#ooh either he hid in the closet or got locked in it
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i enjoy making my favorite characters interact
#you know isaac would open the door#i am filled with thoughts#it started out as a practice of drawing isaac but then i was like.. what if...#and then i did this#if isaac was in deltarune he would probably avoid kris as much as he could(and kris would also probably avoid isaac)#cuz kris is kind of intimidating#and anyway#rough idea for this au is that isaac hides in the storage closet regularly and got really unlucky one of those times and ended up#in the dark world and continued to avoid everyone he could possibly avoid#and ralsei wasnt expecting him and they just barely missed each other#ooh either he hid in the closet or got locked in it#im sorry isaac im being mean to you#his outfit is color picked from blue baby and holy mantle#hes pink in the dark world like in the mother ending and dogma cutscene#the original drawing of him is his normal ashy color#but then i duplicated and recolored one of them#howd he get in the castle? hes small and not who everyone is looking for#and i know in the canon of tboi he kills like everything that he encounters#but i do think that if he had the option of not having to fight (running) he wouldnt fight#that and i dont think most people would want to fight someone who hasnt stopped crying for hours#like you gotta feel bad for him#hes just a little guy#tbh isaac is small enough he could probably just fit between the bars of jevil's cell#i dont think he would do that but he probably could#isaac would so not be ready to let jevil out though haha#but he could probably just offer to be isaac's friend and isaac would then definitely get the key pieces#jevil's idea of friendship is probably a bit fucked up though#they would still fight most likely#isaac and the gang(whatever you wanna call them) would be just like..#barely missing each other frequently
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twomanyideas · 4 years
Through the Spyglass
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A collaboration by @mdelpin and @oryu404
Gratsu Weekend 2021 Prompt: Secret Pairing(s): Gray x Natsu, Sting x Rogue For @walkinginfiction
AO3 | Next: Ch 2 Summary: 
“You little pervert!” Sting teased, “You’ve been watching him, haven’t you?” 
 “I haven’t!” 
 “Bullshit! How else would you have known that?”
 “I -,” Natsu tried to think of any other way he could have discovered that little fact, but came up empty. “It’s only been a few times, I swear! I was just trying to find an excuse to approach him.” He hid his face in his hands, embarrassed at being found out. 
 “Well, lucky for you, I’ve got just the thing!
Chapter 1
“Nghh, that’s soooo good!”
It mattered little to Natsu whether his housemate Sting was fucking his new boyfriend Rogue or just eating. He’d already discovered the hard way that it was impossible to tell the difference from their sounds. Each one a reminder that while Sting was feasting, Natsu was very much in the middle of a famine.
“You like that?”
Natsu scowled in response. Did they have to be so fucking loud? He turned his stereo on, determined to drown out the noises that were coming from the room next door. It helped a little, but not enough to distract him from what may or may not be happening. And it was late enough there’d be nowhere for him to go.
Where were those comic books he’d been meaning to catch up on? A quick glance around his room was enough to let him know there was no way in hell he was finding anything. Clothes, both clean and dirty, littered the floor and just about every other available surface except his closet. Sealed boxes lined up the walls, waiting for him to get his shit together and finally unpack.
He grabbed as many clothes as he could carry and made his way to their laundry room, also known as the bathroom.
Lalala I can’t hear you, he thought as he walked past Sting’s closed door, although of course he could, and now Rogue was joining in, expressing his approval at what must arguably be the most delicious ice cream sundae ever fucking made.
Why had he agreed to room with Sting again?
Open the washer door, chuck clothes inside, pour detergent in the dispenser and hit start. Great, ten points for adulting. Covering his ears with his hands, he hurried back to his room, grabbed the nearest box and sat down, using his pocketknife to open it up. Might as well get started on some of those now that he could walk around his room again.
That was his intent, but in the end he couldn’t help but examine the items one by one, fascinated by what he found among them. To be fair, even he would admit most of it was junk. He had no recollection of how he’d ended up with most of it, but that’s what made them so fascinating.
Finding a container of spicy jalapeño cotton candy, age unknown, he shoved some into his mouth. It was a little stale, but perfectly edible.
He placed the textbooks on the floor without a second look, having already seen more of them than he ever wanted to. There were some more clothes, the exercise ones he’d been searching for, for quite some time.
He scratched his head, wondering who the hell had packed this box. A set of three sex dice, a gag gift from Loke, were next. Maybe he should give them to Sting. He’d certainly get more use out of them.
Knit Your Own Boyfriend, another gag gift from Sting this time, joined the textbooks on the floor. Porn for Women, a book which had pictures of guys doing household chores and shit, almost joined it until Natsu realized some models in it were pretty hot. He’d keep that one.
101 Ways to Annoy Your Roommate
He glared at the wall between their rooms. Yep, keeping that one too.
Next came decision dice with messages like Fuck it, Fuck that and Fuck If I Know, followed by a nose flute, a bottle of Maybe You Touched Your Genitals hand sanitizer, a tube of bacon lip balm, and a bar of Uranus soap. Every item he pulled out was more entertaining than the last.
He positioned the flute over his nose and mouth and breathed out, having a great time attempting to play along to the music while he continued unpacking, bursting into giggles and some rather interesting sounds when he realized how terrible he sounded.
It was only when he took out the last item, a pair of binoculars Igneel had gifted him when he’d been a boy scout many, many years ago, that he realized all he’d done was clutter the floor again by spreading out the box's contents.
In no mood to do even more cleaning up, he examined the binoculars carefully, worried they might have broken in the move. He should probably test them out.
Picking a random subject- the dragon poster hanging above his bed, he aimed the binoculars on it and looked through them. They seemed in great condition, outside of some smudges and dust on the lenses. He grabbed a microfiber cloth off his desk and used it to wipe the lenses clean.
With nothing better to do, he pulled his curtains back and held the binoculars up to his eyes, searching for anything that might hold his interest for a few minutes. He’d settle for a trash-digging raccoon at this point.
What he found, however, was much more interesting. The house across from theirs, which had sported a For Rent sign for as long as he could remember, had a moving van in front of it, and the lights inside the house were on. He was a little curious why someone would move in this late at night, but that thought ceased to have any importance as soon as he got a good look at his future husband- uhm, new neighbor.
The guy had dark hair that stood up in unruly spikes. His skin gleamed in the moonlight, so much so Natsu wondered if he might be glittering like a certain gay vampire. He can absolutely bite me! Yum! And if that wasn't the sexiest fucking glower he’d ever seen in his life, Natsu didn't know what was.
He couldn’t make out the guy’s eyes, but he was almost willing to bet they were blue. This was all great, but it was his chest that Natsu kept staring at because for once in his life God had been merciful and the guy was shirtless, giving him the opportunity to ogle every one of his taut muscles.
“What are you doing?”
Natsu jumped at the sound of Sting yelling behind him, almost losing his grip on the binoculars. His hand moved to his heart as the nose flute squeaked loudly from his rapid breaths. He removed it, tossing it on his bed, and glaring at his roommate who stood laughing at him. “Jesus Fucking Christ, Sting!”
“What? I tried calling out to you, but your music was too loud.” Sting tiptoed his way around the mess on the floor to get to the stereo, lowering the volume so they could speak without having to shout at each other.
“Well, if you and Rogue hadn’t been having a food orgy next door, I wouldn’t have had to play it so loud.”
“Yeah, nice deflect. Wait, are those your scout binoculars? What were you looking at?”
“N-nothing, yep nothing at all.” “Ah, so you like listening in and spying on people, huh?” Rogue stood in the doorway, still licking what Natsu only hoped would be sundae off his fingers.
“I do not!” Natsu spluttered, “You guys are loud enough the new neighbor probably heard you!”
“There’s a new neighbor?!” Sting jumped over the box, grabbing the binoculars, which were still hanging around Natsu’s neck, and pulling them up to his eyes. “Oh, I see what you were looking at, alright,” he snorted.
“You’re cho-king me,” Natsu gasped out. “Whoops, sorry about that-” Sting pulled the string over Natsu’s head and continued to observe the scene across the street. “You should go over there and offer to help him out.”
“Hell no.” “Why not? He’s cute.”
“Because it’s like 11 o’clock and he’ll think I’m a weirdo.”
“It’s not that late. If we were still at the dorm, you wouldn’t think twice about it,” Sting pointed out. “You could take your shirt off too.”
“Yeah, cause that’s normal,” Natsu didn’t like the way Sting’s eyes seemed to twinkle. Not one bit.
“Man up, Dragneel,” Rogue dared, joining them at the window to get a look at the guy they were talking about.
“Look, I get you guys would like nothing more than to get me out of the house, but I’m broke and I’m not about to go make a fool of myself just so you can get it on. Besides, newsflash, not everyone is gay.” “Your point? Not everyone’s straight, either,” Rogue countered, crossing his arms. “Yeah, and I hate to break it to you, but we’re gonna get it on regardless,” Sting snickered, earning himself an eye roll from Rogue when he used the binoculars to zoom in on him.
“Right, well, don’t let me keep you,” Natsu said, grabbing the binoculars from Sting before he shoved both of them away from the window and closed the curtain.
“Ooh, sex dice!”
“You want them? Here, take them,” Natsu said, offering the dice to Sting and then throwing them out the door as hard as he could.
“You don’t really expect him to chase after them, do you?” Rogue chuckled, unconvinced, but his laughter died abruptly when Sting hurdled over all the crap on the floor like some kind of Olympic athlete. “Suck, toes, 50 seconds!” “You were saying?” Natsu’s grin was smug as he shooed Rogue out of his room, locking the door behind him and collapsing in a tired heap on the floor. Those two were fucking exhausting.
A few moments later he realized he was wasting precious time and dragged himself back to the window, hoping to find his new neighbor still out there lifting boxes out of the van. Sadly for him, he was not. Although the lights were still on, the doors to the moving van were closed and despite his best efforts, Natsu wasn’t able to see him anywhere inside the house either.
He had to admit that Rogue was right. It was stupid not to even try just because he was afraid of a negative outcome. That had never exactly been the Dragneel way of doing things, although of course that might also be why he crashed and burned much more than he scored.
His cheering squad, however, was about as dangerous as a firing one, so if he was going to make a move he’d have to keep it a secret from them for as long as he could manage it.
