#only for Clawdeen to just ask her normally and she says yes
helenofblackthorns · 2 years
in light of the leaks, I wonder where Clawdeen fits into all this. Because we know she has a crush on one of her new friends but we don't know which one. but all her friends with the exception of Draculaura (who's it seems will have a thing with Clawd) are in a love triangle apparently so like. is she also in the love triangle?? does she emerge at the final moment to ask out Cleo to the Monster Ball?? is it Deuce like in the movie?? Frankie?? like what is she doing among all this relationship drama
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zeezenfrozen · 2 years
Beginning of Dream Journal:
My dreams are often long and extremely complicated for some fuckin’ reason, so I’m just gonna start writing them. These are all real, and sometimes my body will react to them depending on the stuff that happens to me. I have experienced tastes, sounds, and actual physical pain or contact with my body in these dreams and have even woken up still hearing these sounds. It’s weird, but I hope they make good stories.
Monday, August 22nd, 2022 // Woke up at 2:40am
During the second trip, one of my friends kept asking if someone wanted to watch a movie with them. They asked at least five times before I said yes (I was doing something beforehand, probably writing.) We go into a different room where there’s less volume and they find the movie they want to watch, which is a late 70’s animated film about this orange little cat that I'm gonna call “Meowmy”.
They're like, “This movie is so good, it made me cry.” And I'm interested because I also enjoy media that makes me cry. So, we start the movie and my vision shifts from staring at the screen to nothing but the screen (Picture you were turning a youtube video to fullscreen.)  Meowmy is making their way down a dirt path in a softly lit grove, swaying their tail to the non-diegetic music like a normal cartoon would. After a bit they look at a small hole in the ground near a tree, gazing into it to only see nothing. They’re leaning pretty far which makes the leaf that touches their head the thing to push them down (cartoony stuff). There’s a sequence where they fall but conveniently land in a small bushel of leaves at the bottom, completely unscathed. Meowmy begins to scan their surroundings, and finds a shiny, silver door that’s to the right of them. As a curious cat, they manage to open the door and see what’s inside. 
The vision shifts from being a third person view to first person and the height is that of an average woman (5 '5, so I guess I became myself?) Inside the room is a tall figure with black and white clown facepaint who extends his hand as soon as I step into the room. They say something like, “Come, my child. Join a world of mischief and madness.” and since the door behind me is now gone, I’m forced to join him.
The next room is weird. It has a pillar in the middle with a single woman in clown makeup standing in the far right corner of the room, but as I start to walk she moves. I stop, she stops. I walk again, and she walks too. It’s only then I notice her sharpened nails, and for some reason I felt compelled to crouch walk which doesn’t alert her to my presence, so I figure that's her counter. After what feels like a tutorial level with her, the next room is filled with two more copies of her (Two on the left wall, one on the right which is base claw-woman. We’ll call her “Clawdeen”.) There’s two more levels with Clawdeen and her copies before I reach a save-point. 
There were some refreshments and someone that I think was another player in this weird game, and chatted him up. Their name was something “-izzy/izzie” I can’t remember what it was but they were sucked into the game as well and wanted to go home. We were there for about fifteen minutes, talking about how we didnt know how we got there and how fucking weird it was that we were here. They mentioned something about Meowmy, and as soon as I started to ask about them we were told to leave the save-room; wished each other good luck and headed on our way.
The next room was much different. I started off crouch walking again and peeked my head around one of the various boxes around the room. Pacing back and forth was a man (with clown paint as well) with a scalpel at the ready. He could see and hear, which was a step up from Clawdeen by a significant margin (We’re gonna call him CD for Clown Doctor.) I manage to make it halfway before he sees me, runs up and prepares to lunge at me with an audio cue of “This is gonna be fun” playing as he does so. When he catches you with the charged attack, you have the ability to hold him off by catching his wrists and winning a struggle but I got a verbal warning as I managed to avoid his gaze again, “Your strength will weaken if I do that a couple of times. Then, you’re mine.” So, I figured I had three chances in total.
I deal with him once, then arrive at the next save room to see Izzie standing there with a coffee in their hand and a smile on their face. We talked some more and they mentioned how fucking creepy the CD was and how they nearly lost the struggle twice. They were thin, so I figured that the struggle may have been hard for them and we worked on dealing with the attacks in case they were spotted again. After a moment of calm, we head on our way.
