with power came corruption and greed and the nation was torn apart some sided with the king and others with rival nations. The king led a army of monsters and people loyal to him and fought against their former countrymen. The battle concluded with neither side victorious. This king is reborn as Zarc who again is a person with good intentions and seeks to entertain his audience. However, the spectators' selfish constant demands for more brutal and exciting Duels pushed Zarc over the edge as he tried to meet their expectations. In time, he became apathetic for his opponents' well-being, willing to ruthlessly injure them rather than make an amicable connection with both them and the audience. Zarc became one with his four heavenly dragons ' odd-eyes dragon , Starveing venom fusion dragon , Clear wing synchro dragon , dark rebellion Xyz dragon. ' Two people stood in his way with the intent to save the world and protect their father , the two people split the world and zarc along with themselves. To this day the dragon emperor seeks vengeance against the people who took everything away from him including his 4 closest friends and will do anything to ensure his revival and take back his allies.
Ryuu Chaos Dragon ( Gabriel , ) Hieratic / Galaxy eyes ( Ventus , ) Dragunity / Stardust ( Azrael, ) Red-eyes / FGD / Horus the black flame dragon
Yuzu Melodious ( Selena , ) Lunalight ( Rin , ) Windwitch / prophesy windwitch / speedroid ( Ruri ) Lyrilusc / raid raptor
Yuya Odd-eyes / entermate / magician ( Yuto , ) Phantom Knights ( Yugo , ) speedroid ( Yuri, ) predaplant
Character bios
Ryuu Sakaki
Yuya's older brother , he is cool , calm and collected who cares deeply for his brother. Ryuu also has a unique ability to see duel monster spirits like Jaden , Yuma , and Luna in the anime.
He has the power to talk to and interact with duel monster spirits and materialize duel monster effects cards and causing Life Point damage inflicted to the opponent to become real damage and pain, even outside of a Duel or on an Action Field.
Deck 'Dragons Collide SD' or master of pendulum / dracoslayer
Ryuu's counterpart of the Fusion Dimension with a persona to match. Like Yuri he is cruel and ruthless with no care of other people's well-being.
Deck 'Dragon's Roar SD' ( red-eyes ) , Horus the black flame dragon , F.G.D.
Ryuu's counterpart Xyx Dimension and close friends with Yuto and Ruri , Shun's younger sister. He is very much like Yuto he cares about friends and do not want to hurt anyone.
Deck 'The Blue-Eyed Dragon's Thundering Descent SD' or Galaxy-eyes, Hieratic
Ryuu's counterpart Synchro dimension & childhood friend of Rin and Yugo who was also captured by the enemy. he is seen as a sweet, cheerful, curious, brave, person and gets excited at anything new or interesting,
Deck 'Dragunity SD
Original world
Supreme king , Zarc ( dragon emperor , Zarc ) yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Zarc - Supreme king dragon
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 People called him the Star Dragon King , in modern times he is known as the dragon emperor. A ruler in an unknown nation. When the nation was disturbed by evil the King, sent a prayer of salvation to the Dragon Star. The Dragon Star responded by sending down to earth 2 powers the gentle darkness which was given to the king and the crimson dragon to seal the evil.The crimson dragon is split into 6 pieces ( head , hand , foot , tail , wing , heart ) then grafted into his high priests
Kai , Duel Priest ( High Priest , Kai ) - Dragon / Creation - odd-eyes dragon- mark of the dragon : head (  Clear Mind )
Ray , Duel priestess( High Priestess , ray ) yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ray_Akab… - Light / Life - Clear wing synchro dragon- mark of the dragon : hand (  Duel Spirit Interaction )
Kugeki , Duel Priest
( High Priest , Kugeki )
- Dark / destruction
- dark rebellion xyz dragon- mark of the dragon : wings ( blazeing soul )
Freyja , Duel Priestess
( High Priestess , Freyja )
- Mystery / dead
- starve venom fusion dragon- mark of the dragon : foot ( Psychic Power )
- Raven
- High priest
- black-winged dragon / black feather darkrage dragon
- mark of the dragon : tail
- Karim- High priest
- Power tool dragon | life stream dragon / power tool mecha dragon
- mark of the dragon : Heart
In their past life the 5 of them are the High Priests of the dragon emperor , each one of them can control one of the 4 dimension dragons. But only the dragon emperor controls all 4. However they are also the first signers. The signers powers are passed on in the form of a family line or a bond between master and student. They all have the power to summon forth the crimson dragon.
In modern times 6-10 People are chosen at each generation by the crimson dragon , mainly the people who can hear its call. it is said that these people are the incarnations or ancestors of the original signers. This method the binding occurs when someone gains mastery over one of its servants be it of light ( signer dragons ) , darkness ( duel dragons ) , or both ( 1 signer , 1 duel dragon ).
