#one of here is a bigot and it ain’t my ass that just believes Jews need self determination for safety
whitesunlars · 9 months
truly believe the greatest strengths of the Jewish people are our ability to question everything and our ability to laugh at everything
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smokeybrand · 4 years
It’s nuts watching the spin the Right is thing on this Gina Carano firing. I understand the free speech thing and i, personally, wouldn’t have fired her but i understand why she was terminated. I’ve written at length about my perspective on that aspect of the matter. This ain’t about that. This is about how “FirePedroPascal” trended on Twatter yesterday because he posted an image comparing a MAGA hat to Nazi Swastika and a Klan hood or something. This is not the same thing as the nonsense Carano spouts. This isn’t some Leftist elitism judging your wholesome Rightist views. That comparison is one that f*cking MAGA cultists have done everything to earn. Those vile motherf*ckers worship one of the most disgusting people to ever hold office. Donald Trump is a proven racist, misogynist, and elitist, filth. He’s a liar and a cheat, willing to, and damn near accomplished, sell out the American people for a quick buck. This is a man who’s entire platform was based on bigoted xenophobia and he won. Just like Hitler. This is a man that used the the idea of the other, the specter of Brown and Black people, to terrify, radicalized, and galvanized, every suburban White person who would listen. Just like Hitler did with the Jewish Problem. This is a man who actively, knowingly, incited a whole ass insurrection. People died. This is a man who separated refugee children from their parents strictly because they came from “sh*thole countries.”
On Trump’s order, entire families were destroy just for seeking asylum from incredibly dangerous places where horrors would be heaped upon them, hoping to find safety in the “Land of the free”, only to have their locked in concentration camps before their parents were sent back to the fire from whence they came. These kids have come to know hunger, diseases, and assault in these camps, some even forcibly sterilized, all on Herr Trump’s watch. That MAGA hat is red because it’s stained in the blood of thousands of innocent children, all illegally incarcerated just for being Brown. That comparison Pascal made is every bit apt, deserved, and f*cking earned. History will definitely remember it as such. It is not the same as the sh*t Carano says or the one thing that was used to let her go. Being Conservative in this age is definitely not the same as being Jewish during the Holocaust. That is a false equivalency, one that was rightfully called out. If we’re being truth, being that young, Brown, kid trying to escape a brutal life in some Latin country to south, is a much more apt parity to a Jew during the Holocaust, but we’re not being truthful right now. We’re not taking context into consideration anymore. We are being willfully inflammatory because motherf*ckers have lost site of right and long. Trump hasn’t divided this country, he’s exposed it. He’s shown us what we really think of each other and that genie ain’t going back in the bottle anytime soon.
If we really wanted to have this discussion honestly, on that should be held because there’s weaponized rhetoric being slung about by both ides, then Pablo Hildalgo should have been the comparison here. He should have been fired for the way she attacked the fans after they expressed their adulation for Luke’s return on Mando. That sh*t feels like a properly fireable offense as opposed to this sh*t with Pascal. Hell, that stuff with the writer everyone seems to be so upset about, that nonsense about her being racist against White people? Yeah, that’s dumb, too. That chick is Black as f*ck. We, as a people, have a very sus view of who White folks are as a collective. Individuals can be butt-hurt about it all they want, but Black people have legitimate beef with Wypipo and the institutions they have built into this country to marginalize us, get us back to as close as chattel as they legally can. It’s not like racism and bigotry is over because MLK, as much as these disingenuous lily White assholes and Fox News talking heads, like to pretend that it is. Case in point, the Brown kids in f*cking cages! How the f*ck is that not racially motivated? Or, how about when we, as Black folks, were out fighting for our right to just f*cking live, the ex-President got on Twatter and said “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” but when his people, them White people, looted the Capital, he got on television and said they were very special, that he loved them? Seems like a racial component there to me.
Gina Carano said some stupid f*cking sh*t and her platform was rightfully removed. It wasn’t removed for the reasons Lucasfilm actually said but that was more because Kathleen Kennedy is a b*tch and firing was personal to her. However, the comparison she made was wrong. Being Conservative in this age isn’t like being a Jew during the Holocaust, it’s like being a Nazi right now. See, we punch Nazis in the mouth, now. We did back then, too. There was a war. They lost. Just like the MAGA cultists are losing. No one is persecuting you because you have Conservative views. No one is attacking you because you’re Christian. No one gives a f*ck that you favor deregulation and an unfettered free market, even though we are watching why that sh*t is a real bad idea in Texas right now. No one cares that everything you believe, stems from fickle ass emotion rather than hard data and proper science. I mean, i am, but i meant as a whole. Conservatives are dumb but i digress. As a whole, no one on the Left is coming at you for those views. This isn't a double standard or a some heinous plot by a shady cabal of cannibalistic, pedophile, Satan worshiping, Lizard people to silent the righteous supporters of the Reincarnated Ronald Reagan or whatever. No, we’re coming at you because, over the last four goddamn years, you motherf*ckers have lost sight of, not only them values you arrogantly espouse so much, but your goddamn humanity to boot. You dicks have used your platform to push dangerous and false narratives like f*cking Space Jew Lasers setting fire to California or that the vote was rigged when it most certainly was not. That last tidbit was taken to court sixty-plus times and those cases were lost sixty-plus times, none of which argued fraud because there was no fraud to begin with. You are getting deplatformed by the adults in the room, consistently, unapologetically, because you can’t be trusted to not say some dumb , dangerous, hurtful sh*t. Sh*t like saying you’re being persecuted in the same way that a Jew was during the Holocaust because you support Orange Hitler.
