#ooc: finally! done! whoohoo!!
huds-hub · 3 years
"Undyne looks daggers at your direction."
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Unadopted AU Age: 13 Sprite color: Pink Main tag: #deltarune unadopted au
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This Undyne has a life that isn’t so fortunate compared to the other teenage fishies. This kid has trust issues from moving from one foster family to the other. Unlike the other Undynes, she puts up a tough and distant façade borne from fear. Truthfully, she craves real connections, a real family, and a stable life as all foster kids do. But, as her history taught her, those things don't last long. Of all the verses and AUs, she is the most lawless and volatile fish.
Content warning tags: #child abuse mention cw (generally non-descriptive references, but may eventually be discussed outright in RP.)
More info:
Undyne has lost count of how many times she relocated homes. It started at 5 years old. She was placed in a temporary home when her parents went missing. They were shortly proclaimed dead. Thus beginning her cycle through the foster caring system.
Her current home is a wealthy human family consisting of two parents and two older teenage daughters. The adults are often at work and their kids have their own schedules outside the home. Though she has plenty of new clothes and lots of food to eat, "They're never around,” according to Undyne. It’s not helping with the sense of isolation she feels.
Undyne’s current foster family is making space in her room for another (foster?) child. This absolutely agitates the fish.
The only thing Undyne likes about going to school is P.E. class. Her grades are too low to participate in school extracurricular activities... though she would very much benefit from letting off steam by doing competitive sports.
This fish is weak! Her lack of involvement in sports and her previous homes’ malnourishing diet has left her scrawny. She makes up for it by making the knife her weapon of choice and has better control over shadowmelding than the other AU fishies.
Don’t be too worried about the knife. Much of her actions are driven by fear, and one of those fears is the thought of resorting to actually killing someone. It’s more about putting up a front of fearlessness because all she wants to do is survive.
Undyne is friends with Sugar, who... isn't her best influence.
This fishy stupidly attempted to steal a horse from the town's biggest rodeo star, Annie. She made a deal with the fellow teen to work at her ranch in exchange for not getting arrested.
Asgore is Dad-shaped to her! He is the only person who currently treats her like she imagines an actual loving parent would treat their kids.
Really, she's going to need lots and lots of patience and commitment if you're going to reach her in any positive way.
Related tags:
#adult sugar verse: Undyne runs away from her foster home and encounters an adult Sugar in an abandoned building. It collapses beneath them, leaving Sugar tasked to get herself and the teenager out of the rubble and away from customers hunting her down.
#teen sugar verse: Fishy is friends with teenage Sugar. Undyne sees Sugar as the cooler older teenager who has it all under control. On the other hand, Sugar sees Undyne as privileged due to her wealthy foster family.
Other Deltarune AUs:
Student AU
Sibling AU
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i-w-p-chan · 7 years
Miss- err, Mr. and Mr. Croft, Part 10/Legend, Part 2
Important Author Note: Unless it is specified who says which part, the dialogue typically alternates between Tsuna and Hayato.
WARNINGS: OOC, Language (there is a lot of cursing), Violence, Indiscriminate Killing (Tomb Raider Typical Killing- applies to humans, animals, and mythical creatures), Dialogue Heavy, Set In The Tomb Raider Games 'Verses, So May Not Make A Whole Lot Of Sense If You Don't Know TR (unless you, like me, don't mind that), Uses Dialogue From The Game, Collection of Snippets/Drabbles/Scenes Featuring Tsuna's And Hayato's Adventures In The TR Games, Beware Of Unexpected Mood Whiplashes, Ship Teasing, Slight BoyxBoy (why do I even warn about this anymore?), Platonic 5927 (To The EXTREEEEEEEME!), Snark, Badass Tsuna And Hayato, Badasses In Dresses, Perverted Swords, Cute Hammers, And As Always: Shameless Self-Indulgence/Ridiculousness.
Disclaimer: Don't own TR or KHR.  
"Look. Exploring another base in the cold ice, with Russian background, and seeking an artifact of mysterious power."
"Hey, at least it's not the Spear of Destiny. So, the base won't just get wrecked from someone attempting to use it."
Hayato looked at a blandly smiling Tsuna.
"Get on, Hayato!"
"Why do you have to be the one driving?!" Despite his complaints, Hayato still rode on the bike behind Tsuna.
"Okay, now you're showing off."
"Why, Zip, I need to have my fun somehow."
"You're no fun, Hayato."
"Look, there are even exposed electric wires that we should avoid."
"At least they're not dunked in water. Remember the submarine?"
Tsuna scoffed, "How can I not? You asked me if I had a crush on the Admiral, a man I had only met mere hours prior."
"Dammit Lara-" Tsuna covered a wince, "-I'm busy."
Hayato put a hand on Tsuna's shoulder and pushed him back, taking the 'lead' as Lara.
