#ondo cups
starrysnowdrop · 2 years
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The girl who was named after the ocean travels to the bottom of the ocean and sees all its wonders up close and personal. 🌊🐬
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nagunkgunk · 1 year
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time 2 draw the tempest beasts....... !!
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abimee · 2 years
limsa was my original return teleport because i loooooooved limsa lominsa so bad i thought it was the best video game area ever but after 5.3 msq i made it amaurot and would log out there every time no matter what because i thought tock wouldnt want the shades to be lonely so i kept putting her in that little circle by the aethryte of them and every time i return back there i still gotta sit through the opening clock ticking the music crescendo and i gotta pan up and look at the city skyline.... my god
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autumnslance · 1 year
Year of the OTP - June 2023 - Confession
(Time to yeet out a scene I've sat on too long. Altered dialogue from late Shadowbringers 5.0, in Amaurot at the last quest. 1035 words. References a few other previous writings.)
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“Well, this has put everyone in a solemn mood, hasn't it? Honestly, we're not even sure this will be the end of it. But I suppose we should speak our minds when we have the opportunity. You taught me that much in Amh Araeng.”
Thancred took a breath. The air was still and damp. The letters were a weight in his coat, but there was no time, no opportunity for her to read them; he had squandered every chance. “So forgive me this moment of sentiment, Aeryn. By dragging me into this sorry mess, you've given me the chance to think and act as I should have…”
Say it. Tell her.
“...For Ryne's sake.”
True, but not the only truth to be said, bloody fool.
He swallowed. “Words cannot express how much this has changed my life, or how grateful I am for your support…”
He glanced at Ryne, so lost in her own thoughts she didn’t even look up to frown at nor encourage him. He sighed, reaching out and taking Aeryn’s hands in his. Aeryn looked at him, head tilting in her usual quizzical manner.
Gods, she looked brittle. Her white-streaked black hair looked like straw, her skin splotched with pale discoloration and seeming nearly translucent. Her eyes were perhaps the worst; he had always been fascinated by the changeable nature of her gray eyes, how they so expressed her moods even more than her frequent blushing. Now they were nearly colorless—yet still hers, her intellect and compassion still present.
I don’t have the right to say it. To add that pressure when she’s already close to cracking…
“Thancred?” Her voice was still her own, clear and strong.
He could not let those lessons go to waste. There may not be another chance, much as he prayed there would be. “That’s not all I wished to say,” he said quietly. The thick hush of the ghost city around them almost swallowed the words.
“Mayhap your bardic skills have grown rusty,” she teased gently with a strained smile.
He chuckled. “Indeed; I haven’t had much need to be a charmer—not when I would rather be guarding your back, and standing at your side, for as long as you will allow me.” He reached up to carefully cup her cheek, thumb brushing across her skin, wishing he could wipe that dreadful light away. Her eyes widened, darkening with emotion until they almost looked normal again. He smiled. 
“After everything, after all of this, I want—I need you to know, Aeryn, that I am in love with you.”
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She sucked in a sharp breath and went very still.
His pulse pounded in his ears, but he’d said it, by the gods.
“I know my timing could be better,” he said acerbically. “And I haven’t forgotten my promise.” The damnable promise she had asked the day before, as they had left the Ondo to journey across the sea floor. “If anything, it makes it more important that you know—that whatever you need, whatever you ask, I can do naught else.” He paused, seeing the mists gathering in her too-bright eyes. “Our circumstances are wretched, so you needn’t worry about saying aught in return, just—”
“But I love you too,” she blurted, then blinked in the way she did when she surprised herself.
Thancred froze, afraid for a moment that he held her too tight, staring at her, the hammering of his heart loud enough to call attention from the shades around them. He was vaguely aware of Ryne now watching.
“I...am in love with you,” Aeryn repeated, with a little sobbing laugh. “I think I have been for awhile, but I didn’t know how to say it. When to,” she shook her head. “Perhaps you weren’t the only one who needed to learn something in Amh Araeng.”
His heart crinkled. Somewhere up the street Alisaie called back to them, though he couldn’t make out the words. He lifted Aeryn’s hand, brushing his lips over the backs of her fingers. “No promises,” he reminded her. “But we should talk later.”
Please let there be a later.
She made another half-sob, half-laugh sound, and nodded. “We should,” she repeated, voice shaking only a little.
“Meanwhile, even if words fail, I shall express my gratitude and love through action,” Thancred said. “No matter where you decide to go, I will be there, guarding your back.”
