#only for the supposedly dead ex to re-emerge
gravalicious · 6 months
“The context of that book – originally – was the emergence of what a number of us had begun to call a new racism.[17] By calling it a new racism we were drawing attention to the fact that it was strongly culturalist in character, and that it articulated nationalism and racism very tightly together. Now, at that time – I don’t know if this has changed completely – but thirty years ago, it was very conventional to say that nationalism belongs to one area of scholarship and racism belongs … if it belonged to any … if it belongs at all to scholarship, it went somewhere else – either to psychology with the trope of prejudice or towards psychosocial studies. If it was recognised as being interesting, and usually racism wasn’t considered interesting at all. But wherever it was, it was not connected to the academic study of nationalism. This separation was there, for example in Benedict Anderson’s very influential book (Anderson, 2004). He tries to separate the two things out very sharply, and I suppose I felt that the starting point for any critique of the racism that I was most familiar with was a very close connection with nationalism. That association was accomplished through a particular sense of what culture could be, which had acquired all the force of an earlier biologically-orientated racism. But the new racism didn’t announce itself as a biological racism. It made culture into the favoured battleground. It made culture something we had to quarrel with. We had to offer a better understanding of culture. We had an opportunity I suppose – coming out of a Cultural Studies conversation – to make a better theory of culture than the one that saw culture distributed in national buckets so that you were either in the bucket of your exclusive national culture, or somewhere else in some other bucket somewhere. We had a chance to show how culture moved, how it lived, how it reproduced, to understand its organicity, its fluidity, plasticity, mutability: the conflict that it hosted. We need not be defeated by what my friend Ulrich Beck used to call a ‘methodological nationalism’[18] as well as a political nationalism. As a result, we had to update our understanding of how to combat racism in the field of ideas: in our disciplines, in our institutions, in our universities. We could only do this if we saw the new variety of racism that was strongly cultural in character – so cultural, so different supposedly – from a biological racism that it could hold up its hands and plead that it wasn’t racism at all. So, to try and show that, to show the history of how that had happened, that was the aim, the principal aim of that book. I'm very flattered that it is still something people find useful. Like many people I can’t re-read my own work. Most of the time, I can’t even remember what is in them, but I do remember that’s in there. I do remember that that is in there somewhere, there is an argument about nation and race and culture, that was very important to me, and … obviously, some people like the title of this book. They always liked it: There ain’t no black in the Union Jack. In a sense … the original edition had a photograph, a beautiful photograph taken by Jane Bown, of an older ‘Windrush generation’ man who had been in the army of the British in World War II, and he is standing at the Cenotaph at the ceremony held each year to remember the glorious dead who fell in battle. He is proudly holding a regimental banner, or, the banner of the West Indian Ex-Servicemen and Women’s Association. His chest is pinned with medals. I know that the left is a bit bad with irony sometimes, but the point is that combination of title and image was to suggest an ironic relationship between the ‘black’ and the ‘Union Jack’. It was an old racist chant heard at cricket matches in Yorkshire and Lancashire.”
Paul Gilroy
Paul Gilroy, Tony Sandset, Sindre Bangstad & Gard Ringen Høibjerg -  A diagnosis of contemporary forms of racism, race and nationalism: a conversation with Professor Paul Gilroy (2019) [Cultural Studies, 33:2, 173-197]
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eldic12 · 2 years
Quick thoughts on EP8.
Kinn and Porsche has entered the honeymoon phase! Yay! But since it’s Kinn and Porsche, things are bound to happen to put a dent on or even burst their happy bubble. In this case, a certain someone everyone thought to be deceased. The episode flew by quickly (honestly it felt too short the ep was not even 50mins 😔).
Here are the things I love about KinnPorsche EP8:
• The opening scene - so after the event of the previous ep, Kinn and Porsche finally made and did it inside a bedroom. Seeing them waking up in good spirits, in each other’s arms (exchanging morning breaths 🤭) and having a morning cuddle and kiss is so wholesome (okay maybe not because you know IT IS Kinn and Porsche we’re talking about) and endearing. I love how Kinn suggests to announce their relationship with that cheeky smile on his face (and I was not surprised Porsche was the one holding back).
