#draculaura : headcanon.
greeeengoblin · 17 days
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Draculaura but her dad is Béla Lugosi’s Dracula
Béla Lugosi is undead undead undead….
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plasma-packin-peep · 7 months
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ectopunkart · 1 year
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I've redesigned the main ghouls of monster high again!
4th... 5th times the charm!
If you feel like tossing money at me:
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Hello!! May I request a monster high x Fem!reader, who's a new student. She ran into some students, and she looks like a human, so everyone thought she was a normie, but she turns out to be a monster with powers. She can turn into a human form or a monster form, so shes still the same person, but she can change her looks, she can change her looks to a human or her monster form.
But she's also
When everyone though she was a normie some actually though she was the best looking normie they've seen before, but obviously chosenot to say and wouldn't admit it. But when they found out she was a monster, (half monster half normie) when she turns into her monster form she's even more beautiful🥹💕
Everyone's jaw would probably drop��
Monster high x beautiful half normie and half monster Fem!reader.
Can it be a oneshot please?🥺 If you want it to be a headcannon or something, that's also fine, but can you also include the characters such as the Frankie and the ghouls, and the guys too, like heath, Holt and etc in the oneshot/headcanon.
Sorry this looks long, it's probably cause of how much I wrote-
Anyways thanks and have a good day/night!!
Monster High Request:
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Human Form: When the two of you first met, it was when you and your human friends were trying to save their monster friend Holt. The two of you got along really well and shared similar ideas when it came to saving their friend.
When her eyes landed on your form, her heart stopped unlike the way it usually does and now butterflies were in her stomach making her feet heavier than before. You were like a god/goddess in her eyes and she didn't know what to do. When you felt eyes on your back, you turned meeting her gaze which led to her blushing profusely and popping her hand off to cover her face.
Monster Form: You tried your hardest to hide your monster form, afraid of what everyone might have thought but it was bound to be revealed sooner or later. You slipped up one day when transforming late at night and assuming everyone was sleeping, but a photo was taken and soon spreaded around about your true identity.
When she saw the picture a clear confusion was on their face, but then admiration and adoration took over and their heart began beating faster. Frankle thinks both of your forms are super cool and they're fine with you being in either one. They make sure to help figure out who took your picture and spreaded it, refusing to stand this hatred against you and your monster identity.
Human Form: You met the vampire from Frankie who introduced you to their friends wanting all of you to get along and become great friends as well. At first, you were afraid, never having met a vampire before, but when you got to know the pink vampire your fear faded away. You got along with her well and always had sleepovers together, laughing and enjoying your time with each other.
It was hard for her since she thought her feelings were for Clawd, but when the two of you began hanging out more and more new found feelings began to form. She's gone through the pros and cons of dating both of you, but everything seemed evened out besides the fact that you're a human…
Monster form: She saw the photo and didn't believe it, unsure if the photo was even real, totally believing that you were full human without a single scent of monster in you. Her skin grew darker with a blush when seeing your gorgeous looks on your monster form as well making her choice now even more difficult.
Human Form: When the two of you met, it was strange. The two of you didn't talk much besides when one of the others were around and helped start the conversations. The two of you were basically mutals that had the same friends.
You weren't that close with her until the group went to Paris and she had you model one of her outfits. In the moment, when she saw your form in one of her outsides shining in the moonlight, her mind went blank with only you in her thoughts. She couldn't help but think how good you looked with the moon shining onto your skin and the outfit that fit your body perfectly, hitting everything correctly just like how she had planned.
Monster Form: When her eyes landed on the picture, the same thing from Paris occurred with your mind going blank and only you in her thoughts. She then felt anger knowing someone took your picture without your permission and revealed your secret that was clearly hidden for a reason. She was quick to come and comfort you making sure that everything was alright. (She won't admit it, but she also went to see your monster form in person and you looked even more exquisite in person)
Human Form: You met the werewolf from his sister and his crush, which wasn't a great idea because now he was facing one of the greatest choices of his life. For the past month, he's been seeing Draculaura, but when you showed up his heart and mind haven't been the same and he liked it. His feelings for the vampire were still there but he now also had feelings for you as well.