Or protecting Ryne and the others from you—as you asked. Gods, please don’t let it come to that.
Aeryn let out a long, shaky breath, and smiled. “That means…everything.”
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He looked over at Ryne, who gave him a wan smile. “Now, I think Ryne needs a word. I’ll mollify Alisaie and Y’shtola’s tempers until you two catch up.”
Thancred hated stepping away, but he did, their fingers reluctantly slipping apart as he walked down the street while Aeryn turned to Ryne.
He’d said it. By the Twelve he had said it, and wondrously, Aeryn had said it in return. Would that he had been able to say it sooner—between everything with Minfilia and Ryne, his own base cowardice, and now, now Aeryn was—
It didn’t matter, he told himself. What mattered was that they had said it. That they knew. Their timing was shite, but the knowledge could not be lost now. Not between them.
“Everything all right?” Alisaie asked as he caught up to the others.
“Fine,” Thancred replied, a bit hoarse. He caught Urianger’s gaze, his raised eyebrow. Thancred smiled and gave a brief nod; his expression must have given away more than he thought, as Urianger visibly relaxed and grinned back. Y’shtola caught it too, brows drawing down together even as the ends of her mouth twitched upward. Had there been time, he would be receiving an earful, he was certain. “We each had our piece to say to our friend—though from Ryne’s expression, perhaps she needs to hear a few herself.”
The twins were peering at him now, stances their own but the gaze the same. They never realized when they did that. Thancred tried very hard to be nonchalant, to pretend all was normal, that his heart was not skipping and singing and screaming and sobbing all at once.
(I keep trying to write the parts around this but in the end...this specific little bit of Thancred's POV is it. Well, there's maybe a bit of Ardbert teasing Aeryn as a bro should, but that part's on Ao3.)
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kannedia · 4 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Day 21 - Shade
Oscar takes a journey to an ancient city beneath the sea.
The Tempest had always been a difficult place to navigate for Oscar. His latest trip was no different.
It wasn't all bad. He would even argue that it wasn't bad to begin with as this time he had luxury of time. He could linger and wander as he wished, so long as he made it to his destination sometime within the same day he had set out.
And the Tempest was a wonder. There were so many things he had not had a chance to see the first time when he had needed rush through. Or the second really when the situation was dire for a completely different reason.
He stopped again to examine a piece of aquatic flora he had not noticed before. It reminded him in a way of the setting sun. Though it was about as warming as the other plants he had encountered on his journey.
Oscar allowed himself a moment to regret not bringing his old journal. It shouldn't be necessary, he reminded himself as he continued on his path, G'raha was awake in the source. He could tell him what he saw when he returned.
Finding his way became easier once Oscar reached the Ondo Cups and subsequently entered Amaurot.
It was not much changed since his last visit. Something he supposed he should have expected. It had not faded yet, though Y'shtola had estimated it had about a year left with what little energy was left to sustain it.
And yet the city still seemed as busy as Ul'dah on a festival day.
Oscar let out a small sigh, the weight of where he was and what he planned to do weighing on his shoulders for the first time since he had ventured out. He hoped the lilies in his pack were still in good shape.
He followed one of the nameless shades for a time before managing to find his way to the aetheryte plaza. Where he hoped to be the center of the city.
With a quick motion, he dropped his pack on the ground and then gently plucked a wrapped bundle of flowers from the top. The felt sturdy in his hands, in the same way the ground beneath his feet did. Yet given the state of things- No. He would not allow himself to dwell.
Oscar did not know if the First had a specific flower associated with mourning. Or if the Ancients had any form of funeral rites to begin with. From the way Emet Selch made it sound they were practically immortal until the Final Days wiped out so many.
Still, he noted as he gently placed the Nymian lilies down at the base of the aetheryte, they deserved to be mourned just as everyone else did.
"I hope you are able to rest easy one day," Oscar said sadly as he remembered the kindness of Hythlodaeus. The sorrow of Elidibus and the anger of Emet Selch and the hope of Venat followed soon after in his mind. "I promise I will do what I can to remember everything I learned here."
With his task complete, he turned to leave. For a second, he thought he heard distant voices and kind words. He doubted that his words reached anyone, but he would allow himself the thought for a while longer.
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lupisdarkmoon · 1 year
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The Nature Art Party: The Tempest is here!
On August 25th at 8:00 PM EST, join me at the Ondo Cups, Balmung, for nature class and wildlife sketching!
