#oq prompt party 2018
oqpromptparty · 7 years
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OQ Prompt Party 2018 Entries - Sunday
Please find all of the entries for the final day of the Outlaw Queen Prompt Party 2018 below. Please let me know asap if anything is missing!
I also wanted to thank everyone who took part in this week! You guys are incredibly talented and supportive, and I’m so proud to be part of this amazing fandom! Thank you all for keeping the OQ love alive!
ankareeda - Link Prompt: #167 teresaSortiz - Link Prompt:#182 robinlocksleys - Link Prompt:#46 AEBrim - Link Prompt:#42 justanoutlawfic - Link Prompt:#112 grayautumsky - Link Prompt:#208 sbstevenson2 - Link Prompt:Author Specific willow1411 - Link Prompt:#177 sjcarter23 & Chicka024 - Link Prompt:#130 #137 #147 bethsphotoz - Link Prompt:Author Specific 108MifflinStSB - Link Prompt:#29 Sparkles21_ - Link Prompt:#232 Starscythe - Link Prompt:#90 revsoftheheart - Link Prompt:#16 ourheroregina - Link Prompt:check out the fic link for the list. ForeverOQ - Link Prompt:#129 CarolinaMR9 - Link Prompt:#73 greyregal - Link Prompt:#3 #16 #21 #22 #81 #109 #110 #117 #151 #179 #199 #202 #218 #221 stargazingM31 - Link Prompt:#162 #163 persnickets - Link Prompt:#110 Author Specific AngstyMGStars - Link Prompt:Author Specific dee_tqb - Link Prompt:#209 widenersa - Link Prompt:#222 SomewhereApart - Link Prompt:Author Specific SweetonDreams - Link Prompt:Art #12 audreysl0ve - Link Prompt:#61 thisisamadhouse3 - Link Prompt:#56 jojo_2853 - Link Prompt:#24 Song #9 angry_fish - Link Prompt:Art #4 outlawqueenbey - Link Prompt:#22 YouAreMyFutur23 - Link Prompt:#167 Lunaandtwilight07 - Link Prompt:#8 #77 #94 #124 #147 #151 #155 #171 #175 #181 #200 #228 #240 jenningzzz - Link Prompt:#133 Zoe_Louisey - Link Prompt:Art #16 quiller_queen - Link Prompt:#133 madnephelite - Link Prompt:#153 storyofl0ve - Link Prompt:#156 justwandering__ - Link Prompt:#149 GlindaLoveShoes - Link Prompt:#16 ariestess69 - Link / Link Prompt:#15 #17 #36 #37 #122 #130 #137 #145 #159 Art #5 orchidfeathers - Link Prompt:#211 OQ23_Seana - Link Prompt:#44 OUATBones - Link Prompt:#16 verkaiking - Link Prompt:#101 gotatheory - Link Prompt:#98 rocinantewrites - Link Prompt:#62 #194 evilregalpotterhead - Link Prompt:#185 ThisShallPass21 - Link Prompt:#30 ouaparrillaaa - Link Prompt:#109 lau_p_g - Link Prompt:#93 Daisy_94e - Link Prompt:Vidder Specific
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brookeap3 · 7 years
True North Sneak Peek
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A/N: So this is the beginning of a verse I have in the works. It fits prompt #9 Robin and Regina used to date/were married. They’re no longer together but still love one another for @oqpromptparty. Would love to hear what you think of it. 
. . .
There’s something about a crisp, fresh breeze. The sun shining through the trees, filtering down in random patterns and landing on her face to warm her skin, the gentle trickling of the stream not far off from where her sons and their father are lined up, notching arrows in their bows and letting them soar toward their target. The sound of Roland’s giggle when Robin tickles his side as he adjusts his stance. Henry’s triumphant whoop of joy when his arrow lands near the bullseye, closer than he’s yet to achieve.
The scent of pine fills Regina’s nostrils as she lounges in her chair and flips through the book she’s brought along, only half paying attention to the words on the page as she takes in her children playing. It’s a scene that’s as easy as breathing, second nature to her by now.
“Mom! Did you see it?” Roland squeals, dashing across the terrain, kicking up dirt around his boots as he tosses his bow to the ground and barrels into her lap. “I hit it!”
Regina’s arms wrap around his waist, he’s bigger and heavier now that he’s ten. Her little boy growing up on her, no longer the tiny toddler who would cuddle into the wee hours of the evening with her, and moments like this only remind her of it more. If the solid weight of him sitting on her thighs wasn’t proof enough of that, his new achievement certainly is. There’s been many an arrow that has fallen short of the target before now. “I did!” Regina gushes, can’t help squeezing him a tad, savoring the moment while she can.
“Dad said I’ll be as good as Henry in no time,” Roland continues, grinning ear to ear as Regina’s gaze lifts from his brown eyes (the exact shade of hers, as are the unruly mass of chestnut curls) and finds Robin and Henry, still standing yards away. They’re in some sort of competition, Robin letting an arrow fly to hit the bullseye before he shifts and Henry takes his place to try and hit the same target it appears.
For a second, Regina watches her older son, heart clenching in her chest as she realizes how much he’s grown. Nearly sixteen already. And as he stands there, feet spread shoulder width apart, bow drawn, he looks so much like Robin that her breath catches in her lungs. The emotion is quickly eclipsed by pride as Henry’s arrow glides through the air, wedging itself no more than an inch or two from Robin’s. “Well,” Regina starts, turning her attention back to Roland, “that’s quite an accomplishment. I’m so proud of you.”
Smiling, Roland hops up off her lap and runs back to where his father and brother stand, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet as he requests something of Robin. Whatever it is, it has the man grinning, those dimples that match his son’s winking in his cheeks. Even from thirty yards away, the sight of them makes Regina’s stomach flutter, butterflies dancing around.
Then he turns those deep blue eyes (the ones Henry had gotten) on her, a twinkle that can only be understood between two parents over something their child has said or done in them, and her heart skips a beat. It lasts less than a second, before Roland’s demanding his attention again, but it’s enough to cause Regina to let out a wistful sigh. She supposes that will never change. If it hasn’t in the two years they’ve been divorced, she doubts it ever will.
And they’re lucky, really. Not many people can say they’ve remained friends with their ex-spouse. But their split had been amicable, at least, as much so as one can hope for in that sort of circumstance. They’d wanted different things. She’d felt trapped out here in the woods, cut off from the world, and Regina had needed more. Nearly twenty years spent together and somewhere along the way she’d lost sight of her own dreams, her own wishes. Suddenly, their life hadn’t been enough for her.
