#e book where he gets one hehe
eternal-brainrot · 1 year
i have been playing dress up with my plushies and made them new outfits hehe B) xie lians crown prince outfit is sooo pretty so i desperately wanted to make it!!! 
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technically didnt make hua cheng a whole new outfit but i made IMPROVEMENTS and finally added his boot chains (after almost a whole year of saying i would do so lol), and stitched the pattern on his belt and vambraces in metallic thread (it is metallic and shiny irl i promise ;-;)
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also random fun details i want to show!!!!!
hua chengs little braid!!!
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EMING <333
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he is holding a little felt silver butterfly on his hand hehe
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xie lians single earring (notice where the other one went hehe)
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
The Pathways Novel is the holy grail of young Tuvok characterization because I can just sense so clearly through the page how insufferable he would be to talk to
#and let me tell you? insufferable IS affectionate with a million hearts drawn around it#A girl confessed her love to him and he basically grabbed her by the shoulders and said Sophie....please get ahold of yourself!#Remember WWJD!! and she has to be like '.....y e ah ok. yeah. sorry.' and then they parted ways forever#Tuvok at the monastery observing the other initiates like I'm the only one who /really/ gets what we're going for here but who am I to judge#I think the line is something like 'Tuvok despised what he thought to be the partaking in unncessary luxuries but he trusted that the elders#knew best'#I think Tuvok's life is just going through different particular types of Difficult-To-Talk-To#crybaby kid to know it all teen to wannabe priest to holier than thou initiate to when-I-was-your-age dad#then he FINALLY started chilling the hell out#AH I keep saying 'monastery' its a temple#I love Tuvok him being earnestly annoyed by others has fine-wined into dry remarks while definitely NOT rolling his eyes#Tuvok cares SO much is the thing. <3 guy who is full of not-love#Guy who makes terrible horrendous first impressions but then eventually worms his way into your heart (VERY unintentionally hes NOT trying)#It'd be funny if everyone liked T'Pel right away in contrast hehe...<3#Tuvok's parents' characterizations in that book are NOT canon to me though#also there's a funny moment where Tuvok is complaining about how their sons are (in his opinion) not disciplined enough#and when he looks to T'Pel for her opinion she's just fallen asleep#and he considers waking her up despite the fact that she JUST gave birth before going hmm.....better not.#Wise Choice Friend HEHEHEH....g od...dumbass <3
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (21)
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21. The dangerous Road
Summary: War came at a heavy price
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, death of a character, war and all that comes with it, mentions of pedicide (killing of a baby), threats of non-con, technically adultery, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3 k
Notes: Like I said, the pace is picking hehe, and it will get dark for a couple of chapters. SO SORRY FOR THIS LOVES
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“I bled once”, you whispered to the maester, “but the symptoms hadn't stopped, I thought to be with child”
“after the birth of a child it could be tricky”, he warned with a warm smile, “forgive me my lady but I must check you out” 
It was an uncomfortable afternoon with the maester, but afterwards, you left his tower to search for Sara
The test that he had made you do was going to take time to… “develop”, so you had a couple of days before receiving any news 
Sara, and you, had started a quick net of communication throughout the North, you had contact with White Harbor, with the Lady Mara, and the Lady Bolton from the Dreadfort, all the way up to the Bear Island, even down at Widow’s watch, you exchanged ravens regularly, you even created, with Cregan, the “Dragon watchers”, dragons were faster than ravens, but you had placed outposts with huge beacons of fire that were to be lit as soon as they see or hear them, so as soon as it is lit, the next one will light them also, creating a line of fire to be seen miles away in Winterfell
You were nervous, the people were nervous, you had yet to receive news of Cregan, but if you think about it more carefully, it could be dangerous for him to be writing where they are and where theta e going, letters can be easily intercepted, an the last months you realized people who believe a man should have priority to ascend the Iron Throne over a woman is bigger than you expected.
You could have Aegon royalists within Winterfell without even knowing 
When you found Sara, you gasped
She was a mess, clutching to her own chest, heaving and crying by the window in her room
“Sara!”. you called for her name, running to her, hugging her, “what happened?”
“I don’t know!”, she managed to whine, “I saw something”
“What did you see? What happened? are you alright?”, you were so confused, she was distraught
She weeped in your arms, and you hugged her to comfort her, you directed her to sit on the bed, and you cuddled her. She eventually calmed, but she still shook with the sobs
“I don’t know what happened”, she whispered, “one minute I was here, and another…I was somewhere else”
“What do you mean?”, you asked her softly
“That somehow, I was somewhere else, I was something else”, you believed in magic, you believed in people who could dream about things that were going to happen, everyone in your family knew the tale of Daenys the dreamer and how her visions saved the Targaryens from The Doom. Once you were hiding from the boys with Helaena, and she couldn’t stop whispering about stars in the middle of the day, you didn’t listen and when the boys found you you ran from them, failing to see the edge of a wooden furniture and banging your head against it, you passed for several minutes in which you could see silvery stars under your eyelids 
But this was something else
In the book Cregan had lent you, you had read about wildlings north of the wall that could take the body of animals and use them as their own… but it was only a tale, wasn’t it?
“I was in the skies”, she continued, “I was flying, I was big, I saw Dragonstone”
“Dragonstone?”, you asked
“I think it was, I- I had never seen it”, she explain, still catching her breath, “it was big and dark, seemed like it was built front he rock itself, and… had many dragons sculptures all over”, that was a fair description of the castle of your family
“What else did you see?”, you asked
“I took flight towards the west”, she said shakily, “over the seas until I could see a castle, surrounded by a powerful wall, and a small village, under the protection of another wall”, she said, she was with you, but her eyes were seeing something outside of the room, they were lost in her memories, “the castle was made of gray rock with reddened tiles in their towers”, you paled then, “a banner was hanging from the biggest one, two black wings over a white banner, in front of a checkered black and gray field”
“House Staunton”, you whispered, “a house front he crownlands, loyal to Rhaenyra”
“They were under siege, and I was going to help them, but then…”
“Sara…”, your heart was pounding in your chest
“Two huge beasts, Vhagar, and another golden dragon flew down upon me, jaws open, a breath of fire and I…”, her eyes filled with tears again and she wept in your arms, “I could smell the burnt flesh, and the reek of death!”, she weeped again, and you held her against you
“Shhh, it’s alright”, you whispered, “it is alright”
But it was not
You could feel it 
And you were made certain the very next day
“See that he is bathed gently”, you said to the main maid that took care of RIckon, “Even though he likes the heat, just like a little dragon”you giggled, playing with his feet, “I would bathe him myself but I have a meeting with the master at arms”
“Yes My lady”, she said gently, you liked her, she was sweet and cared for RIckon as he was her own, she took him gently and accommodate him in her arms
“Who is this handsome boy that needs a bath?”, she cooed, “let’s take a bath and let mommy focus on her meeting”, she said as she walked away
You smiled as you saw her leave the rooms, but were called by a pup, Rickon’s pup as he barked at you playfully, moving her triangular tail
“Don’t believe you are free of a bath!”, you chided playfully, and he barked again but ran to hide from you with a whimper. 
You giggled
They were really clever animals Direwolves 
But as you were preparing to leave your rooms to your meeting, there was a knock on the door
“Yes?”, you asked cheerfully, as you were the Lady of Winterfell, and you needed to show yourself strong, but the face the maester had, it immediately told you something was wrong
Very wrong
“I have letter for you, My Lady”, he said, he sounded apologetic
“What is it?”, you whispered
“One if from Dragonstone, but the other… is it from Harrenhal, from Aemond Targaryen”
You palet
you received the two small scrolls, your hand already trembling, you didn’t know which one to open first, you decided, that the one from Dragonstone
It surprised you to see it was from Rhaena, you had never had a personal relationship with her, but still you read the few lines she wrote
And as you did you whimpered, bitter tears falling from your eyes
Rhaenys was dead
Her and Melys had been burnt by Aemond and Aegon in both their dragons
Just like Sara described
Rhaena goes on saying  she wanted you to hear it from her, because she knew how dear you were to her grandmother and vice-versa
“No, no, no please”, you cried, clutching your chest, falling to your knees
“My Lady!”, the maester fell to the floor on his knees beside you, clutching you tightly, “Are alright?” he placed his hand on your forehead 
“No!”, you whined, you let out a scream of pain as you felt your heart was ripped from your chest. Sara showed up, taking the place of the maester by your side, grabbing you tightly 
“I will bring you a special tea, to calm your nerves”, he left the room
“She is gone, Aemond killed her”, you whined, grabbing into Sara, “my aunt is gone”
“I’m so sorry”, she whined, “I should have seen it sooner”
“It’s not your fault”, you whispered, your voice as broken as your spirit. You then looked at the other scroll that had fallen by your skirts, this had to mean something… something else…
You couldn’t resist, you couldn’t
You opened it
What you found there didn’t surprise you, there were threats, a warning, and a demand
You whined at the sight of his poisonous words 
But now… you jumped from the grief, straight to the anger
It was him!