"I see you changed your look." Hayato's expression was neutral, "That was you in Bolivia. With Rutland."
"I've been all over, and I'm going to places you can't conceive of." Hayato honestly doubted that, "You're the one being left behind this time. Sorry."
Was this what it was all about?
Hayato took a deep breath; he had to try- he and Tsuna had gotten so used to being seen by a handful of other people in this world that it stung that their friend of years from before the incident at Paraiso didn't see them. So maybe, maybe, if Hayato made amends, she would finally see. Rutland was able to, after all. And it would make Tsuna happy; which mattered more to Hayato than his pride at the moment. So he would apologize.
(It was also his fault that Amanda was left down in the water to die.)
"I'm sorry, Amanda." Hayato ignored how Tsuna clutched his sleeve and tugged at it, attempting to get Hayato to look at him, "If I'd known you were alive, I swear that I would have done everything I could to save you."
"Please." Amanda turned around to face them, "I got over that a long time ago." She… did? "You know what really used to bug me, though? When I got out and saw that you left without even trying to… oh, what is it archeologists do? Oh, right. Dig."
Oh, no. Nononono. Tsuna was hurt. He had to be taken away from the place and given proper attention; unexpected side-effects from failed bonding attempts were dangerous. Amanda was their friend, true, but Tsuna. Always. Came. First.
Tsuna tugged with more insistence on Hayato's sleeve.
Hayato merely touched Tsuna's hand.
Amanda didn't get to do that, send that accusation Tsuna's way.
"We'd thought of it as a memorial." Tsuna's voice rang out, desperate and beseeching. Tsuna himself walked forward to reach Amanda.
"Whatever." Amanda turned around and spoke with one of the mercenaries near her, "Don't let her follow me."
The mercenary threw a grenade on the bridge; Hayato launched forward, grabbing Tsuna and tugging him away just in time before the bridge exploded.
That stung the most.
Tsuna looked at a worried Hayato, his eyes conveyed his conflict. Tsuna's expression then softened, "I'm fine. Or at least, I will be fine."
A slightly hysterical laugh burst unexpectedly past Hayato's lips, "Oh? Should we get you a few mercenaries to maim?"
"Maybe." Tsuna stared at the door Amanda disappeared into, "And Hayato?"
"You don't have to shoulder the blame by yourself."
Tsuna patted Hayato on the back, "Now, let's go."
"Amanda." This time, Tsuna took the 'lead', "I'm sorry for what happened, but we can still work together."
"There is no we, Lara." Tsuna's facial expression blanked at 'Lara', "There never was. It was just me down there. Me and this." Amanda put her hand on the stone dangling from her choker, "Do you remember it? I touched it, and it touched me back."
"I don't like the sound of that," Hayato muttered. The stone Amanda was referring to was the same stone she pulled out of the wall in Paraiso. The stone that supposedly controlled the strange creature that was down there.
"I tamed it then. And made it my own."
What? Hayato was incredulous, Tsuna had failed at doing just that, how could Amanda?
The stone glowed under Amanda's hand, and the same creature dropped from the room she was in to the ground in front of Tsuna and Hayato.
"A little friendlier than it was in Paraiso, isn't it? I taught it how to fetch."
Hayato scowled, taught it how to fetch, did she?
"You're mad! It killed our friends!" It hurt Tsuna! Hayato wanted to scream at her.
"And it almost killed us," Tsuna spoke, voice deep and emotionless; his head was turned to face the monster, eyes glowing orange and wisps of fire clinging to his form.
Tsuna took a ready stance Hayato recognized: Tsuna was preparing to rush at the monster and tear it limb from limb. Not-so misplaced aggression at its finest.
"And it saved my life, once I mastered it. It's all about a broader perception. I'd stay away from it if I were you, though. It can still be a little touchy."
"It better stay away from me."
It was Tsuna who launched at the monster first, using his flames to propel himself forward and grabbing the monster around its neck.
"I have a score to settle with you." Tsuna grinned viciously, and his flames roared, hiding the two from view. The monster screeched from behind the curtain of flames while Tsuna cackled.
Amanda stared in shock, "What?! What's going on?! How did the flames-?!"
Hayato shook his head and walked over towards the machine in the middle of the room; they had a sword fragment to take.
Hayato tugged the sword fragment towards himself, "Good. Tsuna!"
Hayato turned to look around the shaking room at where Tsuna was; the flames had receded, the creature was on the ground, whimpering as it was pinned down to the ground with Tsuna's ice as Tsuna stood over it with a satisfied expression on his face.
Amanda was still staring in shock at where the creature was.
Hayato raised his voice as he addressed Amanda, "Word of advice! Don't piss Tsuna off!"
Amanda turned towards Hayato, her shock increasing.
