#oooh I can't WAIT for the next scandal
irandomblogfulb · 1 year
Roosterteeth wasted millions of dollars on Genlock. Wasted millions not on A-list voice actors like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey, but TOP HOLLYWOOD ACTORS who starred in critical acclaimed movies and TV series.
Burnie Burns, the former CEO, has made enough money to purchase a flipping Tesla, and move across to another flipping continent on the other side of the world.
Whatever financial hang ups are going on behind the scenes and stalling RWBY, it’s on Roosterteeth. Their dumb, utterly dim-witted, brainless, ignorant financial decisions finally caught up to them. 
They do not deserve a Kickstarter and they absolutely don’t deserve this bullshit hashtag either.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 2 months
Oooh, for the thing - holding them close by the hips, with either Swiss/Aeon or Cirrus/Aurora plsssss
Double whammy >:3c
“Act natural.” Aeon whispers, whirling her into his arms. The welcoming gala for the next Papa was in full ceremonial swing, which meant no one had a chance to get naked yet. She couldn't wait to slip out of the short and poofy little number she’d picked out. Aeon's blush told her it would happen sooner rather than later. “Watchers at two and five o clock.”
“Who?” She breathes, next to his skin and smiles at the goosebumps that prickle up. He's so easy.
“Swiss. And Cirrus. Lookin’ like a couple of predators.” He leads her in some half-assed waltz, keeps stepping on her toes. What clumsy, easy prey they must seem to the older ghouls.
“Okay.” She says nonchalantly. “Are we leading them on a chase? Causin’ trouble?” They turn and she spots them. Closer together now, eyes narrow. Calculating. She smiles and blows a little air kiss. It isn't returned. Her heart skips a beat.
“Are we in trouble?” She asks with a little giggle as the crowd closes around them, and the hunters vanish. “I didn't do anything. What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Aeon says nervously. His ears twitch, his obvious tell. Aurora pokes her tongue out between her lips at him and he scrunches his face as she tries to lick him.
“Tell me!” She sings breathlessly.
“Rory!” He pleads.
“Kiss me.” She demands, and he does without protest. Her little Bug was always so good at following orders, from the time they met each other fighting for food scraps in the pit. Now here, the source of Lucifer’s power on earth and he still runs to her for help getting out of hot water.
“Smoked Swiss' weed and stole one of Cir’s bras.” He mutters when they part. “I heard her coming and panicked so I hid in your room. That's why she's mad at you.”
“Aeon!” She gasps, scandalized. Still grinning wickedly when he finally looks at her again. “Nasty little thief.”
Coincidentally, her first words to him when he tried to steal a particularly meaty behemoth thigh away from her. They’d tussled until she realized he was hard and then she rode him in the blood of the dead beast. No truer friendship had there been since.
“Do you think you’ll learn your lesson this time?” She coos, turning again. She can't see the hunters anywhere. Could be a good thing. Could be a bad thing.
“Yes.” He says instantly.
“Too fast, liar.” She teases. “Ooh, do you think she'll spank us?”
She doesn't care that she's being framed. Hell knew she deserved some kind of comeuppance for her own mischief, although she was far better at concealing her tracks than Aeon.
“We’ll start with a spanking.” Comes a cold voice. "Then proceed as we see fit from there." Firm hands slide around her waist, gripping tight and wrinkling the materials of her gown. Aeon goes pale as Swiss copies Cirrus, pinching and tickling the lithe quintessence ghoul before gripping his hips just as firmly.
“Maybe we'll let you hold hands through your punishment.” Swiss adds thoughtfully. They're tugged away from each other in one stunning quick motion, ending up in their predator's arms in a showy display of strength. “I think that'd be so cute.”
“Busted!” Aurora sings cheerfully, already thrumming to her core at the way Cirrus is touching her. She doesn't need to look to know Aeon's stiffy is poking up through his dress pants; a little fear always did it for him.
“How are you so happy about all this?” Aeon hisses as they're easily hefted up over strong shoulders. Swiss even gives Aeon a pre-emptive, light-hearted smack. Cirrus is tickling the back of her thighs.
