#or are like 'hey katie did you see the text from the property manager' or anything through the door no matter how loud within reason
flockofdoves · 1 year
i hate my roommate so fucking much oh my god.
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trulybetty · 9 months
Sunday | Week In Review VIII
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This week's Sunday in review is sponsored by your local Farmer's Market sugared doughnuts, proudly provided by @secretelephanttattoo IYKYK 🍩
Hope everyone had a good week this week! 🙌 Tumblr is still doing it's thing with it's notifications in my activity tab. It's mostly just full of likes and some mentions (I still come across a couple on my dash I wasn't notified of), but mostly it's affecting reblogs. Anyway, if you have something you think I'd be interested in seeing or want to share - feel free to send me an Ask/DM or tag me!
Light reading week again, but it's not to say it wasn't filled with some gems!
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T R U L Y U P D A T E S . . .
Happy Birthday (Joel)
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W H A T I R E A D . . .
Grocery List (Frankie) by @frenchiereading I'm a sucker for domestic fluff and even more so when it stems from the Shared Breaths universe 💕 - not going to spoil this one if you haven't read the main series (which I will always shout out) - but there's a broccoli recipe here that still makes my mouth water when I think about it and I really want to try making it (if only I could conjure Frankie just as easily)
You’re Perfect for Me (Marcus P.) by @boliv-jenta The Marcus Pike thots were out in full effect this week and it started for me with this little one shot. Marcus needing some help unwinding from a tough day? Sign me up!
machine wash warm (Marcus P.) by @idolatrybarbie some more domesticity, this time from our boy Marcus (he's made for it really) and while short, it doesn't skimp on the feelings and a man who will wash your bedding and deal with the fitted sheet? Yes please!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 6: Jeeps, Texts, and Sliders (Triple Frontier) by @rhoorl This series has be in a permanent choke hold and I'll eat up anything Jess puts out (have you checked out her Dieter series and her Frankie one shot, because you should!) and this series is the gift that keeps on giving and helps satisfy my Will Miller thots. This weeks installment is no different - we've got tensions building with Will and Katie, Benny and his big brother relationship with Connor, Santiago being Santiago and David living his best life (I want to be his bestie). Hands down one of the best things to come from thots over the Delta boys clearing Reader's garden in @goodwithcheese's 'Layover Series' (which you should read too)
The House (Jack) by @gemmahale I was so happy to get started on this series this week! The week took a left turn and I couldn't devour the rest of it as I wanted, but this is on the docket to catch with this week! It's full of intrigue and mystery and that's just the first chapter! I can't wait to see how this plays out with Andrea getting reacquainted with her grandfathers property and the history it holds.
glass (Marcus P.) by @idolatrybarbie I could be bias because this was written based on the prompts I sent over for Bea's fifty follower celebration, but it doesn't need that, because it's so good all in on it's own! We've got fluff, we've got Marcus (did I mention it's Marcus?), we've got some spice and we've got action! I'm never one to pressure authors to write fanfics, but if Bea were ever to expand on this I'd be all over it.
Butter (Joel) by fuckyeahdindjardin A happy birthday celebration for our main man Joel Miller was more of a gift to us I think. This is so incredibly sweet (pun fully intended) and was just a delight to read that had me squealing all the way through with it's toe curling pure fluff at it's best. In need of a birthday cake to bring home Joel comes across Reader closing up for the night and in exchange for fixing her shutter, she bakes him a cake. Don't sleep on this one!
What Do We Have Here (Javier P.) by @secretelephanttattoo El treated us twice this week! Now I'm still behind on Narcos (hey, I managed an extra episode this week, now a staggering five and a half episodes in!), but even if you didn't have a clue who Elisa was, the spiciness of this fic would soon make up for it! I also learnt a new word, epaulettes. Smut and education in one fanfic? What more can you ask for?
