leviraaaaaa · 2 months
Arr jehetu amra jekhane thaki is a heavy jamat pronthi area we’re pretty safe
Ontoro tader praner voy nei so we gud some how:)
Yes. Safe is good. Safe is nice. Glad to hear. I hope your relatives will be safe as well <3
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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Voting with our ears: Dusted spends the rent on Bandcamp.com’s Voter Registration day
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On September 25, Bandcamp.com held a fundraiser for the Voting Rights Project, seeking to raise both money and awareness around voter registration. For the day, all profits on everything you bought on Bandcamp.com went to this worthy cause. Dusted writers saw the opportunity to a) buy stuff and b) promote democracy and said, “Hell yes, we’re in.” Participating writers included Ian Mathers (who is Canadian!!), Justin Cober-Lake, Jennifer Kelly, Bill Meyer, Isaac Olson (who definitely wins) and Ethan Covey. Check out what we bought and then, for the love of god, vote. We’re depending on you.
Ian Mathers
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For various reasons I wasn’t able to shop quite as avidly as I did last time we got together for one of these, but I managed to make one impulse purchase of a record I hadn’t heard yet (but had transfixed me with its singles) and combine that with two long-awaited additions of old favorites to my Bandcamp collection (and my hard drive, after having lost track of the files in one move or another). 
IDLES — Joy As an Act of Resistance 
Joy as an Act of Resistance. by IDLES
As you might guess from the fact that it just came out at the end of this August, Bristol’s IDLES is the impulse buy of the three, one that so far has worked out just wonderfully. Having been recommended the mockingly anti-Brexit(/xenophobia) “Great” on YouTube and being drawn from the immediately bracing, invigorating likes of that to this album’s more openhearted ode to the greatness of not hating people you don’t already know, “Danny Nedelko,” and the more Protomartyr-ish opening track “Colossus” (the latter of which also probably has my favorite music video of 2018), I couldn’t imagine any band capable of those three songs would somehow whiff the rest of a reasonably-lengthed LP, and the often political, always heartfelt Joy As an Act of Resistance. proved me right. There are certainly places where it gets darker (particularly “June,” where singer Joe Talbot relates in heart-wrenching fashion his wife losing a child to a miscarriage), but the overall feel of the album can be summed up by Talbot barking repeatedly at the listener to “love yourself” over a careening, punkish anthem. The album title isn’t a piss take, which is a relief in itself.  
 The Silent League — But You've Always Been the Caretaker...
But You've Always Been The Caretaker... by The Silent League
Back in 2004 I first heard of the Silent League, as I think most people did, because frontman Justin Russo had been in Mercury Rev (for 2001’s All Is Dream, the last Rev record I can say I fully loved), and their debut, The Orchestra, Sadly, Has Refused was interesting, lysergic chamber pop with some proggy and/or post-rock elements. I lost track of them for a bit after that album and was surprised that when I heard about them again it was because of an entirely different musician I was a fan of. Shannon Fields, then of Stars Like Fleas and since of Family Dynamics and Leverage Models (the last of which made my favorite record of 2013 and which is, incidentally, about to return), maker of a ton of records I both love and think have been overlooked, let me know that he’d also been a contributor to the Silent League for quite a while and that with their then-current album, 2010’s But You’ve Always Been the Caretaker… he thought they’d made something that represented a bit of a leap forward for the band. Not only do I agree, but the Silent League’s swan song (to date) now represents one of the most frustratingly overlooked records I know of, 15 sprawling songs in any number of registers, styles and tones tightly packed into less than 49 minutes that, fitting the circular and slightly foreboding title, packs a bunch of richly interwoven thematic and sonic depth into what feels like a whole universe of popular music. There’s proggy/ELO overture “When Stars Attack!!!,” the sound of a glam rock band practicing a particular soulful jam down the hall and four walls away on “Sleeper,” at least one just perfect string-led “perfect pop” song in “Resignation Studies,” and literally a dozen other things here. And yet But You’ve Always… never feels scattered or showoff-y. It’s a whole world, dense and rich and worthy of being studied in detail for its brilliance. I was thrilled to see it on Bandcamp, not least because this is exactly the kind of record that could easily slip through the cracks. 
 Tamas Wells — A Plea en Vendredi
(PB024) Tamas Wells: A Plea En Vendredi by Popboomerang
It’s been over a decade, but when I was in university I am pretty sure I first heard Australian singer-songwriter Tamas Wells because I saw the song “I’m Sorry That the Kitchen Is on Fire” somewhere and thought the title was hilarious. To my surprise the song itself was gorgeous, a gently folky little waltz with Wells’ high, gentle voice, carefully picked acoustic guitar, a lightly hypnotic piano refrain, and sparing hand claps. I fell hard enough for it that even back when the internet wasn’t at all what it is now I tracked down Wells’ 2006 album A Plea en Vendredi and found a shimmering little suite of song, some as gnomic and vaguely unsettling in their implications as “I’m Sorry That the Kitchen is on Fire” (like “Valder Fields,” which is apparently a place where our narrator and others mysteriously regain consciousness, or whatever you can make of “Lichen & Bees”), some much more plainspoken (including the slight political bent running through “The Opportunity Fair,” “The Telemarketer Resignation,” and the gorgeous little instrumental “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Ruling Class”), all just as twee-ly beautiful and enrapturing as my initial exposure had been. At the time Wells was working in Burma on a community development project, and from what I’ve been able to find his moving around and focus on non-music work has occasionally kept his album on the back burner, although he’s found an audience at home and in Japan and China (and of course, sometimes as far as Canada where I ran into his work). He’s kept releasing records since, most recently 2017’s The Plantation on a small Japanese label, but even if A Plea en Vendredi was all I’d ever been able to find it’d still find a regular place in my rotation; even when things get a bit darker, on “Valour” and the closing “Open the Blinds” there’s something so soothing about Wells’ music and this particular set of gem-like miniatures has been a go-to album for me during difficult times ever since.
Justin Cober-Lake 
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David Ramirez
Ashley Walters — Sweet Anxiety (Populist)
Ashley Walters // Sweet Anxiety by Ashley Walters
I’d been wanting to hear this one for a while. I first noticed cellist Ashley Walters on Wadada Leo Smith's America's National Parks, a remarkable album that I spent considerable time with while writing a couple features on it and Smith (including interviewing Walters). I was even more impressed after understanding what went into the work and seeing that ensemble perform it live. Walters writes of this album, “I seek to challenge your perception of what the cello, a stereotypically gentle instrument, is capable of,” and it's fair to say she succeeds. It's a demanding listen, more aggressive than expected, but Walters and her composers blend technical challenges with theoretical ones. At times, Walters cuts loose, and at times she works with tonality, often using nonstandard tuning to odd effect. Smith composed one of the brightest numbers here, making a nice shift in sound without lowering the difficulty level. Luciano Berio's “Sequenza XIV” provides the most interesting piece, not only for the actual performance but for the reconstruction work on the score that Walters highlights in the liner notes. This one's well worth a focused listen, and I'll need to give it quite a few more to properly process it.  
 The Beths — Warm Blood (Carpark)
Warm Blood by The Beths
In August, the Beths released one of my favorite albums of the year, Future Me Hates Me, a blast of pop-rock easily good enough to warrant going back, more or less, to the beginning, with 2016's Warm Blood EP. Both lyrically and musically, the group hasn't quite found its footing, but that says more about the focused energy of the full-length than it does about these five songs (including “Whatever,” which reappears on the album). The hooks are there now; the guitar on “Idea/Intent” represents the band as well as anything. The vitriol of that track fits in less well with the attitude the band generally puts forward, one that's self-reflective and confident without claiming to know all the answers. Some of the joy of the music is in Elizabeth Stokes' searching, but that's turned around on a track like “Rush Hour 3,” a comedic bit of come-on (and the rare track not written by Stokes). Warm Blood works as a nice look back at a band, but it's not just a history lesson — it's an enjoyable set that adds to the playlist of a group with only one album out. 
 David Ramirez — The Rooster (Sweetworld)
The Rooster EP by David Ramirez
I've been working my way backwards with David Ramirez, too, starting with last year's We're Not Going Anywhere (which didn't adhere to his previous folk-ish sound but did make me wonder why I hadn't found my way to the songwriter earlier). After spending time with the fantastic Fables, there was the live show that utterly sold me on him, in part because he has a bigger voice than you might notice at first, even in his sparser productions. The Rooster EP, a fitting complement to that album, feels like an ascent. His vocals are assured, even as he searches for clarity, or at least anchor points amid turbulence. Tracks like “The Bad Days” and “Glory” offer unrequested hope, and “The Forgiven” provides a meditation on performance, art, and faith that's central to his work. The five cuts on this EP have the gravitas of something bigger and strengthen my sense that Ramirez should be a songwriter that everyone listens to.
 Grand Banks – Live 8-25-2018
Grand Banks live 8-25-2018 by Grand Banks
Any sort of bonus shopping day provides a good excuse to support local music. This time I went with the latest release (such as it is) from Grand Banks, their live recording from August 25. The duo don't shy away from volume, but their focus on minimalist ideas and sonic experimentation makes for unusual experiences. Over this single 30-minute track, the pair builds with patience, even when developing a haunted-house sort of melody on the keys. The second half of the piece increases the challenge, with guitarist Davis Salisbury pulling an odd series of sounds out of his instrument (for the curious, you can try it at home with an electric guitar, a tuning fork, and a fuzz pedal, and probably some sort of sonic laboratory). The effects build on Tyler Magill's creepy keyboard work – maybe this one's an unintended seasonal release. The study in space and harmonics gives way to a chirpy conversation and surprisingly (in this context) guitar-like guitar moment before placidly drifting away, an apt conclusion for the performance.
Jennifer Kelly
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The Scientists 
I bought five different records this time, mostly, but not all, falling somewhere in the punk/garage continuum. I liked them all in different ways, but the one that absolutely killed me was…
IDLES—Joy as an Act of Resistance (Partisan)
Joy as an Act of Resistance. by IDLES
This is Ian’s fault, really. He talked me into it. Plus, it turned up on the Bandcamp recommendation engine. Which, by the way, is just so much better than Amazon’s recommendation engine. (I see you like the Pixies. Wanna buy every Pixies album ever?) But turns out, they’re both dead on. Idles is vitriolic and literate like the Sleaford Mods but backed by a ripped-to-the-teeth full band a la Protomartyr. Yes, two of my favorite current bands in one, plus a whole other thing of jagged, jitter-drunk percussion and wind tunnel howl. There is a song called “Never Fight a Man with a Perm.” So glad I got to hear this. Score one for voter registration.
