#verse // where no android has gone before
(Spot gets ahold of your commbadge and plays with it aggressively)
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Data had left his combadge unattended for less than 5 minutes when his auditory sensors detected the chimes of someone activating and deactivating a combadge consecutively... It did not take too long for him to infer that the individual responsible for this occurrence might be his feline, Spot. Instantaneously, he discontinued his sketch for the painting he had been intending to paint, and rushed over to the orange tabby. He reached her just in time to witness the cat sitting atop his console and swatting the combadge off of the workstation. The insignia collided against the wall with a muffled “clack,” landing upside down on the carpet.
‘Spot, could you please cease your inadmissible behaviour,’ Data asked firmly, approaching the cat.
Unfortunately for him, Spot had other plans: she was determined to pursue her anarchic endeavours and leapt off of the workstation, resuming the molestation of his combadge. The consecutive chimes recommenced, until Data was almost an arm’s length away. That was Spot’s cue to take the object in her little mouth and brush past his legs with the agility and velocity of a feline with an acute case of “the zoomies.” She careened across their personal quarters and started jumping up and off furniture while being chased by a very obfuscated android.
Those who were on the recipient’s end of the combadge, received scattered fragments of a one-sided, but diplomatic conversation in which Data tried to establish a peace treaty with the feline. A fair trade, cat treats in exchange for his combadge. But would he be successful? That was anybody’s guess...
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ceilidho · 10 months
Ok if this doesn't sound like an idea you'd be interested in then disregard, i don't want to bother you 🙂 BuT! It's been itching the back of my brain since forced throuple au and creepy-apartment!ghost has compounded it so:
Forced throuple but a sort of android verse with some body snatching horror thrown in for flavor. Reader's husband (Soapy boy) dies suddenly and in their grief a lot of stuff has gone into disrepair, so they mail order an android to help around the house and with crippling loneliness. The company sends Ghost, a refurbished security model now named Simon, and he ends up being pretty helpful despite the silent brooding. Hell, sometimes that even helps as scary dog privilege so you let it slide (big mistake dumby, that android is falling for you in the process of taking care of you ohhh no-).
But maybe Ghosts old security features make him super observant (obsessive) paired with his new "fix it" code make him come to the conclusion that, actually, reader could still use her husband and mail orders a Soap-bot-3000 without letting them know :O. Watch the horror unfold as Reader wakes up one morning to her VERY NOT dead husband in bed and both Ghost and Soap acting like nothing is wrong :)))), maybe some "Simon reverts fo Ghost" too as the story progresses
this is from awhile ago (apologies, anon) and so wickedly weird and cool :)))
androids that are so realistic and bodies so malleable that they almost feel lifelike, like they're flesh and blood. you never wanted to actually give in and purchase one because you have personal qualms with the idea of something so human-looking being programmable and subservient to you; it's just always felt wrong and borderline cruel, and johnny used to concur with you when you spoke about it. that was then though. years and months and weeks before the accident.
now it's midday on a tuesday and you can't even get out of bed. there are two weeks of dishes in the sink and the lawn is overgrown and the feral cats haven't stopped by in days because you haven't had the strength to get up and feed them. your voicemail's been full for days. your sister stopped by and insisted when she saw the state of your house. "at least for a few weeks," she pleaded with you. you can always return it when you're back on your feet. she's already ordered you one from 141 Labs before she's even out the door, making you promise to give it a shot.
when you open the box, you worry that you might've ordered the wrong model. the size of the android they sent you feels out of place, like he's meant for private military companies or as a bodyguard for celebrities. not depressed accountants who can't get out of bed because their husband died two weeks ago. but it's your name on the receipt, your address. so when his blue eyes flare neon when he's first activated and all six feet and four inches of him sit up in the crate (that had to be wheeled in by two delivery men, you recall with a small amount of horror), you wait patiently to introduce yourself.
maybe this one was sent to you because of the defect. he wears a mask because the only layer of skin on his face starts from the bottom of his face down. at first you roll the mask up only to shudder at the exposed wiring and metal where cheekbones should be. you roll it back down.
he comes with a name. Ghost. that's his model, you surmise from the lengthy instruction booklet you're provided. the whole situation feels weird at first; his presence in your house always catches you off guard, even though, you suppose, it's his house now too. you jump whenever you walk into a room and he's just there, silent, so large that you nearly always think Threat first before you recognize him. maybe it's not fully your fault. he makes no effort to signal his presence, moving silently from room to room when he helps carry out the garbage or swifter the living room. sometimes you catch him staring at the photos of you and johnny that still line the top of the fireplace.
you try to be equitable, insisting that he take the guest room as his own. Ghost won't hear of it, following you into your room when night falls; ominous. you have to lock yourself in the en suite to change, heart beating away because you know he's standing just outside the door, like a cat waiting to be let in. shaking hands drag your clothes down. you stare blankly at the door while you shower, fingers twitching when you pass a washcloth over your nipples.
you think there's something wrong with you. you're sick or something. you're sick or something worse because your husband died two weeks ago and the thing in your house isn't even a human and still your stomach clenches when you think of him waiting for you in your room, knowing that you're naked behind the door. it's taboo; it's not something that's done, at least not something that's spoken about. people don't sleep with their androids. recent widows especially should not be thinking about fucking their androids.
two weeks go by. you can't even think about johnny without wincing these days.
"he was your husband."
you look up. Ghost says it like a fact, not a question. you're in the living room sorting through insurance papers while Ghost vacuums under the sofa (he lifts the corner up with just a single hand; you swallow, throat already dry). neon blue eyes zip across your face when you look over at him. you wonder sometimes what he sees there, etched into the plains of your face.
"yeah." your smile is tight, pained. "johnny."
he looks back down to the framed photo in his hand, studying it. you wish you could ask him what he's thinking about, but you worry that would be just another privacy stripped. you can't ask more of him.
"what happened to him?" he finally asks, looking up again.
you feel it catch in your throat. "he, um - he." it doesn't come out. your nose stings before you can even try to get more out. you grimace, shrug instead. you try to smile again, but it's warped, unpleasant to form much less look at. don't ask, it says, whatever you do, please, please don't ask.
"you miss him?"
you blink at him, misty eyed. "ye - of course."
his eyes are so, so blue when he stares across the room at you. it's unnerving to look at; terrifying to find yourself under his scrutinizing gaze. what do androids even think about?
"I understand." he puts the photo back on the bookshelf and walks out of the room.
sometimes you catch him watching you too intensely; rare moments when he doesn't seem entirely mechanical. you wonder if one day you'll roll the mask up and there'll be skin there suddenly, a real flesh and blood person. it feels entirely possible some days. he moves too fluidly, has his own quirks and intricacies that seem newer each day.
you don't try it. the minuscule amount of professional space between the two of you is an absolute. you worry sometimes what you'll let happen if you ever let that distance collapse. already he sleeps motionlessly in the chair beside your bed, refusing his own room. he powers down with his eyes still open, the blue flickering away to a dark grey. it's only mildly reassuring.
when you open your eyes in the middle of the night though, he stares back at you, eyes dark and sightless.
you worry sometimes that you might have made a mistake, letting your sister talk you in to this.
it's the arm tucked around your waist when you're doing the shopping, freezing for a second before the hand on your hip squeezes and he pulls you towards the fruit and veg. it's the menacing stare from over your shoulder when a man approaches you in the checkout lane, offering his condolences (an old colleague of your husband's, he says) and an invitation to dinner. you open your mouth only for Ghost to answer for you.
"No." it thrums out of him, a different modulation. you stare helplessly as the man's face goes white and he makes an excuse to leave, offering you another lame apology.
it's the hand that tugs you out of the store by the back of your shirt, Ghost's voice rumbling like he doesn't know you can hear him. saying something about how you don't need another man in your house. that you had johnny and now you have him.
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foliarlight · 1 year
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✧ Fullbody reference for his appearance in this verse. ✧ Alhaitham is of the Erudition Path and uses the Imaginary Element. His primary weapon is a sword that resembles a scimitar, though he also uses refraction and mirrors in his kit. These are technological constructs created through digital means. His combat style heavily resembles the trope of a spellsword in this verse, though he does not use real magic and the skills merely resemble such. He is a quick and efficient fighter, his attacks typically doing widespread damage to swiftly end an encounter. ✧ He is classified as an android and may appear similar to Sheila upon first glance. However, his AI processes are far superior and so advanced that they can barely be distinguished from humans. He was a prototype formerly created by the Aeon of Rebirth ( Deshret's equivalent ) through ancient technology. On most occasions, he only introduces himself as a S.A.P.A ( " self-sustaining autonomous processing android " ) to avoid unnecessary questions and prying minds. Any further inquiries are met with silence, claiming that this data is prohibited without clearance. The name that was given to him by his former creator was Project-[V0L4NS.] Although he does not share this information, a part of him continues to identify with the name in spite of his chosen designation, " Alhaitham. " ✧ Deshret was an Aeon of Rebirth and Wisdom. Many Amber Eras ago he passed away in his incessant pursuit of knowledge and eventually paid the price. Before his ultimate demise, he managed to imbue his project with a fragment of his essence. Like many other Aeons who have passed away, what still remained of him was assimilated into the Erudition Nous and became apart of the greater path, his name gradually being forgotten.
✧ Literally no one knows where he is from and he refuses to elaborate, typically citing that it is confidential information that will not be shared. ✧ He is a member of the Intelligentsia Guild. Although he definitely has the potential to join the Genius Society and was offered to number among their ranks in the past, he has no interest in being put on some pedestal and has been far more content in this more lowkey position. Unfortunately, this invitation has not gone unnoticed and as a result, people still tend to approach him for all sorts of matters, making him a well known member of the guild. He is considered to be highly knowledgeable and analytical. ✧ He keeps to himself and is hard to find unless he wishes to be found. Most members of the Intelligentsia Guild know not to bother him once he has left the relevant premises and he ensures not to be roped into doing extra hours unless it is necessary. Good luck finding him once he left.
✧ Highly elaborated module for linguistics and ancient script. He utilizes this skill to decipher obscure knowledge that others may be incapable of reading. As such, he has accumulated a vast breadth of knowledge and has access to information that others may not. He is not dissimilar to an archivist, though some may also consider him a knowledge broker. This hails back to the ideals of the Intelligentsia Guild of circulating knowledge like currency, albeit Alhaitham rarely shares what he knows unless it is a fair trade — and even then, he only offers a miniscule percentage of it. ✧ Similar to his main verse, his " headphones " double as an auditory processing device, though they cannot be taken off and are an inherent part of his being. Eavesdropping is exceptionally easy and they are also able to record surrounding sounds, such as ongoing conversations. ✧ His eyes are cybernetic and capable of scanning their environment to draw information from it. This also includes thermal vision, enhancing to view greater detail, being capable of discerning the components of what he is looking at, etc. These eyes resemble his original ones in design, however upon closer inspection they have noticeably mechanical parts. ✧ He shares his residence with Kaveh ( @ksharhrewar ), a famous engineer who primarily works at Herta's Space Station. Although their relationship has its ups and downs, they ultimately benefit from each other's presence and Kaveh is the only one he trusts for maintenance.
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Design & art credit © Genshin Poker
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cyberends · 2 years
repost  &  tag  away !  
