punkei · 6 years
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☆ Punkeii ☆ 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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kaorufox-blog · 7 years
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- O N E   E Y E D   D O E - 
I commissioned my good friend Oneeyeddoe on Twitter for a very special, one of a kind digital badge - first of its kind! This badge was to christen my suit when it arrives in February from MochiriWorks. I'm so impressed with the hard work and love that has gone in creating this. One eyed doe is an incredibly talented craftsman, known for her distinctively iconic suits and as a traditional and digital artist along side!
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pirate-cashoo · 6 years
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A couple of owed comms for OneEyedDoe on FA!
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protecc-uwu · 3 years
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Fanart for Oneeyeddoe who debuted yesterday ;A;
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king-hime · 7 years
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All my fursuit work from 2012-2013. Resin bases by OneEyedDoe.
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avernale · 5 years
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punkei · 6 years
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☆ Punkeii ☆
This was a birthday gift for OneEyedDoe- she made my current fursuit
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Hey! If you like my art, consider checking out my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/puppunk
☆ ・・・Don’t remove my caption please! :>・・・ ☆
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teemo · 6 years
just curious but I think I recall that you commissioned for a fursuit a few years ago and I was wondering if you ever received it
i did! it didn’t really fit me and i didn’t like it in the end which i was kind of upset about. :(  i didn’t tell the suit maker i didn’t like it though because he was really stressed about it i think and i didn’t really wanna be like “oops i’m not a fan of this”
im currently in queue for a suit by OneEyedDoe and should be coming up pretty soon! i’m really looking forward to it. she’s been very sweet and lovely and a great person to work with.
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blackseafoam · 10 years
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Taylor/Doe is beautiful and amazing and sweet enough to make me this incredible adorable promo gif for my Fjallraven Polar contest entry!!!
Holy cow... I just have no words. I have no words for all the love and kindness extended to me through this contest other than thank you! People have been SO supportive and excited about this contest, I feel like the luckiest person in the world. At this point it doesn't even matter if I win because the love that I am feeling from everyone who voted for me is so satisfying (but... I still REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want to win). 
And if you haven't voted yet please do! It requires no sign up and you can win your favorite product just by voting. 
You can also help me by reblogging/sharing this or any of my other posts about the contest here on tumblr, or on any other social networking site!
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protecc-uwu · 4 years
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Last two art piece for artfight this year, it has been a blast~
These two are both friendly fires for LittleMull3 and OneEyedDoe!
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dramaticaldrama · 10 years
So I bought a character 5 years ago from a artist called iproxy/oneeyeddoe, she is a known scammer, she sold that character off twice after she sold it to me and because she silenced me, harassment, mental abuse. i did not speak up because i was a fan. I did not want to lose her as a friend. Now emmysama is using my character without permission, she got it from chevy, which was one of the people iproxy sold it to afterwards, but chevy and i talked already, and she told me that person she sold it to wouldnt use it, after a nice talk with emmy she refuses to knowledge she bought a stolen character and continues to use it. I really angry about it.  http://zerafied.tumblr.com/post/100590659798/iproxy-oneeyeddoe-callout the entire situation can be read here, seriously if emmy tries to commission you of art of said character. DO NOT ACCEPT THE COMMISSION. I REPEAT SHE DOES NOT OWN IT.
!!! ~Mod Gecko
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king-hime · 7 years
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AAAND all my fursuit work from 2015-mid 2017 (now)
Credits - Purple pony - sculpt my Series, I just finished it - Black shiba: base by OneEyedDoe - Pink n Blue: feet, noses, teeth by Ms.Delicious - White pup w/ brown hair: Parts by MyRiddle4u - RWB Hound (bottom): I just did the head sculp, eyes, hair. Finished by MyRiddle4u
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ihavemovedurlsgoodbye · 10 years
Iproxy is oneeyedoe and I think she is also ------, they may not  be different people that i know of because she told me herself once she was moving there. She could just be putting the blame on someone else.  Which wouldn't surprise me. This got confirmed thank you guys. ;-;
To at least confirm what i still have proof of. Let me go on and tell you some facts on them.
Oneeyeddoe was recently announced and called out on for not finishing commissions and harassing people located here:
Please be aware this is her. Iproxy and Oneeyeddoe are one in the same.
Don’t be confused tho... her old fursona: iproxy or Taylor Paige  was scammed off and sold to 3 different people in fact idk even know who’s the rightful owner of the character, I was one of the people she scammed. I was first to buy the character so I guess I am the rightful owner?
