#one of them is inspired by a supernatural blorbo if you can guess it
cleaverqueer · 8 months
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Most of these were painted last night, but a couple were made in the past two weeks and i just didnt get around to posting them
Several of them will be making their way to my new Etsy store soon!
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disappointingcabbage · 3 months
TMAGP 20 thoughts, spoilers under the cut!!
The original title of the episode was Skin Deep, but they changed it to Social Stigma. Inch Resting… giving Ink5oul vibes…
Sam wants to talk to Alice and Celia Away From The Computers about the Magnus Institute. Smart but ineffective, though to be fair he doesn’t know they can listen on, like, every piece of technology imaginable lmao
poor Alice is Done With This Shit, understandable after her chat with Colin tbh
Oh shit Sam figured out the Protocol equals arson shenanigans…
The OIAR had the institute destroyed by Starkwall? I hate that that makes sense, I very much wanted Gertrude to have done it. Gobsmackingly uncommon L for arson grandma I guess.
Wait, not only did Starkwall burn the institute down, they also killed all the employees? Damn, seems like overkill but makes sense if that just means Elias wasn’t bluffing in TMA about how killing him kills everyone at the Institute.
I guess that means Jonah Magnus is super dead in this universe. Nice.
Also Gertrude either never worked for the Magnus Institute in this universe or she was able to quit before the Protocol was enacted and the institute was destroyed.
Alice makes a good point about not wanting to piss off the government by exposing real conspiracies, judging by the extreme nature of Arson Protocols, if Sam keeps digging deeper he could put himself and perhaps also Alice and Celia in serious danger
I love that Celia is advocating for Sam
But this time the email address that sent it was gibberish… I don’t think that was the case for the one that sent him Gerry’s address… inch resting…
The fact that they know they’re working for the bad guys this early on in comparison to TMA is really cool tbh
Celia is definitely not beating the universe hopping allegations with her “are we sure destroying the institute was a bad thing? They wanted to end the world” take
Alice is pulling a Georgie and noping out. Fair enough.
Celia’s still down to investigate, hell yeah
Why are they tattooing in a warehouse? Odd choice of venue lmao
Oh, they’re tattooing a corpse. Sounds about right for them tbh.
The fact that they’re commenting on how Gwen has “nice skin” is giving me Nikola Orsinov vibes
The OIAR wants Ink5oul to be an external? Neat. Why weren’t they one already?
Oh shit Ink5oul seems to be in the middle of becoming an avatar and they don’t understand what the fuck is happening
They didn’t originally want to be Spooky, just wanted social media fame. Oof. Also doesn’t help that the first time they went viral it was a complete accident.
Oh shit the statement for this week is just Ink5oul talking to Gwen.
Lmao they accidentally stumbled into the spooky while looking for inspiration (and/or tattoo designs old enough to steal without getting caught)
So Oscar Jarrett was basically the original Ink5oul, and “adapting” his supernaturally flavored designs is the only thing that gets them fame
Ink5oul, bestie, I think your friends were right to be worried about you, not just jealous.
Oh shit Jarrett tattoos don’t decay? Funky!! That explains all the grave robbing.
It’s kind of hilarious that constantly changing venues due to running from the law just kind of helped with Ink5oul’s branding online like no one thought it was suspicious at all, they were just like “ooh spooky blorbo”
Oh damn, emulating Jarrett’s work changed Ink5oul’s own work and made it Spooky? AND it made them want to see people afraid? Yeah this is some avatar shit.
Ink5oul does not in fact want to be an external. That tracks tbh
Gwen do Not talk town to the spooky ink person
“This is the part where you start running” Gwen pissed off the wrong one lmao
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stevethehairington · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
ty to the lovely @thefreakandthehair and @hexiewrites for the tags!! this looks like a fun one!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 117 so far and still counting!!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 662,484!