The view shifts back to third person and we see Meowmy on the surface walking again but much more cautious. Their tail still sways to the upbeat music, but they’re scanning left and right to watch for any more holes, only to step into another. Meowmy tries to climb but they’re stuck, meowing for help which grabs the attention of a local woodsman who reaches for them only to watch in horror as they lose their grip and fall back down. They bounce off of these rubbery trees and land at the bottom of the hole again, but this time there's a golden door. Inside that golden door is a room that’s styled to be an attraction at a carnival, with a cardboard cutout of the tall figure motioning towards the entrance and a prompt appearing that says:
Pay for the ride / Don’t pay for the ride
I didn’t pay and went to the left room where the environment shifted to a yellow lit room with several voices overlapping. I take a peak and there’s two Clawdeens, one Doctor Clown, and a new figure that I hadn’t dealt with. They turn around and their mouth and eyes are filled with something that looks like silly string or the tied rainbow cloth that clowns pull out of their pockets. Their clothes were casual, completely different from every enemy I’ve seen up until this point, and after a bit of thinking and hearing their voice as they mumble something it clicks; That’s Izzy/Izzie. They were caught by the doctor and completely stuffed with the string/cloth. There’s faint crying sounds from her, and they’re trembling as they shamble around, whispering something about laughing and how much fun they’re having. The room is difficult to get through, and after two instances of fighting off CD I make a break for the door to the next room and make it to the next save-room. A small leaderboard pops up next to me, telling me that I could have avoided this encounter by paying for the ride but rewarding me with an item to stun CD before he could do his lunge attack.
Then I woke up. I have not gone back to sleep since.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Classroom Cleo de Nile & Ghoulia Yelps Mad Science Class Journal
Today was the dreaded “Choosing of Partners for Group Projects” although it could just be me that dreads it. I guess it is because there always seems to be a fight to see who gets to be my partner. I suppose that is an arrogant thing to write but it is true. In some ways it is flattering in other ways, not so much. Even Manny Taur goes out of his way to be nice to me. He is not exactly good at it, but he does try. Mr. Hackington decided this year to try and mitigate the chaos by putting all our names into a skull and drawing them out two at a time. There was some complaining about this new development until he finally said, “You get what you gets and you don’t pitch a fit!” My parents used to tell me that when I was a little ghoul, well probably not the way Mr. Hackington said it but he got his point across. Regardless, at least it keeps me from having to say “yes” to one classmate and “no” to the rest. 
Cleo complained the loudest about the new system until our names got pulled as partners... sigh... I love Cleo and she is my beast friend ever but I was really hoping for... well it does not matter. He got paired up with Frankie and I am sure they will do just fine. Normally having Cleo as a partner means... it means the extra credit work I usually do when I am working on a project by myself seems to be enough for both of us to an “A”. Cleo’s main functions include reminding me to do things I have already done and calling Deuce to bring us lunch or lattes. Not that I complain too much about that, and Deuce does have a way of keeping Cleo focused. She also insists on giving the final presentation, which usually goes well since she does command attention. This time though our assignment is to research the Science of Perfume, and then our final project will be to create our very own fragrance. I must say that I was completely surprised by Cleo’s enthusiasm for the project. I am not sure whether to be excited or frightened by this development. 
Finally a project worthy of my royal attention! I must say on past projects I have allowed Ghoulia to do the dragon’s share of the work but this is something I can really get my bandages wrapped around. When we still lived in Egypt, before “the difficulties”, one of my jobs was to oversee the royal perfumers. Nefera used to tell me that it was a job reserved for “a princess who would never become queen” but I didn’t care. While Nefera was in some dreadfully boring meeting about how much grain would be harvested for the year or where to build the next royal monument, I would go down and meet the trade caravans. They would be loaded with spices, oils and exotic flowers from the South and East, and the air was always filled with their fragrance. The royal perfumers and I would choose the best of everything to be had, then they would take the ingredients back to their perfumery and work their magic. I always wanted to join them as they cooked, ground and mixed the different ingredients to make perfume and scented oils, but this was looked upon as a task beneath a princess, so I could only watch. Now that I have a chance to get my hands dirty, so to speak, I can’t wait to get started. 
