#only Horo
mappippi · 1 month
daily science club headcanons
horo, meka, kaga & homu are the only members whom their father's relationship is strained/problematic because:
horo has a deep hatred of his father because he's always been controlling to his only son, hence since year 1 horo only started to become a troublemaker because he wants to be free, until year 2.
meka's father died from a murder, which probably made her sad but knowing what his father did to her mother. (constantly verbally abusing her mother due to him being a drunkard)
kaga's father only wanted the best for him but he started to neglect kaga after this whole "world domination" idea. but deep down all kaga wanted was a normal childhood, but i guess his father never seemed to see it as he sees that as just plain "useless".
homu's father started to neglect her, which is the reason why her parents always got into arguements after her sister's death. after the divorce, homu never saw her father again, making her forget who he is.
and then there's yaku with a loving father, so loving that everytime yaku sees his members and their strained relationship with their dads he cant help but feel concerned
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jumpscaregoose · 2 years
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team ren and their scars ft my trans horo agenda
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
{M.A.N.K.I.N} ~ Y O H & (A c e-spec!) M A N T A “P A P E R C U T”
Short Summary:
"CAN'T S T O P what i'm h e a r i n g we're f e e l i n g W I T H I N"
"--Right B E N E A T H--" Warning: Contains spoiler for Yoh vs Faust {O.G. Series} - The fight is a bit graphic, (no actual blood in this ver. but) Please be careful watching by the middle. (There is a happy end however!)
#yohta#yohta friendship#amidamaruxmosuke#bi yoh#yohxmanta#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi sk#koushirouizumi manta#aut!manta#manta and mosuke#m. l. m mosuke#p a r a n o i d!amidamaru#panro manta#ace manta#demi pan manta#({HOPEFULLY this WORKS} {Makin r.b a b l e LATER} {OPENING OF IT IS A BIT c RACKY I WAS TRYIN TO EXPLAIN @NIME!MANTAs STORYLINE CHANGES BUT#({OK BUT} HI OK WARNING OVER 10+ YR'S OLD @MV AND IT VERY S H O W S Especially near beginning {Using Space'd txt to keep out of S e a r h})#(OK SO back in late elementary to middle s c h o o l I basically challenged myself to make GOOD attempts at Linkin P.+Ev@nescence A.M.V{s})#({But I usually try to NOT use ALL songs from an album ONLY FAVS bc yeahhh it skirts too close to Issues to me....} These always get)#({Issues with Other places too etc} {i.e. Y. T.} they seem to work here in comparison tho ANYWAY SO YEAH I heard this one and was like)#({'Number one ***why do i NEVER HEAR THIS ONE*** IN @.M.Vs of old' number two 'wHO AM I GONNA USE IT FORRRR')#(Sometime around this time I was still reading+watching O.G. M@nkin and had JUST finished my 1st M@nkin @MV w Horo focus)#({AND THEN IT cLICKED} AND I WAS LIKE 'WAIT I SHOULD TRY WITH mANTA IT FITS AND MANTA ALMOST ***NEVER GETS ANY MADE+THINGS IN GENERAL***)#(So I ended up going SUPER HARD ON THIS ESP near middle I was LEARNING HOW TO **BETTER TIME SPLIT UP PAN SHOTS** FOR *1ST TIME IN MY LIFE*)#(Yoh v F a u s t too is a REALLY INTENSE Fight I wanted to show F a u s t def had upper hand there but YOH GOES IN HARD TOO&IT SHOWED)#({By the middle-end of that bit yeah} W.M.M was def c RAP'ng out on me and I was hanging the rest together by t HREADS h OPING ITD WORK)#('PLS LET ME FINISH IT' 'P L S LET ME FINISH IT' AND THEN W.M.M DID SO I SHOVED IN ALL THE GOOD FINAL MANTA&MOSUKE REFS I COULD)#({+@NNA ACTUALLY BEING *VERY GOOD TO MANTA+YOH* IN THE @NIME+DEF SUPPORTIN MANTA IN VERY SMALL BUT WONDERFUL BLINK AND U MISS EM MOMENTS)#(In mang@ but @nna was always like 'NO IM THE w IFE OF THE M@NKIN' etcetc and its EXHAUSTIN to read but in @nime like OK SHE HAS MORE GOOD)#({A.K.A Me before I got d i a g n o s i s RE confirmed mAKIN... @MVS BC I COULD} Me Now in Era of 2.k.2.4 {'Haha. Hahaaaa. hhhhAHAA'})
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shrimshrim4fun · 3 months
BRO I WAS MAD BC I MISSED THE SINNERS GENZ SLANG SERIES, like legit I just found out, I haven’t been really active 💔💔💔😔
Pookie can you pls do part 3 for Zoya, Cinnabar, Angell, and Rahu pls with a cherry on top 🙏🙏🙏
Have a good day 🤎 o . <
No problem, I gotchu >< I’ve seen you haven’t been too active but I’m glad you found out :)
Sinners Reacting to you Using GenZ Slang Pt3:
-Probably also says some slang. But mostly over text. Doesn’t really say it in front of other people
-Horo accidentally started to know about slang and started to call Zoya “the goat” she got a smack over the head due to the others starting to call her that
-When she picks you up from anything she’ll be like “Your alphas here, baby” And will laugh if you get embarrassed
-Another one that doesn’t get it. Gets very confused when you start using these words around her. “Sorry to interrupt, but what are those words you’re using?”