 The Sueves—R.I.P. Clearance Event (Hozac)
R.I.P. Clearance Event by The Sueves
Butt-simple garage rock from Chicago, punctuated by weird little intervals of found sounds. Beautifully unhinged and uncomplicated, it reminds me the most of Demon’s Claw and after that maybe the Hunches and then the Monks. I bought it partly because I wanted to get those “we have a new record” notices from Hozac, but they know what I like.
 The Scientists—Blood Red River 1982-1984 (Numero)
Blood Red River 1982 - 1984 by Scientists
Guess who got to see the Scientists last week? They were awesome. They played “Frantic Romantic” in the encore (which is not on this disc, by the way). I knew some of the early stuff from the Do the Pop compilation of Australian punk, but immersing myself in these clanking, droning, post-punk juggernauts was the best and most enjoyable concert prep ever. “Solid Gold Hell” and “Swampland” were my two faves, and they played them both.
 Mike Pace and the Child Actors—Smooth Sailing (Self Starter Foundation)
Smooth Sailing by Mike Pace and the Child Actors
This one, from the former Oxford Collapse frontman, was a little more Raspberry-ish power pop than I was expecting, but it’s growing on me. “Escape the Noize” is my go-to track, a lush jangle of melancholy, a tetchy bristle of palm-muting, then a sweeping swooning chorus. It’s about leaving the music behind, which Pace clearly hasn’t, and good thing.  
Onoto—Dead Ghost (Taiyo)
Let me the first to admit that I haven’t gotten to the bottom of this one, a swirling, enveloping miasma of guitar tone, wrapped around confoundingly weird vocal samples. “Shake Well for the Eye,” is droned-out chaos that parts like fog for bits of mid-20th century menstrual advice (avoid vigorous exercise, horse-riding, skating, cold showers, hah!). Other cuts eschew narrative for slow moving landscapes of instrumental tone. The title track lets guitar notes hang for unmovable eons, with only sharp shards of harmonics to break up the endless vistas. As a straight through listen, the disc makes more sense as you go along, meaning, you have to adapt to its oddity and it changes you.
Bill Meyer
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 Canary records
Kemany Minas and Garabet Merjanian — When I See You: From the November 1917 Recordings, NYC (Canary) 
When I See You: From the November 1917 Recordings, NYC by Kemany Minas & Garabet Merjanian
Various Artists — And Two Partridges II: From the Earliest Turkish-, Arabic- Armenian-& Kurdish-Language Recordings in America, Feb-Aug, 1916 (Canary)
And Two Partridges II: From the Earliest Turkish-, Arabic- Armenian-& Kurdish-Language Recordings in America, Feb-Aug, 1916 by Canary Records
Various Artists — Oh My Soul: Armenian-American Independent Releases, vol. 1: ca. 1920-25 (Canary)  
Oh My Soul: Armenian-American Independent Releases, vol. 1: ca. 1920-25 by Canary Records
Various Artists — Why I Came to America: More Folk Music of the Ottoman-American Diaspora, ca. 1917-47 (Canary)
Why I Came to America: More Folk Music of the Ottoman-American Diaspora, ca. 1917-47 by Canary Records
I buy stuff via Bandcamp fairly often, and my purchases are nearly always hard copies. Downloads may be convenient, but a record you can’t hold in your hands seems to me to be one of those bad 21st century ideas like a Trump presidency or an unrepentant frat-creep on the supreme court. But when Bandcamp puts its income behind a cause, I relent, and when I do, I buy downloads from Canary Records. These albums are all compiled from recordings made by Anatolian exiles who fled genocide, war and poverty to take their chances in the USA. Many of these recordings predate the first blues records, and collectively they make a case that our notions of what constitutes American music are needlessly exclusive. After all, why should the music of people who came here from the Ottoman Empire be any less American than people who came here from the British Empire?  
 Billy Gomberg — Live Sets 2016-18
live sets 2016-18 by Billy Gomberg
Well, there go the rules. This DL-only compilation of concert performances by one of my favorite ambient recording artists of recent years shows that the carefully wrought, ultra-deep atmosphere of his recent cassettes is no fluke.
 Various Artists — Two Niles To Sing A Melody: The Violins & Synths Of Sudan (Ostinato)  
Two Niles to Sing a Melody: The Violins & Synths of Sudan by Various Artists
Back on solid ground at last! This hardcover book + 2 CDs (there are also vinyl and DL versions) shows how sounds blur from one culture to the next when people live along the same rivers and coasts. These recordings from the Sudan blend the nimble rhythms and ardent longing of Arabic pop with just a hint of the sinuous melodic quality of Ethiopian popular music. 
 Tashi Wada with Yoshi Wada and Friends — FRKWYS Vol. 14—Nue (RVNG)
FRKWYS Vol. 14 - Nue by Tashi Wada with Yoshi Wada and Friends
If you’ve caught Tashi and Yoshi Wada in concert, you know that there’s no louder or more mind-melting drone that a drone that incorporates multiple bagpipes and alarm bells. This record puts Wada fils in the composer / arranger’s seat, and while it uses the same materials as those live performances, the music is much gentler. Sometimes you want to boil your blood, sometimes you just want to kick back and zone out. A portion of the proceeds from this record will go to the National Immigration Law Center.
Isaac Olson
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Ustad Abdul Karim Khan
Toshiya Tsunoda/Taku Unami — Wovenland (Erstwhile)
Wovenland by Toshiya Tsunoda/Taku Unami
I bought this collection of chopped and screwed  field recordings on the strength of Marc Medwin’s review and the fact that Erstwhile dedicated their profits for the day to the Voting Rights Project. Pieces like “Park cleaning / Crickets chirping,” “In The Park”,  “From the rooftop, railway terminal station” are both ear-tickling and intellectually stimulating. The rest are more stimulating intellectually than auditorially.
 The Weather Station—S/T (Paradise of Bachelors)
The Weather Station by The Weather Station
I slept on The Weather Station in 2017 because the music didn’t grab me enough I wasn’t interested enough in the music to tune into the lyrics.  I’m not sure what compelled me to give it another try, but I’m glad I did. Songwriter Tamara Lindeman has crafted a compelling take on early adulthood in an anxious age, one that, once I started paying attention, resonated with me in a highly personal manner I haven’t felt or sought in years. The b-side is almost too subtle, but Lindeman is a sharp enough writer to bring it off.
 Red River Dialect—Broken Stay Open Sky (Paradise of Bachelors)  
Broken Stay Open Sky by Red River Dialect
This is another record where the words carry the music, which means, like The Weather Station, I initially passed it over only to connect with it in unexpectedly personal ways after honing in on the lyrics. While I loved the fiddling from the jump, it took time for the rest of Broken Stay Open Sky to grow on me, but grow it did. (Check out Eric McDowell’s review here).
 Ustad Abdul Karim Khan—Ustad Abdul Karim Khan (Canary Records)
Ustad Abdul Karim Khan: 1934-1935 by Abdul Karim Khan
Classical Indian vocal music is a complex, highly systematized artform that I can’t pretend to understand, so rather than take my recommendation that you should listen to these recordings, take LaMonte Young’s: “When I first heard the recordings of Abdul Karim Khan I thought that perhaps it would be best if I gave up singing, got a cabin up in the mountains, stocked it with a record player and recordings of Abdul Karim Khan, and just listened for the rest of my life”.
 VA—100 Moons: Hindustani Vocal Art, 1930​-​55 (Canary Records)
100 Moons: Hindustani Vocal Art, 1930-55 by Canary Records
A traditional performance of a raga can last hours. A 78 can hold about three minutes of music.
As such, the performances on this collection lack the the breadth and depth of a traditional raga performance, but they more than make up for it in intensity.
 Ross Hammond and Jon Balfus— Masonic Lawn (Self Released)
Masonic Lawn by Ross Hammond and Jon Bafus
Sacramento guitarist and improviser Ross Hammond (whose record with Hindustani vocalist Jay Nair  is also worth your time) teams up with percussionist Jon Balfus for a set of blues and folk inspired  improvisations that manage to feel spacious despite the dense polyrhythmic approach. Masonic Lawn’s improvisations are optimistic, wide-eyed meditations on Americana.
 Melvin Wine—Cold Frosty Morning (Roane Records)
Cold Frosty Morning by Melvin Wine
Old-time music, like most folk traditions that arose in relative isolation and pre-date the record industry, isn’t particularly well suited for album-length listening. That said, if you’re in the mood for scratchy, crooked, dance and trance tunes, West Virginia fiddler Melvin Wine is a great introduction to the distinctly non-bluegrassy mysteries of this music.  
Note: This recording features a minstrel tune titled “Jump Jim Crow”.  How we’re to deal with this in the modern, right-wing nightmare age we inhabit is a complicated question, so if you’re digging this music but that title bothers you (and it should), check out these articles by Rhiannon Giddens and Michael Mechanic. 
 V/A—Usiende Ukalale: Omutibo From Rural Kenya (Olvido Records)
Usiende Ukalale: Omutibo From Rural Kenya by Various Artists
Like the Melvin Wine recording above, Usiende Ukalale exhibits a local folk style that evolved in relative isolation and is, for the non-local and non-expert, enchanting in small doses and merely pleasant over the course of a full album.
 VA—I’m Not Here to Hunt Rabbits: Guitar and Folk Styles from Botswana (Piranha Records) 
I'm Not Here To Hunt Rabbits by Various Artists
I reviewed this one back in May and I’ve listened to it so many times since that it was high time to buy it. Highest recommendation.
 Jess Sah Bi & Peter One—Our Garden Needs Its Flowers (Awesome Tapes from Africa)
Our Garden Needs Its Flowers by Jess Sah Bi & Peter One
This unusual gem combines the loping rhythms, slide guitar and harmonica of American country music with traditional Ivory Coast village songs. Its breezy Bakersfield meets Yamoussoukro vibe belies its anti-apartheid lyrics. Mp3s of this one have been floating around the internet for a few years, so it’s great to see it get an official re-release.
 Ola Belle Reed—FRC 203 - Ola Belle Reed: Recordings from the collection of Ray Alden and the Brandywine Friends of Old Time Music
FRC 203 - Ola Belle Reed: Recordings from the collection of Ray Alden and the Brandywine Friends of Old Time Music by Ola Belle Reed
From the indispensable Field Recorders Collective, this release documents a 1973 performance by Ola Belle Reed. Reed’s music exists at the nexus of old-time, bluegrass, early country, and gospel, but it feels wrong to box in the wisdom, humor, and generosity of spirit that shines through this release with anachronistic genre tags. Best of all is the Reed original, “Tear Down the Fences”: “Then we could tear down the fences that fence us all in/Fences created by such evil men/Oh we could tear down the fences that fence us all in /Then we could walk together again.”  Amen.
