#like yeah I’m a Zionist I have it in my bio
whitesunlars · 9 months
truly believe the greatest strengths of the Jewish people are our ability to question everything and our ability to laugh at everything
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pileofmush · 9 months
warning: yes we're talking about taz skylar. yes i am opinionated.
i'm making this as a response to the posts i've seen floating around on my dash that are promoting neutrality, and, most annoyingly, whining about the backlash he's receiving.
you guys had your turn to speak so i guess i'll take mine!
no, this is not directed at any particular blog. yes, i am biased, and i'm not going to pretend that i'm not. and finally no, i’m not posting this to seem virtuous or some shit like that. glad we got that cleared up.
anywho. you guys are annoying me 😭
it's always #freepalestinetillit'sbackwards until your favorite british blorbo is questioned. questioned, rightfully so, mind you.
let's go over the facts:
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this was posted by twitter user knsiara yesterday morning. apparently, people are also getting on taz about who he follows on social media, but that's none of my concern. i'm aware it takes effort to cull and monitor the values of those you follow. i don't hold that against him. moving on.
the real concern is the charity that he was directly promoting. as in, the charity that he's presumably donated to and encouraged his 1.9 million followers to donate to as well, seeing as it was linked right there in his instagram bio.
so! there is a bit of confusion about who the red cross supports. i've done some basic googling, and yeah it's pretty vague, so i do understand the confusion. it seems the red cross provides aid to both sides, which has already put me off (in no circumstance would i provide aid to the country enacting a genocide. because remember, it's less-so a conflict and more-so a genocide.) but that's beside the point. as you'll note in the right-most screenshot up above, it's the fundraising for the british red cross (BRC), in particular, that has raised some eyebrows.
so who does the BRC support, then?
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there we have it. taken right from their site. i've even taken the liberty to highlight it for you: as it stands, the british red cross provides aid to "israel and occupied palestinian territory.”
what does that mean? well, i'm glad you asked. this leads to my next segment...
the assumptions:
does the BRC support palestine? no.
do they support israel? well, you read their words. it's not the clearest statement in the world, but it's to my understanding that the BRC supports israel, as it clearly subscribes to the zionist sentiment that palestinian land belongs to israel. hence, palestinian occupied territory. zionist rhetoric. now, that doesn't sound like an organization that has the people of palestine's best interests in mind, does it?
"but-but that doesn't make taz a zionist!"
oh, brother. he's donating to pro-israel organizations and encouraging his followers to do the same!! let's get serious here.
there is of course the possibility that he didn't research the charity. that he didn't know what he was promoting. and sure! it's possible. everyone's human. we all make mistakes.
but then he went and tweeted that vague as hell tweet implying that he sides with israel…
if it was an honest mistake; if he stood with palestine, he’d say so. morgan davies did, so let’s not pretend it’s a “protecting his job” move… (expanded on towards the end).
now, since i don't follow him, i don't have the timeline of things, such as when he added the BRC to his bio, or when people started asking him about it, but, i mean. the BRC was in his bio, now it's not. he posted the tweet two days ago, and has since deleted it. maybe it's bad timing, but, i'm not inclined to believe it is.
which leads me to my point that i'm highly suspicious of the taz-riders right now...
especially the ones outright complaining about him getting "canceled" and whatnot.
people use the word “cancel” so loosely now. it’s pretty much lost all meaning. choosing not to support taz skyler for his abysmal political opinions does not equate to him getting “canceled.”
dissing him on twitter does not equate to him getting “canceled.” girl no one is taking his netflix check away—he’s got a bag, he’s got a second season, he’s got his loyal stans: he‘ll come back from this. and honestly, throwing the term “cancel” around is ridiculous when we’re talking about matters like palestinian genocide.
yes, taz might have worded his response poorly under stress. but doesn't it still hold implications? what else can we assume if his response to people accusing him of promoting and funding israel is... we have different opinions, and that's okay 🤍
c'mon taz, you can do a little better than that, can't you?
so that's why i'm confused about why others are confused, regarding the backlash. we, the people, have such little control over the shit that’s happening in the world: of course we’ll exercise what little control that we have…
we’ll choose what we consume and who we monetarily support according to our own values.
