#one of the storyboard artists still draws fanart of him. one of my ocs was recognized by the writer.
sergeantsporks 7 months
The Wizards fandom was crazy. Sometimes I'd make a silly little headcanon post and the Voice Of God (the writer) would appear in my notes and go "yea, sounds right" like wtf was up with that
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mysticbeaver 2 months
10 for rolf and kevin boy, 11 for kevrolf, 12, 16 & 22 for rolf and kevin boy 馃榿
Under the cut
10. What's your favourite piece of fanart for Kevin / Rolf?
For Kevin I'd say any fanart by guainumbi, like this one. (Fun fact - although they deactivated ages ago I found the artist on insta and I got in touch with them... they were really happy to hear of people still enjoying their old fanart 馃槉). Another honorable mention is chocowhomps' awesome stuff, their transmasc Kev AU is kinda out there, but you gotta respect that kind of passion and commitment.
For Rolf I'm thinking this this Rolf galore by mariekanker, they always draw him sooo scrunkly shsjdshjd馃挜. And shape101's portrayals of Rolf's family and all the OCs they made were fun to see.
11. What's your favourite piece of fanart for kevrolf?
It's gotta be this masterpiece. It blows my mind that it's got WAY much more notes than any other kevrolf fanart (getting close to 1k I think! wtf, that's like top eene posts... well, apart from that ship we don't talk about). I'm also fond of this doodle thing, maybe one of the first ones I ever saw, and it's so ancient I used to think it was done by a storyboard artist, but someone confirmed to me it came from Brah-J (kik0thek1ller) on deviantart (they did fanart way back when the show was still on I think)
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
In my deeper brainrot moments I've definitely imagined some zombie survival AU, mostly to entertain myself. It's a common AU idea, I know (oh no, now I'm remembering @torra-and-the-toons's unfinished In The Ed comic, oh the memories... *rubs eyes*)
16. Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
No way haha, I'm kinda reserved about how I spend my time, let alone being in a 20+ year old cartoon fandom. But I guess I could have some fun chats with my big sis about it cause she knows me well for the loonie I am 馃ぃ and she's a tv show addict anyway.
22. Give us a headcanon for Kevin / Rolf
-Kevin is a bit touch-starved (surprise surprise, I keep drawing parallels between him and Eddy lol), it's kinda self-inflicted because of the tough guy persona he puts up, and how high-strung he secretly is while pretending to be "chill". I think Nazz in her sensitivity might realize this eventually and help him be more genuine with himself and others. Rolf and her should give him some surprise hugs 馃榿 although it would annoy him (this fanart is sweet btw)
-Despite his frustrations, deep down Rolf is very grateful of his surroundings and how tolerant and friendly everyone is with him, and he grows more conscious of this as he grows up. He could have been a lot more unlucky, especially in school, a kid like that would be a prime target for bullying.
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starleska 1 year
girl i am just SO curious since we have the same type and all abt your thoughts on Cagney Carnation from Cuphead 馃憖
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oh hell yes!!! thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about the deranged flower again 馃槼馃挅馃挅馃挅 i adore Cagney Carnation. who doesn't?? such a captivating design - one part mob boss, one part flower, one part monstrous abomination with some very sexy teeth 馃檲馃檲 Cuphead is one of those franchises i have a tonne of f/os from: Cagney Carnation, Chef Saltbaker, Werner Werman, King Dice, Baroness Von Bon Bon...and doubtless the next time i revisit the fandom someone else's wonderful fanart will tip me into fixation for another character 馃槀 but Cagney is special...i totally get why we all went feral for him 馃槀馃挅 he's yet another instalment in the 'characters with long supernumerary appendages who could easily rip us apart' roster...the incredible strength, his silly little dance, and how absolutely badass his final form is, it's no wonder he's so beloved!! easily one of the best and most iconic fights in the whole game with a banging song, and so many fun details. i went back and S-ranked him recently and felt on top of the world 馃檲
listen, i am down so bad it's not funny 馃槀 Cuphead really does lend itself to so much creativity and fandom fun...feels very much like Don't Hug Me I'm Scared in that way. whether folks are drawing him as a grumpy lil flower, an Eldritch abomination or a handsome gijinka, there's no version of him i don't like;;; OH!!! have you heard Man on the Internet's lyric cover of Floral Fury? he'll forever be my headcanon voice for Cagney (until we get an official one, of course 馃槈). for now, all we have to go off of is his laugh, which is...um...馃ゴ i even made a little Cuphead OC to ship with him!! their name's Aster, and they're a star from Hilda Berg's moon phase 馃グ it's been a while since i made them, and i'd love to revisit the universe and make more OCs...i think everyone should try their hand at making one for Cuphead selfship purposes, it's great 馃檲 i am still devastated that we didn't get him in the previous 'season' of The Cuphead Show. Netflix fuckery continues to blight us, but i'm still holding out hope!! did you know that storyboard artist Karl Hadrika shared a still from a current 'lost episode' of the show, showing Cagney with his tommy gun? 馃憖 i'm still very hopeful that bc The Cuphead Show is so staggeringly popular that we will get another season...but until then, we gotta sit tight and gush about Cagney amongst ourselves 馃ズ馃挅
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