Monster Form: You had shown him and when you did his eyes widened instantly seeing your glowing complexion and soon the air felt like it was taken out of him. You made him nervous and he didn't know what to do, making things even worse for his relationship as you also started getting closer with the vampire. He knew deep down that he had to do the right thing, but something else held him down.
Human Form: You met him when trying to save his counterpart from the other humans who thought all monsters were bad, which wasn't true at all. You were shocked when seeing him going through the same thing you were. When attending monster high, the first thing you did was look for him and show him your form wanting to show him that having two sides wasn't always bad.
Monster Form: When he saw that you were just like him, his heart fluttered knowing he wasn't alone in this world of being human and monster. You became great friends with him spending most of your time at monster high with him talking about the strange things the two of you have done with your abilities. When news about your transromation became known, he stood up for you making sure no one treated you the way they treated him for being human and monster.
A/n - Sorry I couldn't do all of the characters. this was already over two pages and would have been more. If you want I can do a part 2 with more characters :)
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luvtonys · 1 month
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𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
Warnings: Fem reader, TW Yandere, possessive and obsessive behavior, power abuse, forced relationships, bullying, blackmail, mentions of markings Not proof read
𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒! 𝐶𝑙𝑒𝑜 𝑑𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑒
Because of the fact that Cleo is rich and has authority you probably are gonna be forced into a relationship with her body guards watching for a far reporting your ever move to her. She loves to control your relationship and pick what you wear and what says you belong to her. Cleo has no shame in controlling you and if you ever try to leave her you will have constant targets on your back ready to bring you back to her.
So really there’s no escape since wherever you go she can and will always be there. She probably will have your family in a desperate state of financial problems with her as the only solution. She will definitely manipulate and guilt trip you into feeling sorry for her and promising to never leave her again. Word got around fast and everyone knows that you and her are a thing and even though some people know it’s toxic no one crosses her and are actually glad that she’s in a good mood for once.
Cleo definitely dreams about you before she goes to sleep or just often she enjoying daydreaming about a perfect future you too would have married and living under the same room possibly with kids even and you her darling submissive spouse.
Cleo hates when you aren’t always next to her walking to class and being forced to seat next to her she purposely doesn’t pay attention so you can’t tutor her later and she’ll be able to spend more time with you in her room alone. She also spoils you rotten you guys shop 24/7 and she hates when you don’t depend on her or ask her for something that you’ve had you mind on. She wants you to be able to talk to her ask her for stuff she’ll get you whatever you want or need as long as it doesn’t interfere with her love for you.
Cleo loves to have you looking like one of a kind drowning in jewelry and expensive dresses, shoe, hair, nails, and makeup she want you to shine like the diamond you are her diamond. She just loves to keep you polished and sparking for her and her eyes only. Any guy who tries drape a hand around your waste you even touch you with their filthy hands will be meant with a sight of her kissing you and pulling you into her body as the guy is dragged away by one of her servants you never knew what happened to him.
So even though your trapped with her you still get to go everywhere and meet celebrities you have everything you could ever want or need right at your fingertips and the woods is literally served to you in a silver platter as long as you stay with Cleo as her’s forever and the moment you even think of leaving her she will show you how much easy she can just destroy not only you but your entire family tree.
𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒! 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛
Frankie is very delusional but also very loving to the point where it’s suffocating, wherever you are she’s there, if your in the bathroom she’ll be in the stall next to you, if your in the hallway she’s just a corner away from you, it’s even t the point where she may even just pop out of your locker when you open it after avoiding her, with her asking if you’re avoiding her with sad puppy eyes.
You any even find some of her body parts hanging around you like her hand resting on your thigh or your knee when she’s somewhere else, her head watching you from a far in a class that you don’t have with her. Frankie also loves to share her things with you like her shoes or clothes so you look and or smell like her, it’s her own way of tying you to her.
If you ever try to tell people how crazy Frankie is they won’t believe you because Frankie is such a sweet ghoul who even has your parents wrapped around her finger so they won’t believe you either, and will even invite her over often and she’ll be sleeping in your room and your bed cuddling with you.
