#ignore my ugly ass hands lol
eternal-brainrot · 1 year
i have been playing dress up with my plushies and made them new outfits hehe B) xie lians crown prince outfit is sooo pretty so i desperately wanted to make it!!! 
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technically didnt make hua cheng a whole new outfit but i made IMPROVEMENTS and finally added his boot chains (after almost a whole year of saying i would do so lol), and stitched the pattern on his belt and vambraces in metallic thread (it is metallic and shiny irl i promise ;-;)
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also random fun details i want to show!!!!!
hua chengs little braid!!!
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EMING <333
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he is holding a little felt silver butterfly on his hand hehe
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xie lians single earring (notice where the other one went hehe)
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simspurgatory · 11 months
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ayo tumblr wtf is this shit
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jeonbunnie · 5 months
hate you
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pairing: reader x jeon jeongguk
summary: This time, the break up breaks Jeongguk
genre: angst
content/warnings: ex-boyfriend!jeongguk; established relationship;break up!au; drinking; suggestive thoughts
Soundtrack: hate you— by Jeongguk
a/n:hi hi! long time no see. thought i’d break into the new year with a lol drabble based on beloved lol drabble i wrote last year. you don’t have to read the last posts to understand but you read them for context here and here.
word count: 1.2K
It's not the truth. It's not the cure. But hatin' you's the only way it doesn't hurt.
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Jeongguk tipped his head back, letting the liquid gold slide down his throat. Chugging his beer was nothing, especially when he’d had so much practice lately. But when he slammed down his empty glass on the bar, there was no satisfaction or warmth blooming in his chest to erase that hollow feeling lingering inside him since last year. 
Since you.
“Hey, slow down,” chided Namjoon beside him. “Haven’t you had enough?”
No. Jeongguk’s sure there’s not enough alcohol at this party to drown out the taste of your lips on his or the memory of what it felt like to hold you in his arms and feel your smile against his cheek. Not when he has a front-row seat to watch you do all those things with someone else. 
But damn it all to hell. He’d rather die trying than sit here sober with the cold, hard reality of watching you move on with someone new. 
Jeongguk doesn’t mean to be an ass, ignoring his best friend’s concerns (he’s sure they’re valid). It’s self-preservation, not noncompliance, that has him reaching back into the cooler to pull out another cold one. 
“Jeongguk, I’m worried about you.”
Jeongguk laughed. “I’m fine,” he said. . . But his voice is low and bitter and sharp like poison.
Namjoon shook his head, “You’re not fine, Jeongguk. You’ve been self-destructing since you broke up with (Y/n).”
“Yeah, well, maybe this is my karma.”
Jeongguk used to think luck or fate brought the two of you together, having always run in the same friend groups and circles. But now, it seemed his luck had run out, or fate thought it’d be a cruel joke to keep him in your orbit even after you broke up. 
No, this had to be some kind of punishment for running away from your love. In return, he was forced to watch your love story play out with someone else.
Literally. Jeongguk’s so fucking jealous; it’s all he can do not to stride across the room and rip you away from the stranger you’re currently entangled with. The sight is enough to make his blood boil, and he can’t help the tick in his jaw or keep the glare out of his eyes.  
 Jeongguk can’t stop staring at the fucker who has his tongue down your throat. 
It should be his tongue down your throat. His hands on your ass, pulling you close and your grinder, your bodies impossibly close, and only hoping to get closer. Because you’re his. 
Or at least you used to be.
The thought alone is enough to have Jeongguk flag down another drink. But before he could reach for another cold one, Namjoon blocked him off. “No. You’ve already had one too many.”
“So what? Who cares if I get a little fucked up?”
“I care. This isn’t you.”
Jeongguk couldn’t help the rueful smile that split across his lips. “Maybe it is me. I fucked it all up.”
That’s the worst part. That ugly feeling in his chest, the jealousy burning him up inside as he watched you love another. It was all his fault. 
It made Jeongguk sick to see you laugh, eyes sparking at something this asshole said because he remembers when that look was reserved only for him. And now here you were, giving it to another. Jeongguk knew he had no right to feel this jealousy. Not when he’s the one who set you free. But still—It should be him taking you home tonight, stripping off your clothes, pounding into your tight little—
Just the thought of having you again had him hard. He couldn’t turn it off, the need for you. He couldn’t keep his hands off you even when he ended things. He replayed that last night in his head like a broken record, but he couldn’t rewind time like he did his memories.
“Jeongguk. . .are you crying?”
“No,” he said. And then, “Maybe.”
“We don’t have to be here. You wanna get fucked up? We can do that in any bar. It doesn’t have to be here. 
“Why are you torturing yourself?” 
“You’re a good friend, Joon. But I can’t. I can’t walk away.” Yeah, he knew it was ruining him, making him bitter, but if this was the only way he could be close to you, then so be it.
He can’t help it. That’s what he tells himself. He can’t help but watch you—crave you—even if you don’t so much as glance in his direction.
Or maybe he’s torturing himself because it’s what he deserves. 
“I’m not gonna watch you destroy yourself over some girl.”
“She’s not just some girl.”
You were everything. You were golden. Or at least that’s what it felt like, loving you. 
You were the heat of summer. The only warmth on a cold winter day. You were the golden light of the first sunrise and the radiant glow of the sun setting low. You were the only bright spot in this cold, dark world.
You were the fucking sun. 
And without you, Jeongguk might as well be dead inside. 
Jeongguk wasn’t blind (but god, did he wish he was right now). He knew it was over. It was clear as day you’d moved on—and worse—that you’re happy with someone new, someone that’s not him. He starts towards you, ready to tell you as much, get on his knees, beg your forgiveness again, and plead for your safe return into his arms when the world tilts and his vision blurs.
It’s Joon who helped him stay upright. Joon, who took the beer can from his hands and slung an arm around his shoulder, guided him through the crowd. 
“You’re so wasted up right now. I’m taking you home.” 
Joon, who drove him back to his apartment and led him to the bed. 
It felt like seconds, or maybe it’s been hours; Jeongguk couldn’t tell. He’s too fucked up to be sure of the footsteps he takes passing between doors. He only knew where he was when his face planted into the comforter, and the laundry scent told him he was home.
Because it’s your scent. Or rather, the smell of your laundry detergent. It was the only thing you left behind when you moved out, and now Jeongguk bought it for himself, clinging to the only piece of you he could have. He could almost pretend you were right there with him if he got under the sheets and closed his eyes.
Jeongguk’s the one who broke it off, but he can’t even remember the reason why now. It was stupid, thinking your relationship was too comfortable, too boring. Maybe it wasn’t perfect, but it was good, wasn’t it? Why did he ever want to explore something else? But in the short months you were apart, all he discovered was that for him, there was no one else.
Jeongguk wished he could blame it on something, someone, anything else. It’d be easy to blame it on you, but you were blameless. He almost wished that you lied, that the betrayal he felt blooming had started when you were still together so that this anger inside him could be directed elsewhere.  
It’d be so much easier to paint you as the villain, but that’s not who you are in his story. You’re the one who got away. 
It’d be so much easier for Jeongguk to hate you—not love you.
But he can’t. So, instead, he just hates himself. 
For being weak and losing you.
For falling in love too late. 
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
kinktober day nineteen: hate sex
>>> i’m really taking some liberties with this prompt LMFAOOOOO listen. y’all should just be thanking me this wasn’t a gojo kinktober. leave me be. also this is the first piece since my laptop kicked the bucket so PLEASE ignore the UGLY formatting i will fix it as soon as i get a new laptop.
>>> starring: satoru gojo x curvy!f!reader >>> cw: ghostie gojo jdjdfkgk, bestie nanami, uhh spankings, choking, doggy, prone bone, cream pie, pet names (sweetheart) and mean names (dickhead, asshole) >>> wc: 4.5k >>> event masterlist
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everything was perfect. he was a great partner despite all the people that warned you that the special grade sorcerer was incapable of it. he was wonderful and sweet and considerate, even. he brought you lunch at work and took you on wonderfully lavish dates. he texted you constantly and showered you with gifts. you had only been together for a few months, though almost a year of history had led you here. you were happy, proving everyone who doubted your relationship wrong. until you realized that they were only trying to keep you from this reality.
“i love you, you know.” you told him, swinging your intertwined hands between you as he walked you home. this was a truth you’ve known since the relationship was too fresh to say such things, but a truth nonetheless. he hid it well in the moment, but that was the death sentence to a man like satoru gojo. he knew it was only a matter of time—yet his heart stopped in his chest, turning to steel before falling out of his ass. but he made sure his smile never faltered.
“oh yeah? i’ll add you to the list.” he chuckled, poking your side to make you laugh at the stupid taunt. it worked well enough, you didn’t seem to catch on to his avoidance. you didn’t chastise him for not saying it back, at least.
he walked you to your front door like normal. he gave you a goodbye and goodnight kiss like normal, he even smiled so genuinely and told you he’d call you in the morning—just like normal.
but when morning came, his call didn’t. no big deal, you thought, he’s a very busy man. once he gets some free time, he’ll call. but hours pass, and you don’t get so much as a text to apologize or let you know he was going to be late. you keep staring at his contact, debating whether or not you should bother or not for an hour or so. but a text couldn’t be too distracting, so you type something up.
‘good morning! or afternoon now, lol–i missed ur call, i hope ur having a good day!! call me when you can xx’
it doesn’t deliver. you furrow your brows and try it again, but it still doesn’t go through. you move to a different area of your house, thinking it was spotty reception in your bedroom. you try to send the text again—but it still doesn’t send. you try to call, your heart now pounding in your ears. something must have malfunctioned, right? after all your years as friends and these brief months exploring more—he wouldn’t just block you, right?
the phone call doesn’t ring, just an automated voice telling you that that the call couldn’t be completed as dialed. he blocked you. without so much as a hint to why. everything was perfect last night, he was all smiles and laughter, what could have changed? you want to call the only mutual connection you have—ieiri shoko—but decide it’s best not to involve her in the matter between two of her friends. it’s not tasteful and if there’s any chance of this being a misunderstanding, then taking it to your friends is the last thing you want to do. you could maybe ask nanami for advice at work in the morning—you wouldn’t go so far as to call them friends, but he’s how you met the strongest man alive. so he has to have some tips! yes, you’ll talk to nanami about it first thing tomorrow.
talk his ear off about it is more apt if you ask the grade one who merely dabbles in business work. he tried to be polite and listen to the tale—but your first mistake was in dealing with gojo in the first place. there was no advice in the world to fix that amount of stupid, especially if you were looking to get him back. but nanami catches the issue as soon as you recount the tale of your last conversation with the special grade.
“you told him that you love him?” he clarified with a raised brow. based on the judgment that flashes in his eyes, you know that was the wrong move. you huff in frustration.
“you introduced me to him—why would you set me up like this nanakun??” you pout, angrily folding your arms over one another. it’s a shitty attempt to take the heat off yourself, and nanami can appreciate it.
“hardly. he shoved his way in my office and you happened to be in there already.” he rolls his eyes. trust him, he did not want to see more of gojo—and dating his workplace’s secretary only meant that the annoying presence followed him even here. “i strongly advised against it. i knew we would end up here.”
you shoot him a glance, but his unamused face remains unchanging. you ignored everyone’s warnings, choosing the results he was giving you as reason enough for them to be wrong. did he enjoy leading you on and wasting his time? what was the game in all this?
“you shouldn’t have gone after him at all. but you definitely shouldn’t have told him you love him first.” nanami nearly seemed horrified. or what you imagined he would look like when horrified, eyes slightly widened and jaw dropped partially.
you bite the inside of your cheek. you didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. maybe it’s because you knew how you felt for so long. maybe it was just because satoru put you at ease—none of the reasons matter now.
“it’s hard for him to do serious. love is as serious as it gets.” nanami sighs wistfully. you were a nice girl who didn’t deserve to be another name on the list of hearts broken by satoru gojo. for your own good, you should forget all about him and sorcerers as a whole. you would be much better off. but something about that look on your face paired with the fact that he knows satoru has never been happier in his miserable existence makes nanami sigh. “he’s just afraid of committing. the only person he ever loved just up and left him one day. so just…try to let him go. let him come back if he wants—if you want. maybe then he’ll be ready.”
your heart warms at your friend’s words. it was clear he couldn’t care less if things worked out or not, but he wanted you to feel better. you smile softly at his words, “thank you nanakun, i’ll try to…let him go.”
you think you did a pretty good job of that. as time went on, you think you even managed to convince yourself you didn’t want him back at all. if he could just flake out on you—look you in the face and lie—you didn’t want him. no matter how sexy and sweet and strong he was, trust is the most important thing. you keep your head down and work hard, catching up with nanami and learning any updates on your sorcerer that way.
apparently he was casually dating around, but nothing nearly as serious as you. he made sure of that. he hadn’t heard an ‘i love you’ in years, and while he may have thought it at different times throughout the past couple of dates you’ve been on, he hadn’t said it. even thinking it was bad enough. that meant you held an unimaginable and concerning amount of power over him. that meant you could crush his soul into a million pieces. that meant you could ruin him—and he can’t go through that again. the possibility of handing himself over to deep and passionate love was beautiful in theory but terrifying in practice, and the thought of giving in just to lose a second time were odds he just wasn’t willing to gamble with.
so he did it first. if he broke your heart you couldn’t break his.
so why does he feel so bad? so empty? every pretty girl he carted around after that was a weak competitor. they were nice enough, but so shallow and boring—they treated him like everyone else. you were special. you treated him like a person. someone with feelings and dreams and regrets. you asked him questions. real questions that made him think about real answers, nothing surface level like his favorite color or movie. you wanted to know him. and he let you learn just some of his darkest days and you told him you love him anyway. and he ran away from you. goddamn. he’s his own worst enemy.
he shows up with flowers one day, six weeks after you’ve broken up—or he dumped you. it was a normal day until then, but it certainly wouldn’t be after. it was laughably large bouquet, it almost looked like he was struggling to hold it all. your eyes must look like two full moons based off of his amused yet apologetic smile. you have to make yourself stop your smile before it spreads.
“hi…” he said nervously, shifting his weight foot to foot. he messed up—how could he make up for it? “i was wondering—“
“leave.” your shaky voice manages to croak out, quickly looking down at your paperwork. you had to avoid his stare, surely he would figure you all out if he looked deep enough. nanami said to make him work for it.
“flowers aren’t your thing, huh?” he seems undeterred—in fact, he seems emboldened by your reaction. “that’s fine. i’ll leave them here…” he styles them on your desk, sweeping your stapler and pencil sharpener and organizers to the side to accommodate the large vase. you watch him carelessly move things about, forcing you to accept his gift.
“you’re annoying.” you groan, though the flowers are gorgeous. they’re the same kinds you pointed to when you went on a nature walk one time—something he swore he was going to hate but ended up being one of his favorite outings with you. you seemed to have that effect on him.
“i know! one of my better qualities, i think.” he hums happily, chlorinated pools of crystal blue stare at you over the lenses of his casual sunglasses. he traded in the blindfold in hopes of winning you back—he wasn’t above playing dirty, even if he was the reason he had to play at all.
“as opposed to? ghosting?” you raise your brow. he sighs. he doesn’t know what he expected. he knew you wouldn’t fall right back into his arms, but that biting look in your eye makes him wonder if he’s messed things up beyond repair. either way, he won’t go down without a fight.
“yes—that’s one of the bad ones.” he scrunches his nose in distaste. he bends at the waist to lean his elbows on your desk, propping his face up in his hands. “look sweetheart—“
you scoff, leaning back in your office chair with something akin to amusement. you fold your arms over your chest and arch your brow, and even though you are absolutely pissed, you still manage to make his heart skip a beat. “don’t call me that, you fucked me up. or does that it make you happier?”
“you think i’m bringing you flowers for my health or something? i’m trying to apologize!” he whines, tugging a lone flower out of the bouquet and extending it toward you. “i’m an asshole, i know, and i don’t deserve to call you sweetheart—“
“i don’t accept.” you tilt your nose in the air. he swears he can see the hint of a smirk on your lips, and he sighs. you hold the power yet again, but this time he’s going to allow it.
“what can i do to make it up to you? it was a mistake..i see that now.” he frowns, looking down at the pale pink petals brushing against his fingers.
“mm, yeah? i’m sure fucking a bunch of other women helped clear that up.” you look at the flower in his hand too, examining the brightness, the absolute perfection of the petals. it almost withers with the man holding it.
“wh-what?” he blinked rapidly. he hadn’t had sex with anyone—god no, he can’t do fleeting connections, and in his heart of hearts he knew that none of them would fill the void you left behind. but your jealousy…now that he could use. “aw, baby, just say you missed me. i could clear up some things for you too.”
you snarl at the insinuation, even more annoyed that he didn’t deny romping around with other women after dropping you like it was nothing.
“i’m sure you wish you could, baby, but i’m not sloppy seconds.” you take the flower and snap the stem, tossing it on your desk without second thought. he pouts at the gesture, deciding that words were no use on you, he hums. he knows how to handle this.
