#operetta : main verse.
ghoullest · 2 years
backstory for my muses since dossiers are taking my ass a WHILE.  a lot of this is mostly - compliant with g1 lore, but there’s some divergencies.
draculaura — the daughter of camilla, a human resident of romania — her father, gaius, was a roman soldier who was killed in battle before draculaura’s birth.  gaius was the descendent of one of dracula’s servants, and so dracula took camilla in.  draculaura was born not long after, and named to honor the monster who’d saved both their lives.
dracula fell in love with camilla not long after, and the two were to be married.  however, dracula left the castle for a few weeks — in his absence, a plague swept through the town, and the townspeople blamed camilla for cursing them.  when dracula returned, camilla was dead — either to the townspeople or plague, he never tells draculaura — and draculaura, still a very young child, was very sick.  dracula turned her.
the loss of his love drove him to cruelty, and he became more like the stories.  the humans hate and fear monsters, but draculaura couldn’t watch her father terrorize them, after a few hundred years (  and some close calls with humans herself  ) fled, eventually settling at monster high.  
draculaura is technically ‘in hiding’ from him, though he knows where she is.  he disapproves of her refusal to drink from living creatures, her running from home, and her pacifistic nature.  they write very rarely, and it’s always tense.  a few times he’s tried to take her back by force, but she’s always bested him.  once clawd and clawdeen helped.
it’s hard.  she loves him.  there were many wonderful happy times, living with him, both before and after camilla died.  she knows she owes him a great ebt.  and yet...
cleo — cleo was born in egypt to the pharaoh ramses de nile. but when cleo was roughly 16 - 17, there was a coup.  an adviser led ramses and his daughters to underground quarters prepared to house them if they came under attack; the plan was for them to be wrapped in magic cloth that would sustain them until the guards dealt with the danger.  the queen was lost in the chaos, and what remained of the family was put to sleep, expecting to be woken soon.  they didn’t realize that the advisor, most the servants, and even cleo’s own uncle had all turned against them.  the advisor was meant to kill them as they slept; whether it was a mercy that he did not is not something cleo knows.
they woke after 1000 years in the tomb they’d hidden in, unaware of how much time had passed, trapped in pitch blackness — as years passed, all of them went slightly mad.  nefera especially mourned the loss of her future and her mother, and spent most of her time speaking with a flower she’d been given shortly before the coup.  the family realized that as long as they were wrapped in the magical bandages, they would not age, die or starve.
hundreds of years later, an earthquake damaged the tomb and allowed some light in, though none of the family could escape through the narrow hole.  nefera’s flower bloomed into a human being — er, well, a monster being — and, being very small, escaped to find help.  she never did.  an uncountable number of years later — though cleo expects it was likely several hundred, if not over a thousand — the family escaped on their own.
cleo can’t remember if her father was always cruel to her, or if that came with the time in the tomb.  but he’s cruel now; he often berates her and emotionally abuses her, and encourages nefera to do the same.  despite her arrogant attitude, cleo has a very fragile sense of self due to the abuse she suffers at home.
operetta — operetta is a monster born in france, though she’s done most of her growing up in new gorleans on her parent’s housebout.  she’s got a comparatively positive relationship with her surviving parent, her father; though things seem strained, both because he wishes they would be slightly more formal as he is, and because —
“operetta!  your face —” “don’t, it’s —” “who did this to you?” “it hurts...”
they won’t tell him who gave them those scars, and while he doesn’t resent her, his worry is palpable and the secrets force distance.  all he knows is that the scars are far too innate to be an accident.  for a time, he suspected operetta’s friend, fynn, and forbid them from being near one another — even tried to kill him.  she convinced him that they weren’t to blame, after some time, saving their life.
despite the scars on their face and the way their mask sometimes seems to hide them, operetta is a confident monster, tough, fearless, and a bit of a diva, though notably less super - feminine than many of the monsters that surround them.  