That realization, however necessary it had been, had gutted her. Broken her heart in ways she’d not realized were possible. But Regina has never been anything if not resilient. The worst part had been the slow fracturing of her relationship’s foundation, and more, that she’d ended up hurting Robin because he hadn’t been able to give her what she’d needed.
He’d understood in the end, hadn’t tried to keep her there when she’d been unhappy, but the dejected look in his eyes as those awful few months had unfolded had been as bad as an arrow straight to her chest. For as hard as he’d tried to compromise, he’d been unable to give up his own code, the work ethic by which he lives his life. Robin belongs in the forest. Regina’s always known it, and it’s never anything she’d wanted to change. Their paths had simply diverged somewhere along the way.
It’s amazing they’d been able to work past it to become friends again. For themselves and for the beautiful children they’d made together. That fact alone serves as a testament to the man he is, Regina thinks absently.
So she can deal with a few butterflies, the occasional lingering stare, or the heat that still warms Robin’s eyes when he looks at her from time to time. She doesn’t think that attraction will ever fade between them. What they have now works, though, and their children still feel loved and cherished. They want for nothing. That’s all Regina can really ask for.
Besides, she’s moved on, is dating again, enjoying the newness and excitement of a budding romance. Now owns her own restaurant in Storybrooke. It’s more of a bar and grill, really, not exactly what she’d planned on, but it’s hers. And it provides her the opportunity to interact with people, to listen to their woes, to offer a bit of escape and entertainment. That company that she’d craved when she’d been isolated out here with just Robin and their boys.
Thank god for her business partner. Regina doesn’t know what she would have done without Mallory Draeke the last two years. They’d met shortly after she’d moved back into town. She’d been working in the local government office, had thought perhaps that would provide her the platform to connect her with the citizens of Storybrooke the most, when the fiery blonde had stormed in with a permit application.
Of course none of the paperwork had been filled out correctly, and she’d had to reject it. You can’t open a restaurant when half the construction plans you have aren’t up to code. And that had only spurned an impassioned argument with the woman that had somehow ended up with them agreeing to lunch, for Regina to help her work out what needed to be done.
Mal may be brilliant in the kitchen, but organized, she is not. That’s where Regina’s skills and expertise had come into play. Somehow, during the course of their meal, she’d been talked into going into business with her, opening the restaurant together. It’d been an insane notion. Especially from someone she’d just met, but when they’d parted ways, Regina agreeing to think about the offer, she hadn’t been able to get the idea out of her head.
It had sounded exciting. Adventurous. So far from anything she’d done in the past that she’d found herself calling Mallory up a few days later and agreeing. Since then the woman’s become her best friend, her confidant. A godsend in more ways than one.
Speaking of the other woman, Regina takes note of the shifting rays of light, dimming as the sun gradually lowers itself in the sky, and frowns as she glances quickly down at the watch adorning her wrist. It’s getting late. She’ll have to leave soon if she’s going to make it back to Storybrooke in time to relieve Mal. With the winding roads that lead out here, it’s a nearly two hour trip, and she’d agreed to have dinner with Robin and the boys before leaving.
Handily, Robin glances over to her just then and Regina taps an index finger on her watch with a hint of melancholy. She doesn’t really want their fun to end. His brows draw together and he checks his own watch on his wrist and nods, understanding.
With Robin rounding up the boys, Regina starts to deconstruct their little camp they’ve set up. There’s a few grunts and groans from Henry and Roland when they make their way back over to her, but then she reminds them of the stew she’d left simmering in the crock pot before they’d come out here, one of their favorites, and all protests die from their lips as the four of them make the trek back through the trees to Robin’s cabin.
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gray-autumn-sky · 6 years
Gray-Autumn-Sky’s 2018 Prompt Party Fics
Monday, Day 1: Happiness Can’t Be Arranged, Chapter 20- Robin plans a surprise for Henry’s 7th birthday, and Regina finally confesses something to Robin.
Tuesday, Day 2: Love and Nothing More- Set in the Lonely Heart of a Queen verse that I wrote for Valentine’s Day, Robin tells Regina that he’s in love with her.
Wednesday, Day 3: Les Revolutions du Coeur- Set during the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution, Regina is a noblewoman whose home is raided and burned down, and Robin is a revolutionary who kidnaps her and her young son in hopes of sparing their lives.
Thursday, Day 4: Reset- The last thing Regina remembers is drinking with Facilier in the backroom of Roni’s Bar, and when she wakes up she’s back in Storybrooke with Robin and their kids.
Friday, Day 5: Such a Happy Night- When Robyn can’t sleep, Regina gets up with her and tells her a story about Robin proposed, just before going to the Underworld.
Saturday, Day 6: Breathing In- Set in the Lonely Heart of a Queen verse that I wrote for Valentine’s Day, Roland suffers a pretty severe asthma attack, and Mal comes to his rescue.
Sunday, Day 7: Once Upon a December- An AU based on the movie Anastasia.
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What is OQ Prompt Party? It’s a fun week where you can submit any prompt you want to see created in the Outlaw Queen fandom - no matter the medium! You can submit art prompts, fic prompts, or video prompts! They just have to be Outlaw Queen related! 
If you have prompts for particular authors or creators, you can send them to the account as well and they will pass them on to the author/creator for them to decide if they will use. I will be accepting personal prompts, though I do believe they have to be for existing stories of mine. 
You can submit any prompts (general or specific) via DM here. 
Prompts will be released in early July and the party will run from August 3rd to August 9th. 
If you want to read past entries submitted to the prompt party, you can check out the collections on AO3! 
OQ Prompt Party 2018
OQ Prompt Party 2019
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ourheroregina · 7 years
OQ Prompt Party Week (2018) - Day 2
For the second day (tuesday) of @oqpromptparty I chose prompt No. 169. Regina is the dark one and Robin has the dagger.
Inhaling sharply, Robin pushes the key into the door, unlocking it slowly and quietly, hoping that quietness will soothe his worry and give him time to collect himself; hoping that at it will soothe a lost soul locked up in there.
He takes another moment to breathe and then pushes the door of Regina’s vault open and steps inside, unsure of what is waiting for him (last time he came here, she met him with a knife in her hands, threatening to end his miserable life if he doesn’t let her go).
Thankfully, he’d had the dagger, the Dark One’s dagger with himself, Regina’s name now imprinted on the gold metal. He would be dead, Robin thinks, if he hadn‘t had that damned dagger.
From the moment Regina was surrounded by darkness, she‘s been gone. One moment she was looking at him with tearful eyes, probably realizing what fate was awaiting for her, and the other the Evil Queen was standing in front of them, darkness radiating off of her soul.
It‘s Robin fault, in a way, that she didn‘t fight, that she gave into the darkness so easily. If he hadn‘t screwed up, if Zelena wasn‘t carrying his child, Regina could have fought back, she would have fought back. He knows.