The source of all your pains, all your traumas, it was him, for taking your baby nephew, and now your dear aunt
It was him
And you were the only one who could stop him
Sara looked at you, petrified and scared of what she found in your eyes
“No”, she whispered, when you looked straight ahead, tears were no longer falling from your eyes, all it was there was fire, and bloodthirst, “whatever you think you need to do…”
“I have to”, you answered barely, standing from the floor, your hands made fists
“No! you need to stay here!”, she cried, “please!”
“I am the only one who can stop him, stop this”, she took the scroll from your hand and read it, and she whimpered
“Its a trap!”, she said
But you were already on your feet, grabbing your riding gear, the thickest pants you could find and the upper part to go with it
“Please! think of Cregan! of Rickon!”, she insisted 
“Is for them I’m doing this”, you said, all emotion in your voice disappeared
“Please! they can fight him”, she insisted
“I can get close to him and kill him, I’m the only one who can”
“But at what price?”, she asked
“the debt is high already”, she whispered, “and it will only take me”
“please!”, you turned to look at Sara
“Tell Cregan I’m sorry”, you whined, tears falling down your cheeks again
“You tell him yourself!”, she insisted
“Take care of my son”, you cried, “please love him as your own”
“You will!”, she said, now desperate, “you will love him, and see him grow!”
“I did the best I could for the North, I’m sorry if it wasn't enough”, you cried
“It was! but is not over!”, she grabbed your arms, “please!”
“I’m the only one that can stop him”, you insisted, “I can kill him”, she knew there was no convincing you, she can see it in your eyes
“No one else is going to die for me”, your voice again a flat line, “Cregan will be spared, and the crown will belong to Rhaenyra”
“But please let’s wait until we can reach Cregan”
“You know what his answer is going to be”, you said, but you realized Sara was not going to let you leave, so instead, you agreed to wait
Only to sneak out in the middle of the night, after telling the nannies to take RIckon for the night claiming you needed to be alone, they took him without question.
You couldn’t dare to see Rickon for one last time, if you did, you would second guess your decision and you couldn’t
This was more important than yourself
This was about the future of the seven Kingdoms and the future of your family and everyone you loved
This was bigger
Vhaelar was waiting for you outside the Winterfell gates, she roared into the night air but at this point you didn’t care if everyone listened, you will be in the air by the time they think they can do something to stop you
So you climbed on top of your dragon, Aemond’s words burning inside your brain
“I killed Rhaenys at Rook’s Rest, it wasn’t personal, but I know your husband is marching down with his army, you have three days to come to Harrenhal, if you do not, I will burn them alive, and then I will ride North and take you anyways. Spare the Starks, give yourself to me”
You had to answer his call
It was true, you can come to him willingly, you had a dragon, you could hide a blade in your undergarments, and after, you could slay him in his sleep or something, anything, but when he said it was the end of house Stark, it meant your baby as well, pedicide is not something you would put past Aemond. You knew he was capable and able to do it
For Rickon
For Cregan
And for Sara and the North
Yourself was a small price to pay
The night was long but you didn’t plan to stop as Vhaelar flew decisively under you
You believed you had until morning until Winterfell wakes up and sends a raven to Cregan, if you manage to fly over them it will be too late also
In the air, atop your dragon, nothing could stop you
Unless perhaps, another dragon
All night, all the way south, your mind was blank, there was only grief, pain, and rage.
You did not deemed yourself as vengeful person, and yet, you wanted it, desire it, you felt a fire growing within you, that wanted to burn everything in your path
You felt such heat within you you barely felt the still cold air that hit your face in the heights, and before you even knew it, the sun was shining in the horizon.
You felt no hunger, no tiredness, no nothing
Only the rage
It was Midday when you saw the unmistakable burnt towers of Harrenhal
Your dragon growled, like she was in pain, feeling your anger
You led her to descend upon the castle with a velocity that made your stomach drop, but you didn’t care about that, you cared about vengeance
But you were in a close distance, you felt the fire burning within you, one command and you could burn Harrenhal and the Green forces within them, Aemond probably was there, inside 
As you were going to give the order, you were interrupted by a low growl. Vhagar appeared from nowhere, pushing your dragon and you in the air
Vhaelar whined as she struggled to keep in the air and you knew then and there, that against the monstrous Vhagar, you could do nothing. Even if your dragons was one of the largest 
The Queen of dragons growled in greeting and you could feel Vhaelar’s nervousness as your own.
Or perhaps you were your own
Some people would say that you are more lamb than dragon, because of your mother’s house
But they were wrong
You were a dragon he awakened 
You landed heavily by the gates, you could see the restlessness of the soldiers in you and your dragon’s presence. You abandoned the want to burn everything, against Vhagar you couldn’t win. you had to be smart about this, she had the upper hand, the surprise factor was ruined 
“WHITE DRAGON!”, they chanted all over the walls, but you didn’t attacked them
Perhaps that is what you should do.
Burn them all
But the retaliation from King’s landing and the Greens could be worse
Aemond appeared by your side, he did not hide his smile, his happiness of seeing you there. 
Bold, you assumed, as you were near your dragon, you could burn him, here and now
The temptation was great
“You came”, he greeted, “good girl”
“I came to the call of your insanity”, you growled, he came to you, quick on his feet, you took a step backwards, still he grabbed you by the back of your neck
Vhaelar growled, dangerously, but VHagr was there, right by her side, she grabbed your dragon by the neck, furiously, dangerously
“NO!”, you screamed
Vhaelar whined in agony, and Vhagar released her, it was only a warning, but her black blood flowed profusely from the injury in her neck
“NO!”, you wanted to go to her, but Aemond held on to you tight
“If you don’t want me to finish her off, you will come with me”, he had to drag you towards the castle, as you could hear her whines of agony as her pain as if was your own
He dragged you through the halls, the stench of dead was clinging into you by every forceful step, and you whined under Aemond’s brutal hold
He threw you into a room. It held no windows, no nothing, but it was furnished with the very best he could find in his proximity, you realized. A luxurious big bed, with small tales on each side, many candles all over the room to light it up since it had no windows, and a table with chairs on one corners, tapestries on the floor and hanging from the walls to give it a more comfortable feel to it, but it didn’t hide what it was, it was a prison, only made for you
“A room for a princess”, he said mockingly, closing the door behind him, “you will stay here”
“I did as you asked”, you said, trying to regain control, “I came, I did as you said, promise me you will kill no one else”, you whined, “please”, he only smirked
“I promise I will no seek the death of anyone else”, he pleaded with a hand on his chest and another raised, but all seemed like a mockery, “I only wanted you, it is good that you finally saw this”
“I don’t understand”, you whined, “why me? after everything”
“That is not for you to know, now put on the dress I selected for you”, he said, taking your shoulders and directing you to look upon the bed, where a very revealing dark green dress was waiting for you. “You are to please me, since you are married, since you didn’t want to marry me, you will be nothing else, but my whore”
A single tear fell down your cheek as you contemplated what you willingly let your life turn into. 
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@severewobblerlightdragon @missusnora @stargaryenx @poppyreader @chainsawsangel @court-jester-stuff @batprincess1013 @eddiepicker 
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avocado-writing · 3 months
I had this thought this morning and I have had no peace since and I have to share it with somebody!
I think that Wyll, because he has spent his life being very kind and restrained (something it feels like he forces on himself sometimes, even when it would be healthier to let himself react with other "negative" emotions), would actually get a lot of pleasure from taking a dominant role if you were to bring BDSM into your relationship. I think it would be the first time he ever let himself be "cruel". His favorite is teasing and edging you relentlessly until you feel like you're on the edge of madness, and only once you are a pleading whimpering mess, begging him for release, does he give it to you. If he's feeling extra mean, he'll overstim you after all of that teasing, telling you how beautiful you look as you cum for him repeatedly. I just feel like it would give him a sense of control and release over any negative feelings he feels like he has to suppress in his day-to-day. And of course the aftercare is top notch with this man, so sweet and tender. He loves you so much, and goes back to being a ray of sunshine after reducing you to a babbling mess. Of course there are just as many times where he is just the most tender partner in bed, I just think it would be such a healthy release for him and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, I love him so much.