“Because silly,” she snickers as they're taken away to their fate. “You aren't the only one who steals weed. And who do you think told Swiss in exchange for less spanks?”
“Rory!” Aeon wails.
“That's what you get for trying to frame me!” She sings. “I’ll take us both down babe.”
“I think I'll have her warm my strap.” Cirrus says to no one in particular. “Since she wants to be so mouthy.”
“We're doing whatever we want tonight, Mama.” Swiss purrs. “Eventually these troublemakers will learn their lesson.”
“Probably not.” Is Aurora's cheeky reply.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Oooh what would KARASU'S response be to realizing MC has a fwb demon lover? Enquiring minds wanna know~
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a/n: hmm, I wonder? 😜
karasu x gn!reader | 0.5k | nsfw | suggestive, dark themes implied for nb! karasu
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— He discovers your fwb arrangement shortly after it begins. He's responsible for monitoring your device usage and he notices a pattern when the same number that doesn't belong to one of your roommates starts texting you on a regular basis.
— Honestly, he's probably the first of all the demons to figure it out, except for maybe Asmo who's naturally more sensitive to feelings of lust in others.
— He takes a cursory glance through the messages you've exchanged and sees nothing inherently suspicious or dubious. You're simply two consenting individuals discussing when and where to meet for personal reasons.
— Karasu does get a little flustered reading some of the descriptive messages from your friend about how he intends to fuck you next, or how good your body feels, or how he can't wait until next time...
— Karasu does his due diligence and checks into your friend's background for any suspicious activity or possible ill intent towards you. The other demon comes from a respectable family close to Diavolo's inner circle and is an above-average student at RAD. It seems unlikely that this demon would harm you or disrupt the exchange program with no apparent motivation to do so.
— It's a personal matter and seems low-risk based on the information he has, so Karasu keeps this discovery to himself. He makes note of the important details in case he has to report any suspicious activity to Lucifer and Barbatos later on. For now, he wants to respect your privacy as much as he can.
— You're still in the growing stages of friendship, but something about the situation doesn't sit right with him. He can't pinpoint the right words to describe how he feels. He's anxious for you, but he's also extremely agitated whenever he thinks about you being with others that way. Maybe he's worried you're being taken advantage of? But your messages are enthusiastic and you're very...generous with your compliments and praise. It's confusing and he tries not to dwell on it. He also doesn't mention to you that he knows about it, and only acknowledges it if you bring it up to him first.
— If you haven't ended your arrangement by the time he decides to pursue you romantically, he's going to hint as gently as he can that he's only interested in an exclusive relationship and any existing arrangements wouldn't be acceptable. (If he had any suspicion you wouldn't want something exclusive, chances are he would've stopped pursuing you by now anyway.)
Of course, Karasu's position gives him so much power with minimal oversight to make executive decisions as he sees fit. Surprisingly enough, he doesn't even consider...
— hacking into you or your friend's D.D.D.'s and scraping the intimate files from them. There's so many racy messages worth keeping, not to mention the scandalous videos and photos you sent your fwb partner between those little meetings.
— sabotaging your arrangement in any way by leaking the information to Lucifer or his siblings, or fabricating evidence that would make you want to end the arrangement first.
— killing maiming threatening getting jealous of your friend and retaliating against him personally.
...well, the good news is that the og! version of Karasu doesn't do any of those things!
But the nb! version of him might.
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kpopimaginee · 5 years
Forced Relationship ●PART 1●
❓💬 NCT Taeyong x female reader
❔💬 PART 1: no warnings ✕
Your group's company and SM Entertainment wanted to do an experiment. As relationships between kpop idols are prohibited in Korea, they wanted to see how people will react to such a scandal between a Korean idol and foreign artist.
We didn't have much to say as they would fire us for opposing and they would destroy our carriers. But I thought it would be harder for Taeyong to return to his normal life, so I cared more about him than myself. How it all started?
With a phone call...
Your manager: Y/N, we need to talk. How about meeting in a cafeteria next to our company?
It was our daily routine to meet each other to discuss some things for my schedule and performance. It was always me alone or the whole group. But when we need to discuss something face to face, I meet my manager alone. This time something was rushed, I could feel something was off:
Y/N: Okay, what time?