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• EYES:   blue ( teal ) | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other • HAIR:   blonde | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey | white | multi-color | other ( also teal ) • BODY TYPE:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight | small | tall • SKIN:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other • GENDER IDENTITY:   male | female | trans | intersex | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels • SEXUAL ORIENTATION:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels • ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels • POSITIVE TRAITS:   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | loyal | intelligent | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | optimistic | romantic ( with asuka only ) | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm | responsible | takes the lead • NEGATIVE TRAITS:   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | selfish | self-conscious | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative • SPECIES:   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | other • EDUCATION:   high school ( shockingly lmao that’s all he does ) | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other ( self taught ) • LIVING SITUATION:   lives alone | lives with parent(s) or guardian(s) | lives with significant other ( verse dependent, though- has he moved in with asuka yet? )  | lives with friend(s) | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other • PARENTS/GUARDIAN:   mother | father | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other ( what does samejima count as ) • SIBLINGS:   sister(s) | brother(s) ( one younger brother ) | none | other • RELATIONSHIP STATUS:   single | crushing | dating ( or more... depending on where in the timeline ) | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | verse dependent • I HAVE A(N):   developmental disorder | learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | other • I’VE BEEN:   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot • THINGS I’VE DONE:   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital or infirmary | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | attempted to kill someone | had someone try to kill them
ryo’s positive traits are basically everything he showed at first, and his negative traits are everything he became as hell kaiser, which is really sad. 
he is in love with asuka tenjoin, and verse dependent, their relationship is in different stages. 
he definitely has ptsd. his physical disability is his cardiac arrhythmias, ryo has suffered multiple heart attacks and all of them before the age of 20. 
on the note of physical abuse, ryo’s parents SUCKED. while he seems to be “perfect ryo marufuji” when he’s first seen, no one sees the process that brought him there, and it was a nightmare. his parents loved the talents he had, not him as a person, and that led to a horrible home situation. 
ryo is not just addicted to victory. during his time doing underground duels, he started abusing stimulants, which didn’t do anything to help his heart. that will get its own post. additionally, s3 literally shows the extent of ryo’s self-harm. he’s been using underground duels as his method of harm, and that will also get its own post (or will be blended with the addiction post) 
duel academy is a boarding school, and ryo used his time at boarding school to navigate his sexuality. and also to study but i mean he learned a lot about himself. he learned that he is in fact a bi icon, but he needs a strong bond with someone to even have the attraction at all- with some breakthrough incidents (misawa and judai) where the crush hit hard and (in judai’s case) died hard- 
stole this from @deathleads​ 
steal this tag me
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snackhobi · 3 years
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how we interface ;
part of the human touch verse (masterlist here)
pairing: android!taehyung x f!reader / word count: 1.7k / genre: fluff, established relationship, light smut (NSFW) / warnings: none?; this is set after the main story
a/n: so here I am, revisiting the human touch verse, finally. thank you to my beta readers @hobi-gif​ and @morndas​, I love and appreciate you both so much 💖 to the anon who suggested a ‘naughty scene’ with android tae, there’s a lil something in here for you! 
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The first time it happens, you think Taehyung is malfunctioning.
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve held hands by now.  You never thought you could be so familiar with someone else’s hands: how their fingers entwine with yours, the warmth of their palm against your own; how their thumb feels rubbing across the back of your hand, tender and soothing and so full of love. But here you are, your hand in Taehyung’s, his in yours, like it’s meant to be there. What once was new and exciting is now a motion of comfort—as practiced as blinking or breathing.
But this? This is new, this sudden sensation of smoothness where Taehyung’s soft skin had been moments before. You glance down. You haven’t been looking at your joined hands, focused instead on the film that flickers across your TV, and there’s a beat as you take in what you’re seeing: the bare white of Taehyung’s android body, normally hidden away underneath the synthetic skin that covers him. You know what androids look like under their skin, the smooth white plastic bodies, but you’ve only ever seen a glimpse of Taehyung’s—a slip of white on his temple when he’d removed his LED, that under skeleton you haven’t seen since.
“Taehyung?” You’re uncertain what to think, equal parts confused and concerned. He doesn’t seem to be in pain; barely seems to register it at all, even, only turning his attention away from the screen at the sound of your voice. Like he hasn’t noticed anything amiss. “Are you okay?”
His eyes fall to your joined hands. “Oh,” he says. “Yes, I’m fine. Sorry.”
And just like that you watch as the skin shifts back into place, creeps from under his sleeve to cover his ivory hand; in mere moments everything is back in place and Taehyung seems unperturbed. As if nothing important has happened. He lifts your hand to his mouth, presses a fleeting kiss across your knuckles, an easy touch of affection that still has you melting, snuggling as close as possible to watch the rest of tonight’s movie.
Maybe it’s an android thing, you think. If it’s important and Taehyung wants to tell you about it, then he will. Until then there’s nothing more to do than to lean into his side and watch as Sophie and the Witch of the Waste toil up the stairs to the palace. You shift, resettle, drape yourself across your love; you feel the way a laugh rolls in his chest, contained, a smile bleeding out across his lips.
“Comfortable?” His voice is so quiet, so low. So achingly soft. 
You can’t help but smile back. “With you? Always.”
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The second time it happens, you barely notice it at all.
Too caught up in everything else to really notice the way Taehyung’s arm has gone white, skin receding from his fingers and rolled back, from hand to wrist to elbow and up to his shoulder; too busy gasping for air, eyes blown wide and skin sweat-slick, Taehyung above you and around you and inside you, all heat and pleasure. Both hands pinned to the pillow beneath your head, his fingers entwined with yours as he rolls his hips, watches the way you arch your back and tilt your body towards him, needing more, more, more.
It never gets any less amazing, how easy it is to lose yourself in each other’s bodies. How love can be expressed through lust. How even as you’re losing yourself, you’re kept grounded by Taehyung’s presence—he knows you better than you know yourself, knows your body, knows how to touch you just so, how to throw you deep into the ocean of sensation and pleasure, kept tethered only by his skin against yours. It never fails to leave you breathless, speechless, the only words from your lips a lilting refrain of his name, stuttered and sobbed, a melody of choked whimpers and keens.
Once your body is spent, you’ve all but forgotten that moment where Taehyung’s arm had turned blindingly white—too distracted by the way your peak had been building, entire body clenching hard and tight before you’d tumbled over the edge just seconds after, cumming hard and wet around Taehyung’s unrelenting thrusts. You don’t think about it, how Taehyung’s android arm had been bare to your gaze, unimportant when the two of you had been intent on something else. When he reaches for you, pulls you close, both hands and arms look just as normal: all elegant lines and honeyed skin, reverent as he touches you, drags the pads of his fingers over the tremble of your thighs. There’s no naked metal and plastic. No stark whiteness set against your skin. Just Taehyung’s familiar hand smoothing up and over the curve of your hips.
You lean towards the pet name, ease into the deep softness of Taehyung’s voice, as warm as the palm that traces across your waist. Too focused on his still-simmering gaze to think about anything else right now. There’ll be time for that later.
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The third time it happens, you decide to ask what’s going on.
It’s been a long day, one that leaves an ache throbbing just behind your eyes, your entire body weighed down with it all. But Taehyung is kind and gentle, just like he always is, and it’s easy to unwind in the way he folds himself around you.
(You’re not sure you’ll ever get used to this. To the knowledge and comfort of someone’s love and support, no matter how exhausted you are, how burdened and tired. It’s not something you thought you’d ever find, and even though you have it now—have had it for long enough that you know it’s here to stay, that Taehyung is here to stay—sometimes it feels like a dream. A wild-winged flight of fancy that’s somehow touched ground in your life, become real, and is so much better than you ever could have thought.)
It’s just the two of you in the kitchen, in your own world of soft quiet as Taehyung makes you tea; something warm and soothing. You watch as he moves, meticulous and smooth, and you can’t help but smile and reach out, fingers brushing across his wrist. Wanting to feel, always.
He turns at the touch. Angles his body and his smile towards you, turns his hand palm-up so you can lock your fingers in place, every inch of you gone mellow, ochre yellow sunlight. Taehyung’s smile is subtle in his lips but obvious in his eyes—set deep in the dark of his gaze.
It’s easy, this time, to feel the way his skin subsides from his fingers. His hand is still warm (it always is) but it’s smooth and unyielding, now.
“Tae? How come your hand keeps doing this?”
A soft pause. Taehyung unravels the weave of your fingers so that you’re not holding hands any more but instead are mirroring each other, his palm and fingers against yours, held in the air in front of you. A mirror’s reflection in position.
“It’s how androids interface,” he says. “We can share information and memories like this.”
“Oh,” you murmur.
Now that you get a chance to look, really look, you notice the level of detail in Taehyung’s android body. The little dips of his joints, the darker lines that cross the unblemished white; the flush of blue across his knuckles, the soft glow of the thirium that powers him; his entire arm is alabaster apart from that blue glow at his knuckles and elbow, so pretty. Still beautiful, of course. Every part of him.
“I can’t help it.” Taehyung’s still smiling at you, at the way you’re staring at your hand against his, how they’re both similar and yet so different all at once.  “It’s an intimate thing, I think. Wanting to share with you and let you see everything. It happens without me even realising.”
You hesitate as a small breath catches in your throat. Then:
“Does it bother you? That you… can’t interface with me like this?”
Your voice comes out small. You know that Taehyung’s been concerned about his android nature, that the fact he’s a robot and not human might one day become something that bothers you. That you might find him lacking. You’ve felt the same, though, even if you might not have put a voice to it—that being human might become a barrier, that it means you might not be able to connect with him the way he wants. 
(That your two experiences in life and living are fundamentally too different and that it might all fall apart because of it.)
Taehyung’s smile doesn’t falter. “Does it bother you that I’m an android?”
“Of course not.” The answer is immediate and honest, even in the midst of your uncertainties. You’d love Taehyung whether he was an android or not—because he’s him.
“There’s your answer.” He’s looking at you with such an aching fondness, and his response is easy; relaxed. “Being an android or being a human doesn’t affect how I feel about you. I love you.”
He says this often. Reminds you daily of that unrelenting love for you. And no matter how many times you hear it, your heart swells—full to bursting with so many more emotions than you think you could ever put a name to, but with love the resounding echo throughout it all. 
He pulls his hand away from yours so that he can cup your cheek, and though the sensation of his android body against your bare skin is unfamiliar, the adoration behind the touch isn’t. Just because you interface differently doesn’t make it any less fulfilling, you think. Doesn’t make it any less real or amazing (because you are amazed, every day, that someone like Taehyung could ever love someone like you).
“I love you too.” 
The words don’t feel like enough to express every glittering facet of love you hold in your chest, but you hope that Taehyung feels it anyway. You hope that everything you do expresses that love, that it shines through, always. He deserves it. He deserves everything.
And when he smiles even wider at your words, uses the smooth hand against your cheek to tilt your head into a kiss—android or human or otherwise, you’ve never been happier.
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taglist:  @beyoncesdragon​ @vensulove​
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pukanavis · 2 years
Delivering Feelings With a Chocolat Gift - Part 2
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Alto: One two, one two…
Cobalt: Yah, hah! Bam!
Alto: –Well done! Why don’t we take a break now?
Cobalt: Okay–!
Chrom: Great work, everyone.
Neon: ‘m sleepy…
Kei: …Hey, Doctor. Could I talk to you?
Alto: Yes…? Is there something wrong, Kei?
Kei: I still had my doubts so I did some research on chocolate…
Cobalt: You seriously did something like that, Kei?