I don't have the writing skills to make a fic of this, but I'm hoping someone who does feels inspired by this so I can read one, hehe.
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rated e, minors dni
Your husband must be a devil, for he certainly acts like one on nights like this.
“Please, please, please…” you murmur, sex alight with need, limbs splayed out and restrained to the four posters of the bed. You trust Wyll absolutely but that doesn’t mean he won’t reduce you to a needy mess. Together it is one of your favourite pastimes: he allows himself to be a little more dominant, a little more wicked, and you lay back as he teases you to madness.
“Please what…?” he asks, his mouth breathing a trail of warmth down your thigh. You attempt to clasp his head between your legs but are thwarted by the soft silk bindings. You mewl in frustration.
“I need to come, Wyll, please let me come…”
“Hmmm… I’m not sure if you deserve it… have you been good enough?” he mutters, thinking it over playfully. You harrumph. You’re not sure how long he’s kept you like this for. Not enough for you to lose the feeling in your ankles and wrists - he is surely too attentive to let that happen - but enough that your sex is aching, desperate to be sated, calling out for your husband’s touch like it would be the sweetest salve.
From between your legs, Wyll looks up and you and grins. He has the loveliest smile, even when he is trying to drive you out of your mind with pleasure and need in equal measure.
He is delightful. He is evil.
Four times? Five? He’s taken you to the edge and left you there with his clever tongue, skillful fingers, then just let your release ebb away again. All you know is lust for him. When his tongue traces you, you yelp.
“Please! Please, Wyll! Please let me come, I need you! I’ve been good!”
As if he was waiting on those magic words he finally dips his head down and lets his mouth finish the job. It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to sweep over you and he laps up every drop you give him - and it is a lot. You’ve eked this out for a while, after all.
It hits you so hard that your vision goes black and then bursts with stars, your climax a wave over your body, quenching a drought he brought on you. He is both giver and taker like this, and truly you’d have it no other way. You’ve never come so hard in your life since your husband revealed this side of himself.
You remember when he first suggested it: he was so worried, so quiet., as if you’d reject him outright and consider him a villain It was a side you hadn’t expected from him but you were thrilled. You’d snapped the book you were holding shut and made him tie you up immediately. Ever since then this side of him would rear its head, and you were always more than happy to accommodate him…
As you come down from your high, you’re aware of Wyll undoing the ties around you. Your arms and legs relax into the mattress and he wraps you up in his embrace before feeding you a glass of water which he always keeps next to the bed. You drink it down thirstily and nuzzle into his chest. He laughs, his kind self back, the ruthless persona he slips into banished for the night.
“Are you alright?” he asks, voice soft and full of concern. When you nod enthusiastically he chuckles again, and you can hear it from inside his ribs along with his heartbeat. A lovely melody.
“Well, I could probably sleep for about twelve hours after that orgasm, but apart from that I’m fine.” 
Wyll smiles and begins to gently massage the skin where the knots lay, soothing you in body and soul.
“If that’s what you desire, then sleep, my love.”
You bury yourself deeper into the safety of him and indulge.
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taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13 @trappedinlimbo15 @infinitely-kate @dhampling @wereallbrokenangels @tilldeathdonugget @useless-contributions @beardedladyqueen @snoozeeebee
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brdpch · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet - Chishiya Shuntarō
my gf wrote this about manga!chishiya and let me post it hehe
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Done and gone as some would say. Probably relaxing by himself with a book.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) He likes his face and his stomach. His partners - sucker for a pretty face.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Cumming down a person's throat, or other hole, no protection.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He sometimes looms in places where he can't be seen and observes the Beach members fucking.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Experienced enough, although not participating at all lately.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) On a side or any where he could restrain someone.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) No goofiness at all, he's not a very goofy person, but if sarcasm counts he is using it a lot during sex too.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Zero hair, ass too.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) The most intimacy he can offer is a pat on the back after he's done.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Few times a week, preferably when he takes a shower - more as a habit than a means of easing the sexual needs.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) sadism, voyeurism, restriction, dominance, humiliation (of the other person), public
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Anywhere he feels horny, he doesn’t care if he is caught.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Dangerous sexy people.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Shit, piss, anal.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Likes to recieve, doesn’t like to give unless he really likes the person.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Depends on the place and a person he is with.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) He actually prefers quickies to normal sex.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Yes, please.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Isn’t very athletic but he trained himself to last pretty long.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) He doesn’t like toys and doesn’t own them, they complicate a simple act.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) A LOT, he enjoys the chase and being chased/teased too.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) He is rather quiet but enjoys when his partners are loud.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) He did the deed in the bathroom of a hospital, more than once, with different people.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Big cock, elegant balls, average ass.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Rather on the lower side.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Quickly after the deed.
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emperor-palpaminty · 1 year
I downloaded TikTok and saw this one and had to write something for Keegan. Hehe. My inbox is open for COD requests!
There is kissing and cussing in this one so if ya don't like it leave byeeeee. GN readerx keegan. Also it makes more sense that someone in the military would have an e-reader instead of a bunch of heavy books so congrats, you are the proud owner of a book tablet now
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When war was not filled with blood or adventures, war dragged. Slow. It was as if Ares himself was lazily strolling with a too-heavy war hammer, yawning.
Not that you minded, necessarily. It gave you time to actually delve into your books. Your e-reader had been an absolute life saver- on long days in the field it would help you take breaks and get some literature in, and it was way lighter than ink-and-paper books. Plus, you didn't have to go into the library to get books that you had on hold.
Unfortunately, some books in the library would all line up to where their holds would finish at the same time and wind up on your e-reader. This usually meant marathon reading sessions at odd times, or at least times where you wouldn't have normally read. Between water breaks while working out, you would speed read through the latest fantasy novel. At the mess, you skimmed the pulp romance your mom had recommended to you. When the computer lab was down, you would examine some half-interesting autobiography or scientific breakdown. And all of it was at the palms of your hands in an instant.
You enjoyed reading.
This love did not go unnoticed- the Ghosts would often chuckle or pester you because you hated being interrupted. Sometimes you would get questions of what you were reading, maybe commenting that their spouses or parents or so-and-so from such-and-such company had mentioned something about that book.
Especially, this did not go unnoticed by Keegan. Not only did he notice it, but it annoyed him. Not the fact you read, or were quiet, or drawn into some fantastical world- he enjoyed that. Watching how your eyes were drawn down on your book, how your fingers would find their way to rest on your mouth or fidget on the table, those were all bonuses. He enjoyed the occasional book himself. However, what annoyed him was....
Nothing. Keegan exhaled, crossing his arms. You were hard to pull out of your little world of books and words. Cute? Yes. Frustrating?
"Hey. Kid."
You gasped and shifted forward, staring at the words, muttering something off towards him. Your lips moved, pressing out a brief oh, wow as you turned the page on your e-reader. They pursed, and they looked soft. Distracted. Kissable.
Absolutely frustrating.
Keegan shoved his gaze from your mouth and reached down, taking your cheeks. "Damn it, kid." He turned your head towards him, leaning down, eye level. "You get sucked in real easy. Cause all kinds of problems that way."
You blinked, hazy as you settled back into reality. The black gloves were rough on your cheeks, almost pressing your lips into a pout, and those blue eyes were close. You sucked in a breath. With it came his smell- musk, wood, something masculine. "Sorry."
Keegan didn't move. Topaz irises skimmed your face, dropping to the lips, watching as you licked them, nervously, your own eyes avoiding him. "Sorry?"
"For getting distracted. I don't get too much time to read, and all my books came off hold at the same time..." Your voice trailed off, and your thumb flicked down, turning off the e-reader. "I wanted to read as much as possible before we went out to the field again." You were vaugely aware that his eyes were still plastered on your face and studying you. Those eyes- they stopped you and haunted you and made you freeze, but kick-started your every nerve.
