#ooo! i read about your sat trip!! have fun okay <33
sohyuki · 3 years
omg mint how did u get the ask button to pop up at the top of ur blog on mobile?? (ps also how do u change the message that pops up when u want to send an ask or a msg help) JDJSKS anyways i hope ur doing amazing and ily <3
HI SARAH!! i hope you're doing well too <33 okay ngl i read this a good 5 times and i'm still confused ASJKDSF i use tumblr on desktop so i literally have no idea what you mean IM SORRY!! i wish i could be of more help but i genuinely have no idea what you're referring to ;;-;; if it helps, i've never done anything particularly different???? like i try my best to refrain from fiddling with anything that i know i will probably screw up if i do touch it. IM REALLY SORRY!!
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libralita · 5 years
Broken Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 (End)
I’M BACK! So schooled was kicking my ass but I’m on summer vacation which means reading and writing about my love, Jumin Han! Hope you enjoy!
“Jumin, I’m starting to lose feeling in my hand.” Joyce said, quietly to Jumin. They were currently in a very nice reception area for a therapist. Jumin had made sure to find one that would keep confidentiality. He even had Joyce drive him so that they could keep this completely private.
They were planning on leaving to visit Joyce’s family but first Jumin needed to do this. So they arranged for an appointment and then they would head out for the road trip.
Now he was currently cutting off circulation to her hand by gripping it so tightly.
“I apologize.” He loosens his grip but is still holding on.
“Mr. Han?” The woman behind the desk said. “Dr. Kim will see you now.”
He immediately tightens up his grip. Joyce gently pats his arm, “don’t worry…” He cleared his throat and stands, making sure that Joyce follows. “Is it okay if my companion comes with me?”
“Of course.” The receptionist said. She lead them to the doctor’s office. They walked into a small room with bookshelves and comfortable chairs.
“Hello, Jumin.” Dr. Kim said, offering a hand.
Jumin waited a beat and then politely took the doctor’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” Joyce said, shaking the doctor’s hand.
They sat on the couch together. Jumin kept his death grip on Joyce’s hand. “Alright, how about we start with you telling me about yourself, Jumin.”
Jumin swallowed and cleared his throat, “I am heir to the C&R International Company. I am the Executive Director.”
Dr. Kim nodded, writing it down. “Would you like to go into detail about that?”
“I work with my father.”
“And how is that?”
Jumin sat back slightly, “It is good. I love my father and I want to continue the family business.”
“Are there any problems that arise from that?”
Jumin was quiet for a moment, absently running his finger along Joyce’s hand. “I do not…always approve of my father’s choices.”
“In business?” Dr. Kim asked, writing things down.
“Life choices.”
“Such as…?”
“I love my father so deeply.” Jumin felt the need to repeat. “He just does things that don’t make sense to me. He is involved with women that I can see that are just using him for his money. It will be disastrous for the company.”
Dr. Kim nodded, they talked for a while. Mainly about his father and what was currently going on in his life. Jumin had to be vague about a lot of things going on the RFA. He found the knot in his head loosening and he could see himself coming back to talk more. It was not the same as when he spoke or was even near Joyce but he could see how it would be useful to get all these thoughts out with someone impartial.
Jumin found himself avoiding talking about that night. He would eventually talk about that, but not now. Not yet. That still needed time.
Maybe Dr. Kim could help hold the weight. He thought to himself as he was leaving. He still held onto Joyce’s hand but it was looser.
“How do you feel?” Joyce asked as started her car.
Joyce thought about that question. “Good.” He decided.
“I’m glad.” Joyce said, giving his leg a pat. “Now, we’re off to a road trip.”
Joyce and Jumin stopped by the penthouse to get a bag and then they were off in Joyce’s car. They decided to meet up with Joyce’s parents at a café.
Joyce brought Jumin a coffee and a donut with chocolate and sprinkles while they waited for her parents.
Jumin raised an eyebrow at it. “What’s that?”
“A donut.” She said taking a bite of hers. “It’s dough that’s fried with a gaze and chocolate and sprinkles.”
“That sounds incredibly unhealthy and will not fill you up for this journey. You will more likely be hungry in a short while.”
“Just eat it.”
Jumin tried it. “It’s…very sweet.” He said, continuing to eat it. “For something fried.”
“Do you like it?”
“I don’t really care for sweet things but it’s always good to have new experiences.” He said, taking a drink of his coffee. He noticed Mary and Oliver getting out of their car and waved them over.