Supreme King Dragon
Supreme King Z-ARC
Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm
Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing |Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion | Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes |Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom | Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
The power processed by the supreme king is known as the gentle darkness the power to see and hear Duel Monster spirits and control them. This is the main power that is used by the Supreme King.
Ultimate God
( aka. crimson dragon )
Ultimaya Tzolkin
Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl Bishbaalkin
The true god worshiped by the supreme king and the dragon empire in physical form. The Crimson Dragon is a giant winged Aztec dragon, with a glowing red body. It has five fingers, similar to humans, bird-like legs, a long tail and neck and gold-colored eyes. On the end of its tail is a shovel-like dagger.
( Signer dragon / duel dragon )
Stardust Dragon |Stardust Spark Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend |Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Rose Dragon | Black Rose Moonlight Dragon
Ancient Fairy Dragon | Ancient Pixie Dragon
Black-Winged Dragon | Blackfeather Darkrage Dragon
Life Stream Dragon | Power Tool Mecha Dragon
Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon
Ascension Sky Dragon
Void Ogre Dragon
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons
 Spirits that had sided with the ultimate god
- Four Dimension Bracelets
- Four Dimension Dragons
- Yuya's pendant
Mysterious Duel Charm linked to Pendulum Monsters
- Ryuu's pendent
Mysterious Duel Charm linked to the Duel monsters Spirit world
- Emperor Key
- Signer marks
Yu-Gi-Oh Tabletop Adventures ( D&D 3.5e )
Gx - Fusion 5ds - synchro ZeXeal - Xyz Duel Monsters ( anime , season 0 ( toei ) , manga ) - stranded dimension. A place where anything is possible
The 4 dimensions seen inside of Arc-V. What happens in each one can depend on the history of that world following the anime depending on which arc you used as the world reference , or post/original story.
Other Notes..
Role-Play enabled ( open form and  tabletop ) canon or original story.
canon only ( cards )
- stellardragon1000.deviantart.c…
- ygotcg.deviantart.com/gallery/…
Fan friction . net -
deviantart . com -
speed world
For the purpose of the fanfiction posted there has been a slight change to the effect of speed world , during a riding duel that functions similar to master rule 3. Though the effect of speed world is a field spell. the player can still play a different field spell. The effects of speed world will remain indefinitely as long as a riding duel is used players will get to use their own field effect on top of speed world effect activated as a continuous spell card. if speed world neo is used the riding duel also becomes an action duel as seen in arc v.
In the fan friction the character Ryuu  , his dimensional link is the following monsters
( galaxy-eyes photon dragon - xyz )
( light and darkness dragon / odd-eyes dragon - standard )
( FGD / red-eyes dragon - fusion )
( stardust dragon - synchro )
red-eyes darkness metal dragon is the spirit partner of Kai Akaba in the original dimension , for that reason all of his counterparts will have it.
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ygoreviews · 8 years
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Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity ———————————————— 2 Tuners + 1 non-Tuner DARK Dragon-Type Synchro Monster When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can activate this effect; for the rest of this turn, your opponent cannot activate cards, also cards your opponent controls cannot activate their effects. Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this effect's activation. If this card destroys a monster by battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK. If this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by an opponent's card (by battle or card effect): You can target 1 Level 8 or lower DARK Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Shining Victories (SHVI-EN097)
Popular monsters from the series often gain stronger counterparts to work arround with. While is not that different from Synchro or Xyz Monsters using each other to summon bigger creatures, their reputation among the fanbase as well their unique mechanics makes them stand out as viable boss monsters of their own builds. From the old yet famous "Dark Magician" to more recent iconic monsters such as "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon", their goal focuses on becoming the main source to bring their stronger forms and rule the board with their abilities.
"Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity" is one of the counterparts involving "Red Dragon Archfiend" or their many Synchro forms introduced on its own archetype. With a heavy investment on materials required, "King Calamity" already makes it worth playing as once Synchro Summoned will shut down any use of cards or effects for the rest of that turn. That also include any chainable effects, making the summon "King Calamity" completely safe of most countermeasures. With an already incredible 4000 ATK, "King Calamity" assures a powerful offense in its battles as will deal damage equal to the original ATK of whichever monster destroys by its attacks. Finally we don't have to worry much about "King Calamity" defeat by a destructive source, as in return we will be able to revive a Level 8 or below DARK Dragon Synchro from our Graveyard, either keeping our field safe of various danger and/or preparing a new "King Calamity" when the opportunity comes. In resume, "King Calamity" is a winning condition by restricting any possible defenses against us and its summoning, and with its highly damaging attacks either finish the opponent before the next turn comes or is taken down and bring another Synchro Monster to take over and complete the task.