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a gentle knock at operetta’s front door was heard as the ghost finally arrived at her home. johnny was only running about five minutes late, but it was only because he had gotten into some bad traffic. a few zombies had decided to throw a parade on the street he had to always pass by to make his way to his ghoulfriend’s. the cars had been backed up bumper to bumper, because the zombies were remarkably slow and took forever to clear up the parade. johnny let out an annoyed sigh, pulling out his phone and texting her to let him know that he was finally there.
for their date, he had decided to get operetta something to make her feel a little extra special. after all, he had been gone for a week touring colleges and had missed the ghoul like crazy. he wanted her to see just how much he loved and appreciated her, so he had bought her a bouquet of fresh, sweet-smelling black and red roses. before he had met operetta, he wasn’t much for sappy little things such as this gift of affection he had gotten for her. but, she had changed him a lot, especially the way he saw unlife in general.
Johnny: Hey baby, I’m here. Sorry about bein’ a lil’ late, there was a hell of a lot of traffic. But hey, I gave ya a little extra time to get ready, so that’s not too bad, huh? Come down when you’re ready, alright doll? }
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ofmusiicnotes · 6 years
“ oh, i’m more nervous than a nine-head hydra in a room full of guillotines, MAMA! ya know, daddy’s never met johnny before, an’ ya haven’t even met him yet either. he’s the best boyfriend a girl like me could ask for, but... i dunno. i just... i worry sometimes about things that don’t matter. “ she admits as he finishes curling the last piece of her cherry red hair, letting it fall out from the pink curling iron into a perfectly coiled curl. she then turned off her curling iron, unplugging it and leaving it on the countertop to cool down for a few minutes. standing up, the redhead walked her way over to her vanity, lifting up her necklace from her beau and struggling to clasp the necklace together. operetta sighed as she sat down, looking back at her mother. her lips were pressed together, and she seemed to be anxious and all over the place. jittery fingers finally clipping the necklace on, she took a deep breath. trying to calm down but being disrupted by her anxious mind, she thinks of all of the scenarios that could go wrong. for instance, johnny getting the embarrassing, dreaded talk from her father about how he expects him to treat her. or, even worse, telling him that they aren’t allowed to date, and saying that he doesn’t want his daughter around such a DELINQUENT.
to operetta, johnny is so much more than what people think of when they see him. he’s everything to her, he’s like the MOON and she is the SUN, he is the dark and she is light. but, even though he is dark, he has a lightness to him. and that lightness- it is from her, she has taught him how to love again, how to feel again, and lastly, reminded him of why life is worth living. breaking her out of her nervous thoughts, operetta’s heart rate instantly picks back up as she hears the doorbell ring. after waiting all day for johnny to come over, he was finally here. giving her mother a tight hug, she’s in need of her loving support because even though she’s keeping it cool on the outside, she’s panicking on the inside. spritzing some of christine’s favorite perfume on the side of her slender, lavender neck for good luck, she smiles slightly, burying her face in her chest. for a moment, it’s almost as if she is a child again. she closes her eyes, finding comfort in the loving arms of her incredible mom. she doesn’t know what she’d do without her. christine and operetta were as close as anything else, and her mother was her ROCK. she loved her more than anything in the entire world, and she didn’t want to disappoint christine.
“ he’s here mama. um... do ya mind gettin’ daddy? i’m gonna let johnny inside. “
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clydesgod · 4 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Does your character currently have any crushes? Does anyone have a crush on your character? Will anything come from these crushes?
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Oh for sure. Richard has crushes, many in fact. Though his main ship is with Operetta/Xeina still, it doesn’t stop his many verses from having crushes on others as well!
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Same goes for Vitalis, who crushes on people easily, no matter what gfdshfd
That much should be obvious, especially with how he is around others.
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Music of Azerbaijan: Uzeyir Hajibeyli
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Uzeyir Hajibeyli was an Azerbaijani composer, conductor, publicist, playwright, and social figure. He is recognized as the father of Azerbaijani composed classical music and opera.