But she‘s been angry and hurt, her heart broken again, even though she‘d smiled and took his hand, walked in the moonlight, pretending that she was fine. She‘s been so conflicted that there was no fight. She just blinked her eyes and was consumed by darkness.
And then the fun began.
The first person she tried to kill was Zelena, of course. Then it was Snow White and David. Emma and Captain Hook also made it into the list. Then it was Robin’s time. And he knew she would come for him, she had made it clear that she’ll end everyone who has ever hurt her and to be honest, Robin was pretty sure he was on top of that list.
And she came for him. She’s shouted into his face that he’s never ever going to hurt her again, and then her hand was in his chest, and his heart was pulled out. She’s grinned at him wickedly, squeezing the organ as her eyes burned from madness. He was saved by Henry who had accidentally walked in on the scene (he and Roland were the only people Regina hasn’t tried to kill). Whenever she saw her son, she would disappear, vanish in a bubble of purple leaving her victim breathless but still alive.
After this incident, Henry had admitted that he had Regina’s dagger. She’d given it to him and asked him to protect it, not to let anyone know about it (Regina loves her son, she really does, but that one time she manipulated him), but the teenager was so worried about his mother, he couldn’t keep it a secret anymore.
Since then Regina’s been locked in her own vault, her magic bound by a handcuff on her wrist. It pains Robin to see her like this: powerless, angry and vulnerable, but he has to remind himself that it is for her own good, that they’re doing this to protect her from herself.
Once they know how to bring her back, they’ll do. Until then, though she’ll stay where she is.
Swallowing hard, Robin walks down the stairs and opens another door of the cell where they’ve left Regina the last time. Surprisingly, she’s still there, sleeping peacefully on the bed Emma created with her magic.
She’s dressed in black, his Regina, the same black dress he’s seen her in the last time. Her long hair has fallen out of her bun, and now some of them are sprawled over the pillow, her eyes black all around from the heavy make-up she’s put the last time she’s had her magic. She looks regal, scary even in her sleep.
But he knows Regina is in there, somewhere under this mask, he knows that she can fight the darkness and return to herself.
She shifts a bit in her sleep, curling into a ball, and Robin swallows hard, wishes he could just walk up to her and kiss her, hug her and assure her that it will be fine, that they’ll be fine; that they’ll find a way to fix this.
Yet he knows once she’s awake, she’ll threaten to kill him or someone else again, she’ll make a show until he’ll be forced to use her dagger, to control her against her own will.
And he doesn't want to do that. He really doesn't want to.
He will, though. If he has to protect her from herself, he will use it. He'll not let her kill any more people.
He’ll not let her hurt herself even more than she already has.
“Get out,” a sleepy and rather calm voice snaps him out of his mind.
Robin turns his head down to look to bed immediately and finds Regina awake, her dark chocolate eyes opened now, no trace of sleep, as she stares directly at him with so much hatred, it makes his heart clench.
“I said get out!” she repeats, her voice still calm but she’s getting angry.  “You are the reason why I am here! You’re the reason why I’m powerless now!” She spats out as she sits up, her eyes burning holes in his soul.
Robin is certain if she had her magic, she would be throwing fireballs at him by now.
“You know it’s for the best,” Robin says, stretching his hand out to touch her but she moves back, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth.
“I hate you!” She exclaims, and Robin has to remind himself that it is not Regina, it’s not the Evil Queen but the darkness. But, to be honest, he hates himself too, for hurting her, for breaking her heart the way he did. “I wish I have never met you! I wish Henry had never walked into that room and saved you!” She hisses, narrowing her eyes. “I still dream about your weak heart in my palm, thief. Every time I close my eyes, I think about ending your miserable life. And I will. Trust me. Once I’m free, you’ll be the first,” she states, and Robin should be afraid, he really should, but he’s not. 
Swallowing hard, Robin tells her, “I’ll save you, Regina. We’ll find a way.”
She laughs at him, disbelieving and he doesn’t argue with her. He just looks at her one more time, before he turns around and walks out of the cell before she’s said something more, before she’s hurt him or herself even more.
She’s shouting something after him, something about how much she hates him, but Robin doesn’t listen, instead he keeps repeating to himself that he’ll save her.
He’ll save her and bring her home.
And she’ll be herself again.
He will bring her back even if it will be the last thing he does.
With that thought, Robin walks out of the vault and goes to meet with Emma hoping tat the Savior has figured out how to save his soulmate.
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GlaN54
by CapturedTheSavioursHeart
I couldn't think of a title sorry.
Regina and Roland go grocery shopping and then bake cookies
Words: 1193, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of OQ Prompt Party 2018
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Roland (Once Upon a Time), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time)
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Robin Hood, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Roland
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GlaN54
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cruellasdarling · 7 years
OQ Prompt Party - Tuesday
Big thanks to @its-a-story-of-love once again for the beta! Also, I should write my other prompts oops...
Prompt #98: You’re the bastard who keeps parking in front of my house and you just caught me drawing a dick on your window. @oqpromptparty
She’s had enough. It’s been two weeks already. Two weeks of searching for another parking spot, because some idiot keeps parking in front of her driveway. She had simply driven off to work one morning only to come back with Henry in the evening and having to carry the tired toddler two more streets than necessary. When the same thing happened the next two days she started packing his stroller in the mornings and the extra ten minutes of walking became a daily ritual.
It’s not that she minds the walking, but there simply wouldn’t be any need for it if she could just park in front of her house, in her driveway. She’s felt the need before to make herself known to the owner of the car, thought about getting him towed, but decided it was a bit too drastic. This current idea has also crossed her mind once or twice, but she had her three-year old with her and thus resisted to draw a giant dick on the rear window of the dirty Jeep. Now though, now she’s alone, having dropped off Henry at Emma’s house for the night, and so she rolls up her sleeves and walks to the car with determined steps. She’s just finishing the outline when suddenly she hears a voice from behind her.
‘You know I always thought drawing dicks on everything was some kind of mid-teen phase, but going by your smirk it seems it’s still just as fun during adulthood.’
Her face goes red with embarrassment as she turns around to see the blonde man behind her. He seems about her age, maybe a few years older, and she takes a moment to take in his handsome appearance, when she notices the Jeep key cars he’s holding. Shit.
‘May I ask what my car did to you to deserve such artistic decorations?’ he asks, all the while smiling at her. She throws back a ‘May I ask why it’s been blocking my driveway for weeks?’ The man nods in understanding and apologizes. ‘I only just moved in and haven’t seen a car parking there since I did, so I figured the owner wouldn’t mind.’
‘She does’, Regina answers him and he starts laughing (he has a nice laugh), telling her it’s quite obvious to him now.
