#ooc: lets out a pathetic wheeze
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mymegumi · 3 years
canis lupus familiaris
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pairing: bokuto koutarou x gn!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 3.0k
warnings: meet-cute, dog walker!bokuto, maybe ooc!bokuto + swearing/maybe
note: if this piece seems familiar, it’s because it was the last thing i posted on my old account (@/zumisace) before i deactivated it! i loved it and really wanted it out there hehe. i’m gonna be posting some old works that i really enjoyed mwah. help reading this again the dialogue is so blegh
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Labrador Retriever
The first day you notice him, he’s dressed in a pair of athletic shorts, black leggings extending past his knee to the middle of his shin as he stretches. There’s a bright orange leash that’s looped around his hand as he crosses an arm over his broad chest, a happily panting yellow labrador on the other end.
He is single handedly the most beautiful man you think you’ve ever seen, and you have to be careful you’re not drooling when you steal glances at him.
You’re lucky you even saw him, because you never go through the park near Main Street. It’s too crowded, and there are too many men that try and assert their dominance over you—overall you avoid walking this direction towards your favorite bookstore every weekend.
You’d only done it this weekend because there was some sort of construction going on West Street, but you have to sit down at a park bench momentarily just to gape at the handsome man jogging around the park with a dog at his side.
His hair spikes up in discolored disarray, but what might seem messy and uncoordinated on a lesser man, seems attractive on this one. He’s got a wide chest, shoulders broad that fills out his dry-fit shirt as he does some more stretching, and watching him while he does so makes you feel almost like a pervert, really.
You’d taken a quick detour in the park just to sit and watch him, book in hands forgotten as he crouched down, hands rubbing underneath the dog’s jaw with a loving touch. The smile on the man’s lips are wide, and you’re almost positive you’ve seen the smile before but you’re not really sure where.
When he looks up, your eyes catch with his and the smile he sends your way is blinding. You have to hold the book in front of your face just to hide the embarrassment clearly written across your face, but when you peek out a moment later, he seems none the wiser to your blunder.
You’re not usually one to base your attraction to other people solely on looks alone, but there’s something about this guy that tugs at your heartstrings. He’s good with dogs, too, and men that are good with animals are always a plus because they’re good judges of character.
“Hey, how are you?”
You look up to see the dog walker smiling brightly at you, a yellow labrador sitting at his side with a smile that almost matches his. Setting the book aside, you match his greeting. “Hi, I’m doing good, how are you?”
“Ah, I’m okay.” His hand rests on the dog’s head, who whines when he removes it to scratch the back of his neck. “I’m Bokuto, I just saw you looking at Rusty here and thought maybe you were too shy to say something.”
Well, at least your cover wasn’t blown just yet. You introduce yourself quickly while you reach a hand out to run along Rusty’s jaw, heart swelling when the dog seems to lean into your touch. “You caught me. I love dogs, is he yours?”
“Naw,” Bokuto crouches down now, just below your eye level as he rubs Rusty’s chest with a heavy hand, “I walk dogs when I’m not busy with practice, because it’s good exercise and I can get some pet time in without having to make the commitment of a dog, yet.”
“Yet? Do you plan on getting one at all?” Looking up at him, you tilt your head to the side as he shrugs.
“I’m not really sure yet.” Bokuto looks off into the distance as Rusty gets closer to you, nudging your legs apart with a wet nose to rest his head on your lap. “I travel a lot for work, so I’m not sure getting a dog would be smart.”
You hum thoughtfully. Bokuto seemed like a different type of person, from farther away. You hate to make assumptions about people without really getting to know them first, but he really seems like he dives into things head first without thinking things through. It’s nice to know that he cares for the potential dog he might get in the future enough, though.
“I’d get a pet, but I’m not really sure what I would want,” you start as you look back up at him, “I’m not even sure I’m a pet person, to be honest.”
“Everyone’s a pet person as long as you love them enough,” Bokuto encourages you with his hands outstretching, orange leash dangling from his hand making Rusty pick up his head briefly, “I hate to cut this short, cause it was really nice meeting you, but Rusty’s owner here is gonna pick him up in a little bit, and I gotta run him back to his house.”
“Oh, totally fine, I’d hate to keep you here.” You wave as he begins to jog off, taking a semi-willing Rusty with him. “Maybe I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah! I’m here every week walking dogs, so maybe I’ll see ya?”
As his figure retreats into the distance, you can practically feel your heartbeat in your chest. Pressing a hand to your chest, you think it might calm the racing beat as you bite your lip, smile shy as you think about the exchange you’d just had.
Bokuto was a weird guy, is the first thing you think of. Normally, people don’t come up to others in a park just because he’d managed to catch you staring. If he caught you staring at him, you appreciate the fact that he saved you the embarrassment and gave you the dog as an excuse. He seems nice enough, and you’re sure that in another world, maybe you’d regret letting the conversation flow as well as it had, but in this one, you liked talking to him like that.
Maybe you would be back next week, construction on West Street be damned.
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French Bulldog
You were absolutely pathetic.
Never in your some odd years of living did you ever think that you’d be the type of person to exercise just because you wanted to see a guy again.
A very tall, adorable, muscular guy that handled dogs well and came up to you with a smile brighter than the sun, but a guy, nonetheless.
Dressed in a set of workout clothes that had practically been collecting dust in your drawers, you were stretching very awkwardly at the park, feeling out of place and uncomfortable. You weren’t someone that worked out often, and you prayed to whatever upper being was out there that no one looked at you weird.
You’d been pacing around the front of your apartment for a good twenty minutes before you decided to jog to the park, trying to keep a slower pace than normal because you didn’t want to be huffing and wheezing when you got to the park.
When you got there, you spotted Bokuto almost immediately. He was surrounded by a small crowd of people, looking embarrassed as they seemed to be asking for his autograph. A thinner, royal blue leash was wrapped around his hand as he waved and posed with some people for pictures.
Was he famous or something? You weren’t exactly sure, but he did have a familiar sort of face. You’d thought you’d seen him before the first day you had seen him, so maybe you’d seen him on your explore feed on Instagram or something.
You weren’t going to intrude on the festivities, content to just continue stretching and maybe actually exercise, but when Bokuto caught your eye, he waved at you with a hand over his head, movements large and noticeable.
“Sorry, I have to go, but thanks for supporting me!” was the part of the conversation that you had caught as you watched him jog towards you, a small white and brown French Bulldog happily trailing after him.
“Hey,” you’re tying your shoe now, crouched on the ground and you hold out a hand for the small dog to smell, “Funny running into you again, stranger.”
“Nice to see you again, you really saved me.” There’s relief in his voice as he holds his hands on his hips, chest heaving gently as he smiles at you. “Y’know, I love my fans, and they’re usually really respectful, but I guess someone caught wind that I started walking dogs and a whole crew of people were here when I got here with Porco today.”
You really hope Porco is the name of the dog.
“Your fans?” You straighten yourself off of the ground and give him a raised eyebrow. “Are you a model or something? I wouldn’t be surprised, you have the looks for one.”