He’d just have to watch a little longer, at least until he found an opportunity to introduce himself. Satisfied with this plan, he set his music on a timer and climbed into bed, already looking forward to learning more about his neighbor in the coming days.
“He’s so not straight,” Rogue called from the bottom of the stairs, closing the front door behind him and announcing his arrival a moment before coming up.
“Yay, you’re back,” Natsu muttered, not even bothering to look up from the magazine he’d been reading.
“Who’s not straight?” Sting came out from the kitchen, holding a bowl of chips and plopping on their living room couch.
“Your new neighbor,” Rogue said, looking incredibly pleased with himself as he took off his shoes and jacket.
Natsu flipped the page, refusing to take the bait even though he was itching to know more. “Fascinating, and how would you know that exactly? Did he show you his membership card?”
“In a manner of speaking.”
Well, that caught his interest. Natsu waited for him to say more but the sonofabitch knew he had him and now he was going to force him to ask. Sadistic asshole.
He stayed strong, willing Sting to ask for him, but the bastard just kept shoving chips into his mouth and watching the two of them with interest.
Natsu turned the page of his magazine slowly, attempting to wait Rogue out.
“I saw him arrive when I got here, so I thought I should introduce myself,” Rogue explained, keeping Natsu waiting while he joined Sting on the couch, greeting him with a kiss.
“You talked to him?!” Natsu threw his magazine on their coffee table, dropping all pretense of disinterest. “What did he say?!”
“He said his name’s Gray Fullbuster, and that he moved in a few days ago. So then I said, yeah, I know, we watched you through a pair of binoculars.” Natsu could feel all color vanishing from his face, while Sting almost choked on his chips. “Kidding,” Rogue snorted, smacking his boyfriend on the back a few times. “I asked him where he’s from since he has a bit of an accent. Turns out he’s from Isvan.” “He’s got an accent?” Natsu groaned. He was so screwed.
“What’s the matter with him?”
“Natsu has a thing for accents, always has.” “And you have a thing for assholes!” Natsu retorted, tossing a pillow at Sting’s face, hoping he’d stop laughing. “I mean, don’t we all?” Sting caught the pillow and put it behind his head. “Oh, speaking of which, how do you know he isn’t straight?” “It wasn’t hard,” Rogue shrugged, shoving his hair back away from his face, “His backpack had a bi flag pin on it. Oh, and he asked me if there was an art supplies store downtown, so I figure he’s an artist.”
“Yeah, he is.” Natsu blurted out, recalling the night he’d spent an hour watching Gray sketching a cat, fascinated by how lifelike he’d made it seem. The sudden look that passed between his friends made him realize his mistake.
“You little pervert!” Sting teased, “You’ve been watching him, haven’t you?”
“I haven’t!”
“Bullshit! How else would you have known that?”
“I -,” Natsu tried to think of any other way he could have discovered that little fact, but came up empty. “It’s only been a few times, I swear! I was just trying to find an excuse to approach him.” He hid his face in his hands, embarrassed at being found out.
“Well, lucky for you, I’ve got just the thing!”
Natsu peered at Rogue from between his fingers, not sure he liked the way he’d said that, especially when he looked like a cat who had just swallowed a canary whole.
“What did you do?”
Almost as if by magic, several envelopes materialized in Rogue’s hand.
“I may have liberated some of his mail.”
“Are you out of your mind?! You can’t just take someone’s mail, Rogue. That’s illegal!” “Says the stalker. Besides, it’s only illegal if you get caught,” Rogue smirked, examining the envelopes in his hand before setting them on the coffee table. “These were just delivered to the wrong mailbox, that’s all. They look important, though. You should make sure he gets them back. We wouldn’t want him to get in trouble.”
Sting had the decency to look shocked, but that only lasted for about a minute, replaced by what Natsu could only interpret as admiration. “That’s perfect!” And next thing he knew, they were in full scheming mode, mumbling to each other as if he wasn’t even there. “He should open up a few buttons, don’t you think?”
“Yeah. Maybe fluff up his hair?”
"On it!"
“Oh, no. I want no part of whatever it is you two are thinking!” Natsu made a show of grabbing his magazine and opening it back up, but Sting had already gone off to his bedroom. The ominous sounds of him rummaging through closets and drawers traveled through the walls, and soon he returned holding a bunch of items. A comb, a tube of hair gel, some fancy-looking body spray, one of his infamous crop tops, and… was that Natsu's bacon lip balm?
"Did you just steal that lip balm from my room?"
"It's not stealing if I'm using it on you, dumbass. Now be still."
“Get away from me with that crap!” Natsu stood up from his chair, ready to bolt and lock himself in his bedroom.
“You wound me,” Sting sighed. "I even grabbed you my best one-" he held up the top and pouted at it.
“I am not putting on one of your stupid shirts.”
"His shirt's fine," Rogue sided with Natsu for once, “it just needs some re-adjustments.” He straightened the collar of Natsu’s button-up, pulled down the sleeves so he could roll them up neatly again, and opened up the two top buttons.
“Pucker up!” Sting made kissy faces as he approached him with the lip balm, and although Natsu refused to purse his lips, that did nothing to dissuade him. He still managed to apply a generous amount of it on the general area of his mouth.
“Ugh, that tastes awful!” Natsu complained, wiping the excess off with his hand.
“It’s bacon, man. All dudes love bacon, am I right?” “On my plate, yes. But on your face?” Rogue looked like someone spit in his socks.
Sting didn’t let Rogue’s response get him down, cheerfully moving on to the next item in his arsenal. A bottle of body spray that had little bits of something floating in it. Was that-
“Glitter?! No way, no how. I’m going to look ridiculous.”
“You’re going to look and smell awesome.”
“It’s glitter.”
“Which of us has a boyfriend?”
Okay, Sting had him there, but did he really need to be primped up like some schoolgirl about to go to Prom just to say hi to the guy? It was humiliating. If he went through with this ridiculous ploy, and that was still a big if, he wanted to at least make a good impression.
“It smells nice, and Gray’s an artist. Maybe he’d appreciate the glitter,” Rogue said, grabbing some chips from the bowl and moving over by Sting.
“He doesn’t make kids art projects. He draws beautiful, realistic looking pictures.”
“Oh, sorry,” Rogue fake apologized, holding up one hand next to his head while feeding Sting chips with the other.
Sting took advantage of Natsu’s distraction, spraying him before he could protest further.
“Hey, watch the face!”
Natsu had to admit the spray smelled nice, but in his rush to do a sneak attack, Sting had sprayed very liberally, covering not only Natsu but the coffee table, which had Gray’s mail on it.
“Oh, great. How am I supposed to explain that?”
“Will you chill? By the time I’m done with you, Gray won’t care about some stupid glitter on his mail,” Sting promised as he set the spray down and opened the tube of hair gel, squeezing some into his hand and moving to pluck at Natsu's hair.
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Natsu grumbled.
“Oh, come on, have I ever steered you wrong before?” Sting grinned, brimming with confidence, only to wince as he paused to think. “Okay, maybe don’t answer that.”
Natsu chuckled, thinking back to some of Sting’s more hare-brained suggestions over the years. He had this habit of getting carried away, but Natsu had never regretted going along. Even when things went sideways, they always had fun, and he knew his friend’s affection for him was genuine. So why was he fighting him so much now, when he was only trying to help?
“Fine, fine, do your worst.”
"Pftt, please. I perform nothing but miracles."
Rogue grabbed a stool from their kitchen island and brought it into the living room, gesturing for Natsu to sit so Sting could get started.
He let Sting fuss over his hair for the next ten minutes, his fingers sculpting it into well-defined spikes away from his face.
“Not bad,” Rogue said after giving him a once over. He grabbed the mail from the table and handed it over. “Now get going.”
“What, now?”
“No, next week. Yes, now!”
“I don’t know if it’s a good idea,” Natsu hedged.
“On that note,” Sting stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out an object that he placed on the coffee table. “Roll.”
Natsu recognized the decision dice he’d left on his desk. "Seriously?! What are you two, kleptos?"
“Just roll.”
“Okay, but if it says no, we’re done here, right?”
Natsu picked up the dice and studied them, unsure of what he wanted the outcome to be. He shook them lightly in his hands and tossed them on the coffee table.
“Fuck in’ a?” “Fuckin’ A!” Sting cheered and raced to his room again for more digging through drawers, and this time he returned with only two foil packaged items that fitted between his fingers. Both things Natsu easily recognized but had no intention of using during his first meeting with Gray. “Oh my God!” he backed away, “I’m just gonna go return his mail and introduce myself!”
“You were a Scout, weren’t you?” Sting grinned, extending his hand to offer the packets. “Didn’t they teach you to always be prepared?”
“I’m just gonna go drop these off,” Natsu rushed out of the room and down the stairs, hearing Sting and Rogue’s laughter and a warning to not be back soon.
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krat395 · 3 years
Gorgeously Glamorous Gargalesis (Chapter 10)
Feet! Mettaton has feet! :D And no, I’m not talking about his pink boots! I’m talking about what’s inside his boots! A gray pair of metallic human-like feet! :D Ten toes and everything! And as a bonus, they have pink hearts on their arches! X3 Cute, right? Well, don’t you think it’s about time they get what’s coming to them? That being, an extremely thorough tickling. I know I do! Along with two pairs of extremely ticklish lizard monster feet! That’s right. The only way Mettaton will let Asriel, MK, and Rex tickle him and his feet is if Rocco and Lydia get the same exact treatment alongside him. Well, no complaints there! Lol XD So I guess the only thing left to say is, give the Mettaton, Rocco, and Lydia’s tootsies hell, boys! And maybe their upper bodies too, just for good measure! ;)
Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: The Grand Finale
 A few minutes later… outside the closet...
 Mettaton: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *laughed Mettaton once more before stopping entirely* Ohohohoh my gohohod! Finally! Hahahahahahaha! Thahahahank you! Hahahahahahaha! Oh, thahahank you sohohoho much! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Eeeeeeeeeee! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha… Hahahahahahahahahaha… Hahahahahahaha… Hahaha… Haha… Haha… Ha… Ha… Ha...