Your manager: Maybe like... in 20 minutes?
Y/N: What?! I will not get ready that fast!
Your manager: Please try to be as soon as possible. It's really important.
Y/N: Okay, I will try my best to be in 20-30 minutes. Bye.
Your manager: I will wait for you, see you later.
You couldn't wear anything else than your home clothes because you basically had no time at all as your company was 15 minutes away from your group's apartment when driving. You wanted to tell your friends about the meeting, but you were alone, no one was home. You did a ponytail on your hair, put your sunglasses on, took your backpack and sat in your car.
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You were just in time for the meeting. You walked in the cafeteria and saw your manager waving to you at one of the tables.
"One cappuccino and latte macchiato, please"- my manager said to the waitress.
I sat on the comfortable chair exhaling, preparing for the news and asked my manager:
Y/N: Why do you wanted to see me? Is it about our performance in New York? - I asked having hope that maybe it isn't that serious as I think.
Manager: It is certainly not. It's quite a serious thing...
All my thoughts suddenly froze. We stopped speaking for like ten seconds. I couldn't speak at all as I was really afraid. My manager sighed leaning arms on a small table:
Manager: You see... We made a contract with a really popular Korean company...
Y/N: Oooh... Isn't that great?!! That's fantastic!!
Manager: Not that kind of contract...
Y/N: Wait, about what contract we are talking about?
Manager: You seeee... It's a dating contract.
Y/N: A dating contract???... Between who??!!
Manager: Between you
Y/N: Between ME????!!! What are you talking about, what nonsense, I never had a boyfriend!!
Manager: Now you have.
Y/N: That's... That's... Oh my God!...
Manager: I'm sorry Y/N, it wasn't my idea, I just needed to tell you this...
"2 coffees there you go, I hope you will like it!" - the waitress interrupted.
Manager: Thank you!
I was so shocked; my mouth was open and my eyes were wandering through the whole cafeteria.
Y/N: What I will do now??!! Who even is this guy??
Manager: He is...
Y/N: Oh thank God he is a male. I mean I don't have anything personal with the people with different sexuality but you know carrying the weight of having a relationship that has different sexuality then mine would be kind of hard, I think about having to cle-
Manager: He is a kpop idol, that is Korean Pop! He is a leader of a group called NCT.
Y/N: NCT is shortened frommm-...?
Manager: It is- "Neo Culture Technology"
Y/N: unbelievable...
Y/N: fantastic
Y/N spectacular!!
The manager took a sip of his coffee;
Manager: And now you need to pretend that you were with him for a half of the year already...
Y/N: You want me to lie???!!
Manager: Aha ha!- The company wants you to lie.
Y/N: Aren't you working with them??
Manager: Aren't YOU working with them too???
Y/N: ...
Manager: Just calm down, I will help you with everything.
Y/N: Calm down??... CALM DOWN??? I will need to lie that I'm with someone in a relationship and I need to CALM DOWN???!
Manager: Listen- you know I want the best for you? You know I care for you and I would jump in the fire for you- he whispered - but it's not my idea, it's not my company and I don't invent the orders. I get them and I can't change them, I would if I could but I can't!!
Y/N: Okay, I understand... I'm sorry, I just don't know what to think about it...
Manager: I wouldn't know what to do in your place too...
The silence takes over our table for a few seconds.
Manager: I will help you, you know you can trust me, I will not let him hurt you!
I take a sip of my coffee thinking who the guy that I will be in a relationship is.
Y/N: What is his name?
Manager: Taeyong.
Y/N: Taeyong??...
Y/N: Sounds so...
Manager: Korean?
Y/N: NO! - Yes! - I mean...
Y/N: Sounds so fancy or something...
We both took a sip of our coffees.
Manager: About the fancy thing!
Manager: We will set a date for your group to travel to Korea. You guys will be having a few performances, some interviews and a time for you and Taeyong to know each other better. And I will find someone to teach you and girls a Korean etiquette... And Korean language lessons are important too.
Y/N: For how long we will be in Korea??
Manager: At least 6 months.