Headshots (Marcus P.) by @secretelephanttattoo Okay, the second of El's offerings this week? Not only has she been bringing the Marcus thots this week, but the fluff too! Imagine showing up to the FBI headquarters to take head shots for the agents and running into Marcus Pike multiple times over the course of a week? Wait, you don't have to! El has crafted it for us and I hear there may be a second part (series?) in the works!
Hypothermia (Joel) by @morallyinept I am the worst camper, so much so Joel Miller would probably leave my sorry ass for the clickers after the grief he'd have with me. But I hope that would be after I get to snuggle up to him for just warmth...
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M E M O R A B L E P O S T S . . .
I had some interesting confessions in my Ask Inbox: Joel Thots + Oscar's Cupcakes
All of @penaonthestreets-javiinthesheets's mood boards, because they are all a mooood and a delicious delight for the eyes
The Gif™️ thots were out in full force
Maggie getting the Marcus Pike Puddles going with pancakes and cuddles visuals
Will Miller visual thots, I don't need an excuse to enjoy this over and over again.
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B R O U G H T T H E J O Y . . .
How well and truly this community is so lovely - I had a really shitty day at work yesterday and by time I logged in later that night I had some wonderful messages, tags and mentions from absolutely amazing people. I can't even remember how I stumbled back onto Tumblr, but I'm so glad I did. This space really can feel like you're shouting into the abyss sometimes, but sometimes you get a response back with a 'my thots too' and you start to build your own little community.
I think I mentioned it the other day, but likes and numbers really won't hold their value. It's the reblogs with the comments, the thousand gifs/emojis or the back and forth discussions of WIP's in DM's that really make this all the worthwhile.
And also a Costco sized container of pico de gallo... it's about balance friends. But seriously, I've pushed the limits of what I can put it on this week.
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T H I S W E E K ' S J A M . . .
This week's song is brought to us by my Chiffon feels as I got back into writing for Dieter x Bryony and this song is very them coded...
Hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday, whatever it is you're doing and I wish you all a great week ahead! 💕
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Sweet Enigma| Part 4
Words: 2318
Tags:  @wheezeatmedolans​ @styles-dolan​ @prettyboydolan​ @evergreendolan​ @baby-turtles​ @dolanstacoma​ @kombuchagray​ @not-gbd​ @graysavant​ @someonetogray​ @dolansficsandpics​ @batgirl009 @voguekristens @letsgoget-high​ @crossedbone-kat​
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Grayson Dolan wasn’t very proud of how he treated Kate during the summer of 2020. He was insecure, anxious, and unsure of how to properly handle a beautiful creature like her. The only thing he was proud of from that summer was  everything between he and Kate was kept private. Grayson knew the one good thing he did was protect her from the public eye. Even though he was neurotic and immature, he managed to save her heart and her life from being sucked into the celebrity storm. When Grayson thought back to that summer, he felt guilt and regret for not being more of a man when he had the chance, but his emotions were ebbed by his one right thing.
This is why, when Grayson spotted a figure in a black hood sulking on the edge of his tiny home property, he promptly told Kate to pack her backpacks and get ready to leave. When she asked why they were leaving so soon, he responded brusquely that they weren’t safe there anymore. And so, they ditched their car and planned the next step on their journey: leaving a trail of broken hearts, lies, and tension in their wake like some kind of modern Bonnie and Clyde.
Once they mapped out their next destination and decided on an arrival time, Grayson called Ethan.
“You really know how to make an exit Gray,” upon hearing his twin’s brother’s voice, Grayson was struck by the idea that it had been nearly two days since he had been with Ethan: that was nearly a decade in twin time.
Grayson huffed into the phone, “I’m sorry about that E.”
Grayson could hear Ethan shake his head on the other end of the line, “I’ve been taking care of your life since you’ve been gone. The Wakeheart bathbomb project is still on schedule—” “Good-“ Grayson murmured mindlessly on the other end of the line: work was the last thing he wanted to talk about with Ethan at the moment.