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently stranger things and i've been toying around with the idea of jumping back into writing for good omens! just gotta get the worms to worm, yknow?
but i have also historically written for: skam; marvel; love simon/simon vs; it; shameless; supernatural; (and once for hp and once for trust but i will likely not ever write for either of those again sooo how much do they really count? lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. good for my boy (steddie) 2. can't hide the way you make us glow (steddie) 3. i want to hold your hand (steddie) 4. sloe gin fizzy, do it till you're dizzy (steddie) 5. the world will follow after (steddie)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? YES!!! i DO!!! i am INCREDIBLY behind on replying to comments, i got busy and didn't have the chance to reply to any and then they started to pile up and now there is an overwhelming amount in my inbox (currently around 450 sdkljfds) so i just gotta. carve out some time to start tackling all of them. but i am firmly of the belief that if you took the time to leave me a comment i will take the time to respond!! it... just might be a hot minute before that response comes... but it will!! that is a guarantee!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? haha if you know me you know that writing angst is not something i do all that often. i am a Certified Soft Bitch, and when i do write angst i always try to end it on a happy note because my blorbos deserve that happiness. but i suppose there are a few fics i've written that have... less than happy, perhaps more ambiguous endings. i think there are probably two that i can think of that could potentially fit the bill here...
keep me on a rope, which is my unrequited stommy fic. it IS a happy ending for steddie, but certainly not for tommy lol, so i suppose that counts!
and then i'll throw in beneath the stars too, which is the very first good omens fic i ever wrote (directly inspired by samson by regina spektor!) in which in the early days of their acquaintanceship, aziraphale shows crowley kindness, crowley makes a move and kisses aziraphale, and aziraphale pushes him away and is vehement about the fact that they can't. though, this one kind of ends with aziraphale having an italicize ohment (literally), sooo i guess it's not all that angsty of an ending?
if we wanna bring tumblr drabbles into the mix tho... i definitely have some angsty ones that do not end happily...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? happiest ending!!! oh boy!!! try, like, every fic i've ever written basically?? dakljfsd as previously established, i am a Certified Soft Bitch, so pretty much all of my fics end with my blorbos happily in love and living/on their way to living their best lives. i really don't know if i can pick one that is the "happiest". i suppose if i absolutely had to pick, i'd maybe say let me know your future plans, which i wrote for the stucky big bang way back when. it's PURE romcom and it ends in a happy wedding so!!
8. Do you get hate on fics? i have not! which, considering how many fandoms i've written for and how crazy some of those fandoms can get, i am INCREDIBLY grateful for. i've got good egg readers and i am very very thankful for it. i think the worst comment i've ever gotten on a fic was one where someone like criticized robin in my fic and called her a bad friend, but that was because they THOROUGHLY misinterpreted her actions in the fic and like seriously misunderstood that she wasn't actually genuinely being an asshole. but yeah, i wouldn't really classify that as hate, that was just lacking reading comprehension lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i do! i feel like it's been a hot minute since i have published any lol, but, historically, i have! and i certainly will (eventually) write and publish more! as for "what kind", gay. i write gay porn. dskljfs. all of the smut i have ever written has been gay and very likely all of it ever will be lksjfs. i also don't think my smut writing ever gets, like, super wild or anything. i'm fully one of those people that likes my smut to be very feelings heavy and like there's gotta be that emotional connection, that seals the DEAL for me, so yeah i tend to write it that way too. fun fact though, the first fic of mine that ever hit 1k kudos was a smut fic! lmao.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? nope! i am very much NOT a crossover fan. don't like to read 'em, don't like to write 'em. i just think there's too much going on in them and i don't like to mix and match my fandoms.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of! and hopefully it never will happen either!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? honestly? i cannot remember. sdkfjlsd i feel like i maybe had a request to translate a fic a looooong time ago, but i genuinely do not remember.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? none that have ever been posted! i've started co-writing fics before, but those have never been finished rip. i would really love to actually co-write something and finish it eventually though!