#onii-chan don't cry 😭
ezralva · 9 months
What's wrong, Nii-chan? Are you feeling unwell?
Huh...I have to go...
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thebottomfromhell · 8 months
Hello. I’m very like your blog. It’s very interested to read. English is not my first language so if I accidentally write something wrong the meaning or some words wrong the pronunciation, please forgive for my mistake.
I’m wondering if you can please do like the Uppermoons accidentally hurt their female human reader who is the love of their life. Like they’re having an argument with the reader and they accidentally hurt their reader feeling or their self-esteem or attack their reader, not on purpose (maybe) and their reader dislike that so they just leaving them.
And in one night, the Uppermoons just go in their reader house as usual to find them but they’re not there and the Uppermoons just couldn’t find them anywhere by that.
It’s a pleasure for me to know that you gladly to it and once again. I’m very love your blog, it’s very interested to read it :]
I'm glad you are liking my posts, I'm sorry this took so long to come out, also I excluded Hantengu's main body because I didn't know how to add him to this prompt. I hope you like it.
Also, I wanted to add Nakime but she would not fir in the prompt, both in saying something hurtful to someone she actually cares about and, most importantly, letting you leave 🥲 I need to write a One-Shot of her with how little I know how to add her in things 😭 Hantengu main Body is also not here for that same reason.
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Uppermoons (minus Hantengu main body & Nakime) hurt Female Human Reader and she leaves
Warnings: Manga spoilers, Sad endings,Toxic relationships, Verbal abuse, Excesive use of violence and Threads of death to reader.
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Gyutaro (ft. Daki):
"I'M TELLING YOU HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU MORE THAN HE LOVES ME! HE IS MY ONII-CHAN! YOU ARE JUST A WEAK UGLY HUMAN! HE WILL LIVE WITHOUT YOU WEEL ENOUGH SOONER OR LATER NO MATTER WHAT!" Daki doesn't like you, you knew that from the start, she alwaya tries to get in between you and Gyutaro. You have tried telling him that she is constantly being awful to you, but besides telling her to be nicer, he doesn't do anything. He doesn't scold her, punish her or even take your side on the argument.
You have had enough, you don't even remember your exact words, but you told Daki off. You called her a brat, a bitch, a parasyte and said worthless and useless somewhere in between, that is what you remember, and the next thing you knew Daki started crying. That was enough for Gyutaro to show up and start comforting her, giving you the nasty eye. "What did you expect me to do? Just stand there while being insulted? You never defend me!" But Gyutaro is not taking it. "FUCK OFF! NE!"
He faces you, angry. "You think you can compete with her?! Ne? Insult her?! My sister is worth more than ten times what you and your worthless species are!" He didn't even look regretful after telling you that and... it hurt, it hurt a lot, knowing that he thinks that of you and... you already figured out you were only second to Daki, and being told that... "FINE! GO FUCK YOURSELF, YOU UGLY PRICK! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN NOT TO WASTE MY TIME WITH THE LIKES OF YOU!" And you leave, not planing in coming back, Gyutaro knows that, so he won't look for you. He will only stop Daki from hurting you one last time, but besides that? It's over.
He says a lot of hurtful things when he gets upset, sometimes he says those things even when he is happy or bored. He doesn't like to hold his tongue, but he adores inflicting pain on others. Sometimes it's not even on purpose, he just has already rooted into his brain that.. well, you are a human, he is Upper 5. There is a difference, he is superior, in his mind, and can't comprehend why he would hide that thoughts. It's not that he constantly reminds you how he feels, it just casually comes up, but it still hurts.
You don't even remember what it was this time, you are probably mixing memories and if someone asked you to repeat what he said, you would not be able to do it, you just starting packing up your things and leaving. You can stay in a close inn, but you are not taking his crap a single more day. When he goes to your home, he finds it alone. "Mn? She left? How come she didn't tell me! Bet the stupid human forgot." It took him a few days for him to realize you left for good.
"That little BITCH! WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!" He destroys your home, angry, his pride being more hurt than him, but that is still unacceptable. "The next time I see her, SHE DIES!"