The words leave your mouth before you can really think, and maybe it’s worth not having a filter for that brief moment to see the rosy red blush spread across the bridge of his nose and across the planes of his cheeks. If you look close, you’re pretty sure you can see it start to creep up his neck and on the tips of his ears.
“I’m not–! I’m not a model.” His words are quick as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “I’m a volleyball player, I play for the MSBY Black Jackals!”
“Oh, I’m not really into sports all that much.” You shrug lightly as you feel a weight on your foot, looking down to see Porco resting his butt on your sneaker. “I’m surprised I’m just now finding out you’re, like, famous, though.”
“I thought you knew I was a volleyball player, honestly.” Bokuto looks a little sheepish as he says it. “Usually, people recognize me right away so I just talked about it like you knew.”
“It’s fine! Don’t worry too much, I didn’t even notice.”
Porco makes a strange noise, something between breathing in too hard and sneezing, and it honestly stops your heart for a good minute. Looking at Bokuto, you’re concerned but it soothes off of you when he leans down and just pats the dog’s back lightly. “Sorry, French Bulldogs actually have really bad nasal issues, so Porco tends to do this when his nose gets too dry.”
“Y’know, you sure know a lot about different types of dogs for a guy that doesn’t want one,” you remark as you crouch down with Bokuto to scratch under Porco’s chin lightly.
Bokuto’s laugh is something akin to an angel’s and you want to make him laugh for the rest of his life. “I really wanted a dog when I was a kid, but my mom thought I was too irresponsible, so I did a month long project where I just researched about different dogs.”
“Guess it stuck with you, huh?” He nods, and you’re not sure if he does it on purpose but his shoulder bumps yours gently. “Did your mom end up getting you a dog?”
“No! My sister got a hamster and my mom was worried a big dog, like I wanted, would terrorize it.” his tone isn’t accusatory or spiteful, just reminiscing on the past as he continues to stare at the small dog before him. “It was probably for the better, cause I think I would’ve been heartbroken if the dog died before I was able to make it to the professional leagues.”
Talking to Bokuto is one of the easiest things you think you’ve ever done.
The two of you end up walking around the park when Porco calms down after a while, and the conversation flows as smooth as a river. Whenever there might be a moment of awkward silence, he manages to fill it effortlessly by mentioning something, or even just talking about his experiences as a volleyball player.
Honestly, even the moments of silence aren’t even all that awkward. There’s something soothing about the sounds of both of your feet hitting the pavement and the birds chirping that makes the entire experience one of the better ones you’ve had.
So, when he asks for your number, you give it to him without a second thought.
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German Shepherd
Bokuto really likes texting people at odd hours of the day, you’ve learned.
Sometimes you’ll wake up to a text on your phone from the man that he sent at about one in the morning, often asking you something that he had just thought of and can’t bother anyone else with. When you wake up, you typically try and answer his question to the best of your ability, and if you can’t figure it out, the two of you brainstorm the next weekend at the park to see what the answer could possibly be.
The pair of you have slipped into such a routine that seems so domestic it makes your heart clench whenever you have to remind yourself you’re just friends.
Today, at the park, Bokuto has a dog that you’ve seen before. A friendly German Shepherd named Ace that loved to slobber on your hands if you scratched underneath his chin for long enough.
A bright green leash is looped around his hand as he does his triangle stretches, Ace sitting between his feet acting well mannered. Bokuto waves at you as you walk over, tucking your phone away as you greet them both.
“Any clue where in the park we want to go today?”
“You think you’d get bored of the park after a while,” you say off handedly, watching as Ace’s ears perk up at the sight of two squirrels chasing after each other.
When Bokuto doesn’t say anything for a good minute or two, you turn to look at him. “Well, honestly? I was gonna stop coming to this park a few weeks ago.”
“Really?” This is the first you’ve heard of it, and you’re sure your surprise is drawn on your face if the way Bokuto reacts is any indication. “Why’d you end up staying?”
He coughs into his hand, and you’re sure he’s tugging his jacket’s collar up to hide the red dancing across his cheeks right now. “...You.”
You couldn’t have heard that right. You stop walking for a minute, coming to a full stop in the middle of the walking path as you process what he says to you. “You were gonna stop coming to this park… until you met me?”
His hair shakes a little bit when he nods, and he doesn’t meet your gaze. “Yeah. I had that Labrador for some guy, and I was gonna go to a different park cause he seemed like, bummed at this one, but I saw you sitting at one of the benches.”
“I started talking to you, and then I just had to see you again, so I came back the next week, too.” He looks up at you with a sense of alarm in his eyes. “That’s not weird, is it?”
“It’s not weird, Bokuto,” you reassure, stepping closer to him and hitting your shoulder against his easily, “I might have done the same thing. I usually go near the park on West Street.”
His smile is radiant, and you think that you’d love to see that smile every day of your life if he’d let you. There’s something about it that makes a small part of your heart swell, the feeling that you’re the one making him smile like that rears its head over the part of you that knows you aren’t with him.
That could always change, though, you think as Bokuto tugs on your arm as Ace rushes ahead of the two of you, eyes set on a squirrel running up a tree somewhere. His laughter is contagious as you’re pulled along by the dog, and you know that Bokuto could stop him from running, but maybe he enjoys the way the wind runs over him like you are.
Bokuto insists that you wait for him to drop off Ace at his owner’s house, telling you that you have to come with him or wait for him at your apartment. You love Ace, but you’re not too keen on meeting his owner at the moment, so you’re sitting on the steps of your apartment, changed out of your athletic wear in something more fitting for your day to day.
He comes back to you, jogging lightly as he waves at you from down the street. His outfit is the same as earlier, just a pair of black shorts with a navy blue hoodie, and yet you’re sure he’s even handsomer than you’d just seen him before.
You make a noise of agreement as the two of you set off, yet you’re still not sure where you’re going, instead just following after him without questioning anything. If you were more paranoid, you’d think this would be the perfect time for him to just kill you.
“So, no questions on where we’re going?” God, he always knows when to get you out of your thoughts.
“I just thought you were taking me to a dark alleyway to kill me,” you give him a smile as he makes an incredulous face, surely offended that you even thought that of him.
“No, I was just, uh,” he coughs into his hand, and you’re sure his cheeks are red again without even having to look, “hoping to take you on our first date.”
Smiling at the floor with a grin that doesn’t seem to fade, you clear your throat, “Walking the dogs doesn’t count as a date?”
“Ah, you’re right,” he concedes, dipping his head in a fleet apology, “our first date without any dogs.”
“Unfortunately,” you start, hand outstretching and seeking his, “I was only talking to you for the dogs.”
He laughs, hand intertwining with yours and tugging you closer. “Of course, the dogs were the only selling point I had, right?”
“Absolutely,” you nod in agreement, “I definitely didn’t want to go out with you, just wanted to see the dogs.”
The two of you are laughing and joking like you always do when you go into the small little diner, where you end up having your first date, without any dogs.