 Ragana— You Take Nothing 
I don’t listen to as much metal as I used to, but while this fundraiser was happening, Brett Kavanaugh — case study in patriarchal resentment and mediocrity — got one step closer to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Ragana’s raw, sludgy, anarcha-feminist take on black metal really hit the spot that day.
Ethan Covey
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Weak Signal
Omit — Enclosures 2011-2016 (Pica Disk/End of the Alphabet)
Enclosures 2011-2016 by Omit
Clinton Williams, the New Zealander known as Omit, has been quietly releasing nocturnal electronic compositions of uncompromising quality for the past couple of decades. Enclosures 2011-2016, released jointly by Lasse Marhaug’s Pica Disk and Noel Meek’s End of the Alphabet labels, provides an overview of five years of Williams’ output in a 30-track, six-hour package, available digitally and as a limited 5-CD set. Omit has previously been anthologized on two compilations courtesy of the Helen Scarsdale label, Tracer and Interceptor. And past releases have popped up via Corpus Hermeticum and PseudoArcana, as well as — most prominently — Williams’ own Deepskin Conceptual Mindmusic imprint. Great listening, all, if you can find ‘em. For those curious to dive in without too much digging, Enclosures is ideal. Much of Williams’ genius lies in composing tracks that are edgy, yet beautiful, creepy and experimental, yet profoundly listenable. It’s forward-thinking electronic composition that checks a lot of avant-garde boxes without feeling like a task. There’s a subtle, krautrock propulsion to the best tracks — the opening “Turner,” the “Echo Dot” pieces — where the listener gets locked into the rhythm and time slows to an elegant crawl — like a soundtrack for night driving on an Autobahn upended.
 Weak Signal — LP1 (self-released)
Weak Signal are NYC’s Sasha Vine, Tran Huynh and Mike Bones. Bones has previously released a pair of strong albums of indie songwriting courtesy of The Social Registry. As a guitarist, he’s done time with Endless Boogie, Matt Sweeney’s Soldiers of Fortune and Prison. This album was a tip from Danny Arakaki of Garcia Peoples, and it’s a swell one, 30-minutes of slack fuzz pop bashed out with energy and swagger. The majority of the tracks strut by on solid riffs, backed by boy/girl vox that slide into chant-along choruses. Like new wave bled dry, leaving a beautiful bummer. The eight-minute “Miami/Miami Part 2” stretches out into a haze of increasingly rapturous guitar soloing, string screeches and a spoken word coda. Lotta promise here, for sure. Here’s hoping they stick around for an LP2.
 Raising Holy Sparks — Search For The Vanished Heaven (Eiderdown Records)
Search For The Vanished Heaven by Raising Holy Sparks
Seattle’s Eiderdown Records has been releasing some of the best contemporary psychedelia around, and the latest by Raising Holy Sparks is no exception. The project is the work of uber-prolific Irishman David Colohan, and is offered in double and triple cassette, as well as digital, versions. The “short” cut of the album is an hour and a half long, and the triple cassette and download versions stretch that to well over two hours. Per the credits, the album was recorded in somewhere around 40 different locations over four years. Colohan is credited with over 30 instruments and is joined by baker’s dozen of likeminded collaborators. What they deliver is, like most of Colohan’s music, long, slow and often eerily beautiful. “I Am In The Mountains While You Are In My Dreams” passes in its 23-minutes through Popol Vuh-style ambience, spoken word incantations that sound like Coil if they’d truly embraced the countryside and a whole lot of birdsong. It’s a good overview of the general proceedings — accented occasionally by louder blasts of synths, random percussion that sounds like drum machine presets and banjo-plucking krautrock. On paper, that sounds like a head-scratching combo, but it works. One gets the impression Colohan’s dedication and attention to detail is such that the grab bag of sounds weaves together into a surprisingly fascinating whole. Listen with attention and you’ll want to follow along as each stretch and segue unfolds. Oh, and as is typical with Eiderdown, bonus points for exceptional artwork, this time courtesy of Aubrey Nehring.
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rainydayscore · 2 years
toronto, ontoro
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newsdurham · 5 years
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Joanne Dies, Ward 3 Regional Councillor, stood on Range Road in south Ajax July 27. Residents of Ontoro Boulevard and Range Road have severe water issues - not enough and contaminated water. A petition has been started by Durham Region to see if residents want to pay for the watermain to be extended to their area. July 27, 2019. Read the full story by clicking on the link in our bio. Ryan Pfeiffer/Torstar @pfeif #photography #photojournalism #nikon #nikond750 #durhamregion #ajaxnewsadvertiser #portrait #ajax #cleanwater (at Ajax, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EQZQzJCoi/?igshid=hi26kbp4zcq3
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gtarealestatepros · 5 years
GTA Listings April 2nd 2019
Best Listings for April 2nd 2019 - All Across the GTA
All throughout the GTA, all of the homes that are currently available, they're all right here for you to search and find the home you're looking for. Find by neighbourhood, find by city - it's all there for you to look through and find the perfect home!
Street and TownMLS CodeLink 245 Withrow Ave, TorontoE4399603245 Withrow Ave, Toronto 69 Fairmont Ridge Tr, KingN439815869 Fairmont Ridge Tr, King 1449 Truscott Dr, MississaugaW43998221449 Truscott Dr, Mississauga 149 Smoothwater Terr, MarkhamN4398019149 Smoothwater Terr, Markham 1489 Abbeywood Dr, OakvilleW43979211489 Abbeywood Dr, Oakville 72 Cedarcrest Blvd, TorontoE440033672 Cedarcrest Blvd, Toronto 49 Apple Orchard Path, MarkhamN440045649 Apple Orchard Path, Markham 2278 Millstone Dr, OakvilleW43996142278 Millstone Dr, Oakville 22 Daniel Bram Dr, VaughanN440008022 Daniel Bram Dr, Vaughan 14 Ladbrook Cres, BramptonW439925714 Ladbrook Cres, Brampton 80 Old Bloomington Rd, AuroraN439781680 Old Bloomington Rd, Aurora 29 Bemersyde Dr, TorontoW439786529 Bemersyde Dr, Toronto 39 Cheston Rd, TorontoC439900439 Cheston Rd, Toronto 3089 Theatre Rd Hamilton, TownshipX43991803089 Theatre Rd Hamilton, Township 38 Kimbergate Way, VaughanN439878638 Kimbergate Way, Vaughan 30 Taverly Rd, TorontoC440046730 Taverly Rd, Toronto 164 Chebucto Dr, OakvilleW4398639164 Chebucto Dr, Oakville 54 Bellbury Cres, TorontoC439756954 Bellbury Cres, Toronto 1055 E Lakeshore Rd Oro, MedonteS43997361055 E Lakeshore Rd Oro, Medonte 400 Cox Mill Rd, BarrieS4400107400 Cox Mill Rd, Barrie 16 John Carroll Dr, BramptonW439883016 John Carroll Dr, Brampton 421 Carrville Rd, Richmond HillN4399883421 Carrville Rd, Richmond Hill 25 Eden Ave, MarkhamN440045425 Eden Ave, Markham 31 Daphnia Dr, VaughanN439792431 Daphnia Dr, Vaughan 1421 Bridgestone Lane, MississaugaW43995821421 Bridgestone Lane, Mississauga 211 Torresdale Ave, TorontoC4400637211 Torresdale Ave, Toronto 11 Thirty Sixth St, TorontoW440039711 Thirty Sixth St, Toronto 54 Chambersburg Way, Whitchurch StouffvilleN440032254 Chambersburg Way, Whitchurch Stouffville 122 Homewood Ave, TorontoC4397883122 Homewood Ave, Toronto 16 Pieta Pl, VaughanN439831216 Pieta Pl, Vaughan 22 Ashford Crt, AuroraN439737822 Ashford Crt, Aurora 2211 Green Orchard Pl, OakvilleW43993202211 Green Orchard Pl, Oakville 127 Stave Cres, Richmond HillN4399730127 Stave Cres, Richmond Hill 36 Kimbark Cres, MarkhamN439904836 Kimbark Cres, Markham 9 Lloyd Manor Rd, TorontoW43987699 Lloyd Manor Rd, Toronto 16 Villa Rd, TorontoW439862516 Villa Rd, Toronto 4317 Spruce Ave, BurlingtonW43854324317 Spruce Ave, Burlington 9 Allenwood Cres, TorontoC43990699 