#one of my fave shots and it last about .03 seconds
jimmyspades · 9 months
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No one will ever be him
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kangyeosaang · 3 years
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
thank you csenge @imdefs​ for tagging me to show how i made this set ✨
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buckle up folks this is gonna be long bc min. character limit uni papers thought me a lot of things but def not how to be concise 
01. planning
this was a long time ago but i do remember wanting to make something with overlays bc quite honestly i started working on this way too late and it seemed the fastest lmao. jokes on me i had 2 failed attempts and this also went through some changes along the way. initially i wanted to combine dye, bol and present:you... them being my fave eras for this lovable dumb man. so it would’ve been one pair for each gif.
02. creating
picking footage
so onto creating,, first things first the concept had to be changed bc present:you only had light shots so that had to be removed rip, here you can see a failed attempt at me trying to include it. this was before i started making proof on concepts for gifsets which later on saved me so much time... but not this time
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once i accepted defeat i had to reshuffle the shots and add some new ones but it was all good i was not losing braincells at all. so onto the real gifs, gonna show you the red one bc that’s my fave of the three. 
making the base
btw i’m always working with timelines and smart objects bc it feels way easier than frames. so here we started with this jaebeom, and since the background and his hair it’s pretty dark those will be the parts which will be covered with the next gif. i made it black and white and also adjusted the levels a bit to make it a bit softer (lowered the whites and lightened the blacks)
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for aesthetic purposes i always go for one close shot and one wider shot, then literally all i did was add the other gif on top, and set it to lighten. okay this is it that’s the whole process bye. oh we need the rest too? okay okay. so btw for a while i was considering making both of them coloured but then bw looked better when having all three gifs under each other, felt more like a ‘set’
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now for this gif in particular i did not need to mask anything, shocking, but for the others i had to either blend the edges or make the bottom layer darker at some places to let the top layer show up a bit more e.g. for the second gif i needed a tiny blending like so (it’s the layer 1 copy 3 lmao)
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making the overlay bits
then we are basically done with the main part of the gifs, obviously i applied colouring to each inside the smart object. but i always like to add something extra on top which are usually two things: 1.) full overlay gif something blurred (literally any kind of footage.. i used leaves, water, space renders etc. so far), or a light leak, oooor a bokeh effect whatever and just keep it subtle. and 2.) some smaller moving bits which are usually sparkles, dust, stars, galaxy stuff etc. u get the idea. for the above gif this happens to be Layer 1 copy 2 rip. also in this case this overlay is actually this jaebeom footage blurred and with some colouring added on top of it to have this redish brassy tone (not me forgetting about this completely lmao) obviously it’s zoomed in and i’m using the top left part of the video blurred. look at me explaining my chosen gif with another gifs gahd i’m bad at this. anyways it just goes to show i use practially anything i can think of and just blur it. 
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for the full overlay footage i either go black and white and set it to overlay or soft light, whatever works best, or go coloured and set it to lighten again.... whatever blending mode works best. for this specific 2nd gif i went with lighten. for the smaller moving bits same tbh i just adjust the levels/curves to only show the bits i need when it’s set to lighten, i.e. i make its background more black so it won’t make the gif hazy. 
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 adding the text
so anyways i add those on top so it’s not boring anymore,, practically just concealing the fact that all i‘ve really done was adding a gif on top of another and set it to lighten rip. oh yeah we have the text layers, nothing fancy here: for the script i used Challenge and the serif is FogtwoNo5. For the script i sampled some red from the background and just set it to overlay, and for the serif i just went with full caps adding some extra kerning bc one: for full caps you always need that, not this much lol, and two: it just looks better okay. 
last touches
then i added a levels adjustment layer because i felt the gifs were a bit brighter than i wanted, so we ended up with this 
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oh my gahd we are almost theeeere, for saving gifs here are my settings, i did not have to tell photoshop which colours to use luckily so it was an easy process.
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03. posting
eeehmmm posting... yeah nothing exciting? i just save it in my drafts check it on mobile, and if something is really messed up i’ll change some colouring and saving settings, but this was a fairly ‘easy’ gif for tumblr to compress decently so none of that. 
if you read this far bruh.... i don’t think i’ve made sense anyways thank yooouuu 💕
and the five amazing CCs i’m tagging are 
🎬 dear wifey, rosie @se-jun​​​​ for these victon posters which i definitely did not make her choose and we ended up with the same i would’ve chosen 🌈 vivi @yeekies​​​​ for making a rainbow from the mostly yellow blob that is the fireworks mv 💙 yv @woodzm​​​​ for this beauty where the blues are colourmatched so well it makes me mad 🌸 lotta @halahala​​​​ for this miracle of a gifset which made me not despise pink 🌈 bridget @lilacwoo​​​​ for this 12/10 rainbow right here because apparently i like rainbows. shocking.   
feel free to ignore and all them usual stuff
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jean----ralphio · 4 years
BoB liveblog ep 7
Episode 7: The Breaking Point. YEAH, OF MY FUCKING HEART
00:00 I really don’t wanna do this you guys.
00:38 Can’t we just pretend this episode doesn’t exist?
04:05 RICH! Ok I feel a little better. Ahaha, he’s growing a beard. It’s got nothing on the quarantine beard he’s rocking nowadays tho
04:22 That whole scene is hilarious but I’m too distracted by Rich to appreciate it properly
05:18 Horsie
05:30 Hey Fassy
05:57 He’s so obsessed with the Luger, oh Hoob ☹
06:07 Ahhh that second where he looks into the camera and fires ☹ He’s so happy
06:51 He is such a fucking angel, I swear. “What happened to the horse?” PETA would be pleased you care, baby.
07:01 Look at my son, look at his little angel face
07:27 Buck seems a little better??
07:47 Gold.
“Shut up boys.”
“Shutting up, Sarge.”
But notice my angel is perfectly well-behaved
08:00 “That was no rifle.” Shifty just Knows Things.
“What do you see, Shift?”
08:15 Oh Hoob
08:43 Oh God
09:03 ROE OMG NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES “Did you think it was a German leg, Hoob?” I MEAN LMAO BUT NO
09:33 Nooooooooooo
09:44 Oh God, the way Buck and Perco are cradling his face ☹
10:04 Husbands, do something, reincarnate him or something
10:32 Oh Dick is shivering aw
10:38 Lip, baby, no, do not cover for than incompetent POS
10:48 The husbands are unimpressed
11:39 Nice gloves tho Dike
11:57 “At present, as per usual, but I’ll clarify that with you at a later time.” No. No. He’s asking now. He needs to know now. Wtf.
12:39 IS THAT RICH??
13:26 Just gonna pause here a little while, excuse me
13:47 Lip is such a boss. We love you Lip
14:13 Bill’s laugh <3 RICH’S SMILE <333
14:48 Dick omg your flirting, so cute. They are in love.