 Mettaton has just stopped laughing, which can only mean one thing. Rex is no longer tickling his feet! And with Rex no longer tickling his feet, Mettaton himself can now show the boys how to operate his contraptions while the lizard parents roll the extra one in and retract the wheels when it's placed where Mettaton wants it so it doesn't roll anywhere on them. But before any of that can happen, Mettaton would like to first reattach his legs.
 Rocco: Here you go, Mettaton. *said Rocco with a chuckle, placing Mettaton's legs by his torso without his boots* Consider this a peace offering.
 Mettaton: Oh, Lizard Dad, thank you so much! *effeminate laugh* Hello, beauties! *said Mettaton while reattaching his legs* Did you miss… wait, my… my boots! MY BOOTS! *he then freaked out once he noticed his boots were missing*
 Lydia: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Yes? What about them, young man? *asked Lydia cheekily*
 Mettaton: They're… They're gone! W-w-where are they?! Where are they?! What did you do with them?! *asked Mettaton worriedly, wondering where his boots are and why the lizard parents didn't give them back along with his entire lower body*
 Rocco: Hahahahahaha! We hid them. Oh, but don't you worry, Johnny 5. Hahahaha! They're in a safe place. *claimed Rocco with a mischievous smile* (In the crawlspace in the closet. Hahahahaha!)
 Mettaton: What… what the… Why the hell would you hide my boots?!
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! Why, to be sure that you fulfill your end of our deal, of course!
 Rocco: Hahahaha! That's right. When we made our deal, you told us that the boys could tickle your feet. Those boots… are not your feet. Get the picture?
 Mettaton: Uh… *robot cough* Well… Um… Hmm… Well...
 Lydia: Yes, do you get the picture, young man? We don’t care if those boots are your equivalent of socks; they were never your real feet to begin with and they never will be either. *Lydia pointed out, announcing to everyone that Mettaton’s feet, ankles, and calves can feel tickles even when they’re protected by his boots*
 Mettaton: Um……… (Damn you, you adorable lizard parents! You found another loophole in our agreement! It’s my job to find loopholes in agreements and/or contracts; not yours!)
 Rocco and Lydia: ………
 Mettaton: ………*sigh* Fine, yes. Yes, I get the picture. …God damn it! Why did Alphys have to design those scanners to work with any lizard tail?! *asked Mettaton in disbelief, prompting Rocco, Lydia, MK, and Asriel to look at him with confused expressions on their faces*
 Asriel: Um… wow… ok, you're gonna have to explain that one to us, Mettaton.
 Mettaton: (Oh crap! Not again!) *thought Mettaton to himself while bringing himself to his feet, disappointedly due to failing to keep yet another secret from Asriel and the lizards* Woooaaaah! *he then shouted, losing his balance briefly but regaining it just before he could fall (he lost his balance because he's used to the heels on his boots)* Scanners in the backs of my knees. I can remove my boots by sticking my index fingers in these holes for a few seconds. Or… *sigh* Alphys can remove them… instantly by inserting the tip of her tail in the holes.
 In response to Mettaton's claim, everyone with the exception of Rex took a closer look at the backs of Mettaton's knees and what they saw left them all in shock.
 Lydia: *gasp* Oh my goodness! They look just like Rex's tail scanner on his toy box!
 MK: Holy moly! Holy moly, I knew those things looked familiar! Gosh darn it, Mettaton! Frisk, Chara, Blooky, and I could've tickled your feet last Wednesday?! And all I had to do to get your boots off was poke the backs of your knees with my tail?!
 Mettaton: Yep. *answered Mettaton awkwardly, embarrassed that MK mentioned something about him being tickle tortured last Wednesday at Toriel's house; despite already telling the lizard parents about that incident himself*
 MK: Oh man! Why did I have to tickle your knees with my fingers instead of my tail?! I considered using my tail! Why didn't I use my tail?!
 Asriel: Because you needed something strong to hold his legs together. You said it yourself, MK. If you had let go of Mettaton's legs, he surely would've escaped!
 MK: Heh. Oh yeah, good point.
 Asriel: You're very talented with your tail, MK. *Asriel complimented* Why you couldn't hold umbrellas with it at one point is beyond me. Speaking of which, why couldn't you hold any of those Waterfall umbrellas with your tail, MK? You've got a strong tail, and umbrellas aren't that heavy. Why did you have so much trouble trying to hold one of those umbrellas?
 MK: Um……...
 Asriel struck a nerve there with MK. There's a good reason why the young lizard boy had problems holding umbrellas around the time he met Frisk but he doesn't want to tell Asriel what that reason is until the following Saturday when he demonstrates his magic to him and his sisters. So, to help MK keep his secret, Rocco and Lydia chimed in; and told Asriel that the umbrellas were simply too awkward to hold with a tail alone. That and they pointed out how much time the boys have until Frisk, Chara, GK, Izzy, and Patty call to video chat with the two of them. Two hours from now, the five girls all have something they'd like to show the two monster boys and Chara let them know in advance via text messages. The boys found it unusual of Chara to text them so early in advance. "Why not just show us right now?" the boys wondered after reading Chara's message. Well, whatever it is the girls want to show them, they're certain that it will be worth the wait. And while they're waiting, they can tickle Rocco, Lydia, and Mettaton! For a very, very long time! :D
 Asriel and MK: *gasp* Oh yeah, that's right.
 Lydia: Mm-hmm. And one of the things you can do while you're waiting is tickle the three of us. *said Lydia cheekily, wagging her tail and wiggling her six toes against the floor*
 Rocco: *gasp* Oooooh. Yeah, it's getting to be around that time, isn't it? Hahahaha! Well then let's get started! Mettaton, show the boys how to operate those thingamabobbers of yours while this armless cutie and I roll the third one out here, will you? *instructed Rocco, making Lydia blush and Mettaton look at him with a "Don't tell me what to do!" look on his face XD*
 Despite looking a bit annoyed, Mettaton did as he was told and while teaching the boys, he was pleased to see them quickly catch on to his instructions. The boys know a thing or two about engineering and robotics thanks to Gaster and Alphys; mostly by watching the two scientists themselves work but also by assisting them when given the opportunity to do so. And Sans too! But mostly Gaster and Alphys; Asriel learning more from the former and MK learning more from the latter. Meanwhile, Rocco and Lydia rolled out the third contraption; one with colors that represent the two of them! It had a chair that was two shades of yellow; the left half Rocco's skin color and the right half Lydia's skin color; and a set of stocks that were their favorite colors; the left half navy blue (Rocco's favorite color) and the right half burgundy (Lydia's favorite color). "Heh. Interesting color choices, Mettaton." the two lizard parents wondered to themselves while rolling it out into the open. But there's a reason why he made them those colors and a damn good reason too! He built his third tickling contraption as a present for Rocco and Lydia! :D Mettaton's no dummy! He knows that Rocco and Lydia enjoy tickling each other as much as they enjoy tickling their kids. X3
 A few minutes later… after the third contraption was all set up…
 Rocco: Ok, we're all set here! Haha!
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* Beautiful, darling! Only question now is: who’s going to sit where?
 Three tickling contraptions; the Mettaton EX-colored one on the left, the Rectangle Mettaton-colored one in the middle, and the Lizard parents-colored one on the right; who's going to sit where? Well, after thinking about it for at least 30 seconds, the three adults ultimately settled on lining up in order oldest to youngest; 41-year-old Rocco in the left pink chair with his large scaly 3-toed feet locked in black, light gray, and white stocks, 36-year-old Lydia in the middle gray chair with her scaly 3-toed feet locked in white, red, black, and yellow stocks, and 26-year-old Mettaton in the right yellow chair with his metal 5-toed feet locked in navy blue and burgundy stocks.
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! Well alrighty then! Heeheeheeheehee! Lock us in, boys. Ooh, but first… here you go, Rex! *said Lydia, handing her burgundy feather to Rex with her tail* Use this, my little hero… in addition to your fingers, toes, and tail. Heeheeheeheehee!
 Rex: Ooooooooooooo… *cooed Rex happily, smiling big while grabbing his mother's feather with his tail*
 Mettaton: Ooh, that reminds me. Here, darlings. These are for you. *said Mettaton to Asriel and MK, handing the former a black feather and the latter a pink feather after retrieving them from a compartment in his left thigh* Use them well. *he cooed, positioning himself in the yellow chair*
 Rocco: Hahaha! And these too, boys! *Rocco chimed in, surprising everyone in the room when he handed Asriel a green toothbrush, MK a yellow toothbrush, and Rex a red toothbrush; due to how effective toothbrushes are on his big sensitive feet, even if the ones he just handed the boys were non-electric ones*
 After locking the three adults in the contraptions, the boys took a few seconds of their time to decide who should tickle who first. Three boys, three adults; one boy for each adult locked in the stocks. Just like when they tickled Rocco’s feet earlier today, the three boys will tickle the adults on a rotating basis. Two full rotations to be exact; plus two set periods of time (one in between the two rotations and one after the second rotation) where they’ll let the contraptions tickle the adults on their own. But to start, Asriel will tickle Rocco (oldest child, oldest adult), MK will tickle Lydia (middle child, middle adult), and Rex will tickle Mettaton (youngest child, youngest adult) and during the first phase, they are planning to focus entirely on their feet without any assistance from the contraptions. With Rocco, Lydia, and Mettaton’s feet trapped in stocks, it’s hard to pass up an opportunity to tickle their feet with their fingers, toes, tails, and feathers and toothbrushes as well. Especially with their soles all taut and each of their individual toes tied to the stocks to render their feet nearly immobile during the next 40-60 minutes! :D
 Moments later…
 Asriel: Hahaha! Ok, dude, we ready to start?
 MK: Not quite! We gotta get a chair for Rex first! *MK pointed out, noticing that Rex is too short to reach the Mettaton’s feet from the floor*
 Asriel: Oh, right! Say, that red one over there should do nicely, don’t you think? *asked Asriel, pointing at a red chair that can be lifted by two strong pre-teen boys if they work together*
 MK: Really? That one? Kinda heavy, don’t you think?
 Asriel: Pfft. Not if we carry it together! Come on, you want Rex to be safe and comfortable at the same time, don’t you?
 MK: Well, yeah, of course I do! He’s my baby brother!
 Asriel: Then help me move that chair over here, please!