I have been pleasantly surprised by Cleo’s contributions to our project. She has really taken the dragon by the horns and unlike past projects together, I have had to “run” to keep up with her. Her enthusiasm and deadication to the project are quite refreshing and she has filled my in box with recipes and suggestions. So for the first time in, well, ever, I am feeling like the “weak link” in an academic setting. I find myself not entirely liking it, which makes me feel just a tiny bit selfish and unneeded. Yes, I know that this is completely illogical, but what if it becomes a habit? Will I lose my place in the group if my brainpower is no longer needed?... #DepressingThought
Ghoulia seems to be off her game lately. Usually she’s the zombie equivalent to a ball of energy when it comes to these projects, but lately she’s gone completely passive on me. It’s starting to scare me, and not in a good way. I admit to being more than a bit self-absorbed, but I can always tell when something is really wrong with one of my friends. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she was fine. I know better than to press her on it, or she’ll just retreat into her brain’s fortress of solitude and not come out for days. I suppose I’ll just wait until she’s ready to talk, but I really want her input. She’s my beast friend, and I want us to have fun together on this project. 
I told my mom I did not feel well today and stayed home from school. It was not a lie, but it was not because of a physical ailment, either. Cleo called me several times, but I chose not to answer my iCoffin. I mostly stayed in bed and then I thought maybe I really was getting sick since I did not feel like eating and could not generate enough excitement to read the newest issue of Dead Fast. Apparently my absence was noted, and the cavalry descended on my house after school. I heard the doorbell ring and then I heard the front door open. The voices of Cleo, Frankie, Lagoona, Draculaura and Clawdeen all called out to my mother, “We’re here!” I could smell the aroma of baking cookies drifting out of the kitchen - I thought she gave in to my request to stay home a little too easily. They all headed to the kitchen except for Cleo. I heard her heading down the hall toward my room - I knew it was Cleo because she has a very distinctive gait. She got to my door, knocked once and walked in. “All right, ghoul friend, what, in the name of Bast’s cats is going on with you?” I said nothing was wrong with me but Cleo was in one of her “royal moods”, and I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was going to pester me until I gave her an answer, so I did. I told her how I felt about my role on the project and how I was afraid that my intellectual abilities were the only reason that she and the rest of the ghouls wanted me around. Cleo just stood there staring at me with the strangest look in her eyes.
For a moment I could not decide if she was on the verge of being angry or sad. Then she simply spun on a heel, stepped to my door and yelled down the hall, “Ghoulia’s room - NOW!” The ghouls got to my room in a blink albeit with mouths full of freshly baked cookies. Cleo pointed at Frankie whose mouth seemed to be less full of cookie than the others, “Quickly, when you think of Ghoulia what’s the first thing that comes to mind?” Frankie sparked and said, “She’s kind and helpful!” Then Lagoona said I was “trustworthy and sincere”, Draculaura said I was “funny and sweet” and Clawdeen said I was “brave and determined.” Finally Cleo looked at me and said, “Notice anything in those descriptions that was missing?” I hung my head, a little embarrassed and a lot encouraged. “Now we are going back to the kitchen to eat more cookies, you could join us if you’re feeling up to it... oh and you better be in class tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do.” It turns out that my mother’s cookies are a miracle cure. Who knew? 
Now that Ghoulia is out of her funk, we’ve been able to make some progress. I found several trunks at home filled with jars of oils, extracts and spices. Nearly all of them are still labeled. Probably should be careful with the ones that are not... I seem to remember some were rather volatile when mixed with certain other ingredients. Unfortunately, I could not find any of my old recipes, so this will truly require real experimentation. 
Experiment Notes
Batch #1
Top notes of leather - old gym shoe leather - with a sweaty angst-like finish. It is a smell reminiscent of the odor that emanates from the boys’ locker room after summer football practices. FAIL
Batch #2
Complex floral notes of troll cabbage and broccoli with none too subtle undertones on burnt microwave popcorn. It was quite... breathtaking and also Mr. Hackington’s favorite. FAIL
Batch #3
It smelled like cheese at first then spoiled milk. Disgusting. FAIL
Batch #4 
A frightfully woodsy scent, mysterious yet approachable and our favorite by far. It also hardened in the beaker like cement. We may have discovered a way to create scented construction material but as a perfume - FAIL
Batch #5
Eau de Pit of Goblin Arm. FAIL
Batch #6
Two words - wet werewolf. FAIL
Batch #8
We used an unmarked bottle from Cleo’s collection. It was an odorless black elixir but when we mixed it with vanilla, juniper berry and patchouli oil it opened a portal to another dimension that sucked in half of our experiments before we could put a stopper in the beaker. Cleo blamed the patchouli. FAIL
Lovely top, middle and base notes - check.
