#nighty tots
ghostlynighty · 6 months
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nights-flying-fox · 2 years
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Hey Donnie, I dont think posing at a crime scene like that is the best idea-
DTIYS entry for @trubblegumm It was real fun to draw this, also learned a bit about lighting hehe...
Stills ⬇️
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headfarintheclouds · 2 months
Kenji Sato As A Boyfriend HC
I finally had some time to sit down and write something TuT Hope you'll like it :D If there is any Gramma mistakes I apologize, English is not my first language ToT
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Ken would put you first no matter the situation. Sure he loves Baseball and all, but if you got hurt or sick he would totally skip practice or the game to be with you. Even if you insist on him leaving, after all Mina is more than capable of taking care of you.
Before getting together with him you lived in a normal apartment near the city center. But after the news of you dating spread out Kenji swooped in and all but made you live with him in his mansion. His reason being, that he wanted to keep you save from the journalists and Kaiju's but deep down you knew he was waiting for the opportunity to have you for himself 24/7.
If you don't speak Japanese he will teach you. He finds it absolutely adorable whenever you try to pronounce an especially hard word. Your accent makes it so much more endearing for him.
He has multitude of nicknames for you. There is rarely time when he uses your real name when addressing you. Baby girl, Princess and Doll are definitely his favorite ones. If he's feeling especially sappy he'll call you Darling or Beautiful.
He's clingy. Not overly so, but he tends to hover over you or hold your hand whenever the two of you were in public. At first you thought he liked the PDA and you weren't wrong, but the hand holding was purely because he was scared. "I know it's stupid, but I always have this irrational fear of your disappearing like my mom did. And I can't function without you by my side, princess."
Ken is a great cook ! He would totally make you breakfast in bed after his morning training session. Dinner made by him was a rare treat you learned to enjoy, after all he was juggling being a baseball star and a superhero. Not to mention he was an adopted daddy to a very adorable Kaiju living underneath your guys' house.
Speaking of Emi. If you thought she was a daddy's girl you are solely mistaken, because as soon as you enter the room she looses all interest in Ken all together. Of course she still adores him, but you are by far her favorite human ! She chirps and claps her hands in excitement whenever you enter the base. I melts Ken's heart whenever he sees the two of you interacting with one another. He has so many photos of you and Emi saved on his phone !
He loves to see you in his clothes, especially with his jersey on. He still has an old one from the time he played for Dodgers and you use it as a nightie. It's comfortable ! And it does things to him too... God the first time you put it on. Let's just say you couldn't walk for a day or two after ;)
We all know Kenji is rich-rich. So it's no surprise he buys you expensive gifts all the time. You once mentioned that you liked a specific car, and guess what ? The week after that there was a new shiny (dream car) in your favorite color, parked outside the mansion. After that incident you stopped mentioning things you liked or wanted to buy in fear of him going bankrupt. He told Mina to hack your Amazon Wishlist and bought you all of the items just to spite you.
If you work or study he will support you every step of the way. Just like you support him during his games. If you are a university student he will sit down with you and ask you some questions, help you study and keep an eye on you. He wants you to be successful yes, but you still need to sleep and eat !
Kenji likes to mess with you in his Ultraman form, much to his fathers disapproval. Whenever he takes care of Emi he has to transform, and he uses every opportunity to pluck you from the ground and place you on his shoulder. The first time he did it you screamed like a banshee making poor baby Emi jump in fright. Thank God she doesn't really speak human language, you would die of shame if she repeated any of the words you called Kenji that time.
After a year of being together he'll start carrying a small velvet box around. And inside would a ring his father proposed to his mother with, something she gave him long time ago. He would wait patiently, looking for the best way and time to pop the question. But until then he'll enjoy your company and make more memories with you and Emi by his side :)
I hope ya'll liked it ! I feel really good about this one ngl :D GOD I LOVE THIS MAN !
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grvntld · 1 year
hi im abt to sleep pa lang huhu nagstruggle talaga ako magpack ng things ko kasi basta naloka me sa itinerary like bakit magkakadikit time bakit ito una when we usually do this last blah blah blah basta my tots pero i was able to make it werq hehu i decided to use my smol luggage na lang instead of my backpack kasi ang dami talaga eh lmao ginamitan ko pa ng compression bag para magkaroon space lol actually pinag-isipan ko pa if yung smol luggage or yung medium one pero parang ang oa ko naman kung yung medium one dala ko wahahahahaha ginagamit ko lang kasi yung medium luggage ko pag traveling by air me or more than 3 days kami somewhere ganOrn so nagsmol luggage na lang me kasi by land lang naman travel namin tapos 3 days 2 nights lang naman hehe sobrang packed lang kasi talaga sa activities kaya mejj nashooketh ako eniwey ayOrn wish me luck na nadala ko everything that i will need kasi omg i will fyt pag hindi chz okiE bbye nighty mwAps
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thebestorworstofit · 2 years
hi tater tots. i’m very slowly coming back to writing here (mostly discord). life got wild and i needed some time but i miss like 6 of you so i’m back-ish.
i’m gonna be dropping like 98.9% of things i have on here to make it a smoother transition and as to not overwhelm and scare myself off. but if i unfollowed you and you still want to write together just shoot me a message and i’ll get back to you over the next couple days so we can set something up. miss u love u nighty night sleep tight dream of churros tonight.
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merowthewolf · 3 years
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Cream Week day 7!
“Free Space”
This one is probably one of my favourites! I’m really proud of it! ToT
Dream and Nighty belong to @jokublog
Cross belongs to @jakei95
Starcross belongs to @lunnar-chan
I think Lux is owned by AlianaPrana? I’m not 100% sure on that. But I think her outfit was designed by Lunnar-chan as well :)
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Breaking the Ice
Summary: The gang's plan to spend a week in an Alpine lodge hits a snag when, unbeknownst to Alya and Nino, Marinette and Adrien find out each other's identities. Now it's up to Alya, the power of love, and a freak snowstorm to push past the awkwardness and break the ice.
Hello and welcome to this very special birthday fic that has been three months or so in the making! Sadly Over's birthday came right at the height of me being swamped with the monthly prompts. But I got there eventually! Happy (very) belated birthday, @overworkedunderwhelmed!
Read on Ao3
The kilometers rolled past, putting them farther and farther away from their homes in Paris. Despite the promise of a cozy cabin in the Alpine woods waiting for them in the not-so-distant future, the mood in the car wasn’t the full and bubbling excitement that Alya had hoped for.
Most of the conversation had been driven by her and Nino, whether it be jamming out to his mix tapes or just talking about recent events. Not that there was much conversation going on right now - a four hour long car ride was enough to take it out of anyone. But for the entire car ride Alya was grinding her teeth at Adrien and Marinette’s seemingly stubborn refusal to talk to each other.
It had been almost a month since everything changed, their last weeks before they graduated from lycee and were set out into the great wide world. For the last year they’d been planning this - going out to Nino’s uncle’s cabin and spending a week hanging out. Just like old times, in case life conspired to keep them apart. After all, while they had resolved to stay in touch and meet regularly, who could really say for sure when they were all going to different universities?