I've never advertised my art parties on Tumblr before, so to give a rundown:
Nature Walks are art parties where we slowly tour a zone, taking 20-30 minute stops at various creatures to sketch the wildlife and scenery while I give in-character nature lessons on Ardbert.
Notably, these art parties are for drawing nature, not other players!
Any sort of participation is welcome, be it RP, drawing, screenshots, asking questions during question time, or just hanging out and enjoying the chill vibes! These parties are meant to be low-stress and low-pressure, with no need to socialize beyond your comfort. I'll be talking the entire time, so you can sit back and relax!
Flying will NOT be required, but story progression in the Tempest will be.
Reblogs and spreading via word of mouth appreciated!
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spicykaraage · 11 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Takashi Kawamura
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Birthday: November 18th (Scorpio)
Blood Type: A
Relatives: Father, Mother, Younger Sister
Father’s Occupation: Self-Employed (sushi shop)
Elementary School: Saitama Fourth Elementary School
Middle School: Seishun Academy Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-4 | Seat 5
Club: Tennis Club (Regular)
Committee: Beautification Committee
Strong Subjects: Math
Weak Subjects: World History
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Rooftop
Favorite Motto: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
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Daily Routines: Helping prepare the sushi shop, cleaning up after dinner service
Hobbies: Monopoly [removed], sharpening knives (for training), preparing rice for sushi [TP]
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Favorite Music: Tokyo Ondo songs
Favorite Movie: Action films
Favorite Book: Cookbooks
Favorite Food: Matsutake dobin mushi, raw ikuradon, kinmedai nitsuke (splendid alfonsino simmered in soy sauce) [TP]
Favorite Anniversary: New Year’s Day
Preferred Type: A nice girl with good style (he also likes slender figures) ➜ A strong-willed person [TP]
Ideal Date Spot: Shopping mall ➜ A seafood market [23.5]
His Gift for a Special Person: “I hope you’ll get to eat sushi made by me someday.”
Where He Wants to Travel: He’d love to see the sunrise on Mount Fuji
What He Wants Most Right Now: His own knife set
Dislikes: Heights ➜ Ferris wheels, rollercoasters [TP]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Preparing kanpyo, making sushi rolls [23.5]
Spends Allowance On: Eating and studying sushi
Routine During the World Cup: Testing his California rolls
Height: 180cm
Weight: 65kg ➜ 70kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 27.5cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 1.5 Left | 1.2 Right
Play Style: Aggressive Baseliner
Signature Moves: Burning Serve (when he changes), Hadoukyuu, One-Handed Hadoukyuu, Dash Hadoukyuu, 108th Level Hadoukyuu
Muscle Mass: 40kg
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Years of Karate Experience: 6 years
Favorite Brands:
Fitness Test Results:
Sidesteps: 54
Shuttle Run: 101
Back Strength: 155kg
Grip Strength: 60.5kg
Backbend: 67cm
Seated Forward Bend: 50.6cm
50m Run: 7.25 seconds
Standing Long Jump: 196cm
Handball Throw: 52m
Endurance Run (1500m): 5:01
Overall Rating: Speed: 2 / Power: 5 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 3 / Technique: 2 / Total: 15
Kurobe Memo: “In all sense of the term, he is a straightforward player. Stubbornness can sometimes be a good weapon, but it can also hinder him from reaching the top. If only he were more willing to be flexible with tennis…” [RB]
What’s in His Bedroom [10.5]:
Monopoly board game // The English language version he bought at a flea market when he was in elementary school, he gets fired up playing it with the other Seigaku members. The name “Shuusuke” is written on the back of it…
Kawamura Sushi curtains // Curtains made by his mother from reusing the sushi shop curtains
Game consoles // Two game consoles (a Sega Dreamcast and Sony PlayStation 1) he purchased a while back, he has a lot of games he can play with others
Chabudai (low tea table) // An antique low tea table that’s been passed down his family from father to son for two generations. He also uses it as a study desk
Zabuton (floor cushions) // A stack of seven floor cushions for when there’s company. He has four more kept in his closet
Karate gi // The karate gi he wore when he was in elementary school. He has not worn it since joining the tennis club
School uniforms // He hangs them on the wall when he comes home from school to prevent wrinkling
What’s in His Bag [10.5]:
Karate book // A remnant of his karate days. He occasionally reads it and reminisces
Tenugui handkerchief // From Kawamura Sushi, he uses it instead of an actual handkerchief
Weekly Shounen Jump // An issue of Weekly Shounen Jump with The Prince of Tennis on the cover. He buys it at a nearby store every Tuesday, and takes turns reading it with his classmates
Pen case
English learning materials // He studies English on his days off. So he’s actually not good at English…?