people wanna talk about "parasocial relationships" and "putting him on a pedestal," but bae, i promise you, it's nothing personal. from me, at the very least. i was never a rider or a hater of taz, personally. but c'mon. he publicly promoted a pro-israel organization, and then made a vague nothing-tweet in response. backlash is warranted.
maybe you should reconsider why you’re so willing to ride for this man you don’t actually know… if we’re gonna bring up parasocial relationships, and all.
that doesn’t mean i support sending him death threats or doxxing him or anything like that, but i mean... if people have opinions, they're gonna talk 😭 getting called out on twitter is not the end of the world.
anywho. give him the benefit of the doubt if you want. but i think he's made his stance quite clear in his actions and inaction.
if you still want to simp over a man who thinks political neutrality toward genocide is acceptable, go ahead and take the watermelon outta your bio. there's no need for performative activism on this site. just admit to yourself that you're only willing to support palestine until it makes you uncomfortable.
as for support of the OPLA, that is, obviously, up to you. i, for one, won't be streaming it on netflix anytime soon. but, there are some actors in the OPLA who do support palestine, such as morgan davies, who publicly shot down the losers trying to angle that palestine is anti lgbtq+ and therefore does not deserve support (as if intersectionality and queer palestinians don't exist, lord) ...so, this is a nuanced convo and i may change my mind when season 2 rolls around if i feel the pros outweigh the cons. or i'll just follow morgan davies into their next project. whichever feels right.
what i won't do, however, is make this site comfortable for the taz-riders lmaoo, because there were a few too many posts advocating for him than i’m comfortable with from my fellow fans of one piece. one piece, of all fandoms, and we’re divided on the morals and ethics of supporting genocide—good lord— nor will i support anyone else on the OPLA cast who has a terrible take on what’s taking place in palestine. repeat after me, there's no such thing as neutrality when it comes to genocide.
free palestine, today. tomorrow, and the next. class dismissed.
posting this on 1/5/24, 7:00 pm EST. as of right now, taz hasn’t come out with a statement addressing the backlash. but hey! opinions can change and i hope he’ll change mine, for what it’s worth.
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ziptieburns · 6 months
Hii this blog is strictly +18 that being said,
-If you do not have your age in bio then dm me!
-If you do not have your age in bio and do not message me or have a blank blog, I will be blocking you!
-Follows/likes from my main i*****s**e*****r**t***d
-Under 18/No age in bio or will not inform me of your age/Blank Blog
-More under the cut
★About Me
-I’m Ate-Teen
-Transfag Perv
-Blond hair with grown out brown root with thin emo bangs, pasty w/ a yellowish undertone, about 118 and 5’7 kinda scrawny looking :P Might do a small drawing of me cuz I dont wanna post a pic of what I look like
-Sub-leaning bottom (Rarely am dominant and will probably rarely post about it)
-Interested into getting into kink more/maybe as a career(gna b real, the career part of this statement might just be bcuz of autism. I’m still a freak tho)
-I’m mainly gna b horny posting+whatever my hyperfix is (Currently Marblehornets) on here. Yeah
I Love with being referred to as:
-Good boy
-Any degrading swears you can think of
What I’m not comfortable about at all:
-ANY usually fem terms such as
-Good girl
-Baby girl
Try to only stick with masc terms for me please!
Taken Anon Names/Emojis/Symbols:
🎮 🌑<3
More under the cut about what I’m into+what I will draw(This may be updated)
♥︎: Painplay (Hitting, ashtray, paddles, whips), petplay (mainly pup stuff), bondage(Handcuffs, rope), restraints(being held down physically), degradation, praise, dumbification, primal play, fearplay maybe(???), forcefem/forcemasc, Choking/breath play, dollification, orgasm denial, overstim, voyeurism, slight crying
Hard No’s: Incest, scat, losing limbs, ddlg/ddlb, ed encouragement/fetish content, gore, genuine misgendering, feederism
25/26ish is my limit just letting yall know :)
I will NOT send/post any type of nudes/explicit photos/audios/videos!
