#open commissions and do a kofi tracker for it
juniper-pines · 1 year
Help Please! Commissions! Art for Doodles! Drive to Immediately Stabilize!
So I have a little under 80 days as of this writing to make about $8,000.00 - $10,000 USD
I have been struggling without work. Unpayed bills from the past few months have piled up. I've lost so much already, and I'm at risk of losing even more. On top of that, I need to move halfway across the country by the end of October, since the family I'm staying with is moving out of the country. I can't really follow them with my financial situation.
This escalation happened about a week after I had finally reached a point where I'm able to complete commissions and take in new ones. So now I have additional plans and schedules and stuff that need to be done... Additional money needs to be made, and fast, before I can settle into a more sensible work flow.
So... I'm doing everything. EVERYTHING! Whatever I can do! It's crunch time x1000!
The Quick Summary:
I have a Carrd now! There, you can find links to all my socials, Patreon, Ko-fi, GoFundMe, the form for requesting Commissions or Doodles-For-Donations and Monthly Patreon Doodles, and more! Check it out: https://juni-p.carrd.co/
My Patreon has been updated and makes sense finally! Monthly Doodles can be requested from the form at the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for each monthly Patreon contribution!
You can request Doodles-For-Donations on that same form if you're donated anywhere! Ko-fi, Patreon, wherever! Check out the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for info and a link to the form!
Commissions are open for requests right now! I'll start taking new ones very soon, so get your requests in! Look for the form link on the bottom of my Carrd's Commissions page!
My GoFundMe is still available, and has been updated with info about the move and such. You can read that for more info about it all and donate if you're feeling generous <3 (Also, this still counts for Doodles-for-Donations, too, if you want!)
Soon I'll have a store! With stickers and stuff! Maybe even shirts! I'll send out notifications when there's merch and stuff up, and the links will be up on my Carrd too!
Lots more specifics below, so keep reading! And thank you in advance for any help!
I have an income tracker on the Carrd, under News. When I hit a milestone, I'll be doing something special! ...though I haven't figured out what the special thing is just yet! Pls let me know if you have ideas. I wanna make it nice b/c TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYthankyou~
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All Patreon backers now get a Doodle per month! Details and request form are on the Carrd! It's the same form as Commissions, so just make sure you pick the "Patreon" option, okay? I'm still thinking of what other incentives I can put on there. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! I really appreciate y'all so much~
KOFI and Donation Doodles!
Like the Patreon doodles, but for one-time donations and things like that I'll be doing these whenever I'm on stream, too, so come say hi! Same request form! It's all on the Carrd!
Commission Requests are open!
I'll be taking new ones soon, once I get more of my backlog done, so if you want a commission, get your requests in! Pricing and details all on the Carrd! I'm working hard <3 <3
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Also I'm doing Animations now, too! And YCH stuff soon! I'm excited about it!!! :D :D :D Pic related to both <3 (Thank you X!!!)
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My GoFundMe's been updated to explain my situation some, and to help give me some relief from the amount of work I now have to do in such a short time. Shares, reblogs, etc, are just as appreciated as the donations. Thank you <3
I'm also opening a RedBubble with stickers and prints and stuff!
I don't know what to put there yet, but I already have the storefront and such. More to come soon, of course <3 It's empty at the time of posting, but there'll be stuff there soon!
Finishing commissions comes first, of course~
If you read all of that, TY
I am going through the climax of this whole ordeal I've been in for the past few years and/or most of my life Honestly, the uncertainty hitting such a high is scary, but I'm gonna do my best ( TuT)9 My DMs on Discord are always open if you have any thoughts or questions, okay? TY, everyone, for sticking with me through it all <3
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bamsara · 2 years
took an accidental nap cause I didn’t realize how exhausted I was, but I fell asleep with my laptop on my legs and I woke up and to an overheating message and burns on my legs smh
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