aigle-suisse · 8 months
Natalija Gross par Paolo.72 Via Flickr : Rockmaster 2009 On-Sight Route
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Jefferson Morales haters WILD for thinking dissing Jefferson is 'acab' as if he himself isn't a victim of the writers copganda since he wasn't a cop in the comics and is literally a black man so i'd count it as a microaggression against him and irl black men as an afrolatino myself and don't think i missed nonblacks always being the ones hating him uncritically.Remember:
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hamelinsnightmare · 1 year
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GET JANICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
💅 🔪 💅 🔪 💅 🔪 💅 🔪 💅
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mercless · 12 days
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chucks these cowboy sketches on the dash before a smoke cloud suddenly appears
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chanteisnothere · 23 days
This too is yuri
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(anon i censored your ask because no one should have to see that lol)
uh oh, this is clearly an emergency situation! ok here are some headcanons of mine..
it's unnatural for wwx to keep his mouth shut for long, he probably even talks in his sleep. in the mornings while lwj is waiting for him to wake up, he hears him murmuring and his eyes quickly flit up to the bed (indicative of unrestrained excitement!).. alas his little sleepyhead is still snoring away. don't worry hgj he'll wake up soon!
lwj learnt to cook the hunan dishes from wwx's favourite restaurant way back in wwx's first life! we know that wwx invited lwj to this restaurant many times during the cr arc (and was so cruelly rejected), we also know that in the summer after wwx left, lwj was really interested in trying the foods wwx liked (he walked 10 miles for lotus seeds and even considered eating stir-fried watermelon rind!) therefore, imo, it's likely that lwj visited wwx's favourite restaurant around this time too. i think, in his lovesickness, lwj hoped wwx might come back to the cloud recesses oneday and learnt to cook these dishes just in case <3
wwx wears open-crotch trousers. lol, i can't get this one out of my mind ever since i saw this tweet. maybe lwj impatiently tore his trousers open too many times, it's only practical that wwx should wear these for easy hole access!! imagine him sluttily running around, wet hole right there under his robe, ready to be taken..
lwj would never purposefully show it but wwx has impeccable instinct for when his husband is stressed or not in a good mood. on the occasions wwx obviously knows the perfect way to cheer him up (crawl into his lap and let him squeeze his ass like a stressball)
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ghastigiggles · 1 month
So,,, I know this isn't really a tickle related HC, but it's still something I wanna share just 'cuz I think it'd be really sweet and make Sebastian even more lovable~💕
What if Sebastian was a really, *really* good singer, but was always super shy about so he keeps it to himself?
Idk, like- I was just picturing your two OCs (sorry I don't know the names) wandering about the facility when, suddenly, they hear a voice. They slowly peer into one of the rooms where they find Sebastian, just going about his usual duties of sorting files/documents & searching stuff, humming a sombre tune all the while. It's... not half bad if the girls are being honest.
But then he starts full on singing out loud [specifically thinking of this song right here - https://youtu.be/MgsqPJgBkXQ?si=wg2gZvlUTCewsCWk] and my god. The two are just.. absolutely BLOWN AWAY by what they hear! His voice was strong, but also tender, pouring his emotions into every word. It was beautiful.
Y'know I am always down for headcanons where a character has a rlly good singing voice and I can totally buy it for him (hearsay, apparently before his arrest he played the guitar??? I don't have a source for that, it's just something I heard on the grapevine, so take it with a grain of salt)
See it works out pretty funny with Audie and Cephei as well - the two of them are musically inclined (Cephei actually has a guitar they use for communication since they go through periods of not speaking, and Audie just likes to sing. Whale blood.) and om their downtime hanging out in the shop they tend to jam out.
Seb is very careful to never do more than hum along, though, because Audie will never shut up about it if they find out.
( also fun fact for ppl who dont always look; i use the tags to add extra after-the-fact notes on my posts. cephei belongs to my wife! )
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caleb-is-existing · 2 months
Remember when George talked a little bit about his weight and then it's never been spoken about again? Yeah, I'm still processing that cause what the actual fuck?!
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mourningmaybells · 11 months
i feel like people give blatty too much credit for writing dyer and karras he clearly believes joining the priesthood or dying for someone is the only way to redeem the gays given how he writes other gay characters
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gauntletqueen · 1 year
I've been building models for years and the best advice I can give is use nail clippers away from the picture itself, because the vibrations from the whole sprue (plastic around the parts) causes white marks. Then you go in and cut the rest off and clean it up with a small knife. I've found using a file creates rough patches and is only really useful for if you're painting it.
Oh that makes a lot of sense, thank you!
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Thank you two as well, I can't even imagine how you'd use nail clippers for this but I love the multifunctionality sahggfsa
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lunakagayake · 4 months
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Just got two new baby cats and if I had my way they'd be called the Aph Axis Powers
Ludwig, Feliciano, and Kiku respectively Japan's short in the show but he's older anyways
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americanegg · 1 year
I've just experienced what it's like for Astarion to be mad at me by accident and absolutely reloaded the fuck outta that save lol
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realwizardshit · 6 months
Oh yay....... my project made past the preliminary phase of [college] new venture competiton.......... I have to interact with Potential Investors (derogatory)
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lilirot · 8 months
I do wanna see the LaDS boys interact with each other I wanna know if Zayne approves of my goofy fish boyfriend
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dunmertwink · 1 year
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cowboycatd · 1 year
Onsighted 5.10 on lead for the first time today. To some that may be nothing but for me it's a huge accomplishment since the mind game of onsighting absolutely destroys me.
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