Behind the mask, Keegan sighed. "I get that. Means a lot to you." His grip loosened on your face but the hand did not drop away. He thumbed over your face, the touch hesitating just at the color of your mouth. Were your eyes playing tricks on you, or did his gaze soften? "Promise." His voice was gentler now. "I'll make it up to you."
Your head tilted, watching what you could see of his face. Heat built up under your skin. It wouldn't have surprised you if he could have felt how warm you were under the leather gloves. "Uh-huh." Was all your very intelligent and very smart brain could muster.
Keegan's free hand grabbed the bottom of his mask and he yanked it up. You barely had time to catch the dark stubble and the surprisingly full lips before he leaned down and pressed his mouth to yours.
His hold on your cheeks were not demanding. It was loose enough to where you could have pulled away, left.
But you didn't. How could you? He huffed, the breath warm from his nose as he turned his head into you, and you swore that you heard a soft groan as you leaned up, your grip on your e-reader loosening and finding its way into his shirt, a fist crumpling against it. A gloved hand moved to the back of your neck, supporting you as you leaned your head back. He pulled back just enough to mutter sweet thing against you before going back in for more. Surprisingly, what stubble he had was soft, you realized as you ran your fingers over his jaw. Your fingers clasped the cotton shirt tighter, his body pressing your back against the corner of the table.
You didn't even hear the door down the hall open. Keegan pressed away, yanking the mask back down and stepping back. You blinked, hands frozen in the air where he had been, eyes locked on his own and looking for answers in them.
"Later," Was all he said, and he turned and left as Ghosts began to enter the mess. You turned back to your reading, quickly, but found that the words weren't as distracting as they were before Keegan had kissed you.
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flawless-v1ctory · 8 months
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪˖🎐Geto Suguru Nsfw Alphabets𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪˖🎐
warning- smut hehe
AN: Thanks to the overlords (Twice & Lady Gaga) I finally finished this💗
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Even though Geto came off as someone pretty cold, when in bed with his lover he’s ready to take care of you in any way needed, you need snacks— he already has some of your favs in hand, you need cuddles— you don’t even need to ask him twice, he’s already wrapped around you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He probably wouldn’t have a favorite body part of himself, the closest would have to be his hair, but when it comes to you, he loves every single thing about your body like he literally takes body worshiping a bit too seriously 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Geto’s definitely likes to keep it clean, he loves finishing inside you and watching it leak out but sometimes he also likes to make a mess and finish on your stomach or back if either you or him are in the mood to
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Geto takes photos of you nude after both of you are done and keeps them in a tiny photo book in case he ever needs to use them, he also sends photos of him if you ever need them
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He doesn’t have a lot of experience since he’s a ✨busy boy✨but he’d have enough experience to meet your needs, plus he’s always ready to learn new stuff with you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He’d most likely love to missionary, lotus and cowgirl, basically any position that allows him to see your face
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s already a very serious person in public so he isn’t a very goofy in bed but sometimes he does like to joke and have a laugh or two with you if it’s needed
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Seeing how nicely he takes care of his hair, he’ll definitely be taking good care, it’ll probably just be trimmed and kept tidy so that it doesn’t disturb you
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
For him it’s like a switch, at one moment he can be the most serious and tense person ever who would barely even smile and at another moment he can be the most cheeky and romantic guy ever, showering you with love 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s doesn’t masturbate too often but if he’s in the mood to he’ll pull out a picture of you and just jerk himself off with you in mind, plus he’s a sucker for mutual masturbation 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’d for sure have a hair pulling kink like do that and he’ll be a moaning mess, he’d also have thing for biting and marking you with hickeys where only the both of you can see them
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’d definitely prefer a place where it’s just the two of you alone so that both of you can share a close and intimate moment but he’s also open to the idea of having sex at a place where someone could probably walk in on both of you but not a very crowded place
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The only thing he’ll probably ever get turned on is by you and all the unintentional(most of the time at least) things you do that makes him go head over heals for you
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’d definitely be opposed to the idea of sharing you, he’s a very sensual man and would only want to have a sensual moment with you only, he’d also never do anything that could cause any kind of injuries to you or make you feel uncomfortable 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Geto’s surprising a master at giving oral like he can literally have your toes curling and you moaning in seconds and he’d definitely prefer giving more than receiving but does love it when you suck him off and seeing you take in he’s whole length in your mouth
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Geto can go as fast and rough  and as slow and sensual you want him to, he’s always ready to accommodate to you but he does usually prefer going slow with you as it enables him to enjoy you more
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Even though he always prefers having an intimate moment with you, but since he’s a very ✨busy boy✨he’d probably have to resort to quickies sometimes, plus he’d never say no to a quickie if you wanted one
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s not too into the idea of doing anything in a crowded place, but he’d definitely be a big tease by lightning touching your privates and saying the most sensual remarks to you in the most normal voice ever, not caring whether someone hears it or not
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Geto definitely has the stamina to go at least four rounds but he usually refrains from it to keep his energy and not make you too tired or uncomfortable, but if your in the mood to keep continuing and not stop, he’s more than happy to
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He wouldn’t have any toys for himself since he’d probably find them useless but for you he definitely has a toy or two to edge you or to restrain you from moving(he’d fr just keep the handcuffs in his pocket if needs to use em)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If he feels a bit goofy or cheeky he’d definitely tease and/or edge you to get you flustered, he’d definitely also brush up near your privates in public if he’s in the mood to see your face flustered and red with a bit of embarrassment 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He typically wouldn’t make a lot of sound and would prefer to just listen to your sounds, but eventually he’d let out a moan or two continued by a plethora of sounds and before you know, both of you are just a pair of moaning messes 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Whenever you wear any kind of lipgloss that has a sweet smell, Geto most definitely licks it every time the both of you are kissing and buys you more like it so that he can do it again 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Geto’s surprising pretty big, with its width and length being balanced perfectly and the tip being just a bit bigger (literally the perfect dick🤓✨) In numbers it would probably be 7 inches in length🤓 and 4 inches in width🤓
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It would probably be pretty less since he’s probably distracted from it most of the time or is too busy so he just tries not to get it in his head but if you happened to send him a picture or tell him the your in the mood, it’s like a switch turns on and he’s suddenly he’s ready to have sex
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After the sex and the aftercare, Geto always waits for you to doze off first and give you comfort, and after you have, he always give you a little kiss on the nose and wraps his arms around you and finally calls it a night
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fuzzygoblin · 4 months
Year of the Dragon - A Smutty Valentine Fic
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Rating: E
Word Count: 5k
Complete: Yes
CW/TW: Crowley is a dragon, Inter-species Sex, Naga Crowley (Good Omens), Wing Kink, Crowley Has Scales (Good Omens), Crowley Has Two Penises (Good Omens), Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Fluff and Smut, No Angst only Love
2024 is the Year of the Dragon! When partaking in the festivities, Crowley can’t help but let his demonic side out and cause a bit of mischief with Aziraphale there by his side as their revelry takes to the sky. Together the angel and demon explore their corporations in an exciting new way.
Set in a magical post Happy Ending world where Crowley and Aziraphale are, and always will be, an Us.
This fic is for ElysiumLeo , my valentine in the r/GoodOmensAfterDark Valentine's Gift Exchange 2024.
Prompts included in this fic: Wing Kink, Naga!Crowley (although I took some liberties introducing Dragon!Crowley hehe) and Crowley has Sensitive Scales
“Hrmm, yeah?”
“Would you like to go out for dumplings this evening?”
“Erm, sure, angel,” Crowley folded his newspaper down and looked over at Aziraphale, “Any particular reason?”
“Oh, I just had a craving,” Aziraphale smiles, it’s one of his radiant smiles that make the corners of his eyes wrinkle delightfully and makes Crowley’s jaw want to unhinge.
Folding the newspaper and discarding it down the side of the sofa where he was sprawled, Crowley launches himself up dick first, “Ready when you are.”
At this, Aziraphale laughs, a ringing melodious sound, puts down the book he was reading and gets up to meet the demon. They stand close together, comfortable now in the ease of their nearness. Aziraphale lets his fingertips softly trail up Crowley’s arms, across his shoulders and into his styled hair (lightly so as not to ruin the coif he’s so proud of). The angel presses his lips against Crowley’s and they smile into their kiss, tilting their heads to get the best angle, Crowley wraps his hands around Aziraphale’s waist and pulls him in close.
“I think we have some time before dinner.” Aziraphale murmurs into Crowley’s mouth before kissing him again.