“no, but you are more delicious the second time.” he sings, and you get up from your desk in frustration. he was so irritating. did he think that he could just disappear on you like that and you’d just forgive him like nothing? you huff up at him, gathering all your stuff and shoving it into your office bag. nanami watches from the stairs—and he’s proud that you’re making gojo work for it, at least.
you stomp out of the office building with all the theatrics at your disposal, and it only makes satoru smirk as he walks after you. god you want him so bad, he thinks. he catches the office door before you can slam it closed behind you, sliding his palm across the wooden panels with a suave coolness. it’s like he has the situation completely under control, strolling leisurely after the little lady stomping and yelling at him over her shoulder. he knows he fucked up, and if you wanted to blast him through the city on your route home, then he’d smile and walk dumbly after you.
your heart was racing. he was still following you—and you knew if he cornered you alone, there would be no denying him. your brain was fighting hard enough to deny him back in the office already. your blood is boiling. why do you want him back so bad? he left you—is sleeping with other women, even, and you're letting him tail you to your house. you shut the door on him, but he just teleports into your living room anyways. you give him a look—not sure what else to say. ordering him out would be futile—as you didn’t want him to and he clearly wouldn’t obey.
he’s smug, sitting on your couch with one long leg crossed over the other one, his arm stretched across the back of the couch like he’s just waiting to put it around you. he stares at you knowingly, but that smirk is driving you insane.
“stop looking at me like that—and get out of my house.” you try meekly, at least you could say you could. your eyes narrow at his unmoving form and he can’t help but chuckle a little bit.
“you’re trying so hard to be mad at me, sweetheart.” he hums, arching a brow in amusement. he bats those long white eyelashes at you like he’s just ready for you to admit the truth and come crumble in his lap.
“i’m pissed, not trying that hard at all.” you scoff and shake your head, tossing your bag on the floor so that you may properly cross your arms at him. “you lied to my face, ghosted me, and now you’re acting like i’m being ridiculous for not accepting your flowers and taking you back?”
he shakes his head, a little nonchalant frown on his face. “you aren’t ridiculous for that—“ he stands and makes his way to you, not even bothering to hide the way he eyes you up and down. “you’re ridiculous for pretending you don’t want to. i could make this allll better if you’d just let me, sweetheart.”
his breath is as icy as his eyes when he leans down, brow arched like he’s asking a question. he is, you realize, he wants to know if you’ll let him.
“i never really slept with anyone, sweetheart. promise. was just trying to get you off my mind. didn’t work—made everything worse, actually. i got what i deserved.” he sighs softly, noting the hesitation on your face but the want in your eyes. he reaches a tentative hand to your face, giving you a soft smile when you let him touch you. “i’m sorry…you’re all i can think about. i just got nervous—i’m so stupid. beyond stupid—“
you smash your lips onto his to keep him from yapping. all he had to do was apologize. really apologize and mean it—but you would still punish him for walking away. you would make sure he could never do it again, lest he’ll never be able to get you out of his head even in death.
his hands grab at your dress, pulling you against his body in one fluid motion. the kiss changes moods entirely. the room feels like it’s buzzing now, his passion felt through the way he moves. he slides over your ass, kneading and fisting the fat with a groan into your mouth. you step into him, backing him to the couch. he grins against your lips like always—his kiss was warm and apologetic, lips hurriedly slotting over yours in an effort to make up for his transgressions.
he falls into a seat, pulling you into his lap with him. he sees your plan, and won’t go down without a fight. he promised to straighten you out after all. but letting you think you’re in charge was adorable, so he didn’t mind to indulge in it. you push his chest back with your own, grabbing his chin in your hand roughly. his back hits the couch and he can’t hold back his little giggle as his hands follow the paths of your body, though a satisfied hum follows at the feeling.
“you are sorry—a sorry piece of shit.” you huff, repeatedly kissing him over and over with all the anger you’ve been pinning up for the past few weeks without him. he grunts lowly, opening his mouth to invite you deeper. you take his willingness as a gift, plunging your tongue in his mouth and making sure yours stays in control. he tastes like honey and cinnamon, and it was a taste you missed more than you let yourself believe.
“pieces of shit must be your type though.” he sasses, standing up with you on his lap. he knows where your room is based on his extensive stays over, it’s nearly muscle memory for him to kick your door open with the point of his shoe, smiling up at you like no time had passed —like no bad blood had resulted from it. he throws you down like you weigh nothing, though he takes a seat on the side. upon hearing you gasp at his words, he scoffs and shakes his head. “don’t even think about it. i’ll fuck it out of you anyway.”
you can’t deny the way your body tingles and warms at his command. he’s usually soft and sweet, just rough enough to satisfy any cravings of yours—but he never struck obedience into your soul. your mouth closes, and he chuckles a little bit at your change. “that’s better. now if you wanna keep poppin’ off with attitude, i’ll get nasty instead of the sweet apology i planned for you.”
you roll your eyes, he was testing it. “don’t tempt me—“ you huff, a little annoyed at how easily your body gives up. you didn’t want to give him the ego boost of obedience, so you give him the attitude requested. “you messed up—i’ll talk to you however I want—“
he sighs and tugs at you, pulling your body at will. he splays you across his lap—long legs hanging over the edge of your bed. your dress is shoved up over your ass, and the tiny string of your thong is drawn back and snapped against the flesh. it makes you squeal a little in surprise, but you would be lying to say you didn’t want more.
“oh i’m a piece of shit, who are these for, nyeh?” he flicks your panties again, the sensation a small pleasurable sting.
“you dumped me—they’re for whoever i want.” you huff at him, even if his jealousy makes your heart warm. he slaps the fat of your ass lightly, humming at the way you jolt.
“yeah?” he smacks your other side, “i didn’t fuck anybody though. knew i needed you.” he spanks the same spot, the sting intensifies so wonderfully and makes your head spin. you can’t help the little moans that leave you with every slap.
“didn’t fuck anybody either, dickhead.” you pant, tossing him a glare over your shoulder. his free hand comes to grab your throat, sinewy warm and soft fingers wrap around your column with a tight grip—though not enough to restrict any airflow, of course. his cock stabs into your side at the sight. he grins brightly, almost sadistic in nature.
“you’re silly.” he hums, squeezing your throat until your eyes cross a little. he hums at you, the vision enough to make him painfully hard, but he always knows when to let up. he slaps your ass in conjunction with his little squeeze. he knows how to keep your eyes on him— repeatedly shaking his head, like he disapproves of you. “so pretty though. but mouthy.” he tsks, giving you a punishing spank to your tender skin. he hums pleasantly at the way your skin breaks a little, his red handprints making their way to the surface. “can’t even accept an apology. what do you want me to do, sweetheart?”
you can’t deny the wetness pooling in that skimpy thong. the stinging through your ass only makes your brain fog worsen, need was the only thing on your mind. he was so strong and sexy, and he was trying to make it up to you. you suppose you could…hear him out. that didn’t mean you were back together.
“fuck me—i’ll make my decision based on your performance.” you purr in his lap, wiggling your branded ass. he groans, you’re going to tease when you look like this? he woulda proposed if you asked him to if it meant you were all his again. commitment didn’t scare him so much anymore. you were as angry as ever and you still smiled when you saw him. you still let him follow you back home to plead his case. even if you didn’t have much a choice, you hardly even put up a fight. and he knew what that meant: you weren’t nearly as angry as you were trying to be.
“oh i’ll fuck you, sweetheart. let’s see if you can take it.” he hums so innocently, scooting you off his lap and onto all fours. he slides your thong to the side, laughing giddily at the sight of your soaking cunt. you definitely weren’t as mad as you were trying to be. “god look at this ocean—i almost feel bad for ya. trying to be such a meanie t’me when i’m the only one that can make it better.”
he wrestles with his pants, pushing them to his knees with haste. precious time was ticking, and stripping completely was a waste of it. he nearly sighs in relief when he frees himself, pumping his length fluidly. you whine at the time it’s taking him to fuck you, wiggling your cute rear and huffing.
“takin’ too long—“ you can’t finish your sentence before you cry out, his cock splitting you open just as you asked for. your walls felt like coming home, and every squeeze you give him was like a warm hug. he can’t believe he denied himself this for weeks just because you said something he’d been dying to hear from someone who meant it his entire life.
“better?” he asks, using your plush hips as his handlebars. this was why you would never be able to move on from him no matter the advice and warnings and every sign in the world telling you ‘no satoru gojo!’ he was just too good, he knew you all too well and your body craved and needed him like water. he fit in your cunt like he was built to, every pump of his cock left you gripping the sheets in an effort to hold yourself up, which you can only do for a few more seconds. “what, too hard? i thought you wanted to be fucked, little one?”
you’re stuck in a silent scream, unable to answer him. you feel like you can feel him in your lungs, his hips absolutely bullying yours. he admires your deep arch even though you’ve fallen forward, your ass rippling into his pubic hair so perfectly he had to reward you with some grunts and groans of his own. he lays over your back, cooing his praises in your ear.
“there she goes, now she’s taking good dick. can’t believe you almost wasted a thong like this— good thing i stay around, yeah?” he shoves your forward just a bit, off his cock and face first into your pillows. you whine at the loss, but he flattens your legs and sits on top of them—squeezing his cock between your thighs and ass, guiding his dick back in. you mewl at the new sensation. how could he possibly be deeper? “awww, that’s a good girl. letting me fuck ya like i hate ya when i’m just trying to prove that i love you too.”
you clench when he says it, moans intensifying as he uses you in this new position. he smirks, you’re adorable. laying there screaming for him with a gorgeously painted ass and a perfect body taking all the force behind his thrusts. “you still love me, sweetheart?”
you nod eagerly, your moans borderline animalistic. “yes—fuck, yes i do, i love you satoru!” you feel him so deeply in your stomach that you can’t keep holding back. it felt like a rubber band snapped as you squeeze around him and cover him with your essence. he keeps going, eyes trained on your recoil and the white ring you left at the base of his cock. your confirmation only drives him crazier, your limp body beneath him taking his increased pace like a champ—little overstimulated moans the only sound he can hear.
“gonna cum in this pretty pussy to show you how much i love you.” he groans, picking your body up in one strong arm to hold you down on his cock. you feel the rush of heat and shudder, the fact he was willing to deal with the consequences of cumming inside alone made you want more of him—until he couldn’t cum anymore. he holds you up, luckily enough— you wouldn’t be able to do it yourself—and places soft kisses to your neck. he hums, enjoying the taste of your skin slightly sweaty and warm from his love. he stays inside you, he can’t bring himself to move just yet, but he sighs in content.
“so…we back together?”
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tonyspank · 9 months
black!singer!reader x jenna ortega (they/them pronouns, but there’s mentions of them having a pp, lol)
warnings: fluff and a tiny bit of angst i guess, my poor attempts at humor again, social media w a bit of irl
a/n: i’ve always wanted to do a social media book. so this is just something fun i came up with, i hope you enjoy :) it’s also a way i can put u guys onto my fav songs 🤭
faceclaim: khalil beth
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Is Percy Hynes White Dating Jenna Ortega?
Jenna and Percy have yet to confirm or deny dating rumors, but they have posted many cute cast photos of one another on Instagram. On top of that, Jenna took Percy as her plus one date for the 2023 Golden Globes — and they're set to star in a movie together!
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3 talented artists + jack lani - kehlani jackie - jack tae - matteo
lani Y/N sweetie..
jackie 🙁
tae what'd i miss??
jackie Y/N's fav ex is dating an ugly man 🥺
tae let's hope she leave him too 🤞
tae she'll miss the bbc 🥲
lani omg wdf 😭😭
you ...
jackie now the dots was a lil dramatic
lani JACK 😭😭
you jack stfu before i shave ur beard
tae got his ass
jackie 🤐
tae ok ok but Y/N how are u rn?
lani frr like talk to us
you wdym?
you we broke up why would i be bothered
tae 💀💀
lani i've never met anyone who still likes their exes posts
you it's called being mature
you i am able to support her regardless of what happened
tae it's called being delusional
jackie laughed at "it's called being delusional"
jackie i have an idea
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tae fam what is ur camera roll? 💀
lani what's ur idea jack
jackie i'm gonna ask demi for an invite to the scream 6 premiere
jackie then me and Y/N gon jump percy in front of jenna right
jackie and then jenna gon be like
jackie oh my god not my mans getting his ass beat by my ex & their bsf tf
you please stfu 🙏
jackie bro
jackie i'm tryna help you save ur gf from a guy who looks like the definition of pervert
tae laughed at "i'm tryna help you safe ur gf from a guy who looks like the definition of pervert"
lani 😭😭😭😭
lani i can't breathe
you it's literally just a rumor that they're dating tho
you & i'm not going to the premiere
jackie mhm
y/nhart posted on Instagram.
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Liked by jackharlow, devyn_nekoda, and 7,891,103 others
y/nhart what's your favorite scary movie? 🔪 #ScreamVI @screammovies
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screammovies You, of course. 🔪🩸 > y/nhart can we kiss?
jackharlow what did you say in the group chat? > y/nhart that jack harlow is a flop 🤫
user15 bro doing everything but dropping an album 💀 > user1 ong. right my wrongs ep was amazing but it's been 8 months 😭
mrmatteo where was my invite? > y/nhart drop a song then let's talk > user3 what a hypocrite 💀
user8 bite me
kehlani you could never be ghostface > screammovies Its always someone you know. 👻🔪🩸
user992 i have $1,000 frank will drop before this mf
user90 MORE JENNA AND Y/N CONTENT??? > user78 i missed them :')
            Your eyes were starting to water due to the number of flashes from the cameras that were going off around you. The bright lights made it difficult to keep your eyes open, but you knew that this was just part of being in the spotlight.
  Jack places a hand on your arm, slightly shoving you towards the exit. You ignore the yells of your name and continue to make your way off the carpet.
Your bodyguard, who had been standing nearby, steps in to create a path through the crowd, shielding you and Jack from the relentless paparazzi.
  "Did you talk to Jenna?" Jack asks, leaning close enough for his voice to be heard.
You send the bearded man a glare, shaking your head. "No. I don't even think she's walked the carpet yet."
Jack raises an eyebrow before turning his head to the carpet, which is still filled with celebrities and flashing cameras.
He scans the area, searching for any sign of Jenna among the chaos. He then turns back to you with a smirk on his lips. "I think you're just ducking her."
You roll your eyes at Jack's teasing remark.
"Please, like I have time to play hide and seek with Jenna. I'm just trying to avoid the relentless paparazzi."
You gesture towards the swarm of photographers jostling for the perfect shot.
Jack hums, his smile widening. A thought clicks into his head, causing his smile to drop.
"Oh, yeah! I talked to Melissa, and she is fine as fuck."
You thin out your lips. Jack probably didn't know she was married.
"I'll tell her husband you said that."
"You know what they say. Don't let your husband distract you from finding the love of your life."
You chuckle at his joke.
"May I say you look amazing tonight?" The interviewer states, smiling as they admire your appearance.
You smile, bringing your hands together to calm yourself before responding.
"Thank you so much."
"Are you a big fan of the Scream franchise?" The interviewer asks, moving their microphone closer.
You nod, your eyes lighting up with excitement.
"Absolutely! Ghostface is such an iconic character, and I love the twists that they put in the movie. It just always keeps you on your toes."
The interviewer chuckles, sharing your enthusiasm. "I completely agree! The Scream franchise has definitely left a lasting impact on the horror genre with its clever storytelling and memorable characters. Speaking of memorable characters, whose is your favorite?"
You pause for a moment, looking up at the sky as you bite down on your lip.
"Uhh... It's hard to choose just one, but if I had to pick, I would say Roman Bridger. I didn't suspect him at all, and his reveal as the mastermind behind everything in Scream 3 was a total shock. Plus, Scott Foley's performance was absolutely chilling."
The interviewer nods, appreciating your choice. "I couldn't agree more. He's surely one to remember."
You nod again, smiling. "For sure. I've always wanted to play Ghostface. Taking off the mask and revealing your plan must be so fun."
The interviewer laughs and says, "I'm sure you'd do great."
Before you could respond with a thank you, the interviewer speaks up.
"Jenna! It's so nice to see you." You turn to see Jenna, your heart dropping at the sight of her.
You force a tight-lipped smile at the brunette. "Hey Jenna, long time no see," you say, trying to sound casual.
Deep down, you can't help but wonder if she still thinks about you.
Jenna returns the smile. "Yeah, it's been a while," she replies softly.
Memories of your past together flood your mind, and you can't help but wonder if there's still a chance for reconciliation.
"You guys are so stunning, I can't even!" The interviewer gushes, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Jenna chuckles, her eyes meeting yours briefly before she turns her attention back to the interviewer.
"Jenna, I've gotta ask. Are you a fan of Y/N's music?" Jenna nods her head, glancing at you again before answering.
"I am. They're very talented musically, and I'm waiting for another album."
You try to fight back a smile, but it fails miserably. The interviewer notices your failed attempt to hide your smile and chuckles.
"Seems like there's mutual admiration here," they remark, noticing the subtle connection between you and Jenna.
You tilt your head, shrugging a bit. "I guess you could say that. Jenna's very talented herself, both musically and in acting."
Jenna feels the butterflies in her stomach erupt as you compliment her.
She's missed you, and she wants nothing more than to reconnect with you. She blushes slightly and responds, "Thank you."
You walk over to Jenna, interrupting her conversation with Percy. "Jenna."
Jenna turns towards you, a surprised expression on her face as she pauses mid-sentence.
"Come home with me?"
Jenna's eyes widen as she processes your unexpected request, leaving her momentarily speechless.
After a brief moment of hesitation, she nods slowly, her curiosity piqued. "Sure, why not? Let's go."
Percy furrows his eyebrows, watching you and Jenna walk off together.
When you arrive home, you take off your jacket and help Jenna with hers.
Jenna mumbles a thank you before making herself comfortable on the couch.