Kei: It's for the event Babel is holding. This is the least I can do.
Anyway…isn’t that chocolate stuff basically just a lump of sugar?
Alto: I mean, if you look deeper into it, I guess you could say that…
Kei: I’m not well-versed in nutritional science but that’s not the type of stuff you have to eat to stay alive, is it?
Chrom: Hm. Confectionaries such as that certainly seem to be viewed as something to eat to experience the taste rather than for nutritional purposes.
Kei: That’s the problem. Kids seem to love chocolate.
I've seen issues such as, “Gaining weight from overeating,” “Falling ill,” “Eating it before dinner,” and so on…
To make matters worse, if you eat too much of it, you can get a nosebleed…! Is this really okay!?
Cobalt: A nosebleed!?
Chrom: To my understanding, it’s when you bleed from your nasal cavity…! To think it poses such a risk…!
Neon: Scary…
Dialogue Option: That’s not true!
Alto: No no, the nosebleed thing is just superstition! It’s not a food as dangerous as that!
Kei: R-Really!? Sorry, looks like I was over thinking.
But I still have my doubts. Anyway, sweets are gone once you've eaten them, right?
If you’re going to give someone a gift, isn’t it better to give them something with more use?
Neon: …Like?
Kei: Well…why not a vehicle? Something like a hover car…
Cobalt: That’s just something you want, Kei!
Kei: Sh-Shut up! It was just an example! I’m just saying that something with more practicality like that would be better!
Chrom: He has a point. Perhaps we feel more strongly about this considering we have no need to consume food…
Kei: –That’s why I’m not sure what to make of this event.
Of course, a performance is a performance and I want to put on the best show I can.
But it just won’t feel right if I step onto the stage without feeling completely certain. I won’t be able to sing with confidence otherwise…
Alto: I see…hearing it from an androids point of view, I certainly see where you’re coming from.
Cobalt: I think it’s a good idea. Doesn’t it seem fun to do something different from the usual?
Neon: …I’m fine with that. I just think Valentine's themed designs are cute.
Alto: Hmm…
(I wish I could word it better but I never really thought about the point of chocolate either…)
(I’m not sure whether it’s something that can be simply explained through words either…)
Cobalt: –Huh? Hey, Doctor, it looks like some mail came in?
Alto: Oh, you’re right. Hmm, I’ll have a look at it–
“–To the jack-of-all-trades, I have contacted you to inquire about a job request…”
KNoCC: !
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anika-ann · 3 years
The 5 Times Steve Felt Betrayed - Pt.3
and the 1 Time He Felt Like He Was Betraying You
Type: mini-series to a series (part 1 & part 2 & Part 3),  Avenger!reader AU.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Matt Murdock & reader        
Word count: 2750
Summary: The airport battle comes to pass. Steve is not impressed. However, his major facepalm is coming in 3, 2, 1...
Warnings: violence, language, angst, physical pain, mention of human experimentation
A/N: This part of Melting Hearts’ verse follows the events of CA: Civil War, sometimes only referencing them and kinda expecting the readers to know what’s up ;)
Posted in double chapters (1st &2nd time, 3th & 4th, 5th+1)
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Previous part
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5. (Turning Tables)
When Tony showed up at the airport, just according to their plan… you were side by side with him.
Steve felt sorry for not burning the letter when he had changed into the uniform. He had promised himself that he would definitely read it when having the time, so he had secured it into a zip-zap bag and hid in the pocket of his pants instead. Now he knew that every word you must have written into the letter was poison and his right leg felt a ton heavier than his left one.
Steve knew that for the most part, it was the feeling of betrayal talking – but he was revisiting every single interaction with you, all of your words replaying in his head, and wondered, where he had gone wrong. What he had missed. How could he not see you as you truly were? A traitor. A liar. A coward, because while you were standing right next to Natasha, you weren’t even able to meet Steve’s eyes – unlike the spy.
He desperately wanted to meet your eyes. To look deeply into your soul and see if you were ashamed at least. For leading him on for so long.
The truth was, you were; ashamed, horrified and a little bit proud. But Steve didn’t seem to know that – which meant he either was as good as you were, or he hadn’t even touched the letter, which was pretty understandable actually.
“You’re gonna turn and come with us. Because it’s us! Don’t you see what you had done?! You tore the team apart – you even drove the woman who had ridiculous amount of trust in you, who loved you for god’s sake, away from you!” Tony yelled at him, apparently losing his nerves.
It made Steve’s blood boil.
“You don’t talk about my relationship with her like this! You have no business in that!”
“Yeah, and what about her? Does she have any business in that? She apparently has more reason than you do! Try to use your brain for a goddamn second, Rogers!”
“Tony…” Natasha whispered warningly.
It was the exact moment Sam’s voice sounded in Steve’s ear, informing him about the quinjet in hangar five; their plan of escape.
Despite the bitterness of this reunion, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of hope and satisfaction. He raised his tied hands above his head and a second later, Clint’s precisely aimed arrow freed him of the strange organic cuffs that dangerously reminded him of an actual cobweb.
It was time to punch their way out of this one, only to do a lot more punching later if they succeeded.
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Steve was really busy trying to keep T’Challa from Bucky, too much to keep an eye on you. But when he had a second, he sought you on the battlefield subconsciously, checking if you were alright. He didn’t even have the energy to feel like a hypocrite with his own action, with the annoying habit.
He only found you staying out of the fight, keeping a careful eye on each of the individual combats – but never interfering.
His stomach rolled over, his vision blurring for a moment as his head spun. You were standing aside, watching your friends and him getting beat up. Like a coward.
What else were you? A back-up for if Tony and his friends would be losing? The ace in their sleeves?
Steve felt the bile rising up his throat at the thought. How had that happened? When?
It was only when Vision appeared that you looked up, all of your attention focused on the android who had entered the fight and literally drew a line between the two teams.
You joined the line created by Tony, Rhodey, Natasha, Vision, T’Challa and Spider-kid, standing against Steve’s team. Seven versus six – Steve was outnumbered.
And that was on you.
For the first time since you had encountered him at the airport, you met his eyes for a split second. Steve was shocked when he found the windows to your soul, usually so sincerely open, perfectly locked, your expression unreadable. He couldn’t bear it and looked away as he eyed his team and started jogging towards his former teammates and friends. And fiancée.
The opposite side broke into a run too.
And then you abruptly stopped, your hand hitting the ground hard, creating a thick layer of ice under your supposed teammates’ feet, knocking three of them off balance. And the remaining three who had managed to get in the air – Vision, Rhodey and Tony – were soon busy avoiding icicles shot from your hands.
Steve froze and it had nothing to do with your powers.
Wanda seemed unfazed by your action, throwing herself into a fight; the ice seemed to be conveniently melting under her feet as if she was the one controlling it. Which was impossible. It must have been all you. Which… what?
“Alright, does that mean Miss Iceberg over there is on our side now?” Scott yelled after everyone and it snapped Steve from his trance.
Well, it looked like it now. Steve didn’t spend much time pondering about it and rather went after Tony, who was getting dangerously close to him.
“She always has been!” Wanda cried out in response, sending Vision crashing into a plane.
“SHE WHAT?!” Steve shouted over the roar of the fight, punching Tony’s metal-covered face. The mechanical voice had asked the same question and seemed stunned – it bought Steve enough time to shoot you a look.
Oh, you were definitely fighting on their side with the way you trapped Spiderman’s hands in an impressive column of ice growing from the ground. It reminded Steve of their own arrest and confused the hell out of him.
Wanda threw away T’Challa who had come down on Bucky with a battle cry. “The letter! I was trying to tell you!”
It felt like a punch to Steve’s gut and only a second later, an actual punch followed.
Really? Was that what was written there? That you were on their side? What, the whole time? But that was impossible! You had sabotaged their escape, you had held back at every other occasion, you hadn’t come with Wanda! You had signed!
…but had you? Had you really signed, or had you just been stalling? Didn’t the fact you hadn’t arrived with Wanda give you the advantage of knowing Tony’s plan, learning any possible aces in his sleeves? Had there been a reason why you had helped the agency to get Steve and Bucky too? What kind of game had you been playing?
Steve quickly shook off the confusing thoughts. You would have to be playing Tony and everyone from the beginning. Or maybe you had changed your mind during the process?
An iron fist hitting his jaw brought him back to reality very quickly and he decided the reasons you had weren’t important – not now.
But before he could block another punch, Iron Man was gushed away by what looked like a cubic meter iceberg. Steve only gasped, his head snapping to the source. You gave him a quick smile and nodded.
“You need to go. I’ll help with holding them off.”
“Go, Steve!” you cried out, your voice urgent, your sincere eyes glaring into his.
He saw it now. He saw you. His heart skipped a beat with the realization; you truly were fighting for them. For him. But how?
“You owe me an explain-“
“That can wait! Just go!”
“Then come with me!” he blurted out hastily, which only made you shook your head.
“Here, I can buy you some time! Go!”
“Goddammit, Snowflake, I’m not leaving you! They— I don’t know what they’ll do to you!”
“Duh, what else is new. Just move your ass, Captain!” you yelled and tiny icicles came at him from his left. He shook them off, only to realize they were fragments of the cobweb, frozen and useless thanks to your quick reaction – you had just prevented a whole new set of sticky trouble coming at him.
It made him sick all over again, because he just didn’t know what was happening, what had been happening. He shot a you a desperate glance.
He set his jaw tight, his feet as if frozen and itching to run at the same time. Before he could make up his goddamn mind, a wall of ice appeared, shielding him from you and his assailant.
You had decided for him. And as much as he hated it, as much as he felt like a complete ass, he had to admit you were right. He had to go.
And so he did.
The quinjet was already in the air when you fell to the ground with an agonized scream as the sharpest pain you had ever felt attacked the base of your spine and paralyzed you for several moments. You blacked out only seconds after you found a way to move your fingers; the last thing you saw was Natasha’s worried and pissed off face.
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+1 (The Reversal)
The hum of the quinjet was so low no ordinary man would hear it; but now, it was two supersoldiers in it, Steve piloting, Bucky sitting beside him, and at least one of them found the white noise comforting. It muffled Steve’s loud thoughts a little. But sound could never prevent his emotions from coming at him and since he didn’t have to fight at the moment, he was failing at pushing them away.
"What’s gonna happen to your friends?" Bucky’s low tenor cut the silence like a knife, directing Steve’s thoughts exactly the where he didn’t want them to go.
His eyes absently traced the sky, his mind getting all too loud. For a moment, he didn’t even know what to say. He didn’t know the answer and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. And it wasn’t just his friends he was worried about. Even your fate was in the hands of people who didn’t really care; those who might still care must have been furious with you and their hands were tied by the stupid document that had divided the team in half anyway.
Steve had no idea what the future held; the only certainty he had was that whatever would happen, it wouldn’t be pretty.
"Whatever it is, I'll deal with it," he replied instead, trying so damn hard to keep his voice even.
"I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve.”
As if something truly broke in Steve, he cracked a sorrowful smile. Worth. Worth fighting for. Worth saving. Worth a chance at redemption. Steve couldn’t help but wonder if it was just him being a magnet for people with self-worth issues of if it came with the job description.
"What you did all those years… it wasn't you. You didn’t have a choice."
"I know. But I still did it."
The sentence was hanging in the air for a long time, too truthful to be disproved. Steve knew all too well he couldn’t change the past – but what he could always do was to fight for a better tomorrow.