15:20 Fassy is judging you… that means Alicia Vikander is coming for you…
15:50 Omg Nix knows his husband so well
16:24 Aw, Bill and Babe <3 BROTP
17:33 Bill, sweetie, no, I’m sorry but Buck is not fine!
17:58 Oh God the foreboding. Rich ☹ <3
18:01 WTF is Luz smoking LMAO
19:08 “Well, they had a point. You’re an idiot.” Oh Penk. I’ll miss you Penk.
19:31 UGH GTFO. To be fair the actor does a great job with this role.
20:01 Dike is so random. But it’s nice he’s taking an interest??
21:20 NIX LMAO
21:33 Ugh, Dick. Stop. I know it’s to establish a sense of normalcy and ritual but Come. On. Buddy. Lol I love how Nix is just like LMAO NO I’M NOT GOING. I wish I could just say no when asked to do things by my bosses. We know it’s cos Nix can’t bear to be apart from his husband for so long <3
22:33 Guys, don’t be mean. Fassy, no, come on.
22:53 Wtf are Penk and Rich doing…
23:05 LMAO @ Dick and Sink.
“Got to keep the morale up for the folks back home.”
“Damned if I know.”
Iconic. Valid.
23:34 Lol my Joe/Charlie thought he was gonna get in trouble, but Dad just wanted to nag <3
24:24 Oh Bill <3 “Tied me own boots once last week, all by meself.” <3333 Bill please never change.
24:30 Rich <3333
24:36 Riiiiichhhhhh <3
24:48 Johhny ‘unimpressed’ Martin is already looking unimpressed, new kid, watch out, you’re not off to a great start.
24:56 Rich’s helmet still has bullet holes from the last episode, love the continuity <3
25:07 “You’ll find out, son.” Oh, Alley <3
25:17 Rich is hilarious in this scene, he’s having so much fun <3
25:22 Hey Lieb, I’ve missed you
25:46 Riichhh <3
25:53 OMFG that exchange!
               “How are those nuts, sarge?”
               “Doin fine, Bill, nice of you to ask.”
               Wtf Lip!!
26:05 Bye, Fassy!
26:26 Even when he’s blurred by snow, Speirs is intimidatingly good-looking.
27:01 He’s so polite but so scary
27:23 You’re hot, Speirs, so I automatically trust you. Not sure what that says about me but it’s probably not good tbh
27:57 Joe/Charlie has been back five seconds and he’s already out for blood.
28:58 Hey Lee
30:00 Oh God
31:33 Oh no, Joe/Charlie, my baby ☹
33:39 Bill’s here, baby, it’s OK
34:10 I can’t deal with the hilarity of Babe blocked in by the tree while Joe/Charlie is in such a bad way and being done so dirty
34:56 Oh GOD
35:28 Bill </3
36:11 My thoughts exactly, Luz
36:42 Buck ☹
37:41 “Hey Joe, I told you I’d beat you back to the states.” Bill don’t me laugh while I’m crying. Aw, we’ll miss you <3
37:59 Not really the time but fuck it, I am totally digging Luz’s hair now
38:26 I’m so shook. I’ve watched this series a billion times but it still hurts me. Scene after scene, Joe/Charlie in pain, Buck screaming for a medic, God Neal and Kirk are so good.
39:18 Oh God, Buck
40:00 Rich I love you
40:44 Rich <3 ☹
41:22 Noooooooo </3
41:44 No. No. NO.
41:59 NO. NOPE. CANON NOT ACCEPTED. They’re fine. They’re fine, they’re just off-screen for the rest of the series, chillin with Hoob and Renee on like a nice beach somewhere. Drinking maitais and maragaritas and building sandcastles and shit.
44:00 Hit Malarkey the hardest? NO FUCKING WAY, LIP, HIT ME THE HARDEST, MORE LIKE! But in all seriousness, can you imagine losing your friends, not having a body to bury or time to grieve ugh ☹ </3 OK I concede that Malarkey and I can share the grief 50/50. No wait. 60/40. In favour of me.
45:15 Malark, it’s what Hoob would have wanted. I’d ask him but he’s busy sunbathing and keeping the drinks topped up
46:57 We love you Buck
47:14 Bull <3
47:43 Lieb <333
48:10 Hang on, sweetie, Dad isn’t back yet
48:50 It’s OK, Lip, sweetie, you can do it.
49:38 Lip, listen to me, your Dad’s going to fix everything in about ten, fifteen minutes. And he’ll get you a hot boyfriend in the process. It’s all going to be OK.
50:05 Dick, honey, Dike doesn’t understand a thing you’re saying
50:25 Dike’s like lol who the fuck was that guy?
51:17 Lieb is so blood-thirsty <3
52:09 Poor Lee
52:22 NO, FUCK, OMG
53:14 Don’t send my Lee alone!
53:33 Bull. A cigar. Right now? I like Johnny’s beard, suits him.
54:13 “THEY SHOT ME IN MY ASS, BOYS!” Aw Perco. Iconic.
54:36 Legit one of my fave scenes in the history of television. Dick is just so beside himself and desperate and helpless watching his sons stuck and in so much trouble. He’s in full Dad mode, about to run in there to save his boys. Then, and this is so subtle but it’s my fave bit, HE CUTS OFF SINK. HE IGNORES/SPEAKS OVER SINK. DICK! SPEAKS! OVER! SINK! IN WHAT UNIVERSE WOULD HE EVER DO THAT?! ON WHAT PLANET WOULD HE EVER BE SO DISRESPCTFUL?! THIS ONE, COS HIS SONS NEED HIM NOW AND BEING POLITE AND ADHERRING TO PRINCIPLE AND RANK DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER WHEN EASY IS IN TROUBLE! AND THEN HE CALLS UP OUR BOY SPEIRS. AND SPEIRS IS SO FUCKING GUNG-HO, BOUNCING ABOUT READY TO SLAUGHTER EVERYONE, SO FUCKIN EXCITED!!
And then there’s Nix, lmao, chillin with his binoculars, super relaxed as long as his husband stays safe, tbh.
55:06 Oh that was the new boy, aw
55:20 Here you go, Lip, one BF courtesy of your Dad lol
56:24 LMFAO was that the haystack Dike was behind??
57:00 I.C.O.N.I.C.
57:23 “The astounding thing was, that after he hooked up with I company, he came back.” Annnnnd Lip’s in love.
57:49 Aw happy boys
58:09 Noooooo they’ve been through enough! I’VE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH THIS EPISODE OK, FUCK!
58:23 Go on, my angel son, you can do it.
58:36 Go, son. I love you.
58:43 Yes. Good boy.
59:26 Aw Bull piggybacking Perco <3
1:00:23 Oh yay! The church scene!
1:00:39 Look at my angel son <3
1:00:48 Hey Lieb
1:00:54 IT’S TAB! HEY TAB!