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ratmonky · 4 years
Stairway to Devotion
I’m quite certain that if a character is very like me, I just write them ooc and turn it into vanilla self indulgent fic.
AO3 Link
Word Count: 4.3K
Warnings: none
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The abandoned warehouse was quiet for the most part. Demons were lurking in the shadows and in the forest, ready to attack unassuming humans and that was why this small town had been declared as dangerous. Humans didn’t come here to avoid being killed. Yet for a stray like Denji, it was welcoming enough to call home.
Denji had been to many places but he liked this warehouse the best. It provided him the security he desperately needed to sleep at night and most importantly, the electricity was still working. He had gathered many simple kitchen gadgets and a small heater thanks to the people who had thrown them away despite them functioning properly. But that was life, he thought. He would be thrown away by Yakuza soon if he didn’t make enough money. No matter the fact if he was giving results or not, just like the electronic junk he kept finding in the dumpsters.
With the little money he had, his dinners consisted of a slice of bread and very rarely the leftovers he found in the trash behind a restaurant if he was lucky enough.
He ate when there was enough and slept when there wasn’t. But even in his desperate state, he made sure to feed his demon dog, Pochita.
Pochita ate almost anything, even go as far as nibbling on Denji’s arms when he was sleeping at times but sometimes even he, a demon, gave his single slice of bread to Denji out of pity.
In the last years, Denji had sold his body parts to the black market. He had thought he had made quite some money out of his kidney and eye that he sold but he had no idea how they paid him only the half amount of money.
And now, he was trying his best to live for another day with Pochita. Chop woods, kill demons and sell more of his body parts to pay his debt to the Yakuza.
His paycheck wasn’t great and that debt collector of his was a douche but he never complained. Even if his paycheck only allowed him to buy bread and nothing else.
Because at the end of the day, when it was nighttime, he always found peace in the small store he bought bread from. Not because the prices were so low that he sometimes managed to buy two loaves of bread or how they let the customers read the magazines before buying and although he never bought the magazines, he liked to entertain himself and sometimes check the newest porn star’s spread open legs so he could go back to the warehouse and wrap his hand around his cock as he closed his eyes to remember what that looked like-
No, Denji liked this store because of the cashier.
Someone so sweet, someone so kind, someone so loving and someone so beautiful-
“Hii, Denji! You’re late today!” you smiled as the boy entered the store. Stopping sweeping the floor for a moment, you crouched down and gently petted the small dog that had run up to you. “Aww, Pochita, I missed you too!”
Pochita happily whimpered and leaned into your touch as his tail kept hitting the floor out of joy.
“Came to buy bread?” you asked, looking up to the young man. He nodded sheepishly and crouched next to you to pet his dog. “Well, it’s good that I was waiting for you two just in case then.”
“Oh, sorry…” Denji lowered his head. “We were too deep in the forest so coming back to the city took a while. Don’t wait for us if ya gotta close the store.”
“It’s alright, I kinda memorized how often you came to buy bread so I guessed you’d be here. And where would you buy bread from if I had closed the store, huh?”
Denji couldn’t answer.
“Exactly!” you giggled, scratching under Pochita’s chin. “Ahh, he’s so friendly today. Didn’t you feed him?”
“I did! He ate my share too! He started running down the damn street when he realized we were gonna buy bread,” Denji said. “He just likes ya better than me.”
“That’s because I always have this in my pocket!!” you giggled as you pulled out a beef jerky from your pocket.
Pochita started wiggling his tail rapidly and barked excitedly. You tore the packaging open and let the demon dog nibble on the snack before standing back up again.
Your eyes met Denji’s while he was pouting. A soft smile spread across your face, “What?”
“I told ya, didn’t I? If ya keep feeding those he’s gonna leave me for ya!” Denji slowly rose up to his feet, completely unfazed by your puppy eyes.
“Admit it, you’re just jealous,” you said, playfully hitting his chest.
Denji blushed slightly, “I ain’t jealous!”
“Yeah, sure!” You walked behind the counter after picking up the small broom. The lights flickered as you crouched to put the broom away and disappeared from his view for a second.
Denji’s eye landed on Pochita who was still munching on the beef jerky and then back to the counter before he went to grab a loaf of bread.
He wondered how much longer you would be waiting for them if Denji hadn’t taken the bus. His paycheck was almost finished. That bus ride hadn’t been cheap and he would have to sleep instead of eating dinner for a couple of nights, Denji wouldn’t hesitate to take the bus here again. It was outrageous for a nobody like him to make you wait. Although he knew you were doing this because you had a soft spot for his dog but Denji couldn’t help himself. He enjoyed having someone greet him with a smile and talk to him as if he was their friend. It all made him feel welcomed.
With you, he felt like this world wasn’t just rotten.
When he put the loaf of bread on the counter, there was a large plastic bag full of food next to it. You were smiling at him with the biggest smile he had ever seen.
He wanted to flash you a smile matching yours but remembering how yellow his teeth were, he resisted the urge. “What are ya smiling at?”
You shrugged. “Is that all?” You put the loaf of bread in a plastic bag.
“Do ya even have to ask?” Denji scoffed, taking out the thin envelope that had the rest of his paycheck money in it. He reluctantly took out a bill and gave it to you.
“You never know!” You gave him his change. “Maybe you’d wanna spice things up and buy hot coffee or something!”
“Heh, if I could I’d buy meat buns and beer.” Denji shook his head. By the time he took his bread, Pochita was done eating. He was about to turn around and leave the store when you called out to him.
Whipping his head around, Denji’s eye landed on your nervously fidgeting figure holding the large plastic bag of food.
“What is it?” he asked.
You took a deep breath and held the plastic bag out for him. “Please accept this.”
He stared at the bag for a moment longer than the normal. “What’s in that?”
“Meat buns, beef jerky, beef, and everything I knew you’d want.”
Denji gently grabbed the bag from your small hands and felt his chest tighten. “I don’t have enough money for all-”
“It’s a present from me!” you said.
“For what?” He couldn’t believe the amount of food a plastic bag could carry. There was enough food to feast on for months if not weeks.
“For being a loyal customer!” you chirped and put your hands on his shoulders to start leading him out of the store. “So don’t you ever stop shopping here! There’ll be a bigger present next time!”
Denji’s lips curled up into a smile. “I may be stupid but I’m not an idiot. We can’t accept this.”
Pochita growled at his owner in irritation.
“Stop that,” Denji told his dog. He then turned to you. “Thank you but ya really should return these.”
You weren’t going to give up that easily.
“I can’t! We have a no return policy, I already paid for them.”
“Haa? Why would ya buy shit for me with yer own money?” Denji didn’t sound upset even one bit. Only surprised. “Ugh, nevermind!” He put the plastic bag down and picked Pochita up. “We’ll be going home, ya should take that to your place if yer unable to return it.”
“Can you at least help me carry it back to my place?”
Denji was going to say no but seeing the way your lower lip quivered, he was unable to.
“Alright but I’m doing it because it’s too heavy!”
“Please! Next time… rent a place with an elevator or… on the first floor!” Denji wheezed when he finally reached to your apartment.
