#dragon knight draco-equiste
trident-dragion · 10 months
Currently testing for Elemental HERO. My first deck was a pure build (save for Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste) that was designed for balance and access to all of the "Omni HERO" fusions available. My second deck, which I'm testing right now, is a more aggressive Synchro variant using Debris Dragon and Skyscraper. I know I like the first (though I often wonder if I'm just being biased), but which version sounds more appealing to you?
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cyberdragoninfinity · 9 months
I don't have the flame emote but can I ask for takes on 5ds and if Im allowed to be specific, can I request one for your favorite and least favorite arc? If that's okay ofc, I don't eanna shove two at you if you don't want them!
YESSS oh please by all means i love talking about 5D's arcs and all their finer details...
🔥 For my favorite arc:
well, my favorite 5D's arc is--
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i do genuinely think Ark Cradle is one of the best arcs in any yugioh, emotionally, narratively, symbolically and otherwise. I'd even say eps 137-151 are, imho, one of the absolute best series of episodes and duels in the entire franchise (and also my favorite stretch of episodes ive seen yet.) Z-one is certainly to me one of if not The best yugioh Big Bad and i will fight to the death over that.
I went into 5D's last arc not thinking i was gonna like it much (i tend to get stressed out by apocalyptic doomsday scenarios) and then every single duel went hard as hell. And then it turned out they were hiding some of yugioh's most interesting characters and character dynamics back there. And then Fucking Everything With Bruno. It rocks. It absolutely rocks. It makes me fucking insane. Ark Cradle made me a different person. slash POS.
and tbh that's part of why i always get annoyed when people write off 5D's s2 on the whole or encourage people to just not watch it--there is some REALLY good stuff back there!! and it's unfortunate that you DO have to wade through some agonizingly frustrating duels to get there. but i promise it is worth it!!!! My babygirl Aporia is BACK THERE and he is SO ETERNALLY UNDERRATED BY WESTERN FANS and you WILL see him and you WILL feel something. MY FINAL MESSAGE.
Anyway, 🔥 For my least favorite arc:
YES i am WRGP's strongest soldier YES it's also my least favorite arc overall and i will fully relent to it having Many Issues YES these two views can coexist in one animal. Anyway I guess my most unpopular WRGP take is, like i talked about in a previous ask, it still does have merit to the story warts and all. In fact I don't even think the main issue is the fact the duels are long, i think a 4-5 episode duel can whip like hell (yugi vs. yami marik battle city finals immediately springs to mind), there just needs to be things that HAPPEN. IN EACH EPISODE OF THE DUEL. And unfortunately WRGP's duels kind of struggle with this more than once. The biggest This Duel Kind of Sucks Sorry offender, the Team Unicorn Duel, that's just 5 fucking episodes of watching a mill deck try to pull one over on the guy whose deck is full of graveyard effects, and it's just not very fun to watch. And then it doesn't even really feel like it effects the world and narrative at large when all is said and done. where the fuck did Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste go for literally the rest of the series. 😐
but i guess "Team Unicorn are not very interesting characters or duelists" isnt a particularly hot unpopular take for this arc. hm. I'm not a very big fan of Team Ragnarok either, I guess. they have really fun character designs but they just dont do anything for me. ho hum.
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dash-n-step · 4 years
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Shiranui and other actual meta decks aside, it’s nice that I could update my deck to summon Chronicle Spark Dragon to also fit in Draco-Equiste during this event. It’s definitely not perfect, but it’s been fun.
Never expected to get them both on the field during a game.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 7 years
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Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
“1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Warrior-Type monster
Must first be Fusion Summoned. Once per turn: You can target 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in the Graveyard; banish that target, and if you do, until the End Phase, this card’s name becomes that monster’s and replace this effect with that monster’s original effects. While this card is in Attack Position, your opponent takes any effect damage you would have taken from their card effects, instead.”
