chronalglitch-blog · 8 years
Demons & Heroes
It was quiet, far too quiet. She wondered if it was late. As much as she was about time, Tracer had no real internal clock. Her phone was dead, but she didn’t know which time zone the underground city was a part of anyway. It seemed all she could do was to try her best to get along with the flow.
Finding her house had not been hard, and it was not like she had anything to unpack, so she had just stopped by to see what it looked like (and she was hardly impressed). Now if only she could find the way home...
But there was no need to stress about it. One thing at a time. Maybe there was a reason she was there; maybe she was needed there. Whichever was the case, she was sure she’d understand it all at some point. Well, at least she hoped so.
Her exploration of the city had led her into the park, where she had stopped at a safe distance from the statues. They were the very definition of creepy. She had the feeling they’d move as soon as she looked away so she stood there awkwardly, trying her best to get over it, It’s just a bunch of stone thingies come on!, but not quite gathering the courage to turn away. All in all it was rather silly, given how fast she could move, and stone was bound to not move that fast, right, even if it’s magical stone or possessed stone or...
Her train of thought was interrupted when she glimpsed a shadow dancing between the statues, as someone or something made their way among them. Tracer inhaled sharply and her left hand inched towards one of her pistols.
“Oy!! Who... Who’s there?”
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cookingsenpai-blog · 9 years
☠⊢Shook Up The World
🍣  - Think of it this way. It could be worse. Castor hasn’t acted up. There aren’t any Shadows or the Dark Hour... His steps slowed to a stop as did his thoughts. Of course that was a lie, things really couldn’t be worse. He was totally empty handed, broke, and had no way to defend himself other than his own strength. Just great. Shinjiro scoffed and began his walk again, although he didn’t get very far before...
❝What the hell..?❞
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He lifted his foot just in time to avoid stepping on something and bent down to pick up a pair of sunglasses. It was the middle of the night, though. Whoever left these behind was obviously long gone. As he straightened up again, the teen was starting to doubt that. There was only one guy hanging around, and if he didn’t look like he was searching for something, Shinjiro was actually a girl. Great. As if he wanted to go around doing people favours and giving them the impression that he was a nice guy.
❝Hey, geezer,❞ he called out before tossing the sunglasses in the stranger’s direction.  ❝Looking for these?❞
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ilaefaci-blog · 9 years
// crowley is here and ready to Sin. app is under about or /app i hope everything is ok!!
Welcome to the Kingdom of Ilaefaci!
I’m certain you will enjoy your stay here!
You will be housed in lImatar and Hut number 3 with Zelos Wilder and Cloud Strife!
You’ll be receiving your prophecy soon!
Please do your best if you don’t wanna be punished ♥
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