#ophelia x tunon
fenharel-archived · 3 years
*kisses my villain x villain ships* you’re doing amazing sweeties
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fenharel-archived · 5 years
11, 15, 17 and 21 for Ophelia and Tuna, Fish of Justice!
fgjkfdgf well at least its a hot fish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11. What causes them to fight?
they honestly rarely fight, they usually have a lot of respect for each other & are on the same page with most things. they fought however during the time she slowly became more powerful and started to disregard and question kyros (& we know how our dear tuna is with kyros). once he pledged himself to ophelia however, their main topic for fights is ophelia’s inability to stay out of battle and on top of that her brutality and recklessness during those moments. when you watch her it sometimes seems like as if she is waiting for somebody to take her down and tunon really isn’t about that at all!!
15. What are traits they dislike in one another?
ophelia is either a stoic cold leader or a reckless hotheaded murder machine. she is unpredictible & you cannot control her. ofc tunon really doesn’t want to do that anymore, but he believes in the future she wants to build and worries, u know. he dislikes her hotheaded side, even if it doesn’t often come out infront of him.ophelia never really disliked anything about him.. damn? lmao but there is this contradicting thing with her: they are both very private people in public, so she is glad for that, but something in her wishes that he would be a bit more… risqué, sometimes? lol
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
mhhm sappy but for ophelia its safety? she was in the fighting pits for the majority of her life and honestly didn’t knew how safety feels like until she was free & tunon made her a fadebinder. this is also why she appreciates him so much and a reason why she grew to love him later on.for tunon it’s the soft feeling of her hands? he didn’t let anyone touch him for decades… now he catches himself thinking about them sometimes.
21. How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
ophelia unpredictability was much worse when she first got recruited until now. she became calmer, smarter and more collected under his guidance. so it was definitely for the better.tunon became more open about himself, actually answering personal questions instead of dodging them? it might be because of her rank now, but also because he trusts her. :3
otp asks
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