 With that said, the boys moved the somewhat heavy red chair over to the contraption all the way on the right and when they slid it up tight against the stocks, it was a perfect fit! Mettaton’s heels were just above the edge of the seat cushion and Rex had enough room to maneuver with armrests serving as guard rails.
 Rex: *coos* Gagabooboodidaba! Heeheeheeheehee!
 MK: Heeheeheeheehee! You’re very welcome, Rex! *said MK, even if he couldn’t understand what Rex was saying*
 After Rex was all situated, he, Asriel, and MK began tickling the three adults’ feet and they continued doing so for the next 15 minutes on a rotating basis in three 5-minute intervals; the only breaks being the moments when Asriel and MK moved the red chair from one contraption to another for Rex. During the first five-minute interval, Asriel tickled Rocco’s feet, MK tickled Lydia’s feet, and Rex tickled Mettaton’s feet.
 Then during the second five-minute interval, Asriel tickled Mettaton’s feet, MK tickled Rocco’s feet, and Rex tickled Lydia’s feet.
 Then during the third and final five-minute interval of the first rotation, Asriel tickled Lydia’s feet, MK tickled Mettaton’s feet, and Rex tickled Rocco’s feet.
 After tickling the adults’ feet with their fingers, toes, and tails as well as feathers and toothbrushes, Asriel and MK moved the red chair away from Rocco’s stocks and prepared the contraptions’ tickle modes. In a few seconds, the boys will let the contraptions tickle the adults on their own but how they will tickle them is up to the boys. There are two options. 1. They can do what Mettaton did; deploy one or a few feather rollers at a time and then spin the fuzzy wires around their toes; or 2. They can just deploy and activate everything all at once. …They chose the latter. They took a vote and it was unanimous. XD
 At the press of a button on each of the contraptions' control panels, the boys deployed every single feather roller they could and more. Poor Rocco, Lydia, and Mettaton! 12 feather rollers rolling up and down their taut soles (4 for each adult), 22 mini feather rollers rolling up and down the pads of each of their toes (6 for each lizard parent, 10 for Mettaton), 16 mini feather rollers rolling against every individual space in between their toes (4 for each lizard parent, 8 for Mettaton), and 22 fuzzy wires spinning rapidly around the bases and stems of each of their toes (6 for each lizard parent, 10 for Mettaton); the moment every single one of those things began tickling their soles and toes, they screamed with hearty laughter that echoed throughout the entire basement and involuntarily begged for mercy after just two seconds of outlandish tickle torture. Well, Rocco and Lydia did. Mettaton on the other hand commented on the boys' decision to activate everything all at once, criticizing and praising them at the same time.
 For five minutes, the boys let the contraptions tickle the adults' feet on their own and while this was happening, the boys just kicked back and watched them work; Asriel sitting on the couch with his bare feet up on a footrest and Rex sitting on his lap and MK sitting next to them with his bare feet up as well. It was quite the joy seeing Rocco, Lydia, and Mettaton's priceless reactions to the tickle torture and hearing their hearty laughter. And there will surely be more of it once some upper body tickling is thrown into the mix. But before deploying the hands out of the chairs, the boys would like to do some upper body tickling themselves; with their fingers, toes, tails, feathers, and toothbrushes on a rotating basis once again while the feather rollers and fuzzy wires continue tickling their feet. The only problem with that plan is that Rocco and Mettaton can still move their arms whenever they please. Or so they thought. After playing around with the contraptions' control panels for a few seconds, they found out that they can use the contraptions' arms to hold Rocco and Mettaton's arms above their heads, giving them easy access to their armpits and sides, and also grab arms if someone were to deploy/grow a second pair. XD None for Lydia since she doesn't have a physical pair of arms and has difficulty summoning her magic ones while she's being tickled. Especially on her feet!
 Now that Rocco and Mettaton can't move their arms, the boys can begin the upper body tickling phase. For fifteen minutes, in three five-minute intervals, the boys will tickle the adults' upper bodies (armpits, sides, necks, ribs, bellies, and hips) on a rotating basis and while rotating, one of the older boys will have to move Rex over from one adults' lap to another since the chairs are too tall for him to climb on or off of without any assistance. Due to Rex's small size, he will need to sit or stand in the chair with at least one of his victims at all times. But as for the two older boys themselves, they can either stand next to their victims as they tickle them or sit on their victims' legs or laps in the chairs. They'll have to do the latter if they plan on tickling them with all of their toes at once. But for the most part, they can just stand beside them.
 During the first five-minute interval, Asriel tickled Rocco, lifting his shirt when necessary to effectively tickle him with his fluffy tail, MK tickled Lydia, and Rex tickled Mettaton.
 Then during the second-minute interval, Asriel tickled Mettaton, MK tickled Rocco, and Rex tickled Lydia and at one point during this interval, Asriel leaned over Mettaton in a crab walk position to effectively brush tail against his core. XD He had no choice due to how short it is compared to the lizards’ tails.
 Rocco and Lydia: EEEEEEEEEEP/EEEEEEEEEEK!!! *the lizard parents squealed and shrieked the moment they felt the tips of their sons' tails swirling inside their bellybuttons; MK's tail swirling inside Rocco's bellybutton underneath his Henley shirt and Rex's tail swirling inside Lydia's bellybutton on the outside of her silk dress* HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA!!! NOHOHO, BOYS, NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEP/EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!
 Then last but not least, during the third five-minute interval, Asriel tickled Lydia (with everything but his tail since he had no access to any bare spots on her torso), MK tickled Mettaton, and Rex tickled Rocco.
 Lydia: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! *shrieked Lydia the moment she felt Asriel's furry toes wiggling against her neck* HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! AZZY, YOU FIEEHEEHEEHEEHEEND!!! *she then shouted without any actual spite, shaking her head as much as she could* HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! OHOHOHOH MY GOOHOOHOODNESS, THAHAHAHAHAT TICKLES SOHOHOHO MUCH!!! *she claimed, making Asriel giggle in response* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *SQUEAK* HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!
 Rocco and Mettaton: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!! SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO DOHOHOHOHOES THIS!!! *claimed Rocco and Mettaton at the same time through their hearty laughter, Rex and MK wiggling their clawed toes up and down their bellies* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
 After the third and final rotation, Asriel and MK, after removing Rex from Rocco's lap, stopped tickling the adults and moved over to the contraptions' control panels. Tickling the adults' upper bodies with their fingers, toes, tails, feathers, and toothbrushes while the contraptions tickle their feet with feather rollers and fuzzy wires was fun and after fulfilling that objective, they deployed all of the other hands out of the chairs and made them, along with the ones that were already out, tickle the adults' upper bodies for the rest of the session while they sit back on the couch and watch; both boys sitting next to each other with their feet up on a footrest and Rex sitting either next to them or on one of their laps. For the rest of the session, each of the three adults had 8 hands tickling their upper bodies; 2 hands kneading their sides and hips, 2 hands wiggling their fingers in the hollows of their armpits (or in Lydia's case, where her armpits would be if she had arms like Rocco), 2 hands kneading their ribs, and 2 hands scribbling their fingers against their bellies. Plus feather rollers tickling their soles, the pads of their toes, and the spaces in between their toes AND fuzzy wires spinning around the bases and stems of their toes! They were in hell! At least 15 minutes of pure unholy ticklish hell as what was essentially the most maniacal laughter heard today poured from their mouths and echoed throughout the entire basement and first floor of the house! And they enjoyed every second of it! Even Mettaton, the least ticklish of the three adults! Speaking of Mettaton, he is planning to visit Muffet again this upcoming Friday; to tickle her a second time with help from Blooky, who will be at Muffet's house by the time he shows up there. And next time, he'll be sure to tickle her with his contraptions and mini Mettatons; even if he has to do so before or after participating in an epic tickle battle with Muffet and Blooky against a certain powerful individual. But what are the chances of something like that happening? XD
 After the tickle session was over, Asriel and MK turned off the contraptions and asked the adults if they were ok; and fortunately, they were. Then during the remainder of their waiting period, Mettaton told everyone a story about the first time he ever tickled Alphys. It was a cute story from start to finish and it explained why he enjoys tickling feet more than every other part of the body. Then shortly after Mettaton finished telling his story, Asriel and MK hugged him goodbye and went upstairs to MK's room to video chat with their sisters as well as Izzy and Patty. Just as the boys predicted, Frisk and Chara were right on schedule to not only chat with them but also to show them something very special. Their hands with painted fingernails and their feet in brand new pairs of flip flops with painted toenails! :D Frisk and Chara did it! They finally caved and let Izzy and Patty paint their nails! Being the tomboyish girls that they are, they've never once had their nails painted and have never had any desire to have them painted. Same goes for flip flops. All their lives, they've never had any desire to wear flip flops. But after basically being worn down by Izzy and Patty, two girls that almost always have their nails painted and regularly wear flip flops during 3 of the 4 seasons, however, they changed their minds and what the boys saw was a beautiful sight; Frisk in blue flip flops with magenta nail polish and Chara in brown flip flops with red nail polish. Both boys couldn't stop blushing to save their own lives! And that was just the beginning! After Frisk and Chara finished showing off their hands and feet, Izzy and Patty showed off their new fresh coats of nail polish on their fingers and toes as well. They even put on their flip flops; just for Asriel and MK. The two boys probably would've enjoyed seeing their feet more without any footwear whatsoever but it was still a nice gesture nonetheless. XD And as usual, Izzy had blue nail polish and pink flip flops and Patty had cyan nail polish and white flip flops. But that wasn't all! After Izzy and Patty finished showing off their nails to the boys, GK, stepped in and propped her feet up to show off her claws! Yes, even GK had her claws painted; dark gray to match her dark gray pants as well as the dark gray sections on her checker-patterned shirt. Yes, GK is wearing dark gray pants and a checker-patterned shirt today. She doesn't always wear dark gray leggings and a checker-patterned mini dress. Overall, what the girls did for the boys was pretty dang cute. And to top it all off, all five of them texted the boys pictures of their hands and feet shortly after they finished video chatting with them. Sure, it was mostly pics of their painted nails/claws but they included some pics of their soles as well just for good measure, which made MK especially happy. X3 Then after looking at the girls' pictures, the two boys spent the rest of the night playing in a blanket fort they made. Rex even joined them for a little while but left when he started to get heavy eyes. He had a big day! He, Asriel, and MK all did! And playing in a blanket fort together was quite possibly the most enjoyable way to end such a wonderful night of hijinks. Everything was perfect… except for one thing. No plate of s'mores to snack on. Not to worry though, they can always go downstairs and make some, which is exactly what MK did after playing with Asriel and Rex in their blanket fort for about 20 minutes.
