#or 'antisemitism is okay if they don't actively and consistently say they're a Good Jew'
mewtonian-physics · 1 year
saw someone say 'nazionist' today.
you know you can criticize the israeli government without bringing nazis into it, right?
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royalberryriku · 3 months
// Sort of a vent/ political rant but yeah
TLDR Free Palestine and there IS no antisemitism besides Israel itself, and the Zionists speaking for Jewish survivors of the holocaust who consistently say "not in our name".
Absolutely fascinating how we've gotten to this point of hundreds of Jews saying "hey this thing doesn't represent us!" and "Not in our name" while not-Jews say "hey stop being antisemetic" at these exact said Jews for saying a thing non-Jewish people don't like. And yes there are Jews saying this too, but a very large number are also saying Not Us and we're just. Ignoring them. Speaking over them. Silencing them. Then act like that isn't fucking antisemetic??
Also how said non-Jews are predominantly white Christian Zionists who also want Jews dead alongside Muslims because they think Israel belongs to Christians and in government positions of country's who have historically hated Jews and wanted them dead or legislated against them at the very VERY least.
And here we are still, in this western society that has a huge ass history of antisemitism that has existed since way after world war II with how badly they're still treated, calling freaking Jews antisemetic for not agreeing to the non-Jew WHITE CHRISTIANS WHO HATE THEM with their opinion of literally just "shut up for being the wrong kind of Jew" since that is, you know, really antisemetic but hey since they said it and they're defending Israel they're apparently totally allowed to tell Jews to shut up apparently when they "say the wrong thing".
It reminds me of other times when the suffering of a minority group is co-opted by people not even in that group who only listen to the smallest, TINIEST fraction of said minority who happen to agree with them. Usually out of internalised fear or hatred for other minorities.
All the while being okay with Jews saying by the hand of the IOF and being "yeah but what about Hamas" when Israel has killed hostages and Israeli civilians over and over again with "friendly fire", meanwhile Jewish Palestinians also die, and also as if arabic people in general aren't also of the Semitic people like... Israel itself has been antisemetic and murdering the Semitic race for, what 76+ years now? but we're still willing to back and ethnostate that refuses to even teach the holocaust properly more than listen tobthe majority of Jews who have said, over and over, "not in our name". Particularly holocaust survivors who have said they're appalled and who we actively silence in all of this because, woopty doo, they don't say what white Christian leaders want.
And by fascinating I mean absolutely fucking horrible.
It costs nothing to maybe think for five seconds "huh, why are so many Jews against Israel" to figure out that maybe Israel is fucking antisemetic that's why?? Because WE, our nation's in the west, have been antisemetic for a long ass time while we go "huh I wonder who's gonna deal with those neo Nazis attacking synagogues :/" and "I wonder why it's on the rise and no one's caring or talking about it" because our nation's are okay with it maybe like Jewish people have been saying and we've been ignoring for a long ass time?? Maybe because this shit about "aww the west just cares about Jews guys, stop being insensitive" is bullshit because where were you all when Jewish graves were being defaced by neo Nazis?? Because maybe Israel saying "we celebrate the killing of arabic babies because no child is innocent" is fucked up and doesn't represent Jews and claiming it does makes you antisemetic as all fuck?? Damn, what's not to get.
Also an interesting (and by that I mean fucked up) fact; so far, each time I talk about this issue with really pro Israel people, they keep being like "well I don't really like Jews either" or "I think it's good that Jews aren't in my country". So many pro Israel people are just antisemetic to the core.
Anyway, sorry for the rant but also not sorry if you support Israel by now I'm just gonna fucking assume you hate both Arabs and Jews. Wanting the side that actively bombs its own hostages doesn't care about Jews so no don't come at me with excuses either. Israel doesn't help Jews they don't care about Jews.
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Follow up to poll: Are you interested in a Jumblr/Jewish themed Tumblr Community?
Trying to come up with community guidelines is a bit harder than I thought it would be. These aren't final versions, but I kind of need to talk it out a bit. (Feedback is okay. Insults for even thinking that something needs tagged for filtering will in all likelihood be ignored.)
1) This space is open to anti-Zionists, non-Zionists, post-Zionists, Zionists, and those who don't use any Zionist related labels. Discussion of what Zionism does or does not mean for individual members and historical resources are allowed, but use tags for filtering: antizionism, zionism.
Goal of this guideline: Please don't do "are you a good Jew or bad Jew" type questioning. Prepare yourself for being in a space where self-identified Zionists might be.
2) No using an identity or trait to belittle, insult, encourage violence, or designate a group that should be killed. This includes but isn't strictly limited to: gender/sex, disabled status, physical appearance, mental illness, sexuality, ethnicity, race/skin color, nationality (including Israelis), veterans (including those who served in the Israeli Defense Forces), and a perceived identity (including "Zionists"). After three warnings, a member will be removed from the community.
Goal of this guideline: Mostly, don't be an asshole. However, I also do not want to have someone try to argue that whatever they're saying about "all Zionists" actually means Israelis, IDF veterans or active service members, or otherwise.