"Even so, you still deserve a chance to redeem yourself."
"At what cost?” Bucky asked, his voice heavy with regrets. The knot in Steve’s stomach tightened. “This gal of yours-"
"Bucky, don't-" Steve pleaded silently, tears pricking in his eyes at the mention of you.
"-she seems... nice. I honestly have no idea whose side she was on, but she saved our asses there, kicking everyone else's.”
"I... I don't know either,” Steve admitted honestly, sighing.
What he did know for sure was that leaving you there was wrong. It felt like betraying the trust you had put into him; no matter the fact you had been the one who had told him to get out of there.
“She's good. Pretty. Badass fighter. I sense a pattern," Bucky brought up with a hint of a joke. The corners of Steve’s lips barely twitched.
"It wasn't like that when we first met."
"What do you mean?"
"Her... being like this."
Steve didn’t know what had possessed him to give in – perhaps it was the kind of talk he missed, mixed with Bucky keeping him company. With Bucky, who cared for him, who was curious about what he had missed from Steve’s life.
"What was it like then?"
"She was… alone. Scared of what her powers did. She gave me a frostbite the first time we met – without intending to. She was wallowing in guilt, because she hurt people, not knowing how it happened. Terrified she would hurt more. How's that for a pattern?"
Steve was confident Bucky had noticed the obvious nudge at their resemblance, but he didn’t take the bait. His friend lived to surprise; he snorted silently.
"You have the weirdest taste."
It brought an honest smile to Steve’s face, a warm feeling he wouldn’t expect filling his chest. Bucky continued though.
"You called her something, when we were fighting. It was cute. It was... what was it?"
Steve cleared his throat awkwardly. Bucky was cool and all, but the he would never let Steve live down the nickname he had given you.
"The whole team— what used to be a team, they all have a nickname for her.... Thor, you haven't met him, he calls her Lady of Ice."
"Oh wow."
"The public... they call her Frostbite. She doesn't like it much. Stark-“ and the name tasted way too bitter on Steve’s tongue, “-calls her Elsa – it's from some new fairy tale."
"Cute. Speaking of fairy tales, anyone calls her Snow Queen?"
"No. But... uhm… a friend calls her Gerda."
"A friend, huh?" Bucky emphasized knowingly, making Steve actually blush a little. There was no way Steve could ever supress the feeling of jealousy towards the man in the Devil costume or the lawyer he was disguising as in the daylight.
"They went on a date. Right before... before we got together."
And for some reason, she had sought him out after the mission in Nigeria.
"No way,” Bucky laughed excitedly, his mood shooting up towards the stars. Steve couldn’t hold back his own smile at the happy sound. “Did you have to like... fight him to win her favour or something?"
"No. She... she picked me, without a fight."
"Ah, I can feel your ego boosting."
"Yeah, well. She… she chose me and...”
Steve thought of what Bucky said before and what he said to him – about a pattern. He thought about him almost dying when he had been injected with the anti-serum and you had almost dying, pushing yourself to your very limit to save him. About you saying no to Matt. About you pulling Steve behind you when he had laid down his shield, which had left him somewhat unprotected. About you deciding to stay with the Avengers instead of disappearing off the grid with your parents. About you running away in attempt to keep the danger from him. And now about risking everything – including his trust – when turning against Tony while standing by his side.
You had always chosen him. And this was how he was repaying you. With leaving you behind.
“And I guess she always has,” Steve stated softly, his expression missing the flicker of happiness he felt just a minute ago; the dark thoughts swallowed it all. “Worked for her well."
"What happened to dealing with what's to come?"
Steve sighed, gripping the stalk tighter. There was a lot to come and he had in fact no clue how to deal with it.
"I'm glad you have someone like her, Steve," Bucky announced, patting Steve’s shoulder brotherly.
If I still have her, Steve thought bitterly. Even if he was about to get you out of the lurch he had left you in… there was no guarantee you would forgive him his ignorance.
He didn’t say any of that out loud though.
"Yeah. Yeah, me too. It's just..." he said instead, his voice trailing off rather than finishing the sentence.
"You will deal with what's to come. You're too stubborn to give up, punk."
That he was.
"I'm not giving up on you either, Buck."
"Thanks, Steve… but that was cheesy as hell."
Steve couldn’t but chuckle. It was good to have his friend back. He just wished the circumstances were way different. If nothing else, he wished the attempt to save Bucky and take care of the potential Winter Soldiered men didn’t come with the price of leaving you behind. Leaving you with the mess he had caused and betraying you – just like he had thought you had been doing for the past few weeks.
The universe had a very twisted sense of humour. But it was something Steve would have to deal with later.
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Bonus chapter
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That would be it – six chapters are kinda the point of 5+1 stuff.
BUT there’s a bonus coming, for much needed closure. Pretty much a cheesy one too, set after the rescue one-man mission from at The Raft. Because me and my brain apparently don’t understand the concept of a 5+1 work. Also, it offers a bit of Reader’s insight, so… hopefully it’s not such a capital crime.
Worse things have happened, right? You can always just cut it here ;) (please don’t, I mean, if you have made it this far… :D )
Also, Snowflake’s hurt at the airport was caused by the fail-safe she was installed with in Hands Too Cold, in case you forgot :-*
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skalidra · 3 years
9, 22, 5? :>>>
#9 - What are your favorite fanfics?
This is a bit of a weird one, because I tend not to... reread, so much? I sometimes get reminded of a specific story and I'll go back to read it over, but for the most part I just comb through anything new or anything relating to the current fixation I'm having. That said, there have been a couple that I've gone back to enough I finally bookmarked them (usually because they were a little hard to find again). So:
Mistaken For a Crime - This is a short, Star Trek Mirror Universe (sort of movie-verse), Pike/Kirk fic that's primarily sort of meta-like. It's one of the best examples I always point to of being a fantastic representation of how violence and sexual power imbalances are normalized in that universe, which is a dynamic that I haven't really found a match for anywhere else.
Eversion - This is a DBH HankC*n reverse AU fic, with android!Hank and a human!Connor. Heavy BDSM, lots of dark themes, it's absolutely fantastic and has a really good plot as well, but please take a look at those tags and know what you're getting into before you start, if you want to read it. It definitely takes some fortitude.
Absolutely anything by DracoQueen22. Look, I followed this writer from back when they were writing Bleach fics in 2013. I have been following this author for almost ten years. I followed them from Bleach into Transformers fic, a fandom I had no knowledge of and no interest in when they started putting them out, and I am still reading everything they put out today. It's rare that an author can pull you into fandoms you had absolutely no interest in, especially when it's so radically different than what you followed them for.
#22 - Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
I do! Usually it goes one of two ways. Either I put on a playlist I have of instrumental music and let that go as I focus in, or I have one singular song that fits the mood/theme of the piece I'm writing (or very hilariously doesn't) and I just play that on repeat as background appreciation as I go.
As an example of the second, bizarrely the last thing that I spammed on repeat to get me through writing a fancy new DBH fic I'm calling 'Made to Order' was the song 'Throw it Back' by BRELAND, featuring Keith Urban. Yeah, a random ass Country/slight Rap song. I have no explanation for why that worked except that it just, backgrounded really well.
On the opposite side, for a lot of the recent heavily emotional scenes I put together for Fucked Androids, I spammed 'This Night' by Black Lab on repeat, for the feels.
(And it was the instrumental 'Warriors' by Ronan Hardiman that carried me through the last hours of 2020 NaNoWriMo, pulling 50k just an hour before the deadline.)
#5 - What fanfic of yours should everyone have read?
Well, my most popular one by far is Mark My Words, which is a two-chapter, soulmark AU, JayT*m piece that I wrote for the DCU Big Bang back in 2017. It's got some really lovely art by JayKore that went with it, and somehow it's got literally double the kudos of any of my other works, which is pretty neat. XD
As for things I've written that I want to shove in people's faces to get them to read because I like them and want more people to like them, either:
An Extra Shot - Gen, Wilson family feels where Adeline died in the kidnapping of Joey, and Slade is suddenly the widowed single dad of three kids and not remotely prepared for that. (Or really any good at it.) Gen's not usually my thing, but I'm really, really enjoying writing this one, and I am very much attempting to drag as many people in as I can to appreciate it with me.
Or: Captain's Privileges - JayD*ck, Star Trek Mirror Universe fusion, featuring Dick as the very dangerous golden boy Starfleet captain, and Jason as a not-so-ruthless engineer and the sole survivor (and deserter) of another ship's mysterious destruction. Lots of fucked up power dynamics, lots of violence treated as normal, and etc. I just have an enormous love of ST's mirror universe and the like, innate way that world works. (There's also some really nice art by Fishtre in one of the later chapters, so you should definitely go appreciate that.)
(Ask game for Fanfic writers!)
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@dannsa-dotair asked: [ CLING ]:     having finally been reunited, the sender pulls the receiver into a tight, overwhelmingly relieved embrace, clinging to them and burying their face in their shoulder. the whole deal. make it EMOTIONAL–
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The last memory he could recall, prior to his arrival in this village, was his arduous trek down the mountains; he had been clad in a shredded, mustard-coloured attire and carried a portable container with shards of silver. He suspected he had been attacked by one of the mountain creatures, as described to him by the denizens of the village. Perhaps he had lost his footing in an attempt to defend himself, and collided with his head to the hard, icy surface the mountains were chiefly comprised of? It remained a mystery to him as to why he was not suffering from severe headaches, but according to the local doctor, Talur, “ice men” had to endure harsh environments, and therefore his skull had probably evolved to withstand firm blows to the head. However, if that were correct, how could he have lost his memory? In his opinion, there were a lot of facets regarding these events that did not add up.
    Regardless of his amnesia, he served Garvin, the man who had provided him accommodation, and assisted his daughter, Gia, in the garden after he had fallen ill. Today promised to be yet another ordinary day, in which he would attempt to remember who he was. As they occupied themselves with the cultivation of the garden, Jayden was discussing a different subject matter with Gia, until he ran out of fertiliser. Gia informed him that he could refill his bucket with fertiliser that was stored in the shed behind the cottage, and obediently, Jayden followed the winding path through the lush garden until he arrived at his destination. However, he had barely replenished the bucket and exited the shed when a perfect stranger exclaimed “Data!” and firmly wrapped her arms around his neck. Perplexed by this unanticipated turn of events, Jayden glanced down at the woman, canting his head quizzically to the right. He could just make out the distinctive markings on her forehead while she half-obscured her face in his shoulder. The markings were similar to the ones of the other inhabitants, but he did not recognise her — he was unfamiliar with her, but she did not appear to be unfamiliar with him.
    ‘Greetings,’ he saluted, a smidge of confusion audible in his calm, euphonious voice. ‘Do I know you?’