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fyeahygocardart · 4 years
Themed-post: A Dueling Revolution
It’s the latest in the pack themed-days: Namely, the 10-year anniversary of the TCG release of Duelist Revolution, the first pack of the 7th series of main set packs. Some of the more memorable parts of the pack:
1) The debut of the Scrap archetype, including its boss: Scrap Dragon.
2) The revival of the Amazoness archetype with plenty of new support, including Amazoness Queen and Amazoness Village
3) One of the most well-known hand traps of all-time: Effect Veiler
4) The cover card itself and Yusei’s ace for all of one duel: Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
5) A whole host of Beast-type cards, including the Team Unicorn trio of Synchro Monsters, including Voltic Bicorn
6) New Naturia and Watt monsters, including Naturia Pineapple and Wattchimera
7) One of the best staples of the 5Ds era: Pot of Duality.
8) Speaking of which: The latest Solemn card…Solemn Warning
9) Imports from the OCG, including Fabled Raven and the ruling nightmare that is Mystical Refpanel
Today will feature three not-previously posted cards from the pack. Hope you all enjoy today’s posts and have a great rest of your day.
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(The cover card above)
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kob131 · 5 years
Yeah, the more I see this dude nagging my friends and being in my mentions with his bullshit arguments, the bigger the headache I get.
KKKob, who hurt you?
Nobody. And BTW, isn’t this #harassment by your standards Dudeblade?
Kob does realize that most people will associate the name of “Draco” with Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter, right?- As in, the guy who was trying to help wizard hitler kill people?
... Draco is latin for Dragon or Serpent. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draco)
“And adding “Miles” to the end of it also doesn’t help. Not only is that typically a first name, but using it actually hurts Miles Luna, a guy he claims to defend, because of the association with the name “Draco.” “
Miles is latin for Warrior (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&ei=kYCvXcncMf_D0PEP95iY2A0&q=Miles+latin+&oq=Miles+latin+&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l3j0i22i30l7.3414.8973..9895...2.6..0.128.1504.4j10....2..0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i67j0i131j0i13j0i13i30.ihS6MT2MSRc&ved=0ahUKEwiJ6cOc87DlAhX_ITQIHXcMBtsQ4dUDCAo&uact=5)
The name in Latin would be “Dragon Warrior” and is a reference to the Yugioh card Dragon Knight Draco Equiste (One of my favorite cards in Yugioh).
I made that account YEARS before I knew RWBY, let alone RWDE. It’s just if I change my name, people can’t track me down so I keep it.
Does kob ever think?- Like at all?
You didn’t even look up those words dumbass. You’d find out that they probably mean something else but you went straight for ‘Nazi reference’ and ‘lol Luna’. You will talk about dirty tricks but you didn’t even try to hide your shit.
Aside from that, he goes out of his way to try and disprove CJ up there with every dirty trick and insult in the book, but even when apologizing, he is still antagonistic. He claims that the compromise is a “last ditch effort at salvaging a DOA headcanon” and then tries to make nice - I guess kob hasn’t learned from the jsvw incident. Then again, I should be considered stupid for humoring the thought that he did.
Except that I never apologized.
Looking at those images. you’ll never see that I never said anything like that. All I said was “Fine” to him agreeing to disagree an even THEN, it was proceeded by me verbally smacking him for making an assumption to try and discredit me. I literally only agreed after making a parting shot,
But wanna know what’s so ironic? That incident that Dudeblade ALWAYS mentions? Wanna know HOW it happened?
I kept arguing when JSWV didn’t want to and was expressing issues. You know, the same as CJ here.
So Dudeblade is crying me for acting THE EXACT OPPOSITE way I did in the incident he uses.
Doubly so since Dudeblade actually gives a pretty damn good reason why I am hostile. JSWV blocked me, deleted my comments and lied about me to make up a narrative. And judging by how he did this EXACT same thing again after I left him alone and tried to be nice, he probably faked being suicidal. This same shit happened with Sokumotanaka YEARS ago, where I stepped down after he blocked me only to shit talk me behind a block where I couldn’t defend myself. Or how about Dudeblade HIMSELF, who stabbed me in the back over a web series and a disagreement over Taiyang?