My inbox is open! Send me asks about making me your pup :3
My dm’s are currently not open for romantic/sexual conversations!
I’m tagging the Mh guys as follows!
I use the same tags that @stickypodz made!
I lean towards men more so I might not horny post as much about them sorry :’3 Masky and Tim are gonna be tagged the same tage as well as brian and hoody 👍
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eddieydewr · 8 months
I can’t understand why people hate on Noah so much when Brett has done worse things
i think it’s because brett genuinely doesn’t give a fuck what his critics think lol people started calling him a zionist pig and he’s like cool, that’s going on my bio 😭 he’s wearing the mettle and he has zero fucks to give. he’s more concerned about his community and his soon to be wife than his own career and reputation. he hates how the left has gone full antisemitic and them not realising it (“it’s antizionism!!”). i think in a way, he feels betrayed. so he is focusing on his people and extending his support to israel. is he going about it the wrong way? sometimes, yeah. especially when he’s like, “IF YOU CRITICISE THIS AND NOT THAT, IT’S BECAUSE YOU HATE JEWS!!” it’s almost giving michael rapaport when he starts his videos with a massive show of cackling that drags on and then, “oh you think calling me a zionist is an insult?”
i don’t think brett is a full on islamophobe; he’s being tone deaf, uncaring about how the pro palestine crowd might feel about it, and israelis and jews are his priority. remember, israel isn’t a jews only nation. afaik, he does support palestine becoming a state, in a peaceful coexistence with israel. he always has. and he used to be critical of israel in the past but his perspective changed after october 7. like, i can’t really blame him for that. and he’s not gonna mince his words for people who won’t extend the same courtesy he’s prepared to give.
but i’m not saying all this in defence of brett but to show how different he is compared to noah. the kid may be resilient but he’s also sensitive and empathetic, even if people think his words and actions say otherwise. he cares deeply about everyone affected by the war, and he also enjoys connecting with the fanbase so he is understandably upset about disappointing some of the fans. i like the kid but he’s still so young and naive; he wants to make sure that everyone is happy and on the same page. it’s a lovely intention but it’s not realistic. and he learned that the hard way. he doesn’t have to act like brett and stop caring what people think of him. he needs to find a happy medium, and establish boundaries with his overzealous fans.
EDIT: i forgot to add that due to noah’s nature, he’s an easy target. he cares so he gets hurt. brett doesn’t care so people don’t spend as much energy on him. therefore, noah gets the most hate bc it works.
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notawheelwalker · 7 months
Something that interests me with romance is the normative jock pursuing the non normative MC trope. While it is often a story of the MC trying to mold herself into a life she doesn’t want then casting that aside and returning to herself but still winning the jock, I’m interested in the messaging behind that. It can also go with the bad boy trope, in which the MC is asked to look past his actions/stated beliefs and believe he’s a good person underneath/ despite that.
The last time I was on dating apps, I promise this is related to my point, I saw a wave of conservative dudes that had themselves listed as “moderate” on their profiles. All of the ones I asked why they misrepresented themselves said something along the lines of, “conservative women are boring, I prefer intellectual women”. As this genocide is unfolding in Gaza, I’ve also seen a wave of reports of Zionists having trouble matching with “creative, interesting people” and only having “boring matches” after putting the Israeli flag emoji in their bio. While I’d love to unpack the cognitive dissonance becoming their reality and how funny it is that women become unfuckable to them once they share their own beliefs, it’s interesting to me this active decision to try to date outside of your ideology set.
This takes me back to the narrative of some of these series. It seems like women are conditioned to look past someone’s stated beliefs and actions, and love a romantic interest despite the huge differences between them. Opposites attract is a trope of its own, but relationships built between people with wildly different fundamental beliefs do not typically work out.
The specific messaging I get from this is you can still be yourself (hold onto your liberal beliefs) AND get the Jock (let the conservative hit), don’t worry honey! OR, if it’s the “alt girl changes him so he’s not an asshole anymore” storyline, he’s been mislead his whole life and it’s your responsibility to educate him.
So yeah I think the jock loving the hippie stereotype is to condition us to forgive and love conservative white men.
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