-Even after your explanation….she didn’t really get it. So she started to search it up online. It didn’t prove much use but little by little she pieced it together well not really she still doesn’t really get jt
-She’ll sometimes let out a small chuckle if you use it around her. “You’re my sigma” she once told you with a genuine smile.
-Very curious about what you’re saying. “What does that mean?” She asks after some time of you continuing to say it
-She listens intently as you explain to her though she doesn’t really get it she’s too lazy to search it up online
-Only use your so called slang when she deemed necessary. Due to her thinking it’s words to express feelings that are beyond her comprehension. When you rant about her mess in her bedroom when she’s laying on her bed she mumble “That’s not sigma at all”
-Sometimes she’ll just sit there and think. “Do you think I’m your skibidi toilet sigma alpha that’s looks maxxing?” It leaves you speechless as she looks at you with a slight tilt of her head and a blank expression
-Also confused. Though she just goes along with it. “What does that even mean?” She asks after like half a month.
-Still doesn’t get it after your explanation but will ask every time you say those words. “What is skibidi toilet?” She’ll continue asking until one day you tell to stop
-Once after you told her to do something she told you “I’m done what else do you want me to do, sigma?” She got confused because she thought that’s how you do it but you told her it is but her face is too stoic
Side note: I also updated my introduction thingy for my page so you can go look at that if you have any thirsts, drabbles, or requests you want to ask.
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ptn-imagines · 18 days
Can I get headcanons of Raven,Zoya and Hella(platonic) reacting to fem cheif acting nochalant to Hella calling her mom
(coughs) I'm alive! Here's your request and thank you for your patience.
Raven, Zoya and Hella reacting to f!Chief reacting nonchalantly to being called “mom” by Hella
Honestly? Raven’s first reaction is to laugh. Really, really hard. It’s funny to her.
When her giggles fade away, though, she’s all smiles and sparkles, as Raven tends to be.
“Aw, isn’t that adorable, Chief? Looks like you’ve got a chick all of your own, now!” She will keep making comments like this, and god knows that neither Chief nor Hella will be able to stop her.
As something of a mom herself, not to mention a teacher, Raven likes to give Chief “parenting tips” from then on out. Some of them are a little silly. Some are things that Chief already knew. And other things are complete godsends that Chief has no idea what she’d do without.
Also, if she wasn’t inspired to write parenting help books before, she is now. As with most of Raven’s self-published textbooks, they fall into the category of “surprisingly useful but lacking in professionalism.” Still, Raven’s advice certainly won’t hurt a child… but Chief nevertheless figures it’s best not to mention how helpful the book actually is.
Raven also definitely drags Chief into chats about their kids. She’s a proud mama bird and will brag about Crache and her achievements until the cows come home. Naturally, she’s also incredibly supportive and proud of Hella, too – she’s her teacher, after all!
She will also absolutely prod Chief into accepting the title of “mother” to other kids in the Bureau. Hecate, Oliver, Dolly, OwO, Yanyan, Lynn, you name it and she’s already assigned the role of “Chief’s kid” to them. Good thing Chief had pretty much already accepted that role!
She also makes jokes that Chief can be Crache’s stepmom from time to time. Crache hates it. Raven’s kids, when they find out, won’t shut up about it. It definitely fuels the Raven x Chief gossip train that’s going on in her class.
After the shock fades, the first thing Zoya feels is… warmth. She feels warm and fuzzy inside.
At first she has absolutely no idea why she’s feeling like this, and it baffles her. Okay, Chief didn’t care that Hella called her mom, that’s cool, why is it making her feel all weird inside?
It takes a few days for it to click with Zoya that what she’s feeling is affection. Seeing the Chief be accepted into a maternal role, caring for a young Sinner, made Zoya feel affectionate towards her.
Okay, great, she figured out what the weird feeling was, but Zoya still doesn’t understand the why. She thinks to her own life as a point of reference. Sure, Horo looks up to her as a role model, but Zoya always saw herself as a big sister/mentor figure to her, not so much a mother.
The answer, when it finally comes to her after another few days of dwelling on it, hits her like a bolt of lightning. It completely freezes her in her tracks as she tries to process the realization she just had: she felt affection because the Chief behaving motherly towards Hella? She found it cute.
Frankly, this realization opens a whole can of worms that Zoya is not emotionally equipped to face right now, so she seals that can right back up. But some things can never be fully repaired to the way they once were, and well, Zoya tries to comfort herself by thinking that surely she isn’t the only person who thinks of the Chief in such a manner. Surely.
Hella is, in a word, mortified. It was embarrassing enough that she’d accidentally called Chief mom, and it was even more embarrassing that Chief had accepted it so easily!
She still tries to play it off as an accident or a joke, though. She would rather the ground open up and swallow her than be seen as Chief’s daughter for real! Besides, she’s a proud, independent Syndican who relies on herself. She doesn’t need a mother!
…And yet… there is that tiny part of her, that part of her that made the slip-up in the first place. The part that she hates. That part of her that is still a terrified little girl, who wants nothing more than the comfort of a maternal figure. No matter what Hella tries, she can’t fully deny that that part of her exists.
…but Ninety-Nine is the only family she needs, so the idea that Chief is a mother to her is ridiculous, and anyone who ever believed that crap is stupid!
But… the slip-ups happen more and more often, and each time, Chief takes it in stride. Every time, it makes Hella burn with embarrassment, but as time goes on, she begins to realize that… hey, this isn’t so bad.
Of course, she still has her pride. She’ll never openly admit to see the Chief as a mother in a public setting. But in private… Well, maybe then it’s okay to willingly call the Chief “mom,” and to cling to her for comfort after a nightmare and to otherwise be vulnerable around her.