Y/N: 6 MONTHS!!?
Manager: is it too short?
Y/N: Too short??? That's quite a long time there!
Manager: That's all for today! I will message you later! I will also inform your friends' managers about today's conversation too.
Y/N: That's all??? What do you mean you will infor-
Manager: Waitress! To this table, please!
The manager paid for our coffees and handed a tip to the waitress.
Manager: Thank you for those delicious coffees! Again- have a good day!
I followed my manager who didn't wait for me, knowing that I will follow him.
Y/N: Wai- wait for me!!
I rushed to him, quickly pushing the door.
Y/N: Maybe don't tell girls about it yet?? I'm shocked by this thing and how they will handle those news! They will constantly talk about it and they will make me worry.
Manager: I need to do it! The faster the better...
My manager got into his car and rolled his window:
Manager: I'm so sorry for having to leave so quickly but I have a few appointments here and there. I really need to go! Travel to home safely!
He drove off.
Standing for a few seconds alone, thinking about what happened a few minutes ago, I decided to drive to my apartment and check out how my future boyfriend looks like.
The end of part 1
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redheadedafrican · 4 years
Pied Piper
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Without any burning emotion, spark of inspiration or any particular topic I feel I need to address, maybe I should actually put some effort into this one.
Time to see if I'm actually any good at this.
Walk with me.
I loathe self help books. Barely get to turn the first page before the snoozles come calling and I'll wake up to a miraculous page 57 with the light on an a timestamp 1.17am (My ability to assimilate knowledge in my sleep is undeniable and, if I do say so myself, second to none) . It's not that I cannot read these books but in a sense, I reaaaaaaaly really really don't want to. I do not appreciate an author who is simply forcing his opinions down our throat and expecting us to adopt these opinions and sentiments as our own and shape the rest of our lives (or the two weeks it takes to finish the book and a bonus application week) accordingly. (please tell me you see the hot flaming irony)
No, I like my books old-school, fiction with a plot that will keep me enticed with a character development unparalleled and only in competition with the characters ability to overcome. Orrrrr... Thousand paged and filled with theoretically psycho-analytic references from these big names synonymous with understanding of the human nature and the human character. (oh the temptation to strew emojis all through this piece) I've really come to appreciate avid readers who appreciate every literary works for what it is not for the plot or the lesson, they literally don't judge the book by its cover or its caption. Today you find them with a copy of 'the mind of the moralist', tomorrow 'the subtle art of not giving a fuck'. And the next, they're re-reading 'the fault in our stars' a sixteenth time.
So my boss has this friend, who I think is also an advocate.... I met him in a brown padded jacket, white khakis with multiple ink-stains in questionable areas, had a scruff and a few white hairs despite seeming like he's in his thirties. Oooh and the boots, can't forget his signature worn out brown boots. The first time I met him is when he came to the office to help in preparing for a complicated appeal involving sums of money I only see when the TV is broadcasting another graft scandal charge. I walk into my boss' office and at the first glance, assume that this is one of those sumbua clients, you know, the ones who you know from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay then and they have an issue in your area of profession so you kinda have to help them.
Fast-forward and I walk into this humans office to an amazing sight.  Chaos and pandemonium cannot even describe what I was looking at. But, there was something, something in all this crazy that was just beautiful. On his desk, two books, no bookmarks but you can tell they've been touched very recently. All round the office, piles and heaps of well kept but slightly worn books that you can easily tell were store bought. On floors on cabinets, behind glass cabinets on top of and behind everything there was a book. Thousands of pages of hundreds of paperback texts of all sorts and all genres.. Scenic can't even define whatever I was looking at in that small cramped office. I dont think he noticed my shock but I also don't think he's very in touch with humanity so I cant blame him.
(here's what I didn't mention, when this man spoke about the matter that he had no more a stake in than giving my boss some advice on a few angles of approach, we were in utter awe and it seemed like neither my boss or I could argue out a single fact from the massive bundle that we had worked on for hours on end.)