Furoshiki cloth // A furoshiki wrapping cloth he keeps just in case
Nutritional drink // Yunker brand. He drinks it after reverting from his Burning state to restore energy
Hand grippers // 200kg grippers
The Prince of Tennis 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 11/02/2001
He has two states: his normal state, and his aggressive Burning state he enters when holding a racquet. In his normal state, he is described as being kind and gentle
He likes to invite his friends over to his house to play Monopoly or other games. He also tends to enter his Burning state while playing Monopoly
He developed his Burning state from his father
Konomi came up with his “burning” catchphrase since the phrase was popular at the time and to imply that Kawamura knows little English
He used to attend karate classes, but stopped after starting tennis. He was considered a formidable fighter, but would get too nervous during matches and was unable to yield results
Konomi was inspired to have him change into his Burning state from cases of feeble-minded people driving violently once they’re behind the wheel of a car
He and Fuji are doubles partners since they are the only two in Seigaku besides Oishi and Kikumaru that have the disposition to help each other in doubles matches
He is close with Akutsu’s mother, Yuuki
He states him shouting “burning” has no meaning
He states he does not know why his personality changes when he holds a racquet
When asked if his normal or Burning state is his true personality, he responds that both of them are
He is a fan of Lupin III and has nicknamed Fuji “Fujiko” after Fujiko Mine, the heroine of the series
When asked if he’s going to take over his father’s sushi shop, he states that he hasn’t thought about it
He is aware of his actions when he’s in his Burning state
His personality is described as someone who should understand their other side more to let their charms blossom
Konomi describes him as a “character you won’t dislike.” He wanted to have a player with a dual personality and with Kawamura being the last member he created, he wanted him to be someone no one would dislike
The Prince of Tennis 20.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2003
He keeps his room clean and actually tends to be meticulous
He has a strong sense of duty, humanity and highly values his friends
He is described to be family-oriented and have many different sides to him
He likes high-end ingredients such as Matsutake mushrooms and salmon roe
He has a tendency to be reckless when he’s determined to win
His secondary sport would be judo
The Prince of Tennis 40.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2007
He is described to be passionate, devoted and the type to love only one woman with all of his heart
In Genius 249, his training in the mountains with Momoshiro greatly increased his natural muscle mass. An old man who resided there had mistook him for an ogre
Konomi had wanted to depict his match against Ishida as the last match he would ever play
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 2 | Publication Date: 12/04/2009
He was seen boasting about his muscles along with Kurobane, Kadowaki and Shiraishi
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 10 | Publication Date: 10/04/2011
His sushi is described to be as good as a professional’s
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He asks to use the kitchen at the training camp to make his special sushi
He is a regular at the infirmary and gets along well with the nurse
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
He is good not only at making sushi, but Japanese food in general
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
His father was saddened over the news of him quitting tennis to help run the family business, however he reassured his father stating he didn’t mind and wanted to focus on preparing to take over
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karygurl · 1 year
stolen moment (ffxiv)
Thancred x WoL Cassandra Tygrova. Takes place in Shadowbringers, after reaching the first aetheryte in the last area of the expansion. Borrowed time is all she has left, isn't it?
Every step Cassandra took as the group moved in the Ondo Cups was steady, intentionally so, exceedingly deliberate lest she fall apart. She offered her friends a reassuring smile when she could, but Thancred could see that she was barely holding it together with sheer will. When Alphinaud proposed to do what the Scions of the Seventh Dawn do best and offer up their assistance in running errands for the Ondo, Thancred said he’d stick around the settlement to keep an eye on things. What he really meant was he would keep an eye on Cassandra.
She spoke up wanting to help, of course, and she was ready to insist with whatever power she had left in her, but he shook his head and reminded her that she needed to save her strength and resolve for the battle to come with Emet-Selch. When presented with that argument, she reluctantly agreed, and he watched as the determination drained from her and left her trembling. With an eye on their surroundings and an arm around her waist ostensibly to direct her but actually meant to keep her upright, he guided her to one of the paths that led out of the Ondo’s settlement. It would allow for an easy exit should things become… complicated.
