#or calebs mind control
Real talk for the widobrave shippers out in the world.
I was looking through the caleb/nott/yeza tag on ao3 (and then the nott/yeza with yeza&caleb and nott&caleb and the yeza&caleb tag alone) and the results dropped dramatically. Like 26 results total for the caleb/nott/yeza tag which had the most.
Was (is?) Caleb/nott/yeza a rare ship? What was the general vibe when c2 was airing live? I'm specifically thinking between like the episode when they resue Yeza, so late 50s to where I am now, episode 66. Is widobrave considered a rare ship? Did people not like Yeza? Were people upset with Nott? Was it just that no one cared???
The thing is I'm not entirely interested in caleb and nott or caleb and nott and yeza as a romantic/sexual ship but they do have a deep intimacy that I want to explore. The shifting dynamic with nott essentially lying to caleb, with yeza returning, with her priorities shifting, with the letter to astrid coming to light, the conversation caleb had with beau where he denied being in love with nott. There is SO much there, and I feel like no one is (was?) talking about it? Am i just looking in the wrong places? Like I can't be alone in these feelings but I also can't find tangible proof other people feel the same!!!
Sidenote I am a little afraid to delve too far into the widobrave tag on tumblr because of spoilers. I don't have any idea what happens with Ikathon or Obann or how Nott gets changed back into a halfling. So its possible that I'm missing out on a lot of great stuff just because of where I am in the campaign.
Tl;dr: I feel like I am going absolutely feral over the whole caleb and nott and yeza thing and no one else is (was?)!!!! And i want to know what was happening with the fandom when this was airing live. Pls help me im begging.
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shikisai-san · 1 year
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Anyway the angsty wizards have taken over my brain
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wizardnuke · 1 year
thinks about the mighty nein. throws up blood
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my-star-war-sblog · 5 months
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Everyone who read the Kanan Comics will know what I mean when I state that Grey is one of the best father figures in all of Star Wars.
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monarch-apostate · 2 months
This blog is a safe place for Queer, Trans and other members of the LGBT community
YES Queer folk do go through MK Ultra/Monarch/TBMC/RAMCOA
NO We are NOT just trans or queer because of our trauma. We our more than just our abuse.
And while I'm on it, POC also go through this stuff and I want to see their voices uplifted.
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I challenge you all.
What is saying Snell?
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whumpwizard · 2 years
Whumptober2022 Day 16: No Way Out
Essek knew in his soul that this was it. That this was the end for him.  He would die here, in this room, a blade held to his throat as he lay beneath the man he thought he loved.  Caleb…Bren, the handsome Empire defector that he had taken in, and been taken by.  So clever and cunning, attributes that Essek should have seen as red flags from miles away.  He had been a fool, though, too enamoured by the man’s talent and too keen to fall for his honeyed words.  And this was how he was going to pay for it.
“You were a fool to let me in, Shadowhand…but you are aware of that now, ja?” Bren asked, the dagger still held against Essek’s throat. He nodded ever so slightly.  Bren just smiled.
“Are…are you going to kill me then, Caleb?” Essek asked. He rarely prayed to anyone, let alone the Luxon, but in this moment he hoped that using that name, the name Essek had called him by so many times before, would snap him out of this. He was wrong.
“Dummer kleiner crick.” Bren spat, pressing the blade harder into Essek’s skin. “Caleb is not real. He never was. He was a fiction, a creation for you to be enamoured by, to fall in love with so you became complacent…stupid.  Clever idea, hm?”
Essek could feel the tears start to well as Bren spoke.  It hurt most of all because he was right. Essek had fallen in love, and he had been stupid.  And he was going to be slaughtered in his own bed for it. And, to make it all worse? He knew that deep down a piece of him still loved Caleb.  Fictitious as he had been, Essek still wanted to beg for him back. Beg for things to go back to how they were, to forget this little standoff and just pretend it never happened.  Bren was right.  He was a fool.
“But now…for the fun part.” Bren whispered, getting close and leaning into Essek’s ear. He began to nibble and lick, just like he had when they’d had sex, and now the drow couldn’t help but cry. He just wanted Caleb back…his Caleb.  He was so lost in his longing, though, that he didn’t register as Bren’s words grew tinged with the intent of a spell. Barely had the strength to resist as he whispered again. “You will be mine, from this day forwards.  You will do as I say, without hesitation…”
Essek’s eyes went wide as the spell set in, tendrils of arcana twisting in his mind as he fell prey to Bren’s magic. He knew this spell, knew the feel of it and its effects.  Knew it by the sudden desire to do just as Bren had commanded. Geas.
He tried not to panic as he realized what had happened, what this meant, but his heaving breath and choking sobs were more than enough to alert Bren. The human just cupped Essek’s cheek, a cold, cruel facsimile of his old smile on his face.