I still don't know if the man is briliant because of his reading culture or intelligent in addition to it but I get this slight fangirl giddyness every time he opens his mouth to make a point. And I want to have that. The kind of reading culture that can enable me to deliver that kind of flood of dopamine every time anyone thinks of even opening this little online diary.
Maybe I should get over my issue with authors who reference 700 authors in their 300 page book, giving me advice on who I should be tomorrow. Maybe that's not what it's all about and it's okay to have preferences and judge and still be good at this.
Maybe then I'll end up somewhere on a pdf printout on this legendary man's four rented walls. Maybe even on his desk at some point. A boy can dream. Oh wait, I can't call myself that anymore, shit.
Anyway, back to media consumption like the sheep I am. I'm sorry I lost my point somewhere in here and somewhere between Yvone Okwara's thighs.
And happy pre-birthday MC, I doubt you read these nightly rants though.
Next time on this series of things I'm highly opinionated about but are actually clueless on............ photography.
Love Vinnian.
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this is a little sample of my book i hope some of you like it i just posted the cover of my book
by Danni Hawkins
I'm sitting in class waiting for the last bell to ring.
I cannot wait until class is over., I look down at my watch. Fiftteen more minutes left until school is over. Why can’t this class can’t just hurry up?
I’m tapping my nails against my desk. I didn't realize how loud I was tapping my nails until Miss Gale call my name.
“Winter” Miss Gale yells my name, and I look up at Miss Gale. her.
Miss Gale is the assistant teacher who complains over every little thing. “Can you stop tapping your nails against the desk?
“"So I can't tap my nails against the desk now?
“You can, but I thought you would have a little more Respect when your classmates are doing their work. Can you try to care about other people besides yourself” she said with an attitude.
This bitch is worrying about me tapping my nails against the desk when the whole class is making noise.
I stand up. “I do care about other people. Who do you think you are?
Miss Gale picks up her head and looks at me. I am about to say something rude that will put me in detention, but I keep it to myself.
“Winter, are you done making a scene?
“That was no scene, but I will show you one if you’d like me to".
Miss Gale picks up her head and stares at me.
“Winter, one more disrespectful comment, and I will send you to detention and call your father.”
“Okay, call him. He's never home anyways.” Now everybody is staring at me.
“I'm warning you, Winter. You’re skating on very thin ice.”
“That’s okay. I know how to ice skate.” I have the whole class dying laughing.
Miss Gale takes a deep breath. “Know what, Winter. I'm going to take a walk. When I come back, I hope you have controlled your mouth.” Miss Gale walks out of the classroom, and I just roll my eyes at her, take a deep breath, and sit back down slowly in my seat.
My name is Winter Juliana Marian Marino. I live with my dad, Marcus. He's a lawyer. My mom, Diane, left us when I was younger because she chose her stupid career over us. Well, that's what my dad told me. She never once picked up the phone to call us. No letters, no “Happy birthday”s, no nothing. That’s the least she could do.
I don't get how a mother could leave her family like that. We were happy. They argued like all married people do, but the way they looked at each other… Nobody could fake that. It was nothing but love. I remember when Diane would hold me in her arms for hours and never let me go and kiss me all over my face and read me to sleep. What was so bad that she packed her bags and left? How many arguments did she have in her head before she decided she couldn't take it anymore? Or did she just leave and never look back?
My mom met my dad when he was moving from Italy to New York. Marcus used his Italian accent to hit on Diane. He claimed he was lost. That was a lie; he knew perfectly well where he was. What female doesn’t like a man with an accent? Of course she fell for his charm. The rest is history.
Marcus is Italian. He has big, green eyes, blonde hair, and a porcelain skin complexion. Diane is Trinidadian with a chestnut skin tone and short, curly hair. I think half of her hair was weave. My older brother Rome and I have caramel skin complexions and green eyes. Rome keeps his hair gelled up and spiky, and I have long, dark brown, curly hair. I prefer my hair straight, and it usually takes up to an hour to straighten my hair every day. I have my mom's curvy figure. The boys at my school say that my figure can cause car accidents. Idiots! Who makes up these dumb pick-up lines, and who’s dumb enough to fall for them?
Every boy at this school tries to get with me but never succeeds. It’s just not happening. They’re just not my type, and it’s a waste of my time.