She looks around the unfamiliar surroundings, seeing as you've changed a few things since the last time she was there.
Jenna's eyes linger on a Polaroid of you and her, capturing a happy memory from months ago. Of course, Jenna still loved you, but was she ready to take the risk of getting hurt again?
She couldn't bear the fact that things might not work out between you two, causing more heartbreak.
Fame had always been a double-edged sword for Jenna. While it had brought her success and recognition, it also came with constant scrutiny and pressure.
It's what ruined you two. Jenna being constantly busy due to acting and you constantly being busy due to singing made it difficult for you both to find quality time together.
Despite the love that still existed between you, the demands of your respective careers created a growing distance that neither of you knew how to bridge.
You walk into the living room, two glasses of wine in your hand. "Actually," Jenna speaks up, and you raise your eyebrows in anticipation.
She continues, "Could we sit on your balcony?"
You nod, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Of course," you say, leading the way to the balcony.
As you settle into the comfortable chairs, the city lights twinkling below, Jenna takes a deep breath and says, "I miss moments like this, just being together without any distractions."
You take a sip of your wine, pausing to savor the flavor before responding. "Me too," you say, gazing out at the night sky.
"I missed you."
Jenna's eyes soften, and she reaches over to gently touch your lap. "I missed you too," she whispers.
"I hope you know that I'm not dating Percy."
"I know," you reply, a small smile forming on your lips. "I knew you wouldn't downgrade like that."
Jenna chuckles softly, her dimples beginning to show. "That's hilarious."
A silence falls over the two of you.
"I couldn't imagine being with anyone other than you," you snap your head towards her, your heart swelling with love at words.
She always knew the right thing to say.
"You're the only one who truly understands me, Y/N." Jenna's eyes meet yours, her brown pupils glistening in the moonlight.
"I can't find myself being vulnerable or trusting with anyone else." She finishes off, breaking away from your gaze.
You don't say anything, you just place your hand over top of hers, which was resting on your lap.
y/nhart posted on Instagram.
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Liked by jennaortega, jackharlow, kehlani, bnyx, and 13,829,100 others
y/nhart 12...??...23...lost in the fire...earned it...all mine...confident...all mine...oui...greece...get me...kiss land...for free
meltdown...i'd do anything to make you smile...boyfriend,girlfriend...rambo...let em'know
@chancetherapper @djkhaled @kehlani @travisscott @jackharlow @feliciathegoat @theweeknd @bnyx
View all 46,829 comments
user12 OMFG BRUH
user99 AOTY
jackharlow deluxe 🔜
bnyx 👨‍🍳🔥🎶
theweeknd 🫡
user77 couldve had better feats tbh > user880 STFU
djkhaled 🔥🔥🔥 WE'LL NEVER STOP 🛑!!! 
user67 i'm about to cry.
y/nsrealwife posted on Instagram.
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y/nsrealwife i stand by what i said
View all 138 comments
user11 unknown? it's jenna😭 > y/nrealwife me when i'm delusional
user45 there's no misses on the album + they ate down in the deluxe > user89 came in my pants when they came on the track w that "t-time, t-time, t-time.."
user66 can we talk abt for free? bro had like 10 viagra pills before pulling up to the studio > user77 💀💀💀
jackharlowsbeard kehlani & jack on the album made me so happy.
y/nhart posted on Instagram.
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Liked by jennaortega, jackharlow, mrmatteo, kehlani, arianagrande, and 17,839,138 others
y/nhart mega christmas dump 🎄@jennaortega @jackharlow @mrmatteo @kehlani
Comments have been limited.
tonyspank had to put it in a collage due to the 10 photo limit 🙁
jennaortega has posted a story.
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
dude i need more angsty fights with eddie ps ur writing is very swaggy
thank you love, i hope this meets your needs lol
you’re the reason / eddie munson
part two , part three
cw: cursing, fighting, name calling, violence, blood, no happy ending
you never wanted the night to end like this, but sometimes his insecurities ruin everything.
the car ride home from the bar was torturously quiet. eddie had been silent since they finished their set and you couldn’t figure out why. you thought maybe he was just stressed or had messed up his throat when singing again, but when he slammed the van door and didn’t talk to you as he stormed inside you knew he was pissed. you rolled your eyes and braced yourself before following him in. as expected, he was popping open a beer bottle and shoving it to his lips as you opened the door.
“eddie,” you said calmly, trying to get his attention. he ignored you and walked over to the couch to sit down. “eddie, what is up with you?” you ask, sighing slightly. you make your way to the living room slowly, watching eddie eye you then look away.
“do you even care? or are you just looking for another excuse to fight with me?” he asks bluntly, taking another swig.
you look at him in slight shock. what the hell? “what do you mean?” you ask, crossing your arms in a defensive manner. you hadn’t done anything.
eddie grunts, still refusing to look at you. “we fight constantly. it’s like one wrong breath around you and you’re at my throat again,” he sneers.
you’re taken aback by his attitude. he was right, you guys did fight a lot yeah, but it wasn’t all on you. “i don’t think you’re being fair, eddie. you start shit too, just how you are right now,” you say causing him to roll his eyes.
“this is your fault,” he says, his knuckles turning white around the beer bottle.
you scoff, walking to instead stand in front of him. “is it? please enlighten me on how i’ve pissed you off this time,” you say.
eddie bites the inside of his cheek, nostrils flaring. “are you just gonna act like you weren’t flirting with the bartender? right in front of me? while i played your song?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.
your jaw drops. “are you fucking kidding me, eddie? i was not flirting with the ugly ass bartender!” you defend yourself, hands flying.
“then what were you talking to him about? he seemed pretty fucking insterested!” he boomed, rising to his feet to tower over you.
you let out a little scream of frustration behind gritted teeth. “we were talking about you, asshole! you and the band!” you say, rage beginning to bubble over.
“bullshit,” he drags.
“why don’t you believe me?” you ask seriously.
eddie rolls his eyes. “i don’t know, maybe because everyone in this damn town knows you’re a whore?” he questions rhetorically.
you gasp, shoving him but he doesn’t move. “that’s not true anymore, ever since we started talking it’s only been you!” you yell, jabbing a finger into his chest. “how could you even think i’d cheat on you?” you ask angrily.
“so what? im just supposed to ignore the way you and harrington act around each other? aren’t you the one who told me you’d fuck him?” eddie keeps going, his voice raising.
you feel tears building behind your eyes, you always cried when you were angry. “that’s not what i said and you know it!” you yell.
“right, right, and those fuck me eyes you give him? nothing right?” he laughs humorlessly.
your lip quivers in rage as the first tears start to fall. “i don’t want steve, eddie. i only want you! i tell you i love you everyday and i do everything i can to be a good girlfriend. what did i do to make you think i’d do anything like that to you?” you ask, your vision becoming blurry.
“stop fucking crying, you know i hate when you cry it’s so annoying,” he huffs, looking away from you.
you feel your heart crack at his words. “you- you did this!” you yell in his face, your fists now shaking with rage.
“oh, so now you wanna play the victim? great,” eddie taunts.
you turn around, screaming in annoyance as you take a few steps to put distance between you two. “i didn’t do anything!” you cry out, hands covering your face.
“yes, you did! you’re the reason we’re having this damn fight, you’re always the fucking reason!” eddie screams, his breathing becoming uneven. you cry, still not knowing what you did.
you shake your head, knowing you don’t deserve this. “you’re fucking psychotic, eddie! you’re delusional!” you scream at him in a heartbroken voice, your voice cracking.
eddie’s eyes turn into a sharp glare. “what did you just say?” he asks, his voice deadly low.
“you’re a fucking psycho!” you scream at him, choking on your words. your eyes widen as his arm raises, and you barely duck in time as the beer bottle goes whizzing past about a foot to the side of where your head was. it shatters on the wall behind you as you fall to your knees with your hands covering your head, screaming in fear. you stay low to the ground, sobbing as the beer drips down the wall behind you.
eddie freezes up, taking in the sight of you cowering on the ground as sobs leave your body. he glances at the wall behind you, seeing the marks of beer dripping and the broken glass on the ground. he didn’t aim for you, but he also wasn’t thinking. that bottle could’ve hit you. he takes a step closer to you as guilt flood through his body.
you see his boots come into view and you fall onto your butt, scrambling back a bit. you were scared of him. “no,” you cry, shaking your head at him.
“y/n…” he says broken heartedly. he saw it on your face, you were terrified. he tried taking another step towards you slowly, but you backed up more.
your hands landed in the glass of the broken bottle, causing you to cry out as it pierced the soft skin of your hands. you held them out in front of you, watching the small drops of blood start to form scattered across your palms. “y/n!” eddie said with a gasp, falling to his knees in front of you and reaching out for you.
“don’t touch me!” you screamed in his face, twisting your body away from him. eddie face dropped as you did so, feeling his heart fall into his stomach.
he searched your face for the anger, but all that was left was fear. “baby, just let me help you get the glass out,” he begged, reaching for you again.
“no!” you screamed, throwing yourself to the side. “don’t fucking touch me,” you cried, scrambling up on to your feet. eddie was quick to follow you, tears gathering in his eyes as he took note of the blood on your legs as well.
“y/n, baby, please calm down. i won’t hurt you, baby, i love you,” he begs, trying to carefully approach you.
you shake your head sobbing. “get away from me,” you say, backing your way towards the door. he gulped, his heart breaking in two as he saw you were heading for the door.
he shook his head, wanting so badly to take back his actions. he should’ve never let his insecurities take over him, but they always did. “y/n, please don’t leave,” he whispers. but you just shake your head at him, and then turn away and bolt for the door. “y/n, please! i'm sorry,” he calls, running after you. you run down the steps quickly, and over towards max’s trailer.
eddie stops in his doorway, watching you run from him. “damnit,” he cusses, kicking the door frame. he watches max let you in, her glaring his way before slamming the door shut. eddie closes his door before sliding down it, tangling his fingers in his hair and pulling as he sobs over losing you.
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scribblewrites · 2 months
Just be with me
Katsuki Bakugou x gn!reader hurt/comfort
this is my first time writing so don’t expect much
this is very much just me projecting lol. Reader feels like crap, Bakugou comforts them. He might be a bit ooc
TW: mentions of SH, Reader has anxiety/breakdown and is overall feeling bad
take care of yourselves! ♥
— Bakugou sat in the common area as the smell of the class's dinner (now slightly burnt thanks to Kaminari setting the oven wrong) filled the air. He disinterestedly scrolled his phone, occasionally listening to the extras complaining about how hard Aizawa sensei had pushed them in training. A scoff was thrown in here and there from Bakugou’s place on the couch.
Motioning to get up and start yelling at Kaminari for ruining dinner, Bakugou stopped as his phone went off with a flurry of texts. Grunting, he opened his phone again
“Tch, what the hell is it now”
7:14 PM -hey
7:14 PM-can you come to my dorm?
7:16 PM -soon, please
He stared at his phone, worry slowly forming on his face. Now that he thought about it, y/n hadn’t joined the rest of the extras after class like they normally do. They hadn’t been roaming the kitchen impatiently waiting for dinner like normal either. Suddenly their absence became increasingly prevalent in his mind. He noticed a slight change in their behavior the past few days but chalked it up to the stress of upcoming exams the whole class was experiencing.
“I’ll be back, gotta grab somethin’ from my room” Bakugou hurriedly walked towards the elevators before anyone could say something.
—Reader’s POV—
You were sitting crisscross on your bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of you desperately trying to control your breathing. The stupid overwhelming feeling in your chest sat heavy as you silently willed tears, sobs, anything to escape. Anxiety weighed you down the past couple of days. Ignoring it didn't work like you hoped, resulting now in the panic and shame suffocating you.
What the hell is wrong with me?
The sting of your outer thighs began to feel more and more intense. They were scratched to hell, red marks swelling slightly in the tracks of your nails. Small cuts were littered among the scratches. Not deep enough to cause any real damage or scar, but enough to now sit as an ugly reminder of your outburst mere minutes ago.
“Ughh, why did I text him” you groaned, pressing your palms into your eyes and laying back.
It’s stupid. You just didn’t want to be alone now. it hasn’t been this bad in months, shit maybe years. Over the weekend it got progressively worse and now you’re stuck, feeling somewhere in between numbness and regret.
knock knock
The harshness of the fist on your door gave away who was there. Slowly sitting up and letting out a shaky sigh you called him in.
“It’s open.” the door quickly swung open and shut as Bakugou stormed towards you.
“What the hell is up with your ominous ass texts? You’ve been actin’ weird all day and it’s throwing me off” It only took him a few strides to cross over in front of your bed.
He looked you up and down, finally analyzing your face after his rough entrance. His face shifted slightly after he saw the dullness in your eyes and the state of your legs. The normal disinterested look on his face remained, but you didn’t miss the subtle softening in his eyebrows or the concern growing in his eyes.
“hey, too you too Katsuki” The half-hearted jab fell weakly from your lips.
“Shit. Um, I could-- do you want me to"
“No.” you interrupted his awkward attempt at figuring out what to do. “I don’t want you to do anything. Last thing I need right now is someone judging me or trying to fix this.”
You pulled your knees to your chest, trying to keep your voice level as you got your request out.
“just— just be with me.”
He paused briefly, clearly searching for a response. "Tch, yeah…I can do that.”
He shuffled a bit, pulling his hands out of his pockets and crossing towards you. A sigh of relief left you as you realized he wouldn’t judge you. He didn’t try and spew fake comfort, instead, he shoved you to make room on the bed. Reaching for your laptop, he settled in next to you and scrolled through YouTube.
After a few hours of watching dumb reactions and video essays, you melted into his side. At some point, you felt his rough hand lightly rubbing your arm. Sleep was creeping over you as your eyes burned from the bright screen. Picking up your phone, you registered that it was almost 11 pm. Katsuki would’ve normally been asleep hours ago.
“It’s past your bedtime old man” you joked as you shoved the time in his face.
“I’m not the one starting to snore, dumbass” he nudged your side with no real bite to his words.
“Rude!” you chuckled and weakly shoved him back in retaliation. Settling back into his side, sleep was finally winning. Before drifting off, you whispered almost inaudibly,
“Thanks ‘Tsuki”
you began lightly snoring before he responded, his head dipping to softly kiss your head.
“G'night, y/n”
hope y’all enjoyed this! pls leave any feedback, this is my first time writing anything like this and I’d love to improve ♥
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blondeboyfriend · 10 months
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[ PAIRING ] Eren Yeager x f!reader x Zeke Yeager [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] This is what Zeke's house looks like. Enjoy the fantasyyyyyyy. (This is from 2021!) [ SYNOPSIS ] You and your best friend, Eren, decide to spend a week on the coast with his half-brother, Zeke. Shit gets weird. This is pure pwp. [ WORD COUNT ] 6k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, dubcon, jerking off, rough sex, oral sex, facefucking, throatfucking, nipple play, groping, exhibitionism, voyeurism, fingering, finger sucking, degradation (slut), spit play, hair pulling, praise kink, creampie, pussy slapping, impact play (spanking), petnames (baby, dude lol), threesome (duh), spitroasting, a facial.
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You ached for Eren. You desperately wanted him to touch you, to feel you. To take you in his arms and fuck you into oblivion. You imagined him saying he owned you, that you were his. You thought about his rough hands and the places he could put them. Your brain lingered on the sensation of his rugged fingers in your mouth.
But you put these things out of your mind. As much as you wanted Eren you told yourself he was off limits. Why live out the cliché of childhood best friends falling for each other? It crossed your mind to ask him out before you went your separate ways after high school, but you decided not to risk it. Eren was too important.
College kept you two separate for a couple years. You stayed in contact, little texts here and there. The distance did you wonders. For the most part you were able to rid yourself of your lust for Eren. It was when summer arrived that things got complicated. It was the first one you had spent together since you graduated high school and Eren had the genius idea to stay at his weird half-brother’s house in Big Sur.
“It’ll be fun,” Eren whined.
You and Eren were sitting on a bench at a local park watching American coots paddle around in a pond. You mostly agreed to humor his request because he’d foot the bill for coffee. He alternated between talking the place up and absolutely roasting it.
“We can hike. Oh, and there’s this whiskey bar in Carmel we can go to before we get to Bixby Bridge. I know Zeke has cable so we can watch TV and he said there is a convenience store in the fucking village he lives in.”
You sighed and went to respond only for him to cut you off.
“But get this, he said a 12-pack of beer costs a shit ton because all them rich fucks can charge whatever they want. Yeah, he’s into drinking wine now. Did you know these ‘towns’ along the highway are barely towns? Do you know how expensive gas is around there?”
“Oh my god, chill. I can barely follow your thought process.”
Eren ignored you again.
“Oh! But they’ll probably sell those weird, cheesy magnets your mom likes. You know the ones I’m talking about.”
You knew exactly the ones he was talking about. Kitschy magnets with the names of places written in ugly fonts on them were something your mother had an affinity for.
“I’m in. I guess,” you said, resigning yourself to a strange summer.
“Oh, dope,” he said right before stealing a sip of your coffee.
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Zeke lived right on the coast, a nice change from the city you languished in. On the drive there you dreamt of harmless fun. You’d flirt with Eren. You’d probably have an awkward kiss or two outside the convenience store. You’d sip port wine and hang out with a bunch of geriatrics in the hot springs. A dream you were ready to indulge in.
But rather than harmless fun you spent your first night drunk off your ass with Eren and Zeke, frolicking on the coastline after dark like a bunch of idiots. You noticed how Zeke’s eyes would linger on your body, taking in every inch. You tried your best to ignore him, but he made no attempt to hide his leering. He needed you to know he was looking whether you wanted him to or not.