Sekido says a lot of mean things when he is angry, and he is always angry. This is not the first time he calls you names, even if you were ok by this at first, it was general stuff like "little shit" or "woman", nothing really offensive in your book, but then... then the names became more personal. He started using personal information. The talk of the folk, your parents dissapointments, your ex's words, anything that would get under your skin. All of that because he is angry, and feeling the need of taking it out or something or someone.
"You know what?! I'm done! Get out!" He looks at you as if you were the one who offended him, as you were the problem. "Excuse me?" You don't want to hear it. "I SAID GET OUT! OUT OF MY HOUSE! LEAVE!" You start throwing things, desperate for him to leave, screaming, almost crying, as you feel your eyes hurt. After a while, he is gone... you have some minutes to relax... more or least. You breath harshly, trying to calm down, knowing he will return sooner or later. That is when you decide to grab your things and leave, go somewhere else.
By the time Sekido is back, you are gone... and he starts yo trash out your home. Everything is thrown, burned, ripped... your home... "Fuck her! If she wants to leave then that's her deal! Fucking useless human!" Sooner or later another clone will come to calm him down, but he won't be able to control himself the next time he sees you. You will be dead by then.
Karaku is not particulary hurtful, even if he is not careful with his words (unless he wants something), but he is nice, not good, but nice. Sometimes he makes jokes that might or might not be funny, it really depends. Again, he is not sensoring himself, so dark jokes might be offensive sometimes, specially considering his attitude towards humans. Sometimes it makes you feel.. a bit less, the way he talks about other humans around you, as if you and your kind where pigs or dogs.
Your have told him before, and he always says he will stop.... he never does. "Man, it's like they are all wanting to die. I mean, can you imagine running TOWARDS your natural predator? Only humans. I wonder how they got so far being so dumb.." He laughs and something inside you snaps, you look at him and know you can't continue like this. You don't say anything, just leave. Karaku doesn't follow you. You get home and pack your things, you need some space and safety, so you decide to spend some nights with someone close.
When he goes to your home, looking for you, you're gone. He looks for you inside, repeating several times the same places. He also looked in some odd places like the bathtub, under the bed and the wardrobe. Nothing. He went to look for you again the next night, and the next, and the next. The fourth night he got bored and decided to look for something else to do. He will move on.
Urogi hurts you a lot, but it's all physical and accidentally. You didn't think him able to use something intimate against you, but he did. You know you won't be getting an apology, he won't understand what he did was wrong. Come to think about it, there is a lot of harm he doesn't understand as hurtful. You were just remembering what he told you, trying to joke but only being offensive.
You thought about it, several time, if he did it once he can do it again, he will do it again. Also... is this how you want to spend the rest of your life? Trying to educate your partner? Is that what you want, girl? No. Not really, so, you decided to stop thinking about it and leave. You pack your things and leave over day, when he is away, and won't be able to follow you. You go somewhere else, staying with someone for a while, but you are not dtanding it any longer.
"Y/N! I'm back!" But you are already gone. He looks for you in the house to decide to wait for you, not understanding where you left or why. He waits in your house for days and nights, like a dog waiting for his owner. He really doesn't know why you are gone, but still thinks you might return if he waits. In the end the rest of the clones have to take him forcefully out of your housez destroying part of it in the process. Karaku says Urogi will heal with time, that he will forget you if they find him someone else. So they start looking.
Aizetsu is hurtful when he wants to be and only when he wants to be. It's cold, calculated, deep and meaningful. He can't help itz the fact that, that sadder, the most rooted is inside him. He barely does, but he knows how to make others sad, just like he is the sorrow clone. He doesn't like it, but sometimes... sometimes he just want others to feels as sad as they make him, even if it's not their fault, just his very nature as clone.
"Honestly, stop acting as if I couldn't kill you in a snap, don't forget you are just a sad human. Don't patronize me." Said one day he was feeling tired, tried to evade you but you kept following, trying to urge him to talk to you. You both stayed quiet a seconds before you leave, making him sigh. He is there when you start packing up your things, he can hear you, even if you think you are quiet. He knows you intend to go and not return.
