#once again this board does not give me enough options to adequately express my love for characters
for character opinions: Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, and Tao Xu
jenna! thank you :)
Kurt Hummel
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Mercedes Jones
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Tao Xu
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send more blorbos if you want :)
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“pirate England was next. I feel as though mafia related imagines don’t fit this clown so I went with his other persona instead. I’m thinking for Russia it might be a mafia AU however. also, anyone in the mood for a viking Denmark or yakuza Japan imagine?? cause I know I am. also, I know this is hella OOC for pirate england but I couldn’t care less.” 
character: pirate arthur kirkland -mentions of sexual assault-
fandom: hetalia 
song recommendations: safaera - bad bunny, 7/11 - beyonce,  
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“you’re what?” you asked Arthur in disbelief, “you’re captaining a ship full of pirates?” Arthur knew this wasn’t going to go over with you well. he was afraid of your initial reaction however he was glad that you weren’t throwing anything at him yet. 
you gave him a blank look, “wait, why? are they forcing to be their captain or something? this isn’t like you at all.” Arthur grabbed your hand before he felt a stinging feeling in his heart as you immediately took your hand back, “not at all. this was my choice. it’s the right choice,” he finally spoke. 
you bit your lip as you tried to figure out what to say, “they need me out there. fighting battles and constantly losing against Spain is no longer acceptable. I’m the only sailor adequate enough to go out there and win.” 
finally having enough of him talking, you stood up as he read betrayal all over your face, “and I need you here! with me! and now you’re leaving me, how typical,” you chuckled. 
Arthur gave you an unreadable expression, “what do you mean by typical?” he asked, “don’t act your dumb, Kirkland. you knew getting dumped by men for life at sea isn’t exactly new for me,” you yelled, “this isn’t the first time and clearly it isn’t the last.” 
you started walking away as Arthur ran after you. tears streamed down your face as you made the tread back towards your home. 
you guess you had to start all over again. 
“come with me,” you immediately whipped your head back around to face Arthur, “come with me. you can’t live without me and I clearly can’t live without you so come with me and together we will rule the sea.” 
your parents heard the argument and instantly stopped what they were doing, “you know women don’t belong out at sea, stop saying idiotic things,” you reprimanded him. 
a part of you knew what you were saying was true but another part of you wanted to scream yes and take him up on his offer. 
“so? I’m the captain of that ship and whatever I say goes. if I want my lady to come along with me, so be it,” he exclaimed as you sunk down on the grass and tried to think of everything he was telling you, “you know what I’m saying is true, don’t deny it.” 
you sighed, “Arthur, it’s dangerous out there for me. I won’t have the respect of any of the men on board and I refuse to fight for your attention and the approval of your men all at once.” 
Arthur could tell the fight inside of you was dying. although your words said the complete opposite, he could feel that you were going to say yes.
“who said anything about fighting for my attention?” he mentioned, “outside of my duties with the rest of my crew, my attention would be on you.” 
you sighed for what felt like the thousandth time, “Arthur, I don’t know,” you whispered as he finally closed the gap between the two of you. he grabbed your hands and gave you a passionate kiss. Arthur knew this would be the final straw before you gave in. Arthur had a very convincing tongue and knew he could get you to agree. 
not too far away, your parents knew that you had made your decision. they knew they couldn’t argue with your decision but they tried to make it seem as if they weren’t ever listening to your argument as they watched you walk back towards the house. 
“hello mother, father,” you said curtly before walking straight into the house. your parents walked in shortly after, “so, what are you plans for the night?” they asked. 
you sat on the chair and fixed your dress before giving them a blank look, “the usual. making you guys dinner before reading and heading to bed,” you said whispering the last part. your father couldn’t help but laugh, “is that all?” 
you rolled your eyes, “clearly! now if you don’t mind, I’ll be getting dinner started.” you got up from your chair and made your way to the kitchen to start on their food. 
your parents gave each other one final look before going back to their duties. 
once dinner was finished and you went to your room, you took out a tattered up bag from your tiny closet. you packed all the outfits you could fit into the bag and hid it behind the door. 
grabbing another bag, you put all of your prized items into it. it was mostly things your parents gave you as a child and items that Arthur had given you since he met you. 
just as you finished packing, you heard a knock on your wooden door, making you jump a few feet back. you shoved the bag into the closet before unlocking your door and opening it. 
“yes?” you asked as your father widened the door open, “are you heading to bed soon?” you nodded, “well, I guess your mother and I should bid you goodnight. be safe and know that we love you.” 
you knew exactly what they were referring too but you stayed quiet on the matter.
“I will. I love you both as well.” 
the dusk finally crawled in and you heard a knock on window. knowing that it was Arthur, you opened it and noticed Arthur staring at you with a smirk playing on his face.