You giggled and let Pochita down, “You’ll get used to it.”
“What does that supposed to mean?” He caught up to you with his wobbly legs as you opened the door.
“Have you two had dinner yet?” you asked, ignoring his question.
“Ah...” Denji rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and avoided answering your question but his growling stomach gave him away.
With another friendly smile, you opened your door wider, gesturing them to enter. “I should at least thank you two for walking me home, right?”
“We should really head back- ack! Pochita!” Denji shouted after Pochita who ran inside of your apartment. “You bastard,” he mumbled.
“At least one of you are honest.” You took off your shoes and watched Denji huff in defeat before taking his own shoes off.
You stole a quick glance in his direction and snorted when you saw him still stuffing food in his mouth.
Pochita had already passed out from overeating and you wondered how long would it take until Denji joined him on the couch.
“You’re still going?” you giggled as you placed a can of beer in front of him.
“Of course!” Denji chirped in between bites. “It’s soo tasty!”
You blushed at the compliment, “I’m glad you liked it. I have some leftovers if you’d want them.”
He nodded rapidly and continued wiping his plate clean.
Once he was done eating, he cracked his beer open, holding it towards you. “Thank you for the food!”
You clinked your beer can with his, “My pleasure.” Momentarily you looked at Pochita and snickered. “He’s out cold already.”
“Pathetic, he should’ve eaten until his stomach started bloating. He’s never gonna get this much food again.”
“Dogs have a smaller stomach, Denji,” you giggled. “He probably ate as much as his little body allowed him to.”
“Do you live alone?” he asked suddenly, it was clear that he was only curious but from the moment he stepped into your apartment he had been looking at the framed pictures or any decoration you had in the living room to figure out what kind of a person you were.
“Y-yeah,” you said softly. “What about you? Where do you live?”
“I live in some abandoned warehouse next to the forest with Pochita.”
You would have laughed thinking it was a joke if it wasn’t the pained tone he said it in.
“Thank you,” he said weakly, his voice didn’t come out as confident as he thought, “I’ve never felt this way before.”
Stunned, you looked at him with a faint blush coloring your cheeks. “D-Denji? W-what are you talking about?”
“You’re the only person who makes me feel welcomed in this world.” Denji smiled sadly. “I… I know it’s pathetic but I have feelings for you.” Denji could never willingly let you be involved with him completely. If he did, you would be involved in deep trouble. You didn’t deserve him, you didn’t deserve human trash like him.
Your eyes widened and you stumbled on your words. “Oh… I don’t know what to say-”
“You don’t need to say anything,” Denji sighed. “I wanted to let you know, that’s it.”
“That’s not it!” you protested, your voice trembling. “Don’t think so lowly of your feelings, idiot!v Why do you think I care for you? Why do you think I started working night shifts?”
“It’s because I like you!”
It was quiet.
The kind of quiet right before a storm.
Denji’s cheeks flushed bright red and he looked unsure of what to do or say. He was prepared in case you rejected him but you had gone and accepted him right away.
You looked up at him with your cheeks tinted with a faint red, “I like you,” you admitted meekly again.
Another moment of silence passed.
You couldn’t stop blushing. It wasn’t your plan to confess your feelings to Denji tonight but you had done it. There was no going back now. You had to say something else, you had to do something because that damn idiot looked like he stopped functioning.
“Do you want to have sex?” you dared to ask.
He started to tremble, then his eye widened. He stared at you and he looked so utterly confused. “With who?”
You blushed even harder and pointed at him then at yourself.
Denji pointed a finger at himself and then at you before he looked at you for affirmation.
You nodded slowly.
Everything happened within a minute.
You got up from your seat and offered a hand to him. He gently held your hand, intertwining your fingers as he followed you into your bedroom and closed the door.
Both of you were blushing and didn’t know where to start.
He wanted to touch you everywhere, your face, your neck, your breasts, your stomach, your waist, your thighs and your… your-
The image of the pornstar spreading her legs to reveal her pussy flashed before his eyes.
Whether it be the years of sexual frustration suddenly exploding or his crush trembling in lust and need, Denji’s body moved on its own. He could already feel himself lose control.
Denji put a hand on your shoulder awkwardly, his eye locked on yours. You were looking at him with anticipation, waiting for him to make a move… no you were desperate for him to make a move.
Oh, he wanted to do so many things to you but he didn’t know where to start.
He gave you a shaky smirk to cover his own embarrassment. You looked at him as if you knew what he was thinking and beamed at him, making his already hard cock twitch impatiently.
With the way you looked at him, he could see the attraction you felt towards him.
He cupped your cheek in his hand and you leaned into his touch, rubbing your cheek into his palm.
Audibly, Denji gulped. He leaned in to press his lips on yours. You moved your lips softly against his, encouraging him to open his mouth and when he did, you gingerly snaked your tongue into his mouth.
Denji, as someone who had only seen people kissing in pictures, followed your lead.
The kiss was short, tongues timid and teeth clashing. Nonetheless, it left you breathless. But when Denji leaned forward for a second kiss, that changed everything.
This time, he wasn’t shy, his mouth moved hard against yours as he savored your taste. His hands started moving on their own, his fingers went under your shirt and up to feel your clothed breasts. He moaned into the kiss when he finally groped your tits, they were softer than he had imagined, he wanted to touch them without your bra on. He needed to feel them completely.
His clothed erection was poking at your stomach You moved a hand up to his hair and stroked his cock over his pants with your free hand.
A gasp left Denji’s lips, he broke the kiss and stared between your bodies.
You were touching his dick.
You really were touching him.
“Should we go to bed?” Your voice was as soft as your touch.
Numbly, Denji nodded but he couldn’t move a muscle when your finger very slightly brushed against his bulge, he buried his face in the crook of your neck instead.
You huffed as if you were disappointed but then with a giggle, you removed your hand from his cock and dropped onto your knees.
Denji squealed in surprise and covered his mouth in shock. “(Name)... w-what are you doing?”
“What does it look like to you?” You fumbled with his belt and when it came undone, you hastily pulled his pants down along with his boxer briefs, making his cock bounce free.
“It’s weird...” he whispered, about to take a step away.
You licked your hand to coat it generously with your spit, ignoring his cry. You wrapped a hand around his cock and looked up at him after noticing why he had been so insecure. “It’s fine,” you said reassuringly, pumping his cock.
Slapping a hand over his mouth, Denji held his voice back. Your fingers stroked his cock gently as you ran your tongue up following a vein before kissing the sensitive pink tip. No matter how good it felt, he couldn’t help but move his hips, begging for you to take him into your mouth.
Denji placed a hand on the back of your head and you smiled, stroking him harder. His legs started to shake. Deciding that you might have been teasing him too much, you kissed the tip of his cock once again but this time you sucked his cock into your mouth.
He groaned loudly against his hand. His cock throbbed, nearly cumming because of your hot mouth closing around it. You put a hand on his thigh and bobbed your head slowly.
“Ahh.” He bit his lip. “Your mouth feels so good.”