Accentuates rather than overopowers - check, check
Would we wear it ourselves? - check, check, check
Final Grade - A+
Best. Lab project. Ever.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 1 Frankie Stein Diary
The 30th day of June
So mom and dad think I should keep a diary to help sort out everything I’m feeling. Since I’m only a few days old I’m not sure where to even start. Right now I’m feeling happy, sad, confused, enlightened, worried, hopeful and hungry - all at the same time. Is this normal?
The 15th day of July
The most amazing thing happened today! It rained! I know everybody has seen rain before but this was my first time and I got so excited that I ran through the house yelling for everyone to come see it. Dad came bolting up from the lab and was rather unhappy to find out I had made such a big deal out of it. “Mary Shelly’s ghost Frankie, I though there were villagers with torches outside!” I guess I must’ve looked either surprised or sad ‘cause dad gave me a big hug and said he was sorry he yelled. I wanted to go out and play in it but dad said he thought that might cause me to short out. Mom came to the rescue with an umbrella, rubber boots and a raincoat. It was wonderful and dad even came out in his lab coat and boots to show me how to stomp puddles! Does life get any better than this? 
The 16th day of July
I feel like I’ve got so much to learn between now and when school starts. What if I get excited about something that is just a normal every day occurrence, like the rain, and everybody laughs at me? Should I just be quiet and pretend I’ve seen it all before? I’m not even sure if that’s possible for me since everything is just so completely scary cool right now!
The 17th day of July 
Okay so one thing I have learned in my short life is that I am not a morning person. My dad is though and he insists on yelling “It’s alive!” every time I come upstairs for breakfast. Unfortunately I don’t think he’s going to stop doing that any time soon because when he finally stops laughing he slaps his knee and says, “That just never gets old.” Is it too soon for me to decide that breakfast is overrated? 
The 23rd day of August
We went on our first family trip today... to The Maul! I was really excited but also really nervous. Dad took the long way there and drove by Monster High to show me where I’d be going to school which made me even more nervous so that by the time we got to The Maul I was a total casket case. I almost asked dad to take me home but I went in anyway. We all had lunch at the food corpse and then mom took me shopping while dad went to look for some neck bolt polish. The first place Mom took me was her favorite store but all the outfits looked like old wedding dresses. I really didn’t want to hurt her mom’s feelings and I didn’t tell her this but I wouldn’t have been caught alive in most of those clothes. I guess mom must have sensed that I wasn’t very excited causewe didn’t stay there very long. As we were leaving the store we ran into Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura. Mom introduced me to them and said we were shopping for school clothes. Clawdeen looked at the store and started to say something but Draculaura accidentally hit her with the umbrella she was carrying and said, “Mrs. Stein if you would like us to show Frankie some of the places we shop, we’d be happy to do that.” Fortunately, mom said yes and then mentioned something about finding dad before he made it to the laboratory supply store. Clawdeen and Draculaura took me around to all the scary cool stores and told me all about Monster High. It was like we had known each other forever. Draculaura is sooo nice and Clawdeen Wolf is so confident and funny. While we were shopping I confessed I wasn’t sure what kind of styles would look good on me. Draculaura and Clawdeen both started laughing and I thought I’d said something wrong. Then they both put an arm around me and Clawdeen said, “Ghoul friend, with your figure you shouldn’t be wondering how good a style looks on you but how bad you’ll make it look on anyone else who wears it.” Draculaura even invited me to tryout for the fearleading squad... I was too excited to tell her I didn’t know what that was but it sounded like fun. By the time mom and dad came to find me I didn’t want to leave. I’m so glad I stuck it out and didn’t ask dad to take me home.
The 24th day of August
Didn’t see dad very much today. He’s been working on a special project in his lab and he said I’m not allowed to see what it is yet. I asked mom if I was getting a new sister or brother and she almost choked on the coffinccino she was drinking. “Karloff’s crypt sweetheart, whatever gave you that idea?” I heard mom telling dad about it later and it sounded like they were laughing. I wonder if other teenage monsters have parents who do odd things?