 PLUS 100 pieces of art, PLUSHIE AND A CLOCK AND 2 DIFFERENT SCULPTURES. You ask why i spent so much on her? here's your answer. No Taylor never shipped me the plushie or anything else. As you can see, i clearly spent alot on it for a reason.
Moving on.
She also sold it some other chick. How do i know? I saw someone else who submitted a ref of iproxy to confirm what the hell happened back then i noted them. They told me iproxy sold them the character. I then made a new account and asked iproxy if she sold the character. This was 4-5 years ago mind you. Anyhow she told me the username of some chick, idk even remember what it is now. Like so long ago and no more screenshots. -edit- found the notes and screen shotted them. BUT It was the same chick I noted.
That wasn’t the last time she scammed someone. Nope a year later FOUND OUT her selling the design once again. To chevysaur. At least at the time chevy started using the character. According to a friend of mine. I was at a mindfuck who even owned the character, I wanted to believe she coudln't do this to me. I stopped using her for a while when I found out and have made countless similar designs to avoid argument. Well this lasted a month. That was after I did indeed confront Taylor on it. In the end i kept drawing the original design because i rightfully own it right? because I payed 200 dollars right? because i got her first right? Yeah I am sorry but she belongs to me and I won't let anyone change that. Just because taylor decided to sell her twice after I payed for her.
I was afraid to come out about it back then because she would send her fanbase and put attacks on anyone she did not like. She was good at covering it up as well. That's a FACT. She also made accounts back then to harass people on. SHE HAS NOT CHANGED ONE BIT. I wish i still had screens of that. I saw her do it to many times to other people.
So about taylors scamming ways. I guess this is a bit of a call out but stilI I  know iproxy is oneeyeddoe. I also know iproxy was very bad about taking commissions and not finishing them. If the account was still active there would be tons of comments and proof but it’s 4 years old and i can’t access a deactivated account. I do still have this screen which i forgot about as proof:
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I found the old notes i had from her. went ahead screen shotted them. Though there was more. These are the important ones. If you wanna see them I guess i can add them here later. I crossed out my old DA 's  usernames because well its old, and so is this tumblr but perhaps its best she doesn't know my new DA, to avoid being harassed.
This is oneeyedddoe because:
SAME character, named hush, same style, same everything.
Also look: photo of iproxy and oneyedoe
hey its been a few years and dying your hair and cutting your hair totally means your a different person right?
I remember you oneeyeddoe you scammed me 200 dollars out of a character and never refunded me. I did confront her about this once, but she did deny all of it. I ended up saying it was my mistake. You know..I shouldn't have, I should of made a journal back then calling her out. I didn't and I can’t accept that as you scam more people. I may have been at fault for not telling chevysaur or the other girl, she scammed them but idk what else can i do? i will keep drawing the design because well i payed for it. It's best i come out later, then never i suppose and share my side of the story, to help let other know taylor never once changed. period.
Yes I feel bad, yes i should of spoke up sooner, but ultimately, i bought the character from her first and i love her very much i cant and wont stop drawing her. period. I even have a fursuit of her i made.The one girl who she scammed didn't mind not using the character anymore as she created a new fursona years back, i have got word of this recently in my ask box. i have not talked to chevysaur yet but this will get corrected fast and i will be correcting it somehow as the character will always be mine.
here's another thing:  iproxy scammed people by not finishing contest prizes and commissions, you can see that here:
I only remember her poofing, i cant comfirm if she ran away from commissions or finished them. I do not believe she did finish them.
AND THIS IS her account before iproxy i guess. Apparently she has a ton of hate from even that account. see how far back we can go with taylor being a shitty persson.
I added to this post, and fixed my wording better.
I wrote this to another blog half asleep, i will be sending in the updated version hoping they correct the post.
confirmed that it was a different  taylor, cleary iproxy has tried to accuse the other taylor of being her. cover up? blame game? who knows?
I wish i had the courage to correct it much sooner but i lacked the willpower to do so because of taylors harassing ways. She did harass me years back when confronted, she did deny it as I said and I was scared and I admired her and I didn't want to disappoint her. So I told her it was my mistake and fault and I was sorry. Soo yes I felt at fault.
LET this be a warning to not do business with her period. Thank you for reading and putting up with my badly worded updates!
NOTE: maybe i will come out with my main account in time but i would prefer I stop taylor from harassing me first.
You can send me in an ask here if you like:
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