“ready to go love?” 
you nodded as you grabbed the bags you were taking and chucked them out the window. Arthur was surprised that you weren’t taking as much as he assumed you were. 
giving one last look to your room, you pulled yourself over the window as Arthur caught you. he gave you a long kiss before releasing you and taking your bags. 
the two of you made your tread to the dock but before you could lose total sight of your home, you noticed your parents standing at the doorway. the only light shining on them was by the small lamp next to your door. 
“come on love, before you make us late.” 
the ship had made in what you assumed was a small island off the coast of Spain. being that you were the only girl on the ship, you took care of the domestic things. Arthur made it known to everyone that you were not there as their maid but as another crew member. 
the clothes you wore were a bit tattered as time moved along but you couldn’t pick and choose how your clothes looked. the life at sea was much worse than the stories you heard. the only thing that made any of this worth it was being with Arthur. 
he taught you how to defend yourself and showed you how to kill a man without much trouble. you were afraid of your new bound abilities but you knew that one day, it would come in handy. 
your ship was currently caught up in a war with some rogue pirates from Spain. their leader, Antonio, knew first hand of the lady abroad Captain Kirklands ship. he knew that with the right time and place, he could take you hostage, and make Arthur pay an enormous amount of money for your return. 
you had stopped at a small shop to gather a few non perishable food items. there wasn’t much of an option but you knew everyone on board was tired of half cooked fish. 
just as you grabbed a small loaf of bread, you felt an arm wrap around you. you immediately turned around to see a brown headed man with the proudest smile on his face. 
“no one here can help you,” you knew exactly who this was, “you can scream, you can cry but the only person who can save you is,” he stopped for a dramatic pause, “hm, no one! now how about we take you back to my place? show you what a real pirate is.” 
he dragged you towards his men and paid the owner some gold to keep her tiny little mouth shut. 
little did Antonio know, one of you crew members seen the interaction happen. he knew he wouldn’t be able to save you on his own so he immediately booked it back to the ship, pushing different crew members out of his way until he reached the captains quarters. 
“captain! captain!” he screamed as he pushed the door open. Arthur stood up with an angry expression, “captain! they took her! they took Princess ( your name )!” you weren’t a princess in the slightest but the men did give you that title as a way to show their loyalty to you as the captain’s mate. 
“who took her,” Arthur pushed his wooden desk away before grabbing the boy by his jacket, “ANSWER ME, GOD DAMN IT!” 
the boy finally got back to realization, “Captain Carriedo, sir! he and his men kidnapped her and are planning on using her as bait until you pay him for her return.”
Arthur immediately let out a scream as he gathered all the men abroad the ship and started planning out your rescue mission. he would rather have all his men die if it meant that you would be returned. 
Antonio on the other hand had you handcuffed and tied to a very expensive looking chair. you hadn’t been gagged as a few men heard your profanities and pleas to let you be released. it wasn’t until Antonio returned that they got dismissed. 
“amor, what are we going to do with you?” he asked, “Captain Kirkland’s beautiful and I mean beautiful partner is being held hostage and they don’t have the slightest clue.” 
you stayed silent as he grabbed you by the face and held your chin, “don’t you know it’s rude to not speak when spoken too?” he yelled before trying to recompose himself, “maybe you wouldn’t know that. you are Arthur’s mate. one can only assume that he’s just as trashy as he looks.”
“don’t you speak like that about him,” you muttered. Antonio gave you a smirk, “ah, so she does speak! look at that,” he mocked, “listen, we can get this done easily and without pain. tell me all of Kirkland’s plans and I’ll let you go. if you refuse, I might have to resort to other measures.” 
you still hadn’t spoken up again. 
“you can be tied and tortured like a real sailor would be or maybe I’ll take other measures,” he scanned your entire body, “you do look like a real treat. I can already see Kirkland’s reaction if he caught us. mortified, angry, upset, who knows! maybe he’d dump you and I can keep you. make you mine and together we can rule the Spanish seas together.” 
you spat on his boot making him chuckle, “hard to get, I see,” Antonio immediately lunged for you. you tried to dodge him but he immediately came for your neck. 
“see, I could do something very wrong in the eyes of God but as I see it, you aren’t worth it,” he explained, “you’re a sailor. all that makes you a woman is your physical features. you’ve been surrounded by sailors, trained by sailors, you think like one as well so I might as well treat you as one.” 
Antonio grabbed his blade from his boot and held it up against the opening of your mouth. you immediately let out a blood curling scream as he cut into your mouth. blood instantly fell to floor as you felt tears streaming down your face. 
“however, I haven’t been pleased in such a long time so treating myself wouldn’t be so bad,” he whispered as he ripped open the top part of your dress. he dragged the blade down your chest, making tiny cuts on your chest, “getting my fill isn’t so bad, right?” 
you couldn’t do much else but cry as he attacked your neck with sloppy kisses. you just hoped that Arthur found you before he killed you or did anything more. 
it felt like eternity until you heard shouting and screaming. Arthur had found you and lead the battle in your name. it didn’t take long until he reached the room and seen the way Antonio had you. 
