#one more season to not make grimmons canon. and then they can be queerbait number one forver
gunmetalgreenmp3 · 1 year
when i said i wanted them to retcon zero. not what i meant. come on
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leonardalphachurch · 3 years
ask game: simmons and/or delta
oh i only saw the preview for this and did simmons. delta coming soon i guess
late af but this was actually really fun i don’t think about simmons enough
Why I like them as an insane person i can say this: simmons is fucking insane. he simultaneously thinks he's the greatest person fucking ever in existence and literally the lowest of the low. he wants nothing more than to be the best subservient underling ever and to murder his boss to take over and run everything. if he doesnt have a rigid structure he loses his mind but he literally only chooses to be in the most chaotic situations possible. he would kill without a second thought but havea moral crisis over drinking milk out of the carton. hes gay and hes homophobic. whats not to love. hes maybe the literally the funniest sleeper character.
Why I don’t too relateable LMAO. also not a fan of the like, weird nerd misogyny hes got going on. imagine if chorus like actually had him learn to respect his team instead of just jokes about him being afraid of them.
Favorite episode we’re so fucking bad at this please. maybe the one were he makes wash his dad. that was so funny.
Favorite season SEASON 4 he was so good in season 4. simmons has LITERALLY no loyalty and we stan him for that.
Favorite line i feel like simmons doesnt really have a lot of good one liners? he usually plays straight man and his comedy is more situational. but like we also have shit trash memory so. uh his eulogy for sarge was funny. WAIT NO its when he says that he can- here let me pull it up
Simmons: If you want me to multiply two big numbers in my head, that I can do. [...]
Grif: What's thirty-two times fifty-six
Simmons: Thirty-one thousand, four hundred fifty-two.
Sarge: Is that right?
Simmons: Yes.
Sarge: That's pretty impressive.
Simmons: Eh, you know, it's a gift.
the answer is 1,792. he says it with so much confidence. he’s off by thirty thousand. grif and sarge just believe him. PERFECT encapsulation of simmons' character.
Favorite outfit halo 3's maroon that was like, a little magenta? so fucking good
out of armor outfit he'd wear a button up 24/7. this exact fucking shirt
Tumblr media
simmons this you???
OTP is there even a question that its grimmons. hello
Brotp simmons and church are good together. literally the only way i can think to describe them is like. platonic kismeses. they argue about technology and star trek. they made out once when they were drunk and neither of them talk about it.
Head Canon
-hes trans and gay. thats basically canon
-hes got ocpd (and a billion other anxieties)
-hes a software guy not a hardware guy which means he has no fucking idea how to take care of his cyborg parts
-hes really into weaponry (as all good reds are)
Unpopular opinion i dont think simmons’ dad was incredibly evil i think he was just like a normal abusive father. he just doesnt seem like his backstory should get to be that interesting
A wish make grimmons canon stop fucking queerbaiting oh my god
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen he isnt straight. dont make him straight
5 words to best describe them
anxiety, math, contradictory, kissass, spreadsheet
My nickname for them cinnamon
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