About this video: Fragment from "Leyli and Majnun" opera by Uzeyir Hajibeyli (late 1960s); conductor: Afrasiyab Badalbeyli (Afrasiyab Badal oglu Badalbeyli was an Azerbaijani composer, conductor and music critic, author of the music and libretto of "Giz Galasi" ("The Maiden Tower"), the first Azerbaijani ballet and the first ballet in the Muslim Orient); Leyli - Rubaba Muradova (Rubaba Muradova was an Azerbaijani opera (mezzo-soprano) and folk singer); Majnun - Gulu Askerov (Gulu Askerov was an Azerbaijani mugham and opera (lyric-dramatic tenor) singer, composer and pedagogue); in tar (Azerbaijani musical instrument) - Bahram Mansurov (Bahram Mansurov was an Azerbaijani tar player).
Article: Born in 1885 in the heart of the ancient Azerbaijani Khanate of Karabakh, in Shusha Uzeyir Hajibeyli’s outstanding musical talent started a revolution in the Azerbaijani musical timeline. He was the very musician to introduce an extraordinary innovation in the nation's music culture, to constantly refresh it, and adjust to modern tastes. He was a founder of an opera genre not only in Azerbaijan, but the East and created the first Muslim opera in the Islamic world.
His unique synthesis of Oriental and Western music significantly promoted the classical music traditions in the East and opened a page of classical music patterns.
The unique composer was brave enough to explore blending two incompatibly different cultures at root and achieve an unprecedented synethesis.
History recognizes Hajibeyli as an innovator as well as the first to establish a professional music school and Orchestra for Traditional Folk Instruments, to compose the Muslim world’s first opera and operetta, to introduce a woman on stage, to write the country’s national anthem (which is the official anthem of Azerbaijan today), to be awarded the highest artistic title of the Soviet Union.
He occupied himself in almost every facet of music culture, and was a great conductor, publicist, playwright, teacher, and translator.
Hajibeyli was born to an intellectual and well-to-do family that was closely related to the famous Azerbaijani poet and public figure Khurshidbanu Natavan.
Familiarity with Natavan opened doors for young Uzeyir to enter the best music communities in Shusha - a cradle of music which is quite fairly called "National Conservatory."
The idea of the Azerbaijani opera was born in the heart of Uzeyir at age 13, when he watched a dramatization of the story of Majnun at Leyli's Tombstone in Shusha.
Remembering the occasion, Hajibeyli wrote, "That performance affected me so much that when I came to Baku years later, I decided to write something like that."
The 22 year-old Hajibeyli eventually accomplished a brilliant feat of music, composing the first opera of the Muslim East based on the story of Leyli and Majnun. A Romeo & Juliet-esque story of love that premiered in 1908, the opera was set to poetic verses by the 12th century Azerbaijani poet Nizami and later by 16th century Azerbaijani poet Fuzuli.
Leyli and Majnun laid the foundations of mugham opera and national opera in general.
Hajibeyli later recalled, “At that time, I knew only the basics of sol-fa, and had no idea of harmony, counterpoint, and musical forms ... However, the success of Leili and Majnun was great. In my opinion, it gained popularity thanks to the fact that the Azerbaijani people had expected the appearance of Azerbaijani opera at the stage. And the opera combined authentic folk music and a popular classic story.”
The "Koroghlu" opera is truly the best example of the composer’s creativity; an original masterpiece in which he has expressed in the musical form ideas that excited him like the heroics of the famed Koroghlu himself. This opera won love of all Azerbaijani people in a short time and marked a new stage in development of the Azerbaijan art.
“Koroghlu" is a national folk product in which the composer managed to very realistically portray the people’s struggle for freedom and independence and create bright and historically truthful national images.
The composer describes his work at the opera: "While working on Koroghlu, I have put before myself an object to create a national opera using the achievements of modern musical culture. To put forth such an idea, the composer was required to undergo not only serious theoretical preparation, but also a deep understanding of national creativity, mastering of that style, which enables us to speak with people in an understandable language... It was important to penetrate the opera with breath of national music."