• Porsche seeking love advice - okay it may not be his original intention but he ended up getting one. He is so overwhelmed by happiness and love that he wants to share it with someone other than Kinn of course and that person is Yok. Yok is probably the closest adult/parent figure Porsche has in his life (the uncle does not really count) who he can lean on when things get a little too much. I love their friendship and I love how Porsche can open up to Yok without feeling he would be judged.
• Their date - for a first date, Porsche did an awesome job. Though he was not able to execute all of the things he planned, their first official date was a success. Their happiness is reflected on their faces and their smiles are so bright it was blinding. Mile and Apo once again delivered with the feels because I believed and felt every emotions. The snapping of photos, the hand holding, the stolen kisses, that almost smooch and of course the underwater kiss, were perfect (I know stan twitter is expecting a different kind of pool scene but hey the one we have in EP8 is great as well). I just can’t with these two gahhh!
• Tankhun and the squad - it was one sequence but I really love seeing Tankhun, Arm, Pol, Pete and Porsche together. It’s always fun with them even if they were just hanging out doing a mundane activity like watching a horror movie. Tankhun is over the top, as always, for having his bodyguards wore those make up, all for one, one for all is his mantra hahaha.
• Kinn and Porsche having a conversation - This one is the highlight of the episode for me. They are communicating and words are spoken. They compliment and tease each other. They say I miss you. Yes, TO.EACH.OTHER. Kinn opens up a bit about Tawan and Porsche is able to ask what’s on his mind. He made Kinn say he is over his ex and that the picture he kept was just one of those things - nothing important. I just hope they continue being this way.
Uhm but that preview is not looking so good because Tawan is obviously up to something, darn. Tawan’s timing is so suspicious. Just as Kinn and Porsche are basking in the bliss of their upgraded status, here comes the ex trying to ruin it.
P.S. Kinn is surprised to see Tawan in the flesh. Could it be that he truly believed Tawan actually died when he shot him? Or perhaps he was so distraught by the betrayal he thought he killed him but in truth he just wounded him and somebody powerful (Khun Korn?) wanted to spare him of more pain he was told Tawan is deceased? Or maybe the major family is led to believe his past flame is dead and those who informed (minor family) them are the ones using Tawan now to shake Kinn’s resolve and destroy his new-found happiness? Ahh, I don’t know what to think anymore. Now I really want to know what truly transpired in that moment when Kinn shot Tawan and who were actually there when it happened.
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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“...wow” Feb 25, 2020 - Speaks
This clip was originally uploaded June 19, 2010 as a gag clip Greg presented as what he was going to upload that day, but decided not to. The original video (direct link) is Greg casually answering a question someone asked on his forums and it contains 2 short silly clips of himself crying. (Edit: He uploaded the full clip a month later, re-upload here.)
In the full recently uploaded clip, Greg / James cries about Shiloh breaking up with him and leaving the house. At first I brushed it off as another one of his old crying break up videos, which was not uncommon for him to upload that year between three train-wreck relationships.
He recently uploaded the full clip because he has been saying he was a victim of abuse during his relationship with Shiloh. This clip was uploaded to prove she broke up with him for being attracted to another woman. (In this video, he says the woman was on TV, but in the past he’s said the only time she broke up with him was over hentai. I'm guessing he was trying to censor himself in the video for Youtube.)
The current video description reads:
found this old video... looking back... no one should let themselves get in the situation I did, it was not healthy - we got back together after this video... shows you I really didn't respect myself.
Not too interesting, right? Well, he has also been telling a story for quiet some time about Shiloh threatening suicide and leaving the house. In his January 2020 video “ok” (it was one of those 30+ rambling videos), he says he filmed himself crying after she left because he wanted people to know where he was when she killed herself. He says he didn’t know what to do and was frozen. (Here is that part of my summary of that video:)
He says she tried to shame him and manipulate him into dating her again by saying she was going to end her life once after a break up. She walked off with a suitcase and he let her go because he couldn’t stop her. He video taped himself crying when she was gone. He says deep down he thinks he did that because he wanted people to know where he was when she was doing that. He was so overwhelmed emotionally and couldn’t do anything but freeze. He says there’s a clip of him crying out there while she walks off. At that point you just want that person to leave you alone.