1:01:09 Babe <3 GRANT <3
1:01:29 Ahahaha Roe, I see you strategically placed yourself where you could stare at Babe 😉
1:01:59 Only 63 men left? Oh </3
1:02:00 Ahh Joe/Charlie <3 Bill <3 We love and miss you
1:02:20 RICH <333333 I LOVE YOU RICH <3333333 GOODBYE RICH <333333333333
1:02:39 Fuck Speirs is hot
1:02:53 The flirting <3 shooting looks at each other aw
1:03:09 Boys, stop checking each other out. You’re literally in a church full of nuns, go somewhere else to expend your sexual tension, jeez.
1:03:41 Flirting via talk of Roman soldiers, I dig it
1:04:28 Oh God, guys, this bit. Other than the propensity of my angel son, compared to usual, this is the only good part of the episode, I am here for the Speirton!
               “You don’t have any idea who I’m talking about, do you?” HIS FACE IS SO SOFT
               “No, Sir.” Lip, sweetie.
               “Hell, it was you, first sergeant.”
Speirs’ is in love right back. And his continued flirting re battlefield commission GOD. The way he looks at Lip… you deserve the hottest guy in the whole show, Lip, proud of you sweetie.
1:06:48 Annnnnd everything fucking hurts.
 To summarise, I am kinda appeased by the glorious glory that is Spierton. Rich and Penk and Hoob and Renee are FINE. THEY JUST SO HAPPEN TO BE OFF-SCREEN. IT’S FINE. I’M FINE ABOUT IT.
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plothooksinc · 5 years
Second time lucky I wrote a damn essay before I accidentally lost it (@Tumblr you could really benefit from an undo option)
Author Interview
tagged by @wrexie​
name: KJ on here, my pen name is Nekotsuki.
fandoms: Many and varied!  The ones I write for are Rurouni Kenshin, TMNT and FFVII and the ones I RP from are One Piece and Blade of the Immortal.  I’ve also dabbled in SPN and Tiger & Bunny but those fics aren’t likely to see the light of day.  I also love most things that have decently written women and uh.  Kdramas. I dabble.
where you post: ao3, tumblr and ff.net
most popular oneshot: From the review count I’m gonna guess it’s Left Unsaid, which is hilarious but yet unsurprising as it’s the one romance fic I’ve written in a field of gen.  Go figure.
most popular multi-chapter fic; favorite story you’ve written; fic you were nervous to post: Most popular and favourite is gonna be Underdark!  LMAO that one shot that wouldn’t die (working title literally that) that I thought would be about eight pages and ended up to be uh. 89.  It’s also very popular – last I checked it had the highest amount of faves on ff.net out of the whole ’03 TMNT fandom.  (Less so on AO3, but that’s where all the smut hangs out so am unsurprised tbh)
The one I was the most nervous about was my first because I’d never written to be published online before and I generally thought my writing sucked, and that’s Tanabata Jasmine.  It still…mostly holds up (though I cringe at all that fangirl Japanese, I thought everyone had to do that to be good /cry) and is fun to go back and read b/c I can see the evolution of my writing from ch1 through to ch28 as I gained more confidence.  (…and less fangirl Japanese as I went, lmao)
how you choose your titles: …it varies.  Hard to pin down.  Usually I go for one or two words that underpin the themes of the story. Misconduct was named for one particular quote in Crisis Core, Tanabata Jasmine was …named that because I had yet to realize Kaoru and her jasmine connection were entirely fanon creations and it was set at Tanabata.  The Zaibatsu Project was named on many levels  b/c it was both my weird and wacky cyberpunk project with different writing experiments and it was about a Zaibatsu that had a nefarious project going and it was originally published experimentally over at LJ (zaibatsu.livejournal.com and I gotta say I miss being able to do it like this).  Himura Kenshin’s Day Off was my crack file full of weird shit and fourth wall breakage and was an aside fro all the serious writing, title made sense ok. Black Danube was a waltz with a Man in Black. Etc etc.
 do you outline: sometimes.  Most of the time I usually go “okay here are X, Y, and Z events I want to happen and I’ll just write until I get to them” and thus write organically for the most part and end up doing a bunch of side stuff that is fun.  Stuff I’m really unsure on I’ll outline from the start.  Zaibatsu Project is outlined up to a point because I needed to figure out who all the characters were in the AU (we’re about three quarters of the way through that outline).  Legacy is outlined all the way from beginning to end, so are Desperation and Court of Miracles (both unpublished sob maybe I‘ll get to them who knows).  Tanabata Jasmine I literally just jumped in feet first and went HAH SUFFER REDHEAD and then just wrote so it made sense and Kenshin wasn’t a damsel.  Underdark had no outline.  Misconduct has no outline, but I have the original FFVII/Crisis Core canon in mind as I write which informs some events.  Etc etc.  I like writing off the cuff most times unless I am v. unsure of what I’m doing.   ...also if a chapter is mostly conversation, you can near guarantee that I sat down and wrote nothing but the script for it first so it flowed and then went back to fill out descriptors.  A different kind of outline.
 complete: Tanabata Jasmine, Underdark, and a bunch of one shots.  
 in progress: Eesh.  Misconduct, Legacy, Zaibatsu Project, Snowblind.  I need to pick up the pace goddammit, Zaibatsu is closing on 150 pages and the two main leads have yet to hold a decent conversation /sobs in cyberpunk
coming soon/not yet started: Oh sure, coming “soon”, as long as you’re an Ent.  Desperation and Court of Miracles are the only two I actively have a piece written and intend to get to at some point.  They’re both TMNT.  Desperation is a story where Leo and April team up to take on a high stakes murderous mad-scientist-run labyrinth to save their friends, and Court of Miracles is an ’07 story where the remnants of the child traffickers that Leo basically murdered his way through before the movie come to New York to take vengeance, only they don’t expect there to be more than one bizarre turtle and so they end up taking Mikey instead.  Whoops.
One day I might upload the little Nami introspective I wrote or the other two OP fics I have vaguely in mind, but as they’re vague and I already have a full load, that’s a while away.
do you accept prompts: I have in the past.  I probably will again!  If people want me to write shit, they can always fling prompts at me and if I’m sufficiently intrigued I will take it up, but given my current depressed™ white noise brain that might be quite unlikely.  Himura Kenshin’s Day Off is full of weird-ass prompts because people threw me things like “There needs to be a Toys R Us and a Battousai potato head” and “Kenshin is actually a pink and purple dragon with measles” I mean, challenge fucking accepted okok.  A lot of my oneshots are based off prompts also.
upcoming story you are most excited to write: Zaibatsu Project!  Misconduct is a close second though.
tagging (no pressure!): @eggxalted, @janedrewfinally, @columbinepurples, @winnyverse, @angeldormante, @bunnymaccool ... heck, any writers on my list, do this.  I wanna see your answers.
DO NOT DESTROY THIS ONE TUMBLR (hah I wised up and wrote this in Word first so nyah.)