 Later that night… when MK went down to make s'mores…
 Rocco: Oh hey, champ. Did you come down to make some s'mores? *asked Rocco curiously with a smile, just seconds after he and Lydia set some graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows on the kitchen counter*
 MK: Oh! Hehe. Well, look at you, Dad! If I had known you were going to make s'mores for us, I would've stayed upstairs!
 Rocco: Haha! Now just what makes you think I'm making these for you? *joked Rocco*
 MK: W-well, because, you know…
 Rocco: Hahahaha! I'd be happy to, champ! And while you're here, you can help me roast the marshmallows.
 MK: Hehe. Sure, Dad. *said MK, agreeing to help his father but was rendered confused when he stood still and did absolutely nothing*
 Rocco: ……...
 MK: ...Uh, Dad?
 Rocco: Hmm? What is it, MK?
 MK: Y-you're supposed to create green fire in the palm of one of your hands.
 Rocco: Hmm… yes, I suppose I could do that. Or, we could roast them with your fire magic… *said Rocco after noticing that Asriel didn't follow MK downstairs*
 MK: What? Really? W-w-w-what if Az comes down downstairs? *MK stammered, worried that Asriel might see his fire magic in action* You know I don't want him to see this until Saturday!
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee. Not to worry, honey puff. I'll be your lookout. *said Lydia with a blissful smile, seconds before keeping an eye on the staircase*
 MK: *gasp* Oh my gosh! Thank you, Mom! Thank you
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! Any time, my dear.
 After Lydia moved into position, MK did his thing. But instead of just lighting fire in the palm of one of his robotic hands, he also did something that his father and Alphys are incapable of. That being, LIGHTING HIS ENTIRE TAIL ON FIRE!!! Every inch from its base all the way to its tip! :O And as for its color, it was orange.
 Rocco: Hahahahaha! Yeah! That's my boy! Tail fire is best fire! *said Rocco, proud of MK and a little jealous since he can't light his own tail on fire*
 MK: Hahahaha! You got that right, Dad! Hahahaha! (Hehehe. Can't wait to show this to you, Frisk, and Chara this Saturday, Az… along with a few… other surprises. Hehehehe.)
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green-blue-heller · 4 years
Look What You Made Me Do (Cockles FanFic)
Title: Look What You Made Me Do
Pairing: Cockles (Jensen x Misha)
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Rating: GA
A/N: Part of my 500 follower celebration. This was based off a prompt by @dolphindiluna.
If you want to send me a prompt based on the theme, coming out, check out my pinned post.
Words: 2729
Read on AO3
Jensen stood on the stage, Robbie and the boys of Louden Swain behind him, music pumping into his earbuds as he smiled at the roaring crowd. A wave of panic filled him as the opening notes of his intro music sent the crowd into a frenzy, and he tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
In the back of his mind, there was a voice screaming at him to turn around and leave the stage as quickly as he could. That would be the smart thing to do. Especially since his stunt was about to lead to career suicide.
But as he glanced to his right, he caught sight of Misha and the smile on the other man’s face took his breath away. With a shy smile, he looked down at his feet for a moment.
You can do this, Jackles.
It wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision that brought him up on stage during the con’s Saturday Night Special.
It started out as something he wanted to do for Misha. Which was totally the wrong reason to want to do this. But he’d had such a hard time after the show ended.
Truthfully, he’d been having a hard time the last couple of years, and Jensen knew he hadn’t made things easier. Misha had never shied away from his sexuality, while Jensen had still very much been in the closet except for a few close friends.
But the whole Destiel thing had been like watching a trainwreck you just couldn’t look away from. The network and studio handled things badly and forced Misha to take the brunt of it, even though it wasn’t anywhere near the scope of his responsibility.
But he did it.
And Jensen hated it.
There had been a few bigwigs in charge who hadn't known but highly suspected that Jensen and Misha had been an item. It wasn’t like they really hid it on set, but they didn’t flaunt it either.
Misha called their remarks whenever they were on set or at a con, a microaggression.
Jensen took his word for it, as he really had no clue, other than that Misha meant it was homophobic, even if they didn’t seem to be on the surface.
So, he wanted to do something for Misha. To show him that he was loved and appreciated. And that he was committed to him, even with the show being over.
Misha and Danneel were his forever. And he never wanted either of them to forget it.
He had spent long hours over the last couple of weeks leading up to Vegas Con, talking it out with not just Misha, but with Danneel and even Vicki. They, along with the kids, were his life. And he would never make a rash decision, especially a possibly life-altering one, without consulting them first.
But they understood what he wanted. And what it could mean for all of them.
And they were all ready to stand by his side, no matter what he chose.
So, two months after he first got that cursed idea, he found himself on stage, in Vegas for the first time since the show wrapped up.
What a clusterfuck that had been. He knew it was bad as soon as it had been pitched. There were too many ways that things could go wrong by the time they got to the finale. And boy, did they ever go wrong.
Not that he was against Dean and Cas ending up together.
Jensen snuck another peek at Misha and smiled to himself. No, he definitely did not mind Dean and Cas ending up together. They deserved to be as happy as he and Misha.
The only problem was that, as he suspected, by the time push came to shove, no one was able to pull the trigger.
They’d cocked the gun and pointed it, had Cas confess, but then the execs at the studio were on edge over the dailies they’d been sent. With a global pandemic knocking on their door, they were afraid to go with anything but sticking to the status quo.
Except the show had been anything but status quo for quite some time. They were just too slow to realize.
He knew some of it was personal bias but that most of it was business. Though they managed to screw up even that.
But he was at the con, and he was going to do what he could. For everyone involved who deserved some vindication. They deserved to know they weren’t crazy.
Jensen took a deep breath and looked out at the crowd and gave them the most charming Dean Winchester smile he could manage.
And it sent them wild.
“Hey, guys!” When the crowd cheered their own greeting back at him, Jensen grinned.
With another deep breath, he steeled his nerves and mentally nudged himself forward. This had been his idea, and he still knew and agreed that it was the best idea, but that didn’t make him any less nervous.
Especially since he knew he was about to piss off the studio execs who were footing a large portion of the bill for his and Danneel’s production company.
He was almost certain he could kiss that goodbye.
“Look, I know there has been a lot of discourse since the show ended, and even more questions. I wish I could give you all the answers you’re looking for, but I hope that tonight, we can clear some things up.”
He knew it wasn’t a lot, but he wanted to be able to give the fans as much as he could, as much as he was comfortable with.
“Wow,” he said with a chuckle. “I haven’t been this nervous up on stage in a long time.”
He grinned at Rob as the music morphed and the opening bars to a Taylor Swift song kicked into his ears.
Part of him felt stupid. This was a stupid song for him to sing. But it was fitting.
He didn’t like to be backed into a corner, nor did he like his loved ones to be put into uncomfortable positions. And that had happened with most of them since their twelve-to-fifteen-year tenure on Supernatural ended.
Jensen knew he made a lot of mistakes in the last decade, and tonight he planned on correcting some of them.
A cleansing breath went through his lungs as he caught sight of Misha again, who flashed him a grin and a thumbs up.
He could do it.
He needed to do it.
Misha deserved it.
Jensen deserved it.
Their wives deserved it.
He opened his mouth and as soon as he started to croon out the first line, his voice low and smooth like a fine whiskey, the fans erupted into such a frenzy. Jensen thought might never stop grinning.
“I don't like your little games
Don't like your tilted stage
The role you made me play of the fool
No, I don't like you
I don't like your perfect crime
How you laugh when you lie
You said the gun was mine
Isn't cool, no, I don't like you”
As Jensen finished the first verse of the song, he felt his confidence grow. He’d practiced - a lot. He knew what he was doing and he trusted the band to be there for him and back him up as they’d rehearsed.
They’d smoothed out some of the music, made it more fitting to his vocal style, and the crowd erupted as the music morphed into what was more likely to resemble a 90’s rock ballad than a Taylor Swift song.
In the back of his mind, he thought it was a little sacrilege, but he’d never admit it out loud.
“But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me-
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do”
Jensen soon found himself bopping his head along with the crowd.
With a grin, he turned and strode over to Rob, who shook his head with a hearty laugh.
“I don't like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
You asked me for a place to sleep
Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)”
This was it.
His moment.
Their moment.
Jensen is no longer looking at the crowd. He’s all but forgotten there is even anyone else there as he continues to sing without even thinking about it.
How could he think, when he found himself lost in the perfect storm of those blue eyes that stared back into his green ones?
He moved with purpose as he marched across the stage.
“The world moves on, another day another drama, drama
But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma
And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure
Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours”
And in one swift motion, he pulled Misha, who had taken his outstretched hand, and pulled him out on the stage and Rob picked up the vocals and sang the chorus.
They had taken a few steps back when they let go and Jensen’s hand reached up to cup Misha’s face while his left hand, which still had his microphone, snaked its way under his boyfriend’s arm and wrapped around his back.
Jensen gently pulled Misha against him, who complied, putting both his hands on Jensen’s hips as their lips met and lazily molded together.
They fit perfectly.
Kissing Misha wasn’t even something Jensen had to think about, it just came as naturally as kissing Danneel.
He was sure the crowd was going crazy, but all he could hear was the whimper he elicited from his boyfriend as their lips parted and Jensen’s tongue caressed Misha’s.
“But I got smarter
I got harder in the nick of time (nick of time)
Honey, I rose up from the dead
I do it all the time (I do it all the time)
I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!”
Jensen pulled away, hand sliding down to Misha’s shoulder, breathless as always when Misha is near.
“I love you, babe,” Jensen whispered as he looked into Misha’s shining eyes that threatened to spill tears. Because even though he knew what Jensen was planning, it was real, at that moment, and Jensen could see that it was hitting Misha harder than he could have imagined.
His heart swelled as he moved his hand from cupping Misha’s shoulder to wrap around the back of his neck and pull him into a hug.
As he turned their bodies to face toward the crowd, Jensen smiled, his own teary eyes taking in the crowd that had gone wild, and dropped a soft kiss onto the top of Misha’s head.