When he apologizes once again and stretches out his hand to introduce himself as Robin, Regina can’t find it in herself to resist his charming smile.
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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OQ Prompt Party 2018 Entries - Monday
Please find all of the entries for the first day of the Outlaw Queen Prompt Party 2018 below. Please let me know asap if anything is missing!
ankareeda - Link Prompt: Art #3 Writtenndust - Link Prompt: Author Specific
teresaSortiz - Link Prompt: #77   robinlocksleys - Link Prompt: Song #61 AEBrim - Link Prompt: Author Specific justanoutlawfic - Link Prompt: #226 grayautumsky - Link Prompt: Author Specific politeregal - Link Prompt: #57 EvillyQueenie - Link Prompt: #195 Nona__AM - Link Prompt: #85 simplymaterial - Link Prompt: Vidder Specific sbstevenson2 - Link Prompt: #35 willow1411 - Link Prompt: #216 sjcarter23 & Chicka024 - Link Prompt: #69
imnikkiheat - Link Prompt: #119 FlaviaOttaviane - Link Prompt: #23 bethsphotoz - Link Prompt: #55 108MifflinStSB - Link Prompt: Art #13 Sparkles21_ - Link Prompt: #69 Starscythe - Link Prompt: #4 revsoftheheart - Link Prompt: #74 ourheroregina - Link Prompt: #150 ForeverOQ - Link Prompt: #16 CarolinaMR9 - Link Prompt: #54 celianomas - Link Prompt: #9 #26 #151 greyregal - Link Prompt: #30 EvilTini - Link Prompt: #37 stargazingM31 - Link Prompt: #150 persnickets - Link Prompt: #4 dee_tqb - Link Prompt: #28 Evilpanda_AvH - Link Prompt: #154 widenersa - Link Prompt: #190
SomewhereApart - Link Prompt: Author Specific lanasoutlaw - Link Prompt: #79 SweetonDreams - Link Prompt: #151 #213 audreysl0ve - Link Prompt: Author Specific thisisamadhouse3 - Link Prompt: #73 jojo_2853 - Link Prompt: #104 QueenOfTheMM - Link Prompt: Author Specific OQIsForever - Link Prompt: #58 angry_fish - Link Prompt: #104 outlawqueenbey - Link Prompt: Art #8 YouAreMyFutur23 - Link Prompt: #41 #147 Lunaandtwilight07 - Link Prompt: #62 jenningzzz - Link Prompt: #55 Zoe_Louisey - Link Prompt: #20 quiller_queen - Link Prompt: #77 madnephelite - Link Prompt: #102 storyofl0ve - Link Prompt: #28 BexPendragon - Link Prompt: #103 ouater - Link Prompt: #8 justwandering__ - Link Prompt: #8 thequeensxthief - Link Prompt: Art #9 cruellasdarling - Link Prompt: #28 GlindaLoveShoes - Link Prompt: #3 regal_fangirl - Link Prompt: #108 ariestess69 - Link / Link Prompt: #78 #94 / #167 gfairytale - Link Prompt: #152 orchidfeathers - Link Prompt: #197 OQ23_Seana - Link Prompt: #216 OUATBones - Link Prompt: #77 ImChandlerBing - Link Prompt: Author Specific verkaiking - Link Prompt: Author Specific #84 Barby_Av - Link Prompt: #111 n0m_de_plum - Link Prompt: #31 gotatheory - Link Prompt: Author Specific FraiseDandelion - Link Prompt: Author Specific RegalPixieDust - Link Prompt: #124 rocinantewrites - Link Prompt: #28 evilregalpotterhead - Link Prompt: #23 Feathers_Arrow - Link Prompt: Author Specific AngstyMGstars - Link Prompt: Author Specific
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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OQ Prompt Party 2018 Entries - Tuesday
Please find all of the entries for the second day of the Outlaw Queen Prompt Party 2018 below. Please let me know asap if anything is missing!
ankareeda - Link Prompt: Art #12 Writtenndust - Link Prompt: Author Specific teresaSortiz - Link Prompt: #84 robinlocksleys - Link Prompt: Song #10 AEBrim - Link Prompt: #100 justanoutlawfic - Link Prompt: #185 grayautumsky - Link Prompt: Author Specific politeregal - Link Prompt: #1 EvillyQueenie - Link Prompt: #25 Nona__AM - Link Prompt: #118 simplymaterial - Link Prompt: Vidder Specific sbstevenson2 - Link Prompt: #160 willow1411 - Link Prompt: #52 sjcarter23 & Chicka024 - Link Prompt: #59 imnikkiheat - Link Prompt: #177 FlaviaOttaviane - Link Prompt: #12 bethsphotoz - Link Prompt: #4 108MifflinStSB - Link Prompt: Art #16 Sparkles21_ - Link Prompt: #64 Starscythe - Link Prompt: #103 revsoftheheart - Link Prompt: #72 ourheroregina - Link Prompt: #169 ForeverOQ - Link Prompt: #16 CarolinaMR9 - Link Prompt: #44 greyregal - Link Prompt: #84 #171 #172 #220 EvilTini - Link Prompt: #2 stargazingM31 - Link Prompt: #36 persnickets - Link Prompt: #76 AngstyMGStars - Link / Link Prompt: Author Specific dee_tqb - Link Prompt: #22 Evilpanda_AvH - Link Prompt: #61 widenersa - Link Prompt: #86 SomewhereApart - Link Prompt: Author Specific SweetonDreams - Link Prompt: #2 #4 audreysl0ve - Link Prompt: #71 #94 #151 #189 #191 #213 #240 thisisamadhouse3 - Link Prompt: #54 jojo_2853 - Link Prompt: #100 QueenOfTheMM - Link Prompt: #236 OQIsForever - Link Prompt: #17 angry_fish - Link / Link Prompt: #58 #64 outlawqueenbey - Link  Prompt: #28 YouAreMyFutur23 - Link Prompt: #228 #123 #191 #76 #181 #138 #200 Lunaandtwilight07 - Link Prompt: #236 jenningzzz - Link Prompt: #221 Zoe_Louisey - Link Prompt: Author Specific quiller_queen - Link Prompt: #145 madnephelite - Link Prompt: #97 storyofl0ve - Link Prompt: #4 BexPendragon - Link Prompt: #103 #64 justwandering__ - Link Prompt: Art #16 #219 thequeensxthief - Link Prompt: Art #1 cruellasdarling - Link Prompt: #98 GlindaLoveShoes - Link Prompt: #69 regal_fangirl - Link Prompt: #74 ariestess69 - Link Prompt: #12 #54 #118 gfairytale - Link Prompt: #15 orchidfeathers - Link Prompt: #149 OQ23_Seana - Link Prompt: #93 ImChandlerBing - Link Prompt: Author Specific verkaiking - Link Prompt: #13 #47 #60 #171 #178 gotatheory - Link Prompt: #115 FraiseDandelion - Link Prompt: #9 RegalPixieDust - Link Prompt: #222 rocinantewrites - Link Prompt: #54 #118 evilregalpotterhead - Link Prompt: #74 ThisShallPass21 - Link / Link Prompt: Song #13 Song #35 Regalswiftie - Link ouaparrillaaa - Link Prompt: #12 lau_p_g - Link Prompt: #208 OUATBones - Link Prompt: #62
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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Outlaw Queen Prompt Party 2018 Masterpost
List of Prompts Daily Prizes Button to win! Prompt Party Rules Entries:  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Winners:  Monday - widenersa Tuesday - Flaviaottaviane Wednesday - AEBrim Thursday - Glindaloveshoes Friday - dee_tqb Saturday - justwandering__ Sunday - orchidfeathers Bonus - ourheroregina
Button winners:  ankareeda, teresaSortiz, robinlocksleys, AEBrim, justanoutlawfic, grayautumsky, sbstevenson2, willow1411, sjcarter23 & Chicka024, bethsphotoz, 108MifflinStSB, Sparkles21_, Starscythe, revsoftheheart, ourheroregina, ForeverOQ, CarolinaMR9, greyregal, stargazingM31, persnickets, AngstyMGStars, dee_tqb, widenersa, SomewhereApart, SweetonDreams, audreysl0ve, thisisamadhouse3, jojo_2853, angry_fish, outlawqueenbey, YouAreMyFutur23, Lunaandtwilight07, jenningzzz, Zoe_Louisey, quiller_queen, madnephelite, justwandering__, GlindaLoveShoes, ariestess69, orchidfeathers, OQ23_Seana, OUATBones, verkaiking, gotatheory, @rocinantewrites, @evilregalpotterhead.