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? ohhhhhhhhhhh MAN. that's a TOUGH question. i've loved so many ships over the years, and they've all been incredibly dear to me. obviously, my favorite at any given time is going to be whatever is my current favorite, whatever is actively snagging my attention and digging it's claws into me (so atm, steddie or ineffable husbands). BUT. since we are talking favorite of all time... i think i gotta go with stucky here. there is just something SO beautiful about that one and there is SO much to work with there, the possibilities are truly endless.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? well i've got a MILLION wips i want to finish in my wips folder that will likely never get touched again skljgfsg but. oh man. i think i gotta say if you love me, if you hate me, which breaks my hEART to say. but skfljdf it's been five years since i posted it and i STILL have not ever gone back to finish it, despite desperately wanting to (because gOD DAMMIT IT HAUNTS ME, IT FUCKING H A U N T S ME!!! THAT IS THE ONLY FIC I'VE E V E R POSTED THAT I HAVE LEFT UNFINISHED AND I HATE THAT SO MUCH!!! I WANT IT TO BE COMPLETE!!!). i always say that i would love to go back and finish it one day, and that sentiment still stands!!! i really would!!! but man, i havent thought about skam in a writing-sense in, obviously, years. and i truly don't know if i ever will be able to get back in that mindset. like i always say though, never say never...
16. What are your writing strengths? writing strengths ooh hmm... well. i personally spend a lot of time on making sure i get my characterizations right when i'm writing any character - that is one of thee most important parts of fic writing to me, because a poorly characterized character is one of the QUICKEST ways to take me out of a fic. so i take that shit seriously. and i like to think that i understand the characters well enough that i am successful in this, that i do do a good job of it, that you can read any one of my fics and go YEAH he WOULD say that. i've gotten compliments about my characterizations on lots of my fics before too (which is genuinely the highest compliment to receive, it makes me so happy to hear), so i like to think that my judgement of my own skill here is not wildly off base lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? hmmmm. well, i tend to get super in my head about everything when i've been staring at a doc for too long. i start to like,,, forget how to write well lol. i feel like when that happens i start to like get repetitive and super basic in my writing, which is, obviously, not what i want lol. also, endings. i have so much trouble writing endings. also i struggle SO HARD with just like. writing a random scene that doesn't have like. all this buildup and background. like i cannot for the life of me just start writing in the middle of a scene adflskd. i have to have some sort of setup, which makes it very difficult when i cannot figure out what that setup should be lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? don't really have many thoughts on it tbh. i don't do it. mostly because i don't really include any other languages in my fics lol. but i suppose if i ever did and it wasn't like a well known phrase or something that the fandom would know without a translation, then i'd definitely include a translation somewhere. there is nothing i dislike more than when a fic throws in a significant amount of another language (aka not just one or two tiny phrases here andnthere) and doesn't include a translation. like i'm not out here trying to switch between tabs just so i can understand your fic. so yeah if i ever did include other languages, i would definitely be sure to include translations too.
19. First fandom you wrote for? first fandom i wrote for and published my written work for was skam!!! skam my beloved, you will always be special to me. i diiiiid dabble in fic writing before skam, but none of that was ever finished or posted and it never will be and i will not be saying what fandom it was for skfljgdfg (if you know me though you probably know the answer sdfkjsd). but yeah!! skam was baby's first fic writing fandom!!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? omgggg this is like asking someone to pick their favorite child... i CANT skdjfsl. can i cheat and list a couple favorites? sdkfjdsf. im gonna cheat and list a couple favorites. OKAY. so some of my favorites i've written include:
let me know your future plans - my fic for the 2018 stucky au big bang! this is the first bang i ever did, and it is the longest fic i have ever written! i'm honestly incredibly proud of myself for having done it; bangs are hard sldslkfs. writing a fic over that long of a time period and sticking with it until the end is hard, but i did it! i stuck with it and i finished it and wrote the whole thing i wanted to write and honestly it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my writing career. also, i fucking love a good romcom and that fic is pure romcom so. yEAH.
