#or I'll just do a late anniversary drawing tomorrow
syrasenturi ยท 1 year
Amphibia ended a year ago and I still haven't recovered
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moginrambles ยท 4 months
putting some thoughts out there
to whom it may concern, strangers, friends, myself from the future with a gun looking to undo the mistakes of the- hey can you hold it a second i'm trying to write smt here.
so im making a sideblog to try and motivate myself to write more consistently (and maybe draw again?)
i've got a lot of wips, most of which havent seen the light of day in over 5yrs in various states of completion so i want to work on that
not sure exactly what this blog will look like in a years time. i'll figure out my tagging system in a day or two but i think i'll be:
sharing my works
posting small previews of things i'm working on when the mood strikes me
thoughts on projects
progress for the day - if i remember to do that
seems reasonable.
i've got a lot less free time on my hands lately due to my new job, the hour / 1hr30m travel time can be rough but i could probably could squeeze more writing on the bus if i put my mind to it
i'm also, if you don't know me irl, still recovering from two hand injuries! it sucks but i have another hospital app. next month, a day after the year anniversary of the injuries so maybe that will put me back on the right track to recovery. fingers crossed i guess but either way it's a physical limitation i'm sick of and want to overcome for good this year
it's late, i need to get up at 6am but i'm rambling and will add more to this tomorrow. i'm currently working on a gift fic for a friend that's gotten severely out of hand but i'm hoping to wrap that up before the end of the month and write a ton after it's done.
tbh this post is mostly just for me to just put something up on here and commit to the sideblog idea, if you've read this much i hope you're having a good day! and i'll post again soon with something a little less rambly
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another-koopa-fan ยท 3 years
Dear friend...
I know it's way too late, but... I'm still glad that I finished this piece ;w;
First of all, I'm very sorry for the late arrival of this entry, but I really had no time the last weeks because of Homeschooling and the change to regular lessons next week... I had to be prepared for long online lessons, a couple of presentations and a big hill of exercises that I had to manage... But I hope that everything will be fine and a bit more back to normal now :')
But now we get serious...
At the beginning of this month, I was waiting with great joy for this special day... You may guess what day it is :'3
And for that special day, I made a little surprise for you:
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Say hello to our two OC's, Diana and Ilonka! (Sorry that I did Diana again as a human, but as you may know, I suck at drawing koopas XD)
Anyway, I hope that you like it as much as I like it, my friend! :D
And now for some personal words from me to you:
What I want to say is... These whole 2 years of our conversations (no matter if they were full of joy, anger, sadness or anxiety) really mean very much to me!!! :''') I'm really glad that I've met a good friend here on this social network who is still online and still talks with me about things we like/dislike both :3
So thank you for everything!
...for our crazy talks about random content, they really make me laugh at any time! xD
...for your kind and sweet words when I feel down and unsure, I really appreciate that! I'm often very shy and don't know how to handle things. But talking to you often makes me feel way better, friend! :')
...for all of your support for my things, no matter if it's my art, my blog, my fandoms...you really are one important reason why I keep going on here at Tumblr (otherwise I probably would have left here already XD)
...and so much more! You really are a wonderful person that means so much to me! <3 <3 <3
Bye~ :3
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Friend... I can't describe how I feel right now after seeing this. It's just... wonderful, I'll admit that reading this made me cry, because the way you express your feelings is beautiful! :')
Just like you said, these two years have been full of many happy moments... and sad ones: You have no idea how bad I felt whenever I heard you were feeling awful, and well, I always tried to put a smile on your face, despite the difficult times.
I really appreciate all of the support you have given to me in these years. To be honest, I don't know what did I do to deserve this: To have an amazing and talented person like you as a friend! ;w;
And, yes. I've thought about leaving Tumblr a lot of times too, because I feel like this place is no longer the same... However, knowing that you're still here is enough to change my mind. You're one of the main reasons I haven't deactivated my blog!
It always makes me smile when you take your time to say hello whenever you can! I wish I could do the same, but I'm always afraid I may interrupt you or something, I'm so sorry ;_;
On the other hand, I'm glad to hear you're doing great despite having a lot of things to do in life! The most important thing is to take care of yourself in these moments! I'll be wishing you the best <3
Also, I know we've talked about this before but: Never say your art is not good. Even if you can't see it, you've improved a LOT since we first met... and this drawing is proof of that: Our girls are looking beautiful! ;w;
Don't give up ;)
Love you so much, my friend! Let's celebrate another year of friendship! :D โค
I'll try to send you my gift tomorrow once it's finished! ;3
((You were faster than me this time OMG XD))
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inkabelledesigns ยท 4 years
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I swear my desk was clean at one point. At any rate, I've been thinking about projects lately, and I wanted to run some brainstorming by you guys. Since the launch of Boris and the Dark Survival, I've been motivated to work on Bendy stuff, and one thing I've been planning is a Thomas Connor doll. This beat up Claud Wolf is the optimal candidate.
I'm planning on giving him two faces. One will be the sculpted Boris head on top of a removable mask, while the other will be a more human face. I'll be painting the body pitch black, save for the face, to match Boris' body, and giving him the appropriate attire. Because his feet got chewed by a dog, I'll be sculpting some shoes directly to his feet. For his mechanical art, I'm not sure how I'll construct it. I'd like to do some testing with my ideas for magnet based articulation, but we'll see if it works.
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The other doll I want to start planning but don't know when I'll start is Auran. I've wanted a doll of my nutcracker ever since I started this hobby, and I attempted to make one around Christmas, but it just didn't work out. While reorganizing my stock box, I caught a glimpse of Invisi Billy in the middle there. His facial structure is the closest I've found yet, so I think I'll be sticking his head once it's color changes onto Jackson's body, since that's the right skin tone. The one downside of using Billy's head is that he has gauges in his ears, so I decided to see how Auran would look with earrings.
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It's rough, but I kinda like it! I dunno if I'm ready to start on him, I'm kinda anal about getting his design just right, and I'm not sure it's there yet, ya know? I'm still not happy with the lower half of his body, it needs some fixing. I've just been thinking about it a lot, since tomorrow, March 11th, is his three year anniversary. I really should give him an illustration if I have time, I need to draw more. That's all for now, next doll post I make should be a photoshoot, as I recently finished a doll for a collab that I think you'll love.~
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mbtrashcan ยท 5 years
Heyy. It's been awhile. Wow. Hello.
I've been pretty inconsistent when it comes to posting fanart...well actually it's been quite some time. It's not that I don't have time or don't want to. I just... don't. I attempted to draw a few days ago and just got frustrated. I've never been one to post things because I think I'm good or want recognition. I posted because I loved doing it and showing my love for characters that I had a connection with. I also don't have a lot of friends who share the same interests and it's great to hype and get excited with people on here.
This post isn't making sense but I've kind of been in a bad place lately. I don't know when I'll be back with stuff to share, but I will be :)
I DID do a drawing of someone who is very important to me. Tomorrow marks the anniversary of us coming together. It's still not done but it's a start.
I hope you have a good day :D
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