#or buying a cat stroller lol
deadendtracks · 4 months
well absolutely fucked up my first attempt at bringing the cats outside in harnesses/leashes! it's much harder to introduce two of them to the concept than one. anyway no one escaped at least and we will try this much more slowly and one at a time. it was very traumatic, though.
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survey--s · 2 years
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Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No, they’re not really a “thing” here in that sense. People do live in them, but they’re more retirement communities than anything else. Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement? No - again, not really a thing over here. Do you think it would be cool to have a lion as a pet? Nope. What do you think about those little dogs that ride in purses and strollers? Personally I think it’s ridiculous and it’s why so many little dogs have behavioural problems. Treat them as dogs, not accessories. How many times in the past week have you eaten fast food? Zero.
In the house shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet? Slippers, socks or bare feet. Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets? Inside pets, for sure. If you kept dogs outside here, you’d probably end up being reported to the RSPCA. Do you read books for pleasure? Not really anymore - I do sometimes, but to be honest I don’t really enjoy reading all that much anymore. What’s your favorite piece of furniture in your house? The sofa or the bed, lol. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s parent? Nope. I honestly find that a bit gross. Do you prefer carbonated or uncarbonated drinks? It depends on the drink. I find carbonated drinks really refreshing. Favorite thing that you can see up in the sky? The northern lights, sunrises and sunsets, stars. would you like if they sold disposable undies in a pop-up box? I mean, they’d be useful if I got caught out with my period, but otherwise no.  French fries. Yay or Nay? Yay! What kind of monster doesn’t like French fries?! Which of your friends has the most annoying sibling? I mean, that doesn’t really apply to adults as you never need to see your friends siblings lol. wood floors or carpet? I love the look of wood floors but they’re not good in wet, damp climates like the UK, so we have carpets.  would you rather eat at the table or in your room? I never eat in my room really - normally on the sofa in front of the TV. A teacher says she’s noticed you’ve looked sad; do you confide in her? Nope. Friend asks you to hide drugs, booze etc. for them, do you do it? I mean, we’re all adults so. Would you rather have a gooey cinnamon bun or awesome cheesy pizza? It depends on the time of day - I love both. Do you like the sound of birds singing when you wake up, or is it annoying? It’s fine as long as it doesn’t directly wake me up. You fill your best friends Xmas stocking, what do you put in it? Fishing stuff, food. You fill your worst enemies stocking, what do you put in it? I mean, why would I waste my time? You fill your OWN stocking, what do you put in it? Wax melts/vouchers, money, riding stuff. If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it? I mean, we already have three cats so practically speaking - probably not, though I’d be really tempted ha. What’s your ideal activity for a rainy day? Sleeping, watching TV, snacking lol. favorite type of cracker? Cheese flavoured ones. I love those cheese TUC biscuit/sandwich things. Banana sandwich..yum or yuck? I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches but I’ve not had one for years. animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out? Snakes. Have you entered the Lays create a flavor contest? Nope, not really applicable in the UK. Bagels or English Muffins? Bagels. I love cinnamon-raisin ones. Do you like or hate to buy new shoes? I hate it - I have really awkwardly shaped feet lol. Do you keep your phone on you at all times or forget it a lot? I pretty much always have my phone on me, or at least near me. Who is a family member you look forward to seeing on a holiday? I used to love seeing my mum’s sister and all her family. Are Easter baskets only for kids? I mean, they’re just not a thing here. Do you do anything to recognize St Patrick’s Day? Nope. Do you think nutcracker figurines are creepy or cool? Neither, really. Speaking of nuts, do you like them? Yeah, I love honey roasted peanuts. Favorite TV show as a kid? Arthur. What do you do when you are nervous? Fidget, play on my phone or with my hair. Is there a turntable and vinyl records in your house? No, but my dad still has one. I’m not sure whether he uses it anymore, though. Does your family have an SUV or pickup truck? Nope. Do you enjoy doing things outdoors? Yeah, as long as the weather is good. Which of your parents do you laugh more with? My mum by default as I pretty much have nothing to do with my dad. Have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral? No, I’ve never attended a funeral before. Would you like to get married one day? I’m already married. Who mows the lawn at your house? Mike does for the most part, but I do it sometimes too. Where do you keep your phone at night? On my bedside table. Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money? Sure, but I have no reason to. What’s the last thing you lost? My temper lol. If you could have your own car or an apt which would you choose? I already own a house and a car, lol. Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse over an expensive purchase? Sure. how do you like your eggs? Bleurgh, I hate eggs. after a date do you call your friend to tell them how it went? I used to do that as a teenager, sure. Favorite Mexican food? Nachos or Quesedillas. favorite thing to eat with a spoon? Ice-cream. upcoming event you are dreading? Nothing really? I mean, certainly nothing is coming to mind lol. Best Happy Meal toy you ever got? Those mini beanie babies. Do you make lists? No. Do you make pro/con lists before making a decision? No. Do you have a favorite pen? What kind? Nope. What’s the best meal you cook? I can’t really think of much as I’m too lazy to cook for the most part. Do you do more surveys during the day or night? During the day or early in the evening. on lunch break do you eat or do other things? I don’t get a lunch break lol. Smoothies? Bubble tea? Fancy coffee? none of the above? Fancy coffee or smoothies. do you like romantic gestures, or do they make you feel awkward? They’re cute. Five things you need to throw out? Nothing comes to mind. do you like the toilet paper your family uses? I mean, it’s just toilet paper lol. Just shampoo, or shampoo + conditioner? I use both otherwise my hair would be so dry. separate scariest driver you’ve ridden with? Danny - my teenage boyfriend’s older brother lol.
have you or do you plan to go to college? I graduated over a decade ago. do you write in cursive? Yeah, sometimes.
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poisonedsimmer · 2 years
4/5/6 and 7 for the Ask game
Hey! Thanks for dropping by with an ask :D 4: Hmmm that's a hard one, but honestly it's probably bb.moveobjects on I use it in literally every build. Can't survive without it if I wanna build the way I want to build. 5: hmmmm does Werewolfs count? lmao No but hmmm probably either fix the damn game (wishful thinking I know lol) or like you pre-teens, (yes there is an AMAZING mod out there for it and it's wonderful) but it would be cool to have it as an actual thing. It bugs me that they go from looking like they are somewhere between like 7 and 10 to BAM! 16 years old. Like ummmm EA no, just no. Or even though I don't really do family playing, babies that you can do something, ANYTHING with besides just let them lie there. Strollers, baby carriers, take the babies out even if they are carrying them, just anything please! 6: I wanna say Cats and Dogs because well CATS AND DOGS! but honestly, it's Snowy Escape. The world it comes with, the things you can do, the items you can build with, and even the cas items and the hot springs... Just I loved every single inch of that pack when they announced it, loved it even more when I bought it and it's the one thing I have never ever regretted buying and I still love it to this day. Not even a question how much I love this one. 7: Realm of magic! I will admit it has it's issues and things, but I can finally make all my witches and warlocks and sorcerers and stuff, and although I hate the magic school and badly want to completely redo the entire thing, the actual world it's located in is just sheer perfection and makes for some beautiful backdrops for pics. I just I could happily let my sims actually live there if it was even possible and I'm sad that it's not. But yeah I still love most of things in that one. :D
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
December 12, 2021
Hello! Day 12 of my advent calendar is more Christmassy like I promised lol but can you believe destiel went canon for a third time wow okay well enjoy this story! Catch up on my domestic deancas advent calendar with this masterpost here!
Summary: The family goes to Christmas Tree Lane to show Jack the lights. Dean and Cas flirt with each other while Jack, the cutie that he is, tells some parents that their little girl is actually a boy. Enjoy!
Christmas Tree Lane. 
That’s what they called these four blocks, maybe even more, of houses decorated so elegantly and yet haphazardly.  It was astonishing to see so many lights piled on these houses and the yards covered in fake angels or what they believe was that nativity scene.
