incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Belizabeth: I am your Pontifex and you will refer to me as such!
All the PCs: Okay, such.
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
“oh no :(“
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Ayda: Is Adaine always like this when she loses?
Fig: Yeah. You should’ve been here for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2008.
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Liam: What’s your biggest fear?
Primsy: I’m incredibly arachnophobic.
Liam, under his breath: You don’t want spiders to get married?
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
this has the exact opposite energy of this
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Ruby: What are you doing?
Liam: Laying in bed, listening to music.
Ruby: Nice, what kind?
Liam: It’s memory foam.
Ruby: No, like, who’s your favorite artist?
Liam: Picasso.
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Fabian: Out of my way, extras!
Adaine: Stop calling people extras just because you don’t know them!
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Ragh: Getting all my boys mood rings so I know when my homies need a hug.
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Amethar: I’m very strong. I could fight off maybe 20 snails. 21 on a good day.
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Jet: “What about straight people?” What the hell is a straight person, the only straight thing I know is the edge of my beloved sword.
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
guys i’m so upset i trusted plumbeline and look where that got me :(((
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Fantasy High Asks
because every fandom needs an ask meme, alright? and also maybe because i have way too much time on my hands. enjoy!
the bad kids: tell us about your closest friends!
adaine abernant: if you could ask one question about the future and receive a true answer, what would you ask?
fabian seacaster: how do you think you have grown as a person over the last year?
figueroth faeth: give us a mini playlist of five songs that best define you
gorgug thistlespring: what is the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?
kristen applebees: what would you be the patron saint of?
riz gukgak: have you ever thrown up in someone’s bag?
aelwyn abernant: if you could pick a movie or tv show to star in, what would it be?
the hangman: tell us about your pets! and if you don’t have any, what kind of pet do you want?
bill seacaster: what is the most chaotic impulsive thing you have ever done?
hallariel seacaster: if you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you pick?
cathilda the black: give us a fantasy high headcanon!
ragh barkrock: favourite kind of pizza?
ayda aguefort: what is the biggest thing that has ever gone over your head?
jawbone o’shaughnessy: if you could pick any real or fictional person to have as a father figure, who would it be?
tracker o’shaughnessy: would you want to be a werewolf or vampire?
gilear faeth: does gilear have rights?
sandra lynn faeth: what fantasy high character are you the most similar to?
gorthalax the insatiable: which of the seven deadly sins do you embody best?
sklonda gukgak: when you have cereal, what is your milk to cereal ratio? do you pour milk or cereal first?
pok gukgak: if you could pick one non-fictional deceased person to meet in an afterlife, who would it be?
zelda donovan: what is the most awkward or embarrassing thing you have ever done?
penny luckstone: have you ever babysat?
ostentatia wallace: have you ever hosted or been to a party?
zayn darkshadow: if you were a spooky ghost, how did you die, and what would you do n?
arthur aguefort: if you could go back in time to any point, where would you go?
bud cubby: sweet or savoury?
alistair ash: if you could freeze time for a day, what would you do?
garthy o’brien: do you have or want any tattoos?
zaphriel: have you ever been kicked out of anything?
doreen: what is your favourite 90s song?
johnny spells: what loot would you drop if you died?
biz glitterdew: do you have any favourite video games?
coach daybreak: what school subject would you want to teach?
penelope everpetal: what is your favourite article of clothing that you own?
kalvaxus: favourite all-time fictional villain?
chungle-down bim: is there anybody  that you hope you never run into again?
captain james whitclaw: pirate, cowboy, or knight?
baron: what was your most recent lie?
kalina: tell us about a strange dream you had
nightmare king: did you have any irrational fears when you were a kid?
night yorb: what is the spookiest scene from fantasy high? 
helio: what is your favourite season of the year?
sol: what is your favourite thing to do on a warm, bright, sunny day?
galicaea: it’s the middle of the night, and you’re leaving home. where are you going?
cassandra: alien, ghost or cryptid?
thistlespring tree: what does your ideal home look like?
strongtower luxury apartments: do you have coffee, tea, or energy drink vibes?
seacaster manor: would you rather travel deep in the ocean or up in space?
mordred manor: if you could live in a manor with five people, real or fictional, of your choice, who would you pick?
durinson mithral factory: if you are a content creator, give us a sneak peek of something you are currently working on
st. owen’s memorial hospital: who would you want cast in a hypothetical live action production of Fantasy High?
mumple school: who is your favourite npc character?
hudol college: who is your favourite pc character?
aguefort academy: what high school archetype best fits you?
the black pit: have you ever been to a concert?
basrar’s soda fountain: what is your favourite flavour of ice-cream?
cravencroft cemetery: tell us about an oc!
elmville: tell us about your hometown!
bastion city: what city would you want to visit or live in?
hotel cavalier: do you have a middle name?
the swan’s little parade: what is your favourite place to go out to eat?
fallinel: have you ever been to camp?
highcourt: if you could pick three languages to be able to speak fluently, outside of the ones you already know, what would you pick?
the celestine sea: if you were a merperson creature, what kind of aquatic life form would you want your non-human half to be?
leviathan rock city: favourite fruit?
the gold gardens: if you could have any meal right now, what would you have?
compass points library: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
the row and the ruction: if you could pick one fantasy high character to fight, who would it be?
forest of the nightmare king: what would you have encountered in the forest of the nightmare king?
solace: what is your favourite holiday?
spyre: what would your d&d class and race be if you lived in the world of spyre?
hilda hilda: have you ever gotten away with a ridiculous lie?
the ball: do you have any nicknames?
ribbon-dancing: do you have any interesting but useless skills?
romance partner: do you have or want a romance partner? describe your ideal person! 
are you my dad?: what is something you are searching for?
spring break: freshman or sophomore year?
hoot growl: do you have any catchphrases?
owl bears: what is something you hope to see in future seasons of fantasy high?
bloodrush: do you play any sports?
shrimp party: what’s an inside joke you have with your friends?
cell tower: if you had wings, what kind of wings would they be? feathered, reptilian, insect?
van boat: if you could choose one song to be able to perform absolutely perfectly, what song would you pick?
half-dead oyster: do you play any instrument, and if not, what instrument would you like to be able to play?
sexy rat: if you were a mythical creature, what would you be?
palimpsest: if you had to remain in one location for the rest of your life, where would you want that to be?
battle sheet: if you had a superpower, what would it be?
arquebus: if you could own any item from fantasy high, what would it be?
corn cutie: if you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
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i’m rewatching sophomore year and ally’s reactions to when baron said i am your roemaence partner is the funniest thing
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
I’m jumping on the uquiz bandwagon, so here is a quiz to tell you which Dimension 20 Live NPC you are! God there are so many!
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Kristen: Adaine, how long does it take until you start hallucinating from sleep loss?
Adaine: I think-
Riz: 72 hours without sleep.
Adaine: How do you-
Riz: There’s a clown behind you.
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Ruby: Hey Liam, do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?
Liam: Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s February 14th
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incorrect-fantasy-high · 4 years
Jet: Theobald?
Theo: Yes, Jet?
Jet: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Theo: Where’s Ruby
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