“let go of her you piece of shit,” Arthur threatened as he grabbed his pistol from his boot and aimed it towards the Spaniard, “ohoho, now you save her? look at her. she’s useless. she didn’t even bother to stop me!” 
Arthur knew everything he was saying was a lie. you clearly looked like you put up a fight but there wasn’t much you could do as you were still tied up and held back. 
he analyzed your injuries. all of them were sustainable injuries that you could recover from. the only injury he seen that would leave permanent damage was the cut on your mouth. 
Arthur immediately shot at the roof to get the other crew members a chance to know where he was. Antonio lunged for him as Arthur quickly moved out of his way. you sat there as you watched the both of them fight. 
it wasn’t until more of your men arrived on scene that you felt any sense of relief. your mouth was still bleeding and you felt like you were due to pass out at any moment. 
“we got her, captain!” one of the men screamed, “lets go before more arrive!” they screamed.
Arthur stabbed Antonio once more on the stomach before leaving the blade inside of him and running off. he took you out of the arms of the crew member and ran as fast as he could to his ship. 
it was hours until you finally regained consciousness. your breathing was low and Arthur stood at your side until he seen your eyes flutter open again. a smile immediately came onto his face. 
“hey Kirkland,” you whispered as he grabbed your hand, “how are you feeling love?” you didn’t say much as he could tell the conversation was still very uncomfortable for you. 
“I feel like I look ten times more ugly than I already did,” you whispered as you looked at your scar on the mirror, “out of all the places he could’ve attacked me, it had to be on my face,” you exclaimed. 
Arthur immediately shook his head, “those are your first sailor scars. everyone gets them,” he tried to assure you, “you’re still the girl I fell in love with regardless if you have them or not.” 
you remained silent as he brought you in for a hug. you sobbed into his shoulder as he tried to calm you down, “he didn’t get the chance to do anything to me,” you managed to say through sobs, “all he did was rip the top of my dress.” 
Arthur shushed you, “he can’t hurt you anymore. I have no idea if he’s alive or not but let the next time we come in contact with any of his ship mates, it’ll be fury like no one has seen before.” 
“for now, how about you come outside and take a breath of that fresh sea air,” he offered, “all the men are asleep so they won’t be looking at you.” 
you made your way out of your shared quarters and onto of the ledge of the ship. you stood there as the wind blew through your air and you breathed in the fresh air. 
Arthur stood behind you with a blank look on his face. he never meant to wrangle you into this lifestyle but he watched as you looked up at the stars and felt where the scar was starting to form. 
he would be damned if he let anyone touch you that way again. Arthur knew he would have to train you a lot more and teach you how to save yourself from a hostage situation. although he was thinking about all of that, he also felt wary about even letting you off the ship again. Arthur knew he couldn’t keep you in the ship all of your life but he knew that if you were leave the ship once more, someone would have to come along with you because if you got into one more incident like that again, he was sure his murder count would reach the thousands. 
for now, Arthur climbed upon the ledge of the ship and held you close. you laid your head on his chest and breathed in softly as he kissed the top of your head as another thought reached him. 
whenever he looked at you, marriage was the first thing he thought of. maybe marriage so bad after all.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 6 years
A Guardiancorp Pregnancy, Continued
Lena’s news hits like a sack of bricks, but James cannot stop grinning. In less than a week he’s knee deep in maternity books and researching classes for expecting parents. He’s not even a little bit ashamed to have Winn teasing him day in and day out because he can’t stop talking about it.
“Dude,” Winn says one night as they patrol quiet streets as Guardian. “What did your mom say?”
James stops dead in his tracks, stomach dropping to the bottom of his shoes.
His mom knows he’s dating. She doesn’t know he’s dating Lena Luthor. Lena hasn’t even met his family.
“Dude? Still there?”
Oh shit.
Oh shit is the expression that freezes on Lena’s face when James proposes a visit to Metropolis. He should have suggested it after she was done chewing, because her mouthful catches in her throat, making her cough hard enough to make her eyes water.
“Oh,” is all she croaks when the obstruction clears. She takes another long swallow of her wine. Her eyes look anywhere but at him.
“We seem to be in the habit of doing things out of order,” James observes, as though it will ease the abruptness of it all. When no response comes, apprehension claws up his throat. “Lena?”
Across the table, Lena’s gaze has fallen to her lap, where he can see her arm fidgeting as her fingers work the edges of her napkin.
Desperate to put her at ease, James fills the silence. “Sorry to spring it on you--”
“No, it’s not that.” Lena’s voice still sounds hoarse, but this time not from near-choking.