Of course, she still makes sure that Chief knows that if she leaks a word of this to anyone, she’ll bash her stupid skull in! (The whole Bureau knows anyway, but not because of Chief, and they’ll feign innocent for the sake of keeping her skull whole and un-smashed.)
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alexa-fika · 9 months
Ghastly Cuteness (Perona x fem!child!Reader)
A/N: First female reader, and the first one with a female character, too! Kinda struggled with this one ngl, had to look for all of Perona's interactions to kinda pull something together, and it's still kinda meh
Guys, drop by my ask box; it makes it easier for me to do keep track of what you guys. want to see more of it, it gives me inspiration (and motivation for more pieces and again, I want to get to know my audience!
Dividers by @saradika
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Perona floated around the castle, bored.
Mihawk and Zoro were busy with their regular training, something that she obviously did not want to partake in, so she flew off in search of something else to entertain, spotting her cute daughter walking through the hallways in a similar fashion to their mother.
“Mama! Look! I put on the new dress!” The small girl exclaimed, spinning around to showcase her dress, a wide grin on her young face
Perona looked down at the young girl examining the new dress.
“You look absolutely adorable; you could win hearts with looks like that.”
Perona said gently before scooping her daughter up and swinging her around a bit.
“Horo Horo Horo, you are so cute Reader!”
The girl squeals as her mother spins them around in the air, her squeals of surprise turning into childish laughs that echo around the halls.
Perona smiled as she enjoyed her adorable daughter’s laughter, the pair spinning for a few minutes longer.
Then she gently placed her daughter down after finishing spinning; Perona herself was smiling widely as she looked down at her daughter; it made her happy to see her so joyed.
Perona also laughed and pulled her daughter in for a gentle but loving embrace.
“I love you, dear.”
Perona said before kissing the top of her daughter’s head, making sure to be gentle with the young child while expressing her affection.
“Oh, Reader, never be like those two brutes! They are just rude and not cute at all! So ungrateful!”
The girl nodded, determined
“I won’t! I will grow up to be cute like Mama!
Perona laughed at her daughter’s determination to be cute like her.
“Aw… I know you will be the most adorable little girl in the world!”
Perona exclaimed lovingly before picking her daughter up and giving her another quick, playful spin before setting her down and ruffling her hair.
“Mmhm! We’re going to be the cutest in our kingdom!”
Perona laughed yet again at her child’s optimism; seeing her be so positive was rather endearing. She truly was the most adorable little ray of joy.
“We surely will, dear; I bet all our subjects will want to be as cute as us, but only you could ever rival me in cuteness.”
Reader beams at her mother’s compliment.
Perona laughs at the bright smile on her daughter’s face.
“Oh, how lucky I was to get a child as cute as you.”
Perona spoke again before picking her daughter up and pulling her in for another warm hug.
Reader giggles tightly hugging her mother, rubbing their cheeks together in an endearing mother-daughter moment.
After a while Reader backs slightly from Perona, still within her embrace but now staring at her.
“Mama, where is Grandpa Gecko?”
“Gecko… Oh, he’s somewhere else right now; that man said he wasn’t sure if he was still around, but do not worry, I know he’s someplace!”
Perona assured her daughter, not wanting her to worry as much as she tried to.
Perona began to think of something.
“You are already much cuter than your grandpa ever was.”
“I miss him.”
Perona frowned at that information before she hugged her daughter tightly.
“… I do too sweetie… I do too.””
Perona tried to be reassuring, but she herself could not help but miss her mentor as well.
The mood quickly shifts as Perona’s ghost starts nudging the small girl, making the girl giggle uncontrollably.
“Horo Horo Horo,” Perona laugPerona’sg with her daughter as she saw how much Reader was enjoying the little playtime “with her ghosts.”
Perona was really happy right now; she was really glad her daughter was enjoying herself and the situation as much as she hoped she would.
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Guys, thank you for all the love you have shown to my previous pieces; you guys really seem to like the Mihawk one, perhaps more of the grumpy stoic one-piece characters with child! reader?
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Horo Guramu
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Name: Horo Guramu
Gender: Male
Class: 3-1
Club: Science
Persona: Teacher’s Pet
Overall: +40
Liked: +10
Respected: +100
Feared: +10
Crush: Maka Tansei
Strength: Very Weak
As far as we know, Horo is a pervert who studies holograms with the hopes of being an even bigger pervert? That's all well and good, or it would be if that wasn't his only personality trait. From how he's written now (or how he lacks writing, should I say), him being a pervert is completely irrelevant information.
Not only irrelevant, but it really just makes him unlikable and shallow. So, similar to a handful of the other students I've re-written thus far, I put some more character to him.
Horo Guramu is not a pervert, or should I say, he isn't currently a pervert. In his middle school days, he had a horrible habit of making his stupid teenage hormones public knowledge. Oftentimes, he would compare his classmates to adult actresses and pretend that shallow, superficial rumours were fact and explained such to his classmates as well.
His behavior, unbeknownst to him, was very wrong and constantly complained about via his classmates. Or at least, the classmates who didn't want to hear more petty "facts" from him. The school likely brushed it off as "boys being boys" and refused to actually discipline him, which caused his behavior to continue.
The only time he was actually stopped was when his homeroom teacher heard about these complaints and explained to him just how horrible his habits were. He was likely the only male who said this, since the others were classmates who wanted to hear more from Horo or other teachers who simply didn't care.