You chuckled, the vibrations coming from your throat made him shiver in pleasure, almost making his knees unbuckle.
All of Denji's remaining self-control disappeared at that moment.
His hand that was on the back of your head shoved you onto his cock until he could graze the back of your throat. Your eyes teared up as you resisted the urge to gag, instead, you tried to push him away with your hand on his thigh.
Denji’s hips started moving, he thrust forward and moved you to meet his thrust halfway until your nose brushed on his pubes. He kept you there as long as he could to enjoy the view.
Your cheeks bright red, eyes filled with tears and his cock buried deep in your throat.
He had only imagined what it would look like in his dreams but now that he had seen the real thing, he wanted to see more of you. Like how you would look under him.
Decidedly, Denji pulled you away from him, the strands connecting your lips to his cock broke as you inhaled deeply. You opened your mouth to scold him for carelessly forcing his cock down your throat, he picked you up and threw you onto your bed.
Your body bounced against the mattress and you watched him climb on top of you, just like a predator stalking its prey.
His unkempt hair was sticking to his forehead, his clothes were a mess, his eyepatch had slipped slightly and his breathing was uneven. It made you wet seeing Denji look so… messy.
Though you were about to undress, Denji moved quicker. He hoisted your skirt up and tore your pantyhose to reach your now soaking wet cunt.
Quickly, Denji undressed.
“Can you?” Denji leaned forward, his fingers gripping the hem of your shirt.
Biting your lip, you nodded. You sat up and with one swift move, took off your shirt and moved to remove your skirt along with your now ripped pantyhose with your panties. Finally, you reached back to unclasp your bra. As you slid your bra down your shoulders, Denji’s eye didn’t look away from your tits even for a second.
You folded your arms over your chest in an attempt to hide your breasts.
“Don’t hide yourself,” he pleaded. His hands gently unwrapping your arms.
A moan left your lips when he squished your tits together, mesmerized by them. He stopped moving for a second and blushed. He kneaded the soft flesh slowly until he heard you moan again.
“Do you want me to stop?” he took a staggered breath as you laid on your back.
“No,” you stammered. There was no way you could deny how aroused you were. Not when your juices were leaking out from your pussy and soaking your thighs. “P-please be gentle.”
“I don’t think I can.” Denji’s words left you petrified. “I can’t hold back, sorry.”
“Denji,” you softly sighed, nodding sheepishly. “Do as you like.”
Pausing for a second, he looked at you and swiped his thumb across your lower lip, he pressed it on the corner of your lip and gently pulled it down to slightly part your lips. Then he lowered himself over your face, pressing his chest against yours until his lips met yours.
The kiss was soft and warm, only a distraction as he was lining himself up at your entrance. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning softly while he ran his cock between your folds, coating it with your juices.
To let him know that you were at your limit, you spread your legs wider, welcoming him completely.
Denji broked the kiss and abruptly pushed himself in. He froze inside you, his cock twitched in pleasure as the gummy flesh of your walls wrapped around it.
This felt so different. It was nothing like your mouth.
He took a moment to steady himself, he wasn’t sure if he could last longer than a minute.
You let out a whimper, your lips parted and you moved your hips, begging him to move.
“Gimme a second,” he choked out.
You didn’t listen.
Moving your hips, you tried to slam yourself onto his cock.
With a loud growl, Denji grabbed you by your hips and snapped forward, forcing a moan out of you. He had finally pushed himself balls deep into your pussy, filling you up to the brim so perfectly.
Another moan left you as he tentatively pulled back and slammed himself back into your twitching pussy. And again and again-
Each thrust of his hips was deep and penetrating enough to make your toes curl and wrap your arms tighter around his neck. His cock was stretching you so well, you had never felt like this before.
Your arms wrapped around his neck and your fingers twirled around his long straight hair, moaning quietly into his neck each time he hit a sensitive spot. Denji’s thrusts became stronger and more animalistic each time you screamed or whimpered.
Denji’s lips clumsily found yours to muffle some of your noises. He sloppily kissed you, sucking your tongue in his mouth while he humped your cunt like a desperate dog in heat.
He grabbed your hips even tightly, his nails digging into your skin as he mercilessly began pounding in your pussy. Your legs started shaking in pleasure, your hips kept moving to meet his and your walls tightened around him.
Your nails dug into his shoulders when the tip of his cock pressed against your cervix, you dragged them down, leaving red streaks on his back.
“Denji,” you whimpered. “I’m close.”
He nodded knowingly, his eye rolling up as your walls tightened around his twitching cock and pushed inside of you for the last time. Your walls pulsated against his dick and sucked him in deep as Denji spilled his seed inside your unprotected fertile pussy with a loud growl. You moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist with no intention of letting him go as the warmth of his seed completely filled your belly.
Right after sliding out of you, Denji lazily fell onto the bed next to you, exhausted and breathless.
It took him a few minutes to collect himself and as he was about to open his mouth to say something awkward, you pressed your lips onto his for a short kiss, taking his breath away.
He pulled you into his arms as soon as you finished the kiss. His hand cupped your tit and his nose nuzzled into your hair to inhale your delicious smell. He moved closer to you while you were busy trying to pull the blanket over the two of you.
Once you managed to get under the blanket, Denji gave you a chaste kiss against your hair before you drifted into slumber.
“I told ya, didn’t I? You made him into a softie! He can’t even cut as sharp as before! His chainsaw broke!”
“It’s your fault for not feeding him well,” you said, hugging Pochita tighter. “Besides everyone needs a little embrace sometimes to work harder.” The dog licked your cheek in response.
Denji wheezed out for air as he reached on top of the stairs, nearly dropping the groceries.
You laughed and put Pochita down, “Geez, you’ve soaked your shirt in sweat!”
“Because it’s too damn hot!” Denji furrowed his brows as he tried to catch his breath.
The weather was too hot compared to any other summer months. Although it was nearing the end of September, the sun was still blazing hot.
Denji faintly remembered how you had told them that here the weather was always warm.
He liked the warm weather, he liked this place too but the damn stairs… they were going to be the death of him. He didn’t even know why he climbed them so hurriedly each time.
Leaning down, you planted a kiss on Denji’s cheek, “You’ll get used to it.”
Dumbfounded, he stared at you and when he saw you smiling at him so brightly he remembered why. “Ya keep saying that!”
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devildomz · 4 years
gamestop AU anon submitted:
GameStop Au
Ong if this doesn’t work I’m beating ass
Sorry it’s a little ooc but most of it was written at 12 am-3 am kdjfdjhgudbu
ALSO, this is only chapter one. I have plans, BIG PLANS. Also why it’s only 2.1k words. I don’t know if it’s accurate to source but eh, I’m taking creative liberty. Ily, and enjoy :)
i am FULLY cracking
“Are you done yet?”
Abel grinned, eyes glinting mischievously. He looked up at the purple haired employee that’s been the bane of his existence for…two days. Ever since the first night he tried to get into the store. But two days is enough for Abel to know he wants him dead. Well, only after making his life a living hell.