Marinette had even gotten over her insecurity and babbling around Adrien! They had become great friends over the years, but then… something happened and they were back to square one. Except now it was even worse because not only was Marinette a mess, so was Adrien! They could barely make eye contact before looking away, blushing like school kids. Which they technically weren’t any more!
It was disgustingly cute, but also incredibly frustrating. Alya had thought that she had put all of this stuff behind her years ago, even if she was always hoping they’d still end up getting together.
Smiling mirthlessly, Alya stared ahead as the cabin rolled into view. It had been a while since she’d meddled in Marinette’s love life, but it seemed that if they were going back to their old ways, so should she. A plan began to come together…
Hopefully the weather would cooperate.
Nino watched the girls head inside with the bare essentials, leaving him and Adrien out here to get the rest while they got everything turned on. He turned around in his seat to look at Adrien as he stretched in the back.
“So, how are you feelin’ from that long ride, bro?”
“Not too hot. And not just because of the time in the car,” Adrien said with a shiver. “I knew it was going to be cold, but still.”
Nino snorted. “Well, maybe getting up off your rich kid butt and helping me out here will warm you up.”
“If you say so, my oh so worldly best bro.” The two of them chuckled as Adrien got out of the car.
While they were only staying there for a week, they packed plenty so that they wouldn’t need to make any unnecessary trips to the nearby town. It was good in theory but it did mean that it took multiple trips to get all the suitcases and bags and coolers.
Plenty of time to chat up his best bud.
“So what’s up with you, dude?” Nino picked up a suitcase for each hand. “Decided on what you’re going to university for yet?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Adrien said, rolling his eyes. “Father still wants me to go into business.”
“Yeah but I didn’t ask what daddio wanted, did I?”
Adrien sighed. “I’m not entirely sure. I like the idea of becoming a teacher.”
“You’ve tots got the patience for it.” Nino grinned. “You’re almost as chill a dude as I am.”
“As long as someone doesn’t try to mess with your playlists or take over the radio.”
“Driver alone gets that kinda power dude,” Nino said, a solemn air to his words. “You can’t just let anyone go messin’ with that stuff.”
“Uh huh.” Adrien smirked and hefted a cooler by himself. The dude was stronger than he looked. Maybe all that modeling came with some perks besides the obvious? “My other plan is maybe just…” Adrien seemed a little embarrassed. “...starting a flower shop.”
“...A flower shop?”
“Or something like that! Just a little business of my own that has nothing to do with fashion. Where people can’t say that I was only put there because of my father’s connections or whatever.”
“Flowers, huh?” Nino tapped at his chin, smiling. “Lemme guess - does this have something to do with a certain pigtailed friend of ours?”
“I- That’s not- No!”
“How are you two doing anyway, bro? Me and Al have been supes curious about what went down between you two.”
“What about that movie script you were working on?” Adrien said. “You were pretty far along the last time we talked about it. Did you work out the last few kinks yet?”
Nino could recognize such an obvious change of topic when he saw one, but he didn’t have the single-minded drive of his girlfriend and let it slide without comment. Besides, he could use Adrien’s help in talking out some of the more difficult parts of the movie’s plot.
An hour later, just as they’d finished bringing in their stuff and Nino got a good sense of how he wanted his story to go, he looked up at the sky and frowned when he saw the dark clouds and the flurry of snowflakes already coming down.
Nino closed the garage with the car in it and was thankful that they had already brought in plenty of firewood along with the suitcases. It looked like tonight was going to get chilly.
The four of them had already arrived fairly late into the day, so by the time they had gotten settled in, the sun was beginning to sink over the horizon. The light was made even dimmer by the snowstorm raging outside, its chill only barely pushed back by the roaring fireplace that they were huddled around.
There were two loveseats in the cabin and when Alya and Nino had taken one, that naturally left the other for him and Marinette. Each pair wrapped up in blankets to keep the cold out and to keep the shared warmth in.
Of course, they had more than fire to keep themselves warm, Adrien thought as he nonchalantly glanced to his side, toward the woman that was always at his side. Even if he hadn’t known just how true that was until a month ago. Was it good fortune that had made this partner and love interest one of his closest friends outside the mask? Or was it terrible luck, since they had barely managed to spare two sentences for each other ever since they found out?
Adrien was almost sure that there was a conversation going on, but for the life of him he couldn’t hear it over his pounding heart. Sitting there still as a statue, he was hoping that no one would notice his current state of distress, praying that he could make it through this week in one piece.
His prayers were immediately not answered since Marinette was slowly but inevitably closing the distance between them. Was it because of the cold? Or was there something else at play here? Either way, his lack of a response - or, at least, him not stopping her - seemed to give her courage as she got ever closer.
Which would be enough for his poor heart to handle on its own if it weren’t for the fact that once she was about as close as she could get without sitting on his lap, the back of her hand brushed against the back of his. It was enough to make his heart skip a beat. He redoubled his efforts to pay attention to the conversation just as it seemed to be ending.
Nino yawned and stretched, raising his arms above the warm confines of his blanket as he did so.
“Well, dudes, looks like I’m gonna pack it in for tonight. All that driving really took it outta me.”
“I’ll probably head to bed too,” Alya said. “The faster I’m under a warm set of sheets, the better.”
“Right. So we’ll be heading to our room now.”
Adrien had a sinking feeling with how they said that and he realized that there was one critical question he had never gotten around to asking during all the time that they had been planning this trip:
“Where is my room?”
“Oh, don’t worry, you and M will have the room just down the hall from us!” ALya said with a grin, her head poking around the corner just before disappearing behind it. “Nighty night!” She shouted once she was out of view.
Adrien’s mouth went dry and he stared at the roaring fireplace for a long moment before turning to look at Marinette, who seemed equally scandalized. With an apologetic shrug and a half grin, he stood up on shaky legs and made his way toward their apparently shared room.
Marinette wasn’t sure how much time had passed, since they had awkwardly crawled into bed and rolled over onto their sides, facing away from each other. The room was quiet except for the muffled sounds of the fire in the other room and the howling winds of the snowstorm outside. Darkness had long since crept in, leaving the room a mess of dark shapes and shadows that moved ever so slightly thanks to the faint, flickering light of the fire coming out from below the bottom of their door. Even with her eyes adjusted to the dark, she couldn’t see much beyond a few inches in front of her face.
The quiet left her plenty of time to think. Did she move too fast by getting so close to him in front of the fire? She was still a little mad at Alya for trying to force things along like always. She and Adrien were just… going through something right now. They’d get there in their own time!
...Then again, it had already been a month without any progress. Maybe Alya had handed her a golden opportunity. Was he even still awake? Marinette was the stage of tired where she could feel the exhaustion but knew she would never be able to sleep. Least of all with Adrien right there.
With nothing else to do, she decided to take a chance and roll over. It seemed that the years of fighting alongside one another had put them in sync since he rolled over at exactly the same time. They suddenly found themselves face to face, so close that she could feel his warm breath on her.