"Arshin Mal Alan" or The Cloth Peddler was the latest and one of the most popular operettas of the eminent composer. The comedic and romantic operetta premiered in Azerbaijan in 1913, thus becoming the first operetta in the entire Muslim world.
The opening aria of Asker (the main hero in the operetta) and many other vocal numbers were performed in a purely European style. At the same time, their music was peppered with national flavors.
Written in 1910, “If not this one, that one” was the composer’s second musical comedy.
It is considered one of the most courageous and principled works in theater arts of pre-revolutionary Azerbaijan, where Hajibeyli was able to show the social and domestic conflicts in Azerbaijan in the 19-20th centuries.
His kindness stands out, as does his progressive and liberal attitude towards women, especially for the time and region.
Through his music as well as work as a journalist, teacher, and translator, Hajibeyli played a vital role in the fight against illiteracy and helped usher in a cultural shift, launching a period of enlightenment that transcended Azerbaijan’s borders and reached many others in the Eurasia region.
Thanks to these steps Hajibeyli, received the approval of the nation, leaving behind immortal and experimental pieces of music.
Compositions such as Fantasias, Jangi, Ashig’s trio, Arazbari and others are considered as some of the musical masterpieces of all time.
Article by Amina Nazarli.
Photos: Photos of Uzeyir Hajibeyli.
Videos: I video: Fragment from "Leyli and Majnun" opera by Uzeyir Hajibeyli (late 1960s); II video: "Leyli and Majnun" opera by Uzeyir Hajibeyli (1978); III video: "Koroghlu" opera by Uzeyir Hajibeyli.
Musics: I music: "Dance from Koroghlu opera" by Uzeyir Hajibeyli; II music: "Arazbari" by Uzeyir Hajibeyli.
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rockabillyredhead · 4 years
Note: This is all my current verses. I am open to splitting off.  All crossovers will be their own self-contained verse unless I start RPing with a lot of characters that would fit in that category. All threads with people that have the same character happen in different verses from one another and will be part of default canon. Please see my “about” and “rules” page.
Default Verse:
The Verse that everyone starts off in. All webisodes, diaries, and movies are canon to this blog. It starts off with no blog history. Operetta is on the SKRM team and one of the most musically talented ghouls in school. She is known for being a rebel and can be a bit of a troublemaker.
Main Verse:
Current Storyline of the blog. Progresses with main blogs and interactions. All asks pertaining to anyone besides Operetta herself will be answered according to the mains of this verse.
Johnny Spirit / Mutual understanding/ @johnny-spirit
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
I’ve decided to switch focus for a moment from RWDE to this, a sort of hyperbolic series of videos criticizing Video Games. I will might also cover his Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword too but I wanna hit this because I am very well versed in Pokemon and I have been a fan of the series since I picked up an old Red Version back in the early 2000′s so yeah, I have been a long term fan having played the games from Red to X and the only reason I don’t play Sun or Moon is because I haven’t gotten the games. I have done quite a bit of research on them though so I feel confident that I can debate this. So let’s begin:
Actually yes, they have. A lot. Like the Steel Type which WASN’T a part of Generation 1, Berries, alternate Pokeballs with differing catch rates based on conditions, Natures, Physical/Special Split, Double Battles, Held items, Evs and Ivs, Abilities, Breeding, EV training, Poke-amie, Mega Evolution which completely changed the game, Roaming Legendaries, the Fairy Type and re typing of previous Pokemon, the Alolan forms, Poekpolaga, Z-Moves and many others because I don’t do competitive battles. And this is all coming without delving into how THESE aspects are changed and built upon, such as the Triple battle, Rotation battle and Inverse Battle being built off of the Double Battles along with the various new Pokeballs, The change with the Physical Special Spilit, the sheer variety of the held items and the Abilities that are rare like Hidden Abilities or Mega Abilities. And then we have spin off games, such as the Mystery Dungeon Series, the Ranger series, the Rumble series, Pokemon COnquest, Pokemon Snap, Poke Collseum, Pokemon XD, Pokken and such. This is simply not true.