I’m hostile and aggressive because you assholes give me no other choice. If I show even an ounce of weakness or vulnerability, you’ll attack me without remorse. You’re fucking bullies, hiding behind a screen to try and control people without facing consequences. Without giving away TOO much of my past, I know PERSONALLY how damaging that can be to be pushed into a corner and abused by your peers. And that’s why I wouldn’t put up with your shit for years.
I’ve come to regret a lot of things in my life, from my stumbling inexperience with people on the internet to being too much of an asshole. But you people? Aside from one incident where I misgendered someone out of spite (which was wrong of me): I don’t regret it. I was one guy, maybe with two or three friends on occasion, against a group of a dozen or so. You had more numbers and more power and STILL lost every time. Rightfully so.
P.S. Didn’t know you were an Adam stan Dudeblade, since CJ there has blamed Blake for Adam’s actions and you’re defending him. By your own standards, since people who reblog from me are bad, you’re an incel.
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final-mazin-blade · 5 years
We shoulda seen Dragon Knight Draco Equiste at least once more in 5D’s Like Yusei my man you wanted to use this dude to counter the Meklords And then you never used it again. Like don’t give me ‘Well the Emperors saw it so it wouldn’t be as effective’ It’s a fusion monster with high ATK and Wisel would need to be powered up just to touch it. It’s also not a Synchro so it couldn’t absorb it. The 5D’s writers didn’t consider that Yusei had a lot of cards to get around the Meklords. And if they did, Konami definitely wanted to push Shooting Star Dragon as Yusei’s ace monster so maybe the writers couldn’t really give Yusei’s other monsters room to breathe. But let’s look at his options just for fun. 
Turbo Warrior is a synchro that can’t be targeted by them and ties with Wisel in battle. Drill Warrior can direct attack and then banish itself til the next turn. Nitro Warrior can power up and attack twice in the right conditions, useful for breaking apart the pieces of the Meklords. Junk Archer can banish a material of the Emperor for a turn. Arms Aid equips to stuff so it can’t be touched. Savior Star returns to the Extra Deck at the End Phase so it’s a big gun that would set Yusei up to Accel Synchro Shooting Star Dragon if the need arises. Formula Synchro can tune with stuff on Placido’s turn, letting Yusei ‘dodge’ the absorption effect. Then we have Shooting Star Dragon which did work wrecking Wisel, but Yusei got lucky drawing 5 tuners in that instance. It just feels out of character for him not to re-try a strategy considering Jack and Kiryu say his plays are getting predictable and he still used Meteor Stream against Jack even though Jack knew he would do so. I dunno. I enjoyed Yusei fighting the Meklords for the most part but the fact that he had that many counters and only used ones which were just a fancier Stardust was a bit disappointing.
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ladiesguy1122 · 6 years
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The 1st (& Only) Appearance Of My Main Favourite Monster Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Episode 102). #anime #card #yugioh #yugioh5ds #appearance #wind #dragon #synchro #dragonknightdracoequiste https://www.instagram.com/p/BtIQGzlDopO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19y57tzjnct6z
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doxblox · 8 years
Lightsworns with some oddities
X1 dragon spirit of white X1 dark magician X3 judgment dragon X3 lightray diabolos X1 gragonith, Lightsworn dragon (More my preference, it’s not that hard to summon) X1 black dragon collapserpent X3 raiden, hand of the Lightsworn X3 Lyla, Lightsworn sorceress X1 Blackwing - zephyros the elite X1 eclipse wyvern X1 ehren, Lightsworn monk X1 electromagnetic turtle X3 lumina, Lightsworn summoner X2 Minerva Lightsworn maiden X1 plaguespreader zombie (I’m gonna probably run 2 in the future) X1 ryko, Lightsworn hunter X2 charge of the light brigade X3 Dragons mirror X1 Galaxy cyclone (In lightsworns it’s the better twin twister) X1 mask change II X1 monster reincarnation X3 solar recharge X2 breakthrough skill
Extra deck: Five-headed dragon Dragon knight Draco-equiste First of the dragons (Tokens count as normal monsters and dracossack does the job) Amulet dragon Masked HERO koga Masked HERO dark law Dragocytos corrupted nethersoul dragon (Reason for second plaguespreader) Stardust dragon (Usable with dragocytos) X2 Michael Coral dragon Mecha phantom beast dracossack Daigusto emeral (Depending on how you play, you might wanna run 2) Leviair the sea dragon Dante,traveler of the burning abyss (I’m waiting for the good Minerva reprint)
A basic combo I do a lot is synchro for stardust, special plaguespreader, synchro for dragocytos, play dragons mirror for dragon knight
Obviously it needs its tweaks but that’s the deck I run currently of right now.