I can picture Frankie thinking of your future together and will go on rants about it. The older you guys get the kinder her rants are. She’ll discuss children and marriage to the point where even her friends courage you to talk to her about it. Other students and her friends know about you two and find I your relationship adorable with out knowing how crazy about you she is.
I can see Frankie as also being somewhat mature in your relationship such as making decisions for you on where or not you should go somewhere or hang out with certain people and she’s very persuasive. Will straight up manipulate you and work her way into your head to the put where before you do something you consider if she would want you to or not. *Honestly same thing with Cleo*
𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒! 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑎
Draculaura is very sweet so once again no one will believe you if you try to tell them the truth about her. Even her friends either won’t believe or will shush you since they may or may not be a little obsessive with their own darlings.
She’s the clingy type expect her clinginess will become suffocating. She’ll manipulate and gaslight you into spending time with her using the excuse that you don’t hang out with her as much as you used to before you started talking to those people you call friends. If it’s her friends you’re hanging out with different story she’ll be jealous but will tag along without much problem. But someone else she’ll either convince make you let her go with you or stay behind with her.
Every chance she gets she’s clinging to your waist or arm and often you’ll notice how her grip can tighten especially when you’re around others. Draculaura loves your personally space it even feels like she’s trying to merge your bodies together with how hard she presses herself into sometimes.
It’s canon that they all like to match with you and even like to share clothes and it’s the same here Draculaura is definitely the type to like dressing you up and getting your opinion on her outfits. She will even ask what you’re about to where so she can find some way to match or color coordinate outfits with you.
She is the Yandere that adores and worships you like a fan girl. She is the highschool Yandere girl stereotype. She’s also the type to panic after she had a dream about you cheating or leaving her and she’s highly highly delusional you’ll glance at her and she’ll take it as you confessing your love for her.
𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒! 𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓
Clawdeen is definitely dominant and overprotective she’s the type that has a soft spot for you and her friends while shes a little cold to others. I see her being controlling in a way that she doesn’t want you to be wearing something that isn’t her taste or she doesn’t approve of. She loves to make you outfits that for always end up having something like a as if she’s making you and laying her claim.
She loves when you two match outfits or color coordinate outfits together. Shes always willing to stand up for you so if a peer pressured you or makes a snarky comment on you best believe she’ll be ready for them. Her mom knows and loves you since you’re what’s keeping Clawdeen from completely falling of the deep end of insanity.
She’s possessive like crazy if she catches a guy starring at you she’ll glare them down and be all in there face and ask them how it feels. If they leave you alone great she’s feeling slightly more better, but if not then she’ll be gone for a bit while her friends keeps an eye on you. She’s the type to throw a punch at someone for either glancing at you or touching you in a way she didn’t approve of but she’s also very northerly and caring and won’t let you harm yourself or do anything reckless and will always put you before herself
Your thoughts and opinions are very appreciated and welcomed. Thank you!
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karjalantroll · 2 months
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the last ones.
I didn't want to do Laura, because she is perfect in my opinion, but it turns out I would have just left her out… it's just… awkward….
There's no question about Cleo either. It's just I've been waiting since the first generation for her to be made…more mummy-like.
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g1rlb4it · 11 months
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headcanons 🙀🙀🙀
i desperately need to redraw them esp cleo cuz i kinda hate my redesign :(
also i forgot 2 include frankie has AUTISM!!!!
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a-zalea-garden · 1 year
Valentine is actually really good at painting. He loves oil paints and he paints delicate, calm landscapes. He hides them in a room in his house where his mother doesn’t go.