This Mario analogy really bites him in the ass because if Pokemon is nothing but these turn based battles, then Mario would be, by his logic, nothing but jumping around. And once again, this only applies to the Pokemon main series, not the spin offs which have dungeon crawling, adventure games, beat em ups, stradegy games, photo shooting and fighting games. So this compliant still doesn’t hold up and with  the Mario analogy kind of gives an air of willful ignorance.
“Copy and Paste”? Really? So the fact that there are new characters, new locations, new cities, new types of battles, new items and so are completely disregarded? If so, then no wonder you have a problem: you aren’t taking things into account. And then there’s the fact that not every Pokemon fan watches trailers so that flaw doesn’t apply to them and is thus not a universal criticism.
*Groans and growls* A. That doesn’t even make sense considering wild Pokemon cannot stall the game like that, they would have no concept of such a thing being WILD Pokemon, another Pokemon means more experience points without having to look for more Pokemon, grinding is inherently slow so “quickly” doesn’t even make sense, you are pretty much guaranteed to be stronger than any none Legendary Wild pokemon in the game so a second pokemon would pose no threat and this could have just been avoided if you mentioned how in generation 5 when you are faced by two wild pokemon you could send out two. I know this is a joke but the joke is so poorly written and so badly enacted that there’s no humor for me to suspend my disbelief for him.
Gee, i dunno. Because that’s over 800 POKEMON that you would need to program into the game which is located on a hand held console meaning it has less space and less processing power than a console. Also, Pokemon following you around is your suggestion? Dude, that is the definition of a novelty: as cheap throwaway gimmick that in fact would be just like that “new coat of paint” you were complaining about. All the stuff I mentioned but you refuse to acknowledge actually impacts the gameplay.
...Would you believe it if I said that this exact analogy is why I decided to do all of this? Yeah, this is a TERRIBLE analogy. First off, you’d HAVE to order the Cheesecake, just like how you’d BUY a pokemon game. If you complain about getting the same basic formula as before, it’s no one’s fault but your own.
Secondly, stuff like Abilities, Fairy Types and Mega Evolution would change the game entirely so it would be exactly the same as before. But you know what IS essentially chocolate shaving? Having your Pokemon follow you around. The one specific compliant so far and it spits in the face of everything else.
Third: The part about not putting chocolate shaving on strawberry would be disgusting if it actually happened, just like how adding in Pokemon following you everywhere would clash with the gimmicks of some of the gyms.
Fourth: The part about being more expensive is just blatantly false: Teh starting price of Pokémon games, at least since Diamond and Pearl, has always been 50 dollars. Are older games cheaper now? Yes but that’s how prices go: The newest games are more expensive because they expanded more than the older games.
Fifth: You can stop ordering cheesecake at many time and look for another dessert, just like you can stop playing the main series of games and look at the spin-offs or just different games. Nobody is forcing you but yourself.
Remember this.
But if you change the battles, that would be a complete OVERHAUL of the game, that thing you said Pokemon didn’t need to do 5 SECONDS ago!
4:43 And Abilities, and new types, and Mega Evolution, and held items, and Double+ battles...
Also, no unique Z-Moves? Well, sorry Catasrropika, 10 000 000 Volt Thunderbolt, Stoked Sparksurfer, Extremem Evoboost, Pulververizing Pancake, Genesis Supernova Sinister Arrow Raid, Mailcious Moonsault, Oceanic Operetta, Guardian of Alola, Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike and Clangorous Soulblaze: None of you are unique enough!
4:52 Then don’t USE the Z-Moves: You have a choice to not use them. Even so, you cannot speak for everyone and if this is YOUR issue, that’s YOUR problem, not Gamefreak’s/
5:13 A. The opinionh about Totem Pokemon is personal opinion and without any proof is irrelevant.
