#ooc: data being confused by movie theatre seats
@moonshadowed asked: 📺 for your character to watch a film / tv show with my muse 
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Several days ago, the Captain had introduced Data to the term “motion pictures,” and consequently roused an insurmountable and insatiable curiosity in the android to explore this phenomenon further. He was familiar with the on screen transmissions and pre-recorded messages to communicate with fellow Starfleet officers. Back on Earth, he had observed news flashes that were occasionally shown at the Academy, but he had never had the opportunity to indulge himself in what was commonly referred to as films or movies.
    Picard had invited Data to join him in holodeck 4, where they would experience watching a motion picture together. As the holodeck doors disengaged, and the scene behind it unfolded, the android tilted his head curiously to the side. He was fascinated by how spectating motion pictures had been integrated in human cultures, dating all the way back to the late 19th century.
    The Captain was already seated in what appeared to be a 20th century movie theatre. Data ascended the stairs to the row of red velvet — he was uncertain whether they were chairs, but Picard seemed to have manoeuvred himself in a sitting position, even though the supposed chairs did not have a seat — and became stationary beside him, observing the spacious and authentic theatre.
    ‘Most intriguing,’ Data whispered in awe, emulating a small smile in the process.
    His yellow eyes skimmed the rows of auditorium seating, before examining his own. It had been assigned the number 14, which was embroidered in gold thread and was located on the upper right corner of the back of the chair.
    ‘Captain, I am unfamiliar with this... ‘ — he gestured to the chairs — ‘construction of chairs. Do we just...’
    He carefully draped a pale hand over the seat and pushed it down until it assumed an angle of 35 degrees. Expecting it to maintain this angle, he discontinued to apply pressure to it, which ultimately caused it to slam against the back of the chair with a muffled thump. Confused, Data stared at it for 3.45 seconds, processing his error.
    ‘Mhm, intriguing,’ he murmured, glancing at Picard. ‘What motion picture have you selected to watch with me, Sir?’
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