“Hey,” she said, sounding lame to her own ears.
“Hey, he said back.
Marinette bit her lip and tried to find the right words to say. Her thoughts were all mixed up and she struggled to make the first move.
“I love you,” Adrien blurted out. His cheeks blushed so fiercely she could almost believe they were glowing. It certainly helped her see him in a new light.
Her eyes soften and she smiles. She scoots closer to him.
“I love you too.”
Slowly and hesitantly, fearful that the spell might be broken and this would all prove just a dream, she leaned forward the final few centimeters between them and pressed her lips to his.
Outside, the storm raged on. But inside, cuddled close together through the night, they stayed warm.
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firehedgehog · 4 years
Undertale choose your Adventure
A Crack Story, Originally written and posted on Wattpad. Dream was on a walk.. and then it went weird.
So originally as said, was posted on Wattpad where at the end of each chapter there was a set of Votes. The Story finally finished but you can still find the original stuff on Watt. Here is the completed version minus the votes. If you want to join in future Adventures, please keep an eye on my wattpad account under the same name.
It was a beautiful day in the multiverse, singing flowers blooming birds... no they actually were.
Its not a misprint.
And a Skeleton was making there way through the area.
Dream Thought it was a beautiful day.
No battles.
His brother wasn't causing issues, and Ink for once wasn't driving him up the wall.
Nothing could make this day go badly.
Then he saw someone ahead.
Standing there was Error, The Destroyer.
Ink rival..
Dream was on his own, and his attacks would only do so much.
So... what if he changed what he did.
Taking a deep breath Dream walked towards the destroyer, who was apparently snacking on chocolate.
"Hey good looking," Dream said with an easy grin.
Error blinked and looked at the gold garbed skeleton.
"What are you on Dream?" Error asked.
"Who said I was on anything," he purred back.
Error glitched a bit more then usual.
"What's Inky's plan now," he growled.
"Just my plans," Dream said leaning up.
Error fell down with a thud as Dream kissed him.
"Um..." Dream said as Error started rebooting.
"Get away from him Dream!" a voice growled.
And there was Nighty, looking as evil and goopy as always.
"Aw come on, he might be evil but at least he's cute and has a soul. Why do you always stop be from getting a boyfriend!" Dream pouted stamping his foot.
"Because your an immature idiot and think Ink for brains is a good choice half the time," Nightmare replied smugly.
Meanwhile Error had rebooted and hid in the bushes.
"No way! He just wants me for emotions! So let em have Error!" Dream cried.
"No way! Do you know how hard it was to get to the friend zone! I have to make it to the boyfriend zone next!" Nightmare snarled.
"So we both want him!" Dream said drawing his bow and arrows.
Error ate popcorn in the bushes.
It was nice to be wanted.
"We'll decide in a battle!" Nightmare called.
They leapt forward, attack on attack...
And somehow created a pentagram shape.
And activated it.
And Blinked.
"Blue?" Dream asked bewildered, as the other star sans seemed to appear in the pentagram.
"Wasn't I just making Tacos?" Blue said looking around a tray of food in his hands.
"I knew it!" Nightmare cried pointing at Blue.
"Knew what?" Dream asked.
"I knew Blue had to be secretly evil!" Nightmare yelled dramatically.
Error fell over laughing in the bushes, scattering his popcorn everywhere.
"Its is something I'm wearing?" Blue asked looking down at his clothing.
"EVIL!" Nightmare hissed.
"Brother... I'm sure this is a misunderstanding," Dream sighed, trying not to think of the weird thing Blue did.
"EVIL!" Nightmare cried.
"Can you guys send me home, the ovens still on," Blue asked with a sigh.
"He has to be evil, because he made friends with Error!" Nightmare protested, Blues eye twitched.
"That's jut the power of friendship, after all your Error's friend," Dream pointed out smugly.
"EVIL!" Nightmare ylled which was starting to get annoying.
"SEND ME HOME NOOOOOW!" Blue said in a warped voice an Error symbol appearing in one eye, the twins eeped and hugged each other.
When no return summon had happened, Blue got mad.
"So your just going to cry like babies," he said, voice still warped.
"Run you fools," Error said from his spot.
"Ha ha ah, I'm sure we'll be alright.. were friends right?"Dream asked nervously.
"We're going to die," Nightmare shivered.
"I'm sure it will be fine, after all Blue.. was the most innocent one right?" Dream said shivering.
Stars darn it.. why did the multiverse only 4th wall break for Blue.
"Well then... I'm guessing you both need punishment," Blue giggled a bit insanely, voice glitching even more.
White bones shifted, Errors appeared around his body.
"Why aren't you running yet?" Blueberror smiled, voice fully glitched like Error now.
Only for a Taco to land in his hands.
Nightmare and Dream stared.
It was a fully cooked fresh taco.
"Oh! A Taco!" Blueberror said, and ate the Taco.
Magically he seemed to turn back into normal Blue.
"Your just not you when your hungry Blue," Error said, putting away his 'In case of Blueberror box' back into its magical hiatus.
"Thanks Error," Blue said all smiled and sparkles.
"Evil..." Nightmare whimpered.
"Soo... whats going on?" Blue asked putting his tray into magical space.
"Wait a minute," Blue said, eye lights blazing "Were you asking out my Error on a date!"
"Your Error?" Dream said faintly.
Nightmare looked ready to have an Error type crash.
"Of Course! We've been dating for years," Blue said happily.
"You did get the wedding invites right?" Error asked confused as he stood beside Blue.
"Wedding..." Dream said wild eyed.
"Invitations!" Nightmare squeaked.
"After all I don't share, Error's mine," Blue said with a wicked grin.
Error smiled happily.
Ink sulked in the bushes, everyone was having so much fun.
And they hadn't even invited him!
Him.. the Creator!
Why hadn't he gotten an invite to this drama yet, or even the wedding.
"Um... you got invited," a voice said.
"Don't I have any friends," he sniffed.
"Hello?" the voice said.
"He's totally not paying attention," a second voice said.
"Time to forth wall break!" the first said gleefully.
"We're already breaking it!" the second said.
"Time to join the party!" GumdropWolfYT gleefully shouted, as he picked up and Ink and threw him towards the other four skeletons.
ObsessiveFangorl facepalmed and dragged the other away, quickly closing the forth wall behind them.
"Ahhhhhh!" Ink shouted as he went flying
Fate held up a scoreboard with a 9 out of ten.
Error, Blue, Nightmare and Dream had slammed across the area from Ink who had suddenly bowled them over.
It was clearly a Ten Fate.
Fine ignore me.
"Owwww," Blue said, he quickly got up and rushed to Error to press the 'Yes to Reboot' button.
"I see starrrs," Dream giggled clearly knocked over silly.
"I'm sooo done!" Nightmare said, opened a portal and left.
"Wait.. where did Ink go?" Blue said, looking for the resident soulless skeleton.
And Blinked when he spotted him.