3) Discussion of antisemitism including historical tropes, resources for learning more about it, and personal experiences with it are allowed in the community. However, this type of post must be tagged for filtering: antisemitism. Please keep in mind Guideline 2 when sharing posts responding to antisemitism. Posts that engage in ableism against antisemites, counter suicide bait with threats of violence, counter rape denialism with statements that the person should experience sexual violence themself, or otherwise might be more appropriate as a vent post on a personal blog should err on the side of not being shared into the community.
Goal of this guideline: I don't want someone to feel like they can't ever discuss antisemitism, but like... I really don't want to have to encounter someone 'asking for a friend' if they could hurt a person who posted something antisemitic that was basically a torture scenario again.
I can understand that people need a space to vent or that arguments don't always show the best side of oneself, but you know, I also don't want someone to say that 'could you not call people you disagree with brain damaged [R-slurs] that are too stupid to breathe if you're reblogging into the comm' is infringing on their unquestionable little vent post.
4) Some members may want to share answers to anonymous asks where they've shared something substantive (i.e. compiled organizations to donate to, talked about Jewish history, talked about media literacy), even if the original ask contained death threats, suicide bait, or other antisemitic remarks. For now, those posts are allowed in the community but must use an appropriate tag for filtering: anon hate. (If there's encouragement for someone to commit suicide, add: suicide bait.) This guideline may be re-evaluated in the future, especially if members aren't tagging anon hate and/or suicide bait when sharing into the community. For filtering consistency, use 'anon hate' even if someone left a hateful ask while identified.
Goal of this guideline: I don't want to have to come up with some sort of rubric on types of anon hate and what's too hateful, and I don't want to have to go through every hateful ask that someone did put something substantive for to figure out if it's alright.
5) Some members may want to post information or updates about October 7th, the hostages, and/or the war between Hamas and Israel that other members may not want to see. Or at least, they may not want to be surprised by the imagery or details from reports and first-hand accounts. Appropriate tags should be used for filtering: sexual violence, graphic violence, graphic imagery, Israel-Hamas war, October 7, hostages in Gaza.
Goal of this guideline: I fully expect these topics to come up in some way, and I would rather have clear tagging for filtering purposes than pretend that no one will ever want to post about these topics.
6) Using 'Jumblr' as a general catch-all tag within the community is allowed even if the post isn't reblogged to the Jumblr tag. Other tags are highly encouraged but not mandatory: advice wanted, art, books, brachot, fandom [as a catch-all], fast days [as a catch-all for that type of holiday], halacha, Holocaust [or Shoah], jewish creators, jewish history, jewish languages [catch-all for language learning resources, though the individual language can also be tagged], jewish representation, kashrut, mezuzah, minhagim [possible catch-all, though the specific minhag can also be tagged], movies, music, recipes, siddur, Shabbat, tallit, tefilin, tv shows, tzedakah, prayer; and holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Tu B'Shevat, Purim, Pesach, Sefirat Ha'Omer, Yom HaShoah, Lag B'Omer, Shavuot, and others (Mimouna, Sigd, Yom HaZikaron, etc.).
Goal of this guideline: As far as I'm aware, I can't actually have a list of tags that someone should use [similar to Dreamwidth communities], but I would like to encourage people to use tags.
7) Members are encouraged to make their image containing posts accessible via providing enough text explanation before an image to functionally describe it, using Tumblr's alt text feature (character limit is suited to short descriptions), or adding a description of the image within the body of the post. Various accounts assist with image descriptions including @/jumblr-described [English] and @/israblr-described [Hebrew].
Goal of this guideline: Please think about accessibility (image version).
8) Members are encouraged to provide enough text explanation before a video or audio clip to describe what should be there if a link embed fails. If possible, members are also encouraged to share captioned videos and link to an available transcript if the audio has it. Various accounts assist with writing transcripts or video descriptions including @/jumblr-described [English] and @/israblr-described [Hebrew].
Goal of this guideline: Please think about accessibility (audio version). I don't know if I've had some internet issues, but I've also had some video embeds just not load at all. Without any indication of what the video should be, I'm not interacting with a random seemingly-empty post.
9) A member who doesn't tag, mistags, or purposefully uses misleading tags to circumvent the ability to filter out the type of content they're posting will be warned and given the chance to correct their tagging. The tags for filtering have been listed in Guidelines 1 through 5: antizionism, zionism, antisemitism, anon hate, suicide bait, sexual violence, graphic violence, graphic imagery, Israel-Hamas war, October 7, hostages in Gaza. These tags should be used as presented instead of making substitutions. Examples: sexual violence and not r@pe, seggsual violence, or grape; suicide bait and not sui, unalive yourself, or su1c1de b8; spelling Israel instead of Isn'treal, Isnotreal, or Israhell; or tag rambling that the filter function treats as a separate tag like 'is this anon hate lol' or 'antisemitism isn't a joke'. After five warnings, a member will be removed from the community if they continue to circumvent tagging for filtering purposes. To prevent potential tag spam and keep other tags usable within the community, a member may be asked to correct an unclear or mistaken tag, such as tagging a hanukkiah with Purim, but that will not count as a warning towards being removed from the community.
Goal of this guideline: This community is supposed to be a moderated space with the ability to tag, and members are going to have to play along with tagging for filtering purposes because this isn't their personal blog. Blacklisting might catch tag rambling, but as far as I'm aware, that's only available for desktop users and a lot of people use Tumblr on mobile.
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