‘It was much more unhygienic than what these people are showing us.’ He told Dean in annoyance after they passed their third one. Dean just squeezed his hand and called him old. 
A house was decorated to look like an actual gingerbread house and Jack reminded them that they have yet to make theirs. Dean laughed as a grimace fell upon Cas’s face but he promised to do that with his son soon. As long as they went to buy the terrible boxed versions because he was not going through that breakdown again.
They were just about to cross the street when Dean let go of Cas’s hand. He expected to feel an arm around him or some other form to replace the loss of touch but nothing came. He turned around ready to complain only to see Dean had run off to help someone carry a stroller up the high sidewalk. 
“Thank you so much!” The woman sighed with relief as she flashed his boyfriend a bright smile. “If only my husband can be just as diligent.”
She motioned for the man who was standing by Cas, taking pictures of the house over and over again, before sighing. “He promised a family day but of course work comes first for him.”
“Sorry,” Dean scratches the back of his beanie covered head. “I don’t know why he’ll be ignoring such a pretty thing like yourself and this little princess,” Dean looked into the strolled to see a wide-eyed baby staring back at him as they chewed on some teething rings. “She’s such a cutie.”
“Thank you.” The lady blushed because being complimented by Dean Winchester does that to people. “Her name is Rosie.”
“Rosie.” Dean smiled down at the baby before looking up at Cas, his smile leaving the formal angel breathless. “Babe! I want one.”
Cas shuffled his feet as he felt his face warm up at that loud announcement. His arms crossed over his chest while opening his mouth to say something but his voice was caught in his throat before he narrowed his eyes at Dean. He threw his head back and laughed while Cas tried to keep from looking so fondly at the love of his life. 
He looks so beautiful, Cas thought to himself as he made his way over to where Dean stood. 
“I’m so sorry if my husband,” Dean raised an eyebrow at that but then a smile broke through his shocked expression. “Is bothering you.”
The woman's expression was the usual shocked one that strangers give them when they announce they are together but her eyes were still warm so that’s a good sign. “Oh, no bother! He’s been a lovely gentleman.”
“Hear that?” Dean leans into him, a grin on his face. “A gentleman.”
Cas fights the urge to roll his eyes but smiles back at the woman. “That’s so kind of you to think so.”
“Hey, friends of yours?” Dean and Cas both turn towards the man who wraps his arm around the woman’s shoulders. She automatically shakes him off and shoots him a glare. He seemed to ignore her and tried to stare them down. “I’m Ryan. Luci’s husband.”
Dean wrapped one arm around Cas’s shoulders while taking Ryan’s outstretched hand in the other, a cocky smile on his face. “Dean. This is my husband, Cas.” Cas gave him a small nod while trying to keep the polite façade on. “Over there is our son, Jack.”
Dean points at Jack who was wandering inside the yard of the gingerbread houses with the other children following behind him. Running around while their parents tried catching them. 
“Jack!” Cas called out to him to grab his attention before one of the parents started talking to him. Cas would sure regret losing his angel powers if he ever finds another person yell at his kid. Jack looked up at him and lifted his hand up to wave. “Come on, meet the baby!”
Jack waved goodbye at some of the children before he walked over back to them. He waved up at the couple, Luci waved and smiled back at him and Cas instantly liked her. 
“Oh, Rory!” Jack looked down at the baby, his eyes soft with familiarity. “He’s gonna be so happy when he’s older.” Jack looks up at them with a smile. “You two would be great parents to him.”
“She.” Ryan corrected him, softly as if not sure himself now when Jack sounded so confident. 
Jack shakes his head. “No, I clearly remember-”
Dean shared a look with Cas knowing it was probably just the God magic in him that could read souls that Jack was referring too. Maybe not the best time to tell these parents about their baby’s future. Cas put his hands on Jack’s shoulders to pull him back to him before Jack opened his mouth to continue to explain.