Allenwood Cres, Toronto 28 Matthew Crt, TorontoW439847528 Matthew Crt, Toronto 519 Highcliffe Dr, VaughanN4399823519 Highcliffe Dr, Vaughan 527 Glengarry Ave, TorontoC4399235527 Glengarry Ave, Toronto 1355 Pilgrims Way, OakvilleW43996181355 Pilgrims Way, Oakville 46 Devondale Ave, TorontoC439902546 Devondale Ave, Toronto 101 Parkview Ave, TorontoC4400636101 Parkview Ave, Toronto 99 Boulderbrook Dr, TorontoE439954999 Boulderbrook Dr, Toronto 145 Ellerslie Ave, TorontoC4399191145 Ellerslie Ave, Toronto 147 Ellerslie Ave, TorontoC4399199147 Ellerslie Ave, Toronto 447 Mill St, Richmond HillN4397330447 Mill St, Richmond Hill 31 Lakeview Dr, HamiltonX440033031 Lakeview Dr, Hamilton 49 Ridge Rd, UxbridgeN439747549 Ridge Rd, Uxbridge 69 Cowan Ave, TorontoW439910569 Cowan Ave, Toronto 28 Little Ashley Dr, VaughanN439883328 Little Ashley Dr, Vaughan 52 Wolfson Cres, Richmond HillN439787252 Wolfson Cres, Richmond Hill 38 Pattemore Gate, AuroraN440066338 Pattemore Gate, Aurora 8 Serano Ctre, Richmond HillN43972708 Serano Ctre, Richmond Hill 1068 Nellie Little Cres, NewmarketN43992591068 Nellie Little Cres, Newmarket 335 W Elgin Mills Rd, Richmond HillN4398993335 W Elgin Mills Rd, Richmond Hill 1125 Sherman Brock Circ, NewmarketN43982771125 Sherman Brock Circ, Newmarket 1478 Heathfield Mews, MississaugaW43993971478 Heathfield Mews, Mississauga 58 Ontoro Blvd, AjaxE439921458 Ontoro Blvd, Ajax 4633 Erwin Rd, BurlingtonW43984484633 Erwin Rd, Burlington 92 Lakeside Dr, InnisfilN439794192 Lakeside Dr, Innisfil 71 Rose Way, MarkhamN440065171 Rose Way, Markham 101 Miles St, MiltonW4400486101 Miles St, Milton 37 Emeline Cres, MarkhamN440034537 Emeline Cres, Markham 1245 Parsons Lane, OakvilleW44006481245 Parsons Lane, Oakville 10 Observatory Cres, BramptonW439840310 Observatory Cres, Brampton 35 Cavalry Tr, MarkhamN439750235 Cavalry Tr, Markham 15 Cowan Ave, TorontoW440020115 Cowan Ave, Toronto 23 Morgan Ave, MarkhamN439978223 Morgan Ave, Markham 7555 Saint Barbara Blvd, MississaugaW43974147555 Saint Barbara Blvd, Mississauga 143 Euclid Ave, TorontoC4399167143 Euclid Ave, Toronto 60 Cannon Rd, TorontoW439879060 Cannon Rd, Toronto 3421 Crompton Cres, MississaugaW43992083421 Crompton Cres, Mississauga 78 Rabbit Lane, TorontoW439885078 Rabbit Lane, Toronto 256 Nautical Blvd, OakvilleW4399873256 Nautical Blvd, Oakville 555167 Mono Amaranth Townli, MonoX4397455555167 Mono Amaranth Townli, Mono 101 Cooperage Cres, Richmond HillN4398976101 Cooperage Cres, Richmond Hill 13510 Mclaughlin Rd, CaledonW439747713510 Mclaughlin Rd, Caledon 7755 Oakridge Dr, RamaraS43991477755 Oakridge Dr, Ramara Lot 28 Bucanan Dr, MarkhamN4400424Lot 28 Bucanan Dr, Markham 134 Rose Branch Dr, Richmond HillN4399062134 Rose Branch Dr, Richmond Hill 93 Gorman Park Rd, TorontoC439975793 Gorman Park Rd, Toronto 107 Cartmel Dr, MarkhamN4400635107 Cartmel Dr, Markham 129 Pleasant Ave, TorontoC4399202129 Pleasant Ave, Toronto 22 Petch Cres, AuroraN439786222 Petch Cres, Aurora 1702 Woodhenge Way, MississaugaW43991011702 Woodhenge Way, Mississauga 19 George St, Richmond HillN439811019 George St, Richmond Hill 215 Peek A Boo Tr, TinyS4397553215 Peek A Boo Tr, Tiny 18 Maisonneuve Blvd, BramptonW439794918 Maisonneuve Blvd, Brampton 26 Elfindale Cres, TorontoC439806126 Elfindale Cres, Toronto 63 Eakin Mill Rd, MarkhamN439837863 Eakin Mill Rd, Markham 4790 25th Side Rd, EssaN44000584790 25th Side Rd, Essa 76 Woodville Dr, VaughanN439986676 Woodville Dr, Vaughan 82 Gilley Rd, TorontoW439825182 Gilley Rd, Toronto 22 Headwaters Lane, MonoX439985222 Headwaters Lane, Mono 27 Shiner Dr, Richmond HillN439896427 Shiner Dr, Richmond Hill 31 Provost Tr, BramptonW439767231 Provost Tr, Brampton 39 Chayna Cres, VaughanN439909339 Chayna Cres, Vaughan 6036 King Rd, KingN44004656036 King Rd, King 1463 Haig Blvd, MississaugaW43989031463 Haig Blvd, Mississauga 158 South Belair Dr, VaughanN4399137158 South Belair Dr, Vaughan 20 Perth Ave 05, TorontoC440054220 Perth Ave 05, Toronto 1060 Hurlwood Lane, OrilliaS44004151060 Hurlwood Lane, Orillia 3 Welkin Gate, TorontoW44001553 Welkin Gate, Toronto 15278 Danby Rd, Halton HillsW440051415278 Danby Rd, Halton Hills 4 Anatolia St, BramptonW43978604 Anatolia St, Brampton 1478 Concession Rd 5 Adjala, TosorontioN44002531478 Concession Rd 5 Adjala, Tosorontio 704 Regional Rd 13 Rd, UxbridgeN4397548704 Regional Rd 13 Rd, Uxbridge 517 Mcgregor Farm Tr, NewmarketN4400433517 Mcgregor Farm Tr, Newmarket 81 Milbourne Cres, OakvilleW439891981 Milbourne Cres, Oakville 17 Maughan Cres, TorontoE439733517 Maughan Cres, Toronto 1 Largo Lane, TorontoE43996011 Largo Lane, Toronto 3386 Clanfield Crt, MississaugaW43995443386 Clanfield Crt, Mississauga 82 Burncrest Dr, TorontoC439779582 Burncrest Dr, Toronto 333 Kingswood Rd, TorontoE4399063333 Kingswood Rd, Toronto 2728 Tottenham Rd New, TecumsethN43988042728 Tottenham Rd New, Tecumseth 120 Salterton Circ, VaughanN4400426120 Salterton Circ, Vaughan 16 Oak Ridge Dr, Halton HillsW439734716 Oak Ridge Dr, Halton Hills 275 Cedarvale Ave, TorontoE4399146275 Cedarvale Ave, Toronto 84 Bestview Cres, VaughanN439747084 Bestview Cres, Vaughan 8 Clockwork Dr, BramptonW44004368 Clockwork Dr, Brampton 518 Keith Ave, NewmarketN4400325518 Keith Ave, Newmarket 2494 Old Carriage Rd, MississaugaW43994022494 Old Carriage Rd, Mississauga 41 North Forster Park Dr, OakvilleW439845041 North Forster Park Dr, Oakville 1404 Stanbury Rd, OakvilleW43984101404 Stanbury Rd, Oakville 474 Raymerville Dr, MarkhamN4397749474 Raymerville Dr, Markham 63 Cashmere Cres, MarkhamN440048363 Cashmere Cres, Markham 6383 Ormindale Way, MississaugaW44002556383 Ormindale Way, Mississauga 84 Watsonbrook Dr, BramptonW439802484 Watsonbrook Dr, Brampton 30 Dewlane Dr, TorontoC439792730 Dewlane Dr, Toronto 184 Olde Bayview Ave, Richmond HillN4398621184 Olde Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill 523 Evans Rd, HamiltonX4397839523 Evans Rd, Hamilton 22651 Mccowan Rd, East GwillimburyN439860722651 Mccowan Rd, East Gwillimbury 5920 Hemingway Rd, MississaugaW43973055920 Hemingway Rd, Mississauga 130 Mountbatten Rd, VaughanN4399350130 Mountbatten Rd, Vaughan 5827 Long Valley Rd, MississaugaW43982565827 Long Valley Rd, Mississauga 72 S Main St, MarkhamN439834472 S Main St, Markham 695 Madeline Hts, NewmarketN4398684695 Madeline Hts, Newmarket 16 Ridgewood Crt Oro, MedonteS439743816 Ridgewood Crt Oro, Medonte 217 Shaftsbury Ave, Richmond HillN4399888217 Shaftsbury Ave, Richmond Hill 3 Mayfield Ave, TorontoW43973263 Mayfield Ave, Toronto 894 Hampton Cres, MississaugaW4400505894 Hampton Cres, Mississauga 3059 Eden Oak Cres, MississaugaW43972663059 Eden Oak Cres, Mississauga 234 Vance Dr, OakvilleW4398931234 Vance Dr, Oakville 12 Granite Ridge Cres, BramptonW439851312 Granite Ridge Cres, Brampton 1268 Pepperbush Pl, OakvilleW43974681268 Pepperbush Pl, Oakville 122 Linden Ave, TorontoE4398537122 Linden Ave, Toronto 68 Ash Hill Ave, CaledonW439847768 Ash Hill Ave, Caledon 10 Krisbury Ave, VaughanN439876710 Krisbury Ave, Vaughan 4 Lougheed Crt, AuroraN43993414 Lougheed Crt, Aurora 12 Jonah Dr, Richmond HillN440063912 Jonah Dr, Richmond Hill 50 Montebello Cres, AjaxE439988450 Montebello Cres, Ajax 54 Laguna Pkwy, RamaraS439891754 Laguna Pkwy, Ramara 32 Dunwatson Dr, TorontoE440046832 Dunwatson Dr, Toronto 108 Roseview Ave, Richmond HillN4398688108 Roseview Ave, Richmond Hill 21 Abercrombie Cres, BramptonW439944721 Abercrombie Cres, Brampton 76 E Steeles Ave, MarkhamN439719576 E Steeles Ave, Markham 3762 Bangor Rd, MississaugaW43959673762 Bangor Rd, Mississauga 41 Bonnyview Dr, TorontoW439903441 Bonnyview Dr, Toronto 50 Captain Hall Crt, TorontoE440042850 Captain Hall Crt, Toronto 4098 Concession 7 Rd, PuslinchX44005074098 Concession 7 Rd, Puslinch 83 Southvale Dr, TorontoC439805083 Southvale Dr, Toronto 111 Henderson Ave, MarkhamN4400145111 Henderson Ave, Markham 12219 Regional Road 39, UxbridgeN439846512219 Regional Road 39, Uxbridge 220 William Graham Dr, AuroraN4398983220 William Graham