#ooc; hope this is fine. i love poetry for them lol
auburniivenus · 3 months
❛  we’ll see where the night will take us.  ❜
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In   an   epoch   of   strife,   plagued   with   clangorous   discord   and   essence-draining   frays,   one's   burden   morphs   into   sacred   jubilation   as   victory   dawns,   obliterating   the   malignant   tendrils   of   umbrage.   It’s   in   such   halcyon   moments   that   a   symposium   bathes   in   affable   conviviality,   buoyed   by   the   spirit's   ascendant   flight,   while   plenitude   reigns   and   scarcity   is   exiled   to   mere   memorie.   In   harmony   lies   she,   momentarily   captivated   by   the   siren's   susurrus   erupting   from   the   adjacent   cascade,   a   sound   ordained   by   aeons.   With   an   elegance   eschewing   mundane   fatigue,   she   divests   herself   of   her   habiliments   with   a   felicity   that   rivals   the   muses.   Her   apparel,   a   cascade   mimic,   finds   repose   upon   terra   firma.   Oblations   unto   the   divine,   her   hands   caress   each   garment   into   submission   before   setting   it   as   an   offering   upon   an   altar   of   stone,   while   she   herself   succumbs   to   the   crystalline   grasp,   an   aqueous   cosmos   unadulterated   by   basal   touch.   Therein   she   becomes   silhouette   and   sylph,   swimming   and   seraphic,   aquiver   in   purificatory   solace   that   strips   from   her   the   very   echoes   of   bellicosity.
Amidst   the   fluidic   dance,   her   vision   alights   upon   a   celestial   metamorphosis.   This   frieze   of   turquoises   manifesting   into   twilight-born   purples   and   emerald   greens   could   be   Gale’s   work.   Healer   remains   beneath   temporal   torrents;   such   grandeur   could   emanate   only   from   his   arcane   dalliance.   Emergent   from   her   baptismal   resurrection,   she   dons   her   attire   once   more,   embarking   upon   a   pilgrimage   toward   his   presence.   Auburn   locks   caressed   by aqueous   fingers   stream   as   celestial   trails   with   jasmine   whispers   interloping   with   nocturnal   earth-musk.
At   destination   met   by   fortune   or   fate   aligned,   they   commune   beneath   the   aurora. "Beneath   this   prodigious   firmament,   we   unite   again."   Her   utterance   perfumes   the   air   with   joy's   essence,   while   her   countenance   reflects   rhapsodic   splendor   at   Gale's   articulation.   "Let   us   partake   in   exploration   unfettered."   Breathed   forth   barely   audible.   “You   live,   thus,   all   is   within   the   realm   of   possibility.”   Against   Gale's   figure,   she   leans,   uniting   them   in   tranquil   symbiosis   beneath   star-wrought   tapestry.
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redroomwidows · 3 years
Wildest Dreams | F.W
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SUMMARY: They’re in a war, everyone’s life is on the line and Fred doesn’t want Y/n to forget him.
WARNINGS: fluff, but then angst. canon character death...not described, but there’s some grief. 
A/N: This is my second piece for @gcdric​’s Taylor Swift writing challenge! This fic doesn’t follow the song as much as Mr. Perfectly Fine did, it’s very much a looser interpretation of it. I hope you enjoy nonetheless! 
fun fact! I’ve never actually written for Fred before, so this may be really ooc. I’m apologiding in advance lol but hopefully it’s not too ooc!
Fred Weasley x fem! reader
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‘Say you'll remember me’
It was quiet. 
Silent even. Usually, this would worry Y/n, but today, today it was calming and was a reminder that neither her nor Fred were in imminent danger. Their shared bedroom had rays of sunlight beaming through the curtains and Y/n almost blamed herself for not shutting them properly when she first woke up because of the light on her eyes. Almost. Because when she rolled over, she realised the sunlight let her see Fred’s sleeping face and let her admire the bronze and gold mixed amidst the ginger of his hair.
“Mornin’ love,” he croaks and Y/n smiles slightly, of course he wasn’t actually asleep
“Morning,” Fred slowly opens his eyes and raises an eyebrow slightly
“Were you watching me?”