The 26th day of August
I got into my first fight with my parents today and they sent me to my room! I couldn’t believe it! I must be the only monster that this has ever happened to. So what happened was Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura called to invite me to a moonlight party on the beach. I said yes without asking mom and dad first and I was so excited that I ran upstairs to tell them and they said NO! “We’re sorry dear but we already have plans to do something as a family - you should have asked us first.” I told them that all the monsters that would be in my class at Monster High would be there having a scary good time and that I had already told Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura that I could go and it just wasn’t fair that I wouldn’t be able to and then water started running down my cheeks! I didn’t know what to do and I thought maybe I’d somehow broken my eyes. Dad and mom gave me a hug, which I didn’t want at first, and told me it wasn't’ my eyes but my heart that broke a little bit but it was okay cause hearts still work even when they break. Then they told me that the water was tears and that it was very unusual for a monster to be able to cry and that made me even more special. I had to call Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura back and let them know I couldn’t go but they told me it was okay and that the next time they would tell me ahead of time so I could make sure mom and dad didn’t have plans. I guess I still have a lot to learn but at least I’ve got good parents and friends to help me with the lessons. 
The 28th day of August
This morning dad revealed his special project - a new pet he made just for me! It’s really cute and sweet and it’s not exactly a dog or a cat or a fish but more like a combination of everything. Dad told me that he took the best qualities of all the best pets and put them together. It barks like a dog, purrs like a kitten, swims like fish, has spikes like a dragon and eats bananas like a monkey. I’m going to call it Watzit. dad said its pet license is like ten pages long and the monster vet wasn’t even sure where to begin the examination. I don’t care though. Watzit slept at the foot of my bed and purred me to sleep. I love my life.
The 1st day of September
I had to get stitches today... well I guess I should really say new stitches. I was throwing a ball for Watzit and I heard rrrripppppp as the ball went one way and my arm went the other! I know that sounds terrible but it didn’t really hurt. It was kind of embarrassing though and I was really glad that no one was around to see it. Watzit brought the ball and my arm back and I went inside to see if dad could fix it. Mom was not very happy with dad and told him that he needed to work on his knot tying skills. Dad showed me how to stitch my arm back on and then gave me an emergency sewing kit to carry with me in case it happened when he wasn’t around. I really hope this doesn’t happen in front of my friends or I’ll be mortalfied.
The 6th day of September
I got my first letter in the mail today! It was my class schedule and a note welcoming me to Monster High. I think I’m more nervous now than I was before that first day at The Maul. It’s okay though because I know I’m getting ready to start my next great adventure and I just can’t wait to get started!
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mhdiaries · 4 years
Diary of Frankie Stein
Why would anyone want to read someone else’s diary without asking first?
The 30th day of June
So mom and dad think I should keep a diary to help sort out everything I’m feeling. Since I’m only a few days old I’m not sure where to even start. Right now I’m feeling happy, sad, confused, enlightened, worried, hopeful and hungry - all at the same time. Is this normal?
The 15th day of July
The most amazing thing happened today! It rained! I know everybody has seen rain before but this was my first time and I got so excited that I ran through the house yelling for everyone to come see it. Dad came bolting up from the lab and was rather unhappy to find out I had made such a big deal out of it. “Mary Shelly’s ghost Frankie, I though there were villagers with torches outside!” I guess I must’ve looked either surprised or sad ‘cause dad gave me a big hug and said he was sorry he yelled. I wanted to go out and play in it but dad said he thought that might cause me to short out. Mom came to the rescue with an umbrella, rubber boots and a raincoat. It was wonderful and dad even came out in his lab coat and boots to show me how to stomp puddles! Does life get any better than this?
The 16th day of July
I feel like I’ve got so much to learn between now and when school starts. What if I get excited about something that is just a normal every day occurrence, like the rain, and everybody laughs at me? Should I just be quiet and pretend I’ve seen it all before? I’m not even sure if that’s possible for me since everything is just so completely scary cool right now!
The 17th day of July
Okay so one thing I have learned in my short life is that I am not a morning person. My dad is though and he insists on yelling “It’s alive!” every time I come upstairs for breakfast. Unfortunately I don’t think he’s going to stop doing that any time soon because when he finally stops laughing he slaps his knee and says, “That just never gets old.” Is it too soon for me to decide that breakfast is overrated?