“Can I help you?” you slurred.
“Can I help YOU?” he asked mockingly.
You scoffed and attempted to find Eren amongst the redwoods. You needed him as a buffer between you and Zeke. You called out Eren’s name but got no response.
“Maybe he died,” Zeke said, his tone almost cheerful. He was already making his way back to the house.
“Don’t say shit like that. What if he is dead? The cliffs are not stable. We shouldn’t be walking along them anyway.”
Zeke strolled back over to you.
“Aw, are you scared?”
He slung an arm around your waist, pulling you to his side. He reeked of the overpriced tequila you’d been drinking.
“Don’t worry. Eren’s strong.”
“Strength doesn’t really help when you’re tumbling off a cliff,” you said, the worried tone in your voice increasing with every word.
“Hush. You look cold.”
Zeke used his free hand to tweak your nipple. You smacked it away even though part of you enjoyed the attention.
He leaned in closer to you and whispered in your ear, “He’ll find his way back. Who knows when we’ll get any alone time again?”
Zeke started to grope you. Shoving him away had some semblance of appeal, but you didn’t. You let out a small moan as shoved his hand up your shirt and pinched your nipple between his nimble fingers once more. Your breath hitched as he moved behind you and started to grind up against your ass. His cock was hard as a rock.
“I almost died! Okay, not exactly. I did trip over 80 ice plants, but it’s fine.”
Eren stumbled out from the trees, bottle of tequila in hand. Zeke quickly dropped his hands and stepped back from you.
“The fuck you guys doin’?” Eren asked, squinting his eyes as if that would help him ascertain the situation.
“Nothing, your friend here wanted to head back without you.”
“Dude!” Eren yelled, utterly aghast at Zeke’s comment.
“What? I—No!” You struggled to find the words, you were still plagued with lust. “Zeke wanted to leave you!”
“Rude. My own brother… Can’t believe this shit.”
Eren took a swig from the bottle and glared at you both.
“Can’t trust family!” He gestured at Zeke with the bottle.
“Can’t… I… I can trust you. I didn’t think so at first. I kinda thought you were like being a bitch which sucked because you’re like my best fucking friend and like…Oh, fuck. I gotta sit the fuck down.”
Eren softened his gaze and wandered over to you. He rested his head on your shoulder. You cautiously rubbed his back. His shirt was sticky with sweat and it clung to his body.
Needless to say Eren did not sit the fuck down as he so crudely put.
“Rub it,” Eren loudly whispered.
You patted Eren’s back gently while Zeke cackled and started to head back.
“You know…” Eren trailed off, losing his thought mid-sentence.
He nuzzled his face into your neck and nipped at it. His lips were unbelievably soft. He wrapped his arms around you and proceeded to grab your ass. You fidgeted uncomfortably, desperately trying to ignore your throbbing clit.
“You… know what?” he mumbled. “I think we should go fucking eat some food.”
Eren let you go and wandered back towards the trail leading to Zeke’s place.
“If I don’t eat like macaroni and cheese I’ll end up doing something you’ll, fuck, I’ll regret.” He tossed his hands up in the air. “I mean, we’d both regret it. Equal opportunity regret, dude.”
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“So, you’re really not his girlfriend?” Zeke asked over dinner, which was definitely not macaroni and cheese.
Zeke took to teasing you mercilessly much to Eren’s annoyance. Zeke thought of himself as being incredibly clever when he was actually incredibly obnoxious.
Eren answered for you. “No. Just friends. I’ve known her since I was fucking five. How many times do I gotta tell you?” Eren stabbed at a rogue green bean on his plate. You’d never seen him so angry at a vegetable.
“Sounds like a textbook romance to me.”
Eren proceeded to fling the bean at Zeke. However he totally missed; the bean hit the wall with a little, quiet thud.
“Why?” Zeke asked.
“I don’t need a reason.”
You sat in silence during their bickering. There was no point in getting involved.
“What do you have to say about this?” Zeke asked, glancing over at you, eyes narrowed.
Something in his tone made your skin warm. He lit a cigarette. Eren mentioned he had a nasty habit of doing so at the dinner table.
“Me and Eren? Please. I’ve seen him naked. Not. Im. Pressive.”
Eren sat at the table mouth agape.
“We were 15! And the only reason you saw my shit was because you pantsed me in PE. Also, I was flaccid! Flaaaaaciiiiiiiiiid.”
“Oof, guess I got all the big dick genes then,” Zeke said.
“Big dick genes? Big dick genes!?” Eren pointed his fork menacingly at him. “Who’d you get them from? Our dad? Did you inherit our dad’s enormous dick, huh? Big dick dad genes!?”
You stood up, needing to escape their nonsense. As you walked away you could still hear them arguing about dicks.
“Why are you talking about our dad’s dick? Shut up.”
“Never! I will never shut up!”
“Get out.”
“You get the fuck out!”
“Eren, I live here!”
You stepped inside the bathroom and sighed. You stared in the mirror questioning your decision to come. You leaned against the sink and played with your phone. Once you thought they were done bickering, you walked into the room without announcing yourself, startling Eren and Zeke.
“Oh, hi!” Eren cheeks were flushed.
“Welcome back. You missed absolutely nothing,” Zeke said.
You took your seat at the table. Both of the men averted their gaze from you. It was only vaguely awkward.
“So, what’s the plan for the rest of the night?” you asked.
“Bed. We’re going to fucking bed, okay?”
“I’m not really tired,” you admitted.
“Never mind! Ugh. Bye!”
Eren stood up abruptly and stumbled into his room, slamming the door. Zeke sighed.
“He’ll be fine,” he said.
“I know. He tends to get emotional when he’s drunk and sleepy… and didn’t eat mac and cheese.”
“I’m an adult. I don’t eat that.”
You stared at him in complete disbelief.
“You must be so miserable if you ascribe age to certain foods.”
Zeke lit another cigarette, taking a rather large drag. His grey eyes were fixed on you.
“You’re not wrong,” he said, smirking.
“I never am.”
Zeke swiftly kicked you underneath the table. You winced as pain radiated up your leg.
“Cockiness isn’t very attractive.”
“You’re not very attractive,” you said, not realizing you put yourself on blast until it was too late.
“I find that hard to believe.” He stood up and walked into the kitchen, grabbing two shot glasses and that cursed bottle of tequila Eren had been carrying around. “You clearly have a thing for me.”
“What? No I don’t. You wish.” The words flew out of your mouth too quickly, it was clear you were lying through your teeth.
You were incredibly attracted to Zeke. Something about him made you feral and desperate to be fucked. He resumed his seat across from you. You watched as he poured two shots and nudged one towards you.
“I do wish. It’s too bad you don’t.”
You both knocked back a shot.
“You’re gross,” you said, wiping tequila residue from your lip.
“You don’t even realize how gross I can be.”
There was something almost sinister about his tone. It made your hands clammy.
Zeke continued. “I can show you, of course. I’m not averse to that.”
Zeke stood up and walked over to the couch. He fell backwards on it, sighing happily as he thudded onto it. You followed him and sat on the opposite end, keeping your distance from him. You weren’t sure what he was capable of. He might as well have been a rabid animal.
“Don’t be scared. I’m not even going to touch you. You just sit right there and be your precious self.”
“Uh, okay.”
He fiddled with his belt and pulled down his jeans revealing quite the erection. Your eyes widened; you couldn’t believe how ballsy he was. He stroked himself through his boxers, groaning ever so slightly. You couldn’t help but stare as he pulled out his cock and started to jerk off. Nothing could have pulled your attention away from him. He watched you, eyes half-lidded, clearly enjoying your gaze. Zeke let out an audible moan which made you look away, face hot with embarrassment. There was something heavenly about the way he sounded and you were ashamed you were so taken by it.
“Look at me,” Zeke demanded.
You met his gaze; his eyes were dark with ardor. He continued to pump his cock which had grown pink at the tip. You stared as pearls of precum dribbled down it. You were breathing heavily, trying to ignore how wet you were getting. Zeke relished in you falling apart at the seams.
“Do you realize how badly I want to cover your face with my cum?”
“No,” you said transfixed by Zeke jerking off.
“S—so bad,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’d make you knock on Eren’s door so he could see too.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
You nodded.
“Say it. I w—want to hear you say it.”
“Yes, what?”
“I would like that a lot.”
“Fuck,” Zeke said, blushing. He angled his cock upward and came on his shirt. “Well, got that out of my system.”
Zeke sprung up off the couch and patted you on the head.
“You should go to bed. Get some rest.”
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Eren knocked on your bedroom door early the next morning. It wasn’t a particularly gentle knock so you assumed something bad happened. You got up out of bed, not bothering to put on your robe. Your body was on full display under your thin, cotton nightgown.
“What? What’s going on?”
The urgency in your voice confused him.
“Nothing? I wanted to see you.”
“You see me all the time.”
He looked you up and down. The nightgown you wore did little to preserve your modesty. Luckily you didn’t really give two shits.
“Not like this. Never like this.”
He bit his lip, clearly trying to look flirtatious. You couldn’t help but laugh. Eren was so embarrassing sometimes. He reached out and brushed the strap of your nightgown down.
“Is that your attempt at undressing me?”
“It was, but now I kinda like the idea of you keeping it on. It’s hot. You almost look innocent.”
Eren looked like garbage. His hair was thrown up in a messy bun and his eyes were bloodshot. He absolutely reeked of alcohol.
“I’m assuming you didn’t sleep,” you surmised.
He yawned, stepping inside your room. He quickly shut the door behind him.
“Is it obvious?”
“I hate to break it to you, but yes. You look like you got released from the drunk tank too early. Are you gonna be able to hike today?”
“Yes, of course. But can I please get in bed with you? I promise I won’t try anything.”
You didn’t believe him, but you agreed to it anyway. You both crawled into bed; Eren snuggled up behind you.
“How does your hair smell nice?”
“I showered before I got in bed, dingus.”
“Shush. Go to sleep.”
You shut your eyes and tried to ignore the fact that a very shirtless Eren was spooning you. You breathed deeply, centering yourself. You thought of Eren and you as dumb kids, hoping it would strip you of your need to grind up on him. You thought of every time he ate shit on his bike, that one time you caught him picking his nose in third grade, and that other time he called you mom.
You snickered at the last one.
“The fuck you laughing about?”
You continued to laugh. “Nothing, I just—Remember that time you called me mom because I told you not to jump off a roof?”
“I hadn’t in forever. Many thanks for reminding me.”
His hand trailed from your shoulder to your waist. He took a deep whiff of your hair.
“I know I said I wasn’t gonna try anything, but I’m having a hard time not popping a boner right now.”
“Does that interest you at all?”
“If I say yes you won’t tell you brother, right?”
“Why does that matter?”
“It doesn’t, I guess.”
Eren started to massage your clit, his fingers rubbing it in a circular motion. He pushed his fingers inside you, and slowly pulled them out.
“Open your mouth.”
Your lips parted as Eren put his fingers in your mouth, you sucked them clean. You pressed yourself up against him, grinding against his stiff cock. He stifled a moan as Zeke pounded on the door.
“I made coffee if you’re interested, which I know you are.”
“Cool! Thanks!” you said freeing yourself from Eren’s grip.
You sat at the edge of the bed and tried to make yourself presentable. Eren sighed.
“I’m surprised he didn’t barge in.”
Eren got off the bed and handed you your robe.
“Is that something he would do?” you asked, pulling it on.
Eren shrugged even though he definitely had an inkling as to why Zeke would do such a thing. It occurred to you to press him for more details, but you wanted today to be normal. You wanted a normal hike to Pfeiffer Falls, one that would end with you all sitting on the ground eating granola bars, complaining about the lack of bathrooms.
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That night you all opted to have a quieter evening watching television mindlessly. You were sitting on the couch, wedged between Eren and Zeke. A bottle of port that Eren bought earlier that day sat half empty on the table.
You were all rather exhausted from the hike. Eren rested his head on your shoulder, his hair still wet from his shower. He was shirtless, as per usual, and wearing light grey sweatpants that left little to the imagination. It was almost like he was actively trying to seduce you. Zeke however seemingly took a more casual approach, though just as obnoxious. He wore a simple, fitted white t-shirt and pajama pants that looked like they were made from the floral wallpaper of a dentist’s office in 1996. You opted once more for a nightgown.
“More wine?” Zeke asked, grabbing the bottle off the table and filling his glass to the brim.
“Ugh, no,” Eren responded.
“And the lady?”
“She says no too.” Eren punctuated his sentence with a pout.
“As much as I hate Eren speaking for me, I have to agree. I’m good for now.”
“Suit yourselves,” Zeke said, taking a sip from his glass.
You tried to focus on the TV. You hoped the calming voice of David Attenborough and clumsy penguins would distract you. Zeke glanced over at you with a slight smile on his face. His rested his hand on your thigh, giving it little squeeze. His hand trailed up, stopping once he was near your vulva. Eren quickly looked over and gasped.
“What? Come on, Eren. Can’t I have some fun while you guys are here?”
“This isn’t what we agreed on,” Eren said.
You pivoted towards Eren, face growing hotter by the second.
“What… did you agree on?”
“Nothing,” they said in unison.
Zeke squeezed your thigh again, you turned towards him.
“You’re into it, huh? You seemed pretty turned on watching me jerk off last night.”
“You what?!”
“Eren, relax. She liked it. Isn’t that right?”
Zeke placed his hand on your cheek and kissed you deeply but it was over before you knew it. Eren was seething.
“Come here,” Eren seethed.
Eren grabbed your face and shoved his tongue down your throat. There was a level of desperation to his kiss, like he was trying to prove something, show you how devoted he was. His tongue glided against yours and he tangled his fingers in your hair. He took your hand and placed it on his hard cock. You massaged to tip causing Eren to moan ever so slightly.
“F—fuck,” he choked out.
“Alright! Well, you two have fun,” Zeke teased.
He got up and walked out into the yard, lighting up a cigarette.
You pulled down Eren’s sweatpants and started to stroke his cock. He had his green eyes fixed on you while he panted.
“Want a blowjob?” you asked playfully.
“Please,” he begged.
You leaned over and licked the tip of his cock. You glanced up at him and he looked like he was in a daze, suspended in utter disbelief.
“S—so good, baby.”
Baby. You never dreamed he’d call you something other than dude. You breathed through your nose and gradually swallowed more and more of his cock, pausing once you got the entirety of it in your mouth. You looked up at him, eyes watering.
“I’ve been waiting so long for this,” he cooed.
Eren pushed your head further down on his throbbing erection. You let him facefuck you as a deluge of drool exited your mouth. You choked, causing Eren to pull you off his cock by your hair.
“You okay?” he asked, eyes still plagued with lust.
You went to answer but noticed Zeke was standing outside, watching you two through the window. He was laughing his ass off, clearly he had seen everything. Eren looked over at him and rolled his eyes.
“We can just ignore him,” he muttered.
You resumed sucking Eren’s cock. His hips bucked against your face, each thrust filling your mouth with more of his cum. He moaned loudly, not making any attempt to quiet himself. You happily swallowed every drop you milked from his cock. Once you finished you looked up at Eren, praying for praise. He smiled.
“I’m in awe of you and your skill.”
He stroked your face and gave you a small peck on the lips.
“Are you guys decent?” Zeke asked, opening the door a crack.
Eren sat there with his semi-hard dick hanging out.
“Yeah,” he responded.
You pulled Eren’s sweatpants up. Zeke strolled over and took his seat next to you.
He put his arm around your shoulder and whispered in your ear, “Great form by the way, even if you nearly choked.”
Eren sat in silence, blushing like crazy. He fidgeted a little. Zeke leaned forward to look at Eren.
“You really should be gentler with her.”
“I know!”
Zeke turned his attention back to you.
“So do you want to fuck or?”
You didn’t expect him to be so forward. You looked at Eren, not sure how to answer.
“I don’t care, do what you want,” he said, getting off the couch and retreating to his room.
Zeke lifted you onto his lap. He pulled your nightgown over your head, revealing your breasts. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. He cradled your face in his hands while your tongue collided with his. His mouth tasted like tobacco and wine. He pulled his cock out of his pants and rubbed up against your clothed clit. You pushed your underwear to the side and slid Zeke’s cock inside you.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, as he started to thrust.
“F—f—feels so good.”
He slowly plunged his cock inside you, his gaze fixed on you, taking in every wince and gasp you let out. You held onto him, relishing in him stretching you out. His cock felt divine as it throbbed within you.
“Do you mind if I pick up the pace a little?” he asked with a velvety tone.
You nodded and Zeke immediately started to fuck you like the world was ending. He pounded his cock into your cunt with no mercy. You cried out as he slammed against your cervix, the pain shooting up through your core. Your breathing labored as he continued to thrust harder and harder. You dug your nails into his shoulders, and moaned his name. Your orgasm inched closer and closer.
“Call for Eren to come out here.”
“What?! No,” you said, bobbing up and down on Zeke’s cock.
“Do it. Or I won’t let you come.”
“But,” you whined.
“Be a good girl and I’ll reward you.”
You sighed as Zeke immobilized you on his cock. You squirmed around, hoping to pleasure yourself. It was a thankless task. You resigned yourself to what was going to happen.
“Hey, Eren,” you shouted.
Zeke started to fuck you again. Eren cracked open his door and peeked his head out.
“Yeah? Oh, you guys are still going at it.”