My older brother Rome is away at college. He goes to the University of Miami. I miss him a lot. When he used to attend high school before I enrolled, every female wanted him. He's not even cute, but his name still travels around. Like, get over him; he's not even thinking about you.
I don't see the attraction these females have for him. The things he does are total turn-offs. He eats with his mouth wide open, and you can see all his food mashing up together. That's just plain nasty! Like, close your mouth.
Caridad's dumb ass walks into class. She’s always late. Walking behind her are her dumb butt-lickers. She's just mad I won't lick her butt like they do. She sits right in front of me. She turns around in her seat to face me. She stares at me and smiles like I just amused her, and she flips her hair. I personally believe Caridad is jealous of me because I don't take her crap, unlike her butt-lickers. They do everything she tells them to do. It's like they don't have minds of their own. It’s sad to watch. I stand up to her; I will never let someone like Caridad boss me around and treat me like crap, like I'm nothing. That will never be me. If I have something to say, I will say it. I won't bite my tongue for anyone, especially not trash like Caridad. I'm not afraid of anybody, and definitely not Caridad. Nobody puts fear in my heart. She needs to know she cannot control everybody. Every time she gets some type of attention, positive or negative, she shows off like she's so important. It's whatever. It's not always about you; get over yourself.
Caridad flips her hair and continues to smile and stare at me. She really has nothing better to do with herself than harass me. “Winter, I love your green contacts. What store did you buy them at?” she laughs, and so do her butt-lickers.
“Caridad, unlike you, I don't wear fake shit.”
“I do not wear anything fake.” She laughs and looks around to see if anybody is paying attention to her. Her voice gets louder so that everybody begins paying attention. “I'm all natural.” Caridad flips her hair and throws her arm in the air dramatically.
“Caridad, the weave in your hair is FAKE.” I remember when we were in middle school, I walked in the bathroom and saw her taking off a wig. The length of her real hair stopped at the beginning of her neck. “The contacts are FAKE. Everything about you is FAKE. Don't try to deny it; you will just embarrass yourself. You’re just a wannabe. Look at your fake, wannabe-bougie ass.”
"Well, I heard you were adopted.”
This bitch wants to get slapped. “You didn't hear shit about me because I'm not adopted. Caridad, keep spreading lies about me, and I…” I have to take a deep breath. “Know what, forget it. You're not even worth it. You’re just mad you're not me.”
“Trust me, Winter, I don't want to be like you.”
“Yes, you do. You try so hard to be like me. It's cute though.” I just smile at Caridad. “I think it’s adorable that you look up to me.”
Caridad flips her hair. “Please, Winter, don't flatter yourself.”
“Caridad, everybody knows you want to be just like me. You even dyed your hair the same color as mine and got the same bag as mine—even though mine is real. What, you get that bag from the 99-cent store? But who’s counting, right?” I hear someone say, “Oooh, she got you! Check mate!” Everybody starts laughing, and Caridad gets really quiet. I can tell she’s embarrassed now. She continues to insult me, but I get bored of her and ignore her.
I have one best friend, Terri-Ann. She's got a dark brown skin complexion and short, bouncy, curly hair. Every time she moves, you can see her curls bounce, too. I tell her everything. Terri is the sweetest person you can meet, but don't get on her bad side. She will make your life nothing but hell—I’ve seen her do it.
The bell finally rings. I grab my books quickly and walk out of class. I bump into Jay, almost knocking him down, but I catch him before he falls on the floor. “My bad, Jay.”
Jay is conceited, and not in the sexy way. He carries a mirror in his back pocket, and he takes it out just to look at himself. Really, who does that? He hits on every girl who gives him some type of attention.
“Did you see Terri?” I asked Jay.
“Um…no, but I saw her earlier.”
“Well, if you see her, tell her I was looking for her.”
“Okay, I will, Winter. No dance today?”
“No, not today.” I take dance lessons at a studio three days a week. I want to be a professional hip-hop dancer and teach choreographed dancing.