And he does nothing about it. He doesn't even say goodbye or watch you leave, only sits and take pity on both. He is the sorrow clone, so the sadness of you leaving doesn't chsnge anything on him. He will move on, but for now he will mourn.
Akaza cares, you know that he does. Part of you feels guilty by this sense of hurt and betrayal when he hasn't done anything. He has never even glanced at other women, talked about others, Akaza is nothing but devoted to you, always ready to comfort, to nurture you. Then why you feel as if he is emotionally cheating on you? There is no other woman, but part of you knows... you ARE the other woman. And it hurts.
He loves you, but you can tell there is someone else he loves more, someone he misses and couldn't be with. You sometimes feel as you are nothing but a replacement. You try to comfort yourself, Akaza also comforts you when you feel bad, assuring you that there is no other woman, that he doesn't meet with anyone else. It's odd, because he is saying the truth, but at the same time.... "Koyuki." He said her name one day instead of yours, and that was all you needed.
"Y/N. Y/N! Please! I'm sorry! I don't know what came to me!" He apologies, almost crying, as you pack up, clearly wanting to stop you but afraid of hurting you if he touches you. You don't listen, you pack your things, only talking to him at the door. "It's over, Akaza. Don't follow me." And he obeys, he just stays there, crying for another missing love.
Douma is... it's complicated, he really doesn't know better, because he doesn't know pain the same way you do. He doesn't know that pain... it's bad, you can't even start to comprehend how he doesn't understand that people don't like to be hurt, when he is above pain, sickness and death? When he can't feel anything. That is actually a big insecurity in the relationship, the fact that a traitorous voice in the back of your head reminds your "He can't feel anything, not even love towards you".
You have no idea why you did it, why you thought it was a good idea to ask, to voice out your insecurities... "Douma, what do you think about me? How do you feel for me?" but you did, and it was a mistake. He looks at you a few seconds, only to laught a bit. "Honestly? You are a bit interesting, nothing too much impressive, but I do enjoy being with you. I will make sure to eat you once I have got enough of you, though. I bet you will taste wonderful."
He probably thought he was complimenting you, but you didn't feel it that way. You felt unsafe and hurt, so you decided to leave when he wasn't looking in plain daylight. Douma doesn't look for you, but... if some night, when he is out to kill boredom and time, he finds you... the you will die.
Kokushibou ignores you, a lot. He also talks very little. Most part of the relationship you feel it as one-sided, you always have to reach out and even there you feel like you are not appreciated. Sometimes he even ignores you or look at you as if you did something wrong just by greeting him, as if you were annoying, a burden. You have tried to tell him, but as always, it seems to fall on deaf ears. This is not going to last, you know that.
All it took it was one time of him voicing ip this feelinsg instead of giving you a side-eye for you to have enough. "Would you stop bothering me, woman? I want to concentrate." And that was it, after the silent months, you had your limit. You went back home and packed your things to stay with a friend, you need to be with someone that shows care towards you. That is what you tell yourself.
After a month of you not going after him, Kokushibou decides to look after you. Then he finds you are not home, at first he worries, but seeing some of your things missings, he knows you did your choice. It's not his problem anymore then, so he leaves and never comes back. All with the same silence as always.
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seiwas · 9 months
SEL!!!! pls ignore this if u havent watched this week’s jjk ep yet but!!!!!
did u see….. the choso crumbs……. he looked so so good every day i fear i get closer n closer to becoming a choso stan 😭😭 hes so handsome.. and sweet…. his lil moment w yuji 🥺🥺 i cried.
ARI!!! i finally watched it!!! aaaah omg 🥺
that was not choso crumbs... that was a choso meal omg 😭😭😭 pls he was so pookie in it i wanted to cry 😭😭😭 u don't choose choso, he chooses u 🤧 let him choose u!!!!!!!!! 🥺 (he was so cool too.... nothing truly like a man fighting for the love of... his bro.)
i didn't expect him saying onii-chan to hit me hard like that but 😭😭 i sawb i just want him and his bro yuuji and adoptive bro todo to be happy 😭😭
can i also just say tho. YUUJI. LIKE. icb mappa edited him removing his shirt and running his hand thru his hair. THERE WAS NO NEED ABSOLUTELY NONE BUT he looked so good oh my god i could cry
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randomveyn · 2 years
Hello Can you do an Ichigo x reader with a Yuzu who is jealous that her big brother is leaving (because the reader and Ichigo are getting married) and a funny isshin please💘🥺
help this is so cute!! you have no idea how happy i am when i was writing this 🥹 i hope you don't mind me writing this in a freeform (like not in a real fic format. just my thoughts and rambles.)