Eventually, this explanation and further future scolding helped it dawn on Horo just how disrespectful he'd been being. He's since stopped, but the rumours and some hate from previous classmates haven't died down at all and carried into his reputation to Akademi.
(For some reason, I dislike how Horo came out. It might be something about the eyes. It makes him look more soft rather than "cold" or "unfeeling", which was what I was going for. 🤔)
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shalomniscient · 6 months
(I’m desperate for angst so—)
Wonder how you will react when Zoya’s disappear after the Black Ring accident thingy? Even better if you’re married at that time. Poor wifey’s heart couldn’t take the pain of Zoya just disappear without a trace with Bai Yi. (Bai Yi, I love you very much darling but WHERE IS ZOY—😭) Anyway… I’m craving angst, that’s all. 😊
(Feel free to ignore this if you’re uncomfortable with this.)
[zoya story spoilers utc—]
now this? this hurts. when i first started ptn i cooked up kind of an oc or at least a zoya x reader plot where reader is leggett's (zoya's kind-of father figure) daughter and it's kinda childhood friends to lovers because i'm a whore for that shit tinged with a whole lotta angst because zoya's backstory is just chock-full of it. you and zoya join the legion at the same time because zoya refuses to go anywhere without you, so earl is forced to cave and let you in too.
horo looks up to you as much as she looks up to zoya, and idolizes the kind of relationship you and zoya have. horo and by extension the legion is there for nearly all of you and zoya's budding relationship, hell, i'd even say that earl was the one to officiate the wedding. all in all the legion becomes the one big found family everyone involved has been craving, with you and zoya at the heart.
so when zoya 'dies', it's a devastating blow to all of them. not to mention earl, too. i can picture you grabbing chief by the collar and demanding to know where zoya is, only for chief to helplessly say they don't know. zoya's alive, but no one knows where she is. you aren't the same after that, and horo has to watch her older sister figure sob into the arms of a stranger because there's no one else left.
things get a little better when horo steps into her new role as the leader of the legion. she isn't zoya, nowhere close, but she's what they all need right now. you and horo find some comfort in each other, as the only remaining family they have. but sometimes you need a little time alone, and you heads to a spot you and zoya used to frequent as kids, then teenagers, then adults, but always together—until now.
there's a sort of commemorative representation of zoya there, erected by the remnants of the legion, and you just kind of sit there for a while, hoping it can substitute the absence of your wife. it doesn't, but you try anyway. "come home," you whisper to the wind, but the echoing silence is your only answer, as it has been since the day you lost her. so you get up and leave, before your grief roots you to the ground.
(little do you know, in the shadows of a crumbled building, your wish reaches its receiver. and it takes every ounce of strength in her not to step out of the darkness and back into your arms.
she grits her teeth and walks away, just like you. there is something she needs to do first, but then, she'll run right back home. back to you.
she swears it.)
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sinsmockingbird · 6 months
OMG SINS ??? if you are comfortable with it may i know the zoya x sins lore……… 👉👈 only if ur ok with it ofc !!!! i love selfships and i love seeing selfships of my friends !!! it makes me vibrate at a frequency that shatters glass (/pos) frfr 👉👈
I am more than happy to give the lore behind my selfship with Zoya! There is quite a bit, especially when you start mixing in other PTN women, but I can give the main information! Lmk if you want a deeper five btw Sev, because I'm happy to provide.
Me and Zoya's relationship can be summed up in two words; domestic life. Sure, she's the leader of the Legion, but when she's not dealing with the stuff associated with them and is home with me, our life can be seen as your stereotypical American family life.
We have five biological kids (I've always wanted a big family, especially with Zoya). Three girls and two boys, who are all a perfect mix of both of our genes. The older three kids are like Zoya, rambunctious and destructive, while are littest two are like me - more quiet and reserved, at least until you get them to open up. The order from oldest to youngest is our eldest daughter, our twins (a boy and a girl), our son, and then our youngest daughter. Each of them have Zoya wrapped around their finger, but not as much as our youngest who could be seen as the "runt" in a pack of wolves, meaning my girl us extra protective.
Besides our five biological children, we have quite a few more adoptive kids, including Horo, Hecate & Hella, Eve, & Thistle. They might be adopted, but that doesn't mean Zoya and I love them any less. They're our little babies, and I would kill anyone who threatens them just like our other five!!
Some big lore that happened a few months ago is that me and Zoya had to go to couples therapy for a week. The reason why? Rahu.
When Rahu came out (and you guys will understand this when I wrote her for a long time straight on here). All I could think about was that dog to the point I wanted to be with her more than my girl husband!! It was a hard month, to say the least, and we had to send the big scary dog to the Rust for a week while me and Zoya did couple's therapy. Everything worked out, though!! As I'm not as obsessive over Rahu now and me and Zoya came to an agreement about sharing me with her - which is somehow why Rahu is now the family dog.
The kids love their big, scary dog, Rahu! And the twins will periodically bully and pull pranks on the poor girl. But it's okay! She sucks it up and takes it (not because I promised her we'd have a baby together at some point).
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pensola · 8 months
Xaela Lore Through the Fishing Log
One of the reasons Xaela is my favourite clan in XIV and Azim Steppe is my favourite zone forevermore is due to the lore presentend and how they are consistently shown and used. Not like how Seekers are given lore that is then contradicted in-game, or any other races/clans that are given lore but then it is all ignored because XIV prefers geographical culture and lore nowadays (which is fine, I just wish they would USE the lore they give rather than give arbitrary racial/clan lore that then never come up). Xaela's tribe facts are actually a thing that is used and referenced in the zone in many ways, MSQ, side-quests, FATEs and more. There are so many ways to learn more about the tribes and the zone's history, and it feels relevant. Azim Steppe was the first zone I ever completed all side-quests on, and I actually stopped the main-story-questing in order to do it because I was so curious about their place and culture.