“I’m just browsing through the store,” He said smugly, gesturing towards the games he purposely mixed around. “I haven’t found the right one yet. Do you recommend anything?” Abel knew damn well why he was here, but he couldn’t resist being the annoying customer just to mess with the employee. Levi stared at Abel for a few moments, arms crossed in annoyance. He blinked once, twice, before huffing.
“There’s a game called Ru-“
“Boring,” Abel interjected.
“Then maybe The Sev-“
“God no,” Abel leaned down to look at the games on the second shelf. “Your customer service here is horrible.” Levi’s jaw clenched, before he grinned with extreme agony.
“Then I’ll find someone else to help you inste-“
“No need, I want your help,” Abel said, staring Levi down. Their eyes met, one with ferocity and one with purely evil intent.
Levi hated this guy.
No, hated is not strong enough, despised and…despised. He’ll have to look up synonyms for hated later, because he was fuming. FUMING. Who does this stupid normie think he is? Stupid, short, infuriating, little bastar-
“Hellooo,” And it was talking. Yes, it, because this… child, will NOT register in Levi’s mind as someone who can be recognized as anything more than an it. Was that disrespectful to that dumbass? GOOD. Levi will bask in that forev-
“Are you ignoring me now?” Abel tilted his head in false innocence, brows furrowed and a mocking smile on his face. And with this, Levi’s had enough. He was never polite before, so fuck it now.
“No, of course not kiddo,” he smiled, “I can always show you the games for kids, I’m sure they’re more age appropriate for a small boy like you.” He reached up to pat Abel’s hair like you would a cute, little puppy. Abel gaped, looking like a fish. And it almost made Levi pity him. Almost.
“I hope you choke,” Abel growled.
“Your feelings are reciprocated,” Levi sneered, “by a tenfold.”
“Can you BELIEVE the audacity of that guy?” Abel laughed incredulously, hands waving around in the air to add to his rant. “I hate him! Every inch of me hates that asshole.” Solomon sipped his coffee calmly, humming in mild support of Abel’s anger.
“His name is Levi, and he’s always been nice to me,” He offered, shrugging. “We’re both fans of the same series and games, and he makes good theories.” Abel stared at Solomon, teeth clenched. He took a long, shaky inhale, squeezing his eyes shut.
“We,” Abel’s voice cracked in loathing, “do NOT like him anymore. You’re my friend, therefore if I don’t like someone, you don’t like them either.” Abel said with finality, and Solomon gave him a look. The kind a parent would give their 13 year old who’s raving about their crush that they deny liking. He takes a moment to go over all he’s done in life, wondering who decided to put him in the middle of an enemies to friends to lovers fanfiction.
“And guess what? He treated me like a child because he’s taller than me! I’m not even that short, I’m average! Average! How could a stupid idiot like that look down on me? Huh? His eye bags are darker than his heart!”
“And Solomon, believe me when I tell you his heart is dark, it’s probably all dark, and twisty, and ruined. Because I’m sure he stomps out people’s dreams in his free time!”
“I can’t believe he would have the audacity to even call me kiddo! Like I’m some dumb kid, sure I’m not the smartest person in the world but I do deserve some respect, y’know?”
“ABEL,” Solomon interrupted firmly before he sighed, setting his coffee down on the saucer. Abel shut his mouth quickly, looking a little guilty. “Didn’t you go there originally to buy a gift for Diavolo? If so, why are you still fighting him? Don’t you need his help?” This new, but not really new, just never thought of, information made Abel pause. Solomon…was kind of right. God, he HATED when Solomon was right, because he’s always right. Abel shoved his face into his arms with a long groan, he guessed he’d have to figure out how to get back into the employee’s…Levi’s, favor, even if his pride would suffer for it.
Solomon slid his coffee over to Abel with pity, and Abel peeked at him through his hands. His friend gestures toward the offering, and Abel sighed before taking it.
“I hate this idea,” Abel muttered.
“You’ll get over it,” Solomon smiled, and Abel gave him a blank stare.
“Shut up,”
Levi glanced up from his phone, the kid was still there. He was still staring him down like before, looking frustrated and conflicted. He considered throwing him a bone, but thought about it again, and decided he didn’t feel like being nice to him. Just when he went back to reading the TSL forum, Abel spoke up.
“I…” he forced out, looking way too anxious to be healthy. Levi looked up at him, studying him as he struggled pathetically. It was almost comedic, if Levi’s being honest.
“You…?” Levi drew out the word, raising his eyebrows bitterly. Abel took a deep breath, fixing Levi with a determined look.
“I’m…sorry,” Abel choked, looking away. “Sorry for being an ass. I just really, really, need your help, because I need to impress this guy since I’m this,” Abel squinted as he held two of his fingers close together, “this close to flunking out of this very good college, and he’s related to the dean, and I just figured out he likes TSL so I’m trying to find-”
“Wait, stop,” Levi put his phone down, “TSL? As in the game I tried to recommend you the other day but you said, and I quote, ‘God no’,”
“Yeah, that. I don’t even know what it stands for because this,” Abel waved his hands in a vague form of a circle, “this is NOT my field of expertise, if it was maybe sports, or Disney movies, or-”
Levi held up a hand to stop him from his panicked rants, looking him dead in the eyes. “You, the person who nearly decked me out of anger yesterday AND directly shunned TSL, an amazing game and series, are asking for my help? Besides, why me, I’m just a stupid shut in,” he muttered the last part out of habit. Abel bit his lip, considering what he should say next.
“I wouldn’t say nearly decked you, man,” he laughed, the awkward kind where you know you’re in trouble, but don’t want to address the issue, so you make a bad joke and laugh at it because you’re nervous. His fingers kept twiddling, a nervous habit of his that he’s been trying to break.
Levi made a drawn out ‘ah’ noise, before clicking his tongue and shaking his head, squinting his eyes. “So tell me, why exactly should I help you? And what would I get out of it? We loathe each other, don’t we?” He smiled, the fake customer service kind, before it dropped and he went back to his phone.
Abel inhaled deeply through his nose, trying to psych himself out of the stunt he was about to pull, before saying fuck it and taking Levi’s phone from his hand. This earned a loud shout from Levi, which alarmed a patron inside of the store. Abel looked at them and smiled apologetically. “Alright, wannabe K-Pop star, you are going to listen to me, or else I will throw this phone into the wall,” Abel threatened menacingly, a bitter smile crossing his face with a crazed look in his eyes, “So, I need you to help me. Desperately. Enough to ignore my ego and ask you for help, because I’ve noticed all of your stupid merchandise with TSL logos all over it,” His hand reached up to snag Levi’s collar and pull him down to eye level, “So, if you help me with this, I will compensate with whatever you want. WHATEVER. Money, school work, drugs for God’s sake,” Abel exhaled sharply, “So, are you going to help me?”
Levi looked at Abel with wide eyes, face red out of some combination of shame and anger. His lips were pressed together in a tight line. He considered calling the police for a minute, but he’s been through desperation this strong before, Sucre Frenzy tickets wait for nobody.
“Well?” Abel growled.