“Okay. Breadsticks are a yes. Donuts are a no. Got it.” Joyce said.
Jumin’s hand stopped mid wave as he looked over at Joyce. Was she…keeping track of what he liked and didn’t like. Sure he had been doing the same thing but…his chest warmed that she cared.
“Hey, Jumin.” Oliver said. Jumin quickly put his hand down and looked at Oliver. The older man pointed. “What’s that over there?”
Jumin turned but he did know what Oliver was referring to. “What are you referring to, Mr. Elliot?”
“Oh, keep looking, Jumin.” Mary said. “You’ll find it.” 
Jumin did and started to frown. “It’s totally there.” Oliver said and Joyce laughed.
“Stop it, you’re torturing him!”
Jumin turned around to see Oliver eating while Mary was stifling laughter. He looked down and most of his donut was gone. “Was…that a trick? If you wanted some, you could have asked.”
“Yes, but it’s more fun that way.” Mary said, taking a napkin and wiping her husband’s mouth. “It’s nice to see you again, Jumin.”
Jumin felt his face slightly heat up at the trick but he also found himself smiling at their light teasing. “Which one of you is driving?” Oliver asked.
“I am.” Joyce said, “Apparently driving and Jumin don’t mix.”
“The same with Mary and driving.”
“I can drive. I just don’t like to.” She said with an exaggerated sniff then gave her husband a playful smile. “I like being driven around. Makes me feel like a queen.”
“I could lend you my driver.” Jumin offered.
“Aren’t you a sweetheart?” Mary said, smiling at Jumin. “Let’s hit the road, kids.”
“The club isn’t the best place to find a lover so the bar is where I go” Joyce sang along with the radio as they drove down the road. Jumin couldn’t help but smile at seeing her look so adorable.
Joyce noticed this and sang to him “I’m in love with your body. Every day I’m discovering something brand new. I’m in love with the shape of you.”
This made Jumin blush but laugh. He took out his phone and took a blurry picture of her singing and driving down the highway.
“Jumin! Did you just take a picture of me?!” She squealed, keeping her eyes on the road.
Joyce laughed continuing to sing along to the radio. “Ooo! I love this song!” Joyce said turning it up when “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons came on. She pretended sang along the Kendrick Lamar part, pretending to a rapper. That was about as “gangster” as she would get.
Jumin was grinning as he got notification that M.C. was online in the RFA chat. He glanced over at Joyce and thought about his earlier meeting with Dr. Kim. The RFA were basically his family. He decided to long on.
M.C.: Hey, Jumin. How’s the road trip?
Jumin: It is going fairly well. We are currently listening to the radio.
Jumin couldn’t help himself, he had to share with the world how cute Joyce looked. He sent the picture. As he did Zen and Yoosung logged on and said hello.
M.C.: Um…what is that?
Jumin: Joyce. Singing along to the radio. She is quite adorable.
Yoosung★: Cute!
Zen: I can’t believe you’re going on road trip right before the party
Zen: AND the hacker problem.
Zen: AND you’re leaving all this work to Jaehee, jerk!
Jumin: It was something that Joyce needed to do. I am honored that she invited me along. I will still be able to help with the party, do my work, and protect M.C.
Zen: Sure, you will.
Yoosung★: I think that’s really nice that you’re going with Joyce!
Jumin: Thank you.
Jumin took a deep breath.
Jumin: Joyce has been really helping me through a lot.
Jumin: I have been having some problems
Jumin: With my father and the arrange marriage, obviously. But other things…
Jumin started typing but he noticed Zen’s response started popping up. Seven had also came into the chat.
Zen: You? Go through a lot???
707: Is this become Jumin’s personal diary now?
Zen: Lol!
M.C.: Oh, c’mon guys. You use this chat as your own diaries, too! Haha
Zen: But what could Jumin possibly be going through with a golden spoon in his mouth?
707: “Dear diary, today Joyce did the cutest thing at 4:32 PM when the weather was partly cloudy.”
Zen: OH MY GOD! I bet that’s what Jumin’s diary looks like. “At 4:33 P.M. I need to get an oil change”
707: “Beep Boop”
Yoosung★: Aren’t you being a little bit mean…
Jumin had stopped typing and watched the chat go. He swallowed and just left the chat.
He hadn’t noticed that the music was turned off. “Jumin…?”
“Are you alright?” She asked.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” He said looking over at Joyce, their eyes met and he tried to force a smile.
Joyce did not buy it for a second. She took his hand and held it. It annoyed her that she had to keep her eyes on the road and couldn’t fully comfort him. “Please tell me.”