With a grin, he stepped back and glanced over his shoulder to see Rob grinning at him. He threw the other man a wink as he gave a nod of appreciation for all his support and love not only given to him, but to Misha.
As he turned his gaze back to the crowd, a wicked grin spread across his face as he tilted his head at Misha, who was still securely snuggled into his side, and brought the microphone back to his mouth.
“Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me-
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do”
Jensen couldn’t help but chuckle into the microphone as he caught Misha’s eye roll. Of course, the older man thought he was being over the top and more protective than he needed to be. But he also knew how much it meant to him.
The look in his eyes, at the unshed tears and the smile that went on for miles, was all Jensen needed at that moment.
He knew he made the right decision. His family was more important than some job. There were plenty of things he could do besides acting or having a production company, if it actually came to that.
There was the Family Business Beer Company, there was Radio Company, not to mention the profits they turned from renovating houses and flipping them. And it wasn’t like the studio or network could now retroactively go back and undo the contract he already had for residuals from the show.
Jensen tried to swoop in and steal a kiss, but Misha let out a shy laugh and playfully pushed his face away as he gave one of his patented not-so-subtle winks. He immediately found himself letting out a chuckle as he let his arm fall from Misha’s shoulder and took a step forward, really paying attention to the crowd for the first time.
They were on their feet still, and going wild. All the bright lights from the cameras snapping pictures was a little much, especially since there wasn’t supposed to be flash photography, but he couldn’t find it in him to complain about anything at the moment.
As the bridge was about to kick in, he motioned with his hand for the crowd to join him.
“I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams”
He was grinning like a loon as he dropped his arm to his side, but he really didn’t care. Especially as he made his way back over to Misha and slid his hand home within Misha’s. They were a perfect fit.
“(Ooh, look what you made me do)
(Look what you made me do)
(Look what you just made me do)
I'm sorry
But the old Jensen can't come to the phone right now
Why? Oh, 'cause he's dead (oh)”
He knew he’d get in trouble for it later, but with a dramatic flourish, Jensen held his arm out in front of him and let the mic fall to the stage.
What were they going to do? Fire him?
As Jensen stared into the endless pools of Misha’s blue eyes, he didn’t really care what they did anymore.
He was going to do what he wanted, what felt right . And not let anyone else tell him differently.
And at that moment, all he wanted to do was kiss Misha.
His movement caught the other man by surprise, as he reached over and put one hand behind his back, and one behind his head, and gave him a slight dip before he leaned down and claimed his lips.
When they came up for air, they didn’t even realize there was anyone else in the room. They only had eyes for each other as they reached for each other at the same time, took each other’s hand, and walked off the stage as Rob and the band finished out the song.
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me-
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me-
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do
If you want to be added or taken off my tag list, please let me know either in the comments or via a DM.
@dolphindiluna @kristina710
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frENEMIES, pt. 3 {Quarterback AU}
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Summary: Locked in the supply closet together, the pair actually manages to resolve some of their issues but new ones arise when they realize the other side of hate is love and while one is willing to accept to cross the fine line, the other one will run scared.
Warnings: angst, swearing, panic attack, sexual innuendos and talk of sex
Part 1   Part 2
"Just stay with me tonight. Okay?" Grayson takes her hand, gingerly pulling her closer and while he wishes he could ignore the turmoil in her eyes, the hesitation in every inch of distance she closed between them, he can't help but wonder if she'll ever stop hating him.
After the past 24 hours they had, he hoped she would find a way. He just wants a chance, a fighting chance to show her he isn't the idiot, dumb jock she sees him as. He can't exactly deny the playboy accusation, but the rest of it wasn't very fair to him. At least he saw it like that.
"I feel like this is a slippery slope. I stay tonight and we...what? Have sex? Maybe just cuddle? Or talk? Next thing I know, you'll catch feelings and I don't really see how that would be good for either of us." Biting her lower lip, she grabbed a fistful of his shirt, not in a violent or sexual way, just as a way to ground herself, to find a footing in the insanity of her actually considering willingly being around the man she hated for years. And her hate wasn't unfounded.
"Don't worry, my sneaky little princess. That's not going to happen. At least not to me, but I can't promise anything on your behalf. I'm quite the charmer, ya know?" Chuckling as she pushed him back with all her might, Grayson lands on the bed with a throaty laugh she found quite pleasant. However, when Grayson told her nothing of the sort would happen, he forgot to mention it's because it's too late, at least for him it is - he already caught feelings.
How this came to be, you may ask? Last time we left these two, love was the last thing on their mind...at least for Y/N.
Well, it all started with a push from a very bald Ethan who decided to lock the frENEMIES in a room.
"Seriously?!" Y/N pounded on the door as she realized she's stuck and the only reason why that happened is because she wanted to make amends with Ethan and Amina. That's what happens when you're trying to be nice.
Ever had a big fight with your best friend and actually have them be right but you just won't admit it? Y/N sure as hell found herself in a lot of trouble with her best friend when Ethan got caught in the crossfire and while she apologized to Ethan, profusely, Amina was just done with her. It hurt when she chose to side against her even before the incident that left her boyfriend without hair. Isn't your best friend supposed to have your back?
Ethan forgave her, or so she thought before he gave her and Grayson a push before locking them up in the supply room on campus and while Y/N pounded on the door, she realized she was doing that all on her own. She figured the ostentatious, loud quarterback would be breaking the door down by now and yet she found no resistance on his behalf...just silence.
Frowning, she turned to the unusually quiet Grayson only to find him in the corner of the room, eyes wide open, heaving.
"Dude, you good?" She really didn't want to come closer and check but when he shook his head no, she felt her heart start pounding. The last thing she needed is him having an asthma attack now, because he might think she didn’t notice, but she saw him hiding the inhaler in his bag after taking a few puffs and while she didn’t understand why he’s ashamed of that, she didn’t say anything. Just as he’s hiding his dyslexia, something she didn’t know about until the dinner they were forced to have and he stared at the menu as if it was in a foreign language before asking his brother in their ridiculous twin language what to order. 
"Why? What's happening right now?" Carefully, she approached him because he seemed freaked out as it is and she had no idea how he might react to her in this moment.
"Not a fan...of closed spaces." Managing to explain through a few quick breaths, he had closed his arms around his folded knees and for the first time in forever, she saw Grayson fucking Dolan isn't invincible. She’s become all too aware of that.
"Oh." She let nothing else pass her lips as she sat right before him, chewing her bottom lip with her eyebrows furrowed and her nose crinkled as she pondered what she could do to help him. If a man as big as him freaks out in such a small room, she might not be quite safe. Would he ever hurt her?
"Why is football so important to you?" And that's when she spoke up, this time with a question she hoped would help keep his mind occupied, derailing the possible panic attack he seems to be facing. She knew all about panic attacks for they've tormented her since she was eighteen. She knew he feels vulnerable and terrified and she wanted to give him a chance to talk about what he loves, is confident in and is also passionately involved in. It’s not something she talks about, just as he doesn’t talk about his asthma and dyslexia. 
"Huh?" Grayson looks at her, his lips quivering, his chest hurting and his heart hammering against his cheat and he couldn't believe he was breaking in front of the girl that hates him more than anyone ever has and he could already see her using this against him.
"Tell me. I want to understand." But there is no malice in her voice and the way she looks at him is...merciful. She's never been this nice to him and for a moment, he can't help but wonder why. Why would she care?
"Please." The softness in her tone is enough to make him trust her. Maybe it's because he wanted to trust her with all his heart regardless, but he found himself speaking to her about what he never talked about to any girl...only to very few people in his life that mostly included his family.
"My dad. It was sort of our thing. He was the most supportive...It....Playing football makes me feel closer to him. I guess I just want to make him proud. Besides, I love the attention. I do. I love when they cheer for me, when they pat me on the back after a win and most of all, I love how powerful I feel on the field." Rubbing his chin absentmindedly, he flashed her a smile, the cocky one she usually saw on his face and it lifted a weight off her chest she felt ever since she saw the great quarterback cradling himself in a state of sheer panic.
It almost breaks her heart to see him that way, because having your mind and body betray you like that is an indescribable feeling to know you can't trust yourself anymore. Despite all the voices in he read screaming at her not to, she reaches out, placing her hand over his so tenderly he thought he imagined her touch.
"Awe, you actually care!" Grayson cooed teasingly and she rolls her eyes, scooting away from him a little, taking her hand with her.
"Bite me, quarterback." And while they were definitely having a moment, he couldn't help but wonder if he could use this time to learn why she really hates him.
"Ooh, kinky! Where?" Winking at her, Grayson purses his lips and her exasperation is evident but he can't let her leave without at least some truth being revealed.
"So, I have a question." He says with a small smile and she raises an eyebrow at him, her left eye narrowing ever so slightly at him.
"I don't care." Sassing back, she turns her body away from him, trying to hide from his over-analyzing stare. His eyes, the way he looks at her always makes her feel naked. It's intense and it's unveiling and frustration and she didn't want any of it right now. She’s always had trouble with emotional connections and anyone getting too close made her nervous and Grayson particularly made her want to run away screaming.
"You asked one question, I get to ask one too. So...why do you hate me? I mean, I can't even understand what I did to you that's so bad...except for the eyebrows sophomore year BUT it was an accident and I apologized to you at least a hundred times." Looking over at him, her glare is clearly showing his jokes are not entertaining and she's had enough but if it means he'll shut up, she'll tell him.
"You stole my first kiss without even asking me the first time we met." She states through gritted teeth and the horror and confusion on his face is baffling to her. "Don't pretend otherwise. We were talking and I actually liked you before you thought it would be okay to just kiss me out of the blue before running off to puke in the bathroom."
"I SWEAR I", he was going to say he doesn't remember but it all sounded too familiar and he...well, he thought he dreamt that.
"Oh, God! I'm sorry! I was drunk off my ass that night and it was the first and last time I got drunk. I swear I thought I dreamed it. I really am an asshole." Running his hands through his luscious locks, Grayson hid his face as he wondered how the fuck did he forget about kissing Y/N fucking Y/L/N.
"Then there's the time you told Mike I was a snake and to stay away from me." She continues but he was shocked there's more than one reason and while he does remember doing this, she took it out of context.