“Fret not, Shadowhand. I have no intention of killing you.  No, I intend to keep you as my own…pet, we shall say, ja? A sweet little familiar for me to have.  You will not have to worry about such silly things as your Dynasty or your role under the Bright Queen.  You will be mine, until I grow bored of you.”
Essek wanted to shake his head, to scream, to say no or to run. But he knew the pain that Geas brought to those who resisted, and even thinking about it made his head begin to throb. All he could do was nod through the tears and the panic, and hope that Bren would show mercy.
“Good little crick. And do not fret too much about escape.” He said, pressing a soft kiss to Essek’s tear stained cheek. “No one’s coming for you. Not now, and not ever.”
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hiiiiii <3
we did!! nothing at school today <3 testing but i don't have any classes that test whooooooo
i had a chicken sandwich for breakfast mmmm cold chicken <33
i had a couple cookies in my lunch and then a brownie later and all three were v good!!
i had a roast beef sandwich as a snack and mmmmmmmmm,,, cold meats my beloved ig aklfjdas;lkfj
we had pizza for dinner and there's enough left over for me to have some for breakfast tomorrow 👀
caleb city
hung out with my friends during lunch /so pos it was just !!!!
one of my teachers had like an extra credit thing last week ?? and i did it but i didn't need the extra credit he was offering so i asked and now i don't have to do like any of the online assignments <3
i have had! a speeding ticket! hanging over my head! for a month!!! and i finally got that dealt with!!!!!!!!
okay this is the highlight this is the big one: rac and mob
we hung out in vc for a few hours and in the latter half then we played the room and it was SO so fun but honestly the whole time was a delight i love them both so much <333333
also during this time then i had a nice convo with a few peeps in another server :]] it's been a while since i've talked there so that was nice!!!
found this song and it's so silly and fun i love it <33
omg last minute addition: tomotasauce's new vid
it's been so long since i've been able to watch any of his stuff since i'm not caught up on amphibia or toh so being able to watch this was HILARIOUS i loved it lajf;lsdkjf;
also idk if i've mentioned it yet but i've been bingeing theamandafiles' acnh playlist and it'd been a week or so since i watched any but i watched more today and she's so great <33
putting playing puzzle games with rac and george again 🥺
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brokenhardies · 1 year
i need to give my updated d20 goldilocks idea;
introduced as argent fairchild, a mysterious hunter with a dark and troubled past (ranger, probably gloomstalker or fey wanderer, not sure yet lol). the story she gives is a tragic one, that of a family slaughtered by bear-like monsters with her as the only survivor. however, she looks pretty untouched for a survivor of such an attack
she seems to have survivors guilt, blaming herself for her parents' death as she went into the woods and entered the house of the bears - eating their porridge and sleeping in their beds. however, it's revealed much later...
that's not true.
it turns out, argent fairchild has been dead for quite some time now. the argent fairchild that you've been travelling with and witnessing for the whole story? is actually the youngest bear, who witnessed her parents eating a young girl who had entered their house, ate her porridge and slept in her bed. it was out of character for them, leading her to believe they had been corrupted.
and considering it would be impossible to believe that a humanoid bear is looking for a cure for her own family's illness (especially when she might have it), the bear chose to wear the young girl's skin like a suit, and took on the false identity of argent fairchild - the name she gave to the child killed in the attack - to try and find a cure, lying about the details of the attack
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thesparrow1996 · 2 years
For me it isn't just that people only tell Damien to try. It is that none of them have any advice on what he should do besides figure it out. And when Damien can't they get mad at him. Like imagine being told you have to learn a language or new scientific field with no aids of any kind. You go to a teacher asking for help and not only do they have no clue because they don't specialize in that but they get mad when you get frustrated over not being able to do it and give up as a result.
literally! it’s almost comical bc the damien of it all is the question that pops up in every single tbs installment and there is never an actual answer. lauren doesn’t know. the bright sessions says i think you have to be alone forever bye. the am archives says well we either lock uncontrollable atypicals up or toss them to a creepy cult to be indoctrinated into. the college tapes says well since caleb is nice we’ll just believe he doesn’t mean to forcibly change the emotions of everyone around him even though he has no skills or tools to navigate it :)
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henry7931 · 25 days
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The two straight guys you see above are Caleb and Tristan, we are sort of friends. Although we barely have anything in common nor do we really socialize in public.
But one thing we do share in common is our group gaming night on Sundays. We play video games every Sunday for hours. And we even have teams, ‘the straights vs. the gays’. My best friend Jake and I are the gay team while the other two ‘best bros’ are the opposing straights.
We get really competitive and we will even make bets at the beginning of the night. But last night was the craziest bet so far.
The night was pretty much the same as usual, a lot of trash talking but at one point Caleb made a comment that Jake and I both thought was outlandish.
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“Yo y’all gay guys have it easy,” he said to us.
I piped up and said, “how so?”
Caleb went on this tangent about how straight guys have it so tough these days and how much easier it is to be gay.
Jake and I laughed at him.
