#on the positive side constantly going back to reexamine canon while i'm writing a fic to make sure it's accurate
“I am capable of remembering basic canon information about characters,” I hiss shakily, my hands gripping white-knuckled onto the bathroom mirror as I stare into the reflection of my sunken, bloodshot eyes. “My memory may be bad sometimes, but it isn’t that bad,” I insist. “I can trust myself to remember things like a major character’s primary motivation without having to look it up every five seconds.” My glasses are askew and smudged. My hair is disheveled and dirty. I have not eaten in twenty-nine hours, the past three of which I have spent in this exact position. “I am a competent author!” I shout at myself, starting to weep as I collapse onto the floor and curl up in a ball, struggling to remember whether Leif Bugfables really does use ice magic or if my brain just decided to make that up, then rewrite all of my memories to match it.
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