Spelldon’s hands shake too much to hold the brush. But he is a sketcher through and through and makes thick, messy graphite lines look sharp and elegant. He can’t draw anything but people, and Valentine is his favorite muse
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some self-indulgent monster high headcanons
draculaura was clawdeen’s sexual awakening
but since drac and clawd are in a committed relationship, clawdeen never interfered. instead, she made out with toralei at a party once, and the two of them made it official about two months later (let’s go lesbians)
howleen bought twyla noise-canceling headphones and made her fidget bracelets for her birthday
with cleo dating frankie and nefara dating clawdia, they’re both the royal family disappointments, which has strengthened their bond since they each came out (i.e. since cleo came out to nefara, who just brought clawdia home for dinner one night)
literally none of the wolf siblings are straight
draculaura would drink blood to get melanie martinez tickets the second she learns about normie music
no one speaks to gil anymore. especially not lagoona
venus and howleen have both been taken home in a cop car multiple times for public protests
toralei, meowlody, and purrsephone expand their band to include clawdeen and frankie. their music is inspired by a mix of paramore, stela cole, and chappell roan (plz i need to see toralei do a cover of “red wine supernova”)
frankie went to howleen so she could help them figure out their identity. since then, she’s become their go-to source for other important life questions, such as, “is a hot dog really a dog” or, “how do you use a microwave please i can’t burn down cleo’s kitchen”
deuce dresses like he goes to fashion school. i’m talking crop tops and low-waisted skirts or jeans, platform boots, baggy pants, and more accessories than you can count. a bi icon. clawdeen uses him as her model for her masculine-bodied designs
heath has adhd (i would say heath-twyla-neurodivergent solidarity, but she’d actually combust if she had to spend 20 minutes with him the poor girl)
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meiko333 · 1 year
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Monster High Pride Icons
Like and/or reblog if you save/use
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
I’m sorry I wasn’t specific with the monster high relationship headcanon, but can you do one for Draculaura, Frankie, Cleo, Clawdeen, and Lagoona?
Relationship Headcanons | Monster High
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thank you for requesting, anon!
includes : clawdeen wolf, cleo de nile, draculaura, frankie stein & lagoona blue
reader is assumed as gender neutral
Clawdeen Wolf
as a partner, clawdeen is the type of girl to push you to your limits and help you branch out of your comfort zone — encouraging you to better yourself and achieve your goal however she can.
very confident in your relationship and isn’t ashamed to show it/you off to whoever is in the vicinity
tends to get much more territorial over you during a full moon — which usually leads to her not leaving your side and snapping at anyone who gets too close
very chilled out otherwise but will always be touching you when you’re with her — big on casual pda
whenever she’s competing, she’ll always look out for you in the crowd and treats you as a sort of good luck charm (will also wink at you and blow you a kiss before/after she goes)
isn’t above snapping at or even fighting anyone who insults or belittles you, but will hold back if you ask her to
her siblings are both her biggest cheerleaders in your relationship and her biggest nuisances — like they love you but they love teasing her more
swaps clothes and accessories with you, but if you go out of your way to buy something matching with her then this girl will melt
calls you “babe” or your name
Cleo De Nile
as a partner, cleo is just as sweet and affectionate as she is possessive and bitchy — switching between hanging off of your arm and giving you the cold shoulder at the slightest sign of disrespect from you.
very affectionate with you - so expect plentiful hugs and kisses as you hangout together
remembers your favourite things and will use her wealth and status to get you whatever you want — even if it’s something you only meant once in passing
very insecure and has a bad habit of lashing out if she thinks you’re implying her to be anything less than perfect (a consequence of her upbringing), which can lead to arguments and even short lived break-ups
you’re the only person she’ll apologise to because she’s terrified of you leaving her
trusts your opinion and thoughts over anyone else’s, and will usually come to you with any issues she has to vent or get advice
matching jewellery is a must for her (and it has to match her outfits, of course)
can very easily get snippy with you if you or anyone else fail to follow her rules or don’t listen to her, but if you pick her up on it politely and affectionately then she’ll be much more likely to stop
calls you “sweetie” or “honey”
as a partner, draculaura is incredibly affectionate and genuine — greeting you with a kiss and a hug whenever she sees you and bringing you gifts at the most seemingly random times.
very big on spoiling and pampering you as that’s the type of treatment she’s used to and she couldn’t imagine giving you anything less
plans all of her meals in advance and would love to get you involved whether that’s in the preparation of the food or just sharing the dishes she loves
draculaura tends to get emotional very easily and when she’s feeling quite vulnerable she’s seek you out above anyone else — just clinging to you and indulging in the comfort you provide
brags about you a lot both in person and online — talks about you like you’re the most amazing person in the world
she’s incredibly clingy and always seems to be hanging off of you in one way or another — though this most frequently manifests as her interlinking your arms and resting her head on your shoulder as you walk about the school
values your opinion a lot and will ask you about any new outfit or accessory or hair style she wears/buys and hangs off your every word when you respond
sleepover dates are kind of a must given her unique circumstances but it’s hardly a drawback as she loves to spend time with you no matter where you are
calls you a variety of nicknames in both romanian and english — some cheesy and some traditional — but the most common would be “darling” and “Iubirea mea”
Frankie Stein
as a partner, frankie is the type to be very unsure of herself but also very considerate and sweet — constantly worried about doing something wrong and asking you if she’s doing things right.