And B. What about Kiawe’s trial which is about spotting the difference in the dancing, or Mallow’s trial where you have to find four ingredients or Sophocies’s trial where you have to answer several questions? A bit more expansive than most Pokemon Gyms.
5:30 Because if they did do that: Then the Gym Leaders (oir Captains here) would just feel like a generic trainer. It works for the rivals because you see their teams grow but with Gym Leaders? One battle and that’s it. The types give them more personality and more vibrancy.
Why are the rivals dumb? What makes them dumb? ... No answer? Well then, they aren’t the dumb ones here.
And if we talk about rivals as a whole: What about Gladion? He’s a call back to older rivals, specifically Silver with his personalty and parental troubles.
A. YOU DID NOT FINISH THE GAME. This explains why you have made so many mistakes here: You are talking out of your ass and pretending you know this stuff without seeing it for yourself or, lie me, doing any research on them. If you don’t even confirm what you are saying is true, why should anyone believe you?
And B. Exp. Share is OPTIONAL: You have no one to blame for that but yourself if you let your team get that overleveled.
A. Pikachu’s voice is literally it saying “pik-a-chu” That’s it. Nothing else. You are directly lying here.
B. That skit is as unfunny as one form modren Family Guy
And C. Pikachu’s only appear in SOS battles and only in two places so they DON’T appear that often. And even if Hau has a Pikachu, he uses it three times and evolves it into a Raichu.
7:40 Then that would break the game, making attacks with low PP completely worthless and making super hard to defeat Pokemon like Shuckle a terror. You say, don’t do a big overhaul but this WOULD be a big overhaul.
8:04 THAT is the very definition of a complete overhaul. You just contradicted yourself AGAIN.
8:15 You mean like a dungeon crawler, or a beat em up or an adventure game or a fighting game? Like the ones that already exist? Yeah, kind of makes it look like you don’t do a lick of research.
8:27 Okay then, what’s your excuse for fans like me, ones who ARE older but still enjoy the new games? Nothing?
8:35 ... He says they should do a spin off game...and references a spin off game...
.. Do I even need to be here?
A. Teh E-Shop games cost about six bucks a piece: Not really a cash grab.
And B. That part ignores the legal side of things where, by using already existing Pokemon, the creators have every right to protect their intellectual property if they so choose. Not to mention this sin’t even exclusive to Pokemon, which around the time Uranium got hit a Metroid fangame was hit as well so this is clearly Nintendo’s doing.
You know...Nothing...and I mean nothing...pisses me off more than some whiny, entitled, arrogant, pissant pseudo-fan claiming that a creator is being lazy or some shit because all that says is that you understanding NOTHING about what they d Especially since this so called “artistic intergrity” was gone when you started not doing research, contradicting yourself and outright LYING just to push your narrative while insulting the real fans for paying attention to the changes that the creators have done over the years and teh chances tehy’ve taken.
And the most ironic thing is, you putting LESS effort into your videos would actually HELP. Because you already don’t do research or fact check anything you say, you already take footage from other places and the one thing you put effort into were the WORST parts of the video. Remove the original animations and you’d actually have a better product. Funny how stuff rebounds on you.
