#open tvd roleplay
rphelperblog · 2 years
Vampire Diaries Sentence Rp Meme
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"Your hair's different; I like it."
"I know that you can't change who you are, but you don't belong here anymore."
"I shouldn't have come home."
"The rest of the world has moved on. You should try, too."
"Today will be different. It has to be."
"They follow you. You can't escape them - as much as you want to."
"I will smile, and it will be believable."
"For over a century, I have lived in secret. Until now."
"I need you to be afraid of me. I need you to run like hell, do you understand me?!"
"Do you wanna hear the bad news, or the really bad news?"
"Why did you come back after all this time? Why now?"
"I'll be downstairs. Drinking."
"I know it's late, but I needed to know if you're okay."
"I'm not going to give up on you. I believe in you."
"Not in the mood! Today's been a no-good, very-bad day."
"You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?"
"Why would you risk it? Why would you come here?"
"Don't embarrass me, young man!"
"I don't hurt people. I don't do that."
"If you're just gonna mock me, could you move along, please?"
"Aren't you a little old for a high school carnival?"
"Hey! If you want to forget it happened, fine. But I can't."
"I can't tell you what to do. But coming back here was a mistake."
"Let go of me before I cause a scene."
"You're taking a stupid risk. I could hurt you."
"Yes. You're a complete nuisance."
"I have so many emotions, but I don't have any way to express them."
"You touch her and I swear I will never speak to you again."
"Indulge me for a little while, please?"
"Don't pout. It’s not attractive in a woman your age."
"What do you know about werewolves?"
"I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now, but I need you to come with me."
"You were running from something. What was it?"
"I've no secrets. Only dirty shame."
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multistoty · 2 years
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Indie Selective Multimuse Rp with fandoms such as HOTD, Star Wars,TVD, Witcher, Turn, Originals, Witcher, TMI, TID, Wednesday, OUAT, Six of Crows and more including lots of YA fandoms.
credit for the promo
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doeeyedgilbert · 28 days
♡ . . . ┊ open to mutuals and non mutuals. ♡ . . . ┊ verse: any verse is available.
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hands dropped the icing, a sigh emitting from a frustrated elena. she was tired of being badgered over her... not-so-great cookie decorating skills. "look, if you think you can do any better then you try." she'd gladly enjoy help on finishing the fifty more cookies she had left to go for the autumn fest she was participating in.
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angclvings · 2 months
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‎⠀ ✭ ‎⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𐦍˃ stolen kisses, pretty lies
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tribridhopestory · 1 year
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#tribridhopestory - Indie selective take on the TVD Universes Hope Mikaelson by Queen- 21+ mun
promo made by the lovely @anyacommissions
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multistotyrpasks · 2 years
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Like, reblog, or message for a starter from my main blog over at @multistoty
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midnightscxre · 2 years
Wanting some long term, slow burn, supernatural, plotted role plays . . .
-- with that twist and turns, tension, angst, forbidden romance, intrigue -- ALL the good stuff. 
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eliscorner · 2 years
Looking for someone to rp with, preferably plots that are LGBT+ and in one of these listed fandoms. Also willing to use OCs. Interested to see any plots, triggers and limits will be discussed before starting. Feel free to pm me. 18+😌
✨BTS, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries, YouTube, Teen Wolf, 911, Criminal Minds, SVU✨
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sinfuldvil · 1 month
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ───   𐕣 𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚁𝙰 𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙻 𝙳𝚄𝙼𝙿
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Elijah Mikaelson Quotes
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updated and inspired by @noble-stag-elijah​ @enduringlystoic​
“Good thing, we brought the german sports car.”
“No one hurts my family and lives. No one.”
“I gave my word.”
Can I suggest you take a step back?”
I'm not trying to impress the girl.”
Perhaps I'm not making myself clear here. This is a threat.”
“Do not make me break my word.”
“You don't make it easy to love you, brother.”
“I need some air. I’m still feeling a tad…Dead.”
“And while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength or deepest regret.”
“Surely, my quest for your salvation makes me the most insane man on earth.”
I rather enjoy Thanksgiving. The turkey, the cranberry sauce. The lies, the deceit, the betrayal.
If I'm moving too fast for you, you're welcome to wait in the car.”
I...let this person in. I let her in. I don't let people in. You knew this, and you've taken her from me. I needed her and you've broken me.”
Well, I've given up on giving up. It's an affliction.”
Because of all the people who could be here, you're probably the only one he wouldn't immediately slaughter.”
I have denied every single impulse that I have ever had for that women out of some misbegotten respect for intentions that you don't even have.”
Look, you know I'm no stranger to violence. Typically however I'm possessed of a certain control. However now and then I can be consumed with the chaos and untethered from that control.
You will not break me.”
I'm afraid we might have to resort to something deliciously medieval here, brother.”
Watch your tongue. I am not the fun loving social butterfly you may recall.”
next time I ask you to take out the trash, try not to dally.”