Jumin squeezed her hand back. He couldn’t put into words what he was feeling. He went back to the weight metaphor Joyce had said. It felt like he was trying to ask for help to carry it and he got outright rejected.
“I tried to talk to the RFA.” Jumin said, quietly. Watching the road.
“…And it didn’t go well?”
“No. It didn’t.”
“I’m sorry.” She said, squeezing his hand. He notice his phone vibrate and he saw a text from Yoosung.
Yoosung★: Jumin, are you okay? Zen and Seven were kind of mean in the chat…and you left without even saying goodbye…
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Joyce asked, still holding his hand. Jumin opened his phone again and went through the chat telling her what had happened. “What the hell?”
Jumin blinked at her. “Language, Joyce.”
“I’m sorry but that just sounds really mean of them.” Joyce said, keeping her eyes on the road and having to let go of Jumin’s hand to keep two hands on the wheel. “I get that they don’t really know what happened but if someone’s trying to open up to you about things their going through you don’t just say “what could you be going through?” and make fun of them!”
Jumin was unsure of how to respond to this. He didn’t know if he’d ever had someone offended on his behalf before.
Joyce took a deep breath to try and calm herself down. “At least Yoosung is asking if you’re okay.”
Jumin finally nodded, “perhaps it would be better to talk to the members individually.”
“That is probably a better idea.” Joyce said, put her hand on his leg. “I’m really proud of you for trying to open up to people and for not closing yourself off.”
Jumin smiled and leaned over, kissing her cheek.
The Elliots and Jumin arrived at their house. Jumin was put into a guest room and Joyce was in her old childhood bedroom. After Jumin finished unpacking he gently knocked on Joyce’s door.
“Come in!”
Jumin went in and was awed. He hadn’t realized how wonderful it would be to see the room that Joyce grew up in. Jumin’s rooms had always been fairly without character. Just needing the essentials that matched.
Joyce’s room was a light shade of purple, along the tops of all four walls was a shelf and on there were trophies, tiaras, and awards for dance competitions. There were two bookshelves that were completely stuffed with well used books.
Jumin’s favorite thing in the room was on the wall in front of a desk was a collage of dozens of photographs.
“What?” Joyce asked, turning around from her unpacking.
“This room is wonderful.”
“Really?” Joyce asked, amused.
“Yes.” He said, going over to the desk and looking at all the pictures one by one.
Joyce chuckled, “I’m going to go visit my cousin, would you like to stay here and look at the pictures?”
“May I?”
Joyce laughed, “Sure, Jumin.” She stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
Joyce had gone over to her aunt and uncle’s home. She knocked on her cousin’s room and walked in, “Nora?”
She found her younger cousin sitting at her computer. Her little cousin had grown so much since last she saw her. She used to have beautiful golden hair and now it was dyed a faded pink. She frowned as she played her game. Probably LOLOL.
“You’re 18 now. Did you get my card?”
“Yeah.” Nora said, shortly. “18 and pregnant.”
Joyce went in and sat on Nora’s bed. “I came to talk to you about that.”
Nora just continued to play her game.
“Maybe I don’t want to talk to you about it.”
Joyce frowned. Her little cousin had always looked up to Joyce and they had a wonderful relationship. She was never this cold towards her.
“Are you upset with me?”
“Why would I be?”
“You just sound upset.” Joyce said, “I’m worried about you.”
Nora snorted. “Worried enough to bring your boyfriend along.”
“That’s more complicated. There’s a lot of things going on with Jumin. Don’t think me bringing him with me doesn’t mean that I am not taking this visit seriously.” Joyce said, standing up to put her hand on her cousin’s shoulder. “Please don’t shut me out, Eleanor. Tell me what happened.”
“Do you really not know how sex works?”
Joyce frowned and without thinking said, “I know how sex works.”
Nora blushed and glared up at her. “What do you think coming down here is going to do? I’m pregnant. There’s nothing that can be done about it.”
“I’m sorry for saying that. It was out of line.” Joyce said. “I just want you to know that I’m here for you. That mom and dad are. So are your parents and brother.”
“I don’t need your help. I just want to be left alone!” She said, turning from Joyce.
Joyce gave her a hurt look and then sighed. “I’m going to go talk to your parents downstairs. Text me if you need anything, okay?”
Nora didn’t reply. Joyce waited for a moment and then left.