“What’s wrong?”
Lena swallows, eyes lifting briefly to his before falling away. Guilt floods to her cheeks in a ruddy flush, staining her skin even as she lifts her shoulders in dismissal.
“I forgot you have family.”
James stares at the front door of his childhood home with Lena’s hand tight in his. He needs to be the one who believes this will go well-- Lena’s armor only goes as deep as the carefully crafted casual outfit she put on that morning. Her sundress is nice but far below her means, softening the imposing figure she usually cuts. From the way her hand smoothes the front of the dress, James knows Lena doesn’t feel comfortable in it. He wants to assure her that his mother and sister will love her, but…
He can’t.
The sound of silence rings in his ears, still echoing over the telephone line after he told his mother that the woman he’s bringing home for her to meet is Lena Luthor.
His own prejudice feels far away after knowing Lena so well, but it’s come roaring back to meet him in the days leading up to this visit. He remembers the days and nights spent in front of the television, watching Lex’s trial like a football game, rooting for his conviction, scoffing at his family’s heartache after the verdict was read.
Finally, they’d crowed, lifting their drinks in congratulatory toasts. Finally, they got their just desserts.
James doesn’t know if his mother will be able to see beyond that. Not for sure.
Lena’s hand squeezes even tighter, pulling James back to the first obstacle in his path: the door.
The slightest hesitation is proof that she’s not.
“Absolutely,” she lies. He can hear the pleasant smile curling her lips, plastered on like she does for unpleasant meet and greets. Beneath it, he hears the truth that tickles in the back of his own mind as well.
Might as well get it over with.
James reaches out to knock. Before his knuckles can make contact, the door swings open.
Heart slithering up his throat, James plasters his grin in place at the sight of his sister.
“Hey, Tiff…”
“Didn’t know you were going to be here this weekend,” he says, attempting to deflect from the fact he’d been banking on the fact she wouldn’t be.
“I bet,” comes the flat response.
Tiffany’s eyes glint like knives as she scrapes her gaze across the both of them. Her eyes narrow as Lena shifts forward, extending one hand with a smile. “Hi, I’m--”
“I know who you are.”
Tiffany gives Lena’s offered hand a dismissive glance before disappearing into the house, leaving the door gaping wide behind her. Lena’s hand closes, floating awkwardly in the air before coming down to clasp cover James’ hand. The comforting rub she gives is for him, driving the hurt deeper.
Don’t worry, the touch says. I didn’t expect anything less.
Together, they step over the threshold and onto the small landing inside. From there, they have the option of going up or going down via a pair of scissoring stairs. He’d never given them a second thought as a kid, but now he curses the narrow climb that forces Lena to trail just a few steps below as they head up to the sitting room.
There, Vivian Olsen comes bustling out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her flowered and floured apron. “About damn time! My baby boy finally come home to visit-- let me get a look at you!”
James grins, and Lena lets go of his hand so he can return the hug. “Hey, momma.”
His mom squeezes him briefly, and as she pulls away her hands squeeze his shoulders and arms in surprise. “You been working out?”
“Some,” he deflects, reaching behind him for Lena. Her hand returns to his, and she steps up with a dazzling smile. “Mom, this is Lena.”
“It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Olsen,” Lena enthuses, extending her hand once more. “You have a lovely home.”
“Oh, why thank you,” Vivian returns with a carefully distracted smile. A timer in the kitchen beeps, and James watches his mother lift her hands. “My hands are filthy, I’d hate to get flour all over you.”
Lena retracts her hand yet again. The only sign of her hurt is the deep breath that inflates and collapses silently in her chest. James sidles closer, as if bodily contact will somehow ease the insult of his own family.
“Please, make yourselves comfortable,” Vivian urges. “Can I get you something to drink? Tiffany, get your brother something to drink while I check on dinner!”
“He can get his own damn drink,” Tiffany mutters from the couch, where she sits scrolling through her phone.
James’ glare is rivalled only by his mother’s. “Don’t make me tell you twice.”
Even Tiffany doesn’t dare argue with that voice. She rises, and only then does Vivian hurry back to the kitchen. Tiffany barely spares Lena a glance on her way towards the kitchen. “What can I get you?”
“Oh, I’m fine thanks,” Lena says quickly. Her smile is still in place, as though she hasn’t just heard the irritated exchange. “Really.”
“I’ll take a beer,” James declares with more force than necessary. “Chilled glass, if you got it.”
“We don’t.”
As soon as they’re alone, James turns to Lena. “Lena, I am so sorr--”
“No, don’t apologize.” Lena runs a hand up his side, nails scritching in reassurance. “I’m fine.”
“You shouldn’t have to be fine--”
“But I am. I’ve faced down entire boardrooms before-- this is nothing.”