Hatred's a hell of a thing”
Let me assure you my charms are quite adaptable, “
: So this is your solution? Mend the home, mend the man?”
I don't do teams.”
You do know you're entirely demented, don't you?”
Yes, remind me to remind you to get in line.”
I'm not in the habit of asking permission.”
Give me a month. I'll get you a list.”
You do realize I don't care.”
Probably no one...alright, potentially everyone.”
“To me, the very definition of the word 'Broken' suggests that something can be fixed.”
We should adapt for our audience, yes.”
A lovely dream, one just beyond our reach.”
I always come back.”
Perhaps. You must never surrender the fight to regain that trust.”
You know, difficulties aside, I value my family above everything. I am sorry that yours failed you.”
Is that what you want? To be normal?”
Yes, well, when you put it that way it does sound a little reckless.”
Option one, go about your business like a good little boy. Option two, violent disembowelment. What’s it going to be?”
You mobsters all suffer from such hubris.
Do you have any idea how rare love is?”
Forgive me. Thought you were in danger. It appears I was mistaken.”
I thought only of you. Every day I fought for your return, searching for a way. You were not forgotten.”
Though in the event you end up suffering I can't say I won't enjoy it immensely.”
if we cannot trust one another, we cannot work together.”
I'm afraid that's not an option.”
“Gentleman, shall we?”
Do forgive me, but if anyone is to teach my brother a lesson, it's me.
“Family is power.”
I recognize that tone of voice. Clearly you have some diabolical machination. What is it?”
I will always choose him.”
“Always and forever.”
“We free him today even if I have to burn this city down
“No mountian is endless. Some are just steeper than others.”
“Shh, grownups are talking.”
I trust you can find your clothing and the door.”
You ever experienced something so profoundly wonderful that when it was taken from you your life felt unbearable?”
“The very definition of the word broken means something can be fixed.”
“As a devout feminist, I refuse to say you hit like a girl.”
“How dare you come here and think you can threaten me.”
“Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it.”
“Family above all.”
Would you mind sparing me the deadbeat dad lecture?”
With a little salt and an old wound.”
You will always have a choice.”
We must work together. Let's make the city whole again.
I believe that when you love someone and that person loves you in return you're uniquely vulnerable. They have a power to hurt you that's like nothing else.”
Well then go. You are free.”
As long as it takes, and by whatever means necessary.”
I suppose we shall have to call this your white period.”
: I'm warning you. I've forgiven you. I've stood by you. I've forsaken every single one of my desires in the name of your ridiculous redemption. No more. If I want something, I'll take it. And nothing--nothing--will stand in my way.”
I am obscenely fond of torture, but yes. When I'm entertaining, I like to be the one to decide when and how we should violate the guests.
Not a fan of your continued indifference.”
You are a deranged and ridiculous child who cannot be left unsupervised.”
I can't kill you at this very moment, but I could just as easily tear your eyeballs from their sockets and feed them to your sister.”
The Italians call them Strega. The Yoruba of West Africa call them Aje, meaning mother. Where my mother was from they called them Hexa, and here, we call them witch.”
The rifts in this city run far deeper than I even imagined. These tribes, these factions, they're families. Families who choose to fight. Mayhem has descended upon our home, and if I am to choose a side, to our victory, Brother.”
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multistoty · 2 years
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Happy international woman’s day to my beloved with this incredible gift with which I commissioned from @nassycomms
@tribridkissed is an amazing human and writer. Please show them all your love
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doeeyedgilbert · 6 months
✧ — ⋆  wanted plot :
a vampire hunter elena where she falls in love WITH vampire stefan plot. gimme. this. ! 💳 💥
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lcverrpc · 1 year
voodoo , witchcraft and the rpc
or  why you should think before including voodoo in your roleplay . ( this will contain discussions of slavery and racism , for my own comfort i will not be going into true detail of these and the other dark topics surrounded with the stereotypes )
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now , i would like to preface this by saying i am not a practitioner or follower of the voodoo ( vodou but for the sake of this post we'll use voodoo ) religion , however i am black ( caribbean specifically ) and after seeing an uptick of voodoo in the rpc lately , it's occurred to me that this puts me in the position to say something . so lets get into it .
witches and magic have been a staple of both the horror and supernatural genres for years and voodoo has worked its way into the entertainment industry alongside this but lets get into what vodoo actually is : a religion with its own spiritual hierarchies , ritual ceremonies, customs and practises .
a closed religion at that .
unless you are invited into it , you can not and should not practise it . it was developed by african slaves - it's entire foundation incorporates blended religions , cultures and sufferings of african slaves . it's commonly known that enslaved people were separated from their religious and spiritual identities , the only way that this knowledge and religion still exists is from being passed down from generation to generation .
