#onf etion
fruitcore-png · 3 months
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dashii-joy · 3 months
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[ONF] 🏖Summer Vacation 🏖
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onf-headcanons · 1 month
ONF Fake Marriage AU headcanons
(idea dump version, might expand and elaborate to single post when i got more time to spare. Also, happy belated ONF month~)
-Maybe a long lost friend/classmate/university club mate, and coincidentally your parents nagging you two to get married asap.
Both you and Hyojin already passed a few candidates and you two knew that your family members are getting annoyed.
So when both of you end up matchmaking with each other and the moment you two recognised each other, you two hurriedly clicked on the plan of fake marriage for the short time being.
The one that agrees to play along but will list down a bunch of rules and consequences to make sure both of you are on the same page.
No one is taking anyone's advantage. (not even if he is actually in love with you deep down).
Cues in comedic moments that migh happen: because your lifestyle are still like of a non married single, for example, you went out clubbing and Hyojin is at home. Parents decided to visit without notice, and then Hyojin had to hurriedly call you to prevent things go south lol. And then it made both of you understand the importance of the power of teamwork.
Also I think the tendecy is high to happen, so I will specifically write it here, Hyojin defending on your behalf when parents are pressuring you to get pregnant.
if 10/10 is super slow burn, I think for this, the speed maybe a 6 to 8 on character relationship development.
- More like marriage as politic kind of arranged marriage at first, but he fell harder later.
Might be your aristrocratic family corrupted and nearly died out, and then Changyun's family took you in. (Or even worse for you, your family sent/presented you to his family hoping you can influence his family to provide your family benefits)
You don't want to use and manipulate him so you come clean on the first day you both met.
Nevertheless, Changyun agreed and said he can help you to be independent. Maybe you are actually very good at doing business (is just that your family thinks you are better off married away, or maybe they value male heir/eldest rather you being the female/second or younger child).
It could be Changyun helping you by paving way for you to build your business foundation, but in return, you need to pay him back some income shares later on.
Respects you and even though he can put up an act of PDA but in private he is very timid on getting close to you.
*btw, younger prince who is not qualified for the throne X the younger child whose talent being dismissed by family is actually not a bad setting imo. Slow burn meter wise, I think could be 7 to 8.5 for this one, as it will take even longer time for both of you getting to know each other.
- IDK but I think it will be crazily hot to imagine this under Spy undercover family AU (yeah like SPY family and Mr and Mrs Smith). Enemies to lovers and then kick*ss together.
(could be rival in business like he is top 1 and you are no.2 and both of you are assigned to complete this mission. or spyX assasin like Spy Fam)
Cue in awkward PDAs from you but when it was initiated by him, it was smooth af and you flustered really hard.
Also, to your suprise, he actually admires you and see highly of you very much (if its Seungjun X fem Spy colleague), I can see him mentioning and praising your hardwork and he sometimes felt he should not be the top 1 only just because of gender advantage.
Another trope that I think it will be cute is that in secret, you are crushing on him so hard and you start to confuse yourself later on.
Slow burn meter, 3 to 4. (I wont elaborate, but in terms of spice this has the highest tendency to be the spiciest lol.)
- Happy to help you, but, i do feel this will be fluffiest Friend to lover ever. Helping you out with the act not because he is aloof, more on he is kind and gentle.
He doesnt want people to hurt you so if that is the most efficient way to protect you for the time being, so be it. However that does not mean he will let things slide just like that.
Just my selfish thoughts, Mafia! Jaeyoung vs reader might do the trick. I mean we can emphasize more on why Jaeyoung does not want to make a move on you because he does not want to put you in trouble (might be safer when people only see you as plaything rather than soulmate.), and also he thinks that he is not qualified to "walk under the sun" with you.
BTW, if you think this is the defrosting the ice king trope, you might be half right. Jaeyoung might be just holding himself back alot because he does not want to burden you, he doesn't want to cross the line.
Alot of activity you two did are more on hanging out with each other and getting to know each other better.
High chance this might just end up with you two getting divorce but remaining as best friends.
Or, another high chance is both of you are not divorcing, but end up continuing the play until both of you are so used to each other, and maybe 4 to 6 years later both of you agreed to stop thinking too much and officially become a true couple instead.
slow burn meter might be 6 to 8.
- maybe come to you with a contract and even set up rules like, divorce in 3 years later.
another Office AU maybe? The rich CEO X reader trope.
But actually he wanted to try his best to make you fall in love with him within 3 years.
(He has been eyeing on you ever since, but you are the independent type and unlike those who will constantly circling around him. Might be thinking having you as his fiancee/bride is a conveninent case but fell in love with you damn hard when he got to know about the values you believe in).
BTW if wanna include angst for this, may insert you thought Minkyun trying to use you as a bluff so that he can see other person, cues in love rival that creates unwanted drama, and you are scared af that people might know you are the one that got married to him.