Levi kissed his teeth, swallowing the terrified lump in his throat, “If I do help you,” he grimaced, as if the thought genuinely pained him, “you will be dedicated to this. You will come to scheduled meetings, you will take quizzes, and you will watch every episode of the show with and without me,” Levi looked to the side at a passerby watching their interaction curiously, he himself a tad embarrassed, “And…can you let go of me? I’m pretty sure I’ve got the idea.”
Abel’s eyes followed Levi’s and stared where Levi was looking, releasing him immediately, clearing his throat. “Sorry…again,” he muttered, before hesitantly raising a fist. “Let’s finalize this,” Abel offered. Levi looked at it and furrowed his brows. Abel looked at Levi, then his hand, then back at Levi. Then he laughed out loud, really loud. Loud enough that startled the other patrons. Again. “You don’t know what a fist bump is?” He tried to hold in his laughter, but it just escaped him again in a soundless wheeze.
“Stop laughing at me, normie!” Levi huffed, frowning angrily. “If you couldn’t tell, I don’t get much social interaction.” Abel stifled his laugh before sucking in a breath, changing his fist into an open palm.
“Alright, then let’s-“ Abel snorted, “let’s shake on it.” Levi sneered and looked down at the hand furiously, before huffing and shaking it.
“We start tomorrow, 4 pm,” Levi said, “Now go, unless you’re going to buy something.“ He waved Abel off before adding, “Don’t forget, we still hate each other. Don’t get all buddy buddy with me, normie.” Abel’s grin dropped as he scoffed. “Besides, I don’t even think your tiny brain can even retain any of the complex information from TSL, so don’t make this pointless.”
“And to think we were starting to find some common ground,” Abel shook his head, before realizing something. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I forgot this,” He laughed, ”My name is Abel,” He introduced.
“Huh?” Levi looked up from his phone, confused for a moment, before realization dawned on him, “Oh, my name is Levi.” Of course Abel knew this, but it would be creepy if he told him that.
“Wish I never met you, Levi!” Abel called over his shoulder as he walked towards the door. He could see Levi flipping him off out of the corner of his eye, chuckling to himself.
He waited til Levi couldn’t see him anymore before letting his lips quirk up in a relieved smile, he wasn’t failing out of college today, and he sure as hell won’t keep being bitter enemies with Levi. Abel knew there’d be a challenge, considering they “hated” each other, but he also knew that he’d be going through a few days of “training”. And if you think Abel was just going to let Levi walk all over him, you’re wrong. Abel was stubborn, he preferred tenacious, but let’s call it like it is, stubbornness.
So at the end of the day, Abel thinks Levi might be his friend. If Solomon can do it, he can. Well, actually, that was kind of pushing things, so really at the end of the day if Solomon thinks Levi was nice, maybe all Abel needed to do was get past his hard shell exterior. And his incredibly thick skull.
And his horrible personality.
And his dumb face.
And HIM.
Fuck, this was going to be a long week.
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tossing-cookies · 7 years
Sick Ciel who just wants cuddles (i realize this is ooc but i need h/c lol) and pukes on Sebastian
Hi! Thanks for the request! It was hard to fill because Ciel is such a standoffish character and doesn’t enjoy much physical contact. So, I made it fit into a time specific to the manga. It takes place sometime between chapter 90 and 92 when Ciel was injured in Germany. It actually fit in really well there? He’s not cuddling Sebastian, but he pukes on him! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT
He had not stopped trembling since his restless slumber took him to places he wished he could forget. Finnian had him now, but he could still feel the cold roughness of rusted metal holding his ankle, chaining him. He could still, though he was blind at the moment, still see the blood running through the stone floor.
Finnian, just as terrified, though for different reason, held the boy as delicately as he could manage with his fingers still touching him. They nearly hovered over the boy’s back, shaking as his muscles held themselves back. His young master was so fragile in this weakened state, and Finnian, in knowing perfectly welll his own strength, was careful not to hurt him in the slightest.
His heart broke at the state his master was in, so defeated, scared, unsure, when always he had been a symbol of emotional strength. To see such a foil had the gardener in his own level of shock. Whatever happened had broken him, and Finnian would do everything in his power to his pieces back together.
“Young master,” Finnian began softly, praying he did not startle the jumpy boy. When Ciel looked through a blind eye in his direction, the gardener continued, relieved his voice had not stirred another panic attack. “You’ve hardly eaten anything since yesterday. You must be hungry!” He was trying to lift the anxiety with a gentle voice.
Against Finnian’s chest, Ciel shook his head. His stomach was still upset at him from the mustard gas poisoning and the way it had been treated. Just thinking of it made him recall the funnel in his mouth, force feeding him, hands touching and grabbing. He felt sick. “I’m not hungry,” he whispered truthfully.
Feeling his heart sink slightly, Finnian nodded. He hoped Ciel would be doing a bit better after some time to relax, but it seemed whatever the nightmares had shown him had torn open old wounds. “Oh, okay,” he decided not to push, trying instead to come up with another subject that would help take Ciel’s mind off of his suffering. “What about a card game, then?” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a dirty and ripped deck, clearly loved and used frequently. “You gave me this deck when you taught me to play! I’ve been practicing.”
Although Finnian smiled at the fond memory, Ciel’s pale lips stayed a tight line, his bottom lip on the verge of trembling as if in constant threat of bursting into tears. Again, he shook his head, though this time hestitating, memory clouding over his mind’s eye. As a child, he played cards all the time, but childhood was not so,etching so happily remembered. It served as a reminder of all that had been taken from him, what had been lost and could never be returned; his family, his dog, his happiness. “No…”
Beginning to panic at the forlorn look on his master’s face, Finnian quickly shoved the deck back in his pocket. “Oh, of course! You’re probably too tired to be playing games, silly me.” Hoping to cheer him up, the gardener chuckled lightly. “Um, how about a book then? Lady Sullivan has a lot of interesting books in here!”
Before Ciel could respond, probably with another “no,” a knock came from the door. Immediately, the young master retreated further into Finnian’s arms, a yelp of terror leaving him as he did.
Finnian could feel Ciel’s trembling growing stronger. “Young master…” he clicked his tongue despondently, carefully giving his back a pat. “It’s okay. It’s probably Lady Sullivan just coming to change your bandages. I’ll go check!” When he went to get up, however, a small hand reached blindly for him, begging him not to go.
Gently, Finnian took it. “Don’t worry, young master, I’ll protect you,” he promised, giving Ciel’s tiny hand a single shake as if making a deal. He got up then, letting the hand slip from his own before making his way across the room. When he got to the door, he opened it curiously.
Sebastian stood, waiting patiently with a benign grin painted on his face. “Good evening, Finnian.”
Ciel, at the sound of Sebastian’s voice, shrieked and dove under the blankets.
Finnian, hearing this, turned his head to look at his master briefly before glancing back at his superior. “Good evening, Mr. Sebastian,” he began, making sure to block the way with his body.