"This.. is hilarious!" Reaper laughed taking pictures with his camera phone, he hadn't expected to come across Ink boi embedded into a hill side in a skeleton made crater.
Seconds made a dying sound.
"Hello Reaper!" Blue said happily, from beside the downed Error and Dream.
"Hey Blue, I see the moron was being a  moron again," Reaper said.
"Nah, just a badly patched forth breaking," Blue said cheerfully.
"So normal as usual then," Reaper cackled.
Suddenly Reaper paused, and stared.
“Is everything alright Error?” Blue asked, Error groaned and slowly got up.
“Geno..” Reaper whispered.
“Whoever Geno is, can take a number after this migraine,” Error said rubbing his skull.
“No, your Geno!” Reaper said shocked, his mate had vanished eons ago.
One minute there, the next nope.. cya later reality.
“I think I’d know if I was someone else,” Error said, after all Fate had said they’d created them from the anti-void.
Meanwhile Fate was trying to hide from Destiny’s glare.
“Yeah... you know what,” Reaper said with a smile.
“What what?” Blue asked bewildered.
Who was Geno?
“See ya, sorry you’ll have to cancel the wedding as I have I waifu to claim!” Reaper grinned, suddenly beside Error. He grabbed the destroyer who crashed, then both vanished.
“Get back with my Error!” Blue screamed going super sai.... I mean Blueberror and vanishing also.
Dream twitched.
Ink blinked and looked around wondering where everyone went.
If Reaper was anyone else, he’d be biting his fingers in frustration.
He’d found his Geno.
Geno so changed.
Geno.. who clearly didn’t remember him.
Yet... his soul pulsed, he could feel the link between them as soulmates.
What had broken Geno, his wonderful stubborn Geno.
Geno and himself, who had been discussing if they wanted children.
“Can you stop staring at me,” Error said grumpily, they were in Reapertale in Reapers home. Why Error hadn’t left yet, Reaper had bribed him with chocolate.
One of the things that apparently not changed between Error and his past self.
“Sorry... it’s just, I never figured out I’d find you this way,” Reaper said unhappily, after all how did one react to ones mate becoming the destroyer.
“As far as I know, Fate created me as Ink’s counterpart. I’m linked heavily to the Anti-void. If I’m gone to long, I’m pulled back. I don’t know how I can be your Geno,” Error said sipping a giant chocolate milkshake.
“Anyway, you can prove it?” another voice said, Reaper and Error blinked as suddenly as Blue was there eating a Taco at the table.
“How did you get here!” Reaper said shocked, only he himself and Grim should have been able to enter without an invite.
“Technically I’m an error a glitch in the system,” Blue chirped, his form shifting to his other self then back.
Right... Geno use to walk through security like it wasn’t there also.
“And what do you plan to do if you find out he is my waifu?” Reaper asked.
“Well Share him of course, Error is the only one I ever wanted. And at least your cute too, my glitchy error codes would protect me too,” Blue said wickedly.
Reaper and Error blushed heavily.
“Right,” Reaper said shakily... we have a few ways to do this.
“And?” Error asked, interested either way.
“TIME TRAVEL!” TK!Sans shouted appearing in a flash of time travel.
“Out! When I find out how you keep getting in with time magic this better stop!” Reaper said annoyed, stupid time kids.
“Oh! Look at the time. Gotta go!” the time tot said and vanished, leaving Reaper grumbling.
“You were saying?” Blue said giggling.
“I have a gem that sends us back in time, out of phase so no one can see us and we can’t change anything,” Reaper replied. “We go back, tag Geno as he’s taken and follow!”
“Why didn’t you use it in the past?” Error asked.
“You need three people to use it, and every time I get someone to agree they start arguing on where they should go first,” Reaper said dryly.
“Lets do this!” Blue cheered.
“Welp. Lets do this,” Reaper said, pulling a weird grey gem from a shelf.
“How does it work?” Error asked.
“Oh, were already there,” Reaper cackled, and all three of them faded away.
Fate sputtered as her toy vanished.
Three figures appeared with a Zomp sound.
Yes, a Zomp sound.
No were not going to describe it more.
“The world looks grey,” Error said looking around.
“And there is Geno, the day he vanished!” Reaper said pointing to a bloody glitchy skeleton.
“Does this have a speed up option?” Blue asked as Reaper tagged Geno.
“Sure,” Reaper said and slammed the gem into a tree.
“Cool!” Blue chirped as the world sped up.
Suddenly strings zoomed out of nowhere like a lasso yeeted Geno out of the area.
“Not my strings,” Error said, “looks like fates.”
“Right, lets follow!” Blue said, and they quickly followed the tag on Geno.
“The Anti-void!” Error said as they appeared in endless white.
“And there is Geno!” Reaper smirked.
“Hey you, Glitchy boi!” a voice yelled in the voice.
“Yeah you!” the voice yelled as Geno pointed at himself.
“I need a destroyer, you’ll do,” the voice said.
“That’s fate...” Error said dryly.
“Um.. no thanks, I kinda have to tell Reaper something important,” Geno said.
“Who said you got to say no?” Fate asked.
A giant hammer fell from nowhere and hit Geno, covering the area with a cloud somehow.
“Um...” Reaper said at the scene.
“...” Error said as the dust cleared.
“Now my minion! Do your job!” Fate cackled.
“Riiight... lets go home,” Blue said sweatdropping.
“What’s with the weird sounds it makes?” Blue asked.
“No clue,” Reaper said.
“...” Error said.
“Error honey?” Blue asked in concern.
And crashed and rebooted.
“That’s new,” Blue said as the reboot stopped at 99% with a new choice.
‘Download and install Original Data YES/NO’
Blue quickly pressed yes.
“Thank you for choosing The Origination Reincarnation Station, please sit back and relax” a gentle female voice said, then Error exploded.
“What the stars!” Reaper said as they were knocked back.
“Error!” Blue cried.
“And welcome back the migraine,” a voice said, a non glitchy voice.
“Geno babe!” Reaper said happily.
“I need to sit down,” Error.. no Geno said getting up, Reaper quickly helped his spouse to a chair.
“Are.. you still Error?” Blue asked worriedly.
“Yes...” Geno said.
“Good, just because you got your old body isn’t stopping my wedding to you two!” Blue said smugly, the married couple blushed.
“You had news for me... when you vanished,” Reaper asked softly.
“Ah..” Geno said blushing heavier.
“Ohhhh.....” Blue said giggling suddenly.
“I... was kind of pregnant when Fate grabbed me... and still am, now that this body was freed,” Geno said summoning his ecto body, which was quiet far along.
“How did we not notice!” Reaper said in shock.
 “            Well... I never summon my ecto body, and my glitched state hid any                  signs. Also.. I’m half dead and your Death,” Geno said dryly.      
Meanwhile Blue started having millions of baby thoughts, Error/Geno was a beautiful Skeleton in both forms. And the three of them would make adorable children, he wondered how long it would take to talk Reaper to get him knocked up too.