Just as he went to shut the door, Zeke called out to him.
“Come spit in her mouth. You know, as punishment for being a slut or something. I don’t know, I didn’t really think about it,” he said, bottoming out in you.
Your eyes widened. Eren strolled out of his room with a blanket wrapped around him. Zeke pulled on your hair, cranking your neck back. You stared up at the ceiling until Eren came into view. He stood over you, gazing down at your breasts.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly. Zeke’s cock was still pulsating inside you.
“Open wide,” Eren said, as he carefully spit in your mouth.
Lucky for you it didn’t taste like much, maybe a tad sweet if anything. Zeke let go of your hair as Eren wandered back off to his room. This time he didn’t shut the door all the way.
“You’re so obedient,” Zeke said as he resumed fucking you.
He kissed your neck, beard tickling your skin, as you were overcome with pleasure. You tried to stifle your moans but it was no use. Your orgasm radiated throughout your body. Volume control was no longer an option. You wondered what Eren was doing right now. Was he listening? Was he into it? Or was he just going along with it, all the while harboring some deep seated resentment towards you and Zeke?
Zeke finished inside you with little fanfare. He lifted you off his cock and got up off the couch.
“Are… you going to bed?” you asked, wondering if he’d invite you to sleep next to him. You looked around for your nightgown.
“Probably, why?”
“I wanted to—”
“Go cuddle with Eren. He’ll be crabby if you don’t.”
Zeke walked away, shutting his bedroom door. You stood there, cold and naked, unable to find your clothes.
You turned around and it was Eren. He came towards you and wrapped you up in the blanket that he was previously bundled up in.
“Sorry for spitting in your mouth,” he said sheepishly.
“It’s… okay.”
“Did you like it?”
“I—I did.”
Eren cleared his throat.
“I, uh, did too. It involving, you know, Zeke was… something.”
“Are you, like, okay with all this?”
He scratched the back of his head.
“I think so. I mean, I don’t hate it. It’s… weird. But I… I mean, look at you. I can see why he is,” Eren struggled to find the right words, “into you.”
You smiled at his nervousness.
“You can see why? Are you into me?
“You just swallowed my jizz. Of course I’m at least kinda into you.”
He gave you a noogie, harkening back to the days when you were rambunctious kids. He led you to his room and you collapsed on the bed with him. He sprawled out almost immediately; he went full starfish. His brown locks laid around him on his pillow like a halo. You cuddled up next to his side and he wrapped an arm around you. You held your head to his chest; his skin was warm. It was welcoming, it felt like home. You craved familiarity after something so strange had occurred. You drifted off listening to the waves crashing against the cliffs.
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It was a lazy morning the next day. Eren was draped over the couch like pashmina. You were planted next to him, with Zeke on the floor between your legs. A Chemex sat on the coffee table, brewing at a snail’s pace.
“Why don’t you just get a normal coffee pot?” Eren asked, his hand pressed to his forehead giving the question a certain dramatic flair.
“Come on, look at it.” Zeke gestured towards it. “Don Draper had one.”
“Who the hell is Don Draper?”
“Main character from Mad Men,” you answered.
Eren rolled his eyes. “Ew. My mom watched that show.”
“Your mom has good taste,” you said, playfully grabbing Eren’s foot.
“No, she doesn’t. Look who she’s married to,” Zeke quipped.
Eren perked up and glared at him.
“Don’t talk about my mom.”
“What are you going to do if I—ow!” You flicked the back of Zeke’s head.
“It’s too early for this,” you chided.
The brothers sighed and ceased their nonsense. You noticed the coffee was done and poured it into the three mugs on the table. Eren and Zeke groaned in unison as they reached for them, as if they were in excruciating pain from such a minor movement.
“Have we decided what we wanna do today?” Eren asked, cautiously sipping his coffee.
“We could take a boat to McWay Falls,” you suggested.
“I hate boats, dude.”
“We could fuck,” Zeke chimed in.
You and Eren nearly choked on your coffee.
“You,” Zeke gestured towards you. “We could fuck you. I didn’t think I needed to specify that. Didn’t realize you were a couple of degenerates that think I would fuck my brother.”
“How, uh, does that sound?” Eren asked, nudging you with his foot.
Your cunt was throbbing at the mere thought; it was hard to think straight, to articulate something coherent. You would have been lying if you tried to say it hadn’t crossed your mind. You were curious as to what it’d be like to have both of them worshiping your body, their hands roaming all over you.
“I—I could be down for that.”
Zeke turned around and started to pull down your pajama shorts, wasting no time. He peeled off your underwear, soaked with your juices.
“It doesn’t take much to get you going, does it?” Zeke asked with a devilish grin on his face.
He kissed the inside of your thighs. His beard tickled your skin; you couldn’t help but tremble. You ran your fingers through his hair as dragged his tongue along your cunt, prodding its entrance. You tossed your head back and moaned. Eren crawled over to you. He pulled off his shirt, revealing his chiseled abs. He held your face in his rough hands and started to make out with you. You happily welcomed his tongue, rolling it against his. He shoved his hand under your shirt, groping you.
Zeke sucked on your clit; you could hear him faintly moaning as he did so. You savored the indecent noises he made as he lapped at your wet cunt.
“Are you having fun?” Eren asked, stroking your cheek.
“Y—yes,” you said, trying to maintain composure.
“Good,” he replied, lifting up your shirt and tossing it to the side.
Eren started to suck on your breast, tracing his tongue around your pert nipple. You moaned loudly, resigning yourself to the debauchery taking place. Zeke nibbled on your labia; you instinctively shut your legs, pressing his face between your thighs. He groaned and pushed your legs apart, his rough hands gripping you hard enough to bruise.
“Didn’t like that, huh?” He asked, adjusting his glasses.
“It was su—surprising. I w—wasn’t expecting it.”
You looked over at Eren and noticed a wet spot growing on the crotch of his sweatpants. He kept sucking on your nipple, his eyes closed in ecstasy.
“You might as well fuck him.”
“Eren. I mean, look at him. Could he be more pathetic?”
“Go fuck yourself,” Eren said, his breath balmy against your breast.
“I’d rather be fucking her.”
“If anyone gets to fuck her it’s me; you already had your turn.”
Zeke rubbed your clit with his thumb.
“Are you jealous? I wouldn’t blame you if you were. You should have seen her, she was practically trembling on my dick. Weren’t you?”
A muted “mhm” was all you could manage. Eren furrowed his brow and grabbed your wrist.
“Can I?”
“Please,” you said, starry-eyed.
“Get on your hands and knees, now.”
You glared at him. Eren’s authoritative tone gave way to one you were more familiar with.
“Get on your hands and knees now, please?”
 Zeke let go of you and you did as you were told. You snickered as Eren positioned himself behind you. He slapped his cock against your cunt. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, drunk on the stinging pain it left behind. Zeke patted your head as he slowly stroked his cock. His breath hitched as he palmed his tip, his hips gently bucking against his hand. He stared down at you, eyes half-lidded. You met his gaze, his eyes full of desire. He took his cock and brushed the tip against your lips leaving them glossy with precum. You went to open your mouth, anticipating his cock, but he pulled it away just as it was in your reach.
“Don’t tease her,” Eren growled.
You opened your mouth only for it to remain empty.
“This… this is kind of weird, isn’t it?” Zeke mused.
Eren slid this cock into your cunt with total ease. He grunted as you tightened around him.
“It’s not that weird. She’s in between us, it’s fine. Just like you’ve been saying.”
“I know but I didn’t really think hard enough about it,” Zeke said, tacking on a nervous laugh.
“Uh?!” You said with more urgency.
“What?” Zeke asked, his tone bristling with annoyance.
“Was this your plan the whole time?”
“Not the whole time,” Eren panicked. “It was that night at dinner. We—we talked about it as a joke.”
“Are you backing out, Eren?”
“No, if anything you are. I’m already inside her,” Eren sniped.
Eren thrusted furiously. His cock slammed against your cervix as he drove himself deeper and deeper inside you. You looked up at Zeke and grabbed his cock. You thumbed the tip.
“You know you wanna fuck my mouth, Zeke,” you teased.
“What makes you so sure?”
“I—fuck! Eren!”
Eren smacked your ass, the shock reverberating through your body. Zeke laughed and slid his cock into your mouth. He held onto your head as he thrust in and out.
“You’re too good at this,” Zeke moaned.
“It’s kinda surprising, baby,” Eren said.
Eren dug his nails into your hips as he thrusted away, his balls clapping against your taint. His cock pulsed inside you as he grunted. Zeke continued fucking your throat. Both of their cocks were thicker than you were used to taking. You moaned as your body was in the throes of an orgasm. You would have collapsed had they not been holding you up.
“I’m close. Like really close,” Eren said through his teeth.
“Pull out, I have an idea.”
Eren and Zeke removed their cocks from you.
“Knees,” Zeke commanded.
You got on your knees and opened your mouth. You weren’t stupid; you knew where they were going with this. They started jerking off. You gazed up at them, totally fucked out. Eren came first and his cum landed perfectly on your tongue. It dripped down your chest as you sloppily swallowed it.
“Sh—shit,” Zeke sputtered as he painted you white with his load. Your cheek was dappled with his cum.
“Did it get in your eye?” he asked, voice tinged with concern.
“No, I would be screaming and calling the fire department if you did that.”
Eren grabbed his sweatpants off the floor and gingerly cleaned you up.
“I’d say let’s all shower but that’s a little much even for me,” Zeke said, getting off the couch. “You two have fun, don’t get too crazy.”
Eren lifted you off the couch and bridal carried you to his room.
“I can’t believe we did that,” you said, tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear.
He beamed down at you. “Me neither. You’re, uh, down to again, right?”
You laughed. “I mean, we’re here for a week. What else are we gonna do? Hike every day? Pick sand out of our asses?”
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arlana-likes-to-write · 3 months
Second Chance - Chapter 11
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Warning: angst with a happy ending, mention of death, Yelena struggling with her feelings and being a little dumb lol
Word Count: 3.7k
“There she is!” You giggled as the elevator doors opened, and Kate stood up to pull you into a hug. “How was DC?”
“It was a nice change of pace,” you smiled and sat down with Kate and America on the couch. “But I’m glad to be back in the city.”
“Awe, did you miss us that much?” America squeezed at your cheeks. You slapped her hands and glared at her, but there was no bite. There was something about being at the tower you didn’t have in DC. Maybe it was the simple fact they knew you for what you were now. They never saw who you were before the accident, before the Blip.
“The mission went well, I hear.” You leaned back on the couch, and your bag fell to the floor by your feet.
“Yes, it did. We kicked ass, saved the day, and looked good doing it,” Kate smirked. You rolled your eyes and flicked the girl on her forehead. The archer gasped and rubbed the spot you flicked. Her pout caused you and her girlfriend to laugh. The sound immediately died when the elevator door opened, and the Blonde Black Widow walked out. You stared at her as she stared at you - both afraid to speak to one another. Before the elevator closed, she turned around and went back in. She was not saying a single word.
“Unbelievable,” you mumbled, slumping further into the couch. I don’t even know what happened. Did I do something wrong?” The couple looked apologetic, and as Kate opened her mouth, you shook your head. You know what? I don’t have time for her,” you stood up and looked at the duo. Do you guys want to help me pack up the rest of my apartment? I know you guys just got back from a mission .”
“Yeah, of course, we’ll help,” Kate said before America could respond. The girl looked confused but shrugged and stood up.
“I mean, I was going to sit on my ass all day,” you giggled. “Might as well be an unpaid pack mule.” Kate hit her on the back of her head.
“I’ll pay you in food,” you said with a smile, but the smile wasn’t an accurate portrayal of how you were feeling. There was an ache that filled your chest. The feeling traveled across your body, making you feel numb. You understood that not everyone was going to like you. You’ve had your fair share of enemies but desperately wanted her to like you.
“Why do you have so many forks?” Kate asked, wrapping your silverware and putting it in the box. A moving company was stopping to gather the boxes and furniture to donate. “You are one person,” you rolled your eyes as you packed the rest of your living room.
“Just in case I had people over,” you chuckled. You heard Kate mumble, ‘That is so weird.’ You shook your head. You had extra of everything because you planned to invite your friends from DC to the city, but that never happened. Now, you were packing everything up and moving into the tower, which was still weird to wrap your head around.
Working with America and Kate was fun. They made it quick and easy and filled the time with laughter from the stories they told. Once lunchtime rolled around, you ordered Chinese food and sat on the ground because your table was gone. Still, it was fun; their laughter pushed away an ugly feeling that formed in your stomach. However, it wouldn’t stay away for long, and the couple noticed the shift in your mood when it came back.
“You can ask,” Kate said, whipping her mouth with a napkin. You wanted to ask what you did wrong. The question burned on your tongue. You felt silly for holding back, but a part of you knew you didn’t have time to dwell on people who didn’t like you. But with your scientific mind, you were curious about the sudden change. The blond seemed to scramble your brain and leave it a mess.
“Did I do something wrong?” you finally asked. We were fine before the mission, but now she is ignoring me. I don’t have—” you cut yourself off with a sigh. I don’t know what happened.” The couple shared a look. They gave you the same apologetic look as if they knew something you didn’t.
“It’s complicated,” Kate began. God, you hated that word. It was a word said when someone refused to tell you the whole truth. “It’s tough for her to open up to people with everything she’s been through.”
“I understand that,” you couldn’t image the horrors she and her sister were subjected to. “I just wish she wasn’t so hot or cold with me. I-” Again, you cut yourself off and dug into your lo mein.
“What do you almost keep saying?” America asked. You couldn’t look at them. Tony’s decision made sense. They were on a mission and needed to stay focused. The possibility of you dying would complicate the matter.
“Before you guys left, Tony told me he found a match, and I refused to use her.” You spoke slowly.
“It’s Morgan, right?” You nodded. “You are refusing to use her bone marrow even though it could save you.” You hated the way Kate said it; you even used that wording when speaking with Pepper and Tony. There was no way you were using Morgan.
“That is—” America trailed off. It was a lot of things. Crazy, insane, maybe honorable. That’s a little wild.” You laughed at the disbelief on both of their faces. “Why?” You weren’t sure how to answer that. You didn’t want someone you cared about to be in pain to save you. Or maybe you were ready for all of this to be over and to see your mom again.
“Why did you join the Avengers?” You asked them instead.
“To make a difference,” Kate said without hesitation. “To save those that need saving.” America looked at Kate with a love-sick expression that went unnoticed by the archer. You would have teased them if it wasn’t a semi-serious conversation.
“To find a family,” America said softly. I lost mine and found a new one with the team.” Kate was quick to grab her girlfriend’s hand. You nodded and closed your takeout container, no longer feeling hungry.
“In some way, Morgan and Tony are all I have left,” you began. “Now I have the team, but it’s different?” Kate nodded. I don’t want to cause them physical pain if I can avoid it.”
“Even if a little physical discomfort could save them a lifetime of emotional pain?” America questioned. There was Plan B. Plan B would save your life; if it didn’t, it was okay.
“Look, I would just talk to her,” Kate said, changing the topic. “Put your foot down and tell her the truth. It may put her out of her own head.” Or worse, it may ruin the fragile friendship you already had.
When you returned to the tower, you ignored your instinct to rush to the blonde’s room and demand answers. Instead, you took the elevator to the Stark’s floor. Morgan threw herself into your arms before you could step onto their floor. “Well, hello, Princess Morgan,” you chuckled and picked the girl up. Her head pushed into the crock of your neck. The beating of her heart mimicked a hummingbird.
“Morgan,” you looked at Pepper, who was sitting on the couch. You have to ask for a hug.” The young girl tightened her arms around your neck, afraid you would let her down.
“Missed her,” she mumbled. You chuckled, sat on the couch, and Morgan moved onto your lap.
“I missed you too, sweet girl,” you said, pushing her hair out of her face and kissing her forehead. She snuggled closer, and you rubbed circles onto her back.
“How was DC?” Pepper asked. Her voice was soft so she didn’t disturb her daughter, who fell asleep on your chest. You smiled as you felt her breathing and heart rate slow down.
“Good,” you whispered back. “It was strange being back. It didn’t feel like home, which was weird,” Pepper hummed and closed the laptop she was working on. She moved closer and allowed your head to rest on her shoulder, to your surprise.
“Tony said you called him in a panic after their mission,” her hand movements mimicked how you were moving your hand on Morgan’s back. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shrugged.
“I guess being in DC got me thinking about my mom, and it was my first mission, and it worried me.” You felt the CEO nod. “Does it get easier? Like, do you still worry about Tony when he leaves?” Pepper sighed.
“You find ways to distract yourself. It becomes easier to manage the worry,” she paused, but her hand never stopped drawing circles on your back. It was getting hard to fight the sleep invading everyone of your senses. Pepper was nice, felt nice too.
“If you keep doing that, I’m going to fall asleep,” you mumbled, closing your eyes. You heard Pepper chuckle.
“Nothing wrong with that, sweetheart,” she whispered. “Take a nap if you need one.”
Tony was thankful that Friday informed him to be quiet when returning to his floor. He stepped out of the elevator and was welcomed with the sight of you cuddled up against Pepper with Morgan on your chest. All three of you were asleep. It was rare for Tony to find his wife taking a nap. She was always working - busy with meetings or putting out fires with the press. His family was here. He tried to be quiet and grabbed a throw blanket to put it over the trio, but he wasn’t as silent as he had thought, and the sudden moment caused Pepper to wake up. “Sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to wake up.” Instead of answering, Pepper grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch. He allowed himself to sit down behind her. The CEO rested her head against him and closed her eyes. She wasn’t asleep, just resting against him. Tony smiled and kissed her forehead. “I don’t think I’ve seen you take a nap.” Tony teased. The CEO chuckled but let out a sleepy sigh.