With hardly any suggestion, she sank down onto the sand of the sea floor at her feet and nearly pitched over before he caught her. Lowering himself to the ground next to her, he lent her his shoulder, a position he was used to from her propensity to fall asleep there but now rather than familiarity, it held tension and danger. 
Tilting his head back, his eyes peered upward at the dome of water high above. “How far down do you think we are?” he offered as a conversational distraction, but when he turned to look at her, she was staring off into space, not acknowledging that he’d spoken.
The sight of her, so listless and weak against the monstrous force of aether inside of her, tore at his heart. He had not the knowledge to help her, and while he could protect her from external foes, this was one he could not fight. All he could do was watch over her and look on as she struggled. Gods, if only he could… 
As he looked on, he watched her impel herself to breathe, the movements seeming very intentional rather than unconscious. Breathing in, breathing out… Breathing in, breathing out… Breathing in…
Several seconds later his heart gave a lurch, her form seemingly frozen at his side--and had she grown paler? He quietly spoke her name in warning and she exhaled heavily, head lolling forward and eyes squeezing shut. 
“I’m fine, sorry,” she murmured, her intentional breathing growing more forced. A few more breaths passed, in. and out. in. and. out. in. and. out. And then she sighed and spoke again. “Thank you, Thancred. You were right, I do need some rest.”
“Perhaps you might speak to Ryne on my behalf then,” he said lightly, “if my advice is so apt. She so rarely listens to me.”
“I said you were right this time,” Cassandra offered, her voice still too breathy for his liking. “I didn’t say you were right all the time. And she’s nearly as old as the twins, she can make up her own mind just as they do.”
“So you’re saying it’s the twins’ fault that she’s so independent? Well now, I’ll have to have a chat with them, then.” 
Her chuckle, weak as it was, lifted his spirits. She was still present, still herself. Still with him. “Planning to mother the entire team, are you? I thought that was Tataru’s job.” 
“Well, in her absence, someone must rise to the occasion.” 
“I’m glad it’s you.” The teasing lilt of her voice had gone, leaving behind simple, grave honesty.
He wasn’t sure where her mind was going with that, if it was slipping into some kind of terminal attempt at farewells, but he wasn’t having it. “You wouldn’t prefer Urianger? The man’s voice has been known to lull others to sleep, if nothing else.”
She rocked back and looked up at him then, not taking his lighthearted bait. “Thancred. You keep me going, and I’m grateful.” She looked down again and lifted her hands slowly, as if simply directing their movements was an effort, and she pulled one of his hands into her grasp. “I’m not giving up, I’m going to fight this. We’re going to challenge Emet-Selch, we’re going to get the Exarch back, and we’re going to go home together.” 
“That we are.” He was grateful that despite her precarious condition her resolve had not wavered, though how she managed such a thing confounded him. How was she still holding on? On one hand, she’d hardly faltered before, no matter what they’d faced in the past. On the other, the circumstances now were beyond the pale even for all that the Scions had seen. Her small body held enough light aether to quite literally flood the world, and though its containment was a delicate and worrisome balance, she was walking, talking, moving forward and still ready and willing to fight. He was in awe of her. He didn’t know why she would look to him for encouragement of all people, he who kept failing his friends time and again. If anything she was the one keeping him going, in an eternally ill-fated attempt to be worthy of her trust. 
And here she was, looking up at him with those unguarded eyes now lit from within. He hated the light illuminating her irises; she’d confessed that with the overwhelming aether inside of her, even closing her eyelids gave her no relief from it. He’d seen a similar glow in Minfilia’s when they’d met in the rift before she’d left to save the First, and the again in Ryne’s eyes for several years before Minfilia bequeathed the girl with her gift. That glow had long been a small comfort to him, Hydaelyn’s light given form, but now it was a grim reminder that the only thing that kept this world on the brink of calamity from falling to ruin, and dooming their own world on top of it, was one woman’s resolve. 
Her gaze was still affixed on their entangled hands, her fingers ghosting along the contours and lines of his. Carefully, methodically, gently, she followed a path only she could see as she traced down to the edges of the glove at the base of his knuckles and moved back to his fingertips. Perhaps it served as a distraction, or something to ground her in the moment. Whatever she needed, it was hers. Regrettably, it was all he could offer her for now; she’d made her resolute declaration rather than continue down the vein of his attempt at lighthearted banter. She seemed absorbed in her current task, and Twelve forgive him, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop her. He wasn’t sure he could admit to her that her touch soothed him as well, taking the edge off his apprehension at their lack of strategy for the time being.