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dearyallfrommatt · 5 years
Never Give A Fascist An Even Break.
 So you’ve probably seen the above floating around Twitter, maybe it’s made its way to Tumblr, I don’t know. In a nutshell, it’s a recording of alt-right butthole Richard Spencer having a full-on meltdown after being escorted away by police from the “Unite The Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA, back in 2017 that resulted in the death of activist Heather Heyer.
 What’s particularly interesting about this audio, about a minute in length, is how unambiguously it shows just what Spencer really is and what he champions, especially when he faces any sort of resistance. Apparently, this will come as a shock to some people. I know, right?
 Previously, Spencer had been normalized in the mainstream press like The New York Times as a fresh new kind of hate monger, one that kept his cool and looked sharp doing it, a Nazi you could have a drink with. CNN, the network so loathed by the very people who think Spencer is worth listening to, had him on as a guest as recently as this past July. Even liberal magazine Mother Jones, in a stunning display of poor judgement, referred to him as a “dapper white nationalist”. We have to listen, they said. Marketplace of ideas or something like that, they said. Or maybe it was free speech, I don’t know.
 And of course, everyone has seen him take that well-deserved punch last January that launched a thousand memes, which apparently hurt his delicate feels more than the sock to the jaw. Even so, by October he was speaking at the University of Florida, my alma mater for whatever that’s worth, as the president of the National Policy Institute, a “think tank” based in Arlington, VA. He wasn’t invited by the university, though. Indeed, they denounced Spencer because he’s a fascist douchenozzle and a smelly racist, but being a state university they had to rent him the space and just had to charge students and alumni up to $500,000 for added security. 
 Amusingly enough, this audio was released by former ally and two-bit grifter Milo Yiannopolous. Formerly good buddies, the two had a falling out after Milo went all pro-pedophile, blowing his con and causing American conservatives to abandoned their Gay Best Friend. Milo’s fall from grace has seen him recently begging for money and losing book deals while pissing on his former fanboys.
 Here’s a quote from Spencer’s whine. Trigger Warning: All sorts of racism and antisemitism.
“I win! They fucking lose!” he continued, before railing against Jews and non-whites, whom he said should be subservient to people like himself. “Little fucking kikes, they get ruled by people like me,” he snarled. “Little fucking octoroons! … My ancestors fucking enslaved those fucking pieces of fucking shit! I rule the fucking world! Those pieces of shit get ruled by people like me!” 
 Well... what can you say? Are you really surprised? You shouldn’t be. Though tech-savvy and media smart (supposedly), Spencer and his alt-right are the same foul racists, antisemitic poltroons, and general bigots we’ve seen from the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party and Christian Identity adherents and John Birchers and any manner of human garbage that has infested the American soul since the country started. 
 It should be noted, of course, that this has yet to be independently verified (as of 2 a.m. Monday morning) and, naturally, we shouldn’t believe Milo goofy ass as far as we can throw him. Nevertheless, whoever’s voice that is, that’s what white supremacy says. That’s what Richard Spencer has been espousing since he broke on the scene, even if he said it nicer and calmer  and more controlled manner than that. Well-spoken racist dickbags are still racist dickbags.
 Even though this was released late Sunday evening, so we don’t have the corporate media’s take on this particular egg on their face, wingnuts are already starting to cut their losses. Sleazy wank stain Jack Prosobiec is trying to distance himself and blame everything on Jake Tapper. Well, Bumble Jack, believe you me, there’s plenty of blame to go around, so buckle up. Your time is going to come eventually, I imagine.
 Now, children, what can we learn from all of this? Well, for one, when someone tells you what they are, believe them. If we, as a culture, reject bigotry, white nationalism, white supremacy, antisemitism, general hatred, and all the rest like we say we do, why should we even give cheap rats like Spencer a second look? After the aforementioned suckerpunch, conservatives and not a few liberals wrung their hands and clutched their pearls at the incivility. “Why must we engage in violence,” they mewled. “Can’t we defeat his ideas with discourse and debate?”
 See, here’s the thing: his ideas have already been discredited and discarded, so everything the geek says should be disregarded no matter how sharp his suit is or how friendly is. This may come as a shock to you, fellow honkies, but there is no “debate” with someone who wants to eliminate rights for large segments of the population or, if they’re being honest, just full on eliminate those segments of the population. In the ‘90s, we called Richard Spencer “David Duke”. This ain’t the first rodeo with this sort of clown.
 We owe him no consideration and no debate. Read your Karl Popper, specifically the Paradox of Tolerance, if you need more persuasion. However, after treating these guys as the pitiful butt of jokes and guilt-free villains in video games at best and the outright scum of the Earth at worst, I really can’t understand why it’d behoove us to even bother.
 I know I’m not the only one to say it, but Donald Trump did not bring us Richard Spencer. When it comes to America’s bigotry against historically oppressed groups, he is merely a symptom, not the cause of the disease. Indeed, it could be argued that Richard Spencer - the people who agree with him outright or just those who tacitly allow the sufferance of his ideology - brought us Donald Trump. Way, way too many people were just waiting on someone in “charge” to give them the okay; treating guys like Spencer seriously helped encourage that environment
 The scales should not be falling from our eyes on this one. We really, really should know better. We shouldn’t allow the corporate media to get away with shit like this. We all share a little guilt on this one. Next time, don’t be so easy on complete bastards, okay?
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