Dr, Aurora 444 Main St, TorontoE4400072444 Main St, Toronto 6118 Millers Grve, MississaugaW43981366118 Millers Grve, Mississauga 1583 Eglinton Ave, MississaugaW43975041583 Eglinton Ave, Mississauga 10 Silver Pond Dr, Halton HillsW439752510 Silver Pond Dr, Halton Hills 7 Friendly Way, BramptonW44001097 Friendly Way, Brampton 17 Inverhuron St, Richmond HillN439907117 Inverhuron St, Richmond Hill 7 Phenix Dr, TorontoE44000667 Phenix Dr, Toronto 74 Armstrong Cres, KingN439933974 Armstrong Cres, King 47 Fenley Dr, TorontoW439964747 Fenley Dr, Toronto 41 Wolcott Ave, TorontoE439853641 Wolcott Ave, Toronto 79 Powell Rd, TorontoW439827579 Powell Rd, Toronto 12973 Warden Ave, Whitchurch StouffvilleN439806012973 Warden Ave, Whitchurch Stouffville 7940 Adjala 10 Sdrd Adjala, TosorontioN43991357940 Adjala 10 Sdrd Adjala, Tosorontio 304 Rudar Rd, MississaugaW4400009304 Rudar Rd, Mississauga 23 Hatton Garden Rd, VaughanN439752423 Hatton Garden Rd, Vaughan 27 Teddington Park Ave, TorontoC439928927 Teddington Park Ave, Toronto 119 Carrville Rd, Richmond HillN4398504119 Carrville Rd, Richmond Hill 501 Vesta Dr, TorontoC4399162501 Vesta Dr, Toronto 111 St Leonards Ave, TorontoC4397964111 St Leonards Ave, Toronto 8 Dale Ave, TorontoC44000108 Dale Ave, Toronto 11 Tangmere Rd, TorontoC439851111 Tangmere Rd, Toronto 77 Forest Grove Dr, TorontoC440063377 Forest Grove Dr, Toronto 298 Dawlish Ave, TorontoC4399209298 Dawlish Ave, Toronto 103 Balsam Ave, TorontoE4400695103 Balsam Ave, Toronto 8 Bayview Park Lane, Richmond HillN43987558 Bayview Park Lane, Richmond Hill 30 Plateau Cres, TorontoC439907030 Plateau Cres, Toronto 14 Oakcrest Ave, MarkhamN439839714 Oakcrest Ave, Markham 11 Heron Tr, Whitchurch StouffvilleN440021311 Heron Tr, Whitchurch Stouffville 5437 19th Ave, MarkhamN43796415437 19th Ave, Markham 156 Northern Pines Blvd, VaughanN4398760156 Northern Pines Blvd, Vaughan 1011 Elgin St, NewmarketN43997781011 Elgin St, Newmarket 2015 Elmhurst Ave, OakvilleW44002142015 Elmhurst Ave, Oakville 15 Warren Rd, TorontoC439976915 Warren Rd, Toronto 1502 Carmen Dr, MississaugaW44003021502 Carmen Dr, Mississauga 12 B Maureen Dr, TorontoC437351012 B Maureen Dr, Toronto 21 Sunnywood Cres, Richmond HillN439784621 Sunnywood Cres, Richmond Hill 1535 Glenburnie Rd, MississaugaW43985771535 Glenburnie Rd, Mississauga 80 Glengowan Rd, TorontoC439983880 Glengowan Rd, Toronto 32 Hunters Glen Rd, AuroraN439829932 Hunters Glen Rd, Aurora 33 Kaia Crt, VaughanN439870933 Kaia Crt, Vaughan 89 Fitzgerald Ave, MarkhamN439972089 Fitzgerald Ave, Markham 93 Fitzgerald Ave, MarkhamN439971893 Fitzgerald Ave, Markham 136 Pemberton Rd, Richmond HillN4400599136 Pemberton Rd, Richmond Hill 56 May Ave, Richmond HillN439987256 May Ave, Richmond Hill 28 Glenrose Ave, TorontoC439961528 Glenrose Ave, Toronto 35 Donwoods Dr, TorontoC439935835 Donwoods Dr, Toronto 136 Rochester Ave, TorontoC4399238136 Rochester Ave, Toronto 19 Doverwood Crt, TorontoC439880719 Doverwood Crt, Toronto 180 Sandwell Dr, OakvilleW4397998180 Sandwell Dr, Oakville 14 Hycrest Ave, TorontoC439872214 Hycrest Ave, Toronto 533 Cranbrooke Ave, TorontoC4399134533 Cranbrooke Ave, Toronto 148 Hollyrood Heights Dr, MississaugaW4399165148 Hollyrood Heights Dr, Mississauga 4 Sunflower Crt, MarkhamN43995344 Sunflower Crt, Markham 4448 Jesse Thomson Rd, Whitchurch StouffvilleN44001704448 Jesse Thomson Rd, Whitchurch Stouffville 34 Oak Ave, Richmond HillN439870534 Oak Ave, Richmond Hill 63 Findlay Ave, KingN439774263 Findlay Ave, King 2765 20 Sdrd, InnisfilN43974652765 20 Sdrd, Innisfil 3121 N Theatre Rd Hamilton, TownshipX43983423121 N Theatre Rd Hamilton, Township 91 Teddington Park Ave, TorontoC439996291 Teddington Park Ave, Toronto 2476 Sharon Cres, MississaugaW43976682476 Sharon Cres, Mississauga 41 Arnold Ave, VaughanN439814941 Arnold Ave, Vaughan 40 Bobwhite Cres, TorontoC439965540 Bobwhite Cres, Toronto 106 Patricia Dr, KingN4398553106 Patricia Dr, King 33 Bevdale Rd, TorontoC439901933 Bevdale Rd, Toronto 1344 Rebecca St, OakvilleW43996461344 Rebecca St, Oakville 73 Greenvalley Circ, Whitchurch StouffvilleN440059173 Greenvalley Circ, Whitchurch Stouffville 168 Lady Valentina Ave, VaughanN4400123168 Lady Valentina Ave, Vaughan 2303 Lyndhurst Dr, OakvilleW43992632303 Lyndhurst Dr, Oakville 74 Leisure Lane, Richmond HillN439741874 Leisure Lane, Richmond Hill 107 Sylvan Ave, TorontoE4400122107 Sylvan Ave, Toronto 91 Lake Promenade Prom, TorontoW440045391 Lake Promenade Prom, Toronto 14749 Ninth Line, Whitchurch StouffvilleN440033214749 Ninth Line, Whitchurch Stouffville 259 Woodgate Pines Dr, VaughanN4400557259 Woodgate Pines Dr, Vaughan 109 Dell Park Ave, TorontoC4399835109 Dell Park Ave, Toronto 24 38 Glenwood Dr, BarrieS439877924 38 Glenwood Dr, Barrie 1751 The Loft, MississaugaW43991701751 The Loft, Mississauga 30 Campbell Ave, VaughanN439973530 Campbell Ave, Vaughan 34 River Bend Rd, MarkhamN440017634 River Bend Rd, Markham 40 Oatlands Cres, Richmond HillN440008940 Oatlands Cres, Richmond Hill 80 Sarah Ashbridge Ave, TorontoE440017780 Sarah Ashbridge Ave, Toronto 23 Forest Hill Dr, Richmond HillN440050423 Forest Hill Dr, Richmond Hill 6 Elderberry Crt, TorontoC44000006 Elderberry Crt, Toronto 58 Fire Route 7 North, KawarthaX439765258 Fire Route 7 North, Kawartha 19 Aubrietia Crt, Richmond HillN439795919 Aubrietia Crt, Richmond Hill 43 45 Glen Manor Dr, TorontoE439987643 45 Glen Manor Dr, Toronto 4 Dalla Riva Crt, BramptonW43972974 Dalla Riva Crt, Brampton 506 Rougemount Dr, PickeringE4400173506 Rougemount Dr, Pickering 1047 Springhill Dr, MississaugaW43980511047 Springhill Dr, Mississauga 1 Lombardy Lane, MarkhamN44006471 Lombardy Lane, Markham 3 Cobble Hills Hill, TorontoW43996813 Cobble Hills Hill, Toronto 411 Rustic Rd, TorontoW4398313411 Rustic Rd, Toronto 330 Falconwood Hllw, AuroraN4399414330 Falconwood Hllw, Aurora 24 Ranee Ave, TorontoC439893324 Ranee Ave, Toronto 1507 Constance Dr, OakvilleW43977521507 Constance Dr, Oakville 3366 Vandorf Sdrd, Whitchurch StouffvilleN43992933366 Vandorf Sdrd, Whitchurch Stouffville 197 Ranee Ave, TorontoC4400576197 Ranee Ave, Toronto 1298 Pinegrove Rd, OakvilleW43994981298 Pinegrove Rd, Oakville 255 Searle Ave, TorontoC4397461255 Searle Ave, Toronto 166 Silver Rose Cres, MarkhamN4399486166 Silver Rose Cres, Markham 97 Spruce Ave, Richmond HillN439942897 Spruce Ave, Richmond Hill 16450 Hillview Pl, CaledonW439786616450 Hillview Pl, Caledon 76 E Caribou Rd, TorontoC439966576 E Caribou Rd, Toronto 555 Nashville Rd, VaughanN4398527555 Nashville Rd, Vaughan 24 Ballard Dr, KingN440050224 Ballard Dr, King 1594 Calverton Crt, MississaugaW43984511594 Calverton Crt, Mississauga 33 Lund St, Richmond HillN439744033 Lund St, Richmond Hill 6411 Third Line New, TecumsethN43994556411 Third Line New, Tecumseth 16392 Hillview Pl, CaledonW439804816392 Hillview Pl, Caledon 24 Kylemount Crt, VaughanN439918624 Kylemount Crt, Vaughan 539 Bateman Rd Stirling, RawdonX4398799539 Bateman Rd Stirling, Rawdon 60 Rockport Cres, Richmond HillN439750560 Rockport Cres, Richmond Hill 29 Keatley Dr, VaughanN439905929 Keatley Dr, Vaughan 36 Gordon Randle Dr, BramptonW439827936 Gordon Randle Dr, Brampton 5 Mylesview Pl, TorontoC44006325 Mylesview Pl, Toronto 4 Stoneybrook Crt, MarkhamN43992994 Stoneybrook Crt, Markham 2404 Rideau Dr, OakvilleW43984922404 Rideau Dr, Oakville 70 Divadale Dr, TorontoC439955370 Divadale Dr, Toronto 383 Dyson Rd, PickeringE4399780383 Dyson Rd, Pickering 447 Pineland Ave, OakvilleW4397589447 Pineland Ave, Oakville 20 River View Dr, BramptonW439731320 River View Dr, Brampton 55 Southlawn Dr, VaughanN439906555 Southlawn Dr, Vaughan 299 Silvana Cres, BurlingtonW4398751299 Silvana Cres, Burlington 64 Bethune Blvd, TorontoE439867964 Bethune Blvd, Toronto 18 Mahaffy Crt, KingN439934418 Mahaffy Crt, King 66 Donbay Dr, VaughanN439934566 Donbay Dr, Vaughan 489 Huntingwood Dr, TorontoE4400496489 Huntingwood Dr, Toronto 458 Toynevale Rd, PickeringE4399241458 Toynevale Rd, Pickering 61 Hill Cres, TorontoE439782561 