“Heh heh heh... Blue said lost in his own head.
“I’m sorry...” Geno whispered holding Reapers hand.
“For what, your alive,” Reaper gently said, he leaned forward and touched there foreheads together.
“But... I cheated on you as Error,” Geno cried.
 “Shhh... that doesn’t matter. You had no clue you were anything but what Fate said love. And I can see you truly love Blue too.. he’s not bad, and if that’s the price I pay for you I’ll pay it a million times,”            Reaper promised to his teary eyed love.      
 “It won’t be easy, I’m stil            l                   th                  e                   Destroyer. The Error,”                  Geno said.      
 “And I’m Death, Death and Destruction go together,”            Reaper smirked.      
“Idiot,” Geno said.
“And Blue can be the Chaos,” Reaper giggled.
“Crap...” Geno suddenly said.
“Whats wrong?” Blue asked, coming out of his daydreams.
“Well... Its time, guess the baby got tired of waiting eons to be born,” Geno said wincing.
Reaper had left the building.
Okay fainted.
“Gahhh.... oh my stars!” Blue panicked and ran around like a headless chicken.
And there was Blue meeting the wall.
 “            Why...” he cried through the pain.      
The sound of crying.
 “Take it easy, your magic will b            e                   over stressed for th                  e                   next few weeks,” a voice said, yes.. Sci’s voice.      
 “            I will, thank you for allowing me here,” Genos voice came.      
“No problem, was hilarious to see you rushing in using magic to carry Blue and Reaper,” Sci cackled.
 “The Baby!”            Reaper said coming fully awake.      
“Over here,” Geno said amused.
Apparently there were in at a hospital, Blue was just coming too.
“Reaper.. meet our son,” Geno said happily, held in his arms was a tiny Skeleton with one eye light typical to a sans type.
“He’s perfect,” he said raspy voiced in awe.
“What’s his name?” Blue asked wide eyed.
“I think his proud papa should choose,” Geno said.
“Goth, taking parts of both our names,” Reaper said happily, here he was gettinga happy ending.
Death and his glitch.
Death and Destruction.
With Chaos at the side.
“Hey Geno, next kids mine,” Blue smirked.
Geno sputtered.
Reaper laughed.
“You have quiet the future kiddo,” Reaper told the newborn.
He couldn’t wait to see it.
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rowan-odubhghaill · 5 years
I’m all alone within these haunted walls.
Whispers and noises and voices and hush
Fill each beat. I see the ghastly flames’ calls,
Hear their blue tune: a flaring will to rush
Outwards and inwards. Wandering these floors
Barefoot, I feel the cold hard stone taking
Me away. Now thorny grass on the moors
Tickles my raw palms. I can’t stop waking.
Lying, glowing floaters please my thought
Gifting me with bleak nighty delusions
Which what is real abysmally distort,
Feeding my fancy confused allusions.
Shadows loiter and dance in their light play.
Still, a reddish Sun sets in the same way.
Memories of fragrant Springs flying by,
Buds bursting with sweet sap and vibrant hues
Reveal their hidden selves and the air dye
Budging dull hearts whereas the brisk ones bruise.
The longing and yearning join the light scent,
Drowned aches resurface, their remains crawling
Up, they howl, unaware of what it meant.
Amidst their wail I make out their calling.
Charring hopes turning into soothing grief,
I’ll sleep and wake up again tomorrow.
Jailed, Nature can’t offer any relief,
All we’re left with is ennui and sorrow.
Again, we’ll lie and wait and think and lie.
Again, we’ll go on without knowing why.
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sleepyfan-blog · 6 years
Cold Cuddles
continuation of this and this
Discord request from @izzy-the-bizzy
fandom: dreamtale
characters: Dream, Nightmare
pairing: dreammare
word count: 1,334
summary: Dream comes home from a chilly walk and cuddles with his beloved
Dream shivered a little as he walked into his and Nightmare's home, having just come back from the village, as a half-dozen monsters and humans had fallen ill, in part because of the very cold weather that had afflicted the area for the past couple of months. While the snow was beautiful, it seemed to pile up heavily overnight, making it difficult to traverse - and Dream had teleported straight to the center of the village, once he'd gotten the message asking for help. He was the most experienced and powerful healer that any one of the villagers had encountered - or at least that's what they told him. There was a healer in the village - two actually, as well as a young human Green mage, who was apprenticed under both of the monster healers.
Dream had taught both of the monsters everything that he could teach them - but there were certain aspects of what he could do that they... Couldn't. Part of it was that he (when he was fully rested) had a lot more mana than they had at his disposal, another was that his positivity magic allowed him to heal injuries to a monster or human's mind and soul, which the mortal healers were unfortunately unable to do with magic. But by the time that he had finished healing the people who had fallen ill - as there were more than the half-dozen who he had been told about - Dream was too low on magic to teleport home. So he had walked, waving the villagers' concerns away, promising that he'd be able to get home easily on his own, and that he was just delighted to enjoy the winter's walk.
The bad dreams he'd been suffering from were still just as intense as before, but he was having them less often. Dream still couldn't get a full week's rest and was still low on magic, but with his beloved's warm reassurances and gentle touches, the positivity guardian felt as if he was getting better. Nightmare was reading a book on their couch, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and he just looked so adorably cozy and warm, that Dream couldn't resist walking up to the other and wrapping his arms around the other from behind, resting his head on one of the other's shoulders as he said cheerfully "I'm home!"
"Ah! Please don't startle me like that, Dream! and why have you decided to wrap your arms around me like this all of a sudden?" Nightmare grumbled, though there was a warm smile on his face as he pressed a light kiss to one of the other's cheeks.
"Because I just got home from helping the villagers... There's been an illness running through the monsters and humans and the healers there weren't able to heal the sick without it spreading further, so they called me in... Do you mind if I sat in your lap, please? I want to cuddle..." Dream asked, sighing a little as he leaned further into the other's touch.
"I was just about to go check on The Tree - not that I think that there's anyone ridiculous enough to come all this way in this weather to try to steal a golden apple." Nightmare responded, shaking his head a little. "Is there a particular reason why you want to cuddle? You should probably try to sleep, I can barely sense you, and you're literally draped around me."
"But it's cold outside and you're warm! I walked back from the village and the cold soaked into my bones..." Dream cajoled, golden eye lights hopeful as he looked directly at his beloved, enchanted by the other's gentle expression and amused violet eye lights.
Nightmare hummed for a moment before setting aside the book he'd been reading and took off the blanket he'd been sitting beneath "Oh, alright... Although I do wish that you hadn't used so much of your magic helping the villagers. What if you'd collapsed? I... I wouldn't have known unless one of them would have accused me of hurting you somehow."
"I... I'm sorry, Nighty. I... It's just most of the beings who were sick were kids and I... I didn't want them to suffer." Dream confessed, fidgeting a little with his hands and ducking his head, looking away from the other as he made his way around the couch "I promise to be more careful with my magic, while I'm low, okay? I hadn't mean tot overdo it, I promise. There were... It's just there were more sick than the number they said there were when the messenger came."