Thancred was normally one for having a solid plan in place with a multitude of contingencies in reserve, just in case, but this wasn’t something he could sneak or steal or cajole his way out of. They’d have to rely on the knowledge of the Ondo to find their destination, confront Emet-Selch, rescue the Exarch, and he would do all he could for Cassandra along the way to keep her going, keep her safe, and make sure she and the others made it out alive. No sense in saving the world if they weren’t around to enjoy it.
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theimperialnuisance · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 //ffxivwrite info//prompt list//character info//master post//
Prompt fourteen: Attrition | noun; the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure | Word count: 988 Characters: Kien Eilath, Alisaie Leveilleur CW: Lightwarden stuff, blood, and mild graphic description of being sick Notes: I was originally going to post this with Syren but then I ended up going with Kien cause I’ve been through this part with him and I wanted to revisit a prompt from last year that I never got around to posting especially because I think I’m able to capture what I want to write better now than last year. Does contain Shadowbringers spoilers!
It began as a twinge of pain in his left shoulder blade, something he was able to set aside as a minor annoyance as he continued the trek back to the Cups with Alisaie, the errand to help the Ondo prepare for their ceremony finally complete.
It had felt good to be fighting again, Kien easily falling into a steady and familiar routine with each swing of his Gunblade, but it was after the one fight that his body began to protest. He knew all too well why his body was fighting him, the corrupted aether couldn’t be stayed for too long but this didn’t feel like the usual pain of the Light trying to break free. It felt different, more uncomfortable as if something else was trying to break free.
He continued to stagger forward, resisting the urge to reach up and grab his shoulder with his other hand as it continued to pulse with every step. He didn’t want to alert Alisaie to his steadily increasing discomfort; she had been through enough already and the last thing he wanted to do was cause her more worry. He just had to get back to the Cups and see if Ryne could stay the Light again. If that’s even what this was. 
Even so, the latter was quite perspective and noticed the keeper had fallen somewhat behind. Alisaie stopped, glancing back behind her, her eyes flashing with concern. “Kien, are you alright?” 
Kien had come to a stop to finally grip his shoulder, nails digging painfully into his skin. “I’m fine,” he grounded out but another jab to his shoulder caused him to squeeze his eyes closed, letting out a hiss through clenched teeth. "I think that fight irritated my shoulder a bit."
“Do you need to rest for a moment?” Alisaie asked as she began to close the gap between them. And then quietly, uncertainly, he heard her ask, “Is it the Light?” 
“No, I don’t think—” Kien couldn’t finish his sentence, an involuntary cry tearing through his throat as the twinge suddenly turned into a jab causing his knees to buckle. He crashed down hard onto his knees, barely registering the pain of that over the agonizing sensation of every nerve from his shoulder down to his fingers alight with fire.
Alisaie was by his side in an instant, her hands hovering uncertainly next to him. “Kien! What can I do?” She reached down to touch his back lightly but even that was enough to send his nerves into a frenzy. He let out a yelp, curling into himself, his nails digging into his skin. She yanked her hand away, her expression twisting into horrified concern. “Oh, gods..."
Kien wanted to ask her what she was seeing but he didn’t have to. He could feel it. Something was pushing back against his palm, pushing from inside his skin, trying to break free. An image of Tesleen transforming into a Sin Eater suddenly flashed through his mind and he came to a sickening realization. Was this…a wing trying to break free? Was the transformation already beginning? No! Not yet! 
"Ryne..." Alisaie muttered quickly. "We need Ryne!" She scrambled up but Kien cracked open his eyes and shook his head.
"No-not yet!" Kien croaked as another wave of pain pulsed through him and he pushed his hand harder against the thing in his shoulder. No way in hell was he letting this wing out. From somewhere deep inside, he could feel the Light beginning to stir, the pressure of it bubbling to the surface and filling his mouth with thick chalky bile. There was a cracking noise and he gagged, falling onto his hands roughly to cough it out. 
"Don't be stupid!" He heard Alisaie yell. Her voice quivered as if she was trying to hold back tears. "I refuse to let this happen to you too! You're not allowed to leave!"
"I'm not--going anywhere!" Kien choked out between heaves. The cracking noise in his ears grew louder as his shoulder seemed to throb even more. "This will--!" He tried to reach up to press against his shoulder again but pitched forward onto his chest instead. A small pained whine escaped his throat as he felt a firm pressure on his shoulder, realizing it must've been Alisaie quickly taking the initiative to follow through on his failed actions. The pain seemed to finally reach its peak, causing Kien to still and blackout.