good for my boy - my wayne pov steddie fic! i'm ALSO super proud of this one because writing from wayne's pov was something so different for me and it was a challenge to make sure i got the balance of getting his voice right without crossing the line and making it sound like a caricature of him, and i think i did a pretty good job of getting him right!
under my umbrella - another steddie fic! this one was just something that came to me totally randomly and i just remember how easily the whole thing spilled out. it was SO incredibly fun to write and it combines some of my favorite things (steddie and RAIN kafjsd) and i just love this one a lot.
keep me on a rope - my unrequited stommy, steddie fic!! i LOVE L O V E LOVE writing tommy pov, and i LOVE L O V E LOVE writing tommy lore and this fic let me do both and it was just SO fun to write and to explore that fucked up little guy and i'm so so pleased with how it turned out. and also the response it got? THRILLING. having people tell me that me and my fic got them thinking about tommy as more than just some random side character that shows up in a couple episodes and disappears and that it got them appreciating that character? THEE BEST!!!! LITERALLY!!! spreading the tommy agenda to as many people as i can is my goal in life and this fic FULLY helped me open some eyes sdkfljsd.
imagine being loved by me - you know WHAT im gonna add this one to the list too because i think it is the best smut i have ever written. this was my first and only (so far anyways) foray into good omens smut lol and i'm actually suuuuper proud of how it turned out. like feels a little weird calling something i wrote hot but,,,,, i kinda went off with how hot it turned out adlkfjdslkf. at least to me it did anyways skjflsd.
that's the end of it now!! so i will tag: @withacapitalp @toburnup @2btheanswertothequestion @flowercrowngods @cheatghost @steddielations @henderdads @harmonictechnicality @sidekick-hero @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @steddieasitgoes @aidaronan @phoeniceae @pizzaqueen @fastcardotmp3 @wynnyfryd @maxineholtzmann @maxinemaxmayfield and anyone else that wants to do it!! (also if you've already been tagged feel free to ignore! i did not look at anyone else's tag list before doing mine lol)
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rydykg · 2 years
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taglist ask to b +/- you know it
• | @.sapphic-story
i have barely touched any of my Big wips but fuck it, we ballin, i made a new one
has a sister intro here
below is the text transcript for the slides:
Slide one:
Slide two:
Unlimited flow is a genre featuring horror, challenge, and survival games. A character summoned into unique spaces separate from the real world and have to complete tasks, generally stuff like puzzles, survival or horror games. The final purpose is to survive. Usually involved instances and special abilities, a system is optional.
Slide three:
Any wish can be fulfilled, no matter how illogical or impossible. It only requires a small price, one that can be paid for by completing games. Succeed, and gain all that you’ve only dreamed of. Fail, and fall into despair. Welcome to Absolution.exe. Please work hard for your absolution.
Slide four:
With a strong enough wish, people can be selected to enter a game: Absolution.exe. The game can grant them whatever they wish for, as long as they collect enough “points” to buy it… and as long as they are still alive to claim it.
Our MC, Pei Luxiang, wished for… something, and he wakes up on a cruise ship as the first game begins. The price for his wish is extremely high, he has an Ability way-too early in the game, and there are… things that he may or may not have forgotten, but still knows (it’s complicated).
Still, his main goal is gaining enough points to fulfil his unknown wish and nothing more… right?
Slide five:
myths and stories from all around the world
diverse cast (but a focus on Chinese characters!)
found family
an almost-forgotten bet lasting gods-know-how-long already (this is very important)
worlds of horror to be survived (or die in)
hopefully cool powers and arcs
characters with varying outlooks in life ft. “i may have a moral code with only three bullet points but i STICK to it”
Slide six:
(again) myths and stories from all around the world
literally every single unlimited flow horror novel ever written
in particular, After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle and Supernatural Movie Actor App (Unlimited)
no but seriously if you want recommendations for other unlimited flow novels please hit me up i have So Many. you can also just check out its novelupdates tag i guess
main characters copied inspired by the 6 blorbos in my head i rotate daily (some more than others ;;)
Slide seven:
Pei Luxiang: he/him, heavily invested in beekeeping (and really loves bees), his milkshake brings all the boys to the yard but god he wishes it didn’t.