“Appetisers before the main course?” Crowley grins.
“Temptation accomplished!” Aziraphale giggles, and they make their way hand-in-hand upstairs to the bedroom above the bookshop.
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phagechildon · 1 month
Post novel Hualian au where a vengeful spirit tricks Xie Lian into taking an ordinary storybook during his scrap collecting venture and brings his haul back to Paradise Manor. He drops it off in the corner of their room as he and San Lang spend a romantic evening together.
When they retire for the night, snuggled warmly and lovingly into each other's arms, the book begins to glow. E-ming and Ruoye notice it, but can do nothing against the sprinkling dust that puts them to sleep. Not even Hualian wake up as it pulls them into a very deep slumber.
Sort of like a sleeping beauty or snow white sleep, however their soulmate is also under the same spell. The vengeful spirit is filled with glee and gloats around Ghost City. At first no one believes him until he destroys Hua Cheng's thrown at the Gambler's Den and he doesn't show up to kill 'the trash.' The spirit expects fear and cowardice, but is met with hostility instead. Ghost City bands together and capture the unruly spirit, hurting him in the process. The vengeful spirit doesn't understand. Why do they stand behind a supreme ghost king and disgraced trash god?
"Hua-chengzhu gave us a place to live and thrive while the humans and gods want us all to die. Grand-Uncle always helps and supports us, but more important he makes Chengzhu happy!!"
Despite the explanation, the vengeful spirit is still confused. They're all brainwashed, he thinks, and laughs in their faces when he tells them there's no safe way to wake them up. Forcing them might fracture their minds and soul, and none of them want to take that risk.
So they try other things, like making food they know they love hoping the smell will wake them up. They surround them with flowers they know they love too. They don't want the Heavens to get involved, knowing Chengzhu would decapitate them for letting the gods see him like this, but also know he'd never want His Highness to be in danger. So they set a time limit. If they can't wake them up within a month, they will reach out for help.
Maybe only they themselves can wake each other up by realizing they're in a dream. In their dream they're together and magnificently happy.
Nothing bad ever happens, which is how they start getting suspicious.
Maybe someone separates their bodies in the real world and that shock wakes them both up, hurting the ones separating them (on instinct of course). Maybe it's Feng Xin and Mu Qing. Anyway, I just love the idea of all of Ghost City out for blood against someone who managed to hurt their Lord and Grand-Uncle hehe
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kimryowo · 6 months
Our Not-So Happy Ending
prologue - part i.
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Before Otori Y/N came to this strange place, she was performing a show on the Wonder Stage inside Pheonix Wonderland, an amusement park owned by her father.
And now, here she was, banging on a box, panicked and confused.
Perhaps she fell asleep during a show or something, she should surely try to remember! What if her friends were waiting for her?
Putting all her strength into her arms, she sprang forward, leaping out of the strange box that kept her contained.
"Won… Won… Wonderhoy!" She exclaimed loudly, however, she quickly noticed her surroundings. There were so many floating coffins surrounding her, the room dim and quite eerie. In the centre, there was an ominous floating mirror. There was also a fountain which spat out a mysterious green liquid. The only source of lights were brightly lit lanterns, they had star patterns in them too. There was also a luxurious chandelier, with rows of beads connecting to the hooks which held the lanterns up.
It was like magic!
This was not Pheonix Wonderland, nor the SEKAI, or even Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy.
"E-Eh!?" She shrieked, glancing around frantically. 
She was not home.
She had no clue where she was, this was incredibly peculiar to the female for many reasons, though, only one thing crossed her mind. 'Why is this place so dark and gloomy!?'
To her right, the young female caught sight of a flaming blue cat mumbling to itself.
"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me..." It said quietly, potentially to hide its very suspicious position. "Urggghh... this lid weighs a ton! Try this on for size! Mya-ha~!"
"A talking kitty!" Y/N exclaimed loudly, looking at the creature with sparkly eyes. 
Her loud voice startled the firey feline, who had sprayed blue fire everywhere. The room erupting into flames, to which she let out a squeal. 
"EEP!" She shouted, her head swivelling around frantically. "There's so much fire!"
However, the magical feline took it as its sign to grab whatever it was it wanted and run. "Now to grab the goods..!"
A boy then tumbled out of the strange box -- which Y/N identified as a coffin -- beside her. “Uwahh..!”
“What!? You ain’t supposed to be awake!” The talking cat shrieked.
Y/N could only stare curiously, this was super weird! Could this be like a robot Rui made? She just stared at the creature curiously.
“A… talking weasel,” the boy who fell out of the coffin said, his voice full of surprise. His voice was surprisingly gentle despite how tough he looked.
“How… How DARE YOU! I am no WEASEL! I’m Grim, sorcerer extraordinare! Tch… whatever. You, humans, just gimme your uniforms and be quick about it!” The fiery feline named Grim barked, as silly as that was. “Cause if you don’t… you’re gonna regret it.” 
Y/N just looked at the creature and the boy with sparkly eyes. 
“Getting roasted alive by a weasel? What will I dream of next?” The boy sighed sarcastically.
“Well… Keep dreaming, cause I ain’t no weasel!”
As the boy grabbed Y/N’s hand, he began to drag her along with her as he quickly fled the room with the floating coffins.
Fleeing into what looked like a library, the two humans slowed to a stop. 
There were rows and rows of books, shelves upon shelves all stacked to the brim, like the creepy room from before, this one was also quite large and lavish. There were also many pictures of many things as well as more lamps. A few books were scattered on the floor too.
“What was that kitty thing? It was super-duper cute! Hehe!” Y/N said brightly, still smiling.
“…It almost killed us.” He muttered, a little surprised by your enthusiasm.
As they spoke of Grim, he did end up appearing before them. “Foolish humans! Did you really think you could slip away from ME? Now unless you wanna get burnt to a crisp, take off those— me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives!?”
A man appeared before the two humans and feline, standing tall and he seemed pretty irritated. “Consider it tough love.”
He then turned to the pair of humans. “Ah, I’ve found you too at last. Splendid. I trust you’re both one of this years new students?” 
Y/N and the boy just stared at the man, one more enthusiastic than the other. 
“Hello, mister! Wonderhoy!” She exclaimed.
The man just chuckled, “my, you were ever eager to make your debuts… and bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the schools rules…”
Y/N didn’t really know what to say, and neither did the other boy.
Grim kept on yelling and screaming, throwing a total tantrum. “As if I’d serve some lowly humans!”
The man sighed again, “yes, yes… Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won’t you?”
“Mmmrph!!” Grim’s muffled shouts only earnt a couple of laughs from the young girl.
“Dear me…” The man said, looking at the pair of humans with a tired expression, “of all the students I’ve dealt with, you two are the first with temerity enough to open their own gates and step out of them. Does the very notion of patience elude you both? No matter… Your orientations  have already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber.”
Y/N stared on in surprise, she had no idea what exactly this Mirror Chamber was, or even where she was!
“Student..?” The boy beside her mumbled, confusion flashing on his face.
“You both awakened in a room full of gates, did you not? All of the students here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although… typically, the students. have restraint enough to wait until I open them before waking up.” The man seemed a little dejected, his mouth tugging down into a slight pout.
“I think something blew the lid off mine…” The boy beside the girl said.
“I sprung out of mine! I was all BWOOM, POW! POW!” She announced with bright eyes.
The two males just stared at her, unsure what to say.
“You… You took the lid off all by yourself? That boy couldn’t do it…” The man muttered under his breath, to try to avoid the girl hearing, but, she did manage to hear.
“Yup! I do gymnastics and dancing and swimming and handball too!”
It was safe to assume that they were surprised at the amount of energy you had.
Though, the man turned back to the boy beside her, talking to him once more. “The culprit appears to be that familiar of yours. You’re the one who insisted on bringing it, so curtailing its behaviour is your responsibility! But… now is not the time for such prattle. You’ve both got a student orientation to ayyemd! Go on, now. Make haste.” He ushered quickly, though the boy didn’t budge.
“First, just tell me… er, us, one thing; who are you?” The boy asked, giving Y/N a side glance — who had been glancing around in fascination.
How exciting! This place would make a great show setting! She’d have to tell Rui, Nene and Tsukasa about it when she woke up from this dream.
“Hm? Have you not fully regained consciousness? The time space teleportation must have addled your memories… Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my magnanimity is boundless.”