Hill Cres, Toronto 12 Mary Agar Crt, KingN439927012 Mary Agar Crt, King 32 East Humber Dr, KingN439926732 East Humber Dr, King 40 Charles St, Halton HillsW439915140 Charles St, Halton Hills 59 Sandringham Dr, TorontoC439797159 Sandringham Dr, Toronto 21271 Main St, CaledonW439931121271 Main St, Caledon 2128 Bingley Cres, OakvilleW43982492128 Bingley Cres, Oakville 16 Sunrow Gate, HamiltonX439886116 Sunrow Gate, Hamilton 16 Vistaview Blvd, VaughanN439753116 Vistaview Blvd, Vaughan 147 Ranee Ave, TorontoC4398294147 Ranee Ave, Toronto 16 Kingdom St, TorontoW439773816 Kingdom St, Toronto 5 Links Lane, BramptonW44006935 Links Lane, Brampton 205 Trafalgar Rd, OakvilleW4399551205 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville 28 Miranda Crt, VaughanN439990328 Miranda Crt, Vaughan 43 Bowhill Dr, Richmond HillN439736143 Bowhill Dr, Richmond Hill 187 Innville Cres, OakvilleW4398264187 Innville Cres, Oakville 35 Hua Du Ave, MarkhamN440014135 Hua Du Ave, Markham 226 Morrish Rd, TorontoE4400449226 Morrish Rd, Toronto 1003 W Lakeshore Rd, OakvilleW44000901003 W Lakeshore Rd, Oakville 1078 Secretariate Rd, NewmarketN43986711078 Secretariate Rd, Newmarket 334 Cleveland St, TorontoC4398766334 Cleveland St, Toronto 37 Strawbridge Farm Dr, AuroraN440066437 Strawbridge Farm Dr, Aurora 95 Lakeview Dr, HamiltonX439859495 Lakeview Dr, Hamilton 3111 Daniel Way, OakvilleW43974463111 Daniel Way, Oakville 30 Caswell Dr, TorontoC439967630 Caswell Dr, Toronto 2198 Highriver Crt, MississaugaW44005562198 Highriver Crt, Mississauga 3152 Daniel Way, OakvilleW43989353152 Daniel Way, Oakville 55 Banner Lane, KingN439825555 Banner Lane, King 68 Forthbridge Cres, TorontoW439811668 Forthbridge Cres, Toronto 2 Butterfly Hts, VaughanN44001332 Butterfly Hts, Vaughan 19 Valleycrest Dr, KingN439888319 Valleycrest Dr, King 69 Estrella Cres, Richmond HillN439980969 Estrella Cres, Richmond Hill 114 Cranbrooke Ave, TorontoC4399217114 Cranbrooke Ave, Toronto 9 Kensington Ave, TorontoC43999189 Kensington Ave, Toronto 1 Creekview Ave, Richmond HillN43978311 Creekview Ave, Richmond Hill 155 Winchester St, TorontoC4399266155 Winchester St, Toronto 16699 Ninth Line, Whitchurch StouffvilleN439991016699 Ninth Line, Whitchurch Stouffville 99 Village Green Dr, VaughanN439965099 Village Green Dr, Vaughan 59 Royal Orchard Blvd, MarkhamN439899859 Royal Orchard Blvd, Markham 31 Eyer Dr, MarkhamN440024031 Eyer Dr, Markham 8912 Halton Erin Townline, ErinX43993578912 Halton Erin Townline, Erin 27 East Dr, MarkhamN439989927 East Dr, Markham 7900 Thickson Rd, WhitbyE43987727900 Thickson Rd, Whitby 1760 Sir Montys Dr, MississaugaW43983531760 Sir Montys Dr, Mississauga 3 Donmac Dr, TorontoC44006563 Donmac Dr, Toronto 148 Cranberry Lane, AuroraN4398808148 Cranberry Lane, Aurora 52 Donhill Cres, VaughanN439978452 Donhill Cres, Vaughan 1315 Bramblewood Lane, MississaugaW44002621315 Bramblewood Lane, Mississauga 435 Aberdeen Blvd, MidlandS4397337435 Aberdeen Blvd, Midland 9 Isabella St, CaledonW43997919 Isabella St, Caledon 27 Wellman Dr, Richmond HillN439769927 Wellman Dr, Richmond Hill 37 Green Acres Cres, VaughanN440063437 Green Acres Cres, Vaughan
GTA Listings April 2nd 2019 first appeared on: GTA Real Estate Pros 154 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5V 2R3 647-362-2000 https://goo.gl/Yj7G5g
source https://www.gtarealestatepros.ca/gta-listings-apr-2-2019/
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psychorapchileno · 9 years
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quewaaaa · 10 years
Ontoro - Be myself (con Hordatoj, Geoenezetao & Golden boy)
DESCARGALO: http://adf.ly/kA5vm
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jonacho-bbm · 11 years
Sample "Nadie nos va a parar" de Ontoro con Samuel Ethi Sígueme en Twitter @Geoenezetao Contacto: [email protected]
Pulentoo El Sampre cabros escuchenlo ;)
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azulxblue · 11 years
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tigersuit · 12 years
Ontoro - Nadie nos va a parar (con Samuel Ethi)
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gtarealestatepros · 6 years
GTA Listings Nov 9 2018
Your GTA Listings - November 9th 2018
Right here are all of the available listings for across the GTA as of November 9th 2018. Come and check them out while they're still available!
Street and TownMLS CodeLink 26 Lisburn Cres, TorontoC429692126 Lisburn Cres, Toronto 40 Forest Edge Cres, East GwillimburyN429789640 Forest Edge Cres, East Gwillimbury 106 Gloucester Grve, TorontoC4298478106 Gloucester Grve, Toronto 64 Gothic Ave, TorontoW429828664 Gothic Ave, Toronto 899 Tenth St, MississaugaW4297539899 Tenth St, Mississauga 28 David Gohn Circ, MarkhamN429804028 David Gohn Circ, Markham 435 Valermo Dr, TorontoW4297200435 Valermo Dr, Toronto 28 Leary Cres, Richmond HillN429792428 Leary Cres, Richmond Hill 8 Alhart St, Richmond HillN42972958 Alhart St, Richmond Hill 286 E St Clair Ave, TorontoC4296168286 E St Clair Ave, Toronto 12 Elles St, Richmond HillN429781612 Elles St, Richmond Hill 22 Lloyd George Ave, TorontoW429619322 Lloyd George Ave, Toronto 21 Bellehaven Cres, TorontoE429661221 Bellehaven Cres, Toronto 144 Gradwell Dr, TorontoE4297938144 Gradwell Dr, Toronto 203 Churchill Ave, TorontoC4298780203 Churchill Ave, Toronto 23 St Magnus Dr, TorontoE429712323 St Magnus Dr, Toronto 62 Patricia Ave, TorontoC429677362 Patricia Ave, Toronto 732 Indian Rd, TorontoW4297332732 Indian Rd, Toronto 264 Garden Ave, TorontoW4298754264 Garden Ave, Toronto 1389 Milton Ave, MississaugaW42959701389 Milton Ave, Mississauga 8 Holborne Ave, TorontoE42981048 Holborne Ave, Toronto 27 Cherry Post Cres, TorontoW429603327 Cherry Post Cres, Toronto 2213 Canonridge Circ, OakvilleW42976532213 Canonridge Circ, Oakville 124 Wellspring Ave, Richmond HillN4297438124 Wellspring Ave, Richmond Hill 105 Burns Blvd, KingN4298291105 Burns Blvd, King 226 Cannes Ave, VaughanN4298192226 Cannes Ave, Vaughan 3 Trenton Ave, TorontoE42972123 Trenton Ave, Toronto 1130 Old Oak Dr, OakvilleW42969441130 Old Oak Dr, Oakville 16454 Mccowan Rd, Whitchurch StouffvilleN429702416454 Mccowan Rd, Whitchurch Stouffville 41 Harbourside Crt, OakvilleW429852341 Harbourside Crt, Oakville 10 Pine Hills Crt, East GwillimburyN429876610 Pine Hills Crt, East Gwillimbury 96 Glenvale Blvd, TorontoC429592196 Glenvale Blvd, Toronto 68 Wolseley St, TorontoC429693068 Wolseley St, Toronto 382 Beverley Glen Blvd, VaughanN4296850382 Beverley Glen Blvd, Vaughan 83 Heatherwood Cres, MarkhamN429717083 Heatherwood Cres, Markham 617 York Hill Blvd, VaughanN4297837617 York Hill Blvd, Vaughan 41 Williams Crt, KingN429717841 Williams Crt, King 20 Bowerbank Dr, TorontoC429659820 Bowerbank Dr, Toronto 22 Erica Ave, TorontoC429085322 Erica Ave, Toronto 360 John St Lot 96, MarkhamN4297995360 John St Lot 96, Markham 870 Royal York Rd, TorontoW4297277870 Royal York Rd, Toronto 59 Gordon Randle Dr, BramptonW429906659 Gordon Randle Dr, Brampton 138 Columbus Rd, OshawaE4296807138 Columbus Rd, Oshawa 79 Port Royal Ave, VaughanN429759479 Port Royal Ave, Vaughan 663 Oxford St Pt 2, TorontoW4299021663 Oxford St Pt 2, Toronto 70 Twenty Ninth St, TorontoW429833370 Twenty Ninth St, Toronto 1404 Stanbury Rd, OakvilleW42969601404 Stanbury Rd, Oakville 463 Donlands Ave, TorontoE4296403463 Donlands Ave, Toronto 88 Matson Dr, CaledonW429815088 Matson Dr, Caledon 9 N Pine Ave, MississaugaW42960059 N Pine Ave, Mississauga 264 Riverlands Ave, MarkhamN4297572264 Riverlands Ave, Markham 242 Park Ave, NewmarketN4296079242 Park Ave, Newmarket 231 Beta St, TorontoW4297775231 Beta St, Toronto 26 Minho Blvd, TorontoC429695026 Minho Blvd, Toronto 28 Black Creek Dr, MarkhamN429777928 Black Creek Dr, Markham 35 Wilkie Ave, KingN429598935 Wilkie Ave, King Lot 25 Carl Finlay Dr, BramptonW4296546Lot 25 Carl Finlay Dr, Brampton 4463 Hawthorne Dr, BurlingtonW42975974463 Hawthorne Dr, Burlington 204 Glebemount Ave, TorontoE4298999204 Glebemount Ave, Toronto 45 