“Weirdo,” he tries to stay serious, but a wide smile breaks through and he scoots closer to his fiancé, snuggling into her shoulder “What were you thinking about?”
“Hm, nothing,”
“So, you were just staring at me?” Fred knew when she was thinking, he always had.
“Fine,” Y/n sighs “I was thinking about how pretty you are,”
“Pretty?” Fred raises his head from her shoulder and looks her in the eyes “You mean handsome,”
“Nope,” she pops the p “pretty,” then kisses his nose, something she knew he hated.
“No, handsome,” he insists
“Pretty,” Y/n sings and Fred raises his hands up in a tickling motion
“Say I’m handsome,”
“Pretty,” she repeats and starts laughing even before Fred’s touched her, and when he does and starts moving his finger around, she laughs louder, kicking about “Stop!”
“Say I’m handsome!”
“Say it!” he keeps tickling her and when she starts to struggle to breathe, she shouts out: 
“Fine! Fine! Handsome! I was thinking you were handsome!” he stops and Y/n lays still for a moment, breathing deeply and Fred watches, his elbow squashed into the bed as he holds his head in his hand. 
Eventually, Y/n regains her breath and leans in to whisper in Fred’s ear “Pretty,”. He doesn’t tickle her this time, just smiles fondly as she giggles to herself, staring up at the ceiling. He’d let her have this one, in fact if he himself wasn’t so stubborn, he’d let her win every time. He liked her like this, calm and happy, unable to keep a smile off her face. He wanted to see her like this forever.
“Let’s run away,” 
“What?” Y/n turns to Fred, eyes still glassy from his ‘attack’
“Let’s run away,” he repeats, but he can tell Y/n is still confused “leave here and find a cottage in the woods or something,”
“Fred… are you being serious?”
“Yes!” Fred smiles and excitement floods his voice “Bill and Fleur did it, why can't we?”
“We’re not Bill and Fleur,” Y/n says in disbelief, not sure if Fred was joking or not “they have a baby on the way, your future niece or nephew,”
“Yours to,” Fred gestures to the ring on her left finger proudly. He’d proposed their first year out of Hogwarts, Molly had said it was too soon but when Death Eater attacks became more frequent, she was happy to see her son so happy. She also knew Fred wouldn’t listen to her anyway. He loved Y/n L/n and he would marry her anywhere, anytime. But soon preferably. He adored the idea of being able to say ‘my wife’ and he wanted to call her Mrs Weasley and come up with a whole new branch of nicknames for her based on her new status. But he had to wait, he could do that.
“Our future niece or nephew,” she corrects, “and you and George have the shop,”
“It’s not even open at the moment,” Fred mutters quietly, knowing Y/n was right, but still wanting to believe for a minute more that they could leave “Please?”
“You know we can’t go…” Y/n takes a deep breath as the somewhat jokey conversation becomes serious “we’re gonna be needed…” she looks left and out the window, holding a hand over her stomach.
“I know,” Fred smiles, putting his hand over Y/n’s “Can’t blame me for being in love with ya,”
“Guess I can’t,” Y/n smiles with him as she remembers the last time he said that to her.
It was their last year at Hogwarts and George and Fred had finally grown tired of Umbridge. They haven’t fully told Y/n the plan, but she knew they weren’t coming back. Fred had minutes to say goodbye before him and George had to set the plan into the motion, and he was grabbing Y/n’s hands so tightly she thought the circulation might never come back.
“Come with us,” he whispers and she looks down, smiling lightly
“You know I can’t,”
“Why not?”
“My parents would kill me,” she laughs and presses a kiss to his lips, whispering into them “You would kill me,”
“I would,” he nods “What are you thinking, throwing away your future for a boy?”
“A ginger one nonetheless!” Y/n gasps, playing along
“Oi!” George shouts from behind a door and Y/n laughs as Fred shouts out to him
“Stop eavesdropping you prat!” shuffling is heard and Y/n gazes at Fred again, trying to memorise his face before he leaves.
“Promise you’ll write?”