…Huh? What did that mean!?
Soon, after following the oddly dressed man, they arrived in what appeared to be a courtyard.
He cleared his throat before he continued speaking, well, rambling more like. “This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate. a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious. academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as the headmage.
Y/N thought that this were just like from the storybooks she used to read when she was little. This was pretty much every fantasy magic school ever.
She hadn’t even noticed she had spaced out for a moment, however, the boy’s soft voice met her ears.
Crowley simply smirked, “only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those ‘gates’, which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you.”
Y/N tried to wrack her brain for any memory of this, yet, there was none. The last thing she remembered was entering the stage to perform in Phoenix Wonderland… wait, could she still access the SEKAI? She’d have to check later on, it seemed.
“I do remember crossing a dark forest,” the boy beside her mumbled.
“That black carriage serves to receive a student chosen by the Dark Mirror. It too bears a gate that connects to this campus. And as you know, sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time-honoured tradition.” Crowley stated matter-of-factly.
“So… what you’re telling us is that this carriage dragged us here against our own wills?” The boy beside her asked rhetorically.
“Mmmmf! Mmmmmmmmfff!!!” Grim whined, his voice. still muffled.
“Now, let us attend to your orientations,” Crowley said with a grin.
Her mind was a blur by the time they had returned to the Mirror Chamber. She didn’t exactly know why, but she felt like she was missing something, she wasn’t able to remember. But she had no idea what she had forgotten.
“We’re all done with orientation and dorm assignments?” A short boy in a dark hood asked with an attitude. He had shiny red hair and sharp blue eyes. They were full of scrutiny and seriousness.
Another boy yawned, “well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I’m going back to the dorm. If you’re in Savanclaw House, follow me…” He looked like a lion! Y/N wondered if his ears were fluffy…
More voices eventually erupted from the spaces above, there was quite a lot of chatter.
“New students!” A new voice said, full of pride. “Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement. As dorm leader of Octavinelle House, I am honoured to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience.” He wore glasses. He seemed nice! 
“Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went? He disappeared midway through the ceremony…” Another voice asked, he was pretty handsome. Oh, he reminded the girl of Tsukasa with the way he looks, just with purple in his hair.
“Some headmage he is…” Somebody’s voice echoed from a small tablet.
“Maybe he had a tummy ache?” One boy suggests, he wore matching robes to the others too and had shiny ruby eyes.
“I most certainly did not!” Crowley snapped with a huff.
“Ah, speak of the devil…” The boy with red hair remarked under his breath, a smirk on his face.
“If you must know, I was searching for the new students who’d failed to show for orientation. You two are the only ones who has yet to. be assigned a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it. I’ll watch your weasel.” Crowley ordered, pointing towards the floating mirror.
Grim, as usual, growled angrily.
Y/N thought that the mirror looked cool and thought that this would be good for a new show she came up with. She’d have to draw about it later to show her friends, maybe the Virtual Singers could see it too!
“State your names.” The mirror ordered blankly.
“I’m Yuuken Enma.” The boy, now known as Enma, stated.
“Won… Won… Wonderhoy⭐︎! I’m Otori Y/N!” Y/N stated, trying to stifle her giggles.
“Enma… and Y/N.” The Mirror repeated slowly, “the nature of your souls… are unclear to me.”
The room erupted into shocked gasps. Crowley was surprised too, “what did you just say?”
“I sense no magical power from these two. Soundless. Colourless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.” The Mirror confirms.
“Are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive people who cannot even use magic? But that is absurd! The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence! How could this have happened?” Crowley asked, absolutely befuddled.
Grim, deciding he’d have enough, finally broke free of the constraints and began to exclaim, “unlike those humans, I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here! Look, I’ll show. you! My spells’re the cats meow!”
“Everyone, get down!” The short red-headed boy shouted as everyone hit the deck.
Enma ended up dragging Y/N down with him to avoid her being set on fire.
One student was not as lucky, “AHHHHH! HELP! I’m on fire over here!” It was the boy with ruby eyes.
Crowley was not happy and it was evident in his expression, “someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze!”
The boy with lion ears just huffed, “ugh. Can I go now?”
The Tsukasa lookalike, who was also very pretty looked at the lion boy with a teasing look, “oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter. Go and help yourself to. that plump little morsel!”
“Too much effort,” the boy with lion ears huffed again, “do it yourself.”
“Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley!” The boy with the glasses announced.
“WTG Azul. Rackin’ up those participation credits.” The voice from the tablet exclaimed.
“Hey, um, my butt’s still on fire… could someone maybe put this out!?”
“I’m sorry, were my instructions unclear?” Crowley felt as if he were babysitting four year olds. It was an utter mess. 
The boy with lion ears sighed once more, “preeetty sure you can handle catching one mangy weasel all on your lonesome there, headmage.”
Grim didn’t like that because not only did the blue flames spread and grow even more, his attitude only worsened. “How many t times do i gotta say it!? I’m Grim, spell caster extraordinare! I am NOT a weasel!”
“Hmm, aren’t you a spunky little fellow. Riddle, would you be so kind..?” The boy with glasses said, amused by the whole situation.
The red haired boy, now identifiable as Riddle huffed and sighed, “furry miscreant. I will abide no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand.”
“Shall we make this quick, then?” Azul hummed.
Grim began to race around the room, fire spraying everywhere, making an even bigger mess.
“Must you relish playing with your quarry, Azul?” Riddle asked sternly.
So the boy with glasses’ name is Azul? What a pretty name!
“Heh… and here I thought we were both the sort to enjoy this.” Azul muttered.
“Please,” Riddle scoffed, their argument was pointless. “I’m not like you, so spare me your drivel.”
Though, in the end, he was backed into a corner.
“Myah! It’s a dead end!” Grim screamed, realising how he was trapped.
“Poor soul. Ran yourself into a corner, didn’t you?” Azul said with a fake pout.
“I suggest you surrender,” Riddle explained, “otherwise…”
“NO!” Grim shouted, like a toddler throwing a tantrum, “I’m gettin’ into this school, and that’s FINAL!”
Riddle sighed, “Stand aside, Azul!”
Maybe Y/N did get knocked out by one of Rui’s mechanical creations because this was a very insane dream. But when would she wake up?
But what if… Perhaps… perhaps this wasn’t a dream like Y/N initially thought?
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m34gs · 4 months
I really love this pairing and I have so many ideas. I know they're a rarepair, and people might not search them out as much, so here's a post with a link to all my Kalim/Idia fics and a quick summary for each:
Life of the Party - the very first one I posted for this ship! It's based on the vignette where Kalim invites Idia over for dinner and it ends up a much larger event as several others invite themselves along. I wrote the fic imagining what might have gone down at the party :)
Asim's Coffee - a coffee-shop au oneshot! Kalim works at his father's coffee shop, and Idia is a regular customer he wants to get to know better!
Black Cats and Hedge Mazes - an au where Kalim and Idia meet as children at a charity event their families attend. Idia gets lost in a hedge maze and Kalim helps him.
Treasure You - a short oneshot in an alternate universe where Kalim is searching for treasure and Idia is a prince under a spell.
Consolation Prize - Kalim keeps losing against Idia in racing video games, so he demands compensation.
Under a Moonlit Breeze - Two guys sitting in a tree under the moonlight...they might kiss...
Serenity - Kalim watches his boyfriend gaming late at night.
Onyx Flowers - a short scene of Kalim helping Idia let his hair down after an evening dinner party.
So, This is Love - Another short scene: Kalim wants to go outside, but Idia is possessive.
Sharing Blankets - Kalim wakes up cold because Idia stole the blankets.
A Winter's Evening - Idia and Kalim have a gaming date night.
Cookies and E-cards - Idia and Kalim aren't able to spend Valentine's Day together but they still make sure to express their love.
Delirious - Kalim gets a worrying text from his boyfriend, so he goes to check on him. He and Ortho find Idia in a state of delirium.
Oops - while studying in the library, Kalim startles Idia and Idia rips the library book. Panicking, Idia decides to fix things the Hard Way. Kalim is Determined to Help, which leads to some interesting situations...