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release-info · 5 years
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Theatre in its western form was born in Greece.[324] The city-state of Classical Athens, which became a significant cultural, political, and military power during this period, was its centre, where it was institutionalised as part of a festival called the Dionysia, which honoured the god Dionysus. Tragedy (late 6th century BC), comedy (486 BC), and the satyr play were the three dramatic genres to emerge there. During the Byzantine period, the theatrical art was heavily declined. According to Marios Ploritis, the only form survived was the folk theatre (Mimos and Pantomimos), despite the hostility of the official state.[325] Later, during the Ottoman period, the main theatrical folk art was the Karagiozis. The renaissance which led to the modern Greek theatre, took place in the Venetian Crete. Significal dramatists include Vitsentzos Kornaros and Georgios Chortatzis. The modern Greek theatre was born after the Greek independence, in the early 19th century, and initially was influenced by the Heptanesean theatre and melodrama, such as the Italian opera. The Nobile Teatro di San Giacomo di Corfù was the first theatre and opera house of modern Greece and the place where the first Greek opera, Spyridon Xyndas’ The Parliamentary Candidate (based on an exclusively Greek libretto) was performed. During the late 19th and early 20th century, the Athenian theatre scene was dominated by revues, musical comedies, operettas and nocturnes and notable playwrights included Spyridon Samaras, Dionysios Lavrangas, Theophrastos Sakellaridis and others. The National Theatre of Greece was opened in 1900 as Royal Theatre.[326] Notable playwrights of the modern Greek theatre include Gregorios Xenopoulos, Nikos Kazantzakis, Pantelis Horn, Alekos Sakellarios and Iakovos Kambanelis, while notable actors include Cybele Andrianou, Marika Kotopouli, Aimilios Veakis, Orestis Makris, Katina Greek literature can be divided into three main categories: Ancient, Byzantine and modern Greek literature.[327] Athens is considered the birthplace of Western literature.[328] At the beginning of Greek literature stand the two monumental works of Homer: the Iliad and the Odyssey. Though dates of composition vary, these works were fixed around 800 BC or after. In the classical period many of the genres of western literature became more prominent. Lyrical poetry, odes, pastorals, elegies, epigrams; dramatic presentations of comedy and tragedy; historiography, rhetorical treatises, philosophical dialectics, and philosophical treatises all arose in this period. The two major lyrical poets were Sappho and Pindar. The Classical era also saw the dawn of drama. Of the hundreds of tragedies written and performed during the classical age, only a limited number of plays by three authors have survived: those of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. The surviving plays by Aristophanes are also a treasure trove of comic presentation, while Herodotus and Thucydides are two of the most influential historians in this period. The greatest prose achievement of the 4th century was in philosophy with the works of the three great philosophers. Byzantine literature refers to literature of the Byzantine Empire written in Atticizing, Medieval and early Modern Greek, and it is the expression of the intellectual life of the Byzantine Greeks during the Christian Middle Ages. Although popular Byzantine literature and early Modern Greek literature both began in the 11th century, the two are indistinguishable.[329] Constantine P. Cavafy, whose work was inspired mainly by the Hellenistic past, while Odysseas Elytis (centre) and Giorgos Seferis (right) were representatives of the Generation of the ’30s and Nobel laureates in Literature. Modern Greek literature refers to literature written in common Modern Greek, emerging from late Byzantine times in the 11th century. The Cretan Renaissance poem Erotokritos is undoubtedly the masterpiece of this period of Greek literature. It is a verse romance written around 1600 by Vitsentzos Kornaros (1553–1613). Later, during the period of Greek enlightenment (Diafotismos), writers such as Adamantios Korais and Rigas Feraios prepared with their works the Greek Revolution (1821–1830). Leading figures of modern Greek literature include Dionysios Solomos, Andreas Kalvos, Angelos Sikelianos, Emmanuel Rhoides, Demetrius Vikelas, Kostis Palamas, Penelope Delta, Yannis Ritsos, Alexandros Papadiamantis, Nikos Kazantzakis, Andreas Embeirikos, Kostas Karyotakis, Gregorios Xenopoulos, Constantine P. Cavafy, Nikos Kavvadias, Kostas Varnalis and Kiki Dimoula. Two Greek authors have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature: George Seferis in 1963 and Odysseas Elytis in 1979., Manos Katrakis and Dimitris Horn. Significant directors include Dimitris Rontiris, Alexis Minotis and Karolos Koun. Greek literature can be divided into three main categories: Ancient, Byzantine and modern Greek literature.