"So you can finally see?" Hayato scoffed, "A little too late for that. Tsuna, we're leaving! And no, don't punch a hole through the base! The place is unstable as it is!"
"King Arthur's Museum?"
Tsuna and Hayato snickered.
The two looked at the metal spikes, "Acrobatics time."
"Now what about this gate?"
"I'll melt it, easy as you please."
"Maybe we should have used that forklift."
"I can't believe that we just used a coffin to push the pressure plate."
Tsuna and Hayato looked at the crypts.
"You know," Tsuna started, "There's always this exhilarating part when you find out that a myth is not just a myth."
"And there are those not-so exhilarating parts when the finding is tied with facing deadly monsters. Like Set, dragons, demons, Nephilim, alchemists who've been alive for at least seven centuries."
"And Atlantean rulers who seek the destruction of the Earth."
Tsuna rushed towards the entrance, Hayato hot on his heels; the both of them were worried about what happened with Zip and Alister.
The moment they left the building and got close to the edge of the water, a giant, horned serpent burst out of the water.
"We don't have time for this!" Tsuna grumbled as he and Hayato took out their guns.
"There is venting your frustration and there's using the carcass of your dead enemy- whom you just killed- as a bridge. Have I told you before how vicious you are, Tsuna?"
"Yes. Many, many times before."
Tsuna sighed as he stared at the plane wreckage in the snow. Hayato put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Tsuna smiled at him.
"Shall we?"
"Yes. Let's."
Tsuna arranged the sword's pieces on the ground, then took out the Ghalali key. The moment the key neared the pieces, they shook and began to float, surrounded by green sparks.
Tsuna and Hayato shared a look, and Tsuna inched the key closer and closer to the sword pieces.
The green glow around the pieces strengthened; the Ghalali key shook in Tsuna's hand, its green glow was being mixed in with an orange one as Tsuna's flames sprang forth around his hand and the key.
Then the key flew from Tsuna's hand, though still connected with the flames, and towards the sword pieces.
The key slotted into its place in the hilt, and the sword pieces glowed. After the glow died down, the key separated from the now no-longer fragmented sword and returned to Tsuna's hand.
Tsuna's flames were still around his hand and the key, except they now also wrapped around the sword as well.
"Excalibur reforged." Hayato breathed out.
"Hayato, did you hear that?"
"Yes… just what-?"
'Who… are you?'
"I… I'm Tsuna."
'You feel like a Sky…'
Tsuna twitched, just what did that mean?
"And I'm Hayato."
'A Storm…'
Tsuna and Hayato shared a look.
"Umm, guys?" Zip interjected, "Who are talking to?"
"You can't hear him?"
"No. Hear who?"
'I… am the sword and key in your hands, Sky, Tsuna,' The voice spoke again, 'A sword of great kings. A key to great lands.'
"You're Excalibur?!"
"What," Zip wondered, "Does the sword have to do with the voice? It speaks?"
"He speaks." Tsuna corrected absently.
'I have been called that before.'
"You wouldn't mind if I called you 'Cal', would you?"
"A nickname for Excalibur. Like I'm Tsunayoshi but go with Tsuna."
'Very well.'
"It took me years, but I finally got that cool, energy-channeling sword I wanted."
"You… still remember that?!"
"Of course! And wonder of wonders~ He's called Excalibur~"
Hayato put his face in his hands.
"Anyone between us and that stone dies." Tsuna threateningly held Excalibur at his side, not that he needed it to make true on his words- between him and Hayato, they'd be the only people to walk out of here alive.
"Stop!" Amanda called out, "I don't want anything bad to happen."
"A bit too late for that." Hayato snorted.
Amanda gave him a look, "True. It won't stop me if you come any closer."
"I don't need to come any closer to make you get out of the way." Tsuna held the sword aloft, "Cal?"
'Right away.'
The sword swung, emitting a stream of green energy that pushed Rutland, Amanda and the two mercenaries next to them away from the dais.
It may have looked like Tsuna swung the sword, but Excalibur pretty much moved by himself while being held in Tsuna's hand.
"Stop! What are you doing?!"
"You are not going to stop us."
"It only works once! And I'm going to be the one!" Amanda took out the stone on her choker.
As she summoned the creature from the stone, it surrounded her. After the creature fully manifested, it looked different from last time- it glowed purple in the chest area and its body was littered with burn marks.
Amanda was nowhere in sight.
"She merged with it." Tsuna frowned and let go of Excalibur, summoning his flames; Hayato holstered his guns and summoned his flames as well; Excalibur floated in the air, glowing green and orange around the hilt.
The creature dissipated, leaving Amanda on the ground, apparently unconscious, with the stone near her.
Tsuna grabbed the stone; it shook in his hand, refusing him. Tsuna scowled and summoned his flames to the same hand he held the stone in, making sure to burn the stone enough to make it behave. The stone quaked, and then ceased all movement; its outer layer was charred.