“I’ve also kept Calvin at bay from suing you for the cost of that party—Hey Gray do you know anything about him and a stripper from Florida? Please don’t tell me you ran off with a stripper from Orlando—” Ethan felt ridiculous saying it, but it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.
“No-No-No,” Grayson’s voice was adamant, “I am not with—I’m with Kate. We were in Chester, leaving for Long Valley right now—” “Oh—” Ethan could not contain his surprise at hearing Kate’s name. In his heart of hearts, he wasn’t shocked that Grayson was physically clinging to his memories of her: his last actual happy times. Ethan had always liked Kate, if his brother hadn’t fallen so madly for her back in the day Ethan would have considered calling her to ask for a date. But Ethan’s subconscious did not need twin telepathy to tell him that if Grayson wasn’t running away from Sherry, he was most definitely running to Kate.
“Yeah,” Grayson didn’t want to brush his brother off but his tone was curt, “We’re going to mom’s house before anyone catches us out here.”
“Gray,” Ethan’s tone wore his signature big brother tone of disappointment.
“Yeah?” “You remember what dad used to tell us?” Ethan sighed into the phone, he could almost hear Grayson’s heart stutter a bit before he continued, “If you have to sneak around, you know you’re doing something wrong.”
Grayson rubbed his lips together, as if trying to slide the unruly thought into his head. “Love you bro.” “Love you Gray.”
The second that Ethan hung up the phone, Grayson slung his orange leather duffel bag over his shoulder. He nodded at Kate, who was waiting patiently on the lofted bed. Together, they used the cover of the night to escape to Long Valley.
Lisa loved it when her children came to visit her. She would prepare big meals and try to find excuses to cuddle up with them on the couch. On that night, she wished she was seeing Grayson under different circumstances. It didn’t take a mother’s intuition to see the tension in his eyes and stress hanging in his jaw. She was surprised to see the petite brunette with a slight limp trail behind him. Grayson had once shown Lisa a picture of Kate. She vaguely remembered the image of a smiling girl in front of a blue tiled wall. Even with the hazy memory of the girl, Lisa was as shocked as anyone else in the world to learn that she was Grayson’s first stop after leaving his own engagement party.
Upon arriving to his mother’s house, Grayson ran upstairs to call Ethan back. In the car, Ethan texted Grayson about a number of issues surrounding the coming boat party for the launch of Wakeheart’s new line of bath bombs. In skipping out, he left his mother and Kate alone in the kitchen.
Kate sucked in her lip, her eyes darting awkwardly around the room.
Lisa sipped at her tea prior to breaking the silence, “How is he?” “He’s—” Kate took in a deep breath, picking her words carefully, “He’s trying his best. But—” she sighed, “He’s head strong.” Lisa chuckled, “He’s always been that way. He has a habit of getting obsessed with things he convinces himself are good ideas.”
Kate nodded with a rocking swing, “Yes.” She bit her lip, asking herself if she would ask the question before it came out, “I think that’s what happened—with, with her.”
Lisa gave a subtle nod, “I wouldn’t doubt it.”
They shared a silent space for a few moments.
Lisa turned to Kate again, “Do you want to leave? I’m sure you want to get back to your own life..” Kate shook her head quickly, dark tresses escaping from her ponytail. Suddenly, she was very self-conscious about appearing annoyed or disinterested, “No, not at all. I—” she bit her lip, “I want to be there for him. He was—he was there for me when I had no one else.” She gnawed on her skin softly, “He would do it for me if the tables were turned.”
Lisa gave a maternal look, “Returning a favor is nice,” she set her mug down on the counter with a clack sound, “But you’re going far for someone who hasn’t seen him in years.” Her eyes nearly twinkled, “While you’re keeping him in check, make sure you check in with yourself.” Kate opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Grayson bustling down the stairs. He was mumbling something about catering and boat insurance. He offered to show her to her room, Cameron’s old room. Kate picked her backpacks up from the floor and followed him up the stairs.