Chai Mingxue: she/her, gfs ->, sword girlfriend, manic pixie dreamgirl but she does it on purpose
Luo Siyang: she/her, <- gfs, gun girlfriend, walking encyclopaedia but only of things she was previously fixated on
Slide eight:
Tai Nanfeng: he/him, born to be a surgeon forced to be a doctor (general), unwillingly dragged into shenanigans but would not hesitate
Chi Yuxi: she/they, questioning gender? bitch we don’t have time for that, unfortunately knows things they shouldn’t and hides it well (until. uh. plot)
Ji Liqing: he/him, that’s all you get to know about him for now, ??????????????, deserves to be protected but does it instead
Slide nine:
anyway that’s it lol
if you have any interesting folktales or myths (not necessarily horror) pls giv. thamk
slides template by slides2go btw. yeah.
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darknetneopets · 2 years
I wonder, if my oc, William, would meet Eden, how would that go? Especially since both are kinda inspired by Chernabog-
OOOOOHHH that would be interesting!! William is so cool btw!!
I mean- funny answer: Spider-Man pointing meme asshjgks but for real ooogh I feel like they could have some interesting interactions since they’re both kind of mysterious but in very different ways,,,
I find the relationship William has to Yuu super interesting and can totally imagine it with Eden (since he’s my version of Yuu) I’m excited to see what you do with your fanfic idea for William!
It might depend on how William chooses to behave towards Eden. He seems very cool and imposing- but unless he gets super aggressive or standoffish that won’t bother Eden ‘beast tamer’ Grey much. We are talking about a person (fresh from another dimension) who had no problem scruffing a fire breathing cat monster, sharing a dorm with ghosts, or befriending the ominous horned dragon man lurking around the Ramshackle grounds at night!
I like to imagine Eden as having a curious ‘charm’ affect on others, especially monsters and other supernatural beings as a nod to Chernabog’s ability to seemingly summon ghosts and demons etc. So there’s the possibility William might find him similarly soothing to be around (depending on if you think his charm would affect William or not of course!)
It seems like William is very good at getting people to trust him if he wants to and he certainly would have no trouble with Eden. Seven help William if he decides to be openly friendly or supportive towards Eden (congratulations, William, you are now an adoptive big brother figure! Have fun with your new magicless sidekick and their talking cat :3 )
Once you’ve befriended Eden there’s no shaking them, outside of actively choosing to hurt or betray him (even then maybe not, he forgives a bit too easily) and while he can’t do much to retaliate against being wronged, his distress might summon a very displeased dragon prince…
Obviously William is the much cooler and more powerful Chernabog figure and kinda makes Eden look like a disappointing descendant- like a tiger shaking his head while he watches a domesticated cat run around askgjks,,,
I totally think Eden would love William and find himself drawn to him the same way he is with Malleus and Lillia. Eden has a thing for anything old, spooky, and eccentric!
Also Eden would absolutely affectionately shorten his name to ‘Will’ unless William voiced a strong dislike for it. I can also picture William calling Eden ‘lil devil’ like Lillia dose for some reason, just vibes I guess <3
[as for my dorm leader au Eden,,, he would avoid William at all costs. He's only a house warden by technicality and is trying not to draw any attention to himself his first year on NRC’s infamous campus- especially when it comes to powerful seeming guys like William! But they would probably bond over both having a soft spot for Yuu and become cordial at the very least.
ACTUALLY with William in that au I could see him being the Chernabog dorm leader and maybe Eden as his new vice warden!! Maybe I should draw William in the Chernabog dorm uniform when I finish designing it! :3 ]
Anyway asdjghks this was a lot but this ask made my day!!! Also William is officially one of my blorbos and will be rotting my brain from now on,,, <3
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