Joyce talked to her aunt and uncle about the situation. They said that she was being the same with them. It was just a hard issue for her. A little while later, Joyce went back home. She looked in the guest room but Jumin wasn’t there.
She went to her room and even though she was still sad at how poorly things at went she had to smile at seeing Jumin Han sitting on her floor, reading a beat up paperback in her teenage bedroom.
Jumin looked up at her and Joyce’s smile grew. “Did you get bored of looking at pictures?”
“Absolutely not.” Jumin said, closing the book and putting it back in the exact same some spot it was. “I went through every picture and came to the conclusion that you were perfect from birth.”
Joyce turned bright red immediately at that, “Jumin!”
Jumin chuckled and put his arms around her waist, “It is true. I looked at all your pictures. It was so wonderful to see throughout your life. Then I started to look at those books. I wanted to know what type of books you liked growing up and was pleasantly surprised when I discovered you wrote in them.”
“Yes, I still write in books.”
“Wonderful.” Jumin smiled down at her. “It was like getting to peak into that wonderful mind of yours. You wrote such insightful comments about the content.”
Joyce blushed even harder and hid her face into his chest.
Jumin hummed softly and hugged her close. “How did it go?”
She sighed and rested her chin on his chest. “Not good.” This made him frown and he moved so they were sitting on her bed.
She explained what happened and he gently rubbed her back. “I think that you should give her time. This is probably a difficult situation for her.”
Joyce nodded, “it just hurts because we use to be so close.” She reached over to the wall with pictures and showed him a picture of her and a younger Nora. “She use to be like my little sister and now she’s just so angry at me.”
“She’s not angry at you.” Jumin said, tucking her hair back.
“I know but it feels that way.”
“But it’s not.” Jumin insisted. “It will get better. Knowing that her family supports her will help.”
Joyce smiled at him, “you’re really good at this.”
“At what?”
“Everything.” She said and leaned in to kiss him.
Joyce needed to take a shower and she told Jumin he could work downstairs. He brought his lap top with him and smelt something delicious. He went into the kitchen and saw Oliver making dinner.
“Do you need any help?” Jumin asked, politely.
“No, I’m fine.” Oliver said. “Do you like stir fry?”
“I’ve never had it.”
“First time for everything then.” Oliver said, as Jumin sat down with his lap top and started to work. After a while, Jumin noticed that Mary had come in and started clean the sliding glass doors.
“Mary, that’s fine.”
“It’ll just take a minute.”
“Come try this.” Oliver insisted, fanning the smell to her. She still continued to clean. Oliver went over and just gently massaged her shoulders. That reminded Jumin of when he was stressed out and Joyce had massaged his back.
Jumin felt slightly awkward that he was witnessing an intimate moment but he also couldn’t look away. I want that. I don’t know how to get that but I want what they have with Joyce.
“Jumin, are you alright?” Mary asked, noticing him staring.
I also need help.
“A weight.” He blurted out.
The both frowned at him.
“I’m carrying a weight and Joyce said I needed help carrying it.” Jumin said, swallowed and he couldn’t look at them. This was just going to turn out just like it had with the RFA and—
Jumin felt a hand on his shoulder and Jumin looked up to see Oliver sit next to him. “Alright, let’s see what we can do about this weight.”
He told them. Part way through Joyce had come in after her shoulder and sat next to him. Several times he wondered why on earth he was telling them when he barely knew them. When he thought about stopping someone would give him encouragement to keep on going.
So he did.
And the weight was cut into quarters.
“Jumin…” Jumin woke up, it was barely light outside and he saw Joyce dressed, sitting on his bed. “Good morning.”
He blinked at her. “Good morning…”
“I know you’re busy with work and the RFA but I wanted to show you something before I have to run errands.” She said softly. “Want to go on an adventure?”
Jumin blinked, “Is this really happening…?”
Joyce chuckled, “Get dressed, silly.”
Jumin finished getting dressed and Joyce drove them through the near empty neighborhood. She pulled up to her old dance studio. It was still named “Madame Elliot’s Dance Studio” and still in use but it was much smaller. Joyce still loved the beautiful butterflies painted on the sides of the studio.
“My home away from home.” Joyce said, taking a key out of a small pocket in her sundress. “We had to arrive early so we don’t interfere with the classes.”
Jumin admired the building, “thank you for showing me this.” He said, when he went in, he could imagine a young Joyce and Beth running around in their little tutus. He smiled at the idea. He noticed looking around, she seemed lost in thought. Probably thinking about all the memories she had in this place.