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x05 “Nightmare Logic”
oh, what a perfectly soft and emotional Destiel-parallelly piece of Meredith Glynn artwork. so precious, so loved~
things i know about this: meredith glynn wrote it
noooo maggie don’t do things like this alooooone
i like the music as she enters... kinda weird and sparkly and awkward
sammy...... you know what you need
someone to do the night shift
if only...... you had.............. someone else........................
*looks pointedly at dean*
where does sam get the financial resources for shit like body cams
we never see them running credit card scams any more so........ ???????
i love these cable things by the roads
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so aesthetic
even more spooky pretty music as dean and sam enter the tomb
dean and sam lie so effortlessly and so in sync
i always enjoy seeing them do this, ever since dean told a firefighter he needed to go back into his apartment because he has a yorkie who pees when he’s nervous
aw man i thought the “colleagues” would be cas and jack
bobby and mary’s cool too
bobby’s wearing a cap like michael’s
and mary’s wearing a coat like cas’
..does this mean this story’s gonna be about dean’s war between those two things, like the two worlds he knows
bobby’s parenting vs. mary’s parenting
michael’s need for him as a vessel vs. cas’ love for him as a bestest buddy bro friend
not sure how bobby = micheal / mary = cas but i’m sure there’ll be some kind of explanation later
OR maybe they’re just costumes and they mean nothing
but......is that ever true? trenchcoats are automatically a cas thing now. and that cap is so iconic as michael now???
i relate to this lady in the suit who has had Too Much Of Everything
i enjoy seeing people know their limits and expressing them to others rather than continuing past breaking point
sam’s doing great but also....... no
take a page from this lady’s book, sammy
mary’s walking with sam
and i just wanna take a minute to appreciate how EASY meredith glynn’s episodes are to watch
her scripts flow so gently and everything makes logical sense
and her characters are coherent
there’s just this nice touch of emotional human realism cloaking all the supernatural weirdness and i so, so appreciate that
like.. for me personally, there’s not a single writer on the current team whose writing comes close to glynn’s
i want her to write more episodes with cas though, i know she’d write him just right
i honestly feel like i’m being hugged by someone as i watch this
so soft around my heart
is good
sam: “you [and bobby have] gotten pretty close lately”
mary: “i thought so too”
even the casual viewers will probably have noticed this one. i know it took me a second but as soon as this discussion happened it clicked
 this is probably the most obvious parallel they’ve ever done i think
i didn’t see it before because i didn’t EXPECT it, you know?? ugh this is so validating
now every word mary says, i’m just envisioning how it applies to cas’ perspective too
“he’s been hunting all the time, he won’t take a break even for a second. there’s something on his mind”
yeah, that mICHEAL HAT, quite literally sitting over his head like a dark halo
the music in this episode is just so pleasing to my ears
things i appreciate:
normal people being all “wtf you hunt monsters” and just being present while dean and sam talk about their shit
sam’s reference to “hunteri heroici” (my all-time fave episode besides “scoobynatural” jdgd that was five years ago what the hell)
me: takes screenshot of this very pretty, very anxious lady because i want my hair to do what her hair does
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oop we just found the dean mirror and now we get to hear someone talk about the things he feels and offer advice that ultimately helps himself
god i love this
because what mary said about bobby = what cas thinks about dean = what’s true about dean = this lady being overworked = dean not taking time off from hunting
(although it does seem to specifically apply to sam as well ?)
and sam mentioned earlier about how the dad he knew and the dad mary knew were different people, plus the earlier mentions this season about john’s problematic parenting (i forget when)
yeah that really makes a point of saying john abused his kids, for sure
lady: “he was gone all the time, working for us, he said”
lady: “i worshipped him when i was a kid. didn’t know any better”
oh deanie
please take notes
please know it’s okay to be angry at john and not continue to love him in a way that excuses his behaviours, even 14 years after he died
wait wait wait
dean tells her to let it go, it’s the past, there’s nothing you can do about it now so it’s just baggage
now go be gay with cas
“i try. every single day.”
hell yeah dean winchester giving good mental health advice to people and also millions of depressed people with various traumas watching this
ngl this legit just helped me a tiny bit with my issues with my own dad
urhgutguugb meredith glynn you are the good we need in this world
..............suddenly getting real emotional because goddamn i wanna meet her someday ;~; i wanna meet 1. misha and 2. meredith glynn, maaaaybe 3. jensen idk
no but like.......... everyone seemed to enjoy last week’s episode, i only saw people posting good reviews. and i felt bad not not enjoying it, even though all the things people pointed out should’ve been right up my alley, something about the overall thing just fell flat for me
but this one
this one speaks to my heart
maggie: “i didn’t mean to get caught--”
sam: “no no no, stop that. you did nothing wrong. okay?”
sam being a better dad to maggie than john ever was to anyone
OH NO BOBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!
dean: “you’re giving him transfusions?”
nurse: “keeps up his iron”
suddenly i don’t trust the nurse
trying to take over the property maybe? a la scooby-doo, it’s always about real estate
dean: “sasha, could you go....... make me a ....sandwich ?”
(i type, in pain, as i laugh)
/rewatches that interaction because it was actually really sweet the way dean mouthed “go” to sasha and she understood
i’ve wanted a djinn story for SO LONG
(even wrote one myself - Prince of the Ether Realms)
trust glynn to be the one to re-weave the exact threads of this 14-year saga that also interest me specifically
also kudos for the fact she’s so obviously knowledgeable about the ENTIRE HISTORY of the show, as opposed to certain other writers who seem to contradict previous facts and re-reference things that were used differently before to make an important point, thereby nullifying the first point when used a second time
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hunter with the shaved head 10/10 style
headcanoning them as non-binary and into girls because of reasons
also there was a slight continuity error, this hunter hugs maggie twice in the two consecutive shots
bobby: “it ends the same” [with bobby dead, i guess?]
mary: “no. you are not allowed to give up on me”
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seeing this as dean and cas again
yeah i saw someone mention how at the end of last episode, dean suggesting they drive off a cliff and sam being like NOPE kind of reflected the wrongness of the they-all-die-at-the-end for the finale of SPN
and i think this brings it back to that again
i agree that the best ending is the one where they live to fight another day, not go out guns a-blazing
and this is cas telling dean he’s not allowed to give up and die because he wants to live side-by-side for as long as they can
i just really really want cas to say that to dean in a soft emotional scene like this. we don’t really get those unless they’re parallels??? and i wANT MORE DEAN AND CAS TALKING ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS DAMMIT
but also awwww i actually kinda like the mary/bobby thing? because at the core, they ARE dean and sam’s parents, really
family don’t end with blood etc
bobby was the dad john never was
this is so satisfying
next up: hula hoops of salt and iron knuckle-dusters
i love love love that dean can have a healthy mental approach to this shit, finally
i’m so fucking proud of him you don’t even know
i just......... i really wanna see him not only return to baseline mental goodness, but then overcome that and become greater at his zen thing, and then AT LAST be ready to accept cas’ love for what it is: romantic and everlasting and epic, and not have to interpret it into something else or ignore it to protect himself
that light over dean’s shoulder is the angel on his shoulder
but is it michael or cas?
i’m going with cas, given that michael is a dark-hat-halo
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it’s over
that was amaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing ;u;
bless meredith glynn for existing and bringing us such beautiful stories
WHY WAS HE THERE besides to ~add some colour~??? and i guess a red herring for viewers, so we have someone to suspect?
