#ooo forgot to show but hua cheng has the little red string on his finhger too!! want to add one to xie lian now ive gotten to the part in th
eternal-brainrot · 1 year
i have been playing dress up with my plushies and made them new outfits hehe B) xie lians crown prince outfit is sooo pretty so i desperately wanted to make it!!! 
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technically didnt make hua cheng a whole new outfit but i made IMPROVEMENTS and finally added his boot chains (after almost a whole year of saying i would do so lol), and stitched the pattern on his belt and vambraces in metallic thread (it is metallic and shiny irl i promise ;-;)
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also random fun details i want to show!!!!!
hua chengs little braid!!!
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EMING <333
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he is holding a little felt silver butterfly on his hand hehe
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xie lians single earring (notice where the other one went hehe)
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