'what if my muse was invited into it?' in my opinion , you as a mun who has not been invited into this religion who does not practise it , can not fully understand the weight , traditions and complexities of it . even with research , you will be missing pieces of the information .
closed religion aside , lets now talk about the stereotypes surrounding voodoo and magic .
the term black magic was often used in regards to african spirituality and in media it's not uncommon to see voodoo be used and misrepresented as something backwards , perverse and downright evil . where does this come from ? well as simple as i can make it , it's racism . voodoo and hoodoo were used to further demonise black people , it gave us the reputation that we could enslave you , that we would take away your will and autonomy and force good innocent white people into doing things they didn't want to do ( ironic isn't it ) think of media such as ahs or even princess and the frog for modern examples of how this stereotype continues .
when portraying black witches who dabble in the stereotyped portrayal of 'voodoo' , or white characters with 'voodoo' superpowers it's important to be aware of the history and of the image you will be projecting with your character .
this is not to say you can't play black characters as witches or other magical species , but you can do so in a way that doesn't enforce damaging stereotypes and tropes . ( bonnie bennet from tvd is a witch the same as her many white counterparts , the most recent reboot of charmed features black female leads as powerful witches - although both of these are not perfect depictions )
tldr : this is no where as detailed as i wanted it to be as im saving my energy and i can't tell you what to do but voodoo is a closed religion that should not be used in roleplays as a source of magic or witchcraft . please respect it and it's roots . if you want to play a black character with magic , do so the same way you would their white counterparts but be aware of stereotypes ( particularly the magical n*gro stereotype )
as always im open to questions and comments on this . my knowledge is not absolute so i'm happy to amend things in this post . keep discussions civil and polite pretty please and remember that people of colour do not owe you education , especially at their own expense so be patient and listen .
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legaciestold · 3 months
PRIVATE, LOW ACTIVITY, AND MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE roleplay blog featuring primarily horror and sci-fi with canon and original muses with the primary fandoms featured being RESIDENT EVIL/BIOHAZARD, HELLBOY, and TVD NOVELS. THIS BLOG IS TRIGGER HEAVY AND FEATURES MATURE AND DARK CONTENT. CARRD (RULES & MUSES) Written by Mandee. 21+.
Additional note: The mun is currently working on a mini-multi that will be bringing back her Supergirl as well as two or three Godzilla related muses, which will be high to moderate activity and open to interactions. However, due to various reasons this blog going forward, will not or very rarely will be accepting new interactions aside from those already followed and plotting with. This multi is now private and will be low activity going forward.
@myersbprd @honorhearted
@heirofhermes @caracarnn
@everythingheard @darehearts
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multistotyrpasks · 2 years
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Over at @multistoty
Someone give Josie a girlfriend
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infinityyrp · 1 year
Active 6-27-23
Looking for a 21+ literate, slightly descriptive roleplay partner. Preferably female, I've had too many bad encounters with Male writers unfortunately.
My name is Sunnie. I'm 28, with 14 years of rp under my belt. I write in third or first. Either is fine with me! I'm female, I'm married and a mom so you'll get no funny business from me. I'm not ghost friendly, either. We are adults, please act like it and openly communicate. Thank you.
I'm looking for someone around daily, can reply a few times a day or preferably rapid fire. I'm around daily. I work from home and barely have a social life so I'm around for the most part of the day.
I like dark, mature themes and I am trigger friendly and will respect boundaries.
I like equal parts story and equal parts smut.
Please be comfortable with all aspects of drama. Fluff gets boring all the time.
Please be comfortable with pregnancy and kids in a rp as well.
Im open to discussing taboo topics but will let you know if I'm uncomfortable.
My limits are the obvious, deep pedophilia, meaning I won't do anything under 17. I won't do bathroom Play, and I won't do heavy rape. If it's mentioned it's fine.
The fandoms I'm in are:
The Originals
Pretty little liars
Teen wolf
I'm open for original roleplay IF you can give me a werewolf OC out of Tyler Hoechlin.
I double, so I'll also give you anyone you want!
Right now the fandoms I'm actively looking for are pretty little liars and teen wolf.
Pretty little liars I'm looking for someone to play Ezra Fitz against my female (poc) OC. I'll play anyone you want against your OC.
Teen wolf I'm looking for someone to play Derek Hale AND Scott McCall against my female OC. I'll play anyone you want, though my specialty in this Fandom is Stiles and Isaac.
Please keep in mind I match energy. So once I see you giving more effort and feeling into your side of the rp, I might bring it up, but I also might just match your energy and if you don't get the hint, I'll voice it and find a new partner. I prefer NOT to double for this reason, I prefer the female role, but I try to give new partners the benefit of doubt. I give 100% in everything I do, in every ship/pairing and I expect the same from you in return. That's the point of a double.
Please don't let that statement scare you away. I promise I'm very nice and if you give the same effort for mine that you do for yours, there shouldn't be an issue. ❤️
I have alot of original ideas and I love to chat and brainstorm and send playlists and photos and really create a world for our characters!
If you've made it this far, great!
My preferred method of roleplay is discord and please be familiar with tupperbox and organized servers.
I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon!! So exciting 🙌
My discord information is:
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