#once again a queer overlap experience I've had with no one noticing the sheer level of straight content that's shoved down our throats
angryaromantics · 2 years
Allo people never even seem to realize how pervasive romance is in virtually every facet of our lives. I go to the hairdresser, and she asks me if I'm married. I go to work, my coworkers play matchmaker. I turn on the radio, a love song is playing. I turn on the television, a love story is being depicted ad nauseum.
I once had an argument with my sister about how often songs are about romantic love, then annoyed the shit out of her by pointing it out every time for the next hour when another love song started playing.
I would kill to live in a world where romance isn't so inescapable, but since I can't reach that dream, I'm going to continue to annoy the shit out of everyone by pointing it out, godbless. <3
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