A Different Kind of Magic - (alternate universe) Idia, the youngest mage to graduate from mentorship, works in his parents' shop on the weekends. It's quiet and dusty and overall not the kind of place that gets a lot of attention. In his mind; perfect. Until two other teens come in looking for a Mentor to teach them before their magic consumes them. They are very desperate, and rather 'persuasive'. Can Idia teach them what they need to know to save themselves, without giving away the skeletons in his own closet? He thought so...until his own feelings started making things more complicated. (my first - and so far my only - multichapter fic for the pairing! But I soon hope to be adding a Vampire multichapter fic hehe)
If you're interested, please feel free to check them out! I love this pairing so much and I really pour my heart into everything I write about them! 💜💜💜
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Cg(s)- Eddie Dear+Frank Frankly
Little(s) - Julie Joyful
Age- 5
It was a nice spring earning and Julie, Eddie, and Frank were outside in a nice flowery field catching or just watching bugs.
Frank and Eddie don't really get much time together due to Eddie being a mail man so they thought this would be the perfect time to hang out together. On the way there they met Julie skipping around and being her usual self. “HAY JULIE”. Eddie yelled crossing the street. “Hm”? Julie turned around to see her best friend Frank and his boyfriend. “Hiya fellas, whatcha doing”? “Oh, we're just going down to the flower field to look at some bugs and to catch up on things”. Frank said with a smile holding a small leather bag that he carries around for his books and notes. “OOOOO~ that sounds like a lata fun. Can I tag along”? “Sure why not”. Eddie giggled turning to his boyfriend. “Is that ok with you hun”? “Sure I don't see why not.” “YAAAAY~”!!! Julie jumped with joy as she ran over the boys.
—Time skip cause i’m too lazy——
They had made it to a big field of flowers of all different kinds, peonies, tulips, windflowers little rose bushes on the sides, etc. There were many different bugs to look at. Butterflies, bees, Beatles, spiders, etc.
Julie giggled as she ran threw the flower patches. “Guys look, these ones are orange and yellow too, just like my horns”. She said pointing at the tulips and then right back to her horns.
“It sure does”. Eddie gasped. “FRANK LOOK, this one's orange”. Eddie pointed to an orange and black butterfly. “Ooooo~ that's a mark butterfly”. Frank said looking very happy to be talking about his interests.
Meanwhile, Julie was in her own little world chasing the bugs and nationally falling over the ruts of an occasional tree here and there.
“Oof, dat one really hurt”. She quickly put her hands on her mouth and looked over at frank and Eddie laughing at each other in the distance. “Thank god they didn’t here dat”. She groaned (“i cant regress now, I’m with my friends right now. Ooo- but what will they say if they find out”). Everything was flooding her head till she started spacing out.
“Julie”? “Hay Juuuulieeeee, you ok”. “Hu, oh ya m fine”. Julie said trying not to sound so kiddish even thought thats her hole personality but today she was a little off. Her voice was a tad bit higher and she kinda slurred her words. “You sure cause we’ve been calling you for like two minutes now”? Frank sounded a bit worried. “Mhm, m fine, ima be ight back”. Julie then got up and started walking. She didn’t know where she was going, she just new she wanted to get away from the couple.
“Oof”. “Owy, owy, owy”! Julie cries, slowly turning into sobs. “JULIE”!!The boys cried out. “Are you ok”. Eddie says running over to the mentally younger. Julie is still sobbing uncontrollably. “Shh shh, hay everything’s gunna to be ok”. “M-m-m-m sowry”. Her sobs slowly turned into soft cries. “Theres no reason to be sorry, you just had a little accident, your ok, hehe”. Eddie reassures her. “M- what do you want me to do ki—oooh hehe”. Julie looks over at frank making grabby hands towards him. Frank gets down to her level.”are you little right now”. “Mhm” she blushes hiding her face from the two mentally older boys. ”Why didn’t you tell us”. “Cause is didn wan you to e weiwded out. I didn wan you to stwap bein m fwend”. Julie started to tear up. “I don’t know if you know this already but”. Julie looks up at Eddie. Eddie takes out a small stuffed bear and an orange,yellow,blue pacifier. “Im an age regressor too. Well a flip”. “Same here, and when where both small Howdy comes and takes care of us”. The two mentally boys looked over at Julie as she’s giggling ind stimming.
“Now, can we go catch buofwies”.
“Yes, yes, we can”.
Im so sorry that it took me so long.school has been tough cause i had a bunch of tests, but tysm for the request this was a lot of fun to make, especially with some of my headcanons.:)
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hoshi-y · 1 year
Your blog is a Godsend honestly😭😭 The writing the TBHK Fandom gets is so little compared to other Fandom and yours is some of the best in my opinion!
I was wondering if I could have letters A, B, C, E, J, K, L, S and W for Hanako or Amane pls?
Don't rush to finish it tho, take your time! Have a nice day/night <3
Fluff Alphabet | Amane Y.
A/N : WOWSHWUHS OH MY GOD YOU THINK SO? I am very flustered HWHSHSHA my purpose here on tumblr was to share my piled up story ideas, headcanons or even one shots, and it still surprises me how far I've come now that I am looking and writing other peoples amazing ideas, LOOKING TO WRITE FOR MORE HEHE
The person who I was following their prompt for I cant open their prompt list, so I searched some up and wrote what I could remember 💔
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A, B, C, E, J, K, L, S, W
A - Affection. "How do they show affection?"
Oh good golly where do I even start? Amane would show you affection in EVERY possible way, simple hugs, kisses, spending time with you, doing things you love, even the smallest things he does to show you affection absolutely makes you blush. But his most favorite way to show affection to you is through hugs and words. He loves to pull you into a long hug and whisper sweet nothings into your ear as he smirks at your blushing face
Some are even perverted topics—
B-Beauty. "What do they find most attractive?"
Amane can NEVER pick out which part of you he finds attractive
You were absolutely perfect in his eyes, and he loves you so much to notice any imperfections with you.
every part of you he finds attractive
C-Comfort. "How do they help you when you feel sad?"
Amane is a guy who'd comfort you with words, and long tights hugs. He'd whisper sweet things into your ear while he brushes your hair and kiss away all your salty tears.
When you're feeling dowm, he'd know right away, he'd stop whatever he is doing or drop everything he's gonna do, cancel plans, etc. He would immediately pull you into a tight but comforting embrace and sit you down as he comforts you, he won't push you to say what or who is bothering you. He just wants to put that bright and cheerful smile on your face once again.
E-Equal "Are they the dominant one in the relationship?
Come on this is Yugi Amane we're talking about. There are times he wants ti be the dominant one in the relationship (not in a toxic way) but there are times he'd let you become the dominant one (bottom??)
J-Jealousy "Do they get jealous easily?"
He can handle his jealousy, but only for a little while before he snaps and hugs your waist fr9m behind as he rest his chin on your shoulder glaring at the person who you have all your attention to and not him
K-Kisses "Are they a good kisser?"
He is an AMAZING kisser, come on you can't tell me he doesn't have experience with the amount of books or 'magazines' he reads, he'd give you those short kisses, long, french (oh my), passionate kisses, they are so addictive you wouldn't last a day without it
L-Love "How did they confess to their s/o?"
Although Amane is very cheerful and outgoing, he has a shy side of him, the way he confessed to you was by leaving anonymous notes on your desk or in your shoe locker.
He doesn't want people intervening nor watching, he wants this confession to be you and him only, so he confessed during a school festival on the rooftop while both of you were stargazing, he made cheesy remarks at first but then pops the question <3
He was very nervous that you'd reject him, but now he doesn't need to worry now that you're his
S-Support "Do they support their s/o's to achieve their goals?"
Amane would ALWAYS support you, with whichever decisions you make.
If you tell him about a goal that you're trying to achieve, he won't make fun at you, make remarks nor comment, he'd offer to help so that you can achieve that goal
W-Wild card "Random fluff headcanon"
There was a time you saw he was hiding his pen with a moon keychain on it in his bag, you made a comment on how cute it was and that made him happy, the next day he had it on his shirt pocket everyday ever since that comment he'd put it out for you to see, he'd even buy you the star one so you and him could match 😭💗
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ac3th3shark · 5 months
!!banana fish spoilers!!
Eiji's sister doesn't have a name, so I refer to her as Fuku bc that's what the random name generator wanted.
idea: Ash survives and comes to see Eiji in Japan
It had been a little less than a month since Eiji had returned to Japan. His injuries had almost fully healed, and he was able to walk around and do things again. His poor mother had been horrified to see the state he was in when he arrived home. She cried so hard seeing him hurt in that wheelchair. He remembers thinking about how upset he was that Ash hadn't come, but he was sure that he would see him again while his mother thanked Ibe for taking care of him and his father yelled at Ibe for letting him get hurt.