“Jack, honey, how about let’s get some hot chocolate.” He started ushering Jack away towards a tent at the end across the street. He turned towards the couple. “Nice meeting both of you.”
“Oh, bye!” Jack waved at them. “Thanks for being so understanding. He will love you both so much!”
“Jack.” Cas quietly sighed before meeting Dean’s eyes for him to hurry up. 
Dean gave an awkward laugh before saying his own goodbye and rushing towards Cas’s side.
“Kid, you can’t go around outing a damn baby.” Jack looks back at Dean with a confused but cute look on his face, mimicking Cas’s own little head tilt. 
“I just wanted to congratulate them.” Jack defended himself as they walked over to the short line of what looks like crappy water down hot chocolate but something warm is exactly what they need right now. Plus, they were free. “Rory is going to do great things!”
Cas's smile was too fond as he looked at his own kid. Remembering when he was still in Kelly’s stomach and knowing Jack would do great things as well. Believing and loving him throughout it all. 
“I believe you.” Cas tells him as he brings Jack into a hug. “Rory will be amazing. Just like you.”
Jack chuckled as Cas left kisses on the side of his face. “Dad, stop!”
“We can talk more about your soul readings later.” Dean tells him as they reach the front of the line. The lady at the front looked at them strangely before she smiled and asked how many they would want. 
They walked the rest of Christmas Tree Lane. Watching Jack go excitingly from house to house already getting ideas to decorate their house for next year. Dean walked around with his arms around Cas’s waist as he hugged him from behind. Leaving kisses on his cheek and wherever else he can reach as the night dragged on. 
“Husband huh?” Dean hummed into his ear as they walked back to the car with Jack finding new things to point out from the houses they just saw. 
“Maybe...if you’ll finally propose to me again then maybe we can make that a reality.” Cas didn’t turn to look back at him, knowing Dean was already rolling his eyes. 
“You’re such an asshole.” Dean muttered, a grin was pressed against Cas’s skin as he giggled when Dean nibbled at his cheek. 
“Dad’s, can we drive past the lights this time?” Jack turned to look at them with a grin so big that neither of them can say no to him. Plus it gives Dean a chance to show off the reindeer antlers that Jack got for Baby.
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@galaxycastiel @superduckbatrebel  @slipper007  @wikiangela  @s-r-clowns
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@bi-bi-marie @nguyenxtrang  @dancerdovegirl 
 @chocolatecakecas @trasherasswood  
@celestialcastiel  @castiel-is-a-cat  @theghostofchristmasfuture
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Is there anyone at your work that you want to just deck in the face? * I dont have a job, but there isnt anyone in general that I feel like punching <<< Last thing you drank? Water. Last thing that pissed you off! Health related things. Last thing that made you feel better *sigh* Why the “sigh”? Anyway, a trip to the beach would help. For the time I was there, at least. Something you did differently today that wasn’t so bad It’s only 1:37AM, I haven’t done much so far except for a few surveys. That’s not anything different.