One thing I love is how even the fish you can catch present humorous lore about the zone, and that the Azim Steppe fish lore stays consistent. Sure, it is never referenced anywhere else, but it is a charm to it. I just wanted to add in the ones I have found so far that I found related to lore and were not the general "the fish is named/looks like this because reasons" descriptions down below. A quick summary of Xaelan fish lore:
-The Xaela like fish. A lot. - Fishes are personifications and gifts from the gods, sometimes a representation of their love for the people they created. - Being reincarnated as a fish is seen as a high honour, only thing better would godhood. At least if you are a beloved animal.
Cavalry Catfish: The “cavalry” of its name arrives from the popular rumor that an esurient school of the catfish split a river-fording horse in two, devouring it from the stomach out. Horse-lovers and the weak of stomach might steer clear of this “meal that eats you back.” - Noted since there is a tribe that do love their horses, so I liked that addition.
Dotharli Gudgeon: This freshwater fish commonly found in the upper One River is also known as the Mol gudgeon, the Kahkoli gudgeon, the Dataqi gudgeon, the Horo gudgeon, and after whichever other Xaela tribe that insists their ancestors first caught the species. - Always love when the specific tribes are mentioned, if only because it is funny.
Dawn Herald: Denizen of the middle and lower rivers of Othard who loyally serves as the eyes of the Dawn Father, to hear the Xaela tell it. Dusk Herald: Looming larger than her dawn relative, the dusk herald benights the waters with silver-blue scales of twilight in devout service to Nhaama. - Just funny how the fish lore keeps reminding us how the Xaela view fishes as sacred and important to their gods.
Flamefish: The act of swallowing the sun burned a permanent orange hue in to the scales of this hungry fire-eater and brought about the first eclipse, in case there was any question concerning how that astronomical phenomenon occurred. - Again, fish are so important to the xaela. "Oh, the first eclipse in the world? No, no, that's not a bad omen, a fish did it."
Fickle Krait: Feared and reviled by the public for the role its deadly venom played in the infamous assassination of a feudal lord, the snake itself is blameless, exhibiting a passive temperament and not ordinarily given to biting. - I added this more because it is interesting that it mensions "feudal lord", something more suiting Yanxia than the steppes, yet the fish is only found in Azim Steppe's waters. Can help describe how some commoners in lower Othard would assosiate with the steppes.
Glaring Perch: Fiercely territorial from birth, the younglings seek to intimidate any and all who enter their perceived sphere of dominion, kin included; a posture that sits perfectly well with the Oronir. - Either the Oronir find the Glaring Perch's protectiveness well-working, or they identify with the fish' territorial attitude, and either way it is hillarious to think about.
Eternal Eye: Unblinking sentinel left in the wake of the Dawn Father and Dusk Mother's departure to watch over the Xaela in their absence. - Again, fish are mentioned to be the Xaelan creation gods' important servants.
Soul of the Stallion: "A rare white freshwater fish believed to harbor the soul of a once-proud steppe stallion" and "According to the existential hierarchy of Xaela reincarnation, fishliness is next to godliness. Horses who serve their masters well in life ascend to the waters afterward, with the most noble of destriers reborn in pristine scales of white." - This, I find, is the most important one. We know at least Dotharl and one other tribe believe in reincarnation fiercely, it would not be farfetched to assume it is what many or most Xaelan tribes believe. We do not know if this is a hierarchy for animals specifically, since they only mention horses, but still, it is written in canon that Xaela believe the only lifeform greater than fish is deity, and that is amazing.
Nhaama's Boon: A fish held in the highest esteem by desert denizens, who deem it a gift from the Dusk Mother herself. It's edible, but far from transcendent. Nhaama's Treasure: "A queen among Nhaama's boons, and lady of the waters of Dotharl Khaa." and "Believed by many of the Azim Steppe's Xaela tribes to be a gift from the Dusk Mother herself, this large wavekin is oft presented as a reward in contests of mettle held during sacred festivals." - If I ever make that fanfic where there is a big festival after the nadaam, I will absolutely include tribes gifting the Mol and my Warrior of Light this fish. My WoL is Miqo'te so she might wonder if it is an insult until it is clarified for her.
The Unconditional: "Not so much a lord as a god of Dotharl Khaa, this particular specimen is thought to be a blessing sent by the Dusk Mother and Dawn Father themselves. As such, this catch might be best left unboasted of." and "Possessed of both a dorsal fin not unlike a crescent moon, and a tail fin not unlike the rising sun, this distinctive wavekin is believed by nomads of the Azim Steppe to be the corporeal manifestation of the Dusk Mother and Dawn Father's love for their children on Hydaelyn." - I just. I just love how the fish are represented so often to be gifts from the gods to the xaela, and that they are considered reincarnations to strive for right next to godhood, and here it is explicitly said that it is quite rude, even insulting, to catch certain fish, this in particular.
Zagas Khaal: "A freshwater fish extremely common to many of the One River's northern tributaries. Its name literally translates to "river fish."" and "Ask a nomad of the Azim Steppe to blurt out the first fish that comes to mind, and without fail you will hear the name of this pervasive species, followed by an awkward silence." - I guess the joke is that they ask someone from a place with basically only a few rivers what the fish they think of is, and they just say "fish from the river".