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brw · 4 years
rating random outfits from the vision because i am very bored
outfit one - classic look
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[image id: two cropped panels of the vision from marvel comics. they are both wearing the same outfit, of a green bodysuit that covers every part of their body aside from the front of their face. with it, they wear yellow gloves, yellow boots and a knee-length cape which has a large flared collar. their torso is covered by yellow fabric which wraps around them like a corset. it ends at the top of their thighs. in the first image, they are faced to the left, with one leg raised and their cape floating around their shoulders. in the second image, they have she-hulk, thor & monica rambeau as captain marvel grouped behind them. they are facing forwards and gesturing towards the viewer with their hand. end id/]
- cape goes woosh
- literally the only thing showing is their face everything else is covered
- the collar is very dramatic and gay which i appreciate
- kinda wearing a corset thing? which is cool
- idk what's up with the diamond thing between their tits :/
- colour combo is atrocious but that's a staple of their style it seems lmao
- very out there, very dramatic
- you could probably wear something similar to a pride parade tbh just change the colours and you're good to go
- i like the gloves they look like the yellow ones you use to wash dishes in the sink with the scrubber thingy
final score - 7/10 bonus points for nostalgia & cape, its a very nice very classic look but also very modest :/ show some skin pls ur wife is basically wearing a swimsuit with gloves show a little solidarity :/
outfit two - boob window
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[image id: a cropped comic cover of the vision from marvel comics. they are reaching upwards with one arm extended in an attempt to escape several grey hands reaching up to their hip trying to drag them down. their costume is one piece broken into three sections. the bottom half is green and goes slightly above their hips creating a large v-shape. the middle half is yellow and v-shaped as well. the top part reaches to their shoulders and the bottom part is to the middle of their chest, and extends all the way to their fingers. the base of the v is also the bottom of a diamond cut out revealing some of their skin in the pectoral area. the top of the diamond leads to the third and final part of the costume which is the same shade of green as the bottom. This part is a large collar, a head covering that wraps around all around their head but leaves the face uncovered, as well as a cape that is shredded at the bottom. end id/]
- very similar outfit with inverted colours and instead of adding a diamond they cut one out :)
- another wooshy cape :)
- still has their face covered all around except for the front tho :( like idk wouldn't that annoy you? what if it gets too tight or you get hot?
- i have no idea how their cape works with the diamond cleavage window thingy like?? did they just use superglue? please explain
- gloves are gone 😔
- and no more boots 😔😔😔
- corset gone why did they remove all the sexy parts the tiddy does not compensate 😔😔😔😔😔
final score - 3/10 it's basically just an inverted version of the last one except they took the Cool Sexy Bits away which makes everything boring :/ bonus points for the boob window thing though, shows the beginning of their Bimboification :)
outfit three - detective
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[image id: a cropped comic cover of the vision from marvel comics. they are standing with one leg resting on something that is not in view. they are partially shadowed, and wear an intense, thoughtful expression. there is a cigarette hanging out of the side of their mouth. they look similar to a 1940s film noir character. they are wearing a white shirt that appears to be a button up, though the thickness of their tie that reaches down to their trousers obstructs any buttons. their sleeves are rolled up to around their elbows. their tie is somewhat loosened around their neck, and is white with black stripes in varying thickness. they wear a pair of thick white suspenders that connect to their trousers, which seem to be grey or a dull brown. they have one of their hands in their trouser pocket. under the same arm is a gun, though this is hard to make out in the darkness. they are also wearing a broad-rimmed fedora, which casts half their face in shadow with only their pupilless bright yellow eyes showing through. end id/]
- this ABSOLUTELY fucks
- unirionically sexy
- noir detective look very nice very cash money
- the loosened tie really just puts the whole thing together
- their face is free! no more awkward green pieces of plastic or whatever!
- calls pretty people "dames" for sure
- rolled up sleeves make me feel like a repressed victorian girl who's just begun to experiment with the Devil's Doorbell™
- smoking is bad for ur health but jesus if it isn't a vibe
- hat worn by reddit "nice guys" :/
final score - 9/10 this really is one hell of a look, very 1920s it absolutely slaps the suspenders are everything tbh if they were in a movie they'd probably be played by harrison ford idk why. anyway this ABSOLUTELY fucks and is one of my faves and is criminally underrated 🤗
outfit four - suit
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[image id: two cropped panels of the vision from marvel comics. in both panels, they are wearing the same simple two-piece black suit, with a white shirt underneath their jacket. there are no buttons or pockets on their jacket, and everything seems to be perfectly ironed. their tie is long and thin, and is tight around their neck. their shoes are nondescript and black. in the first panel, vision is to the side, and is floating in the air. in the second panel, vision is standing and is facing the viewer, with their face slightly shadowed and their fists clenched at their sides. end id/]
- simple, cute, chic
- the thinness of the tie is a big change from the last one
- classic suit style, the most casual of formal wear
- office worker kind of thing but like. a FANCY office
- nondescript; no personality in it whatsoever :/
- makes them look like a conservative 😔
final score - 4/10 it's kinda boring tbh they look cute but :/ lame. shows them trying too hard to conform to humanity's standards and it is Not A Vibe. there's no Sauce & also appears in something written by t*m k*ng so the association is immediately off
outfit five - ultimates aka No Clothes Titty Out
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[image id: a comic cover of the vision from marvel comics. this one is from the ultimates/1610-verse. this vision is more female-presenting then their 616 counterpart. they are not wearing any clothes. their body is golden and reflective and metallic. their body is comprised of different plates of metal, which are symmetric. just before their elbow, there is a gap in each arm between the metal plates so you can see the wires running through their arms underneath. there is a red diamond shape, still made of metal, in the area where a belly button would be on a human being. they have breasts that do not have any nipples, but have a large circle plating where the nipple would normally be. much like their 616 version they are bald with a yellow diamond in their forehead. their expression is difficult to read but they appear to be smiling slightly. their arms are raised around their head, not touching their skull but close to it. they are strutting towards the viewer with one hip jutted to the side. metal wires surround them, with none of them fully touching them aside from a thick one seemingly connected to the back of their neck. end id/]
- pussy out
- no clothes this bitch doesn't need them (but they do need titties for some reason??? bro????)
- red diamond thing to cover up the bellybutton? girl what are you hiding
- Gold And Shiny a nice change from our regularly scheduled red skin
- emulating aunt/sister/mother/whatever the fuck jocasta which is nice, it's about time vision got someone other then Fashion Disaster Wonder Man to help them out. i guess nudity is better then combining green and yellow all together with red skin jjshsheheh
- sexualised :/
- genuinely kinda hot tho i think i have succumbed to the Robot Tiddies 😔
- no idea how the physics of their hip/ass jutting out is supposed to work it looks like they dislocated something
final score - 6/10 it's cool but also why did u sexualised the android like i. also they are a robot and not a synthezoid which :( why. but u know i appreciate the pussy out kinda thing and ultimates verse vision dated sam wilson so they have good taste. points knocked off for being from the ultimates verse which is Bad™ imo
outfit six - This Fucking Thing What Is This I Hate It So Much
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[image id: a cropped panel of the vision from marvel comics. they are facing the viewer with an angry expression. their fists are tightly clenched and are raised slightly. around their wrists are thick yellow spiked bracelets. their arms are uncovered. their shoulders are covered by yellow spiked shoulderpads. they are wearing a green bodysuit with a bright yellow collar around their neck and a plunged neckline that goes all the way down their chest and torso until it is obstructed by yellow underwear, which is held up by a very thick yellow ring, which is also covered in spikes. their green bodysuit continues all the way down their legs until their boots, which are go up half-way around their calves and are folded over. they have a yellow diamond stuck in the middle of their chest. they are also wearing a green helmet that is green and corinthian (greek) in style. it is also spiked. the spikes at either side of the faceplate are small and yellow. the one at the top of the helmet is the same shade of green as the helmet itself. end id/]
- why
- it's. it's so ugly
- what's with the fucking spikes
- the boots are horrendous
- helmet looks they bought it at a museum for £15 and its made out of cheap shitty poorly made and badly painted plastic
- why did they glue a yellow diamond to their chest what is the fucking point
- porcupine energy
- the shoulder pads why the fucking shoulder pads disco isn't coming back just accept it
- spike belt underwear????? why??????????? looks like they made one of those chokers huge and called it a day
- it's just. it's just so ugly. why would you think this was a good idea who is responsible
final score - 0/10 i do not want to see it
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
10/05/2021 DAB Transcript
Jeremiah 4:19-6:15, Colossians 1:18-2:7, Psalms 77:1-20, Proverbs 24:23-25
Today is the 5th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today just like it is wonderful to be here with you every day. We’re fortunate. We’re fortunate to have the Global Campfire. We’re fortunate to have this place to come to each and every day. And, so, I'm grateful. And let's dive in. We are in the book of Jeremiah, kinda just getting moved into that. We are also in the book of…the book, but the letter to the Colossians, which we just began yesterday. So, we’re just getting into that so it's kind of new territory for us. We’re reading from the Common English Bible this week. Jeremiah chapter 4 verse 19 through 6 verse 15 today.
Okay. So, there are days when we come to our reading from the Psalms that what we read is so raw, so honest, and we find that as a bit of a trademark in the Psalms. And we find that actually in music, right? We can find certainly pretentious music, sometimes that heart cry, or that person singing about heartbreak or some other thing that has happened and it just comes through because of the music, the feeling the emotion of the words is exponentially amped up, more on display. And, so, when we find music, a song, a lyric from the Psalms in the Bible saying what we feel, then we identify with it. And we may be…we may take a step back and go, “why is that in the Bible? The Bible’s supposed to be full of encouragement, all positivity.” But actually, the Bible is something that's there to reach our hearts and to lead us to God. And honesty is a place to start. And, so, we see that in the 77th psalm today that Asaph wrote. And he cries out in this Psalm with like…like a barrage of questions…maybe not a barrage…six questions in particular, but one after the other after the other. And if we pay attention to those questions, we find…we find ourselves in different seasons in our…in our lives having asked the same things. So, Asaph asks, “will my Lord reject me forever. Will He never be pleased again? Has His faithful love come to a complete end? Is His promise over for future generations? Has God forgotten how to be gracious? Has He angrily stopped up His compassion?” Those are some intensely honest questions. And maybe we haven’t used these exact words, but we've had these sentiments, we've had these thoughts, they've been in our hearts. Many of them we've spoken aloud and typically this is happening when we are not happy about something, right, when we have a crisis to deal with or we have to endure something or we’re suffering in some way. We usually don’t ask where has His…His compassion gone if everything is awesome and were having a great day. It’s usually when we’re in a season of challenge that these kinds of things begin to bubble up out of our heart. And it's not like they weren't there. They just emerge. They reveal themselves and all the sudden we check in with our own hearts and see that we’re not doing all that great. And at this point in the Psalm Asaph isn't doing that great. So, he asks these six questions that we just asked or read ourselves. His response after those six questions is, “it's my misfortune I thought that the strong hand of the most-high is different now.” That is so honest. That…that…that rings true. This is how he is actually experiencing life at the moment. And it…it's so ancient. These words are thousands of years old and so relevant. And, so, we can see again, permission to be honest, it's just what do we do once we reach that place…point…point that we stuffed things down inside enough till they kind of emerge, whether they blow up or they just seep out. What's going on in our heart is going to seep out into our lives. So, what we do with it. Well…the first thing is to be honest about it. We’re seeing this modeled in the Bible, to be honest about it, but there are still choices to be made, because we can get really honest about how were feeling and we can cry tears and weep and plead and yell and spin around in circles and jump up and down and do whatever we need to do to release some of the energy, but we can get stuck there as if nothing will ever change and we can…we can turn toward bitterness and that will only make it worse. That will only lead us into further depths. It's…it's as if Asaph caught himself and then gives another path. And, so, Asaph says, “I will remember the Lord’s deeds. Yes, I will remember your wondrous acts from times long past. I will meditate on all your works. I will ponder your deeds. God, your way is holiness. Who is as great a God as you, God? You are the God who works wonders. You have demonstrated your strength among all peoples.” So I don't know that Asaph was a journal-er, but what he’s saying is he will remember what God has done and let that inform how he's feeling now. And, so, often when we have kind of journaled our way through a year or through the Bible we’ll always have that so that when we can't remember we have an epistle to ourselves, a letter to ourselves, essentially, that reminds us so that we might remember God's faithfulness toward us, that yes, how we feel, what we’re enduring, what we’re facing, that's real, it's formidable, maybe it's terrifying, maybe scary, maybe it brings anxiety. It’s life. It can be anything. The problem isn't being honest about it, right, so that we fake, like it's not happening, which is so really prevalent in our faith culture. It's…it’s not the honesty that's an issue. It's what we do with it. If we use our honesty to dig a pit that we might wallow in it, we can certainly do that and we’ll stay in the pit, we'll be in the pit until we get out of the pit. What Asaph is modeling is recognizing through honesty that you are at a precipice in making a choice to remember, we’ve been this way before, suffered things before, endured things before, and scared before. God is faithful, and I will remember that. And, so, let's take that into our day. I mean, that right there, I know…I know lots of you are going through stuff and need that today. And, so, thank God, I totally understand. And, so, let's carry it today, that honesty is necessary and important, but it's not the end. It's the beginning. Let's be honest, and then let's remember that God is and has always been faithful.