The 23rd day of August
We went on our first family trip today... to The Maul! I was really excited but also really nervous. Dad took the long way there and drove by Monster High to show me where I’d be going to school which made me even more nervous so that by the time we got to The Maul I was a total casket case. I almost asked dad to take me home but I went in anyway. We all had lunch at the food corpse and then mom took me shopping while dad went to look for some neck bolt polish. The first place Mom took me was her favorite store but all the outfits looked like old wedding dresses. I really didn’t want to hurt her mom’s feelings and I didn’t tell her this but I wouldn’t have been caught alive in most of those clothes. I guess mom must have sensed that I wasn’t very excited causewe didn’t stay there very long. As we were leaving the store we ran into Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura. Mom introduced me to them and said we were shopping for school clothes. Clawdeen looked at the store and started to say something but Draculaura accidentally hit her with the umbrella she was carrying and said, “Mrs. Stein if you would like us to show Frankie some of the places we shop, we’d be happy to do that.” Fortunately, mom said yes and then mentioned something about finding dad before he made it to the laboratory supply store. Clawdeen and Draculaura took me around to all the scary cool stores and told me all about Monster High. It was like we had known each other forever. Draculaura is sooo nice and Clawdeen Wolf is so confident and funny. While we were shopping I confessed I wasn’t sure what kind of styles would look good on me. Draculaura and Clawdeen both started laughing and I thought I’d said something wrong. Then they both put an arm around me and Clawdeen said, “Ghoul friend, with your figure you shouldn’t be wondering how good a style looks on you but how bad you’ll make it look on anyone else who wears it.” Draculaura even invited me to tryout for the fearleading squad... I was too excited to tell her I didn’t know what that was but it sounded like fun. By the time mom and dad came to find me I didn’t want to leave. I’m so glad I stuck it out and didn’t ask dad to take me home.
The 24th day of August
Didn’t see dad very much today. He’s been working on a special project in his lab and he said I’m not allowed to see what it is yet. I asked mom if I was getting a new sister or brother and she almost choked on the coffinccino she was drinking. “Karloff’s crypt sweetheart, whatever gave you that idea?” I heard mom telling dad about it later and it sounded like they were laughing. I wonder if other teenage monsters have parents who do odd things?
The 26th day of August
I got into my first fight with my parents today and they sent me to my room! I couldn’t believe it! I must be the only monster that this has ever happened to. So what happened was Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura called to invite me to a moonlight party on the beach. I said yes without asking mom and dad first and I was so excited that I ran upstairs to tell them and they said NO! “We’re sorry dear but we already have plans to do something as a family - you should have asked us first.” I told them that all the monsters that would be in my class at Monster High would be there having a scary good time and that I had already told Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura that I could go and it just wasn’t fair that I wouldn’t be able to and then water started running down my cheeks! I didn’t know what to do and I thought maybe I’d somehow broken my eyes. Dad and mom gave me a hug, which I didn’t want at first, and told me it wasn't’ my eyes but my heart that broke a little bit but it was okay cause hearts still work even when they break. Then they told me that the water was tears and that it was very unusual for a monster to be able to cry and that made me even more special. I had to call Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura back and let them know I couldn’t go but they told me it was okay and that the next time they would tell me ahead of time so I could make sure mom and dad didn’t have plans. I guess I still have a lot to learn but at least I’ve got good parents and friends to help me with the lessons.
The 28th day of August
This morning dad revealed his special project - a new pet he made just for me! It’s really cute and sweet and it’s not exactly a dog or a cat or a fish but more like a combination of everything. Dad told me that he took the best qualities of all the best pets and put them together. It barks like a dog, purrs like a kitten, swims like fish, has spikes like a dragon and eats bananas like a monkey. I’m going to call it Watzit. dad said its pet license is like ten pages long and the monster vet wasn’t even sure where to begin the examination. I don’t care though. Watzit slept at the foot of my bed and purred me to sleep. I love my life.
The 1st day of September
I had to get stitches today... well I guess I should really say new stitches. I was throwing a ball for Watzit and I heard rrrripppppp as the ball went one way and my arm went the other! I know that sounds terrible but it didn’t really hurt. It was kind of embarrassing though and I was really glad that no one was around to see it. Watzit brought the ball and my arm back and I went inside to see if dad could fix it. Mom was not very happy with dad and told him that he needed to work on his knot tying skills. Dad showed me how to stitch my arm back on and then gave me an emergency sewing kit to carry with me in case it happened when he wasn’t around. I really hope this doesn’t happen in front of my friends or I’ll be mortalfied.
The 6th day of September
I got my first letter in the mail today! It was my class schedule and a note welcoming me to Monster High. I think I’m more nervous now than I was before that first day at The Maul. It’s okay though because I know I’m getting ready to start my next great adventure and I just can’t wait to get started!
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