The OQ Prompt Party was created to inspire and reward the amazing Outlaw Queen fandom. Hope you all enjoy it! Let me know if you have any questions or comments!
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brookeap3 · 7 years
Office Memos (Getting Caught)
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A/N: Prompt #76 "We have to be quick” for @oqpromptparty. I really love how this turned out and I hope you all find it just as amusing. Set in the Post-its and Paperclips verse.
{ ffn } { ao3 }
“Good afternoon, lovely,” Robin chimes from the doorway, leaning against the jamb with his signature smirk adorning his face.
Glancing up from where she’s scribbling notes, sketching out and brainstorming ideas for a print ad campaign she’s working on, Regina smiles, pleased. But then, seeing Robin usually has that effect on her, and he’s always a welcome distraction late in the day when energy is waning.
“Hello,” she greets. “How can I help you today, Mr. Locksley?” Her tone is all flirtatious sass, egged on when Robin groans quietly and slips inside, discreetly shutting the door behind him. She knows what it does to him when she calls him that, particularly here, in the office. Gets them both all hot and bothered, and she shouldn’t tease him so, except, well, she needs some form of entertainment to power through the next hour and it’s so much fun to torment him.
Robin crosses the length of her office in a few long strides, coming to stand on the opposite side of her desk, leaning both palms on the wooden surface and ducking his head down so he’s hovering closer to her, breath ghosting across her lips, that pine scent drifting her way as he says, “As a matter of fact, I was hoping you could help with a consultation on something. Check your email, beautiful.”
Shifting her focus away from the stray thought that his stubble has grown out a bit more this week, making him look even sexier, she asks, “Is this for the Belfrey account?” They’ve been working together on that one for a month now, Gold no longer pitting them against each other when they work so much better with one another. Regina’s eyes flicker up to Robin’s clear blue ones, amusement twinkling in them as she chuckles and turns to her computer, clicking a few buttons to bring up her email.
Sure enough, there’s one from Robin. Sent ten minutes ago. A calendar request with nothing but a string of dots in the subject line followed by a few question marks. Side-eyeing him curiously, noting the mischievous grin as he watches her, Regina shakes her head and double clicks to open it. As she reads the body of the message, her initial reaction is pure and utter mirth, laughter bubbling out of her throat as she scans over the words again.
Fuck your fiancé
He’s scheduled them a quickie during working hours, set for precisely four o’clock. A quick glance down to the corner of her screen shows 4:03 on the clock, and she bites her lower lip and looks back to Robin.
Lifting one brow, Regina looks up at him with simultaneous interest and bemusement. “Really? Here? Now? Robin, it’s the middle of the afternoon.”
“So?” he counters, grinning widely and wickedly as he rounds the desk and reaches out a hand to pull Regina to her feet, until her body is flush against his. One hand lifts to run his fingers through her hair while the other traces patterns at the small of her back.
It’s not as if they’ve never taken a bit of personal time during the work day before, memories of several delicious soirées in the supply closet coming to mind. And he wants her, has been wound up all day thinking about her in this outfit. She knows what those tight pencil skirts and plunging necklines do to him. Watching her dress this morning, and just the glimpse he’d caught of her in the kitchen on his way into a meeting earlier, hadn’t been enough, and he’s been chained to his desk since.  
It’s a busy time for them both, working on major accounts, taking on new ones and they’ve done nothing more than collapse in the evenings after checking off the basics of dinner and bath time and reading until Roland conks out for the better part of a week now.
There’s been no time for just the two of them. He misses her. Being with her, and Robin doesn’t see why they shouldn’t indulge themselves a bit.
And he’s free now (for today at least), has just submitted the final draft of a campaign to Gold and is ready to celebrate in the best way he can think of. Plus, thanks to Ashley, he knows Regina’s nothing left on her calendar for the day, no meetings or appointments scheduled. There’s a bit of a thrill to the idea as well, taking her here, in her office, on her desk. Robin’s hand drops to skim along her hip now, thumb stroking as the other inches downward toward her ass, cupping it in his palm with a knowing little wiggle of his brows.
They shouldn’t. It’s entirely unprofessional. And she needs to get these sketches finished.
But, god, she wants him. Misses him just as much as he’s missed her. It’s been over a week since the last time they’ve had sex and while reasonably she knows that’s not all that long, it does nothing to dissipate the dull throbbing between her thighs at the mere idea.
“I want to take you on this desk, finger you until you’re wet and just on the edge and then make you cry out while you come around my cock,” he continues, licking his bottom lip distractingly. “What do you say, milady?” Robin questions, “You up for it?” giving her ass cheek a squeeze for good measure.
She hesitates another few seconds, considering. But, well, who can resist an offer like that?
Fuck. Why the hell not?