Joyce had went into one of the dance rooms. She slipped off her shoes and looked into the large mirrors.
Jumin went up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s so small.”
“I think you’ve just gotten bigger.”
Joyce nodded, she was blinking back tears as she looked around. After a while she turned to Jumin, “I have another surprise to show you.” She said, taking his hand.
He followed her as they walked through a backdoor. There was a parking lot and chain fence. Joyce opened the fence and there was a small forest. They walked along a path, side by side, holding hands. “It’s a beautiful morning!” Joyce said.
“Not as beautiful as you.”
“Jumin!” She said blushing and then noticed something. She looked at him and raised her finger to her lips. She let go and walked forward a little. She took out a small packet of sugar and held it out. Moments later several butterflies emerged and started fluttering to Joyce. She held out both hands and they started feeding.
She turned to Jumin and grinned at him. “This is why we have the butterflies painted. There are so many around this area!”
Jumin watched in awe and carefully walked towards her. More came and fluttered on her hair. She grinned up at him and she couldn’t be more beautiful.
Suddenly a butterfly landed on top of Jumin’s nose. Joyce’s made a small o in surprise. They stood very still. Well, Joyce was trembling slightly as she tried not to laugh as Jumin went cross-eyed trying to look at it.
Joyce couldn’t help it any longer and the giggles came out, causing many of the butterflies to flutter away, including the nosey one. Jumin also laughed and wrapped his arms around her. “This is amazing.”
“Yeah! It was always my favorite place to come to when I was young.” She said, letting the sugar go and hugging him. “They’re so beautiful.” An idea formed into Jumin’s head as he looked at her lovingly. “What’s that look for, Jumin?”
“Oh, you’ll see.” He said, leaning down and kissed her.
“Perhaps you should stay for one more day.” Jumin said. Joyce hadn’t had much luck with their cousin and Jumin had needed to go back to plan for the RFA party. There was clearly something going on. M.C. had been in some sort of danger but now everything would hopefully be okay.
“Jumin, everything will be fine.” Joyce promised, standing on her tip toes and kissed him. She slung her bag over her shoulder. “I have to get ready for the party and I think you’re ready for this.”
He nodded and held her. “I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you more.” Joyce said, giving him a squeeze. After a moment he moved to just hold her hands.
“There will be something waiting for you at your apartment.” Jumin said.
“Oh, really?”
“Yes.” He said, squeezed her hands. Every fiber in his being was longing for her to stay but he knew he needed to do this. “Joyce…” he said, pressing his forehead to hers. “I love you.”
Joyce’s face heated up and she squeezed his hands. “I love you, too.”
He let out a shaky breath and then let her go as well. “I will see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow, Jumin.”
Joyce arrived back to her apartment. It was felt strange to be back there. It was too quiet and cold.
She was about to text Jumin that she was home when she saw a large box waiting for her onto of her coffee table.
“Finally!” Beth said, coming into the room. “I’ve been dying to see what that was. Open it!”
Joyce dropped her bag and went over. Carefully she opened it and gasped.
Inside was the most beautiful dress she’d ever seen. It was long sleeved and light purple at the top but faded to darker. Also at the bottom there butterflies. Dozens of pieces of purple fabric in the shape of butterflies.
“Oh my god.” Joyce and Beth said at the same time.
“Look at those shoes!” Beth said, holding up the matching shoes. “This is amazing!”
“I can’t believe he got me something so beautiful.” Joyce said, holding the dress up. “I won’t be able to stop thanking him.”
Beth wrapped her arm around her friend. “I’m so glad you’re happy, Joy!”
Zen stood at an intersection. It was late at night and he didn’t really know where he was. Was this a dream?
A car came by and he could see two people in the car. He squinted and in the passenger seat he could make out a woman. Was that…M.C.?
He watched as the light turned green and the car went forward. Suddenly there was an ear piercing sound that made Zen cover his ears and fell to the ground. He squeezed his eyes shut but eventually had to open them again. The car was completely flipped over. Smashed in on onside by another car.
He gagged when he saw a body slumped forward. He got a good look at her bloodied dress before—
“M.C.!” Zen cried as he sat up in his bed.
He didn’t waste any time in calling her, even though it was the middle of the night.
“Mmm…do any of you have regular sleep schedules?”
“M.C.” Zen said, letting out ragged breaths. “After the RFA party, whatever you do, do not get int a car.”
“I had a dream about you. There was a car accident and just don’t get in a car. Okay?”
“Okay, Zen. I won’t. I promise.” 
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