Steppe Skipper: This fish's aerodynamic green fins allow it to jump to conclusions rather than go through the motions. The Auri Xaela, who know a thing or two about shortcuts, regard the steppe skipper as a portent of good things to come. Dry Steppe Skipper: Unlike its purportedly “lucky” brethren, encountering this withering-grass-colored variety of steppe skipper is regarded as an omen of ill fortune among nomads. Dry humor is often lost on the superstitious. Blade Skipper: Several of the Azim Steppe's nomadic tribes believe this blood skipper, native to the One River, leapt from the depths of its Yanxian home and rode the thick blades of lush Steppe grass all the way north and east to the Upper Yat Khaal where it now dwells. Garden Skipper: Some of the Othard's nomadic tribes view this large green skipper as an ill omen that their journey is about to end, and have been known to go as far as abandoning their fishing rods to the river rather than risk reeling one in. - Can we take a moment to appreciate how most of the skippers are used to determine someone's luck and fortune?
Dawn Crayfish: Devoted disciple of the Dawn Father who battles his sworn enemy for control of the Azim Steppe, and rises as his rival sets. Dusk Crayfish: Devoted disciple of the Dusk Mother who battles her sworn enemy for control of the Azim Steppe, and waxes as her nemesis wanes. - Who else are loving the amount of duelling sealife in Azim Steppe? I certainly am!
Bowfish: Xaela archers often present offerings of this high-strung arciform fish to their gods before venturing forth on the hunt.
Tao Bitterling: Though the breed is generally deemed unfit for consumption, the Mol nevertheless persist in fishing for them per the bidding of their holy men; a case of faith operating contrary to nature's plan. The Word of God: "A king among Tao bitterlings, and lord of the waters of Tao Khaal." and "The Mol believe they are made to endure divine trials that they must overcome to prove their worth. Catching a blessed Tao bitterling was one of these trials. Seeing as they did not catch it, their god will now punish them." - I always like whenever lorebits remind us that the Mol are considered weirdos by the other tribes for how much to the letter they follow their holy men and old gods.
Sun Bass: Azim in the sky is said to partake of this fish fit for a god, though you'll want to think twice before partaking yourself, as the parasites that riddle its body have proven potentially fatal to less-than-divine diners.
Sweatfish: The arduous sister of the Seraphim shines the glorious sunlit streaks of her Dawn Father against the ominous night sky of her Dusk Mother, and is said to be birthed from the very beads off their battle-wet brows.
Duskfish: "A khan among hardscales, and lord of the waters of Azim Khaat." and "Xaela legend has that this massive wavekin was born from a scale shed by the Dawn Father. Scholars insist it has simply had the good fortune not to be eaten."
Nhaama's Claw: A bivalve mollusk thought to resemble a claw of the Mother of the Dusk.
River Clam: One man's dross is another man's dinner with these clams, and while the Xaela may turn their nose up in the steppes, the Yanxians are more than happy to chow down by the river. - They are not fish, so I guess the Xaela simply don't care about clams that much, haha.
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dawnslight-aegis · 2 months
keep forgetting to post my mods over here, so have a few things that I worked on recently! (aka the only gposes I've done since DT started)
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a bibo/kniku upscale of the new DNC artifact chestpiece! Kaede here is modeling kniku (as usual), and my beautiful girls @cassandra-allegra and @foamofthe-sea are in bibo med and small below!
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also did a couple other horos-related things: a quick dancer bottoms mashup, and a simple position edit for the headdress so it doesn't clip auri horns
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and last but not least: a bibo small/kniku med upscale of the minerise workshirt, because something that backless deserves the best quality of skin possible
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kaede is in kniku and @aethernoise's flawless alyx is in bibo, in all her freckled glory~
all the stuff is available for free on my kofi. pre-DT stuff isn't updated yet but I plan to soon
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ghostlynighty · 8 months
path to nowhere chapter 13...I have so many questions still.
spoilers for chapter 13 of path to nowhere below!
YA'LL! WHAT THE FUCK! I just don't know what to say, what the hell. I've finished the chapter now and oh boy, a lot has been answered but a lot of questions has been raised as well. Before that though, let me tell you the screams I let out when bai yi, oak casket, rahu, raven, shalom and coquelic, basically everyone appeared!
As for Zoya, I was so waiting for her since she is the love of my life. It's sad to see that she only got that small amount of appearance since I missed her so much BUT WHAT IS SHE DOING? Did she and Bai Yi went to the underground after BR 004? Or are they a part of a different group now, a group that "lives inside the black rings" and now that its over, they will go into hiding again?
Zoya doesn't seem to be thinking about doing something bad, she's still the same but what is she doing? Also, what happened between her and Horo? Did they met? Horo did see Zoya right?
Side comment : ZOYA LOOKS SO HOT! SHE WAS ALREADY HOT BUT SHE A LOT HOTTER IN THE NEW OUTFITS OF HER! i also noticed some strange, black ink that looks like a galaxy in her body, wonder what that is.
Rahu and Christina meeting again was nice too, I wonder what will Rahu do now? Seems like she's still loyal and working for shalom even after shalom's "death". Surprised to see shalom too, a little confused on why chief did not know who she is, maybe interrogations are not that canon? I don't know.
I would like to discuss with ya'll! It would be nice to talk about this SINCE I HAVE NO ONE.