She had thrown her bags onto the bed when her phone rang from her pocket. She brought it around and felt her brain jostle when she saw Wesley’s contact photo. Grayson was standing in the doorway when she picked up the phone.
“Hey uh babe,” Kate tried to disguise her exhausted voice. “Hey Katie,” Wesley’s tone was so comforting that it hurt Kate, “How have you been sunshine?”
“I’ve been good,” Kate attempted to sound upbeat, “I-uh—yeah things are okay.” “Have you been getting that time with your mom you wanted?” Wesley was truly, genuinely, outwardly concerned about her. Kate nodded and then realized he couldn’t see her, “Yeah, all the time…”
“Good, I’m happy for you.” Wesley took a breath over the phone, “Hey Katie, you know I’m not usually like this but you haven’t really been texting me and I’ve been getting worried.” “I’m with my mom,” Kate’s voice came too quickly, “I can do better, yeah better I’ll do better.”
“Are you---are you really—okay Katie,” Wesley shuffled the phone in his hand, “I’m here if you need me.” “Thanks Wes,” Kate sighed, “Love you.” She didn’t wait to hear it back before hanging up the phone. Kate tossed her phone into one of her bags and laid back onto the bed. She sighed audible and blew a fast stream of air from here lungs. From his place in the doorway, Grayson crept into the room, “That was him?” Kate closed her eyes from the bed and nodded, “Yeah, that was him.” Grayson sat on the edge of the bed; he rested his hands on his knees. He felt like the image of a man painted in pain, guilt, and grief. He felt like the world’s biggest idiot for not considering that Kate might have moved on after three years. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but decided against making contact. “I’m sorry,” he started with a low voice, “I—You can go home if you want.”
Kate shook her head and sat up to look at him, her dark tresses falling around her head, “I want to be here for you.” Her tone was assuring. Grayson chuckled and moved his palms outward, “Here for what? I don’t even know what I’m doing.” Grayson’s eyes met the floor as he hung his head low. Kate’s small palm found a home between his shoulders, “Not knowing what you need, is when you need people the most.” He looked up from where he hung his head to find her lips close to his. His pupils focused on her lips before traveling up to her eyes.
She kept her tone sweet and light, “My life wasn’t a dream. It’s not like you pulled me out of something spectacular and dragged me with you. I needed—I needed something different to show me what was wrong. You gave me that. You did something right for me.” She gave him a soft smile, “You did something right.” Grayson’s skin felt like it was on fire when she reached forward and wrapped her small arms around him in a hug. Her embrace was warm and smelled like her signature scent. He smiled into her shoulder: still a guilty mess but feeling less shameful.
Both of their veins rushed with blood. Their faces were closer together than they had been in years. Somehow, their bodies knew how to fit together like pieces of a puzzle. This was the first time they were physically touching each other since the last time they were together: that wretched morning with the pill at CVS. And yet, that wasn’t the memory that rushed to either of their minds. They closed their eyes, finding a comfortable piece in each other’s arms: arriving home after a long, wayward journey. 
From the dark spot Kate’s phone landed in after she threw it in her bag, it began to light up. Her phone beeped, pinged, and buzzed from within her backpack.
In his room, Grayson’s phone rang with calls from Ethan, Sherry, Calvin, Ryan, and his agents. His inbox filled with emails as he began to trend on twitter for the second time that week.
Downstairs, Lisa turned on the television to see an image of her son looking back at her. The screen lit up to reveal the paparazzi pictures of Kate and Grayson at his tiny home. One after another images swarmed the flat screen: Grayson and Kate stepping out of his Tesla; Grayson opening the front door and Kate following after him, a zoomed in shot of Grayson and Kate making dinner for each other; Grayson sitting outside the tiny home drinking his morning coffee; Kate stepping out of the tiny home, in one of his t-shirts and sitting next to him while he took his coffee.
The headlines and hashtags had a field day.
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