He let out a low groan as he began to stir again. He willed himself to open his heavy eyelids, fuzzy black spots dancing across his vision as the world came back into focus. For a moment he focused on his breathing, relishing in the fact that the cracking noise finally subsided as well as the pain in his shoulder. Though it was only when Alisaie pulled her hands away from his shoulder that he realized he couldn't actually feel anything at all. His shoulder had gone numb.
Kien tried to keep his panic at bay, knowing it could very well lead to another episode. He heaved himself onto all fours again but his left arm quivered under his weight. Thankfully Alisaie was quick to reach forward and catch him from falling again, keeping a trembling hand on his left arm to keep him steady. He could at least feel that--it gave him a small amount of comfort.
She carefully guided him to a sitting position and then helped him stand to his wobbly feet. Kien rotated his left shoulder slowly, little pricks of pain tingling up and down his arm as he did so. He nodded his thanks to Alisaie, grateful she remained by his side, and together they made their way back to rejoin the others.
Fighting would be difficult from now on, but he had to hold out a little longer. He wasn't going to let the Sin Eater inside him win this war of attrition.
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heartofthescions · 5 months
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Interlude at the Ondo Cups: One of the downsides to being on the brink of turning into a horrible monster is that nobody will let you do anything. It's very unfair, in Rosie's opinion.
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tahri-nhupuju · 7 months
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And with that, The Tempest -and thus Shadowbringers as a whole- is finished!
For the Tempest, I went with Black Mage, which I chose over Summoner for Tahri's visit to the recreated Amaurot for a number of reasons:
I already knew I wanted to do Summoner for Elpis.
Amarout is also where we face down Emet-Selch, who is mechanically a black mage of you let him DPS.
Shadowbringers is where Tahri and Y'shtola first got together, and wanting to understand what her girlfriend was talking about was the reason Tahri picked up Thaumaturgy in the first place, as depicted in this old comic (which I will be remaking come Elpis).
I still went with the Sophist robes because the Ancients have no other fashion (and it's already Tahri's go-to mage glam)
The stand-out quests here are the three Amaurot ones, yes, but also Beyond The Reach Of Koal for explaining the layout of Ondo settlements and social hierarchy, and Strange Stew for making me consider the fact that aquatic species would have very different cuisine compared to us.
Also in the last quest of the chain started by Koal Of The Cups the Warrior of Light is briefly offered an Ondo egg to inseminate and adopt, which was a touching gesture even if they immediately realize that they wouldn't be able to do that.
Tempest Lore Facts:
Starting with an X Lore Facts fact: I will not be going over much of the Amaurot stuff here because it's been talked about a lot elsewhere already and I wanted to highlight the Ondo.
Instead of surnames, the last names of Ondo males are actually indicators of social rank.
Koan refers to children, which in Ondo terms means a male who has not yet been given the honor of hatching and raising an egg. They live in the highest parts of the usually bowl-shaped Ondo villages (closer to the open sea, where Sin Eaters are)
Ooan are those that have been given an egg, and they live further down, near the bottom and centre of the village.
Aath is never specified, but seems to refer to elders and leaders, and they live in the underground caves underneath the village with the Spawnmother and her attendants.
Curiously, it is also said that only female Ondo are allowed in these tunnels. This was probably an oversight, and definately not intended, but I am choosing to believe this means that Ondo (and thus Sahuagin) are therefore sequential hermaphrodites, and Aath are actually females who are not attendants to the queen.
Ondo communicate over long distances through sounds deep enough the ears of others can't pick them up. These work far better in water than through air.
I repeat: Ondo/Sahuagin whalesong!
The window-like apertures in the Cups were made by the ancients, and were altered by the Ondo to serve their aesthetic tastes.
The Cups is named after the translation for an Ondo word for tide pools, which is synonymous with "refuge". It is called that because it was founded by people dispossessed by the Flood of Light who hid there to escape the Sin Eaters.
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tran-anh · 8 months
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Nana's House Installation, London College of Fashion - Community Co-Curator
Nana's House is an interactive living room installation, as part of Designed for Life which coincided with the opening of the new campus in Stratford, East London, UK.
The living room reflects and represents a broad heterogeneity of lives and experiences in East London told through a fictional family gathered on a Sunday afternoon at Nana's house, using artefacts and QR-linked soundscapes to represent each family member.
