#or caleb vouching for nott and yeza readily agreeing and caleb immediately deferring
Real talk for the widobrave shippers out in the world.
I was looking through the caleb/nott/yeza tag on ao3 (and then the nott/yeza with yeza&caleb and nott&caleb and the yeza&caleb tag alone) and the results dropped dramatically. Like 26 results total for the caleb/nott/yeza tag which had the most.
Was (is?) Caleb/nott/yeza a rare ship? What was the general vibe when c2 was airing live? I'm specifically thinking between like the episode when they resue Yeza, so late 50s to where I am now, episode 66. Is widobrave considered a rare ship? Did people not like Yeza? Were people upset with Nott? Was it just that no one cared???
The thing is I'm not entirely interested in caleb and nott or caleb and nott and yeza as a romantic/sexual ship but they do have a deep intimacy that I want to explore. The shifting dynamic with nott essentially lying to caleb, with yeza returning, with her priorities shifting, with the letter to astrid coming to light, the conversation caleb had with beau where he denied being in love with nott. There is SO much there, and I feel like no one is (was?) talking about it? Am i just looking in the wrong places? Like I can't be alone in these feelings but I also can't find tangible proof other people feel the same!!!
Sidenote I am a little afraid to delve too far into the widobrave tag on tumblr because of spoilers. I don't have any idea what happens with Ikathon or Obann or how Nott gets changed back into a halfling. So its possible that I'm missing out on a lot of great stuff just because of where I am in the campaign.
Tl;dr: I feel like I am going absolutely feral over the whole caleb and nott and yeza thing and no one else is (was?)!!!! And i want to know what was happening with the fandom when this was airing live. Pls help me im begging.
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