“Wasn’t my intention at first,” she whispered. “But I’m not sure how many more opportunities we’ll get.” It was like someone dumped ice water over Tony. The idea of how limited your time was here scared him. There was so much he wanted to do and learn. Like always, Pepper was right. With you, time was limited. Her eyes opened slightly, squinting from the harsh light. “Will you stay?” Work needed to be done - mission reports and tune-ups to his and Peter’s suit. All that could wait.
“Yeah, I’ll say,” A nap sounded perfect anyway.
“You are just a sore loser,” you heard Peter say as Kate had to draw eight cards in the game of Uno. You chuckled. After dinner, a card game broke out between Kate, Peter, America, Sam, Maria, and Bucky. You were pretty sure the table was going to get flipped when Maria skipped Bucky three times in a row. You weren’t in the mood to play cards. The surprise nap with Pepper brought up feelings regarding your mom. So, while the Avengers destroyed their friendship over reds, blues, and greens, you were sketching your mom.
It was a trip you and she took to the Adirondacks. She was sitting by the campfire, toasting a marshmallow for you and her. The lake you spent hours learning how to paddle board was behind her. The sun was beginning to set, and the lightning bugs were making their presence known. No matter how old you got, you loved chasing them.
You tapped your pencil on the paper. When was the last time you chased after them? You sighed and stood up from your spot on the couch. You sent a smile to Kate to tell her you were okay and walked into the kitchen. You weren’t really hungry. The idea of food turned your stomach. You filled a glass with ice and ginger ale and slowly sipped the carbonated drink.
The blonde Black Widow walked over to the counter with a plate of crackers and store-bought jello. “You didn’t eat dinner,” you stared at her and sipped on the drink. “I brought you something easy on your stomach.” She could not be serious right now. Why was she doing this? Ignoring you for one second, then showing she cared the next.
“I thought you didn’t want to speak to me,” she cringed.
“No,” you cut her off. “You listen to me. I don’t know what I did, but I don’t deserve it,” you dumped the rest of your drink out. “So, figure out where your head is before you speak to me again.” You grabbed your sketchbook and headed for the stairs to get to your floor so you could avoid the others, but you heard her footsteps following you.
“Hey, don’t walk away from me,” you stopped but refused to look at her. You wanted her to work for it. She walked in front of you. “Why won’t you let me explain?”
“Because I have a feeling the next word out of your mouth was going to be complicated,” you crossed your arms. “And I don’t have time for complicated, Belova. So if you want to be in my life, act like it or get out of my way.” You pumped your shoulder against hers as you walked past her.
“De’mo (shit),” Yelena mumbled and ran her hands through her blonde hair. That was not good, and she could only blame herself. Getting that stupid photo out of her head was so hard for her. The easiest thing was to push you away because that was what she was good at. But she had to do something when she saw that you weren’t eating. God, she was stupid.
“That was stupid.” She wasn’t sure when Natasha walked up behind her, but she wasn’t going to question it.
“I know,” she groaned, throwing her head back. Yelena heard Natasha walk over to her, place a hand on her neck, and pull her into a hug. The blonde let out a shaky breath.
“You like her, don’t you?” A slight nod was all Yelena could muster. “Then,” she was suddenly pulled out of the hug, and her sister flicked her forehead. “Get your head out of your ass and tell her.” She looked offended and rubbed the spot that was flicked.
“Why the abuse?” Natasha rolled her eyes and put her arm around her shoulders to move her away from the others.
“Look, I know how hard it is to unlearn what they taught us,” she was referring to the Red Room. “And I wouldn’t force you if you weren’t ready, but this time, it’s different.” Right. Different. It was different because of the disease that racked through your body.
“Nat,” Yelena whispered. “What do I do?” Natasha gave her sister a soft smile.
“Listen to this,” she said, placing a hand over Yelena’s heart. And no matter what happens, I’ll be right here.”
A knock on your door pulled you out of your simmering thoughts, and you angrily took a bite of your yogurt. You figured it was America, Kate, and maybe even Wanda to check on you. When you opened the door, the blonde was standing before you. You tried to slam the door close, but she stopped it with her arm. “Wait,” she stopped it with her arm. “Wait. Wait,” she pleaded. “Please. Just hear me out.” You sighed and leaned against the door frame. It was weird seeing the Black Widow so unsure of herself. She looked small, and you had to fight every nerve in your body to bring her in for a hug. “Can we start over?” You titled your head. She stood up straighter and held out her hand. “My name is Yelena Belova.” Your mouth dropped slightly, but you recovered and took her outstretched hand.
“Yelena,” you repeated back. A slight blush dusted her cheeks. You liked the way her name flowed off your lips. “Hi Yelena”
“Can I come in?” You stepped out of the way for her to come in. You closed the door and let out a shaky breath. Could she hear the pounding of your heart? You rested your back against the door and watched Yelena fiddle with the rings on her fingers.
“I do not know how to do this,” she said, pointing to the space between you and her. “Apologize.” You chuckled, shaking your head. “But I am sorry. I’ve treated you-”
“Like shit?” She cringed down. You took a few steps forward and shortened the distance between you and her. “Why?” It took her a moment, you and her. The silence wasn’t awkward, but your stomach was in knots.
“I also do not know how to let people into my life, but,” she closed the remaining distance between you and her. You could see every detail of her green eyes. The way the lights you had on overhead scattered across them. They reminded you of a vast, lush forest. Her eyes served as a window to her soul. Her gaze had a certain depth as if each glance revealed layers of hidden thoughts and emotions. You never saw her look so vulnerable. “But I do know I want to be in your life if you want me to be.” Her eyes glanced down to your lips but moved back to your eyes. You took a step back and created some distance between you and her. You couldn’t think clearly when she was so close. All your mind wanted to do was kiss her.
“Do you want to watch a movie together? I can make popcorn, and we can start this—” You weren’t sure what to call the relationship between you and Yelena. A friendship seemed too constricting. Besides, you weren’t sure if friends thought about kissing one another. “Over again.” Yelena smiled.
“Yeah, I would love to.”
“Go pick something to watch, and I’ll get the popcorn,” she nodded and walked over to the couch. You let out a breath that felt trapped in your lungs. You’ve never felt this flustered, this scrambled in front of someone. All of your life, you were always the one to put together. When you flirted with random girls, they were the ones that turned into a blushing mess and stumbled over their words. The sound of the microwave beeping made you jump, and you heard Yelena laugh from the couch. Her green eyes were watching you from the couch. You flipped her off and grabbed the popcorn and two water bottles. She picked Rush Hour as the movie to watch, and you happily sat down on the couch, leaving some space between you and her.
“Yeah, good,” you smiled. You were happily telling the truth.
It wasn’t until halfway through the movie that Yelena asked, “Can I ask you something?”
“You just did,” she glared at you and threw a piece of popcorn at you. “But yes, you can.” You watched her reach for the remote and pause the movie.
“You said to me that you don’t have time for complicated,” she spoke slowly as if she wanted you to understand every word. “Isn’t Stark looking for a match? Did he not find one?” She had to ask tonight. You sighed and picked up one of her rings. Once the movie started, she took them off and dove into the popcorn. This one was a fidget ring.
“He found one, but I refused.” You couldn’t look at her, placed the ring on your pointer finger, and spun it around. Morgan is a match, but I won’t subject her to that surgery. So we go to Plan B, which means they increase my dosage and the frequency of it. We’ll see what happens.” You expected her to yell, to call you crazy, and demand you change your mind.
“Okay,” was all she said instead. You gave yourself whiplash because you turned your head so fast to look at her. “What?”
“You aren’t going to try to convince me to change my mind or force me to use Morgan,” Yelena leaned back and placed her arm on the back of the couch. Her fingers played with the quilt threads that draped around your shoulders.
“It’s not my decision. You’ve chosen, and I can’t force you to do anything. I know the feeling very well,” she softly said. “What I can do is support you and help where I can.” Oh. That was unexpected, but that was Yelena; you were learning. You nodded and focused back on the ring you were playing with. You took it off and leaned forward to return it with her collection. However, Yelena stopped you, took the ring from your hand, and placed it on the finger that fit. “Keep it,” she said, looking it over on your hand. “Looks better on you anyways.” You weren’t sure if your body warmed up due to the compliment or the warmth that traveled to you through her hand. Yeah, she was surprising.
Yelena wasn’t sure when your body gravitated towards hers while the movie played. She tried to focus on the film that played on the screen and not the feeling of your thigh so close to hers. It became impossible when your body curled against her and rested your head on her shoulder. The quilt you were using now covered her. Her arm moved around your shoulders. “I may fall asleep,” you admitted quietly.
“Do you want me to leave so you can get some rest?” Yelena wanted you to tell her to stay, but she knew she was lucky you had given her a second chance. If you wanted her to leave, she could. You shook your head.
“You make a good pillow,” you mumbled. Yelena chuckled.
“Thanks for the compliment, Easton.”
“No problem, Yelena.” She hated how much her body reacted to you when her name fell from your lips.
Taglist: @likemick, @averagetmblrusser, @wandaromamoff69, @simpforyelenabelova, @cd-4848,
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crime-wives · 23 days
wip wednesday (totally not thursday)
thank you so much for the tag @sssammich :D
the first snip is from my supercorp rift fic in the format of the five stages of grief. this is from the denial section
Kara Danvers is Supergirl. It’s an ugly loop, constant record screeching in her mind. Louder every second. Her eyes fixed on the bloody corpse of her brother. Smoking gun heavy in her hand.  Lena feels a sickening, violent twist in her gut. It’s so blatantly obvious, how could she have ignored all the signs?  Denial, people see what they want to see.  . . She pastes a plastic smile on her face, wine bottle clutched like a lifeline. She laughs, and gestures, and says all the right things despite the fury that simmers beneath the surface. There’s a familiar ache lodged in her chest, splintering in all directions.  She looks into Kara’s soft blue eyes [insert something] . . Lena sells Catco to Andrea. If she’s honest, she only bought the company for Kara [rephrase + expand] . . It’s been two months since she found out and not a word from Kara. Baby blue eyes filled with trepidation when they fall on her.  Each interaction punctuated with a breathless Lena— Everytime Lena thinks maybe, maybe Kara will finally come clean.  She never does.
this is from my swan queen enemies with benefits fic
She’s furious, storming into the station when she sees Regina perched on her desk, legs crossed, expectant look on her face. And Emma just wants to- fuck, throw Regina against a wall and- She feels her mask slip, but only for a second. “Madam Mayor, what a nice surprise.”  A lazy smirk forms of her face, “Miss Swan, I was hoping we could discuss [insert thing that pisses emma off]” “You’re such a fucking pain in the ass.”  “The feeling is quite mutual.” And she’s so smug, that when she stands, brushing the non-existent lint off her pencil skirt (that somehow managed to ride several inches up her thighs) Emma can’t help but grab her shoulders and slam her into the nearest wall. The tiny gasp Regina let’s out is worth it. Regina looks up at her, pupils dilated, lips parted.  “Miss Swan! Unhand me this instant!” She does nothing to move, and her words lack their usual bite. In fact, her cheeks are flushed, her tongue darts out to wet her lips.  Emma feels a hand pressed against her stomach. Snaking further up her bare skin, ghosting the underside of her breast. Emma feels her body unwillingly lean closer. Close enough that she feels Regina’s breath on her lips.
another snip from a swan queen neverland rewrite (it may be added to the ewb fic lol)
“You sure you can do this?” Emma moves to lay a hand on Regina’s arm, offering comfort. She retreats, fingers outstretched midair, when Regina flinches. “After everything, after the—” Torture. “Of course I can,” Regina scoffs. “Henry is everything. I would do anything for him.” The devotion pours off her in waves. “I know you would.” The ship rocks, as they stare into inky water. It’s quiet, almost frighteningly so. The sounds of their breathing fills the air. “I would too, you know.” Regina raises an eyebrow. “Do anything for him. I would too.”
and finally, my meddison 2x04 wip
It’s inescapable, she’s a constant presence in the hospital. Copper red hair around every goddamn corner. Cutting jokes about threesomes and unexplainable kindness when Meredith’s best friend ends up on the OR table. God, Meredith hates her so much.  . . “Meredith, she gave me divorce papers. She filed,” Derek asserts. Voice bordering on patronizing.  “I know,” Meredith says. That shuts him up quickly. He tilts his head, baby blue eyes imploring gently. “She told me,” Meredith sighs. “Addison told you?” He shakes his head in disbelief. “I didn’t think you were on speaking terms.” “We’re not— It’s complicated Derek.” 
no pressure tags :) @emily-prentits @nostradamus0 @thecasualqueer @sillyfroggremlin @walshies @peridotglimmer @fazedlight @flyingpotstickers
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scoopertrouper · 1 year
could you write about steve and nancy's first major fight (and reconciliation) after they got back together post s4?
anon, i hope you're happy. this prompt ate my brain, chewed it up, and then decided it didn't like how it tasted and spit it out. i was at the ZOO with an adorable little toddler, watching him watch the turtles in wonderment while also thinking "yeah, but WHY are steve and nancy fighting??"
ultimately i think the characters here still need some fine tuning/fleshing out and the premise really only works if you don't think about it too hard. i will probably revisit this in the future with a much stronger editorial eye. 😬
that said, i hope you still very much enjoy this impulsive, self-indulgent 5k words of breaking up (not really lol) and making up schmoop (+ warning for tasteful-ish spice at the end - sorry if that's not your thing).
can’t let you slide through my hands
“I don’t like this.”
Nancy hates her voice right now. It’s a quivering, slip of a sound, and she can barely hear it over the slamming echo of her heart inside her ears. 
But Steve hears it. He always hears her, even when it’s something he doesn’t want to hear. 
And if he’s trying to ignore her – trying to pretend the slow, careful grind of whetstone over the edge of his ax has drowned out her words – well, the brief glance he can’t help but flick in her direction gives him away entirely. 
Each syllable is even, practically toneless, and she hates it. 
“Why are you doing this?” Normally she’d work a lot harder to quash the weak, plaintive note that suffuses the word why, but he’s not listening to her and she doesn’t know what else to do. How else to get his attention. 
“You heard Hopper,” he says with that awful, carelessly empty inflection. “They need all the help they can get.”
Nancy’s fingernails bite into her palms. The sting of it somehow grounds and incenses her, all at the same time. 
“He only said that after you asked him if you could go.”
And hadn’t that been a kick in the pants – Nancy, resigned to staying behind playing bodyguard at Hopper’s request, while Steve only too eagerly offered to tromp off into the woods with Team Distraction like some kind of kamikaze lamb for slaughter. 
(That’s not fair. She knows that of the two of them, she has what could be considered the more important job. Stay at the cabin. Protect El. Make sure nothing happens to her if this frankly suicidal diversionary tactic doesn’t work and they’re attacked during yet another round of psychic Marco Polo with the biggest, baddest ugly they’ve faced yet. 
And she knows Hopper wasn’t lying – they probably could use Steve’s help out there, his seemingly infinite supply of athleticism. Just like she knows that it’s actually a huge compliment that Hopper's trusting her to help keep his daughter safe. So no, she’s not being fair. But also – it’s not fair.)
Steve finally looks up, and he’s wearing that face she’d gotten all too familiar with during the last couple months of their relationship, round one – the one that says he’s trying to see where she’s coming from, but he’s getting annoyed in spite of himself. She hasn’t seen it in quite some time, but she supposes it would’ve been silly to assume it had been retired for good. Neither of them has changed that much.
“Nance. Come on. You know I’m gonna be way more useful out there than I would be here. I’m a garbage shot, anyway.”
Nancy scoffs.
“So you’d rather be cannon fodder instead?”
He props the ax next to the door to the front door of the cabin and crosses his arms, looking a little wounded. 
“Jesus, give me some credit. I’ve made it this far, haven’t I?”
“Sure, as long as someone’s there to follow your ass through a gate, and beat off the demon bats, and bandage you when you’re bleeding out all over the place!” 
She knows she’s probably starting to sound unhinged. She knows it. But she can’t help it. She does not want him to do this. This is not a good plan.
His face twists, and he looks like he wants to grab her – hold her like he would’ve if this were still September of senior year – but he pulls back at the last second. He does that a lot, now, like he’s still not totally sure what he has permission to do. 
She wishes he hadn’t. Touching him would be infinitely preferable to shouting at him. If she was touching him, she could grab on tight. Refuse to let go. Keep him anchored here by sheer force of will. 
“Nancy, I don’t get it,” he says, tossing his arms up helplessly instead of putting them around her. “This was exactly what your plan was the first time. Cause a ruckus. Create a diversion. Fly in under the radar. It worked once. Ish. We can make it work again, at least long enough for El to try and flush the creep out of hiding.”
Nancy’s jaw drops.
“Worked? Define worked, Steve!” Her eyes are burning. “Eddie is dead! Max is in a coma, maybe…maybe…” as good as dead “…forever. There is a gate to hell splitting the whole town open down the middle, and Vecna is still alive. Only now we have no idea where he is or what he’s doing! In what way would you say any of what we did worked?”