Father, and we acknowledge that. You are always faithful. We have no examples of a time where You double-crossed anybody. You have always been true. You've always according to the Scriptures had a desire to be in fellowship to draw us to Yourself. We see this on every page of the Bible, Your relentless unwillingness to surrender us and Your continual willingness to pursue our hearts over the course of thousands of years and that hasn't changed. You are faithful and we remember. And come Holy Spirit and bring to mind throughout the course of this day all kinds of time maybe we’ve forgotten that You’ve been faithful and have rescued us. This encourages us. This gives us confidence. This develops our faith. And, so come, we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it's the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here. And as I say often you can find out what's going on around here using the Daily Audio Bible app as well by pushing the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner.
And actually, let’s take a second to talk about that because a number of you, thousands of you have had some problems over the last several days, especially…specifically accessing the Daily Audio Bible through the app or through web. And I could probably sit here and talk for several hours…and I mean…probably hours just about what it's like in the technology world and developing etc. etc. and the way in which it is a nonstop, constant…constant move forward. Just like we do at the Daily Audio Bible, a step forward together every day. But some of the stuff that's happened in the last couple of days that have been frustrating have been frustrating to us too because it's been beyond our control. Essentially, there…not to get too far in the weeds, but there's a way that security is done on the Internet and encrypting things so that data can’t be intercepted or passed along, and we don't have any of that kind of data at the Daily Audio Bible but we follow those protocols. And a major Internet security certificate issuer let their own certificate expire, which ended up affecting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people, including stores that, you know, couldn’t do transactions, not just Internet stores, but store stores and the Daily Audio Bible was affected as well. So, we've done what we do whenever an issue like this arises or when we see something more widespread. We get together and start dissecting the problem and identifying and figuring out the solution. Sometimes a problem requires a long-term solution. And, so, we have to look long term and short term, but this is the nature of it. And, so, we have been working pretty feverishly to not be relying on those specific certificates or rather, getting them in our own control. And that will make us responsible for them, but it’ll also give us control over them so that if they expire it's our fault. And, so, that is what we are in the process of doing and this should all straighten itself out. This particular issue, almost across the board has affected people who are android users who have an android type device and we were in contact and we were given the same information everybody else is being given, to be sure to advise anyone using an android device to make sure that their operating system is the most current because apparently there are some fixes for issues like this in the most current iteration of…of android. So, I'm passing that information along. And I'll just say like even yesterday, places that are…places that have billions of users, like places way, way, way beyond the Daily Audio Bible like Facebook or Instagram, they were out yesterday or messenger our WhatsApp. They were out yesterday. Totally different issues, but issues. And they have an army of developers. So, just know, it can get crazy out there. And we are, in a way, aloof. Every…well…there’s a team that works on this every day at Daily Audio Bible. And also know that we have developed two different players. One is the Daily Audio Bible app, of course, but we also have an online player that you can access from the Daily Audio Bible website, at dailyaudiobible.com. We've built those two things separately so that we have at least inside of our community here a little bit of redundancy. So, know that if you are ever having an issue with the app just got to player.dailyaudiobible.com and you’ll have a player that is connected to the system and works the same as the app. And a widespread issue like the one we experienced over the weekend and into yesterday, that kinda stuff affects everything. It was affecting hundreds of thousands of people but we work really, really diligently to serve the community here and we always will. And we’re working on some…some longer-term projects that will invariably be incorporated over the next year to stabilize and help us serve even better. And, so, if you experience difficulties, pray for us. Pray for us. It’s so much more effective than hate mail. Pray for us as we pray for you every day. We’re in this together. Also know that we’re experiencing an uptick right now. And, so, I live in the central time zone here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. So, like 5AM to 11AM is when we’re geetin’ hammered. That’s when so many people are accessing the system. Beautiful. Love it. We’re increasing resources in that direction. But if you’re experience sluggishness, just wait. It's that so many people are trying to access the same content that you are. So, be patient for like even a minute, which is…I know that’s pretty hard to do on the internet. We expect super high-speed super quick response. Boom boom boom I push the button and the thing happens. But sometimes when you have…when you push the button you are sending a message out that says to the server, I'm requesting this bit of information then the server computes and collects the information that you want and sends it back. And when a lot of people are asking for the same things at the same times then it cues up. So, just be patient for just a minute. Typically, everything can…can sort itself out. But anyway, I don’t want to get into the weeds here. Just pray for us as we pray for you as we continue to take the next step forward together because it is the deepest passion to bring the spoken word fresh every single day and brought to you excellently. When that has to happen seven days a week without fail invariably, sooner or later there are challenges. The team that works on all of this technology are also a part of who we are and listen to the Daily Audio Bible every day as well. So, pray for us. We’re in this together.
And, of course, as always if you have a prayer request or you have an encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial…you see the redundancy here…you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning my name is Z and I'd like to thank everyone in the DAB community for supporting each other. This is a beautiful beautiful forum. And the purpose of my call is to ask for prayer for myself as I undergo some challenges and uneasiness at work at present. I'm feeling unfulfilled, unappreciated and have been in my position for four years. It's…it pays the bills and I have a wonderful team of people under me, but my issue is leadership. I feel that it could be better and it's frustrating at present to the point where I feel like I…I want to leave. I’m just hoping to find wisdom to make the right decision. I hope to…to get a sign from God as to what I should do in this situation. I can't continue to be frustrated day in and day out in that environment in which I spend most of my…my day. So, I pray brothers and sisters, I ask for your prayer that I find the wisdom to make the right decision and get through this. Thank you.
Daily Audio Bible this…this prayer is for Alicia from Colorado who used to live in Montana. Alicia is blind and she just is recovering from COVID and she doesn't have her sense of taste or smell back and she's going through lots of fear and unsteadiness and…and lots of crying in depression and so understandable especially if you're blind and…and…and, you know, and possibly alone. Father we lift up Alicia to you right now in the name of Jesus. We pray that you give her a hope and a faith that surpasses all this fear because opposite of fear…opposite of faith is fear. And Alicia the scripture says hope deferred makeith the heart sick but long and fulfilled is the tree of life. We pray that you will have this hope that you will get your…your taste back and the smell of food back so that you can eat and get your body strong again. Alicia, I…I know from just being here in Florida and the people that I know they still it takes months sometimes it takes up to 6 to 12 months to get…to get your taste and smell back. But we know God honor's prayer and God is healing you and we claim that right now in the name of Jesus, that you will get it back quickly. So, we claim that right now. DABbers please agree with me in Jesus’ name for Alicia and we lift her up to you in Jesus’ name we pray that you give her the peace that's surpasses all understanding and…and a vast amount of faith and we come against depression and we pray that you fill her up with your joy and your peace in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Hi this is Just as I am Sam in Northern California my first-time calling in. I started listening to Daily Audio Bible in 2019 and I'm totally hooked. I love how Brian just can make sense out of the Bible and put it in such understandable terms. So, thank you so much for that. And I would like to ask for prayer for myself. I'm having an MRI tomorrow. That's on Friday. And I have chronic pain in my spine and back and I'm just praying that Jesus will light it up and…and show the doctors what's going on. I've struggled with this pain for over 15 years, and we would like to get help and answers. So, I'd appreciate your prayers. And I’m praying for all of you as well. And it's been a wonderful group and help in times of loneliness and I love you all. Thank you. God bless you.
Hello this is Ruth __. I'm calling to thank you Brian, Jill, China for devoting your life to this __. I have in my heart there was a call that came in last week with a mother who was talking about her children. She had many. I think she might have mentioned she had nine children. And they were molested by their father and the father has been put in jail. And I lift the children up to you Lord and their mother. I just…my heart breaks just knowing that they've gone through such horrible situation. I know that You can rectify this. I know that she can bring them back and make them whole, so they don't spend their lives worrying about this all the time. Lord and I also I want to ask for prayer for my family. I have a daughter who's stepped away from me for reasons I never understand, and I need to have her back again. I also have a grandson who is not doing well, and he has stepped away from the family. I lift them all up to You Lord. You can…You can heal this family and bring them back. I thank you. Thank you all I love each one of you and I try to remember to pray for you each and every day. Thank you.
Hey this is Jerry calling from Duluth Minnesota. So appreciated the words this morning of Brian Friday October the first…actually Saturday October the second. It's a day 890 of my renewed journey in the Daily Audio Bible. Some of you have been here many years know me as Jerry the Paper Carrier from Duluth MN. Back in April 26th of 2019 I renewed my commitment to the Daily Audio Bible. Now it's been 890 days without a miss getting up early in the morning starting my day with the Daily Audio Bible. Appreciate your prayers through the years and wanted to particularly today pray for Brian…Byron sorry in Florida. You've been such a blessing to me over the many years. Pray for your wife who's dealing with so many health issues and have for so many years. And Charlie from Houston who's been wife has been dealing with lupus and now has found out that there is difficulty with the heart and lungs. And Byron thank you so much to for sharing that…that little story as far as the bus stop is concerned and for taking time even through really difficult times to look at the little things and remember what God has done for us. Also thank you Brian again for reminding us as far as the journal. I remember when you told the story of the black wing pen…pencil's when your mom was had…was passing away. I've journaled now I've for many…many many months and years since…
Good morning, everybody I’m Ms. Jomiah God is Coming and I want to pray for Byron from Florida. I wanted to pray for his wife and that his wife becomes healthy, and that God is always helping you and He'll be on your side no matter what. So, thank you Byron for sharing your story because that means a lot to people and thank you so much. So, as we pray in Jesus’ name Amen.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
(6/?) I LOVED your sick!Connor short, so could you do a sick!Simon? canon!verse, poly Jericrew if possible or no ship is fine
//Can do!