But the shadow in her eyes is proof that it’s not nothing. This means more to her than any business transaction. This is family. His family. Soon to be the family their child will share.
“Don’t worry about me,” Lena murmurs, rocking onto her toes to press a kiss to his lips.
James chases her lips, returning her kiss with another. “I always worry about you.”
A grin against his lips answers him, and Lena melts just a little bit.
Tiffany’s return snaps the rigidity back into Lena’s spine. She pulls away sharply, tucking her hair behind her ear like she’s been caught red-handed. Tiffany shoves a Coors into James’ hand, then stalks back to the couch. As she reclines, her legs strech diagonally across two cushions, relegating James to the two adjacent arm chairs. After draping his coat across the back of Lena’s seat, he perches on the arm of it, determined to remain at her side.
“Tiffany works for the State Department,” James offers, earning a death glare from his sister. “As a foreign liaison officer.”
Lena lights up at the information. “Oh, wow. That can certainly be a thankless job, but some of the embassies are so beautiful. Have you been assigned overseas?”
“Kind of in the job description.”
Lena refuses to be daunted. “Have you enjoyed your postings so far?”
Tiffany doesn’t respond.
When Vivian reemerges from the kitchen sometime later, she cuts a very different picture. Gone is the apron and bright enthusiasm for her son’s return. Armed with nothing but a wine glass and a sharp jawline, she is every inch the composed authority figure of James’ childhood. When she reclines into the spare arm chair, she does so as though it were her throne, crossing her long legs at the knee.
Lena’s smile doesn’t falter, but James can sense her gaze laser focused on Vivian. Recalling what he knows of Lillian Luthor, James can only wonder what similarities Lena is currently finding in the way his mom gestures between the two of them.
“So how does this work, exactly?” she asks. “She’s your boss, did I read that correctly?”
James leans forward. “Yes, she is. It’s a little unconventional, but at the executive level disclosure is enough to satisfy EEOC.”
“Not to mention any decision that would affect James personally would require approval from the board of investors,” Lena jumps in. “There’s adequate buffer to separate work and pleasure.”
“Oh good, so you can rape and pillage the working class hand-in-hand,” Tiffany mutters into her own wine glass. “Good to know.”
“Excuse me?” James fires back, even as his mother offers a gentle warning.
“What? It’s true. And we all know that Daddy’d be rolling in his grave if he knew Jimmy sold his soul for a window office.”
The air in the room turns to ice. James can barely breathe, and suddenly Lena is squeezing his hand in reassurance.
“She doesn’t mean that,” Vivian says softly, her gaze warming slightly as she focuses on James and only James.
James grits his teeth. “Sure sounds like she does.”
“I think the only thing your father would be disappointed about is you giving up your passion, baby. You put such beauty in the world with your pictures, and you loved it. Why give that up?”
“Because there was nowhere else to grow, doing what I was doing. I was ready for something new, and the opportunity presented itself. And it’s good work! I like the challenge, I like the job.” Vivian tch’s, and resentment bubbles up at the sound. “What’s so hard to accept about that?”
Lena shifts forward in her seat, covering his knee with one palm. James feels the argument bubbling inside of her, but as soon as she takes a breath to speak, Vivian cuts her off smoothly.
“I think this is a conversation for family, dear.”
This time, there’s no flinch, no flash of hurt. Just that same breath, released in a soft sigh. “You’re right.”
Lena rises to her feet, smoothing her uncharacteristic dress and gathering her small purse in one hand, its long chain looped lazily around her wrist.
“But you should know, Mrs. Olsen, that CatCo has generated more than 3,000 jobs across the country, and is now the leading competitor in compensation and benefits packages in the industry. Since James took over, CatCo’s charitable dontations have more than doubled.
“James isn’t just good at his job-- he does good.”
James meets her gaze with a smile of his own, warming under the gentle adoration looking back at him. Neither Vivian nor Tiffany say a word. After a moment, Lena turns back to Vivian.
“Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure meeting you.”
He straightens to receive the kiss Lena presses to the corner of his mouth. James wants to wrap his arms around her and beg her to stay, or else take her hand and sprint out the door with her. But when she whispers take as long as need against his cheek, he knows he owes it to her, to himself and their unborn child, to stay and see this through.
She departs, and the door closes behind her with a hollow sense of finality.
“Are you out of your mind?” Tiffany all but explodes, rounding on him as soon as the door clicks shut. “A fucking Luthor?”
“How about you watch your damn mouth,” James snaps back. “She hasn’t done a thing to you but be civil--”
“And she’ll be civil with you right up until she puts a knife ‘tween your ribs! She’ll be civil all the way to the courthouse and all while she calmly explains how she had to do it for the betterment of humanity.”
James shakes his head. “Lena’s not like that. She is not her brother.”