And you did thought the love rival is more of a match to Minkyun than you are.
I think this one might be fun and comedic when it is more on you trying to hide the secret that you are married with him, but on the contrary he has no problem telling everyone he is already married (but he did not disclose your identity).
Under the comedic moments, insert some serious moments/conspiracy that actually Minkyun purposely chose someone else(you) for the marriage was due to him trying to protect family business.
Should he really engaged/married with the love rival, things might end up real bad.
Cues in Minkyun saying things like, I am not manipulative and prudent enough like my family members but I am still capable enough toprotect the things and people that I treasure deeply.
Slow burn meter I think will be 6 or 7.
- I felt that Yuto X Single parent AU might work(?), also very very loose citizenship marriage trope can be applied here. Oh, I will very much prefer the idea of dead spouse single parent rather than divorced single parent for this idea.
You see him as younger brother/junior before. But knowing that you need a father figure/another parent to keep your child. And knowing that he a local to help him prolong his visa/PR. After a long talk, you two agreed to get married (only just on papers).
Of course I am don't feel it is wise to cage the idea that Yuto being a house husband and you are the one providing for the family. (not that this idea is a bad one, but its too cliche for me)
I would like for this to epxand on how both of you adjusting life to take care a toddler, and the bond slowly grows. Maybe you are not that used to taking care of your toddler and Yuto will help out and guide you.
Also because of the change of your mindset, your character also started to change in a good way.
In the begining, both you and Yuto will still act up some PDA to trick other people. But as times goes by, both of your chemistry and bond getting stronger, the interaction between single parent and Yuto gets more natural.
Because of good chemistry, alot of people around you really thinks both of you are truly a pair. And both of you will deny every speculation that you two are a couple.
I think this one might either end up you both being really good friends/team mate in the family, OR once both of you found someone (and the child is now older lets say 12 or 13) a friendly divorce to end the "relationship". Two of you be like BFF until old age.
Cues in the child calls you "Mama"(for those who identify themselves) and Yuto "Papa", but with your new partner, the child calls them "Dad".
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slytherinshua · 11 months
genre. fluff. skater au. meetcute kinda? warnings. kissing. reader falls off their skateboard once. i know nothing about skateboarding but i tried to do some research for this lmfao. pairing. changyun x reader. wc. 1.5k. a/n. guys im officially whipped asf for etion its not even funny anymore
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Unlike most of your friends, you liked getting up early. Not just waking up early only to go back to sleep, but doing things in the early hours of the morning. 
You liked the cool chill of the morning air and the fresh crisp dewy smell of the wet grass. You liked the walk you took to the skatepark when the sky was still a dusky blue and the sun hadn’t even fully awoken yet.
But, most of all, you liked the welcome solitude of the skatepark in the early morning. You had been skeptical of skateboarding as a hobby when you were little. It looked boring and dangerous and even lame to you 12 year old brain. 
Your older brother had loved it, though, and in an attempt to spend more time with him, you picked it up too. Turns out, skateboarding wasn’t as lame as you thought. The adrenaline rush you felt as the breeze blew through your hair and you felt like you were going a mile a minute was addicting. The satisfaction of cleanly landing a hard trick was like no other. 
What had first been an attempt at finding an activity to do with your brother quickly turned into 15 long years of skating. And now, you still kept it as a side hobby to relax before a long work day.
It was one of those mornings where you felt like nothing could possibly go wrong. It was the perfect temperature— chilly, but comfortable with a hoodie on— and the light rain the day before left the outside world fresh and clean.
You got up at 5 AM and were already on your way to the skatepark at 5:20. You wore jeans and a simple hoodie to keep warm and comfortable, hair tied up so it wouldn’t get in your face. You had been working on a trick called the laser flip for a couple weeks now. It was technically challenging, and it had been nothing but failures so far. But you still worked on it, determined to master it eventually.
Nothing could possibly interrupt the idyllic morning. You were already planning it in your head. You would arrive at the skatepark and skate for an hour and blissful seclusion, then stop by a coffee shop on your way to work. You felt as if you could even handle your boss’s yelling today and not even flinch. You felt amazing.
Well, until the first part of your plan fell apart.
As the skatepark came into your view, it was immediately clear that there was already someone skating there. Really? At 5:30 in the morning!?
You sighed heavily at the sight and debated turning back around to go home. You hated conversing with other skaters or even sharing the space. You didn’t like to have to be cautious of other people using the same space. More often than not, it ended in ruined tricks and frustration.
Not to mention that most of the skaters you had encountered in your town were smoking and high all the time. It was just better if you didn’t mix with that crowd.
But you really wanted to be able to skate this morning, so you trudged along the path, setting your skateboard down when you were almost to the park and skating the rest of the way.