(idk. i never suspected him, because he was black and meredith glynn is better than that - unless she was trying to trick racist viewers?? (i know there's a lot of them, i saw the super-toxic comment section on instagram when jared, jensen and misha posted a “vote beto” thing the other day. and there was a poll mentioned at comic con once, half the american spn fanbase are republicans??? guess they really love guns and fascism))
i don’t really have anything to add here, i said it all as i went along
that dean/cas parallel....... oh boy
just please please please pleASE can we have Actual Destiel and not just parallels and hints. like. they barely talk???????? HOW IS THIS A SHOW WHERE TWO OF THE MAIN LEADS ARE CONSTANTLY FRAMED TO BE IN LOVE, WE’RE TOLD THEY’RE BEST FRIENDS, BUT WE ALMOST NEVER EVEN SEE THEM TOGETHER ANY MORE
anyway the costuming was just so very UNSUBTLE and obvious and i think a lot of people would’ve caught that parallel even if they weren’t looking for it
music was good, directing was good, sasha’s hair was good, nobody we know actually died, that was good too
ten thumbs up
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s-nnyd · 7 years
hey. all of the qs from the ask meme that apply to you. have fun
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
oh boy well with my dad most certainly not theres a lot situations where its been made obvious that im not the son he wanted but he’ll still use me as an example to show to my lil bro and also like theres a lot of cockiness too and with my mom i love her and i know she loves and supports me but a lot of that is because im her daughter  and id say id have a decent relationship with my mom and i do love her
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
lmao it was you
03: Do you regret anything?
oooooooooooooooooo boi man i been thinking and like ive thought about if ive regretted ever being friends with angie and id like to say that i dont cause shes done a lot and shes given a lot to me whether it be good or bad and ive grown a lot from it and i think that if i completely erased that then i wouldnt be able to work through the things i have and like in other aspects i regret not saying “i think youre cute” to movie girl and knott’s info boy like my goodness they were both so damn cute and i really shoulda said something
04: Are you insecure?
hell yeah i am
05: What is your relationship status?
single right now and i do want to eventually date someone and have that sort of closeness and that sort of relationship where i can feel at peace and rely on someone but i honest to goodness don’t think there’s anyone for me just yet and i don’t think im in a place really to be dating anyone cause i need to resolve things before i try to start something new
06: How do you want to die?
oh man duuude okay so when we read granny weatherall i legit like had a breakdown and i started panicking cause i started thinking about death all of a sudden and like there are situations where ive considered suicide and all but like there are also the times where it feels like its looming over me so much and like i get so so scared like im scared to walk down the pier at the beach at night because it so dark and the point where you look out onto the horizon and the horizon no longer exists and and its just a void and its so dark and like i think thats how i wanna die just im walking out on the pier at midnight and just im swallowed up because i think in the last moments i think i should just confront it
07: What did you last eat?
i had these hawaiian shortbread cookies that are so dang good like mmmmmmmmmmmm
08: Played any sports?
man i used to do tennis and swimming and i would love to go back to it
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
like one where someone was genuinely hurt? like an hour ago and it was with the ground cause i got flung off my skateboard but for real i think my last physical fight was like kinder
11: Do you like someone?
skdjashjdkashd i doooo and i should noottttt and theres a lot of things i already know that its kinda like the crush is coming from the fact that there was a lot of support and general niceness and a whooollle lot of other reasons why i should not and im looking forward to the day when this goes away
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
my goodness i have and i died
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
hmm i do but i forgot who it was
14: Do you miss someone?
yeah i kinda miss my old self but for real i really miss my cousin lynnette like i havent seen her for like two years and i really needa hang out with her eventually
15: Have any pets?
dang i wish
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
at the moment? p distressed and very in my own head like i really need a break from a lot of other things but i also need a break from myself oh! ill show you my art project that were doing later when i finish it cause like we ended up havign to do an extreme emotion self portrait of how we feel at this point in time and like its hilarious cause ppl pass by it and theyre like “dude are you okay like just looking at that makes me feel bad”
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
dkjasdh i have not but i lowkey wanna just cause
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
i would i would and if it was to relive a memory definitely if it was to redo something over differently most definitely if it was to reexperience something wihtout changing something then uh no
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
hhhhhhh oh my goodness lowkey embarrassed to say it cause weve talked about places to snog a while ago and like the last time i did was like in the bushes in the sculpture garden
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
maybe working on the death of a salesman project maybe just getting some rest im really not sure im literally living day to day at this point
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
pfft man i do not wanna have any kids like at all
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
i got two but theyve closed up already since i dont use em
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
art, a bit of dabbling in math, and then also psych like i lvoed the fuck outta that class
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
oh yeah definitely and i think about her a lot i definitely miss meleana and sometimes ill go out and theres a souvenir shop and ill look at the best friend necklaces cause she always got one for us and like i have a box just full of all the halved best friend necklaces and i wonder a lot what would have happened had we still kept contact she was a big gateway to a lot of things in my life 
26: What are you craving right now?
mmm some damn relief but for real tho i want someone to run their hands through my hair and pet it and all like any of the daydreams i have are usually centered around my new haircut
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
i? dont? think? so? theres like only one of two people i know of who like ever liked me and that was jolin (the other one is this sophomore from my art class last year)
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
lol no
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
wish i could even get a date
30: What’s irritating you right now?
well i brought up the other ones in our chat and those are the main ones currently so
31: Does somebody love you?
yeah and i think in a lot of situations whether theyre friends or fam im being put on the weird pedestal
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
lol yeah and in the process ive lied a lot and ive gotten so good at lying that sometimes i forget i am lying and the lines between whats truth or not get all blurry (i legit did not mean for that to come off as tumblr-esque as it did)
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
it was me just kinda floating in random space and then i was in a white room with no walls no doors no windows and i just walked around in this open blank space
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
hhhh mrs quiggle
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
sometimes i think i do
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
haH hAH HAH haaa.......no
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
uh i believe 13 oh wait no scratch that i was like 8
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
i needed to get the laundry so...