credits to ndaroad
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
yu gi oh 5ds world championship 2011 over the nexus nintendo ds
yu gi oh 5ds world championship 2011 over the nexus nintendo ds
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus.
Genre: Strategy, Card Battle Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami ESRB Rating: Everyone-10 Release Date: May 10, 2011
Currently we have no tips for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Unlockable Items
5D’s Standard Disk – Complete the Game Blackbird – S Rank on all Battle Royale Different Facial Expressions – Duel Torunka and Win Duel Phantom (Duel Runner Frame) – Talk to the broken Ghost with Misaki as your partner DWE-CG – Talk to Klaus post-game DWE-X – Talk to Jack and complete his event Golden Shield Disk – Talk to Ransborg post-game, and complete his event King Replica Model – Talk to Jack Post-game KPC-000 – 4th Floor of Apartment, must have Lucky Key Lambda Frame – Talk to Mina with Misaki as your partner and complete her event postgame Leather Top and Bottom Set (Yusei’s Outfit) – Found behind Team 5D’s Garage Leo’s Custom Disk – Outside of Sector Security Lucky Key – Talk to the guy behind Team 5D’s garage and choose the right box Missing Ring – See Spirit World Speed Spell – Deceased Synchron – Can be found as a Blue card on Battle Royal Race Stuffy Collar Shirt – See Spirit World Suit Style – 4th Floor of Apartment, must have Lucky Key The Spirit World – To Access the Spirit World, Duel all 3 Computer Ghosts Waiter Outfit – Talk to Stephanie and complete her event Wheel of Fortune – S Rank on all Battle Races Yusei-Go – S Rank on all Time Races
Unlock Tag Turbo Duelist In Free Duel
Defeat Sonic Sprint 3 times : We’re on a Mission Defeat Food Chain Friends 3 times : Underworld Cops Defeat Down to the Sea 3 times : Unified in Darkness Summon Ultimate Axon Kicker : Hurricane Regiment Summon Scrap Twin Dragon : You-Go!
Unlock Tag Duel Opponents In Free Duel
Defeat Downy Duo 3 times : Forbidding Fellows Defeat Fool Around Get Hurt 3 times : Burn Girls Activate 200 Total Spells and Traps : 100-Monster Parade Duel in 200 total single duels : Terrorizing Tyrants Duel in 100 tag duels total : Alien Meets Snake Duel in 50 turbo duels total : Stardust Battle Duel in 25 tag turbo duels total : Samurai Twelve Summon Five Headed Dragon : Girls-Only Duel Win a duel by attacking with Skull Servant : Dark Sea Ritual Summon Koa’ki Meiru Maximus : Flash! Fusion! Summon Gaia Drake, the Universal Force : Sky Masters Summon Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste : Dimension Walkers Summon Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings : Queen’s Collection Summon Steelswarm Hercules : Moon & Sun
Unlock Turbo Duelist In Free Duel
Defeat Mefist the Infernal General 3 times : Kasha Defeat Delta Tri 3 times : Destiny Hero – Dasher Defeat Vlyon Sigma 3 Times : Gaia Drake, the Universal Force Defeat Ally of Justice Searcher 3 times : Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo Do at least 200 synchro summons total : Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg Activate a total of 100 speed spells : Formula Synchron Do at least 573 total special summons : Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu Have 12 Speed Counters in one turbo duel : Judgment Dragon Summon Machina Force : Machina Fortress Summon Evigishki Soul Ogre : Malefic Stardust Dragon
Unlock Recipe Duel
To unlock the Recipe Duel, just collect 90% of all cards.