"I see... You should have came and got me - you know that we can share magic, and though they hate my presence, at least you wouldn't have been quite so drained, and I would have been able to teleport us both home. Even if they might have accused me of being the one to bring the illness on them somehow..." Nightmare pointed out, gently pulling the positive guardian into his lap and wrapping the blanket around the both of them.
"I know. I'm sorry. I should have gone to get you." Dream earnestly apologized, gently pressing a loving kiss to the other's teeth, closing his eyes as he started to warm up, a smile appearing on his face as he relaxed into his mate's embrace. "I love you so much, Nightmare."
The negative guardian smiled in response and pressed a gentle kiss to the other's lips as his arms wrapped more firmly around Dream's waist, his weight and warmth comfortable "I love you very much as well, Dream. I always will."
Dream beamed at that, slowly starting to drift off to sleep, certain that he wasn't going to have another series of miserable dreams, not with his beloved so close and the both of them happy like this. "Thank you, Nighty... I'm really glad that you've been so patient with me though all of this."
"Always, beloved... I know that you try your best to help mediate between me and the villagers whenever they get really... Rude and unfair about me existing and how that is something that they don't think should be..." Nightmare responded, a little bit of a tremble in his voice.
Dream was suddenly wide awake, golden eye lights searching his lover's face as he asked quietly "Have... Have they been after you again?"
"No, not more than normal. None of them have noticed that you're not sleeping well - and I know that they'll blame me for it, if they do ever figure out that you're not at your best." Nightmare responded, a worried frown appearing on his face as he held Dream a little bit closer "... Sorry about bringing that up. I really shouldn't have, and I'm sorry. You should rest. I'll watch over you and the tree."
"Nightmare, listen to me. I'll never show them the slightest bit of weakness, or that I'm not feeling as good as I was before the bad dreams started. I've been able to keep up the cheerful, energetic mask, and I'd never do anything that would put you in danger. I will protect you with everything I am, and everything I have." Dream responded, his voice serious and full of care. "You are the most important person or thing in my life. I mean it. I know what we were crated for, but if you... If something awful ever happened to you, I could never forgive myself for not being there to stop it, to... To try to help you through it."
"I... Thanks, Dream. I love you so very much as well, and you'd tell me if something was bothering you too right?" Nightmare asked, still holding him gently.
"Of course." Dream promised, yawning a little bit as he snuggled into his beloved, starting to drift off again "I'm going to sleep on you, if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't. Sleep as long as you need, starlight." Nightmare murmured, voice warm with love and affection.
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ghostlynighty · 3 months
I just finished angell's interrogation!
spoilers below the cat!
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THEY WENT OUT ON A DATE KEKEHDHEJEKE I think it's very clear that chief rarely gets a break and them deciding to spend it with angell is so cute wtf emjehdidmdje
I really have no words, they are smitten by each other! I know that chief probably treats other sinners like this as well but idk, I feel like with angell it's a little more... intimate? A littl more deeper? Or maybe it's just me being delusional. Angell was so cute? But also poor baby, almost starved to death but now thanks to chief, she finally has that safe house again AND CHIEF WILL VISIT HER AGAIN AND MAYBE EVEN MORE IN THE FUTURE.
• Chief said they were always cleaning up the safehouse after the events of ditty nightsong, even when they had no idea if they would ever see Angell again.
• Those notes on the fridge, the food there and even instant and ready to eat meals because they knows Angell might give up on cooking.
After all of this don't tell me they're not in love! Okay okay maybe I am delusional, they're just so cute! Please don't hate me...
Anyways! I would say it was a pretty good ending after the happenings of the event, it gave both of them closure and even though chief was not successful on letting Angell stay, they know that Angell will always be there in the shadows beside them and they will see each other again. Also, Angell was so open and was very much okay to be shackled, which is rare.
Also Also, Angell wanting to see chief one last time before she dies really shows how much chief had changed her life and how much the chief means to her.
I probably have more to say but they're all there in the back of my mind cause I am so happy that we got that ending with angell, I LOVE HER.
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nights-flying-fox · 11 months
Till the Cold Pass
Splinter learns something new about his sons when winter cold arrives.
DAY 4: Warmth
Guess who wrote half of this for whumptomber but didn't finish it until now lol Anyways, I wanted to write a brumation fic for a long while now. It is not exactly what I planned but eh im very tired and its almost 2 am so all i say i hope there arent any mistakes (feel free to correct me!!) and that you like it!! <33
ROTTMNT || 1079 words || Splinter centric || click here for ao3
Splinter never had liked the cold. This year this fact didn’t change, only that he hated it even more.
 Now he was a father of four. He wasn’t sure how the cold would affect his sons, so he worried. He wasn’t able to reach much information about turtles, not being able to get the few resources most of the time too, only some about childcare. He also was struggling with finding enough sources for them. Food, blankets… the essentials.
 Waking up and seeing snow made his fears worse. But on the other hand, he could show his sons it. He had to get even warmer clothes for that though.
 His sons were still sleeping, even after the sudden cold. All of them in their shells, under the blankets, Splinter didn’t have the heart to wake them. But he had to, for they had to eat breakfast and have a healthy schedule.
 He shook gently them, softly calling their names. “It is morning, my sons.”
 But they didn’t get out of their shells. They didn’t reply either. So, he shook them again, still gently but with a bit more force. Still nothing. He was starting to get worried.
 No matter what he did his boys didn’t wake up. Splinter watched in fear as he hardly could hear his boys’ soft snores. He tried more and more, shaking them and calling their names, but nothing worked. Panic rose in his chest. This couldn’t mean good. Was it because he wasn’t able to provide enough for them? Was it the lack of food or the unexpected cold weather. It didn’t matter, he had to figure out this and help them. He had to. They were his everything, he couldn’t lose them. Not when he was the one responsible for them. They were his sons.
 He opened the books he had “borrowed” a while ago, trying to find any information that might be helpful. Sadly, there was nothing that could help this situation. But all his books were about babies. Human babies. Parenthood and such. None of them were about turtles—
 Splinter cursed to himself. He should’ve had grabbed that book about turtles while he had the chance. He could’ve returned for the other stuff he had found that day.
 There was a library not far away, but he couldn’t afford leaving his boys alone. He quickly wrapped them in blankets, then wrapped his jacket and held them carefully. He wore the hat he had found a short time ago and did his best to look as human as possible. Maybe people wouldn’t notice them with his disguise.
 Fastly, he left the lair, heading to the library. It was hard to run with the snow, cutting his speed. He shivered as he moved on. People passed next to him, the city as alive as always. It was all going okay until he almost slipped and fell. He lay towards the display window next to him and managed to keep his balance. He quickly checked his sons. They were still wrapped safely, all four of them. Splinter sighed in relief. Then he noticed the shop he was next to—
 Eastman and Laird’s Pet Shop.
 Now that could’ve help.