51: Favourite food?
prolly ramen oh or loco moco cause its so good
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
mmm i think id say i do
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
i was working on my entry for the lawyer firm art contest
54: Is cheating ever okay?
hell no
55: Are you mean?
i think so cruel even just cause i know so much and i think people who know and understand and think so much are in general dangerous cause they calculate their actions and sometimes that scares me cause i cant tell if im doing it on purpose or not but just in general yeah im mean like too many shits are just not given
56: How many people have you fist fought?
like? uh? i think maybe two and both times were when i was like 8 or 9
57: Do you believe in true love?
mmm i do i do and i think a lot of that true love stems from a relationship based on communication, honesty, trust, and a really good friendship as a foundation
58: Favourite weather?
oooOOOOOO okay so do you remember that one time it was raining hard as fuck like sophomore year like i know its real vague but it was legit pouring and like it was actually so bad that everyone adn i mean everyone went into the library to get some form of shelter and there were people who were soaked to the bone and peoples umbrellas were getting broken cause it was so cold rainy and windy like that that kinda weather is my fave
59: Do you like the snow?
uh i think i do?
60: Do you wanna get married?
hell yeah
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
mmmm i get a lil weird on that but i think some of my favorite ones are like being called “love” like “whats going on love” or “you look good today love” like mmm i eat that shit up
62: What makes you happy?
man legend of zelda is makign me so damn happy rn like it legit means so damn much to me adn like theres so much i lvoe about it and i just lvoe talking about it and anything about it in general and like also skateboarding has been making me real happy lately like ive never loved getting hurt more and like that sounds really bad and like my left knee’s nerves are totally shot cause i fell straight on it and messed it up cause i was skating but like theres just soemthing about feeling more within my own body because im gettin some form of physical activity adn im getting hurt adn its like its a reality in its own way and like i really love it and i super love when i get to cruise like it feels so damn esp with my hair now and also what makes me happy is the ppl i find cute every now and then like its genuinely such a nice experience and oh oh i just wanted to talk about it jsut cause but like whenever i get a crush i get real excited and real happy cause like i love getting them gifts and seeing the surprise and the happiness on their faces cause its like oh you thought of me and oh its somehting i really love and like it makes them happy for that glimpse of a moment and like i love talking to them and like when they tell me about things they like or their passionate about its so nice to hear cause its like yes yes yes i support you and i love you i love seeing you happy and like just seeing your brightens my day and like even if i do confess and i do get rejected ive been mroe than lucky cause its like the people i have confessed to have been so gentle with the rejection and so kind with it and its like oh no!! like yes im sad that we couldnt be more but like thank you!!! thank you so much for letting me love you adn letting me give you so much thank you for brightening my days up and lettign me see your smiles and hear your laughs like thank you so much im so glad i could crush on you and like thats another thing that makes me happy and like theres probably a lot more that i could talk about but i think ill leave at that for now
63: Would you change your name?
i been actually thinking about it for a while adn in the times that i have considered it i usually use a game with the customizable name to try it out and like at some point i used Elle and then i tried Lynn and like i dunno im really not too sure and maybe if other names come in the future ill test those out cause truly it doesnt feel like my name is my own
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
mm yeah id think so cause theres stuff we were supposed to talk about that we didnt and uhh yeah
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
say “thanks im really flattered but i really dont think im in a place right now where i should get into a relationship”
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
lmao no
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
uhh the guy at the receptionist desk when i went in to submit my entry for the art contest
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
lol if what we talked about wasnt deep and it wasnt you then itd be mrs quiggle
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
fuck yeah
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
i dont think so like i wouldnt even die for myself
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guillermovl11 · 7 years
70 cute questions ... go ahead!!! :D 01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? It has improved these last few years, so yes 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? One of my best girl friends 03: Do you regret anything? Yeah, lot of things... I wish I knew who was worth a shot and who wasn't... but such is life 04: Are you insecure? Not really 05: What is your relationship status? Bleh 06: How do you want to die? In my sleep or at least in a way my body is not all damaged... 07: What did you last eat? Steak 08: Played any sports? Soccer 09: Do you bite your nails? Used to, but only for a couple months 10: When was your last physical fight? A few years ago, after a soccer match 11: Do you like someone? I don't even know... 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Don't think so 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? Not at all 14: Do you miss someone? Yup 15: Have any pets? Used to 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Confused, sad, wishing I could turn back time, but everything is temporary 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? Yesh 18: Are you scared of spiders? They're cool to see 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? FUCKING YES 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? In a motel 21: What are your plans for this weekend? Weekend's over :( 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? 0-3, depends on how life turns out 23: Do you have piercings? How many? Nah 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Math, always 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? Some people who passed away recently 26: What are you craving right now? Inner peace 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Yes 28: Have you ever been cheated on? Yessssss 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Probably, who hasn't? 30: What’s irritating you right now? My mild drunk state 31: Does somebody love you? Yes 32: What is your favourite color? Red 33: Do you have trust issues? I try not to 34: Who/what was your last dream about? About me seducing Sofía Vergara... wtf? 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? Someone who wasn't worth the tears 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? Yes 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive, how do you even try to forget? 38: Is this year the best year of your life? Not even close 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? About 13 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? Not completely, but close 51: Favourite food? Steak 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? No, you get what you work for 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Talk to my sister 54: Is cheating ever okay? Nou 55: Are you mean? Sometimes 56: How many people have you fist fought? 3 to 5 57: Do you believe in true love? Yes 58: Favourite weather? Rainy or sunny, warm days 59: Do you like the snow? Not my fave thing 60: Do you wanna get married? Witht the right person 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Yessss, I like it 62: What makes you happy? Seeing people I love being happy 63: Would you change your name? Maybe, I'd like to be calles Maximiliano 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Nah 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? She's a lesbian... 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Yes, it's not that hard 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? My best friend's mom 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Sayra 69: Do you believe in soulmates? Yes 70: Is there anyone you would die for? My sister
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graciedroweuk · 7 years
47 — FL to LA to AZ to UT into NY
I missed you. B U S I N E : To Business and Branding purposes please [email protected] For Public Relations please contact [email protected] STAY CONNECTED WITH ME: Snapchat: hi.nic Instagram: nicoleguerriero -… …
06-02-2018 21:57
Being Shy For After & Feeling Comfortable With Myself | M
I frankly wouldn\’t be here without you guys. I love you. Find me on – INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond SECOND INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond_unfiltered SNAPCHAT – shani grimmond TWITTER – shani grimmond FACEBOOK -… …
05-02-2018 21:57
DOES IT EVEN WORK”! ???? Juvalips Lip Plumper Machine!
Plumper lips with no shots” Lets see if that even works… The ad was tracking and stalking me I thought it’d be interesting to try! Have you tried it””” ? XOBEAUTY SWATCHES https://www.youtube.com/watch”v=7k6-RPcWAWU&=589s ? NEW VLOGS… …
05-02-2018 21:57
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video in which I swatch each one of the NEW Colourpop Lux Lipsticks in my lips & I offer you my review/thoughts on these! I hope you guys like! Thank you for watching! xoxo! (I don\’t understand why I\’m missing a chunk of… …
05-02-2018 21:57
? SHOP my innocence bracelets ? https://shop.bonvitastyle.com ? ? ? THUMBS UP for more GLAM tutorials ? ? ? Expand me to get more goodness ??? Find me on: ? INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/KaushalBeauty ? SNAPCHAT:… …
04-02-2018 21:58
Your Own Hair Styling Routine | Messy & Textured!