Hayato held Excalibur as he descended from the air towards him.
"Well, then. Let's go work that dais," Hayato said.
Once Hayato put Excalibur in the dais, the rocks around the dais shook just like they did that time in the chamber years ago.
'They're reacting to Tsuna.'
"What?" Tsuna was confused.
'They sensed you from your connection with me, and so they're activating in response.'
"Is that what happened before?"
"But you didn't have a connection with the sword that was there."
'Maybe… hmm, maybe my sibling desired for a connection, and the pillars reacted to that.'
"You… may be right." Hayato looked pensive.
Their conversation was cut as the portal rose and glowed.
The two heard echoes of voices- echoes of a conversation from a long time ago.
Tsuna was rendered speechless as they saw Amelia through the portal.
"Who are you?"
"Amelia! It's Hayato!"
"What about Hayato? You stay away from him!"
Realization downed on Hayato, "Don't touch the sword!"
"He didn't do anything!"
Amanda came to at that moment, and once she saw what was happening, she shouted, "Take out the sword!"
"What?! NO!"
"Amelia," Tsuna spoke up, "Please, listen to me-"
"It will explode unless you pull out the sword!"
Amelia looked as terror-stricken as she did all those years ago.
"Oh god, no!"
Amelia… pulled out the sword.
The portal exploded; Tsuna and Hayato barely jumped away in time, Excalibur flying in the air to land near them.
"You idiots! You ruined everything!"
Amanda was subsequently pinned with two pairs of glowing eyes.
"I should have killed her." Tsuna sighed, his hands trailing along Excalibur's edge.
"…" Hayato sighed, "Maybe we should focus on the search for Avalon. You heard what she said."
'Amelia… may not be there, you know?'
"Yes, Cal, but…"
"As long as there's a chance, no matter how tiny."
"Yes, that."
"Besides- Tsuna! What would the Scion have to say about this?"
"Let me go see."
End chapter 10
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scottstiles · 8 years
I'm conflict about the sciles because on one hand, it was beautiful, but like I didn't want them to separate??? I mean, from all the DOB stuff it was obvious that Stiles wasn't going to be in 6b, so it wouldn't have made sense for them to go to the same college and then only have Scott return and not Stiles. I just feel like it's a little ooc for Stiles not to return with his friends if Beacon Hills is in danger, so that's why I thought him dying would've been more in character. Your thoughts?
i’m not really conflicted. after sleeping on it a few hours ive woken up still pretty miffed. everybody said to me last night the sciles in this ep was so wonderful so beautiful i was gonna be so happy about it and let me tell you….i wish it had been. but i don’t think it was. and i’m gonna try to explain why.it started off promising- stiles looking for scott the second he broke out, screaming each other’s names now and then, trying to solve things together again whoohoo and all that but…i mean…i was even disappointed by the hug?? liam had to make them stop because hey there’s a man on fire over there, we didn’t get more than the few seconds shown in the sneak peek, and once again, they didn’t talk about ANYTHING. so okay, i held that in thinking we would finally get something eventually, but i was still disappointed. “wanna split up?”“absolutely not”“wanna split up?”“never again”
AND YET……? was there any more sciles in the episode that didn’t include them actually splitting up/being torn apart?!
they spend the majority of the episode being ripped into different places by ghost riders, and then i’m supposed to be happy with the final discussion being about not living together or going to the same school or even being in the same state when the beginning of seasons 5 AND 6 talked about them staying together through college?! i’m supposed to accept this?! i don’t think so.
“i need you”“i missed you”
BUT YOU LOVE EACH OTHER JUST FUCKING SAY SO. i’m sorry but boys are allowed to say they love each other. even if it’s not romantic. just let them say it god fucking damn it.
on top of it every time they get close to saying something important stiles has to make a joke instead. all this tells me is that the writers really just aren’t interested in giving us even one more second of detail about their relationship. they were done 2.5 seasons ago and they’re never going back.
ya. i’m a bit bitter.
sorry i just re-read you ask so now i’ll speak to your points a bit more-
as for them not returning together for 6b, tbqh i had no expectations. i knew they wouldn’t kill him off, but i was trying to not think about what it might be like. i expected something like this, but i expected more that none of the old mains would really be around in 6b- more like scott would turn into obi wan’s ghost for liam or something over skype and i kind of secretly thought sciles would live together and stiles would just be unable to come home for whatever reason. i could handle that. i can probably handle this as well, i mean, long distance is a great fanfic trope and if stydia could turn into fanfiction why tf couldn’t sciles….okay i’m reaching. but yeah, i have no idea what i’m gonna feel about 6b. this season was a fucking rollercoaster for me and i’m gonna need a year to recover.
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