✨ long rambles under the cut ✨
okay so if ichigo and reader are getting married he'd definitely insist on moving out! it's his only chance to escape isshin's morning kick and his insane fatherly love. also, ichigo absolutely don't want his old man gawk at his s/o and stupidly stick around them the whole day. it's annoying as hell. (ichigo and karin are gonna protect reader at all cost)
isshin will 100% ugly cry on the first time he met reader, shaking their hands frantically, thanking them from the bottom of his heart that they'd even spared a glance on his rebellious, unlovable orange haired son. (he's getting a getsuga tensho from said son.)
after all banters and jokes, isshin might get a little serious (his highest record is 11 seconds flat) and talk about what it is like to walk down a lifelong journey with a shinigami. he has his worries but isshin knows they both are strong together, which reminds him of the day he come the decision of marrying his wife. (cue, isshin rush to that huge ass poster of his very beautiful wife and starts crying all over again)
oh, and isshin is giving them the protection amulet too bc he can't really trust his son on anything. (getsuga tensho on his ass this time)
now, ichigo was surprised to find that his sweetest, cutest little yuzu is not happy about his marriage. (ngl his heart died a little inside) i mean, she isn't exactly opposed to it. in fact, she couldn't be more happy to know his brother found his true love. it's just a teensy bit of jealousy that every younger sibs have for their onii-chan. not to mention, ichigo is rarely at home ever since he started his substitute shinigami job. their family bonding time is only limited to dinner, (sometimes ichigo skip that too) and now you're telling her she's getting none of them??!! just imagine she couldn't cook sunny side up and omurice for him anymore. 😭💔
but fret not, guess who's gonna come save the day!?? it's kon-sama!! okay no he's gonna be bostov for a couple of days, let her dress him up in pink dresses and frills to cheer her up a bit. bc kon self-proclaimed he's ichigo best buddy and would do anything for him.
in exchange, kon wants to be the host on his wedding day. (he ended up being the mascot…yk those that are attached at the front of the car) and, the karakura rangers all got the memo and are here to support yuzu and help her navigate through her emotions. (ichigo is deeply moved, not realizing how many good friends he actually has)
eventually, yuzu understands and feels slightly embarrassed that she threw a tantrum over something small like this. (she's so precious okay everyone give her a hug 🥺) but she's a little stubborn though. like she feels sorry but she's not apologizing this time. ichigo and reader will be invited to dinner, where she cooks up a feast with all her onii-chan's favorite food. “they say lock a man's heart with good food so you still have a long way to go, hmph!” she proudly declares with a smug grin, prompting ichigo to ruffle her hair, just like how he always does.
ishida makes the best wedding attire for them. he may have accidentally added too much frills on ichigo's though.
i know we said kon will be the mascot but rukia is offering her building-sized chappy too. and she's drawing all the invitation cards by hand! be grateful ichigo!
“nii-sama! how about thank you gift of chocolates in the design of wakame ambassador!”
“hm…splendid suggestion, rukia.”
“uhh urm…byakuya you really don't have to-”
“kurosaki-kun! did you know chocolate goes well with mayonnaise!”
“omg not you too…inoue”
chad and renji may be all cool on the outside but they're secretly competing to be the best man. if they were to give a speech or something on that day, don't be surprised to find them rehearsing at urahara's training ground.
renji would come up with the corniest speech ever that he can't read it without getting his face as red as his hair.
chad is naturally a man with few words so he'd probably write a song instead. best man award goes to him pls 👏🏻
don't invite toushirou pls he's fuming at everyone trying to convince him to be the flower boy 💀
don't invite rangiku-san too. she has no self-control. she'll drink up every cup of alcoholic beverage like water.
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