Cassells Dr Bradford, West GwillimburyN429811845 Cassells Dr Bradford, West Gwillimbury 40 Wembley Dr, TorontoE429732340 Wembley Dr, Toronto 150 Morra Ave, CaledonW4296412150 Morra Ave, Caledon 13379 Kennedy Rd, CaledonW429914613379 Kennedy Rd, Caledon 40 Gordon Rowe Cres, Richmond HillN429705040 Gordon Rowe Cres, Richmond Hill 25 Goa Crt, TorontoW429601425 Goa Crt, Toronto 94 Wheatfield Rd, TorontoW429858294 Wheatfield Rd, Toronto 34 Meadowsweet Lane, Richmond HillN429657134 Meadowsweet Lane, Richmond Hill 5 Ascot Cres, MarkhamN42983925 Ascot Cres, Markham 187 Combe Ave, TorontoC4298021187 Combe Ave, Toronto 128 Maniza Rd, TorontoW4296013128 Maniza Rd, Toronto 121 Dell Park Ave, TorontoC4298284121 Dell Park Ave, Toronto 85 Drayton Ave, TorontoE429754985 Drayton Ave, Toronto 810 Miltonbrook Cres, MiltonW4298863810 Miltonbrook Cres, Milton 3321 Ellesmere Rd, TorontoE42985953321 Ellesmere Rd, Toronto 187 Sharon Creek Dr, East GwillimburyN4298746187 Sharon Creek Dr, East Gwillimbury 79 Markland St, HamiltonX429863979 Markland St, Hamilton 3020 Victory Cres, MississaugaW42979183020 Victory Cres, Mississauga 3538 Palgrave Rd, MississaugaW42964903538 Palgrave Rd, Mississauga 275 Kerrybrook Dr, Richmond HillN4298146275 Kerrybrook Dr, Richmond Hill 507 Valley Dr, OakvilleW4298111507 Valley Dr, Oakville 17 Alder Rd, TorontoE429613117 Alder Rd, Toronto 158 South Belair Dr, VaughanN4296548158 South Belair Dr, Vaughan 36 Miles Rd, TorontoW428803536 Miles Rd, Toronto 472 S Paliser Cres, Richmond HillN4296362472 S Paliser Cres, Richmond Hill 53 Shepton Way, TorontoE429694953 Shepton Way, Toronto 1 Split Maple Lane, Halton HillsW42976961 Split Maple Lane, Halton Hills 361 Waverley Rd, TorontoE4299089361 Waverley Rd, Toronto 233 Shaw St, TorontoC4296863233 Shaw St, Toronto 195 Bingham Ave, TorontoE4296685195 Bingham Ave, Toronto 70 Oak Park Ave, TorontoE429646770 Oak Park Ave, Toronto 51 Legendary Circ, BramptonW429601851 Legendary Circ, Brampton 54 Fairholme Ave, TorontoC427767054 Fairholme Ave, Toronto 161 Gledhill Ave, TorontoE4296287161 Gledhill Ave, Toronto 12 Mira Rd, MarkhamN429848612 Mira Rd, Markham 54 Barberry Cres, Richmond HillN429767754 Barberry Cres, Richmond Hill 3550 Sanderling Cres, MississaugaW42976873550 Sanderling Cres, Mississauga 7 Military Crt, Richmond HillN42978837 Military Crt, Richmond Hill 125 Alfred Paterson Dr, MarkhamN4298037125 Alfred Paterson Dr, Markham 1470 W Myrtle Rd, WhitbyE42969811470 W Myrtle Rd, Whitby 184 Withrow Ave, TorontoE4296948184 Withrow Ave, Toronto 56 Ontoro Blvd, AjaxE429670856 Ontoro Blvd, Ajax 45 Eastwood Ave, TorontoE429889345 Eastwood Ave, Toronto 238 Garden Ave, TorontoW4295946238 Garden Ave, Toronto 29 Alma Ave, TorontoC429746629 Alma Ave, Toronto 12 Pasadena Ave, BramptonW429769812 Pasadena Ave, Brampton 62 Mcclenny Dr, AuroraN429604362 Mcclenny Dr, Aurora 260 Weldon Ave, OakvilleW4298904260 Weldon Ave, Oakville 3 Earl Goodyear Rd, MarkhamN42958783 Earl Goodyear Rd, Markham 332 Alex Doner Dr, NewmarketN4299027332 Alex Doner Dr, Newmarket 39 Flook Lane, TorontoC429845439 Flook Lane, Toronto 45 Charlton Ave, VaughanN429716445 Charlton Ave, Vaughan 2343 Saugeen Rd, OakvilleW42981882343 Saugeen Rd, Oakville 1420 Radcliffe Blvd, MississaugaW42964471420 Radcliffe Blvd, Mississauga 4131 Loyalist Dr, MississaugaW42732314131 Loyalist Dr, Mississauga 52 Burncrest Dr, TorontoC429841352 Burncrest Dr, Toronto 572 Windermere Ave, TorontoW4297561572 Windermere Ave, Toronto 184 Bay Thorn Dr, MarkhamN4298005184 Bay Thorn Dr, Markham 103 Smallwood Circ, VaughanN4298825103 Smallwood Circ, Vaughan 23 Smallwood Circ, VaughanN429891123 Smallwood Circ, Vaughan 2295 Hill Ridge Crt, OakvilleW42969682295 Hill Ridge Crt, Oakville 9 Gardiner Dr, Halton HillsW42969159 Gardiner Dr, Halton Hills 525 Indian Summer Tr, MississaugaW4297804525 Indian Summer Tr, Mississauga 12 Lillington St, BramptonW429772712 Lillington St, Brampton 66 Kenpark Ave, BramptonW429716566 Kenpark Ave, Brampton 20047 Yonge St, East GwillimburyN429683820047 Yonge St, East Gwillimbury 51 Kenpark Ave, BramptonW429859451 Kenpark Ave, Brampton 23 Intrigue Tr, BramptonW429616923 Intrigue Tr, Brampton 233 La Rocca Ave, VaughanN4298752233 La Rocca Ave, Vaughan 18 Lake Forest Dr, Richmond HillN429862318 Lake Forest Dr, Richmond Hill 3386 Regal Rd, BurlingtonW42983513386 Regal Rd, Burlington 37 First Ave, TorontoE429844837 First Ave, Toronto 1074 Nellie Little Cres, NewmarketN42985151074 Nellie Little Cres, Newmarket 81 Pantano Dr, VaughanN429914981 Pantano Dr, Vaughan Lot 86 68 Ash Hill Ave, CaledonW4297683Lot 86 68 Ash Hill Ave, Caledon 12630 Sixth Line, Halton HillsW429680412630 Sixth Line, Halton Hills 712 The Queensway St, TorontoW4297794712 The Queensway St, Toronto 164 Maurice Dr, OakvilleW4297722164 Maurice Dr, Oakville 166 Holladay Dr, AuroraN4297583166 Holladay Dr, Aurora 343 Vellore Ave, VaughanN4297217343 Vellore Ave, Vaughan 26 Bainsville Circ, BramptonW429827326 Bainsville Circ, Brampton 85 N Townline Rd, ClaringtonE429864885 N Townline Rd, Clarington 95 Benhurst Cres, BramptonW429627395 Benhurst Cres, Brampton 94 Forest Edge Cres, East GwillimburyN429790194 Forest Edge Cres, East Gwillimbury 74 Armstrong Cres, KingN429841074 Armstrong Cres, King 15 Tothill Rd, TorontoW429837615 Tothill Rd, Toronto 9 Brent Rd, East GwillimburyN42987289 Brent Rd, East Gwillimbury 3 Wendy Way, Richmond HillN42973783 Wendy Way, Richmond Hill 93 Celestine Dr, TorontoW429643393 Celestine Dr, Toronto 92 Bellefair Ave, TorontoE429764392 Bellefair Ave, Toronto 10 Norhill Crt, Richmond HillN429699010 Norhill Crt, Richmond Hill 6 Big Hill Cres, VaughanN42960036 Big Hill Cres, Vaughan 8 Duncan Rd, MarkhamN42967178 Duncan Rd, Markham 31 Renfield St, TorontoW429618231 Renfield St, Toronto 10254 Hunsden Sdrd, CaledonW429728610254 Hunsden Sdrd, Caledon 3407 Brett Rd, MississaugaW42968903407 Brett Rd, Mississauga 58 Meadowbrook Lane, MarkhamN429612658 Meadowbrook Lane, Markham 2101 10th Side Rd Bradford, West GwillimburyN42962552101 10th Side Rd Bradford, West Gwillimbury 144A Earlscourt Ave, TorontoW4298087144A Earlscourt Ave, Toronto 120 Fairview Rd, MississaugaW4298884120 Fairview Rd, Mississauga 100 Garden Ave, Richmond HillN4298923100 Garden Ave, Richmond Hill 1373 Glenwood Dr, MississaugaW42984321373 Glenwood Dr, Mississauga 256 Donnelly Dr, MississaugaW4297999256 Donnelly Dr, Mississauga 702 Hans Pfaff Crt, NewmarketN4295958702 Hans Pfaff Crt, Newmarket 76 Burton Grove Rd, KingN429891076 Burton Grove Rd, King 24 Oriole Rd, TorontoC429831024 Oriole Rd, Toronto 179 Crawford St, TorontoC4298883179 Crawford St, Toronto 1525 Warren Dr, OakvilleW42977101525 Warren Dr, Oakville 319 Glenayr Rd, TorontoC4299029319 Glenayr Rd, Toronto 111 Balmoral Ave, TorontoC4296119111 Balmoral Ave, Toronto 1525 Glenburnie Rd, MississaugaW42990481525 Glenburnie Rd, Mississauga 86 Carmichael Ave, TorontoC429727386 Carmichael Ave, Toronto 351 Ridley Blvd, TorontoC4297718351 Ridley Blvd, Toronto 203 Glencairn Ave, TorontoC4296603203 Glencairn Ave, Toronto 76 Boake Tr, Richmond HillN429776676 Boake Tr, Richmond Hill 31 Bearwood Dr, TorontoW429810031 Bearwood Dr, Toronto 323 Melrose Ave, TorontoC4297061323 Melrose Ave, Toronto 223 Elmhurst Ave, TorontoC4296503223 Elmhurst Ave, Toronto 97 Stuart Ave, TorontoC429818197 Stuart Ave, Toronto 31 Lyndale Dr, TorontoC429610631 Lyndale Dr, Toronto 112 Fairlawn Ave, TorontoC4296068112 Fairlawn Ave, Toronto 216 Carmichael Ave, TorontoC4297280216 Carmichael Ave, Toronto 1 Silvergrove Rd, TorontoC42988621 Silvergrove Rd, Toronto 33 James Stokes Crt, KingN429790033 James Stokes Crt, King 71 Edenvale Cres, TorontoW429779271 Edenvale Cres, Toronto 18 Munro Park Ave, TorontoE429756018 Munro Park Ave, Toronto 62 Cedar Brae Blvd, TorontoE429655462 Cedar Brae Blvd, Toronto 175 The Kingsway Ave, TorontoW4298650175 The Kingsway Ave, Toronto 45 John St, KingN429778045 John St, King 80 Ridge Hill Dr, TorontoC429825980 Ridge Hill Dr, Toronto 499 Palmerston Blvd, TorontoC4297660499 