yuzuqi · 7 years
tagged by @ithmid - in fact, i saw this on my likes tbh and its an old post (from 2015) wow im amazing but since I was bored... ahaha thank you!!!*a super late “answer”*
A (age): 20
B (biggest fear): heights (??i think??)
C (current time): 19h44
D (drink you last had): water
E (easiest person to talk to): my brother!
F (favorite song): LOTB by Rihanna 
G (grossest moment): *spaces out*
H (horror yes, horror no): Yes, in movies, right?
I (in love with): black&white istg
J (jealous of): idk???
K (killed someone): what no
L (love at first sight or should i walk by again): no and no
M (middle name): Beatriz
N (number of siblings): a lot
O (one wish): to be successful in my career!
P (person you last called): my friend
Q (question you’ve always been asked): “have you brushed your hair?”
R (reasons to smile): money tbh
S (song you last sang): Where have you been by Riri LOL
T (time you woke up): 09 am sth
U (underwear color): lmao today is bordeaux
V (vacation destination): lots of places pls
X (x-rays I’ve had): i dont really remember
Y (your favorite foods): everything that i find tasty asf
Z (zodiac): sagittarius
I will tag: @bohkutos, @daikokku, @detectiveconans, @keikoku, @klilua, @natsv, @oopsshitfuck & @vtsvro ~
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