Simon had been off ever since he had interfaced with a damaged YK500. Up until today it had been small but noticeable things.  Then today without warning he had shut down. He had been in the middle of talking with North when it had happened, he was just gone then his synthskin had flickered and shut off as well. North had panicked and called for Josh over the link the for of them had open and then worked on trying to see what was up with Simon. She avoided interfacing in case the child model had passed a virus onto Simon, She didn’t want to be next. This probably could have been avoided if he had gone to see Josh when things were first acting up, but Simon had the personal belief in not going to the medical wing unless it was something he couldn’t fix himself because there were other androids who needed Josh’s attention more. Which in most cases was fine. Both North and Markus knew what to do if his leg was acting up. This had been different. “Why didn’t you just go see Josh?” She asked Simon’s unconscious form, “I think this would have counted as an emergency.” Both Josh and Markus arrived around the same time. Markus was in formal clothes which meant he had probably bailed on an important meeting in order to get down here. “North, help me carry him.” Markus said, his voice composed, but fraying on the edges with fear, he was in the same state as the rest of them, just hid it a little better.
“Right.” She nodded and took his shoulders, Markus took his legs and Josh set about clearing the way so they could get to the medical wing with less difficulty. Once he was laid out and hooked up, they found that yes, it was a virus. North sighed and Markus pinched the bridge of his nose. Josh seemed to be the only one not showing his frustration. “This is the same thing Jacob had, I wonder if it passed over the interface.” That had the duo’s attention. “I should have checked with Simon sooner, I was there when they interfaced. The good news is it should only take me a few hours to fix it.” Both North and Markus relaxed at that. The redhead reached out and squeezed Markus’s hand. “Go back to your meeting. I’ll stay here and keep you posted okay?” North suggested, “ If anything changes I will let you know, I promise.’ Markus ran his free hand down his face in exasperation but nodded, “Alright. I’ll be down if anything changes though. North and Josh both nodded. “Now go change the world.” North encouraged as she ushered him toward the door, “Simon is in good hands, and I will be with him the entire time I promise. When he’s well again we can all lecture him together.” The last bit managed to get a light chuckle out of Markus as he left the get back to the meeting he had abruptly excused himself from. His worry wasn’t fully gone.  None of them had known Jacob before he had gotten the virus so they didn’t have a basis of what it was capable of. That worry nagged at him all the way back to his meeting.
Josh settled in and got to work on getting rid of the virus, biting his lip in concentration. North brought one of the observing chairs over and sat where she could hold Simon’s hand and see what was happening on the screen. Josh was tense and she didn’t know if it was because of worry or because something was up. “What’s happening babe? You’re being quiet.” North turned her head to look at Josh tilting her head to emphasize the question. “It has been in his system for over a week. There’s a lot of it to get out of his code, and then I have to fix the corrupted parts.” He looked away from the screen toward Simon, “ His system is still trying to fight it. I have to sneak around so it won’t detect me, if it dies it’ll come after me instead.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” She turned in her chair to face him. “Not right now no. But if I don’t have this solved before this evening mind taking a shift on this so I can try and figure it out.” “Of course. Whatever you need me to do.” She kept her fingers intertwined with  Simon’s limp ones and looked down at their hands. “I wish eh would have said something. We could have gotten a handle on it.” “But he didn’t North and we know why. He puts the needs of others before himself. he might have had the intent to one of these days but the virus got there first.”  Josh said flatly, “The best we can do now is get the virus taken care of, and then talk to him when he’s well again. Remind him that if he needs help there’s nothing wrong with asking.”
After a few hours Markus came back down looking a little worse for wear. He sat down on Simon’s other side and took his free hand intertwining their fingers like North had. Standing between the two of them gave Josh a little more confidence. “Any news?” Markus asked. “No. Nothing notable one way or another.” Josh looked at Markus for a moment before he returned his focus to the screen, “I’m about a third of the way through getting the virus taken care of. after that i have to fix the broken code, and I don’t know the full extent of damage that’s been done so that could take me a couple of days.” Markus looked slightly relieved, “We’re a third closer than when we started out, and that’s good news, and as long as his systems are still fighting it too then we should be alright.” He squeezed Simon’s hand, “I wish he didn’t let it sit so long.” “All of us wish he would have said something sooner.” North remarked, “And when we noticed something was up we should have said something. We need to be better about that since half of this group is overly self sacrificing.” Markus rolled his eyes and Josh smiled. North’s remark had helped pull them out of their heads a little. This was worrying but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
It was around midnight, North was taking her turn at the terminal, when they got the first sign of life from Simon. His fingers curled to take hold of Markus’s hand and the trio found themselves smiling. Having his small motor functions back online was a good thing. Markus gave a light squeeze to the hand he had a hold of. It was another couple of hours before his blue fluttered open.  “Josh.” Markus called, “We have consciousness.” Josh put away his laptop and made his way over to the terminal. He took over for North and she moved to sit on Simon’s other side. “Hey blue eyes, did you have a nice nap?” She sat down and took his other hand. Simon made some effort in intertwining their fingers. “Sorry about that. I thought i had a better handle on this than I did.” Simon said looking away from North, “I was planning to say something if it got worse.” North was about to start in on him again but Markus cut her off, “We were worried you know.” “I’m okay now. I think it’s out of my system. I just need to rest a while.” He placated. Josh spoke next, “I’m glad you’re okay you know, but if you’re ever feeling off please tell one of us. We love you and you’re important to us.” “I’ll be better next time, I promise.” Simon agreed as he was disconnected, his synthskin slowly coming back, “I love you all too.”
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snackhobi · 4 years
Had the worst day at work. 🗣🗣Need fluffy soft android tae to make it better
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this is set in the human touch verse / part 1.5
Part 1 / [1.5] / 2
(masterlist here)
pairing: android!taehyung x reader / word count: 1.4k / genre: fluff (sfw/general) / warnings: none! (this is set after part 1, no spoilers for part 2!)
ANON I GOT YOU! 😤 I’m sorry your day at work was bad but I hope this lil oneshot makes it a little better!! ✨ and I hope tomorrow is better for you! this hasn’t been beta’ed, I typed this out as soon as I saw your message, I’m sorry for any mistakes! was a fast one!
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You love your job. Honestly, you do. You know you’re lucky and that a lot of people hate their jobs, slog away at them just to make ends meet, no real passion for what they do. You’re lucky that you have a good job that you like with coworkers that you love. Really lucky. Extraordinarily lucky.
But everyone has bad days.
Days where clients are rude and brash. Days where the ideas you submit aren’t right, aren’t good enough, where everything you come up with gets sent back to the drawing board or scrapped altogether. Days where the café down the road from work is out of your favourite pastry, the last cinnamon roll stolen out from your very eyes by the person in front of you, your little guilty pleasure gone just like that.
(You watch, aghast and agape, as the other customer takes one bite into that last cinnamon roll, wrinkles their nose, and discards it in the trash. It would be one thing to have stolen it so brazenly from you, but they didn’t even finish it. You’re in disbelief.)
Your usual coping method for days like this? Get home, flop on sofa, eat takeout, feel sorry for self. It’s something you’ve gotten good at over the years, wallowing alone in your empty apartment, feeling angry and sad and small; left to stew and circle on those Really Rough Days that everyone has, unfortunately. Compounded by your solitude, your own lonely, echoing chamber. You could complain to your friends, of course, co-workers who would understand what you’re going through—but you feel stupid. Selfish, even, in complaining about these little things. So you keep it to yourself.
Or at least, that’s the plan.
Taehyung’s greeting is vibrant and bright, as it always is. His hair is red today, a shock of scarlet that fizzes on his head and frames his lovely face—he’s even changed his eyes too, a rarer occurrence, muted hazel, almost-green, an autumn forest at dawn. Seeing him makes everything a little better, an ice-pack on the mottled bruise of your day, a warm compress against an aching pain.
A little better, but not entirely.
“Hey, Taehyung,” you reply, trying to etch a smile across your lips.
Instantly, his LED flickers yellow.
“Y/n.” His voice is soft and low as he watches you kick your shoes off, hang your coat up, going through your usual daily motions, smooth with ease of practice even if your limbs feel heavy. “What’s wrong?”
You pause.
“Nothing,” you say. “I’m just tired.”
You hadn’t realised you were so transparent. Hadn’t realised that it would be so easy for Taehyung to see that something’s off, that the levity behind your words is forced, today.
Maybe, back when he’d first stepped foot in your apartment, your lie would have slipped past him. But he’s been here for a few weeks, now, and he’s grown to learn your idiosyncrasies so fast it should be frightening. (But it’s not. It’s… comforting, actually. Knowing that he can read you and does so because he cares about your wellbeing, worries about you, just as you worry about him.)
“Y/n,” Taehyung repeats. 
There’s something a little more emphatic in his tone, something firmer, and you can’t help but look at him.
His LED is yellow and there’s a little frown laid across his brows, his smiling mouth set in a pursed line as he looks back at you, but he’s still soft around the edges. Concern. It’s written all over him, across every inch of his face and body, curled in the curve of his fingers as he reaches out to take your hand.
“What’s wrong?” He says, again, and something inside you dissolves, melts from black ice to gentle water under his warm touch.
“Just a bad day at work,” you admit, an almost embarrassed murmur at this confession of weakness. “I’m feeling a little stressed, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. It’s okay.”
Taehyung’s LED is flickering, swirling yellow, before it transitions into that soft blue you love so much. “Go sit down.” He squeezes your hand. “I’ll make you something.”
Taehyung is still learning, far better at art than most other things, but he knows exactly what you like. The hot chocolate he presents you is piping hot, thick and creamy, and he’s even arranged some of your favourite biscuits on a small plate for you, set in a neat half-circle, a rainbow of cookies and otherwise. And when he sits next to you, he reaches for your hand, holds it loose but safe, looks at you with his big, big eyes—eyes that are back to their usual brown, now, his hair black atop his head, his default settings. 
(You’ll never say it out loud, because Taehyung looks incredible no matter what, but you love this look. It’s your favourite, his dark hair and darker eyes, because it’s what makes him look the softest. It’s entirely Taehyung. There are no remnants of V.)
“Do you want to talk about it?”
And… you do, actually. You do want to talk about it. But still, you hesitate, until Taehyung squeezes your hand again, and all the tension rushes out of you like the air out of a balloon.
It’s weirdly easy to talk to Taehyung, someone who listens intently—like he always does—his LED a gentle looping river that flows on his temple as you spell out the minutiae of your day, each rock caught in the shoe of you life that you’ve struggled to kick out.
It’s strange, to feel coddled like this. Strange to have someone just want to listen to you, someone who cares about the things in your day that had built up into a mountain. Strange, but… nice. It leaves you feeling lighter, buoyed up, like you’ve shed part of the burden on your shoulders, like Taehyung has helped you lift it.
Things are better, the next day. Everything is fine, and your day is good; you know that yesterday was just a blip, something easily dismissed, all the easier for Taehyung’s unswerving support. A bad day is nothing important and doesn’t need thinking about. So, you put it out of your mind as you work, all but forgotten when you get home, back to Taehyung’s glittering eyes and wide grin.
His fingers are stained with paint and there are swipes of it down his apron, staining the once unmarred fabric, evidence of his endless creation. You love it, love that he loves to paint, to create, making things just because he can. For himself.
“I made something for you,” he says, and, oh. 
For himself, and for you too, it seems.
It’s a series of tiny, beautiful canvases. There’s an incredible floral display, chrysanthemums and peonies and roses and lilies and more, more, more, paint layered so thick that the petals literally rise from the page. Each one fits in the palm of your hand, so small and gorgeous, so much wonder contained in each small canvas; you’d forgotten about these. Wonder where Taehyung unearthed them from, without leaving chaos behind, your studio as organised as always.