“Of course. You can hear everything about mine and Georgie’s experiments and how I came up with all of the ideas” Y/n would laugh, but all she can manage is an amused brow raise
“And you’ll be here for graduation?” 
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he nods “Promise,” There’s a knock on the door, a signal Fred needed to go.
“I love you,” Y/n says quickly
“I love you too,” They share one more kiss and Fred whispers into her lips “Come with me?”
“Can’t blame me for being in love with ya!” with that, he gives her hands a final squeeze before leaving, giving her a wink as he shuts the door. 
“Y/n…” Fred waves a hand over her eyes “you there?”
“Hm?” she turns back to him
“You alright?”
“Yeah,” she rolls onto her right side so she can look at him properly “You?” Fred seems to be thinking about his answer and Y/n puts her left hand over his shoulder, rubbing soft circles on the soft cotton of his t-shirt “Freddie?”
“We’re gonna be needed,” he repeats her earlier statement slowly “And when we are, something may happen to me...If I don’t make it -”
“Fred!” Y/n’s eyes widen, completely not expecting such a sombre topic to come up on a Wednesday morning, especially after such a somewhat cheery morning “Can we please not, not now?”
“I need to say it Y/n, I need to get it off my chest, I’ve been thinking about it for days,” he had been acting differently, he’d been quieter at dinner and seemed to want to cling to her and George more, talking about going to the Burrow when it was safe to. So maybe that’s why she gave in, or maybe it was the soft ‘please’ he muttered afterwards that he paired with pleading eyes.  She could never deny him, not when he looked like that, so sad.
“If I don’t survive…” he keeps pausing and Y/n supposes that if she was talking about the same thing, she would do the same “I want you to remember me, I want you to remember us -”
“Of course, I’m going to remember you!” Y/n couldn’t believe he’d think she’d ever forget him.
“I know! I just need you to promise. Promise you’ll remember me and us. Promise me you’ll remember when we used to wake up at god knows when just to watch the sunrise and when the sun used to set in summer and we’d just lay out by the lake. Because you always talked about how it calmed you. I want you to remember how you used to write crap poetry and dramatically read to me and I could never really tell if you were joking or not, so I didn’t laugh and you always thought I was annoyed with you,”
Y/n feels a bit hot in the face at the mention of that, she was just a tad bit embarrassed. 
“Promise me you’ll remember the sunrises, the sunsets, the parties and the snogging but also promise me you’ll remember this, lazy mornings in bed, cooking together and cuddling. And promise me you’ll see me again, even if it’s in a Quidditch portrait at school or photos around the flat, or memories or dreams. Promise me you’ll remember me?”
“I promise,” she whispers, kissing him slowly “But don’t worry about it too much. Neither of us have to worry, because you’re not dying. Not on my watch,”. Fred smiles and in seconds, the subject seemed to be forgotten as he bops his fiancé’s nose and starts a conversation about what their brunch should be.
Y/n remembered that conversation now as she stood in a graveyard, staring down at what would have been her future husband's tombstone where she’d recently placed some flowers, right next to George’s. 
She remembered the sunrises,
“Freddie...I’m too tired for this…”
“Promise me, it’ll all be worth it love,”
and the sunsets, 
“Are you okay?”
“No... but just, watch this with me,”
 the parties,
“You have had far too much to drink,”
“Y/n! I missed you!”
“I just went to the loo,”
“Yeah, but I love you!”
 the snogging,
“Fred...we cannot be doing this here,”
“Shhhh, tell me you don’t get a little bit of satisfaction from doing this in Snape’s classroom,”
 and the lazy mornings in bed, cooking together and cuddling. 
“I love you,”
“Are you talking to me or the pancakes I just brought you?”
 “Y/n, it’s on fire!”
“You twat!”
 “We should get up…”
“No! Stay here, just a bit longer,”
 She remembered everything. She would never forget and while she may only ever be able to be with Fred in her dreams, she still loved him more than anything. She’d be with him someday, when it was her time to go. 