Last plans that were ruined because of things you can’t control My mom and I wanted to visit my aunt a few weeks ago, but I wasn’t able to go because I was having a flare up. How old are you? 30. Someone’s YouTube that annoys the crap out of you I don’t watch any that annoy me. You are lucky because I’m blessed because I have my family, a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, clothes on my back, and food to eat. What kind of jeans are you favorite? Skinny jeans. Man, I haven’t worn jeans in like 2 years, though. I only wear leggings now. Mini skirts, slutty or stylish? They can be cute, but it’s not my style. I don’t feel comfortable wearing them. Do you like a partner who is clean cut or rugged? Clean cut, but I do like some scruff. Pale or tan, which would you rather be? I’d like to be tan. What if you were drastically what you’d rather be overnight? Cool. Habit with health concerns by society that u have Uhh. Do smartass sarcastic old folks piss you off? * Idk. I kind of enjoy the “smartass” personality bc its amusing as long as it isnt malicious. My old friend Denise was such a smartass and I loved her <<< Yeah, I get what you mean. It depends. What about little kids that want to be gangstas? Just stop. What do you think about Hipster? I don’t care. Scene? Is that still a trend? I feel like I don’t see it anymore, but maybe that’s because I’m old now. What do you think about “Juggalos” and “Juggalettes”? I don’t get the whole Insane Clown Posse thing. lol that’s funny. Something that you won’t even try No other drug besides weed, which I’ve done. Do u blog? You’re lookin’ at it. Tweet? Yeah. FB? I rarely post anything anymore, but I scroll the feed and like some stuff here. Myspace? Myspace has been dead for a long time, time to let go. What do you think about that G6 song? It’s old now, but still catchy. Is walking cats strange? ( like walking dogs ) That does seem weird. What about kids on leashes? What do you think about that? I mean, I can see how it would be helpful. In a super crowded place, it would be easy to lose grip of their little hand and it would get very tiring pretty quick if you had to carry them. Strollers can be a nuisance in really crowded places too, so for a toddler I can see the benefit of the leash. Only for that age group, though. We are all the same is bullshit is it not? Clearly we’re not all the same. Will the world end in 2012? That’s next year. That was 7 years ago and we’re still here. No one but God knows when the world will end. What lip balm do you use to keep your lips moist? EOS. I bought a vaseline lip balm recently, but I haven’t used it, yet. How many piercings have you had, BESIDES ears, no one cares. Well that’s all I got, sorry. New tats in your near future? I don’t have any tats. I’ve wanted 1 for several years, but I doubt I’ll ever get it done. How about piercings or re-piercings? No. Who would you like to hang out with? No one. Next new thing you are wanting to try! Nothing comes to mind right now. If your skinny you are underweight true or false? You can be thin but not underweight. I’m underweight, though. Being told to eat more is as offensive as being told to eat less. TF? I just hate it because it’s like clearly it’s an issue for me. It’s not that easy. If I could just “eat more”, I would. It’s not that simple. Even if I could eat more, I’d still have a hard time putting on weight. I have a fast metabolism, so I’ve always been thin, but not as thin as I am now. That happened due to health reasons and because of that I haven’t been able to gain any weight. It’s been a real struggle these past few years with health issues and eating/appetite issues on top of it. Would you wear short shorts, long socks and converse? No.  Do converse look/feel uncomfortable to you? I like them.  Your young but your life isn’t distracted by a cell phone. TF? I’m 30, I’m old.  What kind of deodorant do you use? Secret in powder fresh scent. Thing that bothers you. A lot of things. A dream of yours. I just want to be in a good place health wise. Can one create a masterpiece with a ballpoint pen? Yeah? Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. He crossed over. He died. Do you say sorry a lot? Yes. Do you believe that you can feel energy from others from their thoughts? Not from their thoughts, I can’t get inside someone’s head, but I feel their energy through other things. Would you ever visit a psychic medium? No. If you would, what would you wanna know? Absolutely nothing. I don’t believe in that stuff. Do you get creeped out easily? You could say that. Ever scared the crap out of someone and laughed hysterically after? Yes. Do you type homerow? No. Are some days a waste of makeup? I very rarely wear makeup anymore. It’s been awhile. I don’t know if I have at all this year... Do you have acne? I’ll get a pimple or two now and then. I had it worse as a teenager and in my early 20s. Then it just cleared up, thankfully. My skin is still shitty, though. It’s so dry. Halloween costume. I don’t dress up anymore for Halloween. Diet soda yay or nay? I can drink Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper. I’d rather just drink the regular kind, though. Would you buy a Coach bag? No.
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frywen-babbles · 7 years
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Tagged by @@wonky-glass-ornament . Thank you for the tag! <3
1. Drink: Water probably? 2. Phone call: Somebody tried to sell me a new electricity contract. 3. Text message: To my dad (which is weird, I normally never speak to him). 4. Song you listened to: I intentionally listened to some filks on Friday. Other than that I have no idea, I generally don’t listen to music. 5. Time you cried: I don’t remember. Probably about a week ago?