She came back with a little branch on her shoulder. She would do a thing where she would be in a mood and would go somewhere else. Says she told him she tried to hang herself but the branch snapped. He said he said he was glad she was alive, but there was no rope mark.
I thought he just filmed himself and didn’t do anything with the footage. It turns out, the “...wow” video IS the footage. In his Keemstar interview he said she told him she was going to kill herself before he filmed. Wow, ok. Let’s analyze this video with this new perspective:
First of all, why plan on uploading a clip of yourself crying to the internet when your ex-girlfriend is supposedly in the act of committing suicide? When I first heard this clip existed, I imagined he was filming himself hysterically sobbing to show police after the fact, which is still really weird. Most people would call emergency services to track her down and get her mental / medical help, no? But I was wrong. He recorded himself talking to his Youtube audience while she is still out there? Totally bizarre. 
The video starts with Greg heavy breathing and crying. (In his Keemstar interview, Greg complained a lot of people commented on the re-upload that he’s fake-crying in this video, “crocodile tears”. I can see why people would say that.)
He turns to the side and keeps heavy breathing. He turns forward and stands there for a bit. He announces Shiloh “literally” just left him. He says he’s making this video so his viewers know why she’s not at his house anymore. - (Ok, so she “literally” JUST left him. No mention that she “literally just” threatened suicide or that she was missing. Just acting like it’s another break up video.)
He explains they made a pact together. If he thought about anyone sexually other than her, he would push it out of his head. That isn’t enough for her anymore and they can’t watch movies without her becoming upset when women come on screen, even if he’s not thinking about them sexually. He says he understands to an extent why she would be bothered by women wearing revealing clothing on screen. She said that’s why she left.
He says he tried to record her saying goodbye because she’s not going to be making videos on her Youtube channels anymore. He says she told him he would never see her again and he would never hear from her again. - (Umm.. like because she would be dead?)
He says she told him she wasn’t going to tell him where she was going. Initially, she didn’t want to take her luggage with her, but he made her take it because he didn’t want her to be without it. He starts crying loudly again. - (He seems to be hinting to what is really happening, but acts like he has no idea. I find it extremely creepy knowing if she did follow through with her suicide threat, he would have been the only witness to her threat.)
He says the last time they broke up, someone posted on the forums that they were perfect for Greg with a picture of them self. He compares it to an eHarmony profile. He says he’s not dating anyone anytime in the future. He’s done with relationships. He can’t handle them. (This is a common thing he says during break ups. He’s been saying something similarly recently, that if Kai broke up with him he would give up on relationships and buy sex dolls.)
He told Shiloh when she left that she was just going to the store to pick up groceries and come back. That she should come back and is welcome in his home. If she comes home, awesome. But like he said she’s never coming back. He apologies to everyone that fell in love with Shiloh like he did, He said in the future he’ll make sure that never happens. They get attached to someone and they’re just not in videos anymore.
Okay, you guys know me. I’m not the biggest tin foil hat wearer. I don’t like to accuse anyone of heinous shit, but this video is insane to me. Knowing what happened right before. The fact that he admitted he filmed this so people would know where he was when she committed suicide AND the fact that he admitted he let her go because he just wanted her to leave him alone at that point. WHAT??
The fact that he didn’t call the police or an ambulance?? The fact that he pretended it was a normal sad break up video, yet leaving breadcrumbs of what really happened? Mentioning she said he wasn’t going to hear from her again or see her again. Mentioning she wasn’t going to upload Youtube videos anymore. Mentioning she was leaving, but didn’t want to take her luggage.
Also, the fact that he quickly recorded the video after she “literally just” left the house??  Why did he try to record her saying goodbye to their viewers before she left the house after she threatened suicide??
Tin foil: Was this a set up video for the “my girlfriend committed suicide” plot line for his Youtube channel? Or was this an alibi for police when he would pretend he had no idea she was going to kill herself? Holy shit.
If I’m going overboard on this, feel free to call me out. I waited three weeks to make this post and I still feel the same way. In fact, I picked up on MORE creepy details watching it again today like the luggage mention.
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