Palmerston Blvd, Toronto 15 Glenn Arthur Dr, TorontoW429896115 Glenn Arthur Dr, Toronto 537 Broadview Ave, TorontoE4296967537 Broadview Ave, Toronto 12 Dorchester Dr, TorontoC429585312 Dorchester Dr, Toronto 64 Hogan Crt, KingN429750764 Hogan Crt, King 517 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch StouffvilleN4298246517 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch Stouffville 10 Raeburn Ave, TorontoC429726510 Raeburn Ave, Toronto 43 Roosevelt Dr, Richmond HillN429750443 Roosevelt Dr, Richmond Hill 65 Sunset Beach Rd, Richmond HillN429861465 Sunset Beach Rd, Richmond Hill 535 Old Orchard Grve, TorontoC4298343535 Old Orchard Grve, Toronto 17A Poplar Dr, Richmond HillN429630517A Poplar Dr, Richmond Hill 9 Greengate Rd, TorontoC42971589 Greengate Rd, Toronto 706 Hans Pfaff Crt, NewmarketN4295969706 Hans Pfaff Crt, Newmarket 209 Indian Valley Tr, MississaugaW4296789209 Indian Valley Tr, Mississauga 40 Ruden Cres, TorontoC429854740 Ruden Cres, Toronto 111 Laverock Ave, Richmond HillN4298359111 Laverock Ave, Richmond Hill 207 Reynolds St, OakvilleW4295987207 Reynolds St, Oakville 504 Douglas Ave, TorontoC4297053504 Douglas Ave, Toronto 6 Restwell Cres, TorontoC42976246 Restwell Cres, Toronto 705 Hans Pfaff Crt, NewmarketN4295951705 Hans Pfaff Crt, Newmarket 107 Lawrence Cres, TorontoC4297330107 Lawrence Cres, Toronto 75 William St, KingN429906875 William St, King 53 Indian Valley Tr, MississaugaW429896253 Indian Valley Tr, Mississauga 13 Victoria Park Ave, TorontoE429604613 Victoria Park Ave, Toronto 118 Hedgerow Lane, VaughanN4296557118 Hedgerow Lane, Vaughan 191 Kingscross Dr, KingN4298968191 Kingscross Dr, King Lot 59 Port Royal Ave, VaughanN4297772Lot 59 Port Royal Ave, Vaughan 49 Twyford Rd, TorontoW429762749 Twyford Rd, Toronto 9 Sunforest Crt, TorontoC42973619 Sunforest Crt, Toronto 1047 Springhill Dr, MississaugaW42961741047 Springhill Dr, Mississauga 76 Elgin St, MarkhamN429721676 Elgin St, Markham 28 Camwood Cres, TorontoC429838928 Camwood Cres, Toronto 14 Cynthia Cres, Richmond HillN429836514 Cynthia Cres, Richmond Hill 193 Banbury Rd, TorontoC4297646193 Banbury Rd, Toronto 2514 Shepard Ave, MississaugaW42963102514 Shepard Ave, Mississauga 26 Janus Crt, TorontoC429824526 Janus Crt, Toronto 542 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch StouffvilleN4298253542 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch Stouffville 52 Foley Cres, VaughanN429872552 Foley Cres, Vaughan 129 Everden Rd, TorontoC4296849129 Everden Rd, Toronto 32 Regal Rd, TorontoC429857432 Regal Rd, Toronto 40 Verwood Ave, TorontoC429865740 Verwood Ave, Toronto 56 Ontoro Blvd, AjaxE429681456 Ontoro Blvd, Ajax 33 Lund St, Richmond HillN429769533 Lund St, Richmond Hill 17 Lavender Valley Rd, KingN429596817 Lavender Valley Rd, King 540 Weir Ave, OakvilleW4298590540 Weir Ave, Oakville 73 Coons Rd, Richmond HillN429790773 Coons Rd, Richmond Hill 90 Via Romano Blvd, VaughanN429796090 Via Romano Blvd, Vaughan Lot 49 Nave St, VaughanN4297691Lot 49 Nave St, Vaughan 31 Risa Blvd, TorontoW429585731 Risa Blvd, Toronto 8921 Mississauga Rd, BramptonW42987908921 Mississauga Rd, Brampton Lot 57 Nave St, VaughanN4297693Lot 57 Nave St, Vaughan 89 Pinewood Tr, MississaugaW429765189 Pinewood Tr, Mississauga 10 Hopperton Dr, TorontoC429615910 Hopperton Dr, Toronto 184 Woburn Ave, TorontoC4297350184 Woburn Ave, Toronto 75 Cameron Ave, TorontoC429787375 Cameron Ave, Toronto 66 Donbay Dr, VaughanN429670366 Donbay Dr, Vaughan 12 Toscanini Rd, Richmond HillN429731112 Toscanini Rd, Richmond Hill 78 Rushworth Cres, VaughanN429631778 Rushworth Cres, Vaughan 10A Albert St, MarkhamN429845510A Albert St, Markham 2126 Bridge Rd, OakvilleW42970582126 Bridge Rd, Oakville 305 Shaw St, TorontoC4298425305 Shaw St, Toronto 17 Sir Modesto Crt, VaughanN429602517 Sir Modesto Crt, Vaughan 57 Petman Ave, TorontoC429586857 Petman Ave, Toronto 73 Newton Dr, TorontoC429751073 Newton Dr, Toronto 427 Donnybrook Rd, OakvilleW4299121427 Donnybrook Rd, Oakville 2437 Robmar Dr, OakvilleW42989332437 Robmar Dr, Oakville 65 Harshaw Ave, TorontoW429691965 Harshaw Ave, Toronto 36 Farnham Dr, Richmond HillN429780036 Farnham Dr, Richmond Hill 26 Wheeler Ave, TorontoE429669026 Wheeler Ave, Toronto 1261 Haig Blvd, MississaugaW42983951261 Haig Blvd, Mississauga 43 Broadleaf Rd, TorontoC429676243 Broadleaf Rd, Toronto 212 Carrier Cres, VaughanN4296857212 Carrier Cres, Vaughan 50 Keewaydin Dr, KingN429664050 Keewaydin Dr, King 22 Sweet Anna Crt, VaughanN429598422 Sweet Anna Crt, Vaughan 17 Brewsland Cres, MarkhamN429894417 Brewsland Cres, Markham 8 Cameron Cres, TorontoC42963308 Cameron Cres, Toronto 172 Stanton Ave, VaughanN4296001172 Stanton Ave, Vaughan 74 Kootenay Rdge, VaughanN429904674 Kootenay Rdge, Vaughan 6 Annsleywood Crt, VaughanN42961806 Annsleywood Crt, Vaughan 6 Cardigan Rd, TorontoW42981016 Cardigan Rd, Toronto 31 Eyer Dr, MarkhamN429801531 Eyer Dr, Markham 1 Ironbark Crt, VaughanN42973421 Ironbark Crt, Vaughan 47 Wycliffe Cres, TorontoC429594747 Wycliffe Cres, Toronto 20 Taurus Cres, East GwillimburyN429794020 Taurus Cres, East Gwillimbury 79 Chaiwood Crt, VaughanN429755579 Chaiwood Crt, Vaughan 1404B Bayview Ave, TorontoC42987141404B Bayview Ave, Toronto 83 Marmion Ave, TorontoC427656483 Marmion Ave, Toronto 1535 Glenburnie Rd, MississaugaW42980221535 Glenburnie Rd, Mississauga 4402 Baseline Rd, GeorginaN42990944402 Baseline Rd, Georgina 1511 Duncan Rd, OakvilleW42985321511 Duncan Rd, Oakville 23 Leary Cres, Richmond HillN429625123 Leary Cres, Richmond Hill 197 Wedgewood Dr, TorontoC4296022197 Wedgewood Dr, Toronto 48 Glenholme Ave, TorontoC429623448 Glenholme Ave, Toronto 354 Brookdale Ave, TorontoC4295861354 Brookdale Ave, Toronto 442 Glenkindie Ave, VaughanN4296322442 Glenkindie Ave, Vaughan 129 Heddington Ave, TorontoC4297486129 Heddington Ave, Toronto 257 Betty Ann Dr, TorontoC4296132257 Betty Ann Dr, Toronto 91 Shaw St, TorontoC429644391 Shaw St, Toronto 7 South Marine Dr, TorontoE42966817 South Marine Dr, Toronto 20 Neilson Ave, TorontoE429744320 Neilson Ave, Toronto 379 Shaw St, TorontoC4296969379 Shaw St, Toronto 134 Westmount Ave, TorontoW4296760134 Westmount Ave, Toronto 581 Lydia St, NewmarketN4295966581 Lydia St, Newmarket 102 Magwood Crt, TorontoW4295884102 Magwood Crt, Toronto 202 Windermere Ave, TorontoW4298469202 Windermere Ave, Toronto 117 W Lawford Rd, VaughanN4299065117 W Lawford Rd, Vaughan 41 Silker St, VaughanN429728741 Silker St, Vaughan 52 Fairchild Ave, TorontoC429808552 Fairchild Ave, Toronto 35 Nipigon Ave, TorontoC429831135 Nipigon Ave, Toronto 35 Winchester St, TorontoC429647435 Winchester St, Toronto 3312 Meadow Marsh Cres, OakvilleW42989553312 Meadow Marsh Cres, Oakville 39 Rolyat St, TorontoC429888639 Rolyat St, Toronto 431 Willard Ave, TorontoW4297522431 Willard Ave, Toronto 73 Catalina Cres, Richmond HillN429806573 Catalina Cres, Richmond Hill 50 Sunnydale Dr, TorontoW429747350 Sunnydale Dr, Toronto 454 Valley Dr, OakvilleW4296291454 Valley Dr, Oakville 28 Topper Crt, VaughanN429667128 Topper Crt, Vaughan 16 Albert Hill Crt, KingN429897916 Albert Hill Crt, King 205 Vanda Dr, VaughanN4296765205 Vanda Dr, Vaughan 10 Cassidy Lane, CaledonW429758910 Cassidy Lane, Caledon 10 Doverwood Crt, TorontoC429805710 Doverwood Crt, Toronto 7 Hazelglen Ave, TorontoC42962947 Hazelglen Ave, Toronto 3630 Logmoss Cres, MississaugaW42976733630 Logmoss Cres, Mississauga 1415 Military Tr, TorontoE42990311415 Military Tr, Toronto 43 Hurlingham Cres, TorontoC429677143 Hurlingham Cres, Toronto 41 Concorde Dr, BramptonW429759941 Concorde Dr, Brampton
GTA Listings Nov 9 2018 first appeared on: GTA Real Estate Pros 154 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5V 2R3 647-362-2000 https://goo.gl/Yj7G5g
source https://www.gtarealestatepros.ca/gta-listings-nov-9-2018/
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un boom bap pa' descabezar! Ontoro - Nadie nos va a parar (con Samuel Ethi)
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