"King Calamity" asks for some rough conditions for its summoning by requesting two Tuners and a DARK Dragon Synchro. Thanks to its own archetype, "Red Dragon Archfiend" and its many counterparts will often become its materials as the archetype shares support with the Resonator Tuners, easily preparing its arrival by little to no effort. "Resonator Call" will gather Resonators to our hand, while later on "Red Carpet" will revive them in pairs as soon a Dragon Synchro is on our field. Other Tuners can become available under certain circumstances, like "Cherry Inmato" summoning its own copies upon defeat or "Junk Synchron" reviving a small Tuner when Normal Summoned. If we are already on the lead, "Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane" and "Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss" are other boss monsters which will keep summoning Tuners so we can bring "King Calamity" with little to no effort (We might need a free Extra Monster Zone to use on in some cases). Keep on mind that we are not forced to exclusively work arround Red Dragon Archfiend monsters to bring "King Calamity" or even using its revival effect, so we can play arround alternatives such as "Red Rising Dragon" and "Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth" to diverse our setups along the right Tuners. Last but not least some Traps will allow us to take shortcuts to summon "King Calamity", like "Reject Reborn" reviving a Tuner and a Synchro Monster or "King's Synchro" allowing us to use a single Tuner from the Graveyard for this summon.
With 4000 ATK and the ability to deal additional damage with its attacks, "King Calamity" will either take down the opponent the moment it comes to the board or leave them with few Life Points trying to. With the ability to forbid the activation of cards and effects for the rest of the turn is summoned not only makes "King Calamity" safe of most menaces, but also allow us to play other cards without being afraid of the opponent responding against them. In most cases will battle an Attack Position monster and overall deal 4000 damage due the damage calculation combined with its Burn effect, sufficient to deal lethal damage in mid or late game. And if the opponent plays defensive instead we can take a slower approach by chipping away their Life Points until we obtian a removal effect such as the original "Red Dragon Archfiend" or "Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend" to clear a path with. If the opponent survives the turn "King Calamity" arrives is most likely that they'll take it down on their turn, but if the cause is by destruction we will be able to revive powerful Synchro Monsters including several Red Dragon Archfiend members, "Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons", or "Dark End Dragon" among others.
With assured damage coming from its attacks and making the turn is summoned completely safe, "Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity" is a highly reliable monster to finish off the opponent with. It might take some work to be summoned, but with the tools arround its archetype as well some alternatives to diverse our setups we shouldn't have much trouble to Synchro Summon it at the right occasion.  But although "King Calamity" is the best card to bet on when the oppotunity comes to finish the Duel, due its expensive requeriments is often overshadowed by cheaper members such as "Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane" (Which fortunately can revive "King Calamity") or "Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend" to dominate the field with. Yet, with highly damaging which the opponent will have few to nothing to counter against, "King Calamity" still deserves a place in any Extra Deck capable to summon it with ease.
Personal Rating: A
+ The opponent is unable to activate cards or effects for the rest of the turn is Synchro Summoned + Deals damage equal to the original ATK of the monster it destroys in battle + Revives a Dragon Synchro when destroyed + Several options and support to ease its summon
- Overshadowed by cheaper Synchro Monsters in the archetype - Expensive summon without the proper resources
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trident-dragion · 2 years
Over the Nexus Deck Profile: Familiar-Possessed
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The upgraded forms of the Charmers, the Familiar-Possessed monsters are a set of four level 4 Spellcasters with different attributes, but the same stats. Their actual effects aren't likely to come up or be very useful, but their statline is pretty nice. Their attributes, though, are the important parts; EARTH, FIRE, WATER, and WIND. With those four attributes are all present face-up on the field, they enable a trap card called Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan. When the conditions are met, the card can be activated, and upon doing so, you get to choose between four effects: Destroy all monsters your opponent controls, destroy all spell and trap cards your opponent controls, randomly discard 2 cards from your opponent's hand, or draw 2 cards. All of these are incredibly powerful, and being able to choose which to use makes it all the better. To assemble our Familiar-Possessed monsters together to set this up, we play Pot of Duality, which lets us look at the top three cards of our deck and draw one of them, at the cost of not special summoning that turn, and Magician's Circle, which, when a Spellcaster declares an attack, allows both players to summon a Spellcaster with 2000 or less attack from their deck in attack position. The only problem left to resolve is our monsters losing to anything as strong or stronger than a Luster Dragon, so to avert that issue we play Solidarity, a continuous spell that gives all monsters you control of a specific type 800 additional attack points if there are only monsters with that original type in your graveyard. This cranks up our Familiar-Possessed monsters to 2650, and boosts Arcanite Magician up to 3200 before it expends a Spell Counter. Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan is our goal, but if we're lucky we can win purely off the backs of our powerful monsters. Just be careful about keeping non-Spellcaster Synchros out of the graveyard if you can help it! It's really cool having a powerful deck featuring fan favorite characters like these, but don't forget other monsters, INCLUDING your opponent's, can help fulfill Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan too! If you like the Charmer characters, I find this to be the superior way to play them compared to my previous list. MONSTERS (15): Familiar-Possessed - Aussa x3 Familiar-Possessed - Eria x3 Familiar-Possessed - Hiita x3 Familiar-Possessed - Wynn x3 Flamvell Magician x1 Geomancer of the Ice Barrier x1 Summoner Monk x1 SPELLS (15): Book of Moon x2 Dark Hole x1 Giant Trunade x1 Gold Sarcophagus x2 Monster Reborn x1 Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Pot of Duality x3 Solidarity x3 TRAPS (10): Call of the Haunted x1 Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan x3 Magician's Circle x3 Mirror Force x1 Solemn Judgment x1 Torrential Tribute x1 EXTRA DECK: Ally of Justice Catastor x1 Ancient Fairy Dragon x1 Arcanite Magician x1 Black Rose Dragon x1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 Colossal Fighter x1 Dark End Dragon x1 Flamvell Uruquizas x1 Goyo Guardian x1 Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 Red Dragon Archfiend x1 Scrap Dragon x1 Stardust Dragon x1 Thought Ruler Archfiend x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
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trident-dragion · 2 years
Over the Nexus Deck Profile: DARK Dragunity
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Dragunity Knight - Barcha is the closest thing Dragunity has as to a Synchro boss monster in the 5D's era. However, it is very awkward to use easily. First, you need enough Dragunities in the graveyard for Barcha to gain a lot of attack, and powerful effects such as attacking twice in a turn. Second, the requirements of a Dragon-Type Tuner and a Winged-Beast non-Tuner make it much harder to summon as a level 8 Synchro, which is ironic seeing as Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana usually makes Dragunity the best deck in the game at summoning level 8 Synchros. There are a few ways to achieve this, such as using Delta Flyer and a level 4 Winged-Beast like Dragunity Dux, Garuda the Wind Spirit, or Mavelus via Instant Fusion, or even running one of the level 5 Dragunity monsters, but what I settled on is an old friend named Dark Simorgh; being a level 7 Winged Beast with an inherent special summoning condition, it makes summoning Barcha relatively easy. But what DARK monsters to include to facilitate it? Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon is an obvious choice, and if we're playing DARK Dragons along with Dragon Ravine, Dark Armed Dragon fits in nicely. But one of my favorite, bizarre card choices for a Dragon Ravine deck is Destiny Hero - Malicious. This deck doesn't have as much access to it as my Dragon Ravine Hero decks have, but if we draw it, we can discard it off of Dragon Ravine to add a level 1 or 2 Dragunity Tuner to our hand, then use Malicious's effect in the graveyard to summon an extra copy of itself, then we normal summon the Tuner we searched to make a level 7 or 8 Synchro. It's almost sort of like TeleDAD, but far less consistent! Beyond that, the deck plays like a standard Dragunity build, with the goal being to fill the graveyard with Dragunities to equip to Barcha, then summon it using Dark Simorgh and Brandistock or Corsesca. However, also like my many other Dragon-based decks, the power of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon, and/or Dark Simorgh, combined with this deck's ease of summoning powerful Synchro monsters, means we can easily win WITHOUT Barcha. Future Fusion, though, allows us to get the most out of it, putting all of the best equip options in the graveyard immediately, as well as helping to set up for Dark Armed Dragon and/or Dark Simorgh. Overall, this deck flows together surprisingly well, and a Dragunity deck is a fitting return after my break from profiles! MONSTERS (22): Armageddon Knight x3 Dark Armed Dragon x1 Dark Simorgh x3 Destiny Hero - Malicious x2 Dragunity Arma Leyvaten x1 Dragunity Brandistock x1 Dragunity Corsesca x1 Dragunity Dux x3 Dragunity Phalanx x3 Dragunity Pilum x1 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x3 SPELLS (15): Cards of Consonance x3 Dark Hole x1 Dragon Ravine x3 Future Fusion x1 Giant Trunade x1 Gold Sarcophagus x2 Monster Reborn x1 Terraforming x3 TRAPS (3): Royal Decree x3 EXTRA DECK: Five-Headed Dragon x1 Black Rose Dragon x1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 Dark End Dragon x1 Dragunity Knight - Barcha x1 Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg x1 Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg x1 Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana x3 Goyo Guardian x1 Red Dragon Archfiend x1 Scrap Dragon x1 Stardust Dragon x1 Trident Dragion x1
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