even more clumsy than usual around you because of how flustered she gets — so expect to keep picking up after her (and parts of her) until she finds her footing
because she draws so heavily from her magazines, frankie tends to act very stereotypically in your relationship
highly affectionate: kisses between classes, hand holding as you walk through the halls, greeting you with a hug, etc.
gives you very sappy nicknames that she reads from various sources (e.g. “sweetheart”, “baby”, “honey”, etc.)
very encouraging towards you, giving you genuine advice and pep talks when you’re upset or worried about something
plans out dates to the t, but something usually ends up going wrong so you’ll end up improvising anyway
easily flustered when it comes to you and it doesn’t take much to leave her stumbling over her words and tripping over thin air from your words
Lagoona Blue
as a partner, lagoona is incredibly protective and patient with you whilst also respecting you enough to be completely honest with you — like she loves you for who you are and helps you however she can, but she also isn’t afraid to let you know when you’ve messed up.
she loves spending time with you whether you’re actually doing something together or you’re just casually hanging out in the same place
casually affectionate in person but not overly so — like she’ll greet you with a hug and a kiss but after that the most she’ll really do is lean her head on your shoulder or hold your hand
you get to see every side of lagoona including parts of herself that she tries to keep contained — so you see her at her most passionate and most vulnerable
talks about you a lot when she’s with friends and family to the extent that the first time you meet them will feel more like reuniting with old friends from how well they know you
tends to skip a lot of dates due to swim practise and competitions — but you likely already knew how passionate she was before you got together so she’s not as stressed as she could be about it
is fiercely loyal to both you and her friends and you’re one of the few people that can talk her down from going out to confront someone that offended one of you (though she does go to them later, with a more level head, to get them to back off)
calls you “hun” or a shortened version of your name
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solitomatonic · 1 year
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they are my friends :)
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dolletteprincessy2k · 3 months
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Happy Pride! 🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️🧡💛💚💜💙
Here are some edits of my fav wlw Monster High ships. Some things on here are canon, some are my own headcanons.
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mx-werebat · 4 months
Absolutely zoned out while making this. Anyway, pride headcanons!!
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Categorized by character
Draculaura - Lesbian aroace, she/vamp/it
Frankie - butch lesbian nonbinary, she/they
Clawdeen - lesbian demigirl, she/her
Lagoona - bisexual, she/he/they
Cleo and Deuce, transfem and transmasc respectively, pansexual, she/her and he/they respectively
All shots are from the commercials made by Pepper Films Inc. Rambles under the cut
There are some pride headcanons missing because I decided I was only doing 2 flags per character. Also I don't know what Lagoona identifies as HC wise.
I didn't mean to make the main three all lesbians 💀, but Clawdeen is canonically lesbian. For ships I'll say yes Cleuce, but also dracustein qpr and toradeen romantically. Lagoona? Not sure.
Draculaura I didn't give a gender headcanon but she's not cis. Perhaps just genderqueer or maybe vamp's enby like Frankie
I love the t4t Cleuce headcanon so that's why they're both trans 🫶
I'd say Deuce is arospec and Lagoona is acespec.
OP is trans, aroace and lesbian so that may be why there's a shit ton of projection lmao! Mainly Lala is the projection goals. And Frankie. They're my favorites for reasons. Not every thing is projection though
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mydarlingedits · 2 months
🌠 With Draculaura from monsters high please!
Flags: Bi-Lesbian, Hyfem, Polyam
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        𐙚˙⋆.˚ Date Posted 𓇿 7/24/24 .ᐟ
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Terms of use 𓇿 Free with Credit .ᐟ
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[PLAIN TEXT: 'op is an adult' on the top left, and 'No DNI ! Just be nice' on the bottom right].
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