"Nana's one of a kind, and so is her house. It's Sunday afternoon, and her Leytonstone Victorian terrace is at capacity. Mum, dad, uncle and Grandad congregate around the jollof, but I'm more interested in the sweet, spiced tea and homemade samosas that have made a regular appearance here since we took in a lodger - an Indian-Muslim exchange student from Hyderabad.
My grandparents have lived here long before I was born. The walls tell the tale of an exuberant young textile worker arriving in London in 1960, fresh from Ondo State, Nigeria, with an infatuation with the latest in fashion and design. Over the years my mum has tried to add some modern toches; working in finance, she began to share her wealth in the late 80s with a new TV and sofa - much to the apathy of Grandad, who only believes in fixing what is broken.
Grandad was a print worker, a determined trade unionist whose career ended at age 48 with a labour dispute on Wapping High Street in 1987. A "real East Londoner born within earshot of the Bow Bells", he fought the resurgence of fascism around Ridley Road Market with the 62 Group and got bruised, whilst mourning the death of his and nana's first newborn, in battles against Oswold Mosely.
He tells stories of how he fell in love with Nana in 1961 to a soundtrack of Marvin Gaye. They triumphed against melancholy and fell deeper in love. In 1966, they celebrated the World Cup win for England together, of which West Ham players were an integral factor!
Having spent the summer away from my parents, I am inspired by the community and political strength of my grandparents. I collide with my parents' capitalist complicity - working in government and global trade; they mock my uncle who gave himself earnestly and entirely to the rave scene of Lea Valley." Soundbites of the family members: • A phone call to the lodger - shopping in Ilford as a Pakistani woman • Grandson - Teenage Frustrations • Grandad - The History Of An East London Print Worker • Nana - A Nigerian Matriarch • Uncle - Cultural History Of The East London Rave Scene • Mum - Affluence, Influence & Merit • Lodger - Far From Home • Bonus
Nana's House was created by lead curator Dr Leila Nassereldein and co-curated by community members Pallavi Chamarty, Omolara Obanishola, Dave Sohanpal and Anh Tran. Supported by Dr Michael McMillan
Artist's works featured around the living room: • Poppy Frean • Sahira Khan • Mercedes Halliday • Shama Kun • Brahim Bendaoud • Lydia Wood • Asim Khairdean • Toyin Gbomedo • John Curtis Films on the TV: • Looking for You - Anna Nguyen & Kristine Landon Smith • Sonia's Whitechapel - Hend Draz, Maya Leonavicius, Fangjiao Liu, Jake London, Angela Josephine Smith & Claire Wasson with special thanks to Sonia Sylvester • Radical Nostalgias - Mercedes Halliday • To Style a Life for Oneself (trailer) - Omolara Obanishola • Dress For Our Time: In conversation with Helen Storey and Michael Saunby - Helen Storey • Drawing Reality - TIGERs • Tarek’s Story - David Betteridge • Reflections from Za’atar - Helen Storey Special thanks to Sahira, Lord Tusk, Theresa, Tony Sullivan, Lee McKarkiel, Furniture Reuse, The Dovetail, Popup Garden Bookshop and Niquelle LaTouche Oct 2023 - Jan 2024
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abimee · 2 years
moosh is at amaurot (screeching)
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hardynwa · 2 years
Kwara United still work in progress – Head coach, Dogo
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Kwara United coach, Kabiru Dogo, has said that he is still fine-tuning his team ahead of the second stanza of the campaign. The Harmony Boys got the reward for their hard work during the break as they defeated Abubakar Bukola Saraki Football Club to win the Kwara State Federation Cup. Kwara United are currently two points off the relegation zone. The Ilorin club are undefeated in two outings under Dogo. “This team is still work in progress and we had a good game in the Federation Cup final ahead of the second stanza resumption,” Dogo told DAILY POST “The players need to be focused as they have serious challenges ahead when the league resumes.” Kwara United will welcome El-Kanemi Warriors to their new temporary ground in Ondo for their matchday 10 encounter on March 26. Read the full article
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zve · 5 years
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orchestrion roll of theme of something fucky is happening is sold by the tempest gemstone vendor now 
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c0rpseductor · 2 years
Selching sex, squirt and cream Sundering that pussy is my Ascian dream Rejoin that Shard, back that ass up We’re getting dirty in the First at the Ondo Cups
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