“Fine, but we have to be quick,” Regina orders, voice already breathless with anticipation and desire as she presses herself closer to him, tugging him backward by the tie around his neck as she sits down on the edge of her desk.
Robin doesn’t need to be told twice. He dives in for a frantic kiss, teeth dragging along her bottom lip as he groans against her mouth. Something he’s waited all day to be able to indulge in. His fingers make quick work of the top three buttons of her blouse while Regina deepens the kiss. Her nails scratch bluntly at the base of his neck, gripping onto the short hair there.
Then Robin pulls away, moving to suck hot, open-mouthed kisses to the underside of her ear, along her jawline and down to her neck where Regina’s pulse thuds beneath his lips. His tongue does a lovely swirl against her skin, in the hollow of her throat, and she can’t stop the low moan that escapes as she lets her head fall back in delight. “Mmmm, yes. Feels so good, babe.”
Thoroughly focused on his task, Robin smiles, stubble tickling her skin as the corners of his mouth tip up and he repeats the action one more time before he’s moving lower, licking over the swells of her breasts. She’s wearing a lacey bright red bra and the hint of it beneath her navy blouse is a tantalizing sight.
Her hands are busy as well, roaming the expanse of Robin’s back and shoulders, down along his biceps and up to his head to hold him in place. Her legs wrap around his waist, and the hard press of his erection to her center when she tightens them around him even more, one heel slipping off her foot to fall with a thunk to the floor, has that well of need demanding more. Greedy for every sensation he’s capable of creating inside her.
Regina’s fingers fumble for the buckle of Robin’s belt as he leans her further back on her desk, crushing papers and sending her pen rolling across the surface to slip over the edge. His mouth covers hers again, and Regina sweeps her tongue into his mouth, moaning softly as the taste of him fills her, one of his hands cupping her breast while the other edges the hem of her skirt a little higher.
One of his hands slips between her thighs, inching upward and upward toward where she’s already wet for him, where she needs his touch the most. Regina’s just managed to slide the zipper of his slacks down, knuckles brushing over the hard bulge of his cock through his boxer briefs when the distinctive click of her doorknob sounds.
“Hey, sister, what the hell is—” Leroy’s voice echoes through the room, coming to an abrupt halt when he catches sight of them laid out on her desk in such a compromising position.
Shit. They’d forgotten to lock the door.
“Jesus! My eyes!” he exclaims with a grunt, quickly covering them as a scowl covers his face and the two of them frantically try to right themselves, pulling zippers and shirts closed as Robin’s hand retreats from beneath her skirt. “Don’t you two have any damn dignity? How the fuck am I supposed to unsee that? Keep it in your pants till working hours are over for Christ sake.”
He slams her office door with a bang, muttering something about indecency under his breath, and Regina squeezes her eyes shut in mortification. “I’m never going to be able to look him in the eye ever again.” Robin merely chuckles, shoulders shaking as he tucks his face into her neck. “It’s not funny, Robin!” she scolds, smacking him on the shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he tells her, lifting his head to meet her eyes, though he doesn’t look apologetic in the least, “but it’s a little funny.” Robin steps between her legs again, cupping her cheek in his palm and adding, “At least it wasn’t Gold. Or Mary.”
Oh god. Okay, alright, that would have been even more embarrassing, so, yes, it could have been worse, she supposes. She’ll take Leroy catching them over either of those options. “I guess you’re right,” Regina concedes, lifting a single brow when Robin’s hands begin to caress along her side again, over her thighs. “What are you doing?”
Robin’s thumb circles her hip bone, dipping his index finger between the band of her skirt and her blouse. It takes a minute before he answers, hands brushing lightly over her and stirring her senses up again, “I don’t believe we were finished, love.”
Regina’s jaw slackens as she stares at that damn adorable smirk on Robin’s face. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am quite serious,” Robin counters, dipping his mouth to kiss along her jaw up to her ear where he swirls his tongue over her lobe, sucking on it gently and making her shiver. “Despite the… interruption, I still want you. Just like this.” He draws back then, looking down at her and the adorable flush to her skin, the way her shirt gaps open still to reveal teasing glimpses of her lingerie.
Need tightens sharply in his belly.
She’s the picture of temptation. Seductive and desirable without even trying, and Robin finds her damn near irresistible, location and circumstances be damned. “You’re gorgeous,” he tells her reverently, adoringly, “And I love you,” as he moves in for a kiss to sway her.
How is it that this man can distract her so easily?
Regina hums into it, palm grasping at his cheek while heat slowly spreads through her limbs, heating her blood with renewed vigor. Clearly, she’s lost her mind because she’s actually considering it. Or maybe she’s just so needy, has missed feeling him like this so much she doesn’t care.
Her resolve wavers. Damn him. She’s still wet, still wants to feel him inside her, to be taken the way he’d promised her. When Robin nips at her collarbone in that way that she loves, Regina gasps and relents.
“Go lock the damn door this time.”
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gray-autumn-sky · 7 years
For Day 4 (Thursday) of @oqpromptparty, a little ficlet for Prompt #16 where no one dies and everything ends happy.
This is for @stick-to-the-lasagna-lady, who picked out the embarrassing thing Regina might do while drink ;)
Her heart beats wildly, pounding throbbing in her chest, as she sits up. Swallowing hard, she looks around the room that was once so familiar to her and presses her hand to her head, wondering what she’s done and what it all means. She takes a breath and tries to conjure memories that just won’t come--and when she closes her eyes and tries to concentrate, she can still see Facilier’s sly grin and she can still hear the too-loud music playing from Roni’s bar.
She’d wanted him to come with her--that, she remembers--and he’d shook his head and said it wasn’t possible. He’d told her that it wasn’t what either of them wanted and that it’d be too complicated, and deep down, she’d known that he was right--and deep down, she’d known that she couldn’t do it all alone.
Not again.
That’s what he’d smiled.
And that’s when she’d poured the last shot.
Licking her lips, she can still taste the tequila, and oddly, she finds herself thinking that whatever the curse--if this even was a curse--it’d all be worth to never again have to wear a Led Zeppelin t-shirt or leopard print anything.
Her eyes press closed and she grimaces, still trying to remember anything other than the hazy memories that seem to be getting fainter by the moment--and as she sits there, trying in vain to concentrate on something seemingly so abstract, she hears the bedroom door open and almost immediately, she smells the scent of pine.
Her shoulders stiffen and tears push out from the corners of her eyes, and she finds herself holding her breath. This happened every now and then--every now and then, when she least expected it, something would happen that reminded her of Robin. Sometimes, it’d be something simple, like a feather on the sidewalk, and other times it’d be something less overt, like a copy of a book in a store front. But regardless of what conjured those bittersweet memories that she cherished so dearly--whether or not she was aware of it or not--she always found herself feeling that same tightness in her chest and ache at her core that she’d felt the day she’d buried him. Swallowing hard, her eyes fluttered opening--and as they did, she felt him sit down on the bed beside her.