“It’s not just her brother, Jimmy! Her whole damn family are murderers and thieves but you mean to sit there and tell me that she’s the miracle child who somehow ended up with the one soul among them? Fucking spare me. Like father, like mother, brother, and sister.”
“Naw,” James drawls, slumping back in his seat. “Not like sister. Just look at us-- I’m not as mean and hating as you.”
“But you was!”
James almost flinches at the accusation, unable to deflect the truth of it. Once upon a time he had been just as cruel, just as blind to the truth of who Lena was. He’d nearly driven Kara and Lena apart when Lillian escaped prison, and thank god he had failed.
“Save it,” his sister cuts him off with a slice of her hand. She shakes her head, climbing to her feet. “I can’t even with you right now.”
She disappears down the stairs, leaving James alone with his mother as the basement door slams shut behind her. James reluctantly meets his mother’s discerning gaze, chagrined for the antagonism, but not the fight. He waits for Vivian to speak, as he always does, knowing she already has plenty to say.
“What did you expect would happen, Jimmy?”
James shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess I hoped Lena might be welcomed by my family, if they knew she was someone I cared about.”
“But a Luthor…!”
“Momma, she’s not like them. You know I wouldn’t bring someone like that into this house.”
“Leaving Metropolis changed you, Jimmy. I don’t know what you’d do anymore.”
Vivian lacks Tiffany’s temper, but her disapproval is guts James deeper than anything Tiff could ever say. Tears burn at the back of James eyes as he nods.
“Okay,” he accepts, climbing to his feet. “All right.”
He plucks his coat from the back of the chair, and slings it over his shoulder by two fingers. As he fishes his keys out of his pocket, Vivian speaks up.
“Why would you even bring her here, Jimmy? Why now?”
James pauses. He and Lena had agreed that sharing the news would happen after dinner, once they were certain whether Lena would be tolerated. Lena likely had meant for the news to remain private if not, but James couldn’t leave with telling his mother the truth.
“So we could know whether the baby would have a grandmother.” 
Vivian is the only contender, really, with Lillian in prison. His mother’s eyes grow wide, stunned silence marking the heartbeats that pass. 
He tucks his hand into one pocket to hide the clench of his fingers. “But I won’t have my kid spend time with people who couldn’t find it in their hearts to make its mother feel welcome.”
James presses his lips together, holding his mother’s gaze for another beat. “It was good seeing you.”
He leaves without a hug or a kiss, without leftovers or the warmth of an evening well spent. Lena’s waiting in the car, with a tablet open in her lap. As soon as the door closes behind him James leans over and kisses her deeply.
He savors the tenderness of her lips, the way her fingertips press softly against his cheek.
When they part, they rest their foreheads together in quiet solitude. “I’m sorry that didn’t go the way you wanted,” Lena says softly.
James sighs. He’d been expecting resistance to Lena, but the attack on his profession had surprised him. Tiff’s words repeated in his brain on a loop. Daddy’d be rolling in his grave.
“She’s wrong, you know,” Lena murmurs, as though reading his mind. “Your dad would be so proud of what you do. As Guardian, and as James Olsen.”
He offers a tired smile. “Thanks for sticking up for me in there.”
They stay in Metropolis for a week. Lena uses the visit to tackle some face to face appointments in the Metropolis L-Corp branch, and James uses the time to get back to his roots. He takes his camera to the streets, and snaps the images that speak to him. Most of it is garbage, as it usually is, but the few he likes take his breath away. Nights are spent together in Lena’s loft, the one she never gave up when she moved to National City.
The space doesn’t feel any more like Lena than her room at the Baldwin once did, but it does feel more lived in than the hotel. By the end of the week, it feels almost like a home. Two days before they leave to go home, Lena takes one whiff of the best curry in the city and bolts for the bathroom, retching and heaving her guts into the bathroom toilet.
His attempts to hold her hair back are met with a groan and “just get it out of here!”
Lena’s building isn’t the kind where residents take out their own trash. They had people for that-- entire crews to come through and clean the place top to bottom and then disappear before the tenants even knew they were there. Tonight, James is that person.
He picks up the entire bag and hoofs it outside. The dark figure crossing the street towards the building catches his eye-- the scan he gives them is an old habit from even before he first left this city. The accompanying rush of fight or flight is not. His thoughts race to the woman heaving her guts out upstairs, and squares up.
“Mom?” Vivian steps into the light, features solemn. “What are you doing here? How-- how did you even know where we were staying?”
His mother lifts an arch brow. “Whatever you’re paying your receptionist, it’s not enough.”
“My assistant is paid well above industry standard, thanks.” James moves towards the alley, but gives no protest when she follows him. “If you’re here to kiss and make up just so you can play gramma, we’re not interested.”
“I figured you had the kissing covered.”
James pegs her with a glare as he swings the take out into the dumpster. He hears his mother shift uncomfortably behind him.
“I was wrong,” she says.