I am a little underwhelmed about when chief finally woke up, it just happened. I was expecting a "CHIEF YOU'RE AWAKE?!?!". chief waking up was received a little casually for me. Also, poor chief immediately going to work after waking up.
Will there be another corpus? Who is that pink haired girl that turned the corpus into a flower and ate it? She appears in one of the crime brands. I was so shocked to see that animated scene! It was so good, so cool! Hoping to see aisno do more of these in the future!
But please yeah, let's discuss! This post is all over the place because I am still in shock!
THE HELLA AND HECATE SCENE MESSED ME UP BRO I CRIED. Hecate's emotions are improving it seems and based on nightmare turning into a literal dragon now, it looks like that maybe hecate has also gotten a lot stronger. Hella is leaving now though, i wonder what will happen? will her place get replaced by another sinner?
It's so nice to see syndicate doing a lot better after what happened, it does make me wonder what's gonna happen next since syndicate is rebuilding itself.
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santoschristos · 4 months
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The Mysterious Goddess.
Isis wears a veil, a symbol of the mysteries of life.
Under The Veil : The Wings of Isis and its Power Isis is the Manifestation of Cosmic Magic.
Lunar Goddess and Mother of All Gods, who was Ishtar in Babylon and was adored by all peoples of Earth under a myriad of names that explain her nicknames Myrionmya and Panthea.
She is “She to whom all Gods obey” : this is how it is described in an inscription from the temple of File.
It is the Universal Feminine Principle, the Egyptian version of the Great Mother, the Great Orderer of the Universe, with a reassuring and protective face, bright and beautiful like the face of the Moon.
One of its distinctive attributes is the multicolored, rainbow-like winged arms that send back an ancestral esoteric message that we will try to reconstruct.
Isis is the central figure of the myth of Osiris, divine wife and sister who thanks to her love, dedication and magic manages to reassemble the body of Osiris killed and dismantled by Seth, and then bring it back to life.
The Holy Family, which is the most important Divine Triad of all of the Egyptian Pantheon, Osirides-Iside-Horo, had to go through very painful events, as do us mortals: betrayal, fear and death, pain and despair.
This is why they are still the most loved Gods in Egypt.
When desperate Isis finds the 14 (7×2) pieces of his beloved, he dedicates himself with care and love to reassemble Osiris’ body.
Protecting and enveloping him with his large and magical wings of 7-colored, he embals him and covers him with bandages, and from that moment on he will also become a funeral deity ready to protect with his wings all the bodies of the embalmed deceased.
Then as a Maga transforms into a mist and with a beat of her multicolored wings she breathes into the mummy of Osiris a breath of life, and with this God manages to conceive with her a Son, the God Horus.
Her wings are her healing power that comes from soul and aura.
When she envelops and protects her beloved brother and groom with her wings she goes to activate her life fluid, shining with a multicolored aura that envelops her.
It is a beat of this multicolored aura that has the power to even bring Osirides back to life for some infinite moments.
From now on she will be the Goddess of Magic, Fertility, Motherhood and Resurrection. ...
In Myth we often find the number 7 and its multiples, and this 7 is the 7 of Protagora:
The 7, by its hidden virtues, keeps in being all things, It is the Dispenser of Life, of Movement, and is decisive in influencing every being". ...
Under the veil Isis hides all the mysteries and the Occult Knowledge of the past.
To be able to reveal Isis is to reveal under the black cloak the True Light that gives Immortality.
Once again Pure Light that men can only perceive split in the 7 colors that represent all the Manifestation of Nature.
Through Creation We Intake God's Greatness. ...
Iside is also the Promordial Goddess who managed to survive millennials of patriarchy, with her conscious and sweet femininity, at peace with herself, endowed with immense power that administers with an even more immense Love.
He refuses to kill and even the evil he does is for Good. Il Grimorio route - Cagliari
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mappippi · 9 days
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me using this pic for 7 years only to find out there's another pic of this but homu & horo's positions are switched
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purpleberiii · 8 months
I suddenly have a hunch that Arlecchino and Zoya will get along just fine if not they might as well be best friends
Think about it Arlecchino has kids and Zoya might as well adopt Horo, they are both fighters and a tad bit mean and might love teasing you for fun but they will certainly be loving parents if ever
Still what are your thoughts?
Also I loved the way you finished the promt I sent you, I loved the part where they basically ignored Chief who was still there and must be half naked while Nightingale was fighting for her marriage
You I completely agree. Arlecchino and Zoya will be best of friends. They have many things in common and they're extremely scary but they show their cute side only to you, something else they have in common.
They love kids and can't wait to start a family of their own with you.
If they ever meet up, they'll seat and have the most amazing time ever; sharing tips with each other and various things, talking about a common interest (scaring people) and things like that.
I honestly had no idea on what to write for the prompt and at the beginning, even I forgot chief was still there 😭
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She's mine! Mine! ALL MINE!
⊱ ────────────── {.⋅ M ⋅.} ───────────── ⊰
Pairing; Yandere!Corrupted!Zoya x Chief!Reader
TW; SPOLIERS AHEAD! Yandere, tensions and blood
Summary; After the inheritance corrupts Zoya, the MBCC arrested and locked away. But her mind seems to wonder where else as the Chief visits her cell
Note; There are probably something that aren't correct because I'm stuck 7-12 at the moment as I write this
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⊱ ────────────── {.⋅ M ⋅.} ───────────── ⊰
After the events of the botched attempts of negotiation and the close call of another Black Ring event, the MBCC has upped their security after capturing the infamous form Sinner Zoya - unfortunately during these event her mental and physical state were taken over by the inheritance. MBCC and FAC have created a special block cell for her as a means for protection and for research purposes, but for others it's to reflect on their failure especially for three individual; Horo, Earl and Chief.