“Because we hurt him,” he responds immediately, low and hard. “We hurt him, and now – now we know he bleeds. We can hurt him again, Nancy, I gotta believe that.” His mouth thins. “Eddie dying, losing Max –” his voice cracks on the “a”, but he soldiers through it “– it all sucks. I hate it. But it wasn’t your fault. They knew what they were getting themselves into.” He pauses, and squares his shoulders. “They weren’t like Barb.”
Nancy’s mouth tastes like ash, and for once she can’t blame it on the air toxicity.
“Barb? Who said anything about Barb?” She’s trying to keep her breathing under control, but her voice sounds far away. “This has nothing to do with her.”
He looks at her dead on as he says it, like he knows she knows exactly what he means, and she sees red. She’s not sure what’s about to come out of her mouth, but she knows that whatever it is, she’s probably not going to be proud of it – and this time, she won’t be able to use spiked punch as an excuse, nor will she be granted the dubious mercy of drunken amnesia. 
“This has nothing to do with Barb,” she says slowly, “And everything to do with the fact that sometimes, I wish you weren’t so fucking stupid.”  
He flinches back like she’s slapped him and honestly, she might as well have. She feels sick. 
It’s the worst fight they’ve had – actually the only fight they’ve had – since they decided to try again, and what does it say about them that they didn’t last more than ten minutes before they started ripping out the stitches on old, barely healed wounds?
“Well you asked for this,” Steve finally replies, voice quivering minutely. “You’re the one who came to me and wanted to give this another shot. So you tell me which one of us is stupid.”
It hurts. It was supposed to. Nancy immediately feels herself deflate, like he’s sucked away all that was keeping her upright and angry. 
For once, she doesn’t have an immediate response and Steve doesn’t wait for one anyway, whirling on his heel and storming back into the house. 
He’s forgotten his ax. The blade gleams at her, mocking, from where it sits against the door frame. 
She’s a bit shaky, and she needs a minute to collect herself before she goes back inside. Everyone in the cabin is gonna know they’ve been fighting – the walls are not soundproof – and it’s humiliating.  
More humiliating is the fact that this is coming when they’ve hardly been back together two months (and when she’s barely been officially broken up with Jonathan for five). She knows what it looks like,  what she looks like – bouncing back and forth between two men on a whim because she can’t manage to choose once and for all who she wants.
But it’s not like that. Her relationship with Jonathan had been dead long before she’d been able or willing to admit it, and this thing with Steve is so new and old at the same time that it’s just – it’s hard to find her footing, sometimes. 
They’ve both changed so much, but now she’s realizing that there are ways they’ve stayed the same, too. And with the good always comes the bad.
Okay. Okay. She takes a deep breath, then two. She can’t stay out here forever. She has to go back inside, and hopefully they can awkwardly circle each other until they’ve cooled down enough to talk it over like the adults they almost are. 
Because she’s not giving up after one (shitty) fight. Rather than make her second guess her choice, Steve’s parting shot had the reverse effect – it had clarified exactly how stupid a decision it wasn’t. She had wanted this. She still wants it. 
It’s only been two months, sure, but she’s been happy, really happy (a miracle considering the world is literally ending around them). 
She hopes he’s felt the same, last ten minutes notwithstanding.
Damn it. She shouldn’t have said those things to him. That one thing. Guilt is settling over her like a blanket, thicker and more noxious than even the poisonous air of the Upside Down. 
Nancy’s not sorry about getting mad. If he wants her to be his girlfriend again – and she hopes he still wants her to be his girlfriend again – then he has to understand that she’s going to have an opinion on when and how he hurls his body into the line of fire. 
But being mean on purpose? That one, she’s pretty sorry for. Calling him stupid hadn’t been intended to do anything but inflict damage, and she knows she owes him an apology (once the thought of talking to him again doesn’t make the confused snarl of anger and regret and affection that’s all tangled up in her chest tighten to the point of pain).
First things first, though. 
Chin up, go back inside.
At first, she’s grateful for how simple it is to avoid him all afternoon. The cabin is tiny, even taking into account the hastily constructed add-on that had come once the Byers realized that returning to California wasn’t an option, their house was no longer theirs and Hopper’s cabin in its original state had nowhere near enough space to house them all.
But as the unofficial headquarters for their little hodgepodge Upside Down insurgency, it’s also in a near-constant state of low-grade chaos, which is pretty easy to disappear into – or, in this case, use as a convenient excuse to avoid someone.
(That said, tension is tension, and in this case it’s so apparent that even Hopper – whose unspoken approach to any relationship that isn’t his own generally veers toward the less he knows, the better – shoots them both some pretty unimpressed looks when Steve volunteers himself and Robin, unprompted, for the second of the day’s supply runs.)
Her relief edges into anxiety, though, as they get closer and closer to nightfall and Nancy still hasn’t had a chance to get him alone or even do more than accidentally catch his eye over the sad cans of stew they scrounge up for pre-op dinner. It sits like sludge on her tongue (and based on the look on El’s face as she dutifully shovels down spoonfuls, that’s probably not just Nancy’s guilt talking).  
In fact, it’s only as they’re packing up to leave that she realizes she’s probably going to have to go out of her way to corner him, because while Hopper’s come inside to say his goodbyes, Steve's nowhere to be found. 
And part of her really, really wants to be petty and leave it at that. Wants to keep stewing in her resentment and let him go off alone because he was too much of a coward to spare her a fifteen-second goodbye.
But the larger, louder half of her brain won’t shut up about how she’d feel if something happened and the last thing she said to him was…that, so she sucks it up and stomps toward the door, flinging it open and –
– startling Steve so badly that he jerks back a step, eyes widening with alarm.
“Jesus, Nancy, you scared the shit outta me!” She can’t muster up more than a couple blinks in response, and he scuffs one of the dirty planks of the porch with his boot. “Look, I know I’m not, like, your favorite person right now, but I still wanted to come say, uh, see you later. You know…just because.”
Oh, he is such an asshole.
She doesn’t know how to tell him this in a way that would help him understand what she’s actually trying to communicate, so instead, she yanks him down and kisses him hard, something she hasn’t done in public much this go-around. It’s a frankly awful smash of lips and teeth, and may in fact be the worst kiss Nancy has ever given or received.
Regardless, she thinks it gets the point across. 
She pulls back, mouth throbbing, and stares at him again, fingers clenched in the collar of his jacket as he stands there, stunned and swaying. 
“See you later, Steve,” she says pointedly, instead of “please, come back”, or, better yet, “don’t fucking go.” He softens immediately, and inches forward.
“Nancy –”
“Later,” she interrupts firmly. “When you get back. Okay?”
Steve eyes her for several long seconds, then relents.
“Okay,” he says, then he kisses her for real this time (gently, because ow), a brief little soft–as–silk press that leaves her wanting more than she can possibly hope to have at this specific moment.
When she goes back inside (she refuses to watch them roll off into the distance like she’s some kind of war bride, she carries a gun for Christ’s sake), she pauses for a moment, debating checking for the third time since midday that her rifle is loaded and ready. 
Jonathan is there, sitting tense at the two-person kitchen table, staring out into the woods as the rest of the gang helps prep El (or "helps" in some cases).
Most of the time, they’re pretty civil with each other. The breakup had basically been mutual, and she only gets a little livid mad now when she thinks about how he lied to her about Emerson. And kept lying to her. Until the only goddamn reason she found out was because – anyway.
Most of the time, if she ignores inconsequential context like that, they’re pretty civil. 
“Trouble in paradise?” he says, almost inaudibly. 
She takes her rifle to the living room. 
In the end, the night and the operation are both total duds, and doesn’t that just add insult to injury?
El searches for what feels like hours, pushing herself farther and farther until her nose is bleeding thickly enough that Joyce sternly calls time on the whole exercise. 
No go, is what El says afterward, wiping blood off her face. Some of it ends up smeared under one of her darkly ringed eyes, and she lets Mike fuss over her until it’s gone. 
Whatever psychic plane she usually ducks into is dead silent, and in the corporeal world, there isn’t a single peep out of anything Upside Down-adjacent, as Hopper reports via walkie-talkie. No stray demodogs, not even an errant vine around what’s usually one of the most active sections of the gate. 
And nothing from Max, who Lucas has taken to watching like a hawk – “just in case” – whenever they can spare him. Nancy’s not sure what’s meant to follow “just in case”, and she’s always been a tiny bit afraid of what Lucas might come back with if she asks – so she doesn’t. For once, she doesn’t need answers.
It’s eerie, and anticlimactic, and it leaves Nancy with an uneasy pit in her stomach. Under the circumstances, no news doesn’t always feel like good news.
With how the night has fizzled, she doesn’t expect much when Hopper’s group rumbles down the drive – so the jagged, ugly cut she can see arcing down the left side of Steve’s forehead from even as far off as the front window comes as a nasty shock. (Though honestly, should it?)
“What the hell happened?” she demands, running to meet them before they can even climb out of the truck. “I thought you said it was quiet.”
“It was,” Hopper confirms, killing the ignition. “Not a crawler in sight. Wanna fill the lady in on what went down, Harrington?” 
The laughter is plain in his voice, and Nancy instantly relaxes. Whatever it was, it hadn’t been serious.
Steve looks downright mutinous as he crawls out of the back cab alongside Wayne. Good. See if he wants to abandon Nancy to go play Rambo after that. 
“Got into it with a tree branch,” he mutters, mortified. “Tree – one, Steve – zero.” He gestures up at his forehead. “Obviously.”
The fact that Nancy manages to mostly keep a straight face should probably automatically shortlist her for inclusion into some kind of Greatest Girlfriend Ever hall of fame. As it is, Dustin, (who’s been uncharacteristically quiet all night), does the dirty work for her.
“Jesus, Steve, is there anything you can beat in a fight?”
“Excuse the shit outta me, Henderson, but did I or did I not save your ass from goddamn Russian soldiers?”
“One Russian soldier, Steve. One. And I don’t even know if it counts when you mrrflmgh –” Dustin gurgles helplessly for a few seconds behind the iron hand Nancy clamps over his mouth before eventually giving up and going silent.
“I think what Dustin is trying to say is that he’s glad everyone’s okay,” she says with as much brightness as she can muster. “Right?” she asks pointedly, releasing him. There’s a long pause, and then he sighs.
“Sure,” he says with all the enthusiasm of a dental patient undergoing a root canal. “Glad to have you all back.” 
He shuffles back into the cabin, and Nancy knows that one of these days, someone’s gonna have to have a talk with him about his wild mood swings. But she doesn’t really want that someone to be her, so she’s refrained from bringing it up thus far.
“Someone’s gotta check that kid,” Steve utters almost inaudibly, agreeing with Nancy’s silent train of thought (and sounding more concerned than irritated). He’s sneaking glances in Dustin’s wake like he thinks he might be able to get away with following him.
Nancy clears her throat, ready to disabuse him of that notion.
“Some other time, Rocky,” she says, and she means it to be teasing, but it comes out too fond to be entirely successful. “Why don’t we get that cut taken care of, first?” 
She holds out her hand, and he only hesitates a second before he takes it firmly in his, palm to palm.
They stay linked like that as she leads him all the way to the tiny half-bath at the back of the new addition, and he only lets go when she shuts them in and urges him down onto the closed toilet so she can comfortably reach his forehead. 
For a few moments, he allows her to work in silence, wincing when she has to pour hydrogen peroxide over the cut (she still doesn’t know if you can actually get Upside Down rabies, but better safe than sorry with all weird dust particles floating around). 
Without the dried blood crusting it, it actually looks very superficial. Nancy breathes a sigh of relief, though she’ll still layer it with some antibiotic cream to be safe.
“I guess I just…don’t get it.” Apropos of nothing, Steve chooses this moment to speak quietly, picking up the loose thread of a conversation they haven’t even started yet. “The last time we were together, you were pissed because I didn’t want to get involved. Now I’m all in, and it doesn’t seem like you like that, either.”
Nancy’s fingers freeze on the cap of Neosporin.
“Steve.” She sets the tube aside and makes an executive decision – she needs to be touching him if he’s gonna insist on talking about this here. “Before we do this, can you do me a favor, first?” 
Nancy picks up his hands and haphazardly plants them on her hips before slipping her own up to cage his face. His brow furrows, but he doesn’t move an inch from where she’s arranged them. “Can you just…stop stopping yourself from touching me? I know we’re in kind of a weird place right now, but I promise you – if you want to, then there’s a pretty damn good chance I want to, too.”
The confused lines in his forehead don’t ease, but his fingers adjust and tighten around her sides until he’s holding her with surety. Surrounded by the warmth of him, the invisible string that’s been holding her shoulders taut all day loosens.
“I didn’t think you’d notice,” he says slowly, eyes skimming her face like she’s this entirely new person who just happens to still look and dress like Nancy. “I – of course I’ll stop. It’s not like holding you is some kind of hardship, Nance.” He looks down. “That still doesn’t answer my question, though.”
Nancy refrains from noting that he hadn’t asked a question, he’d merely made an observation. That level of pedantry probably won’t help much in her “get Steve to touch her more” crusade.
“I know,” she says instead. “But Steve, it’s not – I don’t get mad because you get involved. I love that. I think it’s…” She can feel a dull flush start to creep up her neck. “This can never leave this room, okay, but it can – it can be very hot when you go all action hero.” The flush has extended all the way up through her cheeks. Mercifully, he doesn’t comment on it, though a faint little glimmer that she hasn’t seen all day is creeping back into his gaze.
“Right back ‘atcha, Wheeler,” he returns with a trace smile, and oh! That’s flirting. That’s a good sign. “But then…why did you…?”
“React the way I did?” He tilts his head in the slightest nod. “Because I wanted you to stay with me,” she finally admits, feeling more naked in front of him now than on the night she’d given him her virginity. “The hero thing – it’s nice and all, don’t get me wrong. And sometimes it’s necessary, but I – I don’t need that. I don’t need a hero. I just…want a partner. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” 
“Nancy…” In a blink, the amused glint is gone. In its place, he looks raw, like she’s torn him down to the studs.
There’s a lick of hair curling over his ear that she’s taken to mindlessly stroking, and it’s easier to keep staring at that than look into his eyes while she gets this off her chest.
“When we got back together,” she continues on, “you made me a promise. Remember?”
“Yeah,” he replies, and his voice is achingly soft. “I promised you we’d come out of this okay.” He turns his face into her hand, lips brushing against her palm with every tingling syllable. “I meant it.” 
“Yeah, but.” Nancy chews her lip. “If I can’t convince you that you matter more than how hard you swing or how many hits you can take, if you won’t stay with me so we can work together and watch each other’s backs, I don’t see how that’s possible.”
Abruptly, Steve’s standing, nudging his way deeper into her space, and the way he can tower over her a bit, dark and solid – well, Nancy fancies herself a feminist, but not so much that she’ll pretend it doesn’t make her shiver in a good way.
“Goddammit, Nancy,” he croaks, and then he’s folding her in his arms, curling tight around her body. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I didn’t – I didn’t even realize,” he mumbles into the nook of her neck and shoulder. “Shit, I am stupid.”
“You’re not,” Nancy chokes, tightening her arms around his neck like she’d wanted to earlier. He’s still wearing his jacket, and the zipper is digging painfully into the V of her collarbone, but it barely registers. She thinks it would take a literal earthquake to dislodge her right now. “I shouldn’t have said that, I’m sorry. You weren’t even wrong, it’s just that – sometimes it’s still really hard to talk about her.” 
She doesn’t need to specify who the “her” in question is. There are definitely a few tears leaking into the leather of his collar, but no one can see them, so it’s neither here nor there.
“I get it,” he says, “but I wanna talk to you about this stuff. If – if you want to. With me. I know I wasn’t there for you before but I swear I can be that guy now.”
“I know,” she gasps, because he’s holding her so tightly that it’s hard to breathe, but if the tradeoff is losing this hot–all–over feeling of his hands on her, then it’s fine, air is overrated anyway. “You are. You are that guy. I want you, I want us. I want you to believe that.”
Their bodies are so constrained in this tiny space, but there’s something wild crackling in the air, something that raises goosebumps on her arms and makes it so that one minute she’s mouthing reassurances into his jaw, and the next, he’s tilting his chin and kissing her quiet, stealing her words with one wet, electric sweep of his tongue.
Yes. She fists his hair between her fingers, soft and a little overlong, swallowing down his helpless whine as she angles his head so she can open wider under him. 
This – this is why, so far, she’s barely been able to kiss him outside of the privacy of one of their rooms. 
Because every time, almost as soon as it starts, they’re set ablaze, twin infernos trying to consume each other alive. It was never like this before, so she has no roadmap for how to cope, how to process the overpowering need that has her spreading her legs to draw him closer and shoving her hands under layers of leather and cotton to get at sweaty skin. 
“Steve,” she whimpers into his lips, rocking her hips up in a pale facsimile of what she truly wants (but it still feels so good). “I need…”
“I know,” he groans, sucking gently at her sensitive pulse point until she’s keening quietly and grinding harder into the rigid seam of his jeans. Everything is tight, and hot, and she thinks she might vibrate right out of her own body if she can’t get what she’s craving.
The night they got back together, they’d had every good intention of taking it slow, of getting to know each other again before jumping back into the physical. 
But that had lasted about as long as it took for him to get a hand under the band of her bra, and eventually he’d ended up fucking her nice and slow behind the locked door of her childhood bedroom, trailing scorching kisses from her swollen lips to the tips of her breasts until she was shaking apart into the mattress, vision white and head empty of anything that wasn’t him – his scent, his body over hers, the quivering place where he nestled inside her.