[327] Athens is considered the birthplace of Western literature.[328] At the beginning of Greek literature stand the two monumental works of Homer: the Iliad and the Odyssey. Though dates of composition vary, these works were fixed around 800 BC or after. In the classical period many of the genres of western literature became more prominent. Lyrical poetry, odes, pastorals, elegies, epigrams; dramatic presentations of comedy and tragedy; historiography, rhetorical treatises, philosophical dialectics, and philosophical treatises all arose in this period. The two major lyrical poets were Sappho and Pindar. The Classical era also saw the dawn of drama. Of the hundreds of tragedies written and performed during the classical age, only a limited number of plays by three authors have survived: those of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. The surviving plays by Aristophanes are also a treasure trove of comic presentation, while Herodotus and Thucydides are two of the most influential historians in this period. The greatest prose achievement of the 4th century was in philosophy with the works of the three great philosophers. Byzantine literature refers to literature of the Byzantine Empire written in Atticizing, Medieval and early Modern Greek, and it is the expression of the intellectual life of the Byzantine Greeks during the Christian Middle Ages. Although popular Byzantine literature and early Modern Greek literature both began in the 11th century, the two are indistinguishable.[329] Constantine P. Cavafy, whose work was inspired mainly by the Hellenistic past, while Odysseas Elytis (centre) and Giorgos Seferis (right) were representatives of the Generation of the ’30s and Nobel laureates in Literature. Modern Greek literature refers to literature written in common Modern Greek, emerging from late Byzantine times in the 11th century. The Cretan Renaissance poem Erotokritos is undoubtedly the masterpiece of this period of Greek literature. It is a verse romance written around 1600 by Vitsentzos Kornaros (1553–1613). Later, during the period of Greek enlightenment (Diafotismos), writers such as Adamantios Korais and Rigas Feraios prepared with their works the Greek Revolution (1821–1830). Leading figures of modern Greek literature include Dionysios Solomos, Andreas Kalvos, Angelos Sikelianos, Emmanuel Rhoides, Demetrius Vikelas, Kostis Palamas, Penelope Delta, Yannis Ritsos, Alexandros Papadiamantis, Nikos Kazantzakis, Andreas Embeirikos, Kostas Karyotakis, Gregorios Xenopoulos, Constantine P. Cavafy, Nikos Kavvadias, Kostas Varnalis and Kiki Dimoula. Two Greek authors have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature: George Seferis in 1963 and Odysseas Elytis in 1979.#tourism#tour#worldtour #bestplace#nature#beauty enjoy#experience#history http://bit.ly/2JXqoKx
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ghoullest · 2 years
@frkyfab : “An expert in romance as well, are you? I didn’t think you were the type.” Deuce's words to Operetta are playful and light. Could be taken for sarcastic especially with the way his eyes and intent are obscured by think sunglasses. But the slight grin to his face is more sincere then not.
“More of an expert than you are, snake boy.”  She’s teasing, though, and it’s obvious; Deuce is a good friend, especially now that Cleo no longer wantes Operette dead in the ground.  Besides, they know he’s not stupid enough to REALLY piss ‘em off.
Her scarred cheek rests in her palm as she gestured for him to sit beside her on the bleachers — when he does, she continues.  “Honestly, I’ve actually not had a lotta luck with romance myself.  My dad’s pretty darn strict about that sorta stuff, and some people get freaked out about my face.”  There’ve been dates who thought they could handle it ‘til it came time to get close enough to kiss.  She gets it from kids; they don’t know any better than to act confused by the scars.  It’s when peers or adults act like she’s frightening that she feels like shrinking — and never does, of course.  (  and they know it’s not personal; more of monsterkind has scars than don’t.  it’s just — hard for people to reconcile how clearly intentional they are.  )  “Not that I ain’t had any would - be - suitors, but nothin’ that’s ever actually come to fruition.”  
Their grin widens, though; there’s no real grief to be found.  Not here, at least.  “Still, romance is just like any other love; what matters most is honesty.  As long as y’ keep that in mind and aren’t too chicken to live it out, then that’s all anybody needs t’ be an expert.”
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