I drive home and walk inside. “Dad?” I call out. No answer. He's probably still at work. I take my mug that I made in pottery class out of my bag and place it with the rest of the family photos on the mantel in the living room. Marcus has removed every picture of Diane. I walk into the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. I'm really fed up with Caridad. She gets under my skin. I don't show it, but she gets me so angry. One of these days she's going to catch me on a bad day where I say, “Fuck self-control,” and fuck that bitch up.
Marcus walks into the living room.
“Hey, Dad. When you get home?”
“Around two, I think.”
“Well, I was calling you.”
“Sorry, I had ear plugs in my ears.”
“Dad, why did you have ear plugs in your ears?”
“I'm working on this big case.” Marcus is a workaholic. Ever since Diane left us, all he does is work, work, and more work. I think that's how he deals with his pain. He never takes a vacation. The last time we went on a vacation, Diane was still here. We went to Disney World.
“Dad, you need to take a vacation.”
“I know, it's this case.”
“Dad, there's always going to be a case.”
I sit on the couch next to Marcus and finish my sandwich.
Terri storms through the front door like she lives here. Anybody could rob us because Marcus never locks the front door.
Terri sits next to me on the couch. “Hello, Mr. Marino,” Terri greets Marcus.
“Hello, Terri,” Marcus says back. Marcus walks out of the living room and into the kitchen.
“O.M.G., Winter, my mom is driving me crazy.”
“What happened this time?” Terri thinks her mom is out to ruin her life.
“So I was in the dining room texting Mark.”
“As usual,” I say. Terri smiles. Mark is Terri’s head-over heels, can't-live-without-you boyfriend. They've been dating since junior high school.
“My mom came in the kitchen and said she thinks Mark and I are getting way too serious.” Terri didn’t say anything for a few seconds.
“So what did you say?”
“I told her how I felt. I said, ‘Instead of worrying about my relationship, worry about your marriage. You can’t even keep Dad home.’”
“You said that?”
“Yes,” Terri says quickly, acting like what she said was nothing.
“Terri, that was harsh. What did your mom say?”
“She slapped me in the face, so I left. I should call A.C.S. on her. That’s child abuse, you know.”
“Terri, you’re sixteen years old. That is not an A.C.S. case, and you probably hurt her feelings.”
“Well, it’s true.”
“She’s your mother, and she deserves some respect.”
“I know, but she never gives me room to breathe. She’s always hovering over me. Winter, it’s like I’m suffocating. All she says to me is, ‘You'll thank me one day.’ Thank her about what? All she said was that she thinks Mark and I are getting too serious and that I’m just a teenager who can't control my emotions.”
“Do you talk to her?”
“All the time.”
“Terri, just talk to her.”
“Are you even listening to me? I always talk to her.”
“Terri, that’s not what I mean. I want you to really talk to her and make sure she hears you, not just listens to you. She is your mother, and you need give her some respect. At least she cares and didn’t leave you for her job.”
“You’re right.” Terri takes a deep breath; she doesn’t say anything for a few minutes, but then she looks at me. “I’m sorry, Winter, you’re right.”
“Don’t apologize to me; apologize to her.” I change the subject. I hate talking about my mother; it gets me upset.
“So how's Mark treating you?”
“Great!” Terri blushed. I really don’t want to know what that’s all about.
Marcus walks in the living room wearing a tacky, red, ripped apron around his waist. “Dinner time.”
We walk to the bathroom to wash our hands. My dad has cooked smothered pork chops, mashed potatoes with gravy, and string beans, as well as homemade iced tea. Nobody utters a word; the meal is so good, nobody has anything to say. I even have a second plate.
After we finish eating, Terri stands up.
“Mr. Marino, that was excellent,” Terri says, rubbing her flat belly.
“Winter used to tell me how much she enjoyed my cooking. Now, look!” I roll my eyes, and Marcus stands up.
“Well, I will see you kids later,” Marcus says, leaving the dining room.
I start to wash the dishes while Terri cleans the table. “Terri, you know you don’t have to clean.”
“I know,” Terri says as she grabs the rag out of the sink.
“Winter, can I ask you a question?”
“You just did.” Terri rolls her eyes at me, and I laugh, saying, “Okay, go ahead, Terri, and ask me.”