Take a Look at my T-shirt! http://bit.ly/2DOmHA6 Gold Bracelet http://bit.ly/2DV5t41 ———— MAKEUP I?M WEARING: Armani Luminous Silk Foundation http://bit.ly/2ntW24A Glossier Boy Brow http://bit.ly/2EpPrA2 Fenty… …
04-02-2018 21:58
Travel diary of the most astounding, luxury and Amazing Visit to Soneva Jani at the Maldives using Benefit Cosmetics for the launching of Bad Gal BANG mascara! Vlog Week #3 :-RRB- ? Social Media ? ? Blog: https://danimansutti.com/ ? Shop:… …
04-02-2018 21:55
HOW TO: Beauty light secrets and studio tour MY CAMERA SETTINGS: WHITE BALANCE ON KELVIN: 5300-5600. ISO: 640-800. Shutter speed: 50. Aperture: 6.3 PICTURE STYLE: Standard. FHD: 23.98 ALL-I MAKEUP COLLECTION AND ORGANIZATION |… …
03-02-2018 21:55
HOW TO: YOUTUBE BEAUTY LIGHTING SECRETS ?? ?? ?? Links to our equipment are below ?? ?? ?? Just like and pertains to Desi ?? http://bit.ly/desiperkins Steven\’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/stevenperkins/ MAKEUP COLLECTION AND ORGANIZATION |… …
04-02-2018 21:58
SHOP THE RANGE BELOW! https://www.superdrug.com/brandshop/loreal-makeup/infallible-shaping-kits/kits WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME” SHOP ” http://ninavee.co.uk/shop/ INSTAGRAM ” www.instagram.com/theninavee TWITTER “… …
02-02-2018 21:53
Hey everyone. . I\’m back! ?? Catch up & get ready with me using a more moderate everyday Winter makeup pattern! + SUBSCRIBE HERE // http://bit.ly/1KIpZBE New movies on Friday & Monday! View my final video HERE -… …
02-02-2018 21:56
EASY Cut Crease with my Ciate Palette & Pixi Fairy Lights!
OMG I\’m looking for my own honeymoon rn! Follow me on instagram to see what Seba and I’m around – @ChloeMorello @SebaMecha Hope you love this video I filmed before we left, I always utilize my own Ciate London Beauty Haul Vol 2; the color, liner and liquid lipstick,… …
02-02-2018 21:53
Anastasia x Amrezy | AMREZY HIGHLIGHTER | First Impressions
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I try about the NEW AMREZY X ABH HIGHLIGHT & provide you my first impressions! I hope you like! Thank you for watching! xoxo! Products I Mentioned: Anastasia Beverly Hills x Amrezy “Amrezy… …
02-02-2018 21:53
Chit Chat Getting Ready ? GEMSTONE Collection ? Turquoise Makeup
Todays Chit Chat GRWM is a jewel rock look, including golds and turquoise! Also showing how Skindinavia Finishing Spray gets my makeup last through the fitness center! Code to get 25% off: Shaaanxo http://skindinavia.com **For AUS:… …
01-02-2018 21:58
Das Esspensive Swatches, Invisalign + Your Own Hair | Random Rambl
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a random rambles video where I talk about some new stuff going on! I hope you like! Thank you for watching! xoxo! LIMITED EDITION DAS ESSPENSIVE XXVI NOW AVAILABLE: https://www.klpolish.com Yessey?s IG-… …
01-02-2018 21:58
Non Beauty Favorites | Nicole Guerriero
Thought I\’d only throw some of my favourite non beauty items at you and see what you thought! :-RRB- B U S I N E S: To Business and Branding purposes please [email protected] To Public Relations please call… …
01-02-2018 21:58
SOOOO HAPPY TO BE BACK! Find me on – INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond SECOND INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond_unfiltered SNAPCHAT – shani grimmond TWITTER – shani grimmond FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/xokashani SG THE LABEL… …
31-01-2018 21:58
January Favorites | 2018
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here?s a video in which I walk you through all my favourite makeup must haves in the last month! I hope you like! Thank you for watching! xoxo! PLEASE DONT FORGET TO CHECK OUT MY SISTERS JEWELRY LINE! THE K IM WEARING… …
31-01-2018 21:58
Snatching Wigs In The Beach (VLOG) ? Kris Fox
So I Decided To Vlog My Entire Day When Filming The New Dance Intro! Hope You Enjoy This Behind The Scenes Look At What My Friends And I Got To. ? TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS TO BE UPDATED ? Social Media Instagram:… …
31-01-2018 21:57
IT FINALLY ARRIVED! + Booty Workout + Decluttering Makeup Co
In this weeks vlog I’ve a clothing haul from Miss Pap, perform a bunch of speed cleans, declutter and organise my makeup collection, assemble my gaming computer and desk, show you some healthy food, my existing booty routine, take you along with me to London… …
30-01-2018 21:56
Total face using just pharmacy makeup was too straightforward. What\’s your favourite product out right now in the pharmacy” I\’m still on the hunt for all the foundations that you guys mentioned! I\’ll be searching NY when I\’m there this weekend! B U.. . …
30-01-2018 21:56
DISCLAIMER: There IS cursing in this video! If you don\’t like bad words or ingesting type of movies, I totally understand!!!! Just be sure to come back Wednesday! I understand these kinds of movies are not right for everyone so I only want to provide a.. . …
30-01-2018 21:56
Make sure you subscribe to my own channel and hit the notification bell, and that means that you don?t miss any of my new videos ? http://bit.ly/SubscribeNikkieTutorials THIS IS NOT A JOKE? Now I?m testing out a COLOR CHANGING, HEAT-ACTIVATED highlighter!!! This… …
30-01-2018 21:56
MY NEW HOLY GRAILS! ?? January Favorites ? Makeup, Body & Sk
Listed below are my current favorites! Including new holy grail eyeliner, some fav face and body products and plenty of makeup! Whats ur fav merchandise of the month”” ? NEW XOBEAUTY SHADE SWATCHES https://www.youtube.com/watch”v=7k6-RPcWAWU&=577s ? NEW… …
29-01-2018 21:55
Hey babes! Here is my own Sydney vlog. Enjoy xxx Locate me on – INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond SECOND INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond_unfiltered SNAPCHAT – shani grimmond TWITTER – shani grimmond FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/xokashani SG THE… …
28-01-2018 22:01
Two Days in Morocco | Estée Lalonde | AD
This is a paid advertorial. _________________ See some of the photographs I took on this trip! Http://www.esteelalonde.com/discovering-argan-oil-with-garnier/ Know more about the girls\’s amalgamated here:… …