 ‘Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams’
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cuinnamonbun · 3 years
The brothers being accidentally in love with the Muslim even though they can’t be with them... would they lowkey convince the MC or would they sulk lol
(Say if it goes for both ways, MC is a hopeless romantic lowkey lmao)
OOF. So much angst. This one is a real brain teaser, I had to read SOO many tragedy poetry and fics to get the feeling so excuse the sentimental writing LMAO. A bit of warning though, I feel as though the brothers are OOC in this which is seriously messing me up, but I didn’t want to leave you bare-handed!
I feel like this HC requires a bit of context in order for people to understand why I wrote the brothers’ reactions the way I did. So I’d like to iterate the fact that I, too, am a hopeless romantic and I definitely believe love can change even the most difficult man. I’ve always had this HC in the Obey Me! universe that every creature is fallible and that the brothers, once fallen, are now much more vulnerable to these new emotions than when they were angels since they’re no longer bound to the service of God y’know? 
So with that in mind, onwards to the HC!!
p/s: I’ll post the little brothers’ reactions soon, hope you liked this :)
How the Brothers React to Accidentally Falling in Love with a Devout Muslim MC (Big Brothers)
At first, this man will pursue MC for not-so-wholesome gains (cough corruption kink cough). Lucifer is a very decisive man. He knows what he wants and unashamedly goes after it and he will stop at nothing until it’s rightfully his
But in his pursuit, I could see him actually, really, really falling in love with MC
It’s their pure, kind soul that attracted him initially as with all the other demons, but the more time he spends with them, the more he gets sucked in until all he wants and craves is MC
It’s almost heart-warming if not a bit concerning
However in his chase for MC’s affection, Lucifer would forget one crucial detail: MC is a Muslim, one whom is devout especially now having seen angels, demons and hell right in front of their eyes and when he accidentally witnessed them praying, he will just shut down and instantly remember that they are not meant to be
To put it simply, it’s illogical for them to even be together
When the realisation dawns on him, he immediately turns a full 180 and become a massive dick to MC, even borderline cruel that shocks the brothers
If MC confessed their love to him, Lucifer’s heart would soar in happiness, but his pure, unadulterated love for them would force him to push them away and tell them that he doesn’t reciprocate their feelings
But I could also see his Pride taking factor into this.
A prideful demon such as he, who willingly defied God and fell from Heaven, he would absolutely REFUSE to have his partner so dedicated to God. 
It won’t sit well in him at all and it will absolutely leave a bad taste in his mouth
But this doesn’t change the fact that he’s still in love with them, a fact which he DESPISES and is DISGUSTED by
When they left the Devildom, Lucifer would do what Lucifer does best: repress his feelings. That, or take it out on Mammon lol
But seriously though, he would need an outlet for his anger, heartbreak and yearning and he would most definitely drown himself in work or by punishing his brothers.
He can pretend all he wants that he’s fine, but Lucifer’s cues are pretty easy to read especially since MC has managed to get the demon brothers’ to bond with and understand each other deeper beyond surface level (a miraculous feat, kudos to our MC), the others can definitely tell that there’s some serious repression going on
But Lucifer gets very snippy whenever the brothers try to help him with it, which irritates the HELL out of them and they would be too annoyed with him to even bother helping him now 
Now that his pride has driven away both the very person whom he loves and his brothers, Lucifer will become even more withdrawn and far, far lonelier than he was before MC came into their lives
Sometimes, he curses the circumstances that led them to him, even if they were the best thing that ever happened to his family
Yeah, heartbroken!Lucifer is just ;((( (Alexa play bitches broken hearts by miss billie eilish)
This man is a capital S simp.