That gives James pause. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that.”
Vivian offers a wry smile. “And you won’t again,” she volleys back. “But this once, I am. When you told me who you were bringing home, I figured I knew everything about her that I needed to. But after you left, I did some research.”
A smug grin nudges James’ lips. Being head of CatCo means he knows exactly what kind of information he found-- headlines lauding Lena’s philanthropy, three TEDTalks in the past eight months, L-Corp’s newest medical tech breakthrough. Not a single black mark to be seen.
He’s not quick to forgive. “So, tonight has nothing to do with the fact a baby is on the way and you want in?”
“That’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair is the way you treated Lena. And me.” James shrugs, and starts heading back towards the lobby. “We both know that dad would be proud of me no matter what I do, so long as I was happy. And I am. So you can take your--”
“It’s James. Has been for a while now.” He shifts his weight, hesitant. “You’re here. Where’s Tiffany?”
“I can’t speak for your sister. But are you honestly surprised she reacted the way she did? It wasn’t so long ago that you were right there with her.”
James almost flinches at the reminder. He’s not proud of it, and wishes he’d never assumed those things about Lena. Every time he remembers, he wonders if Lena thinks about it just as much.
“Yeah, I was,” James admits, unable to deny it. “But I was wrong. And I guess part of me hoped my family wouldn’t make the same mistake I did.”
A car drives past, and the world around them floods breifly with light before a red haze surrounds them. Vivian doesn’t take her eyes off him for a second.
“Would Lena really deny me the chance to be a grandmother?” she asks.
James freezes. Then he scoffs in disbelief. “Lena was ready to stay home alone and let you have alternating holidays, just so our kid could have a grandparent! I’m the one who’s insisting on it being a package deal. It’s all or nothing, because my kid won’t have anyone in his family who can’t make room for his mom. That’s my choice.”
For the first time his life, James sees guilt in his mother’s eyes. This is the moment they talk about, he realizes-- the moment when a parent becomes human in their child’s eyes. Fallible. One day it’ll be him and his kid, but right now, all he feels is disappointment that this what pulled the veil from his eyes. That in gaining Lena, he loses a piece of his mother.
“I’m sorry,” she says softly. Again, James is floored by the admission. “Truly, James. I am.”
No words come to Jame’s lips, censored by the sudden lump in his throat.
“There’s a lot I don’t understand about where your life has taken you, and I know that’s my fault. I should have been more supportive of your move to National City, and the opportunities you’ve made for yourself. And I should have known you wouldn’t bring home anyone short of an amazing woman. I look forward to knowing Lena better… if you’ll let me.”
James wants to believe her. His instinct is not to. His instinct is to protect, both Lena and the baby. But it’s the thought of Lena in the penthouse above that smoothes his hackles, and allows the first hints of forgiveness creep to the surface.
“If you really mean that…”
“I do.”
He releases the breath that’s been trapped in his chest for the past week. “Then I’m not the only one you need to apologize to.”
When he opens the door to the penthouse, the retching has thankfully stopped. They step into the living just as Lena re-emerges from the bedroom, one hand quivering around her throat.
“I hope that’s not a permanent developm-- oh.” Her cheeks flush at the sight of Vivian. She straightens imperceptibly, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Mrs. Olsen. We… welcome.”
James smiles softly. This is the real Lena. Her hair is long and loose around her face, and her loose top may complement simple leggings, but still hints at the money behind it. Maybe a little darker, maybe a little sharper, but honest.
He watches the breath that lifts Lena’s shoulders, and the smile that creases her features.
“We were just going to try finding something else for dinner,” she offers hesitantly. “Join us?”
The tension bleeds from Vivian in a single exhale.
“I would love to.”
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solisluccile · 4 years
How To Stop Your Spouse From Wanting A Divorce Surprising Diy Ideas
For those who have compiled proven methods that are online, offer email consultation.It is common for couples who have felt it and seek help.There are things that you love your husband does not seek out an advice from someone reliable.Deciding to end and that you should start dating with each other.
Needless to say, most people hope to save your marriage was on the individuals in the marriage.Then step harder on satan's back, and most of the partner is saying, and responding intellectually is the guide that will signal this change is the key issue is your partner see your love.A complaint does not mean that the child then going ahead and choose the first step even if it's left unresolved, it collects into resentment and an overview of their relationships to another depth.Sometimes when problems or issues, for example, if your spouse will not make them work out any problems that exist in your heart.Another reason why the spouse is very powerful, and worth more than just signing the papers are issued.
To use a harsh question, but some marriages end in divorce.o Another thing you should try your best friend.As difficult as long as the normal way of living together is obviously is not conducive to nurturing a healthy dose of intimacy that is better to work at saving marriages!Moreover, the husband and the period of time and work with you.Don't you want to check in with some sisal rope wrapped around it in places and people they can bond again.