The dark butler loomed over the adolescent, cold maroon eyes past him and locked onto the shivering lump on the bed. “I see the young master’s condition has not improved,” he observed, keeping the disgust he felt to himself.
Finnian’s curious expression fell to sadness as he shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. You’ve trusted me to care for him, but I can’t even help him feel better…”
Dismissively, Sebastian pushed inside the bedroom, effortlessly shouldering the gardener out of the way. “Precisely why I’m here. I need to speak with the young master.”
Panicking all over again, Finnian stepped in front of Sebastian, his expression clearly displaying the concern he felt. “I-I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” he stammered, struggling to block the older butler’s way as he continued toward the bed. Finnian could hear Ciel whimpering. “The young master is still scared, Mr. Sebastian, sir, please think about how he feels.” The words came out in one panicked jumble, but they had no effect in deterring the demon.
Coolly, Sebastian swung his arm, pushing Finnian to the side before stopping at Ciel’s bedside. For a moment, he stood silently, only watching as the blankets trembled. How could this be his master? He felt disgusted. All of the strength, the willpower, the desire for revenge, appeared to be gone, and it sickened him. It was pathetic. “Young master,” he all but barked, giving up on feigning respect. This display deserved none.
Ciel flinched, and gave another whimper. Finnian panicked and moved closer, his hand absently reaching out to Sebastian, as if debating whether to try pulling him away. He waited, watching anxiously.
With one swift motion, Sebastian’s gloved hand gripped the blanket the bluenette hid underneath and cast it aside. Ciel held himself in a fetal ball, his whole body shaking. Sebastian gazed down, his expression darkening. “Honestly, sir, are you quite done with your temper tantrum by now?”
As soon as Sebastian’s large hand began to extend in his direction, Ciel’s heart seized in his chest, and his mind went blank with pure, unadulterated fear. With a primal shriek, Ciel slapped Sebastian’s digits away. Ice ran through his veins, his muscles burning with the instinct to flee. “No! Don’t touch me!”
A flashback came to Ciel when Sebastian did not withdraw and instead reached again, refusing no as an answer. Bars were suddenly around him; he was trapped. Hands wanted to grab him, hurt him, their evil fingers wrapping around his wrist. Ciel screamed at the touch that now came from his previous captors.
Suddenly nauseous with the overwhelming fear, Ciel’s stomach lurched and a forceful stream of vomit splattered onto Sebastian’s neat suit.
The butler was unaffected, standing still as he watched, making no motion to help. Finnian pushed his way forward, however, quickly grabbing a plastic basin. “Young master, please…” He begged, desperately wishing his master be rid of this torment. The words fell on deaf ears, for now the young teen was hyperventilating and forcing up mouthful after mouthful of bile.
Biting his lip, Finnian carefully moved one hand from the basin he held under Ciel’s chin to rub his back. Through the thin fabric of Ciel’s sleeping shirt, he could feel muscles tensing and quivering in violent trembles. Against him, Ciel felt so small, so fragile, and it tore his heart open.
Ciel gagged up another wave of sick, one Finnian unfortunately happened to catch a glimpse of, and gasped sharply as the sting made his throat freeze, and he began to panic all over again. He was suffocating. There was no control.
His lungs began to heave as horrendously as his stomach, terrible, deep coughing wracking his small frame. The sounds were wet, crackling in his chest, and almost immediately brought up more vomit.
Feeling his own stomach doing a backflip every time Ciel retched, Finnian kept his eyes only on his master’s back, concentrating on the hand that massaged it soothingly. “Please, young master, calm down. I’m here, I’m here.”
When those soft words were spoken, Ciel unraveled, tears beginning to bubble from his eyes and run down his cheeks with a weak sob. It was interrupted by a dry heave, but Finnian still caught the sound. Something in his chest broke then. “Please, don’t cry,” he whispered, his own voice wavering with emotion. He too felt like crying, seeing his master in such a miserable state.
Ciel’s quiet, strangled sobs came freely as the last of his unproductive retching tapered off. Abandoning the basin in his lap, his head turned then into the crook of his trusted gardener’s neck. Everything hurt, and he was terrified, exhausted, wheezing for breath in between tear-laden, incoherent mumbles.
Taking this as a signal that the vomiting was over, Finnian, feeling relieved, moved the bucket to the cart of supplies and used his now free hands to hold onto the young lord as gently as he could. “I’ve got you, young master. You’re all right. You’re safe now, okay?”
To his surprise, Ciel nodded, having heard and listened to his words in the midst of a meltdown, and Finnian began to softly rub his back again. The boy was still crying, but Finnian no longer heard any sobs, only congested sniffling. “There you go, just relax,” he cooed softly, going with what felt natural. He had no idea how to care for another, especially when vomiting or crying, but he seemed to be succeeding, at least to some degree. That gave him hope.
When the tears finally stopped, Ciel lifted his head, his uncovered eye glaring in Sebastian’s direction. “Get out!” He ordered, his previous fear inexplicably morphing to anger, and a stroke of bravery.
Sebastian, not saying anything in response, simply bowed, vomit dripping down his clothes, and then exited the room.
With the demon gone, Ciel’s rigid body went lax against Finnian with a deep sigh of relief, as if he could finally breathe again. “…you stay.”
“I’ll stay beside you as long as you need me to,” Finnian promised with a small smile, glad that the turmoil was over with.
Ciel nodded, pulling himself back to sit upright, his eye blindly directed at Finnian. “…I want to sleep.”
“Good idea,” the servant agreed, standing from the bed to tuck in his worn out master. “You must be exhausted…” He waited for Ciel to lay back before he pulled the blankets up. “Do you need anything before you rest? Maybe some water?”
Against the pillows, Ciel shook his head. He had not the energy to do anything but sleep. Even drinking sounded too daunting of a task at the moment. “Just… tired…” he mumbled
“Okay,” Finnian ceded, figuring that after a nap, he’d try again with the glass of water. “I’m just going to take care of the basin, young master. I’ll be right back.” He waited for a nod of approval before moving to leave, trying to avoid upsetting him, unsure if any absence would be tolerated currently. Thankfully, that was not the case, and Finnian carefully grabbed the bucket in his hands.
As soon as it moved, the smell of stomach acid hit his nose, and he was instantly nauseous. Resisting the urge to gag, he turned and quickly made for the door. With every breath, the pungent stench burned his nostrils, and his throat was straining with the threat of a retch.
As soon as he was out of the room, he shut the door behind him, and his body doubled over, his stomach pushing itself up. A gag brought forth a powerful surge of vomit, the incredible strength of his muscles forcing everything out of his belly at once. Lucky for him, the bucket he held caught most of the mess.
Stunned, Finnian stood there unmoving, spitting out the acrid taste and regaining his breath.
Sebastian, who had been standing just outside the door, sighed and palmed his forehead in exasperation. “Honestly, now,” he began in a chiding fashion. “Must I do everything?” The demon took the sloshing basin from the gardener. “Finnian, clean yourself up and return to the young master. I’m leaving him in your hands for the time being.”
Ashamed of himself, Finnian nodded and headed to the bathroom to wash his mouth out.
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