28-01-2018 22:05
28-01-2018 22:01
WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME” SHOP ” http://ninavee.co.uk/shop/ INSTAGRAM ” www.instagram.com/theninavee TWITTER ” www.twitter.com/theninavee SNAPCHAT ” TheNinaVee BUSINESS EMAIL ” [email protected] MY FAVE BRUSHES ” Morphe M507 (Nose… …
27-01-2018 21:58
No Mirror Makeup Challenge | Nicole Guerriero
Scariest portion of the No Makeup Mirror Challenge” Placing on falsies & lashes that are lower. Maybe you have had to put your makeup on using a mirror” * Turns out I’ve done this video hahahah nearly 6 decades ago. Shoutout to my journey or expires that… …
27-01-2018 21:58
WET N WILD vs. YSL ?? Foundation Dupe Battle! ? WEAR TEST
Showing you my suggestion for your Wet n Wild Photo Focus Foundation – the YSL Fusion Ink Foundation! Also showing you the way both wear throughout the day! Did you like this” ? NEW XOBEAUTY LIPSTICKS https://www.youtube.com/watch”v=7k6-RPcWAWU&=595s ? … …
27-01-2018 21:58
BEST OF COLOURPOP | My Favorite Products – 2018
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video in which I walk you through Coloupops BEST PRODUCTS (WITH LIP SWATCHES TOO)I hope you like! Thank you for watching! xoxo! GET MY FAVORITES FOR 20% OFF FOR THE NEXT 5 DAYS:… …
26-01-2018 21:59
GRWM For Your Dickuah ? Kris Fox
Wow Look, It\’s A Wild Danger Woman Out To Ya Daddies Inheritance! Hi 2K18 How You Doing” The Queen Is Back And Ready To Slay Ya Wigs Awayuah! ? TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS TO BE UPDATED ? Social Media Instagram:… …
26-01-2018 21:57
Neutral Half Cut Crease Look | Nicole Guerriero
A bit obsessed over a half cut crease these days. :-RRB- Mixing All My Foundations Collectively — https://www.youtube.com/watch”v=CKEPv-GDZWE&feature=youtu.be B U S I N E S: To Business and Branding purposes… …
25-01-2018 22:02
January Ipsy Bags (Attempt On Design) | 2018
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video in which I show you whats within my January Ipsy Glam Bag & I try on some products! I hope you like! xoxo! IPSY: https://www.ipsy.com Products Inside Your Bags: Dermelect Microfacial Exfoliating Masque… …
24-01-2018 21:58
HAMISH’S SCAM ? Vlog 454
We believed Hamish got conned (funny story), upgraded scrub/moisturiser/serum routine, supplements. I get all my Teami tea and the mask and wash from http://www.teamiblends.com and you may utilize code – SHANH to get 20% off! I strongly recommend the… …
24-01-2018 21:58
Pre-Wedding Makeup Regular! Daily Makeup Look w Pixi, Perric
Hey men! I filmed this in the feverish lead up into the wedding, which occurred last friday (Check out the pics in my instagram @chlomorello & my husbands @sebamecha!!) , and I trust you enjoy this fast look appropriate for before a big occasion, or even… …
24-01-2018 21:58
Total Face Using ONLY One Eyeshadow Palette | Challenge
Find me on – INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond SECOND INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond_unfiltered SNAPCHAT – shani grimmond TWITTER – shani grimmond FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/xokashani SG THE LABEL http://www.sgthelabel.com/ Instagram -… …
23-01-2018 21:56
NEW xoBeauty Lip Shades! ? LIP SWATCHES ?? Luxe Liquid & Mat
Swatching the COMPLETE selection of xoBeauty lipsticks containing 5 new matte shades and 4 new vegan liquids! I trust you love them I worked hard! ? DRUGSTORE AMAZING FOUNDATION https://www.youtube.com/watch”v=NCJUpiLA8Y0&=29s ? NEW VLOGS… …
23-01-2018 21:56
This Lupus Advocate Finds Beauty in Infection | Allure
Lupus advocate Jokiva Bellard (@_indianrosee) opens up about how she conquered the conflicts of living with Lupus and found how to sense beauty in the face of life-threatening depression and illness. Still haven?t subscribed to Allure on… …
23-01-2018 21:54
I mixed all my makeup together and I\’m not angry at the way it turned out. Can you try it outside” *I only realized I just put 10 primers . I\’m gont attribute my claws. Channel\’s mentioned: Alissa Ashley –… …
23-01-2018 21:57
My Radiant Glow Foundation Routine | Jaclyn Hill
Here\’s a new video – my glowing glow foundation pattern! ? SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL? http://goo.gl/3Awmn8 ? ? ? DISCOUNT CODES? ? ? MORPHE BRUSHES: http://morphebrushes.com/index.php”dispatch=categories.view&category_id=358 USE CODE:… …
23-01-2018 21:57
I’ve something to tell you…
WEEKLY VLOG 1 IS HERE! I show you my booty workout, just take you grocery shopping with me, visit Talia and update you in my personal life :-RRB- ? Social Media ? ? Blog: https://danimansutti.com/ ? Shop: http://danibeauty.com/ ? Vlog / Gaming Channel:… …
22-01-2018 22:00
Testing the bad and worst makeup in the Mecca! I wanted to determine whether the reviews were so accurate, so here’s a very first impression complete face of \’poor makeup\’! :-RRB- ? KISSME LIP SWATCH VID https://www.youtube.com/watch”v=QvO1eGaPorE&=36s ? NEW VLOGS… …
22-01-2018 22:00
Automobile Ride Chats With Shani | Catchin Up VLOG
Hi my love! Here’s a vlog I filmed a week. Enjoy!!! Xxx Find me on – INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond SECOND INSTAGRAM – shanigrimmond_unfiltered SNAPCHAT – shani grimmond TWITTER – shani grimmond FACEBOOK -… …
21-01-2018 22:05
HEY! I am quite excited to share my home / home tour with you today – I loved sharing my own apartment tour with you annually, and today I\’m really pleased to show you my own fantasy home tour! :-RRB- ? Social Media ? ? Blog: https://danimansutti.com/ ? Shop:… …
21-01-2018 22:05
? SHOP my innocence bracelets ? https://shop.bonvitastyle.com ? ? ? THUMBS UP for more FAVOURITES videos ? ? ? Expand me to get more goodness ??? Find me on: ? INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/KaushalBeauty ? SNAPCHAT:… …
21-01-2018 22:09
Just like and Subscribe ?? http://bit.ly/desiperkins ? EBATES How I Get Cash back when I Shop Online: So that you can get Cash Back you need to shop through Ebates website http://ebates.com/desiperkins ?? PRODUCTS MENTIONED: ?? OPI NAIL POLISH -… …
21-01-2018 22:05
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