Mammon gets attracted to anything shiny/pretty REALLY easily (after all, it’s one of the main reasons why his symbolic animal is a crow) so him being attracted to MC at first didn’t really come as a surprise
I think he knows the difference between finding someone attractive and actually being in love with them despite having never even fallen in love before
He’s lived for centuries and plus, his own sister loved a human, he’s certain he has never felt that for anyone before
Him realising that he’s in love with MC would definitely come as a shock to him though. This tsundere can deny it all he wants, but he can’t deny the fact that MC’s mere presence alone gives him serenity and cardiac arrest at the same time
His initial reaction when he comes to terms with it would definitely be to flee and avoid MC like they’re the plague. But this man pines and when he does, his sin will flare up and MC will find themselves with a very clingy Avatar of Greed by their side
To Mammon, being in love is the equivalent of stepping outside of your home for the first time in weeks and feeling the gentle warmth of the Sun caressing your skin
He is gentler, more compassionate, and more attune to MC’s feelings. He definitely places them above Goldie because they are his most prized possession, the keeper of his heart, the rarest jewel and like everything he treasures, he takes extremely good care of them. But he would NEVERRR let MC or his brothers EVER know about that (sike, everyone knows it, he’s so soft for them it’s so obvious. They find it endearing though)
Which is why when he remembers that they’re Muslim and that they worship God, the very deity he curses and rebel daily against, his heart would break
He isn’t stupid (well, not all the time), he’s lived in the Celestial Realm before. He has seen the humans who reside there once they pass their mortal life. They were infinitely exuberant compared to the ones who were condemned to a lifetime of punishment in the Devildom for their sins
And he could never doom them like that, it would hurt him to see his love miserable and depressed down in the Devildom even if he would want nothing more than for them to be together forever
So, he would bottle up his feelings and try his best to live in the present and enjoy what little time he has with them, even though he felt like that entire year passed by in a flash (which, in demon years, is most definitely like the blink of an eye)
If MC reciprocates his feelings, I can picture him being so, so joyful about that fact, but he knew that their romance is a tragedy right from the beginning. He is a fallen angel, he can’t change his nature and he has transgressed against God in the worst possible way; by swearing eternal enmity towards Him.
I can’t picture him getting over them, even after they’ve passed and are thriving in the Celestial Realm
omg I'm gonna sob Alexa play Smile by Juice WRLD
We all know that Levi thinks of MC as his Henry, his number one best friend
And he’s right. There were no instances of their hangouts being anything more than platonic
When he first started falling for MC, he’d deny it like Mammon did
Him? In love with his best friend? Preposterous.
Eventually he’ll come to realise it though because they were probably watching hilarious videos on the Internet (cough Buzzfeed Unsolved cough) and Levi was so distracted because he was just staring at MC laughing suuuper hard at the video in pure awe. Like his lil demon heart just went doki doki
Pure joy is so beautiful on people and seeing it on MC?? They were  pulchritudinous
But even after coming to terms with it though, Levi becomes SUUUUPER shy and embarrassed about that fact that for the first few days, he avoided them because he couldn’t compose himself in their presence
Eventually our beautiful demon of envy will snap out of it by MC cornering him and tearfully telling him that they miss his company 
So now they spend even more time together and Levi will slowly become more confident around MC
This means soft, shy touches turn into ‘accidental’ brushes against them then to full lingering touches until finally, he becomes confident enough to throw his arms around them in a hug
Unfortunately, depending on the gender identity of MC, this may not fly all that well
In Islam, contact between opposite sexes whom you have no familial relation to/are not married to is considered a sin (I can elaborate in another post if anyone is interested in it though) and MC will have to politely turn him down, but this doesn’t mean that they hate him. It’s far, far from that
They have to be gentle in their explanation to Leviathan. This man’s self esteem is so low that if MC were to ever recoil from his touch, it would send him into a shame spiral and self deprecating thoughts that is much, much worse than before
So MC will have to remind him that they are Muslim, that they are bound to the services and will of God.
This reminder will destroy him though and his sin will absolutely consume him
He would become so, so envious of God that someone as amazing and wonderful as his MC is so dedicated to Him, and in his envy, comes wrath.
Though his wrath is not as potent as Satan’s, it is enough for him to act irrationally and ruin his friendship with MC
He just couldn’t stand to be around them because all he wanted to do is to hold them, kiss them and love them and his envy for them will become too much that he will start to breakdown because of it
I do picture him being a yandere though with his being the Avatar of Envy. If MC returns his feelings, it might be best that they keep it to themselves and not make it known because this man WILL latch on to them and never let them go
He would absolutely turn them against God if it meant he gets to be with them for eternity even after they die
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