About a week after he arrived home, he got a call from Ibe saying that Max had called him, and Ash was in the hospital after getting stabbed by Lao. Max had asked him not to tell Eiji yet, but he thought that he deserved to know what happened. Eiji wanted to go right back to America to check on Ash, but he didn't. He decided that he needed to stay here for a while before doing anymore travelling and he's confident that Ash would be ok, ash is strong. One of the strongest- no, the strongest person that he's ever met.
He was so worried about Ash, asking Ibe if he knew how he was doing every day. He remembers thinking that he shouldn't of came back until he was sure that Ash and everyone else was ok. He was so relieved when a few days ago Ibe told him that Ash had finally been released.
He was snapped from his thoughts when his mother called his name. He looked up from where he was staring at a page of his book.
"Sweetie, someone's here to see you."
"I think it's a friend from America. He barely speaks Japanese, but he kept saying something in English and your name so I figured I would get you."
Eiji tried to think of who it could be. What if Ash had gotten into more trouble and someone had come after him again? now, that was extremely unlikely. But who could it be? Max is too busy with his engagement and planning his marriage. He had heard that Sing was working with Yut Lung now, so who?
"Thanks ma" He cautiously got up and walked to the door that was cracked open.
Upon opening the door, he was met with a familiar face, ash. Ash had come to see him.
He just stood there staring and Ash just stared back. Finally, he worked up the ability to say something.
Ash jumped onto Eiji, bringing him into a tight hug, Eiji hugged him back. They both pulled back a little, staring at each other, both of them crying happy tears. Ash moves one of his hands to Eiji's face, gently pulling him into a soft kiss. They both Smile as they pull away.
Eiji grabs his hand and pulls him inside the house, shutting the door behind them. As soon as he moves his hand from the knob its back around ash and they're hugging again. They stay like that for a while before Ash remembers that this isn't his home and pulls away.
"How are you? Are you ok? I heard that you were stabbed. You just got released a few days ago, right? Why are you here?"
"I'm fine now, I lost a lot of blood and ended up passing out from blood loss in the library but I'm ok now." Ash responds, gently taking Eiji's hands into his. "And I'm here because I missed you."
The nice moment only lasts for a short minute because Eiji suddenly turns around.
"Awwww, Eiji! Your so on-edge all the time since you came back! I can't sneak up on you anymore!" Fuku, Eiji's younger sister pouts.
"Heh, sorry Fu."
"who's that?" Fuku and Ash both say at the same time, pointing at each other.
"Ash," Eiji starts saying in English "This is Fuku, my younger sister." He turns to Face the girl better, "Fuku," he says in Japanese now, "This is Ash, my....Friend from America" he blushes a little when he decides not to tell her that they're dating.
"Hehe! I knew that that charm I gave you would work!!" Fuku laughs as Eiji jumps back a little.
"Ahh, that was intentional!?"
"What did she say?" Ash asked.
"r-remember that charm I told you about? She said that she knew it would work." The red on both of their faces intensifies and so does Fuku's laughter.
"Well, if it's that obvious, may as well just own it." Ash says, "You can introduce me as your boyfriend if you'd like."
And they all three smile.
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Ari :,( I just :,( typed out a whole yap session abt the smoker sugu post you rb’d and tumblr kicked me out of the app :,( sighhhh…. Is this a sign from the universe telling me to stop talking 😞😞 (the universe won’t stop my yapping) BUT. ONTO SUGU. All of ur takes are so right oh em gee…….. he’s so. Hehdsjhdjs. Him smoking would fluster me greatly I fear!! I don’t. Really like smoking :,) (<< the biggest baby when it comes to literally anything it’s not even funny) but I think if he did it I would let him off the hook…… >:3 don’t get me wrong though I would force him to brush his teeth 10 times over + use mouthwash + shower + put cologne on before coming ANYWHERE near me after smoking WHDHWHDHWHDH 😭😭 do u think that would make him quit after a while. Like if his s/o couldn’t handle the smell or taste of cigarettes and they like. Would not allow him near them if he smelled like tobacco…… 😭😭 BUT ASIDE FROM SUGU!!! I read ur book recs post and. Now I want to read all of them :,) what have u done to me…….. /pos /lh I HOPE UR DOING WELL THOOO !! And taking care of urself ofc <33 summer has been um. Killing me and my allergies but I hope ur enjoying it so far :3 n e ways have a lovely timezone!! :3 <3333 mwaaaah mwaaaah !! 🫂💐🌸🌻 < lots of flowers and hugs for u!!!
NOOOOO OLLIE :((((((( smhhhh tumblr hates to see us winning……… i’ll always be here to listen to your yaps tho <3333333
AND . HHHHHH . smoker!sugu makes me so insane…….. he would fluster me so much too……… i don’t smoke at All and i never will but. i admit. i fall into the trap of finding smoking sexy sometimes 😔😔😔 it’s all reigen’s fault……. i just feel like sugu would smell like tobacco in a really cozy way. and light his cigarette in a really cool way. he is the Exception……
BUTTTTTT WITH THAT BEING SAID. i really do think he would quit for you <333333 he would!!!! trust!!!!!! you keep pouting everytime he lights a cig and complaining abt the smell and refusing to kiss him so at some point he’s just like 🤨 okay. you big baby. (<- he says this but he’s secretly a little/lot worried abt the smoke harming your lungs 😔)….. so he quits pretty quickly!!! i remember writing a sugu fic a long time ago where . it’s implied that he quit smoking after hearing you say you wouldn’t date a smoker pre-relationship and that’s soooo canon to me <333333 he’s more addicted to you than the tobacco!!!!!
ANDDDDDD PLEASE I’M SO HAPPY THAT YOU READ THE BOOK POST 🥺🥺🥺 i hope you end up picking one of them up one day!!! pls tell me if you do hehe. i think you would love the travelling cat chronicles!!!!!! not JUST bc the protagonist’s name is satoru…… though partially bc of that too……,,,
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taegularities · 2 months
Here’s an update on that guy.
So since our classes restarted he kinda… idk what happened but all I was getting were those glances and little to no staring contests so obviously I was a little disappointed. There were like only 2 or 3 instances where I caught him staring at me. And that’s it. And today after what felt like ages something occurred. So in the middle of the lecture the professor came up to my desk and he asked me something related to an assignment’s submission. And in the process of looking up from my notebook I saw him staring and since the professor was talking to me I couldn’t look at him for much longer and I knew that his eyes were on me so my mind started to malfunction and I literally told the professor that I’d submit the assignment TOMORROW 😭 Anyway, just as he stepped away I looked at him and the guy averted his eyes but me being me just kept on looking at him and he legit looked back at me and we just kept on staring at e/o 🫣🫣🫠🫠. I was the first one to break the eye contact even tho I didn’t wanted to ☹️ And what I did after that is just so ridiculous. Gosh I’m so embarrassed but I really want to get this off my chest 😭😭 so just as I looked away I kinda smiled and I hooked my arm with my benchmate and started to sort of laugh like a fucking idiot and she just kept on looking at me like 😵‍💫 what happened dude after that I almost banged my head on the desk and hid my face in the book all while my benchmate X’s friend (who is also friends with that guy) was looking at me 🥹 He saw me do that shit I FEEL LIKE CRYING 😭 AND JUST WANNA GO 6 FEET UNDER CAUSE WHY THE HELL DID I JUST LET MYSELF DO THAT SHIT INFRONT OF EVERYONE 😶😶
i'm like the friend watching from the sidelines, with an eye twitching and wanting to push y'all into each other's direction so you can finalLY KISS LMAO
okay no but seriously, babe, if you wanna hear my advice... it's time to approach him, me thinks 🤨 ofc that's totally up to you, but to me it feels like the two of you have such clear interest in each other and could be so adorableeeee, i mean you can't stop staring!! lolll and i think if you reach out, you'll have some clarification on what he thinks about you 😋 bc the glances are so cute, but have been going for a while 👀 and might leave you wondering over time (unless you're okay with that!! :D). also ignore me if you don't wanna do anything like that at all, i'm just cheering for your happiness hehe 🤣 and dw babe!! i bet it wasn't that bad and the laughter was even somewhat adorable 🥰
keep me posted and good luck with your assignment!! <3
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