"You got that all wrong. Mike was bragging around, saying he banged you and I was telling him he's a snake and I'd break his jaw if he keeps talking shit about you. He wasn't the guy for you. He just wasn't and I'm not sorry for that. I just wish you talked to me before assuming the worst of me." Leaning back against the wall, Grayson held her gaze fiercely. This was no time for weakness, he had to be brave and face her and make things better. It's been years and he...well, he's always had a thing for her.
One night stands were fun, but no girl ever challenged him nor intrigued him like her. She was so unapologetically herself, so beautiful even without trying and her mind works in such interesting ways that he was always in awe of her opinions, of her writing, of the way she sees the world.
"Alright...then how about when you conditioned the university to take Ethan on a full football scholarship or you wouldn't be going here? Did you ever wonder who you cost their lifelong dream? Because I know the guy who lost his spot and now he works at a gas station. And he deserved a lot better."
That was unexpected to say the least. If he were completely honest, it never crossed his mind someone might get cut when he insisted Ethan be accepted with him. Mostly because it was the only way for them to stay together and to be close to their dad in his final years.
"I didn't. I didn't think, I just felt. And it was wrong. I know that. But it also gave me and my brother a few more years with our dad and I'm sorry your friend got screwed over but I can't be sorry about why I did it. Just that I did it." Swallowing thickly, he watched her nibble on the lower left corner of her lips, her eyes falling to the ground and he could see the wheels in her head turning. She's overthinking, probably conflicted with what he told her and while it's not right, he knows she understands it.
"There were a bunch of pranks there as well, but these were the major reasons." She finishes, her eyes still fixed on the floor, unblinking and with a deep breath, Grayson moved closer to her.
"I'm really fucking sorry for hurting you, but I never meant to do any of those things. I just want to be your friend."
Chuckling, she finally blinks and looks up at him with more light in her eyes than he ever saw her looks at anyone but Amina with.
"I won't lie, I'm attracted to you, but I'd settle for friendship for now." Risking it, he places a hand on her back, craning his neck so he'd be in her line of sight for she turned her head away from him as soon as he started speaking, but she didn't fight his touch and that was encouraging enough.
"How about we make a little bet? Start this friendship right? Like...come to my next game and if we win, I get to ask anything of you. If we lose, you can ask me never to talk to you and I'll oblige. Is that good?" Expecting her to refuse, drowning in all the things he wants to tell her but he can't not yet.
He can't tell her he saw how her style evolved from wearing all black to actually having a colorful wardrobe. He saw the ring she ways wears on her right index finger and how she twirls it nervously before every exam or how she hates high heels but would still wear them to parties only to take them off an hour in. He saw how she struggled with her back in the second semester of freshman year, right after she fell on ice on the first day after the holidays. He knows she can't take a compliment but appreciates them, how she gets so involved with every book she reads that she makes the most beautiful faces when something interesting happens - she laughs, she cries, she loves the characters and after every book, it takes her a few days to remind herself it's all fictional, to say goodbye before finding a new book to obsess about. He also knows she has a waterfall as the background on her phone and that she wants nothing more than to visit Bali and Australia. He knows so much, yet so little and a from just observing her when she thought no one cared.
Grayson cared and he still does. He can't imagine a day he doesn't.
"Sure. Why not."
And as she agreed, the door opened and there was nothing better than the fresh air in their lungs after being stuck in there for what felt like forever.
However, Grayson won that game the next day and Y/N found herself actually cheering him on from the stands. It was definitely a new experience, but she didn't care. She didn't want to hate him anymore. It's exhausting to hate a guy who seems to be so painfully human that it's inspiring. There's nothing wrong in being human, in making mistakes and she decided to let go of his. As hard as it is, she had to. She couldn’t hate him forever, not when she knew his reasons and when she knows her friend had other choices and he gambled them all on his own.
"You really asked me to come to your room like that's not weird at all." She folds her arms over her chest and she can't help but be surprised with how tidy it is or the smell of wildflowers that fills her nostrils, she actually never imagined this is how his room would be. And she definitely didn't expect a keyboard in his room. He was full of surprises, the good kind.
"Just stay with me tonight. Okay?" Grayson takes her hand, gingerly pulling her closer and while he wishes he could ignore the turmoil in her eyes, the hesitation in every inch of distance she closed between them, he can't help but wonder if she'll ever stop hating him.
After the past 24 hours they had, he hoped she would find a way. He just wants a chance, a fighting chance to show her he isn't the idiot, dumb jock she sees him as. He can't exactly deny the playboy accusation, but the rest of it wasn't very fair to him. At least he saw it like that.
"I feel like this is a slippery slope. I stay tonight and we...what? Have sex? Maybe just cuddle? Or talk? Next thing I know, you'll catch feelings and I don't really see how that would be good for either of us." Biting her lower lip, she grabbed a fistful of his shirt, not in a violent or sexual way, just as a way to ground herself, to find a footing in the insanity of her actually considering willingly being around the man she hated for years. And her hate wasn't unfounded.
"Don't worry, my sneaky little princess. That's not going to happen. At least not to me, but I can't promise anything on your behalf. I'm quite the charmer, ya know?" Chuckling as she pushed him back with all her might, Grayson lands on the bed with a throaty laugh she found quite pleasant. However, when Grayson told her nothing of the sort would happen, he forgot to mention it's because it's too late, at least for him it is - he already caught feelings.
"Seriously, what exactly am I doing here, quarterback? Expecting to get lucky?" She couldn't shake it though, that annoying feeling it was more than she could imagine. The way he is around her is just...disarming and equally alarming. She can't get too close. She just can't love him. Grayson Dolan is a womanizer and she'd be damned if she gives a man like him her heart.
She’s never loved anyone and she didn’t want her first love to be a guaranteed heartbreak. She wasn’t a part of the hookup culture, she didn’t know how to function in that world and she refused to learn. And while Grayson might have good intentions, he’d be onto the next one in the month. It’s all fun and games when they’re just flirting and annoying each other, but to actually involve her heart? It terrified her, pushed her body on an invisible ledge she didn’t want to jump from. 
"Do you really think I brought you here for sex? I mean...I don't want to be presumptuous, but why would you come here if you think that's the reason why? Do you want to have sex?" Sitting up with the notion that this is a more serious conversation, Grayson quickly took a look at her and she was fidgeting, nervous as if...as if she never had sex.
"No. I just...I don't know, I'm not exactly the type that does this." Raising both his eyebrows, he realized he is right. His little devil is actually an angel. A fallen angel like Lucifer, but an angel nonetheless.
"I didn't bring you here for sex. I just wanted us to talk and...actually sleep next to each other. I can sleep on the floor if you want me to." As sweet as it is, she still couldn't relax. A man like him didn't seem quite content with nothing happening and she...well, she never slept next to a man before let alone more.
Overthinking took over and she found it harder and harder to breathe as her heart picked up speed and the possible outcomes of this night started to freak her out to the point of losing focus, losing touch with reality. The world felt like it moved too fast, her brain couldn’t fully comprehend anything around her. She found herself back in the black pit where a panic attack was preying on her like vultures pray on those lost in the desert.
"Y/N...are you...are you scared of me?" His voice breaks as reality sets in and he can tell she's shivering, her arms wrapped around her as she glances at the door every few seconds. But he had no expectations of that night but a long talk and getting to know her better. He just wanted to show her who he is, but she didn't seem to believe that.
"Look, I'm not like you. I didn't sleep around. I had my first kiss in college with you and I tried dating a few guys after who somehow all ghosted me once they started hanging with you and I'm guessing they were a versions of Mike so thank you, but I never had sex, I've never even held hands with a boy before! I can't do this. I just can't." And before he had a chance to react, she was gone. His beautiful mischievous girl ran from him and this time it wasn't because she hated him, but because she realized she might actually care for him.
Tags: @mendesficsxbombay​​​ @beinscorpio​​​ @peacedolantwins​​​ @dolandolll​​​
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mariamermaid · 6 years
Like Lovers Do
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Summary: He might have been a god, but you were a titan rising from hell and still, you fell so dearly for him, it was destined to fail, wasn´t it?
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: drinking, implied smut, kinda dark
A/N: I highly recommend listening to the song “Like Lovers do” by Hey Violet while reading. I didn´t have yet time to check for spelling mistakes so it might slightly change within the next days!
Halloween Imagines Masterlist
She stepped through the echoing hall like it already belonged to her. She was born for this, this simple but so crucial moment. In a matter of seconds that elapsed like waves crashing against the sore cliffs. Her perfectly curled hair, her sweet smile and the charm in her eyes. The tailored dress made for her body, fitted like second skin. Her natural glow illuminating the room and of course, all eyes were on her.
But then there was you.
The sister. Everything she had like it was her inherent right, you had to fight for. She was the golden star, but you were the storm crawling through the night sky, letting stars fall like hail. She could bring flowers to bloom, but under your feet the earth shook and bowed, afraid of your presence. You were two foreign princesses from a galaxy far away and your recently deceased mother, mentioned her last wish on her death bed. She hoped that one of you would marry a prince to help your realm. Obviously, she didn´t say a name, but with the last breath she took, it was clear who she had meant. You sister, Lakira, immediately took it upon herself to search for suitable contenders and when she heard about the god of thunder, it was impossible to stop her. Your father, who fulfilled each wish she had, agreed to the visit in Asgard. They would soon realize their mistake…
 Not all eyes were on her, on particularly blue-greenish pair, remained on you. You immediately caught his sight and a devilish smirk played on your blood red lips.  
I see you watching me, eyes on your target Mix drinks and smoke rings, it's already started It won't be too long before me and you Are doing what lovers do You were wearing a black, simple dress, your hair open. The simple touch of a red lipstick flattering your dark aura. And he couldn´t take his eyes of you, the sweet smell of danger of pulling him in. He wore a green suit with golden details, Loki, Prince of Asgard, Odinson, the rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief. He could feel the vibrations from your powerful figure and he didn´t mistake them as your sisters. He could sense that there was more lingering under your skin that appeared to be such a sober shroud. And while the kingdoms greeted each other with fine chosen words and compliments, you two started to play a game, either way losing like lover do.