Unlockable Structure Decks
Play in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I : Warrior’s Triumph Play in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I : Spellcaster’s Judgment Play in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I : Invincible Fortress Start Chapter II : Lord of the Storm Start Chapter II : Dinosaur’s Rage Start Chapter II : Machine Re-Volt Duel Gordon in Chapter II : Surge of Radiance Duel Gordon in Chapter II : Curse of Darkness Start Chapter III : Rise of the Dragon Lords Start Chapter III : The Dark Emperor Start Chapter IV : Zombie World Start Chapter IV : Warrior’s Strike Start Chapter V : Spellcaster’s Command Start Chapter V : Machina Mayhem Start Chapter VI : Dragunity Legion Start Chapter VI : Lost Sanctuary Play in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I : Fury From The Deep
Unlockable Opponents
Archlord Kristya – Beat Guardian Eatos 3 times Blackwing- Zephyrus the Elite – Summon Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant Bountiful Artemis – Beat Deep Sea Diva 3 times Dark Simorgh – Beat Vylon Omega 3 times Dragunity Arma Leyvaten – Have 666 Total Summons Ehren, Lightsworn Monk – Summon Judgment Dragon Elemental Hero The Shining – Summon Vylon Omega Evil Hero Dark Gaia – 50 Hours Total Play Time Gladiator Beast Gyzarus – Have 10 Consecutive Wins Guardian Eatos – 100 Hours Total Play Time Infernity Doom Dragon – Win with Final Countdown’s effect Junk Destroyer – Summon Shooting Star Dragon Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En – Summon Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Machina Fortress – Summon Odin, Father of the Aesir Malefic Paradox Dragon – Summon Malefic Paradox Dragon Master Hyperion – Beat Tiki Curse 3 times Meklord Emperor Granel Infinity – Beat Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu 3 times Power Tool Dragon – Beat Wynnda, Priestess of Gusto 3 times Queen Angel of Roses – Beat Flamvell Baby 3 times Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon – Summon Red Nova Dragon Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode – Beat Great Maju Garzett 3 times Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch – Have 50% of all Bonuses Thunder King Rai-Oh – Beat Gravekeeper’s Visionary 3 times X-Saber Souza – Have 10000 Max Damage
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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trident-dragion · 10 months
I've long considered the idea of Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste in a Dragunity deck, for a couple reasons. The first is thematically it's a pretty good fit, but the second is that Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana is a compatible fusion target we often leave in the Graveyard, making it ideal for Dragon's Mirror. The problem though, is finding a suitable Warrior. The best option I can think of is Destiny HERO - Malicious, since it works very well with Dragon Ravine, plus Elemental HERO Stratos to search it. You could also try something generally useful like Necro Gardna or Junk Synchron, but fitting those can be tough. Idk, I feel like there's something here but I don't know what
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yugiohcardsdaily · 3 years
Posted Cards Master Post - 14
February 2018
Toon Dark Magician
Toon Defense
Toon Gemini Elf
Toon Goblin Attack Force
Toon Mask
Toon Masked Sorcerer
Masked Sorcerer
Toon Rollback
Toon Table of Contents
Toon World
Guardian Baou
Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou
Guardian Ceal
Shooting Star Bow - Cael
Guardian Dreadscythe
Reaper Scythe - Dreadscythe
Guardian Eatos
Celestial Sword - Eatos
Guardian Elma
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Guardian Grarl
Gravity Axe - Grarl
Guardian Kay'est
Rod of Silence - Kay'est
Guardian Tryce
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
Dimension Distortion
Guarded Treasure
Kishido Spirit
Morale Boost
My Body as a Shield
Rod of the Mind's Eye
Soul Charge
Spell of Pain
Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
Hieratic Dragon of Asar
Hieratic Dragon of Eset
Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet
Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb
Hieratic Dragon of Nuit
Hieratic Dragon of Su
Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh
Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
Hieratic Seal from the Ashes
Hieratic Seal of Banishment
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Hieratic Seal of Reflection
Hieratic Seal of Supremacy
Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King
Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Baby Tiragon
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fyeahygocardart · 11 years
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Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
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ooarashi · 12 years
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trident-dragion · 10 months
Over the Nexus Deck Profile: Masked HERO
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Masked HERO is a strange branch on the HERO tree. It consists solely of Fusion Monsters that can only be Summoned with a specific Spell Card (Mask Change), they might as well be Evil HEROES given the lack of specific support while working with Elemental HEROES Ocean and Stratos, and in Over the Nexus there's only two of them. Masked HEROES Goka and Vapor aren't impressive by themselves, just having very basic effects that pale in comparison to Elemental HEROES Nova Master and Absolute Zero, but the strength of Masked HEROES lies not in the Monsters but in Mask Change itself; it's a Quick Play Spell that replaces one of your Monsters with a new one. Basically, this means we can attack with a FIRE or WATER HERO Monster, then use Mask Change to summon Goka or Vapor and attack with that too. And hey, y'know what else is a Quick Play Spell? Super Polymerization. This Deck's strategy is simple; use Mask Change and Super Polymerization to Summon Monsters during our Battle Phase to get as many attacks in as possible. Ideally, this is used to win the Duel with sheer battle damage, if not pull of an OTK. By attacking several times in one turn, this kind of Deck hopes to end the Duel before your opponent gets a chance to respond. You bide your time, collecting the pieces for a combo like this with Pot of Duality, then take the chance to go ham. It's a very silly strategy, but very effective in my experience. Here's the list: MONSTERS (14): Elemental Hero Bubbleman x2 Elemental Hero Heat x3 Elemental Hero Lady Heat x2 Elemental Hero Neos Alius x3 Elemental Hero Ocean x3 Elemental Hero Stratos x1 SPELLS (23): Dark Hole x1 E - Emergency Call x3 Future Fusion x1 Gemini Spark x2 Mask Change x3 Miracle Fusion x3 Monster Reborn x1 Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Pot of Duality x3 Reinforcement of the Army x1 Super Polymerization x3 TRAPS (3): Royal Decree x3 EXTRA DECK: Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste x1 Elemental Hero Absolute Zero x3 Elemental Hero Gaia x1 Elemental Hero Great Tornado x1 Elemental Hero Nova Master x3 Elemental Hero The Shining x1 Masked Hero Goka x2 Masked Hero Vapor x2
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magpiejay1234 · 5 months
So with the Mihiramon fight, one of the odd continuity flubs in Tamers is that the gang can actually force Digimon Evolution by using standard TCG cards, without the assist of Culumon. This honestly always bothered me, and there is obviously no explanation.
This is kind of a Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste situation, an odd power-up introduced that breaks the lore. After all, this causes two issues:
**If the gang can just force Evolution, then what is the point of Culumon being with main gang at this point, besides interacting with the girls, and have the partner Digimon someone to interact with?
**If Evolution can be forced by off-the-market cards, why the Devas are focused on getting Culumon back, and not bother to reverse engineer the evolution cards' data?
****Of course, later on we find out Devas retained the information for Digimon Evolution to make the deal with Impmon, which makes Culumon's role more tangental to the plot, so...
Now mind you, I wouldn't ask this question in a different Digimon show, but the show wants me to ask this question, so..
Of course, this won't be first time Tamers will break its own its lore for Rule of Cool, since Digital World arc will be full of Adventure references, so stay tuned I guess?
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