6. Dated someone twice: Yes (it was a BAD idea, don’t do it) 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Not really? One guy kissed me and I regret that but I wasn’t an active party on that. 8. Been cheated on: No. 9. Lost someone special: Yes. 10. Been depressed: Yes. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: On several occasions. I have a very low alcohol tolerance, so I get shitfaced easily.
12-14: Pink, purple, green
15. Made new friends: Yes. 16. Fallen out of love: No. 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: No. 20. Found out who your friends are: Kind of? People still talk to me even though I stopped being active on Facebook. 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them. 23. Do you have any pets: Two cats, named Charm and Nightmare. 24. Do you want to change your name: Not anymore. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Yesterday I travelled back from Worldcon. Also bought lots of Moomin mugs by accident. Oops? 26. What time do you wake up: Usually around 9 AM 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: I’m going for an adventure to Brussels in a week!!!!!! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Sunday probably?? 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I had better mental health. Lots of things would have been so much easier. 31. What are you listening to right now: Lullabies 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Probably? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: People not giving me way when I’m moving with a double stroller. It a. weighs a lot and b. is long and wide so I need my space thank you very much. And yes, I’ll roll over your toes if you’re stupid enough to leave them on the way (I could rant about this all day). 34. Most visited website: Tumblr. 35. Mole/s: Hundreds. 36. Mark/s: I’ve had several surgeries so I have scars from those in my ankle, stomach and breasts (I call them frankenboobies now lol) and also have marks from self-harm on my wrist and arm. 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a ballet instructor. 38. Hair color: Coppery red with orange and red highlights. My real hair colour is dirty blonde. 39. Long or short hair: Short. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Real person: no, fictional otome men: yes, 100 times yes. 41. What do you like about yourself: In the last 2-3 years I have learned to be merciful and compassionate towards myself. I can’t be perfect no matter how hard I try, I just have to be good enough. 42. Piercings: Just in ears. I used to have a lip piercing too. 43. Blood type: A+ 44. Nicknames: Frywen/Freyja 45. Relationship status: Married
46. Zodiac: Leo 47. Pronouns: I don’t really care. My native tongue has only 1 gender neutral personal pronoun. 48. Favorite TV Show: Currently I’m a bit obsessed about Voltron. I still haven’t had the chance to watch 3rd season. 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Several. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Yes, red with highlights. 53. Sport: I try to go to Body Pump at least once a week. 55. Vacation: SOOOON!!!! 56. Pair of trainers: Are too small (your feet might grow when you're pregnant so lots of my shoes are too small)! I should buy new ones, but I’ve been too lazy.
57. Eating: Nothing. Cookies. 58. Drinking: Nothing. 59. I’m about to: Go to sleep. 62. Want: Cookies, I should get some now. 63. Get married: Not again, once was enough. 64. Career: Currently non-existent. 65. Hugs or kisses: Both <3 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: I prefer my men taller. Women can be any height. 68. Older or younger: I prefer a bit older, but I don’t mind younger either. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: 100% arms. I don’t care about six packs, just show me a pair of nice toned arms and I’ll drool forever. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 72. Hook up or relationship: Both? But only if it’s okay with everyone involved. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant.
74. Kissed a Stranger: Probably? 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Not permanently. 77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex on the first date: Depends on what you count as a first date. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Yes. 80. Had your heart broken: Yes. 81. Been arrested: No. 82. Cried when someone died: Yes. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yes.
84: Yourself: I try to. 85. Miracles: No. 86. Love at first sight: No. 87. Santa Claus: No. 88. Kiss on the first date: Yes.
90. Current best friend name: Hubby is my best friend <3 91. Eye color: Mostly green with blue and brown. 92. Favorite movie: Lord of the Rings -trilogy and The Sound of Music.
Tagging: @i-dont-look-good-i-look-great @honeybeelily @ceka122 @fooljshgirl @lumpy-space-kitten
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