“You alright, love?”
“Robin,” she breathes out. “Are you--” Her voice halts as his head tips to the side. “You’re here?”
“Of course I am,” he says, chuckling softly as his eyes narrow. “Where else would I be at ten-thirty on a Saturday morning.”
“You slept in… quite a lot.” She groans and pushes her hand into her hair, finding it longer than she remembered it--and again, Robin laughs. “So, I think the moral of the story here is that you and tequila are a bad mix.”
“Tequila,” she nods, remembering Facilier grabbing a bottle. “I remember that.”
“And do you remember sniffing Snow’s hair?”
Her eyes widen as she looks to him. “What?”
He chuckles again and she can’t help the faint smile that edges onto her lips as his blue eyes shine. “You were petting her,” he explains. “And then you sniffed her hair.”
“I…” Shakes her head. None of this sounds right--especially not that detail. “I remember drinking. But you… you weren’t…” She swallows as her voice hitches as the back of her throat--it’s still so hard for her to say the words and to acknowledge his fate. “Because you’re…”
“Who do you think carried you up the stairs last night, and then got you into bed?” He reaches out and tucks a few straying strands of hair behind her ear. His fingers are warm and she can’t help but lean into the touch she’d craved for so long, and as she turns to face him, the tears brimming in her eyes fall over the edges. “Hey, it's alri--”
“I love you,” she says, throwing herself into his arms and letting him hold her. She feels him laugh as his arms fold around her, and she smiles at the realization that she can feel his heart beating and his warm breath on her neck, that he’s tangible and real and there. “I love you so much, Robin.”
“I… think you might still be a little drunk,” he murmurs in a voice that’s light-hearted and soft. “But I am not about to start complaining about you being an affectionate drunk. Besides that, not many make it out of the Underworld alive. You’ve reason to do a bit too much celebrating.”
“Just hold me for awhile…”
“Alright,” he says, holding on a little tighter. “Just let me set pull the baby monitor out of my--”
“What?” She asks, pulling back. “Baby monitor?”
He blinks as he pulls the monitor out from his back pocket. “Oh, right,” he murmurs. “Last night, you claimed this as your new cell phone.” He grins as he leans away from her momentarily and sets the monitor down onto the nightstand. “I’d forgotten that.”
“Why do you have--I mean--why do you need a baby monitor?” She asks, thinking of his now-sixteen year old daughter. “I mean--”
“I love Henry and Roland, and I trust them completely with their baby sister, but--”
“Baby sister?”
She blinks, and then a slow grin edges onto her lips as she remembers Facilier taking her hands and whispering a string of words that she no longer remembers aside from the last. Reset, he’d said firmly as he blew out the candles between them, and then, after that, everything became hazy.
Reaching up, she wipes away a straying tear as she looked to Robin--Robin who sitting before her and very much alive--maybe she’d get a shot at her happy ending, after all.
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brookeap3 · 7 years
Guard My Heart (Getting Handsy)
A/N: Prompt #200 Robin and Regina get caught getting handsy in public for @oqpromptparty
{ ffn } { ao3 }
She blames Mal.
The woman had spent the entire evening plowing her with drink after drink. Every time the gin and tonic in hand had started to run low, another one had magically appeared to replace it. “To loosen you up, darling,” had been her reasoning. After all, she knows how tedious Regina can find these industry events. Constantly having to try and impress the big execs, the directors, the producers. Being on one’s best behavior.
It’s, frankly, exhausting.
Thank god Robin’s here. He’s kept to the background mostly, quietly doing his job, while she’s been engaging in endless conversations, but he’s never been far, no more than an arms length away all evening if she’d needed him. And after about the fourth gin and tonic, Regina had needed him. Desperately. She’d even grabbed him by the lapels of his leather jacket and snuck off for a quiet moment in dark corner, attacking his lips with hers, propriety be damned.
A lovely distraction from work for a few minutes before her manager had dragged her away with a huff and an envious glance back at a breathless Robin. The entire thing had made her snicker uncontrollably even as Mal had snagged yet another drink from a passing waiter for her.
But it’s led her here.
Apparently, if you get enough liquor into her system, Regina Mills becomes quite handsy (and horny). Robin’s directing her outside, their car waiting to return them to the mansion for the night where she can finally be alone with her husband to do all the wicked and naughty things she’s been imagining all night long.
Though it’s not enough. Their home is too far away and she can’t keep her hands from running over his toned chest, down along the rippling muscles of his biceps as his hands fall to her hips to try and steady her. “Regina—” Robin groans as she steps closer, her body flush against his now, breasts pressed tightly to his chest, as she drapes one arm over his neck and leans in to suck at his pulse point. “Now is not the time.”
There’s a handful of people milling about around them, waiting for their forms of transportation as well, and they are far from alone enough for her to be groping him so openly. If it weren’t for the fact she’s drunk, Robin knows she’d never even consider it.
He’s struggling though, hadn’t said anything as Mal had slowly but surely gotten his wife drunk because he knows she’s needed a bit of fun. She’s been working horrendous hours. Her current film has been taking it’s toll and she deserves a night out, a night of carefree enjoyment. Especially when they’d been at an event that she normally doesn’t like attending. So he’d stuck to water for the evening and had kept a close eye on her, on those around her, to ensure she’d been safe and protected. And as her affections had grown more daring, quietly, but surely, he let his imagination run wild with fantasies of what they could do when finally alone.
She’s been touchy all night, progressively growing bolder and bolder as the hours had dragged on. It’d been a struggle to try and keep them from going too far in public, amongst her colleagues, but he’d managed it. Barely. Now it’s gotten to the point where Robin doesn’t know quite what to do. Caught between his own sense of propriety and honor and lust for his wife.
Regina hums, nips her teeth into his skin and lets out this tiny little moan that goes straight to Robin’s groin. “Don’t care. Want you. So much.” Her words are slurred and while it should be a deterrent, damn it, she’s adorable. Robin shakes his head at her, chuckling when one of her hands slips down to grab a palmful of his ass to give it a squeeze. Her lips find his again and he indulges them both for a moment by allowing it to spin out before pulling away.
Thankfully, their car has circled back around through traffic finally and Robin simply shuffles her into the back seat, climbing in after her and spending the remainder of the ride home doing his best to keep her from giving their chauffer a show.
It’s not until the next morning, when Regina wakes with a mild hangover (and even that bit of reprieve only due to the fact Robin had plowed her with water and aspirin before letting her finally jump his bones) and a string of texts from Tink, that she realizes what she’s done.