 He stepped in the shop. Various animal sounds filled the place. There was a man around his twenties, standing behind the register. Splinter walked towards him, “Excuse me.” He called. The man turned at him. Splinter continued. “I was wondering if you could help me with my- uh- pet turtles.”
 “What’s your problem, man?” The man asked lazily.
 “They won’t wake up.” Splinter said, voice a bit shaky with worry.
 “Ah, of course.” The man said, not interest at all.
 “What do you mean?” Splinter asked, trying to keep calm.
 “We get this all the time. People keep buying without knowing a single thing about turtles.” He explained, with a bit of annoyance slipping into his tone. “And to answer your question: that’s a turtle thing. Brumation.”
 Splinter blinked, “Brumation?”
 “Ya know how bears sleep when winter comes and it’s called hibernation, this is brumation for some of the reptiles. It’s a bit different but basically its that.” The man said.
 “I see. Is there… anything I can do for them?” Splinter asked.
 The man explained how he should treat them quickly. Splinter listened to him carefully before leaving.
 The next months he did as the man told him to do. He kept them warm and kept water by their side. He always kept an eye on them.
 He had relaxed a bit after learning what was going on, but still, he couldn’t help but get anxious over it. What if he wasn’t able to provide for them? What if he failed them in a way? What if he made a mistake?
 Meanwhile, he managed to find some more blankets and clothes. Whatever that was possible to keep them warm. He didn’t care if he froze as long as his boys were alright.
 Then one day, when the days weren’t as cold as before, one of his boys yawned and then whined, “'ts hoooot!”
 Splinter laughed with joy and relief. He held Blue in his arms, “Good morning, sleepyhead. Don’t you like warm?”
 Blue shook his head, still yawning. Splinter didn’t care, he was keeping them warm till summer came if needed. He hugged his son happily.
 Then one by one the rest of his boys woke up. Purple, Red, Orange. They all were okay. Splinter had managed to keep them healthy and good. He sighed with relief.
 Still, every year he still got a bit worried. As years passed and they grew, he got used to. At some time, they met with April. Once she learned about brumation she was eager to help and gathered all the knowledge and help she could for them. When Purple started making his gadgets and made a heath lamp for the cold days and then provided warmth for their lair, he was both proud and relieved. Then they grew even more. Purple made even bigger lamp, he provided even more of a warmth. They still brumated when weather got too bad, but they learned their limits and got careful, taking precaution when needed.
 When they bumated, they still lay together in a pile. Splinter still would keep an eye on them. And when they woke up, at least one of them would whine about the room being too hot. Splinter didn’t care. He had never liked the cold anyways.
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weshallc · 6 years
You know it is Monday even if you know you don’t actually have to be anywhere this particular Monday. When you are woken from your half sleep fic world with the horrible sound of someone over enthusiastically pressing your terrifyingly  noisy intercom. 
So even in your dream state you have figured you two things 1) This is a man 2) Not a prime exhibit of that gender.
What ensues is a ridiculous incoherent conversation over the rubbish intercom. So I found my nightie,(it is warm for February) and pad down four flights of stairs to answer the door, sneering at the sign that demands “In event of fire do not use the ( Narnia) lift” (I am British if any one still wondered)  
So after a long conversation of him focusing on the wall ignoring my medusa hair and me wearing a nightie Shelagh Turner would think was dated. He was still adamant I had required and arranged for some electrical assistance at stupid o’clock. I was more than adamant I had not. Eventually I figured out where he needed to be and that this was a man to pencil error and sent him on his way. 
So this is why I am not re-blogging cute Turner Tot pics or wet willy worried  faced Shelagh pics today. They are all absolutely brilliant as they always are. But I am something beyond the Turner universe today....really grumpy.
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womenbras · 3 years
Purchase Plus Size Cotton Nighties for Sound Sleep and Good Health
Experienced users opine that choosing the ideal nighty for buying one is not as simple as it sounds. Most consumers of plus size cotton nighties in Australia propound that a good night’s sleep is essential after a busy day. No one wishes to compromise on a stylish yet comfortable nightdress. In most circumstances, the size and material of the product are the two facets that users usually stress.
The Growing Market Popularity of Cotton Nighties
No individual wants to wear a plus size cotton nighty that is too big or small for them. The demand for the latest prints and designs are at an all-time high. In recent times, nightwear stylists levy more significant stress and energy in curating comfortable products at ease. Today, they spend greater time and energy choosing the suitable fabric for the latest design trends and quality comfort to the wearers.
Cotton nighties eliminate all worries of the material being extremely thin that makes them uncomfortable around others. These items are the least expensive throughout the entire range of collection.
The additional benefits of using cotton nighties include –
Convenience – Experts in the industry often suggest wearing the garment manufactured from the correct material for a sound sleep at night. There is no denying that a night of good sleep is vital for maintaining one’s health. Cotton products are well-known as items that offer adequate protection to the body, while designs prepare from this material tots up as a perfect solution for Australian weather.
Comfortable – Grace and comfort are the most vital properties that these materials exhibit. Cotton nighties make the wearer feel special, while a simple one often takes hesitation off the user. These items exude a soft as winter breeze feeling while soaking up sweat easily. Numerous medical research and interventions opine that an individual’s health is emotionally connected with the amount of sleep that the individual gets. Hence, health experts focus on wearing the right fabric for a sound and comfortable sleep.
Fine Texture – Undoubtedly, choosing the correct or ideal product depends on the individual’s taste, preference and personal comfort zone. Nonetheless, cotton is one of the leading and most popular products in market demand. Being soft in nature, it offers a perfect and complete nap. Experts consider it the best choice in terms of comfort, affordability, and functionality.
To conclude, cotton nighties offer a high shelf-life, making it easy on the individual’s purse. Hence, users do not need to spend unnecessarily.
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eskarinaevilredhood · 4 years
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Puuursome nighty night huggies 😘😘😘 yep ik ben beetje laat maar beter laat als noit #istandwithkaat yep ik heb tetten ik ben een vrouw ik kan hard werken in elke beroep zegen wat ik denk mezelf zijn en jaaa zeker ook sexy zijn, ik ben nu in een land verhuizd dat schijnbaar in het middeleeuwse terug gegaan is war een sexual phsycholog schijnbaar tot aan de hals ingepakt moet geklijd zijn 😱😱😱 ne ik ben de mens de liever naar haar zul gaan dan naar zo een hypocrite strakke tante/Onkel de met nem gouden lepel in een warm nest geboren is en eruitzien als mijn religie leerkracht of directie van de jaaren stilekes 🤬🤬🤬 ik staa achter vrouwen de durfen zijn wij ze zijn de durfen zot en sexy zijn. Dieses prüde Land braucht mehr echte Frauen mit titten und arsch keine Gerippe in alte oma kittelkleidern und wem es nicht gefällt der kan wegschauen 💪💪💪 #trokkenpflaumenmentalitait #België #mittelalter #mylife #myrules #keepyourcirclesmallandreal #recovertime #cptswarrior #bereal #mythoughs #traumarecover #letitoutbeforeiteatsyouupalive #facesofdepression #yourbeautiful #yourenough❤️ #onestepatatime #beyourbestself #selflovefirst #movingforward #healingvibes #healingneedstime#facesofdepression #yourbeautiful #yourenough❤️ #onestepatatime #beyourbestself #selflovefirst #movingforward #healingvibes #healingneedstime #metookaatbollen https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ9rMG1jmiVwXvjEZMh0KZ17-yqXt9v2TmmDc80/?igshid=1s2f3phe0rl2n
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anachronisticum · 4 years
The Cherry House [ December 29, 2018]
Cassian walks around Aunt Cerise's house, taking in all of the pictures capturing the moments in time of her three children growing up, his eyes gravitating towards one in particular of Lawry smiling while holding a frog, causing a ghost of a smile to appear on his lips. He takes the picture down, moving to see if he could find August and Lawry, trying to keep quiet as he moved, knowing that Aunt Cerise liked to retire early, before he wonders if they were in Lawry's childhood bedroom. "August? Lawry?" He inquires as he raps on the closed door, wondering if they were inside.