Earl comes in during the morning to have a 'conversation' with Zoya while she just stares at nothing, while he tries to have some kind of endearment with her. The only response he had was either grunts and a quick glance.
Horo visits after every mission and dispatches telling her about all she did to those scum bags, all the while Zoya just stares at her as she swag her axe around as to show what she did on the field.
Then finally Chief comes down to her cell to inspect her for anything that has changed or if there's any improvement, sometimes even speaking to the Legion leader about anything to the research on the inheritance - surprisingly Zoya does responses to the information given but her mind seems is elsewhere as you speak.
"Have you felt any surge of mania anywhere?"
"... No."
"Any form of pain within your chest."
"... Yes."
Take... Take... Take her!
"Shut up."
Zoya shook her head as she straightened out the wrinkles on her pants. Flipping through the papers given to you when you first entered the room, since her arrest Zoya was reserved and not interacting with anyone else aside from Earl and Horo. But not willing to talk to anyone when it comes to research or studies. She only started to participate when you were called in as a means to use your shackles as the last resort, when you entered the room Zoya's attitude changed; she became more calm and collective. Whenever you talk to her she's more respectful but her mind seems to wonder otherwise as you spoke, even when you're speaking to someone else in the room you feel her eyes following your every move. When Hella, Hecate or any of the other Sinners she becomes more hostile if they were too close to you, touch you and even breath around you - today was no exception as you brought in Bai Yi due to the Zoya's outburst last week.
"Chief, are you sure you want to be here? What if she goes berserk again?"
Flipping through the pages as Bai Yi picks at her nails.
"It's fine Bai, she had enough time to cool down and for the Bureau to fix any of the damages she did."
During the time of talking with Zoya you know she isn't fully paying attention to your questions, seemingly burning holes in the mercenary as she continuously picks at her nails.
She ignores you as she stares at Bai Yi.
Standing up as she continues to disregard you as she looks down at the ground now.
Getting close to her cell to gain back her attention but just as you got close, Zoya suddenly grabbed your shirt pulling you against the bars as her other hand grabbed the back of your head. Your face smothered in her chest as best as she could through the bars, hearing her growl as her claws drag across your hip and your scalp - Zoya bears her fangs at Bai Yi as she draws out her swords.
Her claws start to dig into your skin as Bai slowly moves forward, quickly thinking you immediately use your shackles on Bai.
"Stand down, Bai Yi!"
"But Chief!"
The eerie red glow around her neck makes her strand as she clutches her weapons.
"That's an order."
Withdrawing her weapons back as Zoya clutches onto you still growling, sighing as you signal Bai to leave the room. The mercenary grumbled as she walked out of the room. Even after she left Zoya did not let you go as she buries herself in your shoulder through the bars, hearing her grunt and huffs as she seems to take in your scent. Holding onto the bars as she continues her strange actions but taking notes of the situation - her hands moving up and along your back as if she's mesmerising every part of your body. Her mouth doesn't help at all either as she trails up from your shoulder to your collarbone then your neck. Feeling her warm breath sending shivers through your body as she once again inhales your scent.
Her lips ever so gently kissed along your jaw her hand on your hip while the other wonders down your thigh, suddenly feeling an intense pain in your neck pushing away from Zoya she licks her lips as she stares at you in a mixture of desire, lust and hunger. Guards came rushing through the door clutching your bleeding neck as the men carry you away to the medic as Zoya watches on - Dr.Iron and Nurse Anne do a thorough check up on you for any signs of mania regardless to your immunity. It took several days for the bite to heal and for the medics to finally stop attending to you, then finally conversing Nightingale and the 036 to go back and continue the research. But you had to make a tough decision of not letting any of the sinners or guards to occupy you for interrogation; Zoya won't fully cooperate unless it's you and just you alone.
"Has there been any changes to your body?"
"Not since the Square."
"Okay. What about any mental changes?"
"Are you sure?"
"Not entirely, sure."
Sighing as you write down 'a/n' flipping to the next page continuing the same route, Zoya keeps the same attitude as before but she seems happy now that it's just you two - she even scooted closer to the bars to a point where her knees sticks out between it. Asking the same questions every minute and getting the same results.
".... Okay, have you felt any kind of surge mania?"
"Where exactly?"
Without any warning Zoya grabbed your hand and placed it on her chest feeling her heartbeat, it felt irregular and sporadic yet somehow soothing as Zoya opens your shirt to look at the scared mark on your neck caressing the outlines.
Mine... Mine... MINE!!
Pulling her hand as she hears the voices again not wanting to get close again and cause another commotion.
"Zoya, what is causing the surge of mania to your heart and what exactly?"
"... You."
Taken aback as you pull your hand away as she stares you in eyes with want, grabbing the bars as her eyes turn dark as she continues to stare at you.
"It's you. Every time you come my head keeps screaming for you, that surge of mania is the cause of you. It was always you!"
Her grip on the bars starts to dent the metal.
"I want you!"
She starts to bend the metal to get you as you try to use the shackles on her, but to no avail and just as you were about to run Zoya broke through the cell and grabs you from behind.
Pulling you into her chest as she wraps her arm around your waist while the other grabs your throat, doing the same thing she did days ago as she now litters your neck with kisses and bitemarks.
"You're all I need."
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