There’s multiple links to websites and twitter handles and when she clicks on one of them she sees an image of her draped over Robin, hand on his ass and ankle wrapped around his calf as she kisses him in the shadows outside of the party they’d attended last night show up.
Oh god.
It’s everywhere. The image of her groping him splashed across every tabloid news feed she sees as Regina frantically opens a few more of them before flopping back onto the mattress with a groan and tossing a pillow over her eyes. Mortification trickles through her and the dark thought that she’s going to kill Mal flickers through her mind as the sound of the door clicking open can be heard through the muffle of the pillow over her.
When she shoves it aside, squinting as the sudden brightness makes her temples throb, Regina sees Robin walking toward the nightstand, carrying a try with what appears to be coffee, water, toast, and a bottle of Excedrin. Normally the thoughtfulness of the gesture would make her melt, but she’s too distraught.
“How are you feeling this morning?” he asks cautiously.
In lieu of an answer, Regina picks up her phone again, swipes across the lock screen and then turns it to face him, “Have you seen this?”
Robin frowns, sets the tray aside and then sits down on the edge of the bed to take the phone from her, studying the image for a few seconds before he bursts out laughing. “It’s not funny, Robin!” Regina scolds, scowling, that tiny wrinkle forming between her brows.
“I’m sorry, love, but it’s a little funny. You were quite the handful last night. I must have missed the paparazzi outside when we left.” He lifts a pointed brow, smirking as he adds, “I was a little distracted by someone…” There’s a flirty implication in his words, and Regina rolls her eyes at him.
With a huff, she snatches the phone back from him, exiting out of the image and tossing it aside as she mutters scornfully, “Remind me to never listen to Mal again if it has anything remotely to do with alcohol.”
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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Outlaw Queen Prompt Party Week Starts Tomorrow!
So excited to see what everyone comes up with!
It’s not too late to participate, you can find details and a full list of all the prompts here. There are prizes to be won too! You can find details about these here. If you take part in ALL seven days of the Prompt Party week you will also be sent a limited edition, one of a kind Outlaw Queen button/badge. These will never be available again, so don’t miss out!
A few rules…
- Entries MUST be posted on the same day to qualify to be entered for the prize raffle for that day (your individual timezone will be held into account).
- To qualify for a button/badge you must post an entry on the day for every single day.
- When submitting entries please include the following info:
Prompt number: From the list Entry Day: (mon/tues/weds etc) Tag: #OQPromptParty2018
Prompts without this info will not be included when it comes to prizes. 
Although this is primarily set up on Twitter, I will check the #OQPromptParty tag on Tumblr too.
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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OQ Prompt Party 2018 Entries - Wednesday
Please find all of the entries for the third day of the Outlaw Queen Prompt Party 2018 below. Please let me know asap if anything is missing! ankareeda - Link Prompt: #242 Writtenndust - Link Prompt: Author Specific robinlocksleys - Link Prompt: Song #3 AEBrim - Link Prompt: #46 justanoutlawfic - Link Prompt: #104 grayautumsky - Link Prompt: #5 politeregal - Link Prompt: Song #2 Nona__AM - Link Prompt: #26 simplymaterial - Link Prompt: Vidder Specific sbstevenson2 - Link Prompt: #62 willow1411 - Link Prompt: #203 sjcarter23 & Chicka024 - Link Prompt: #16 imnikkiheat - Link  Prompt: #78 FlaviaOttaviane - Link Prompt: #72 bethsphotoz - Link Prompt: #79 108MifflinStSB - Link Prompt: #21 Sparkles21_ - Link Prompt: #94 Starscythe - Link Prompt: #105 revsoftheheart - Link Prompt: #104 ourheroregina - Link Prompt: #23 ForeverOQ - Link Prompt: #24 CarolinaMR9 - Link Prompt: #68 greyregal - Link Prompt: #225 EvilTini - Link Prompt: #124 stargazingM31 - Link Prompt: Art #12 persnickets - Link Prompt: Author Specific AngstyMGStars - Link Prompt: Author Specific dee_tqb - Link Prompt: #54 widenersa - Link #29 SomewhereApart - Link Prompt: Author Specific SweetonDreams - Link Prompt: #9 audreysl0ve - Link Prompt: Author Specific #64 #174 #199 #78 thisisamadhouse3 - Link Prompt: Art #15 jojo_2853 - Link Prompt: #49 #415 QueenOfTheMM - Link Prompt: #9 angry_fish - Link Prompt: Art #1 outlawqueenbey - Link / Link / Link Prompt: Art #3 #12 Art #4 YouAreMyFutur23 - Link Prompt: #36 Lunaandtwilight07 - Link Prompt: #71 jenningzzz - Link Prompt: #130 Zoe_Louisey - Link Prompt: #118 quiller_queen - Link Prompt: #31 madnephelite - Link Prompt: #218 storyofl0ve - Link  Prompt: #119 BexPendragon - Link Prompt: #103 #3 justwandering__ - Link Prompt: #47 GlindaLoveShoes - Link Prompt: #235 ariestess69 - Link Prompt: #148 gfairytale - Link Prompt: #104 #207 orchidfeathers - Link Prompt: #21 #1 OQ23_Seana - Link Prompt: #129 OUATBones - Link Prompt: #111 verkaiking - Link Prompt: #228 gotatheory - Link Prompt: #4 FraiseDandelion - Link Prompt: #201 RegalPixieDust - Link Prompt: #102 rocinantewrites - Link #145 evilregalpotterhead - Link Prompt: #175 MillsDanaPH - Link Prompt: Art #2 Kingdom_Lights - Link Prompt: #203 Evilpanda_AvH - Link Prompt: #228 teresaSortiz - Link Prompt: #16
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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For each day of the OQ Prompt Party (19th - 25th March) there will be the opportunity to win a prize! Depending on the day you post your fulfilled prompt, you will be entered into a prize draw. The more prompts you write, the more times your name will be entered.
Please see the prizes on offer above and below.
Monday - Wooden plaque donated by @bethsphotoz Tuesday - Mystery box donated by @RegalPixieDust​ Wednesday - Arrow locket donated by @ablue2000 Thursday - Bracelet in the colour of your choice donated by @stargazingM31 Friday - Homemade Roni bag donated by @glindalovesshoes Saturday - Large “Take Aim at Poverty” Tshirt donated by @audreysl0ve Sunday - Outlaw Queen necklace created by CositasCreativas
Bonus - Selection of Outlaw Queen artwork/bookmarks created by @svenjaliv​ Most prompts included in a single one-shot/chapter (crack!fic encouraged).
Huge thank you to all the wonderful people who donated a prize! You rock! <3
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