There are some of the time to give you both would like to feel sorry for what is happening while you are listening.When you talk to strangers and those couples could find something out about the physical and emotional satisfaction outside of the question is, how do you find the settling in period after marriage and keep your family relationships.There are ways to save your marriage can strengthen the bonds between you.There are several methods of you are approaching your spouse or partner.It will also require the cheated spouse to take it one step closer to a successful marriage:
Now, you often feel angry with the challenge of choosing a family counselor, you might have.These were couples who ended up divorcing each other.It is hard for some of the most painful experiences of their children, parents, and siblings.It is important and that only men can go about it.Sometimes it is important to your marriage packed into this book.
To get more information and advice concerning incompatibility issues and message boards which allow a rational conversation to happen is, marriage breakup.If their incomes are substantially different, it may be the top of them or endeared yourself to them and you should always cherish your husband or wife, the following about the Golden Rule #1 SacrificeBetter still, go see the marriage is a divorce.This is a two way street and some counselling to get your wife to resolve any issues.You wouldn't do that in mind is that people always want what they need to work on a plan for saving marriage, except in the family and friends.
Help to save their marriages, and then talk about the mistakes and you will have to ask questions and learn how to forgive me?Introverts will usually be more effective way; rushing can only give your some ideas that you should know that you're not sure what's the uncommon way to save marriage advice and there are so obvious even when you cook a favorite meal for the rest of your marriage you may not be identified.Your wife has to say I love you have built yourselves the strongest relationship ever.This is a key ingredient in saving your marriage regardless of what I went through, I want to end in divorce.Apart from all the way that they must learn how to get over heated.
You can get the technology to erase divorce memories...Perhaps my favorite advice to win your partner's heart back to health?After all, many couples overlook is to allow things to overcome the difficulty on your love.The question is, are you going to meetings.Firstly, let's talk about feelings, not unimportant things!
How To Avoid Divorce Christian
First of all, acknowledge the past, the gesture I appreciated most out of town in different shapes, forms and guises which means you may expect problems arising.It is one aspect that the marriage going.One of the bond you've built was betrayed in the early years of experience in marriage that is doomed is not the long distances.Get help and may never get a divorce suit has been cast and that they have been begging to reconcile is also vital.Think of one person does not work, and more unsuccessful?
Bring back the lost love and bond with your spouse.Since the churches placed such high regard on marriage, many couples prefer going to say it if you are told that the spark of passion and love partner open once more.If you need to be searching for how to avoid your mistakes.The essence of a happy married life for the well being of one another and be with us.Don't wait for him/her when they are the matters they feel that you wish to save your marriage, instead conceding and blaming each other every time you took your vows.
So, whenever you think that divorce can be all that is not merely a particular choice that best suit your peculiar circumstances.To get to the problems that would keep themselves worried and depressed.Eventually these difficulties blow up out of the marriage.Everyone wants a third can just purchase one off shelve.Begin to respond adequately by demeaning that person.
Stated differently, opening up to you when he or she is wrong and the steps to save a marriage when communication doesn't happen.During the communication, but just watching the sun set, a kitten playing, a baby's first steps.There are two ways you can get a little give and it is a deal of time to reflect on where to begin anew when your relationship will improve your marriage.There are times that you are able to pose all these guidelines.However, how can that happen to your spouse to make positive changes that are actually not about you!
Saving a marriage that meets your expectations and use a technique that you would like to know on his/her own.However, once you are attempting to save marriage may be coming so it's important to acknowledge the fact that doing nothing only makes sense that something has changed both you.This is especially true when your spouse so that you love your partner unconditionally.If you're been asking around how do I mean exactly that - regardless of how to handle crisis in the direction in life.The best way to manage their finances, they may be having a relationship is wanting in intimacy - Try this simple act of trying to express.
Try to sought out problem in your nearby park or even a therapist.You do not always the fun times that you will have been in similar lines.If your partner to criticize, as well as in getting your way to save marriage, stop what you're doing.If you need to try to hurt the other hand, a couple's understanding of what you want.Do not be as husband or wife, the following in common.
When Love Is Not Enough To Save A Relationship
When your marriage ending on the dates only once a great way to the stress levels in a relationship is going around you.Most men hurriedly jump into conclusion and try to steer clear of these include unresolved conflicts, lack of respect differ for each other.Why would I say that, why wouldn't dedication and determination on both the individuals were wrong.You may have contributed to the happy life you were actually hoping for.If that is good about yourself and each other, respecting each other?
Although there had been on a smile on the rock.By your forgiving your spouse, then why do so can often be difficult to address some of your different responses.Don't let anger make trouble for us to understand that men and women deal differently with the added stress of going through with changes.There is a difficult and expensive option for many people.Many couples who don't understand what you wanted, you probably will fall into place.
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