A warm flow of melodic laughter ebbs from August as she feels the warmth of Lawry's lips trailing down her freshly bare abdomen, causing her back to arch, as another few bright giggles escape her, "That tickleeees." She warmly announces to her husband, before the sudden knocking interrupts her, a strike moving through her at the thought of it being her mother in law, as she moves to sit up with a start before she hears Cassian's voice just outside, causing her to pan her attention back to Lawry, as she pouts her lips out, ever so slightly.
Lawry feels his attention torn away from the intimate moment as he hears Cass's knocking and voice cut through, making him wonder exactly what Cassian wanted at this hour, certain it wasn't anything important. "Go to bed, Cass, we're trying to sleep. We can talk in the morning," he calls back, trying to keep his voice as low as he could as to not wake his mother but loud enough that Cass could hear him, before he moves to continue leaving his trail of kisses, wanting to bring August back into the moment that Cassian had interrupted.
Cassian hears Lawry's words, moving to open the door, really wanting to show Lawry and August the photo he had found before bed, gingerly doing so, before he catches sight of what is going on. "I...apologize," he says, becoming a bit flustered by the sight.
August begins to slowly relax back onto the bed, and into the moment, content to have garnered Lawry's attention, once again, a soft smile crossing onto her pouty lips as she feels his lips connect with her skin again, a momentary jolt lighting through her before it's replaced by a sting of shock at the unexpected entrance, causing a swell of embarrassment to move through her. "Is...something wrong?" August breathily moves to ask as she slides the thin strap of her slinky, lace nightie back onto her shoulder, not fully understanding what was so urgent, a slight sense of worry clouding over her delicate features.
"I...I just found a picture of Lawry as a child I wanted to show you both," Cassian explains, still a bit flustered from the whole occurrence. "M...may I show it to you?"
"A little tot one?" She questions back, a sunny childlike smile crossing onto her lips as her eyes light up, giving a cheerful nod in affirmation, "Let me see."
Cassian nods his head, tentatively approaching the two of them. "Yes, with a frog," he explains, before he hands it to August, wanting to see her reaction to it.
August moves her hand out to take hold of the picture, a flow of soft extended and delighted "Aw's" escaping her, as she touches her hand to her chest, "You're sooooooo cuuuuute, look at the the little pin!" She exclaims, another grin spreading onto her lips as she turns her attention to her husband, "Why didn't you show me this one, too?" She questions back, giving him a pout, as she drapes her arms over his shoulders, not recalling this particular one in the numerous albums she had happily indulged in with Lawry and his mother previously, wanting to soak it all in, before turning her attention back to Cass, "Do you remember this one, tell me the story!" She warmly requests, moving to pat the side of the bed beside Lawry for him to sit down.
A small smile spreads onto Cass's lips as August takes in the picture, before his smile briefly drops at August's question. "I do not remember that one because I wasn't there," he says, his mother having never allowed him to play out in the woods, finding it to be something beneath her boys. He then looks over at Lawry, a curiosity moving through him. "Will you tell us the story, Lawry?" He inquires, moving to sit on the bed with the two of them.
A twitch of annoyance moves through Lawry at Cassian interrupting an intimate moment, before he lets out a small sigh, resigning himself to tell the tale. Studying the picture, he tries to recall the exact circumstances behind it. "You know those scout troops, right?" He prefaces. "There was a big one in Charleroi, spearheaded by the Darling of the town himself, but apparently, I lived too far outside the boundaries of Charleroi Heights to fall within that troop's bounds," he offers, trying to mask a scoff as he thinks back on the memory, before the tiniest smile crosses his lips. "So my dad made his own. It was just me and a few friends from the good ol' public Charleroi Elementary, and we weren't like kicking ass and taking badges in the way the other troop was, but...we had fun," he offers, before placing his finger on the picture. "Plus, got to keep this frog as a pet. Named him...Froggy, I think? C- for creativity, but, you know."
A swirl of sadness moves through August until she catches sight of the hint of a smile and the fond way her husband recalled the memory, and his father, a warmth emanating from her as she knows he would be just the same kind of father to their own children, never having doubted a thing, yet the story only enforcing it as she moves closer into him, "I think it was a really cute name, and a super sweet story, I'm sure you take after him you know?" She softly affirms, moving to pepper the side of his face in a few kisses. "Thanks for telling me, more about him. Jeg elsker dig." She coos and gently extends the last bit.
A smile momentarily flits on Lawry's lips as he hears August's reaction to the story and her comment about his father. "Better man than I'll ever be, but Poskušam zanj," Lawry offers, moving to lean his head on August's shoulder. "Jeg elsker dig," he affirms, a softness moving through his tone before he realizes Cass was still there, moving to shoo him out of the room, waiting for him to close it, before looking at August seriously. "Vam lahko jutri pokažem nekaj njegovih stvari?" He offers, wanting to share what he had left of his father with August.
"Uspeh pri tem." She softly corrects, a soft smile twitching across her lips, as she moves her nails gently through Lawry's hair as she feels him rest his head on her shoulder, a happiness bubbling within her as she hears his love for her, "Jaz te ljubim bolj." She softly muses, giving him a kiss on his temple, giving Cassian a final thanks for the picture and wishing him sweet dreams as he leaves, taking in Lawry's question, moving her hand along his face, as her thumb brushes against his cheek. "Seveda. To bi mi bilo všeč."
"Ni mogoče," Lawry lowly affirms back, allowing Cass to leave before a small smile crosses his lips. "Jutri," he affirms, before he draws August into a passionate, consuming kiss, intent on showing her just how much he loved her.
"Yes, huhhhh." August whines, "Ljubim vas vse, in ne morete mi povedati drugače." (I love you all = I love you most of all, more than anyone else) She purrs back, sweetly kissing the corners of his lips, a soft moan escaping her lips as he draws her into the all-consuming, heady kiss, as she feels the cool sheets hit her skin, another moan interlaced with a gentle giggle escaping her as she feels Lawry's lips begin to roam once again.
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