They don’t have time for that now – they hardly ever have time for that, which probably doesn’t help quell the desperate desire – so they make do, as always, with what they can. 
They make do with his hips, pushing into hers again and again in easy, dirty twists, sensation blunted between two layers of jeans but still enough to have her choking back moans, nipples pebbled hard into two pinpricks of pleasure against the stiff padding of her bra. They make do with deep, messy kisses, which also muffle the needy noises they can’t contain as their bodies strain higher and higher toward a mutual peak.
They make do with hands, scratching up his back and through his chest hair. Squeezing at her ass and guiding her movements until all Nancy has to do is hang on for dear life and enjoy the ride. 
When she finally crashes over the edge, it hits out of nowhere, in flashing, pulsing waves that come hard and fast until she’s digging fists into his shoulder blades and sucking on his tongue in a frantic attempt to stay silent. He’s not far behind, and when he tears himself away from her lips to bury his head in her shoulder, she can feel more than hear the deep shudder of his groan as he trembles in her arms.
Finally, they both still, slumping back against the wall in a frazzled tangle, and reality comes seeping in one mortifying realization at a time. 
“We‘re…still in Hopper’s bathroom, aren’t we?” Nancy asks faintly.
“Yup.” He pops the “p” against her skin, but doesn’t look up. 
“And…we’ve been in here a really long time.” Way longer than it would take to treat that cut on his head, anyway.
“My brother is out there. With his girlfriend. And his friends. Our friends.”
“He sure is.”
He sounds way more cheerful than anyone about to face down a firing squad of nosy teenagers ought to be – but then again, she’s remarkably relaxed, too.
Huh. Could it be that in the end, all they really needed was to get off?
(Probably not.) 
Steve finally shoves away from the wall and adjusts his pants, grimacing. 
“Okay, being honest, this might not’ve been our brightest idea,” he admits.
Nancy catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror just over his shoulder. Her face is flushed, and her eyes are bright. She looks pleased. Happy.
“Probably not, but can’t argue with results,” she teases, stepping back into his space and slipping an arm around his waist, under his jacket. 
He grins down at her, and he looks like such a man – handsome, and kind, and hers – that her heart skips. 
They’re not kids anymore, playacting at some great love that, in the end, was mostly smoke and mirrors. If they make it out of this, like he’s promised they will, they’ll be – they’ll be basically grown ups.
This time, it’s real. Maybe even for keeps. 
That should freak her out, but it doesn’t. 
He presses his smile to her forehead, chaste and sweet, and slings an arm around her neck. 
“Who am I to argue with the beautiful Nancy Wheeler?” he says with more than a bit of irony, and she laughs, because she wants to and he wants her to. “Ready to face the music?”
“Together?” Nancy doesn’t shield the hope in her voice. He dips his forehead to rest against hers, nudges their noses together.
“Wild demodogs couldn’t drag me away,” he says softly, sincerely, and the warm, secret feeling in Nancy’s chest – the one she’s been carrying around for months, waiting until she’s absolutely sure she has a name for it – balloons outward. 
Soon, it’ll be too big for her body alone to bear. One day, it will demand to be shared, and she’ll give it freely and joyfully. 
Not yet, but soon. 
“Come on, then,” she says.
She tugs him forward, and he follows.
(normalize panicking and giving an established character an extensive home reno complete with plumbing work smack dab in the middle of an apocalypse simply because you realized that the house's canon layout was not conducive to the main pairing getting it on as you had originally written.)
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eternal-brainrot · 1 year
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@joelleity the little guys getting art therapy painting ceramics!!!! they have been enriched!!! they are fixed now no more problems lol thankyou natsume for your wisdom
thankyou for inspiring me to take them with me i wouldnt have thought to take them if it werent for your post playing repeatedly in my mind sbdkdj
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vendetta-if · 1 year
𝓱𝓲 💖 (sorry for this asdkjfhjijhj)
im back and i have returned (to everyone's dismay) and i come bearing gifts - i have found the pages where i had my vendetta sequel mc drawn in!! 😈
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here's my first doodle of rei when i was designing him - i didnt have the proper markers to colour him in but i used what markers i could get my hands on at the time lol but i did fuck up his face :( (closeup)
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now i have lots of doodles i drew alongside this fullbody design of his and without further ado >:)
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here are some facts i wrote about him 😊 as well as rei decorating his helmet :D though i'll write it down here if you can't read my messy ass handwriting (sorry about that hsjdhsd) »»————- ★ ————-«« FACTS ABOUT REI 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: ➭ loves all things cutesy and colourful ➭ acts and whines like an actual toddler (because it forces his family to give him attention whenever he's being an actual pain in the ass 💞) ➭ reckless af and hates when people fret over him or protect him (that's his job. 👺) ➭ unironically thinks that blood splatters on his clothes look good on him (rei doesn't care if he's seen covered in blood in public, he can make millions of excuses why it isn't blood >:D) " NO this isn't blood this is paint 😇" " tf did you think this was?? i spilled my kool aid all over my clothes 😪" just to name a few, lol ➭ would honestly sell his soul for a lifetime supply of strawberry milkshakes (this is totally not me projecting myself onto rei when it comes to taro milk tea 💀) »»————- ★ ————-««
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now here's another doodle of rei using his blood manipulation powers 😋 also ignore the pencil text below LMAO
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so i did mention in my first ask about rei that he loves to explode things- yeah um idk if luka and jackal would give their menace of a son explosives or a grenade launcher if they knew that this is how he'd act with them LMFAOO
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i also mentioned that rei makes the best belgian waffles! (send help hes holding me at gunpoint and forcing me to say this) here's rei offering a divine dish of waffles to my vendetta mc, remedy / remi 💕💕 and look at his face! his mouth is practically watering in anticipation to gobble up the waffles! 💗💝💘💓
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okay on a side note- i made some small drawings of rei in a different outfit and was actually gonna include this in the ref but i didnt like it because it looked ugly 😭 so i made a poor life decision to cut these two abominations out and now they're on my phone 💟 (closeups)
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anyways now here have a drawing of rei as demoman from the hit game tf2!!11!1!11!! 😲😳
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(he really looks like a dollarstore demoman lol)
(reference used):
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now if you have been on the internet during its baby phase im sure you may understand the reference i used for this doodle 🤭
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yknow looking back at this downgraded rip off drawing of the original this is actually a shit drawing LMAO (how tf do you draw flames and smoke pls help 💔) now one thing i like to headcanon about rei is that whenever he starts to get frustrated or is having a hard time with carrying out an assassination he decides to do fuck all and blow everything up with literally anything flammable he could find because no target survives being blown to oblivion! (which happens more often than you think...) i like to think while this is an easy way out for rei, it is an absolute nightmare and a headache for the rest of his family 😌 (they probably would have to deal with unwanted attention because rei doesn't give a shit about keeping a low profile and people may tie him to the Morozovs 🤗 they also may struggle to come up with cover stories as these arson incidents become more frequent - because rei is the type of person who values quantity over quality, where he challenges himself to complete multiple assassinations so he can receive praise from his family 😂🤪 and it also doesn't help that he would rather cut corners and take the easy way out when it comes to his work) luka and jackal: " these fires are getting out of hand, we can't keep doing this... " fucking rei: " DAD 1 AND DAD 2!! LOOK!! THATS ME!! THAT BURNING BUILDING, I DID THAT!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD " (reference used):
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now moving on to a somewhat ironic drawing, here's a doodle of rei in a raincoat vibing in the rain ✨(aside from overalls, rei loves to wear raincoats - and would rather wear them instead of wintercoats when it's cold LOL) rei is the type of person to prioritize fashion than comfort :(
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now here's a crappy drawing of cousin bonding time (rei and remedy) tbh i dont really like this scribble lol - this is just filler because i hated empty patches in my paper 🤡
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now, a word from our sponsor; rei himself!! he is presenting his aforementioned homemade waffles in greater detail :) and now, cue the advertisement that totally is not completely false and not just rei's delusional and stubborn ramblings on that he creates the best waffles and that waffle makers are inferior to him ☺️
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Rei's amazing homemade Belgian waffles! ♥ (𝑀𝒶𝒹𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝒻𝒻𝓁𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓇!) ♥ 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲! (𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝) ♥ ♥ 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲, 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘀 (𝙏𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘, 𝙣𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙙 >:( ) ♥ ♥ 𝗖𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘆𝗿𝘂𝗽 >:) (𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡!) ♥ ♥ 𝟷𝟶/𝟷𝟶 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚛! (𝙍𝙚𝙞'𝙨 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙖𝙙𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙡𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜! :) ) ♥
i feel like im trying too hard to be funny here, lmao 🤡💀 anyways, here are the full pages of all of the drawings :D
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alright so thats finally all i have - if i somehow get my motivation to draw or do literally anything productive ill start working on my vendetta mc's (remedy) ref sheet 👹 (im sorry for this cesspool of cringe again btw LMAO)
Rei sounds so chaotic and kinda sweet at the same time 😆
Also, I love the lil headcanon about the waffle. You can bet that big bro will boast about how his lil brother can make really good waffles to his friends whenever he hang out or has breakfast with them 🥺
Thank you for sharing all these lovely drawings and headcanons about your upcoming sequel MC 🥰
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Dear Genius {Criminal Minds}
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Word Count: 1010
Summary: With things slowly going back to normal you're thinking about the past when you get a midnight visitor.
Warnings: Blood, horrible writing, OOC Characters, She/Her Pronouns used
Genre: I don't even know anymore angst????
A/N: So this was not what I was expecting to write for part 4 of Under the Door... I was going to do something happy but then my brain decided screw that you're gonna make people mad at you. I have no idea why people enjoy this series... and sorry for the long hiatus, i have issues lol.
You finished the case in San Fransisco a few months ago and everyone had made it home safely. Spencer had been back a few months and things were slowly returning to normal, or as normal as they could when your partner and best friend had been through the traumatic experience of losing the love of his life. Since he has gotten back you and Spencer have gotten closer and have been spending more and more time together passing notes. You passed them in the books you shared with eachother, on the togo coffee cups you got for one another and even writing on someones hand when paper was inaccessible. The closer you grew the more that old work place crush from oh so long ago rears it’s ugly head. Something you thought that you had squashed under your boot a long long time ago. one night after a particularly rough case that did not have a happy ending, are alone in your apartment, and you’re pulled into a memory of the first time you and Spencer met.
Taking a deep breath you pull open the glass doors leading into the bullpen. At twenty-three years old you had just barely cut into being an agent at the FBI. You had worked your ass off to get to where you were and you were not about to stop now. You had double majored in psychology and geography during college and went to the academy as soon as you had your degrees in hand. You were smart and capable, and most importantly prepared and trained for this job. 
Stepping into the bullpen was like stepping into an alien world, it was very overwhelming at first. You tried to get the attention of some of the other agents but because everyone was doing a hundred million things at once, nobody seemed to notice you. After a few minutes you locate Hotch’s office and he takes you into the conference room to be introduced to the rest of the team. Going around the table you are introduced to Elle, Gideon, JJ, Garcia, and Morgan. Hotch mentions that someone named Spencer is running late. As JJ starts to go over the case you are distracted by the door quickly opening and closing, Morgan is the first to turn towards the door with a smile. Others follow suit including you.  After taking a moment to take in the height of the man before you, your eyes meet the warmest brown eyes and you are rendered speechless. And to the team's surprise Spencer goes silent as well. There is a pause before awkward pleasantries are exchanged and both of you notice that there is only one chair left at the round table, right next to you. You held your breath as he took the seat next to you, JJ resumed her case and you forced your eyes to the front of the room, completely aware of the genius sitting next to you.
Since that moment you became inseparable as friends, and realized that you complimented eachother’s skill set on cases so Hotch frequently partnered the two of you up for assignments on cases. While you befriended all of your teammates, the connection you and Spencer shared was different. And as cliche as it sounds, as time went on you started realizing that you had started falling for your best friend.  You have never told anyone other than a single piece of paper, that you had buried in your bedside table drawer. You didn’t want to ruin the friendship that you had if he didn’t share your feelings, and especially with Maeve you convinced yourself to ignore your feelings and pray that they would go away. And for a time it seemed to work. While thinking about everything that had happened since joining the BAU there was a knock on your door. Forcing yourself off the couch you grumble as you walk to the door, pulling it open. “Hello?”
The incessant knocking on his door dragged a reluctant Spencer from sleep. He pads his way to the door before pulling it open to reveal that nobody is there. Letting out an exasperated sigh he peeks his head out to look around the hallways before noticing that there is an envelope taped to the door with his name on it. Pulling it down he immediately recognizes your handwriting. Tearing it open two pieces of paper fall out, one of which is much older than the other. Taking the older slip of paper in his hand he read it over and over again. 
Dear Genius,
If you’re reading this letter that means I have either completely lost my mind and gave this to you of my own free will, or Penny found it, read it and passed it along to you…
The words went straight to his heart and soul, puncturing the walls only you could bring down. He could have stared at that letter for hours but his curiosity about the second sheet of paper got the better of him. Tearing his eyes away from your letter he was met with handwriting he did not recognize. The ink used was a dark red that was still wet to the touch, and attached to the letter was a lock of hair, it was a color that he had grown so used to and fond of over the last several years. He took a second look at the “ink” and realized that he was not looking at a typical ball point pen or even fountain pen ink. His heart dropped into his stomach as he realized what it was, blood. Trying not to smudge the “ink” he forced himself to read the words;
Did you miss me? I sure missed you.
P.S. This is a scavenger hunt, I have left clues for you. If you want her back alive, follow the rules. You have 24 hours.
Clue #1
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
She wants you to come out and play
Where to hide from the rain?
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transboysokka · 3 months
rating changes made in natla: episode 1
I wanna be clear that I overall enjoyed the series. Most things I had problems with were actually pretty minor.
Planning to attack the Earth Kingdom as a distraction from the Air Nomad genocide: kind of cool I guess but still a weird and random way to open a whole ass show with these randos. Maybe a good way to set up the White Lotus I guess. Cool excuse to see Sozin. Reaction: Neutral
Kyoshi narrating the introduction: Cool. Makes sense. We haven’t met Katara yet. Also cool that they didn’t stick to the original opening monologue bc that wouldn’t have fit as well actually. Reaction: Positive
Showing life in the Air Temple before it was attacked. I mean I get it. It shows Aang’s reaction with Gyatso and kind of leads us to understand where he comes from. It makes his loss hurt that much more. Reaction: Positive
Great Comet Festival: Obviously an excuse to get everyone together for the Genocide but cool I guess. Reaction: Neutral
Aang just going away to clear his head instead of running away from being the Avatar: I get it. It’s to make him seem more likable, not irresponsible. I really don’t care either way. Reaction: Neutral.
Showing the Air Nation genocide: It didn’t last too long and it wasn’t as terribly graphic as I thought it could be. It fit in with the tone and narrative. Did it add anything to the point that it seemed necessary? No. Reaction: Neutral.
Katara using the Fire Nation ship as a place to practice her bending? Badass. Reaction: Positive
Showing more of Sokka’s duties/leadership/burden around the SWT village: love it, delicious, I’m obsessed. Also leaning into Hakoda’s absence. Great. Reaction: Positive
Finding Aang for some random reason that isn’t Katara being pissed at Sokka’s sexism: Honestly I wasn’t bothered by this the first time around but now it’s clear to me this is the first in a long line of choices that make Katara’s character more boring and like. peaceful so. Reaction: Negative
Zuko’s fanatical journal and doodle wall: Love it. Super on brand. Reaction: Positive
Aang already having the bison whistle: whatever. Reaction: Neutral
The SWT having a longhouse: It’s a small change but I love how much more developed the set is… Reaction: Positive
Gran Gran doing the opening monologue from the original show: it fit but I’m sorry it was soooo cringe oh my god….. Reaction: Negative
Let me just mention this here but it’s kind of weird that Katara doesn’t mention her mother’s necklace in the whole show when it was so important to the plot of the original show??? Just another facet of her character ignored I guess. Reaction: Negative
The weird claw thing the Firebenders do: it’s ugly lol. Reaction: Negative
Iroh starting real early trying to convince Zuko his dad sucks: their relationship is so much cooler and better in this show and I can’t really explain it. But I like this and it fits. Reaction: Positive
Sokka’s real ass engineering and defensive skills on full display? Huge love. Reaction: Positive
That one boy close in age to Sokka. Why is he here? Wasn’t Sokka supposed to be the only one left? Glad he gets a boyfriend though. Reaction: Neutral
Iroh’s conversation with Aang on the Fire Nation ship: it’s whatever. An interesting choice to have him tip his hand so early. I have to believe there’s a reason for it and again it works with his overall narrative in the season. Reaction: Neutral
Not spending so much time at the Southern Air Temple… I get it, it was kind of the trade off for showing so much in the beginning. It’s fine, it works. Reaction: Neutral
Aang bringing himself out of the Avatar state by thinking about Gyatso/who he is/whatever, instead of Katara doing it: I get it, they seem to be wanting to cut out any overt Kataang stuff. Still, the relationships between our three main characters are just not nearly as tight in this version of the show and something like this might have saved it? Still, Aang crying in her arms afterward covers that a bit so. Reaction: Neutral
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gaysetokaibas · 6 months
ignore my ugly ass hand but honestly i just wanted to share cause i love this thing too much to wait lol. im still probably taking better pics tomorrow, but theres a chance i might wait until i go back home to LA and get my nice camera to do it since my phone can only pull so much weight around here
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