“Why don’t you date anymore?”
If I had known she was going to ask me this question, I would have said “No.” I look up at the ceiling, thinking, Not this again. She had asked me the same question a couple of months ago. “Terri, didn’t we discuss this already?”
Terri hands me the dishes. “Yes, but I need to keep pushing you. Look at you. You’re beautiful and popular, and you’re the captain of the dance team and, don’t forget, my best friend. Any guy would love to date you, but you shut them all down. You don't give any guy a chance.”
“Terri, it’s not all about dating. There’s more to life than guys. Guys will come and go and break your heart and some.” I smile and continue, “There will be the one guy I’ll fall in love with, and nothing else will matter. But first I want to explore, Terri. Have fun, party, go out. I’ll find a guy, but when I do I want to be ready.”
“Winter, you haven’t been dating since middle school.”
I roll my eyes; here we go, again. “Terri, stop. Please. When I start dating, you will be the first to know, so drop it.”
Terri lets out a breath in frustration and says, “Fine.” She looks down at her watch. “I better get going before my mom sends the police squad looking for me.” She smiles and kisses me on my cheek before leaving through the front door.
I head upstairs to take a nice, hot shower. I walk downstairs into the kitchen, open the freezer, and take out a gallon of strawberry ice cream. I sit on the couch pretzel-style, watching a movie and eating ice cream. I fall asleep without realizing it; when I wake up, my gallon of ice cream is all melted. Half-asleep, I head upstairs to my room to use the bathroom, and then I climb onto my bed and fall right back to sleep.
The next morning, Marcus wakes me up by shaking me awake. “Winter.” Marcus continues shaking me. When I open my eyes, he looks mad.
“Yeah,” I whine.
“Get up.”
“Give me a few minutes.” I throw the covers back over my head to go back to sleep.
“Winter, if you don't get up now, you will be late. You don't have another few minutes to sleep.”
I sit up quickly on my bed. “What?”
“I said, you don't have—!”
I cut him off. “I heard you the first time.”
“What happened?” he demands. “You were supposed to have been up and almost ready by now.” I can hear the attitude in his voice.
“I know. I know, Dad. I forgot to set my alarm clock last night.”
I brush through my messy hair.
“Winter, hurry up,” he says sternly before leaving my room.
I jump out of my bed and take a quick shower. I usually take a longer shower than this, but I'm running late. I blow out and straighten my hair quickly; it isn’t really as straight as it normally looks. I grab my brush out of my dresser, brush my hair into a neat ponytail, and curl my bangs. I put on my sliver hoop earrings—not those fake ones you buy in the 99-cent store—that fake shit is cheap. I wear the real silver earrings with the real diamonds.
I get dressed and apply my red lip gloss that makes my lips nice and juicy and plump. I make my bed; I don't usually make my bed, but what the hell? I'm feeling lucky today. I know, I know: You don’t have to remind me. Marcus tells me all the time that I take a long time getting dressed, but you have to pay a big price when you’re beautiful like me. You can’t rush perfection.
I grab my book bag and head downstairs. Marcus has already left for work. He left on the countertop my favorite blueberry muffin. I take a big bite and pour a cup of hot, fresh, steaming French vanilla coffee. I inhale the aroma and sip on my coffee slowly, so I won't burn my tongue. I grab my keys off the coffee table, and I walk out the front door. When I arrive at school, I park in the students’ parking lot.
I get out and spot Terri and Mark kissing like there’s no more air left. “Get a room!” I shout jokingly.
Terri smiles, shakes her head at me, and continues to kiss Mark. As I walk over to Terri, she breaks their kiss.
“I forgot to set my alarm clock this morning, and my dad had to wake me up. He was mad.” Mark kisses Terri on the lips quickly.
“I’ll see you later, babe,” Mark says to Terri and kisses her again on the lips. “Later, Winter.”
I just nod my head. I don’t really talk to Mark. We only say “hey” and “bye” to each other for Terri’s sake. It’s not that I don't like him; we just disagree on a lot of things that will turn into arguments, so for the love of Terri we just don't say anything to each other but “hey” and “bye.”
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