At first, you tried to ignore the other person there. You didn’t pay any attention to him or his rather impressive ollie 540, which he landed cleaner than you had ever seen. Okay, maybe you paid a little attention to him. You shook your head and focused back on your own skating, though. Just because he’s a good skater doesn’t mean that you wanted to converse with him.
You attempted your laser flip again, positioning your feet in the right place and executing a frontside shuvit and a heel-flip to lift yourself up in the air. You almost landed it, really. It was so close to being a perfect land.
But instead, that stupid guy from across the skatepark had made eye contact with you at just that moment, flashing a pretty smile at you, causing you to lose focus and trip over the board on your way down.
The guy halted abruptly when he saw you fall and hurried over. He knelt down to make sure you weren’t hurt anywhere and held out his hand for you to grab to help stand up.
You had always been petty and in the moment you felt like it was entirely his fault that you hadn’t landed the laser flip. You brushed his hand away and stood up on your own, brushing off your hands and jeans.
“That’s a shame. Your technique was pretty solid. You could’ve landed it smoothly.” He said, a small smile playing on his lips.
Up close, you could see every detail of his face. His high cheekbones and pointy chin. His smooth skin and piercing dark eyes. He must’ve caught you taking a glance at him because his lips curved upwards into a sweet smile. You could see how perfectly his smile lines appeared on his face and how his lips didn’t quite meet all the way when spread into the heart-fluttering gesture.
“I would’ve landed it if I hadn’t gotten distracted.” You muttered, feeling your ego bruise at embarrassing yourself in front of him, clearly the better skater of the two of you. 
He let out an amusement scoff, and got back on his board, calling out a clear, “Try it again!” as he skated a bit away.
You sighed when you realized that he had stopped once he got to the other end and was now sitting on his board, staring intently at you, waiting for you to make the move.
Your plan had originally been to go home after that embarrassing fall, but now that the handsome guy was waiting for you to try to laser flip again, you felt like you had no choice. You took a breath and got back on your board.
You felt nervous that someone was watching you. You had barely even taken skating lessons in your years of skating, learning mostly with your brother, through trial and error, and with YouTube. It certainly didn’t help that the person watching you was someone you found extremely attractive.
But as you bent your knees, and caught his smile from the corner of your eyes, you felt a surge of confidence. You jumped, feeling the adrenaline rush in the pit of your stomach, your skateboard flipped in the air, and you landed cleanly.
You beamed and your eyes immediately went in search of him. He was smiling too, his pearly teeth out on display and his eyes shining with an unmistakable message. He was proud of you. You skated over to him and sat down next to him.
“I’ve been struggling with that for weeks. I didn’t expect to suddenly get it today.” You said with a laugh.
“I guess I’m a good luck charm, then.” He said smoothly, “I’m Changyun by the way.”
“Y/n… Can I treat you to coffee?”
“When you tripped, I couldn’t help myself! You almost fell on your face!” You giggled.
Changyun looked offended, “So you would’ve just stood there and laughed at me even if I fell flat on my face?”
“It’s only ‘cause I adore you.” You said quickly, attempting to save yourself from the trap you had put yourself in. You cupped his cheeks with your hands, staring into his eyes until the hurt look in his eyes faded into love.
“Next time you fall off your board, I have the right to laugh, though.” He said quickly. Clearly there was still an ounce of hurt left in him, but you knew how to get rid of it.
“Okay, baby. Sure. Laugh all you want.” You moved one of your hands from his cheek to his shoulder, leaning in until your lips met his soft ones.
Changyun loved to kiss you and he easily melted into it, his lips moving against yours gently. His hands slipped to your waist, pulling you closer to him, and once you broke the kiss to catch your breath, he continued a trail of kissing by your lips and up your cheek until you were giggling from the ticklish feeling and pulling away. You rested your forehead against his, your heart racing in sync with his.
“I think your skateboard ran away from you.” You whispered, eyes glancing behind your boyfriend to where his black skateboard was, indeed, slowly rolling away.
Changyun smiled, on the verge of a laugh, “It always ruins the moment.” He gave one more short kiss to your lips before breaking the close embrace and jogging off to stop his board.
↳ onf taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @edensgardenn
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kpop-bbg · 2 months
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4ltrd · 1 year
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denim-bias · 1 year
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dodoriv · 2 years
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I couldn't have this finished for his birthday, but I want to start the year with him ❤️ I hope to draw more ONF this year 😁
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mizugucci · 3 months
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fruitcore-png · 4 months
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Lee Changyun Sensation‼️💙
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dashii-joy · 2 months
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[ONF]🕯Sky Kids🕯
If ONF were Sky Kids !
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minkyutie · 2 months
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seungjun - 2024 sbs gayo daejeon summer red carpet
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zhaozi · 4 months
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it is what it is 🐱🐹🐶
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kpop-bbg · 16 hours
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heizelnutlatte · 18 days
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📷 wm_on7off: Photos by E-tion
ONF - Infuse, 2024
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shinluv95 · 25 days
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