“It is an honor to greet you here, when you have such a long journey behind you, King.” Odin greeted your father and they shook hands. Your father, a good head smaller than the king and his two sons, offered him a noble smile. The god of thunder gawked at Lakira, but besides her beauty, there was nothing about her that attracted him to her. A pretty face to hide a shallow character. You often reminded yourself that it wasn´t her fault, she was born like that. And at certain, scarce moments, when you two were completely alone, you could see behind her smile. And when you two shared the intimate and sacred times of being just simple sisters, you loved her so dearly, it broke your heart. But you could also see that for Thor´s heart another woman already had the key, which made this whole occasion miserable to watch.
The dinner began and while almost everybody lightly chatted with each other, you and Loki constantly locked eyes. Yet, he couldn´t fully figure out where your thoughts wandered when behind your eyes appeared the darkness of a galaxy. But the tension kept going until the desert was served. You both sat across each other, just like Lakira and Thor. The skill of disappearing in invisible shadows so that everybody forgot about your presence, was a simple skill you had perfected over the years. And now the shadows cloaked the God of Mischief as well. The desert, a typical Asgardian mousse  with sweet fruits was neatly placed in front of you, but after your first bites of the sweet taste, you laid your golden spoon back on the table. The mood was lightening and the talks began to get louder. “Excuse, I´m going to the bathroom, I´ll be back in just a second.” You explained bitter sweetly, even though only Loki heard your voice. He watched you leave and his eyes couldn´t resist wandering down your curved body, wondering how your skin felt without the silk hiding it´s beauty. After two more passing minutes, in which neither Thor nor anyone else of the present guests realized your missing, Loki excused himself as well. The more distance got between him and the hall, the quicker his feet hit the ground. He thought to find you in your chambers, but just before turning the corner, he accidently lurked up the stairs which led to the observation platform and he caught sight of a thin layer of smoke hovering in the air. He followed the trace and found you on the observation deck.
Clothes on the floor, we're exploring our bodies Getting you off is my new favorite hobby Lipstick on your neck brands like a tattoo 'Cause that just how lovers do With big steps he encountered you and you grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. He slightly leaned down to you while your hands embraced his neck and your lips connected with his. The beauty of the passionate kiss was the synchronized rhythm. The way your tongues played with each other, but with harmony and gracefully you embraced each other, just to feel the closeness. Two lovers on a bridge in front of a kingdom with galaxies decorating the background. A picture that was quickly engraved on your mind.
Ooh, love is just another four letter word But that never stopped nobody Ooh, either way we lose Just like lovers, just like lovers do “Wow that was… stunning.” Loki admitted, his arm around your bare shoulders. You chuckled while drawing lines on his skin. Out of your finger escaped dark sparkles which then faded into the air. The sun had set and through the open window blew a soft breeze. “And I thought this unsuccessful journey would be boring.” You admitted, he kept quiet. After a long time passing he spoke up again. “Why unsuccessful?” “Because it was the plan that Lakira would seduce your brother, but his heart already belongs to another woman.” He was surprised. Loki watched you thoughtful, it was very rare that somebody could surprise him. After all it was in his nature to be in control at all given times, but you created chaos in him. A pleasant chaos. “You know about her?” “It´s hard not to see.” “For you. Your sister is still left in the dark.” You hummed in response but then you sat up. The blankets slipped away when you left the bed and started picking up your clothes from the floor again. Loki sat up. “You´re leaving?” He asked confused and again, he wondered why you caused such abnormalities. You laughed while already putting back on your dress. A laugh he couldn´t yet read. You eyed yourself in his mirror on last time, rearranging your hair and checking your makeup, then you turned to him. “Yes.”
His and hers closets are perfect for skeletons Hiding resentment and shared infidelities Cheers to regret, wash it down with some booze Drinking like lovers do
Days passed, and a wonderful reversal changed colors in Asgard. The leaves on the dress started to shifted to a warm red-orange, and the sea verging on the mountains appeared in a glowing turquoise, which created a stunning view. Behind the mountains was the dark grey unknown and thunder hollered in the far. Your sister and father didn´t have any success yet and you didn´t dare to open their eyes. It was rather amusing to watch Lakira flirt with all weapons, when Thor was only focused on training. And your father wasn´t any better. He tried his best to built a strong bond with Odin, who seemed more annoyed by him with each encounter. Sadly, the more aggressive Odin got, the more he let it out on Loki. You could see his struggles to keep up with the image of being the adoptive son. It reminded you of your own fate. Sometimes you could still feel the blame your father laid on your shoulders that you never rose to his standards. 
And when dinner was finished, Loki and you shared your thoughts and drowned them with booze. The burning taste of liquor running down your throat let you forget your conscience and filled your mind with the lingering picture of Loki´s lips that you craved. And when the bottle was emptied the tickling touch against his skin fulfilled you.
Ooh, love is just another four letter word But that never stopped nobody Ooh, either way we lose Just like lovers, just like lovers do Weeks passed and even Lakira had now accepted that Thor would never be hers. Only your father remained pounding on the imagination that Thor, his new son-in-law, would come and safe his realm. Lakira had also noticed your thing with Loki, but for now she had been quiet about it. You guessed she would eventually come and question you about it, so you purposely avoided her and spent even more at Loki´s chambers.
Loki, God of Mischief, in whom you had found sympathy and you opened up to his calming character. Just now you sat at the end of his bed on the floor, a book laying on your knees, reading. Loki who sat across you, leaned against the brown arm-chair, glanced up from time to time. When you caught him, he smiled sheepishly and you grinned jubilant. You had been there for two hours reading and the relaxed morning was accompanied by the smell of tea. It was perfect.
The sudden knock of a servant surprised you both and quickly you hid inside an adjoining room, but your ears were sharpened. “The King and the princesses will leave Asgard, a sudden sickness had afflicted their country.” He made a break, thinking if he should share his thoughts with the Prince. “I don´t think they´ll ever come back. Their country has been so destroyed, especially without their King there and with this deadly sickness, it will be only a question of time.” Loki´s jaw dropped, the situation took an unexpected turn. He could only stutter his answer, unable to form clear thoughts. “Yes… Yes, I will be coming to farewell the king… In just minute.”
When he closed the door shut and turned to look for you, you had disappeared and he cursed over your abilities to vanish. Of course, you had heard the news and the shattering truth had hit you hard. Especially because you had no idea. Angrily you stormed inside your sister´s chambers without knocking. “What sickness?!” You yelled and she flinched surprise. “Y/N what are talking about?”
Your angry façade dropped and was knocked out of the skies. She didn´t know it neither.
That's how it goes so take it like a grown-up Life's not a fairytale, it's time to own up Hire a hitman to take care of you And end it like lovers do You didn´t want to see him, you couldn´t see him. Deep inside you knew you wouldn´t be able to handle it, so you quickly disappeared in the space ship with the typical colors of your home. You told your servant you weren´t feeling well and they politely offered you to lay down. Hot tears ran down your cheeks and your mouth was shaking, trying to keep in the sobs. When the feeling of the ship lifting off the ground echoed in your cabin, you felt a slight ease. But then you remembered what was waiting for you at your home and dark images of death formed in your head.
You landed and realized that at some point, you had drifted off to sleep, but you still felt exhausted and tired. The castle seemed colder and lonelier. You realized servants missing, but didn´t question it. You drifted off into a constant condition of numbness. For days you barely ate, the food didn´t taste at all, the water in the shower was freezing cold, then burning hot, it didn´t matter. The only memory keeping you breathing was you and Loki sitting on his bed reading, or taking a walk at sunset. Watching the early fog slowly fading when sunrays appeared. The bond you shared, you almost called it love.
Ooh, love is just another four letter word But that never stopped nobody Ooh, either way we lose Just like lovers, just like lovers do The loud sound of spaceships landing woke you up. With you dark, silky robes on you tiptoed down to the lifeless hall of your castle. Your father still sat on the throne, it didn´t look like he had left it in the past days. His deep rings under his eyes, the unhealthy color of his skin, his dry lips and his thin body. He didn´t look good at all. You spotted your sister as well barefoot coming from her chambers, her arms around her body to shield her from the undeniable cold. The cold that didn´t even mattered for you, your body knew how to protect yourself. You looked out the window and realized the large groups walking out of the spaceships, no armor but instead big packages filled with medicine and stretchers. Their uniforms looked Asgardian.
The tall stone doors were pushed open and the first three persons to enter were Loki, Thor and Odin. Your father coughed before he could speak up, but then he managed to form some words. “King Odin, what are you doing here?” But Odin had no intention of speaking, Loki took the lead and simple stormed over to you. Now you embraced your own body as well, the whole attention that was suddenly on you made you shiver. Just a few feet before you Loki stopped and dropped down on one knee and small golden ring in his hands. You gasped shocked. “What the hell are you doing?” You asked screaming panicky and Loki just couldn´t resist to flash you a charming smile, which didn´t calm you down in any way.
“We both know that Asgard helping you is your only chance of saving your people.”
“So, I´m asking you to marry me.” You huffed a sarcastic laugh, but he didn´t allow you to interrupt him. “I know that under the circumstances of how we met wasn´t perfect, but nobody ever has been able to calm me down like you. Nobody ever made me laugh like you. You helped me forget my worries and you fought the monsters in my head. And the minute you left, I missed you. I missed you so dearly I couldn´t sleep because your picture haunted me in my dreams. I knew it was a mistake letting you go, and I know it won´t happen again.”
You hated to admit it, but small tears formed in your eyes, which you tried to blink away as good as you could. Never had you expected marriage to be knocking at your door, not so soon. Probably not ever. But now with Loki kneeling here in front of you smiled at the idea. You smiled at the past memories you had with him and the concept of many more of those moments in your future filled you with excitement.
“Yes.” You breathed and Loki, who was still struggling to find fitting words, fell silent.
“Yes!” He jumped off the ground and put the ring on your finger, his hands still shaking. Then he tightly embraced you, pulling you off your feet. Your arms embraced his neck and you pressed your face in his skin. You glanced over to your sister and even Thor, they genuinely smiled at you.
I see you watching me, eyes on your target Mix drinks and smoke rings, it's already started Let's roll the dice and we'll both make our moves Playing like lovers do
  tags: @feelthefeelingsinsideyou @illuminateshawnm@imaginesforlotsofthings@suburbiasqueen  
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