“Do you like them?”
“Taehyung,” you murmur, staring at the canvas of forget-me-nots that’s cradled in your palm, each petal warm blue with softened hints of pink and purple, so pretty as they sit atop their stems. “I love them. They’re for me?”
Taehyung’s smile is warm, warm, warm. “I thought you could keep them on your desk at work. That’s why I painted them so small,” he says.
No one’s ever painted anything for you before.
“They’re so beautiful, Tae,” you say, and Taehyung’s LED flickers in delight at the nickname, the endearment, familiarity.
“You had a bad day yesterday and I thought you might like something nice to look at while you were at work,” he says, and his voice is so yielding and sweet, marshmallow soft. “Looking at your paintings makes me happy, and I thought you might be happy if you looked at mine, too.”
Your fingers tighten around the tiny canvas in your hand. You do feel happy.
You feel happy looking at Taehyung’s paintings.
(You feel happy looking at Taehyung.)
(The forget-me-nots sit next to your monitors, your eyes resting on those tiny, delicate blooms more often than you realise. Forget-me-not, you think, and then smile. As if you could ever forget about Taehyung.)
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emilioemhw200 · 3 years
Matrimonial App Development Cost, Vital Features & Innovation Pile
Vital Key Point Of Matrimonial Mobile App
Cost Of Advancement For Wedlock App
Just How Much Does It Set You Back To Construct A Matrimonial Application Like Shaadi Com?
What Are The Vital Functions Of The Matrimony Mobile Application?
Just How Much Does It Cost To Create Shaadi
Allows Talk Organization Do Not Hesitate To Contact With Us
In addition to the aforementioned attributes, you may additionally include a couple of advanced features like third-party API, social sharing, newsfeed/activity feed, rating/reviews, etc . As you know in this world individuals are more social active and also they make friends on social channels like Facebook, Instagram to connect with them.
. Users will have the capacity to share photos with other accounts by clicking straight from the application cam, rather than publishing the certain pictures in the phone gallery. The app admin can remain updated regarding the action of all the app individuals making use of the newsfeed quality, where all the individual tasks will certainly be shown. Having an app will certainly bring in more viewers and also they will have the capability to browse numerous profiles to find the excellent prospect according the audience options. With the aid of these apps it makes easy and practical for the clients to see their companions within their caste and community. There are many posts online stating that the choice of WordPress with ideal plugins will certainly be the most effective choice for creating the matrimonial web site. However, all themes will certainly not allow you to personalize based on your requirement.
Important Bottom Line Of Matrimonial Mobile App
Our marital application growth service offers you to immediately match the passion of individuals as well as according to the passion, it fulfills the profile. BR Softech is known as a best Matrimonial Web site Development Firm as it uses an extremely functional martimonal app and also portal to our clients. Our well versed designers bring the marriage bureau software program according to the requirement of our client which includes front end attributes, customer panel and also Search Engine Optimization friendly marital site. We likewise create the neighborhood services and also organization pleasant service.
Choose if your application requires to target the Android customers or the iphone users. If you have a really great budget plan, then you might get the app established on both these platforms. Personal privacy & safety and security of the profiles can be uncovered with a feature-rich mobile application. An application incorporated with real-time analytics, for certain returns out ample of advantages.
Price Of Growth For Matrimony Application
You can additionally pick to obtain the app created for both the systems, yet that would certainly enhance the cost. The user-blocking function is important because it permits the individuals to block the various other individual accounts that will attempt their persistence with unnecessary hassles. This function helps customers to check the social accounts of interested individuals to recognize them in better way and also it likewise helps them to examine the various other individual everyday tasks. This function help customer to conserve their favored profiles which they want to open up next time when they open up the application. Having a mobile application will certainly draw in more audience as below they will certainly have the ability to surf numerous profiles at one time. Along with these elements mentioned above, one important element that majorly impacts the price of development Check out this site is the physical location of the mobile Application Advancement Business as well as the app programmers.
Make it hassle-free for your customers to make the suits online with your marital software.
Boosted privacy and also safety of all the profiles are cross-checked with feature-rich marriage mobile apps.
So the assimilation of a mobile wallet right into your matrimony app will definitely raise the price but it will additionally remove all payment-related troubles.
In-app Cam-- The in-app camera attribute will certainly enable users to straight click photos and also share them with various other accounts.
If we determine approximately, after that creating a wedlock mobile application would certainly cost you in an area of $15000-$ 20000. However, if you choose to integrate the innovative features then this expense is bound to go also higher. Investments from top companies have seen the marital market to expand by 25% -30% yearly. Millennials and Gen Z individuals are locating it extremely beneficial as well as are spending even more time and energy right into this rather than any type of various other setting. Infiltration of mobile web is boosting with each passing year which is offering an aiding hand to these wedlock mobile applications.
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This function once more can help the customers to make phone calls and also send messages right into the intriguing profiles within the application itself. It is vital to ensure the personal privacy of the applications customers in addition to enable the application customers to obstruct another customer profiles which can be making an unneeded annoyance for them. A matrimonial mobile application needs to be a secure & secure system to link people, assisting numerous individuals from numerous neighborhoods to find their perfect companion. Presently, the marriage industry is getting the interest of the financiers and also, the future will tremendously productive for this market with the mobile applications.
It additionally serves a smooth and also simple to make use of the experience to all its users. You can exchange passions, check your account, exchange messages, conversation as well as do different other available activities to conserve your precious time. This website and also its app are perfect for you in situation if you are a Muslim as well as locating Islamic wedlock. This also is a marriage application that has been serving the Indian target market for some time now.
Just How Much Does It Set You Back To Develop A Marital Application Like Shaadi Com?
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There are great deals of marital mobile applications and also site that might assist you to figure out the very best partner. Marital apps consist of all the details concerning the groom or bride, so the parents obtain every detail they are looking for. If you are budget plan restraint, after that you have the choice to choose between Android as well as iphone system or can even choose Crossbreed apps. It is always being seen that iOS app constantly set you back cheaper than android apps as a result of restricted variety of gadgets to evaluate on. Crossbreed mobile applications are constantly taken into consideration as perfect option for marital brand name. Individuals say "Marriages are made in paradise" However, I feel the majority of the marriages are occurring via matrimonial sites in this net age.
So if you are planning to have a marital application or web site anytime earlier? But, terrified that creating a matrimonial app, would dig an opening in your pocket. We have a number of masters that will certainly aid you in developing an excellent marital app within your spending plan. Do you recognize the best part, you can hire them based on your needs also.
What Are The Important Attributes Of The Marriage Mobile App?
All these collection of attributes with each other calls for a competent group of mobile developers to carry on yourapp layout and also developmentprocess. A bulk of the web sites offer complimentary registrations so that you can have an idea of the functions before continuing to the costs alternatives. The parents also have the possibility to register for their child/ little girl on their part. There are many noticeable mobile apps in the business that consist of shaadi.com, Bharat wedlock, Zindagi marriage, Love Vivah matrimonial app among others. Gone are the days where people utilized to employ a representative to find a prospective match for their daughter/ child.
Our site and also apps include one of the most extreme admin panels with SEO friendly designs in the most inexpensive pricing. Make their decision-making simpler by using our much more practical solutions. We establish matrimonial software that is user friendly with an intuitive interface for greater comfort." wedlock application is also depending upon the geographical location of the developers you have actually picked, adhered to by their experience & know-how level, etc . Security of customer information needs to be made sure at any cost as well as so as to get this done you require to care for the particular safety and security steps.
How Much Does It Cost To Create Shaadi
It is way too very easy in its functions as well as has the advantage of getting accessed at any time of the day. You do not need to make a routine as well as open your laptop computer to undergo it. It is readily available to be downloaded from the app store as well as after getting this done you can conveniently access it by logging in just for once.
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sacrificim · 3 years
"eternity... it hurts... it really hurts… why just us... why do we have to…"
"those are... what happened to my clones… years of multiplying... years of fighting in wars... their sense of self just... deteriorated."
"even when our companions died, we kept fighting. but the eternal war... our eternal pain... the eternal pain! it screamed at us. it told us there was nothing of value to protect in this world... the world had no meaning, it screamed at us!"
;~; i rewatched the end of emil's quest in automata. why did i think this was a good idea.
i keep going back and forth on this but for the time being, unless plotted otherwise, the default for my automata verse is that emil is the emil. however after having multiplied for so long, so much - with all of them sharing memories that then began to fade, he has no idea. as he says in his quest, he is convinced that he is not the original emil - but he also cannot say where he is, if he is even still alive. ( and it's likely he'll never learn either, for every single memory was passed between the clones. how could he possibly discover the truth? )
the pain of eternity is cruel. war after war fought in an endless loop, memories fading, blinking out one by one, and leaving behind the sole wish that created the clones in the first place - the wish to protect… and, eventually... the realization that there is nothing left to protect. that their struggle was useless, their existence one of eternal damnation. of never-ending suffering.
emil created many clones. who, with time, all met the same fate. a loss of self, an unfortunate soul left in an empty world with nothing left to do but fight and question why they continued to do so. their fate was madness… and his, too, would've become the same. it was on a one way track, till the androids showed up. his memories all but gone, his sense of self lost to a delusion of a more innocent time. for he had grown, in the distant past. had mentally matured, and blossomed as any young kid surrounded by nourishment - by friends and love. but with the loss of said friends… with the coming of the war… it was easier, to survive with the mind blinded with childlike wonder. easier to cope behind a cheerful persona.
he was losing himself when he first met the androids. it may not have happened that year, or that century, but he was fighting a losing battle within his own mind.
it wasn't until he began to recover what he'd lost that the mask began to crack. with each new memory, the once all consuming haze started to lift, the harsh reality of the world setting in once more. ( even if a part of him wished he'd remained blind, to live on in blissful naivety… the memories a burden he was prepared to bear, but one that hurt in a way nothing else had nevertheless... )
and yet, even with their recovery, he did not view the world as doomed. did not see his plight as useless. even with the world in ruins, this was still the very same world his friends had loved. he would've continued on, to help protect it in any way he could. alas… with his newfound memories, did he recall the dormant forms of those buried beneath sand - crying out in silent suffering. the clones, his clones, who he wished to ease the pain of…
the pain of the clones, the desire to end this forsaken world, had been echoing from the desert for so long... and only he knew. he had to stop them - to help them.
in the end, it was him who was taken down… but the androids, they hadn't accepted his cryptic goodbye. thus did it fill him with happiness to see them arrive - to succeed where he had failed… before at last did he, too, see the light and join his long lost friends in a new kind of eternity...
“i can't believe I remembered something so important... right at the end. i was running... from the memories of losing those close to me... It was so hard... so painful... at the end... i did a lot of bad things to you, 2B. but now i get to see them again... really soon...
“oh... hey! there you are... i'm so glad... i got to see you all again...”
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@heartfledged​ asked: ❝ oh, i’m just your run-of-the-mill asshole. ❞
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Avyra’s words once again succeeded in rendering the android completely flummoxed. She was his what?
    ‘I am afraid I do not fully comprehend this... colloquialism. Would you care to elaborate on its meaning — I may be equipped with official dictionaries for multiple languages, but those do not grant me access to phenomena humans refer to as “slang,” or idioms,’ Data pointed out. ‘Those particular elements of the human speech elude me, but I am eager to learn how to utilise and interpret them accordingly.’
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