“Dude you couldn’t be gay for one day,” said Jake.
“What’s so hard for you Jake? I could easily be you for a day but you couldn’t handle being me,” says Tristan.
“Oh is that right?” says Jake.
“Yeah you wanna bet on it?” I added.
“Sure,” says Tristan.
I thought for a moment, are these guys down to do what I think?
“All four of us swap bodies. No BS, we all have to do the other ones routines, no one outside of us four can know and we have to be convincing in public that we are all each other. First one to ask to swap back loses.”
“Caleb you down bro?” asks Tristan.
“Yeah bro, this will be easy,” Caleb says with a grin.
“How much are we betting on?”
“Hmmmm…. How about $1,000 a piece.”
Jake’s eyes get wide as he hears me say the amount.
Both Tristan and Caleb grin and say, “deal.”
After hopping off, I immediately started writing down my daily stuff and everything Caleb would have to do. I made sure it was as ‘gay’ as possible. I even gave him going to a gay bar Friday which I’m sure will blow his mind lol.
So as I laid down last night, it started to hit me. I’m actually going to swap bodies with Caleb— and low key Caleb’s hot.
My mind raced thinking about what it will be like having his body. And I started to get hard from the thought.
I looked down at my slim frame and imagined what it’s going to be like with all of those muscles.
I thought about jerking off but Hell I’ll let that be Caleb’s problem in the morning.
The Next Morning:
I woke up notably in a different room, a very straight man’s room. Caleb has dirty laundry backed up into a pile in the corner, his hats stacked up on the wall, and a bunch of obscure pictures which I’m sure his ex decorated for him.
I lifted up the comforter and even Caleb knowing I was going to be in his body this morning he still slept commando.
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I looked down at the bulge inside of his boxers and then down at his hairy legs and feet. His sheets have this musk that immediately filled my noise. I’m sure he doesn’t wash them enough.
Caleb’s bulge started to get hard and my first reaction was to touch it.
But instead I grabbed Caleb’s phone and called Tristan’s number. It rings for a few until I hear Tristan’s groggy voice come across.
“Will is that you?” says Tristan’s voice with Jake in control of it.
“Yeah it’s me,” I say back.
“Holy sh*t! I can’t believe that agreed to do this,” says Jake.
“I know! Have you uhhh… explored any?” I asked him.
“Fuck yeah! Tristan has some sexy feet!”
“I bet! So does Caleb,” I say wiggling his toes.
One thing about Jake and I is that we are pretty open with each other. We originally met on a gay hook up app and have only hooked up once. That night we were both so hammered that we ended up sharing all of our kinks together. Turns out both of us are into all of the same things. Feet, jocks, pits, etc. We even send dirty vids we’ve jerked off to back and forth. It’s a strange friendship but at least I know I can trust him.
“Will, you have to send me some pics! I’m hard as a rock right now!”
“Hold up, I got you bro,” I say to him.
“The way you say bro with his voice is so hot,” says Jake.
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I laugh at him and pull out one of Caleb’s feet for the pic.
“Heading your way!”
“Oh my god his soles! I wanna suck on his toes so bad,” he says.
“I’d let you bro, you can suck on my toes anytime,” I say to him.
“Oh my god, keep talking like that!”
“Only if you send a pic back,” I say to him.
“One sec man I’m about to nut,” he says breathing heavy.
“Jake you’re jerking it right now?”
“Yeah man, I started before we got on the phone. Oh fuuuuuuckkk, this cock feels so… Will! Will! I’m cumming!! I’m cumming a lot!”
I’m so hard, I can’t help but join in. I pull off Caleb’s boxers and his 10” rock hard cock comes out.
“Wow it’s beautiful,” I say out loud over the phone.
“What is?” says Jake out of breath.
“Caleb’s dick, it’s like perfect.”
“Oh Tristan’s has a curve to it but it’s huge! I literally have a foot long between my legs. He needs to trim his pubes though, I’ll probably fix that here shortly,” says Jake.
I can’t speak, my focus is on the nicest dick I’ve ever seen. I run Caleb’s fingers along his sack all the way up his cock head. I feel chills…
I aggressively grab and start pumping it. I start moaning loudly.
I can hear Jake in the background saying, “dude, switch to FaceTime!!”
I’m too into the moment to put on a show. I lift up Caleb’s foot and sniff it while vigorously jerking off.
I run his tongue up and down his sole and scream out, “I’m Caleb Thomas now bitch!”
I’m so close, i wanted to go on forever. But that’s when Caleb dick literally sprays cum everywhere uncontrollably.
“What?” says Jake.
“I got his cum in my eye,” I say back.
“Hahaha I’ll be over shortly!,” says Jake.
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essektheylyss · 7 months
Because I'm going to be thinking about this forever, I do want to talk about how Caleb speaks, because I think there's something to be said for how his protectiveness (in general) actually presents itself.
Caleb uses epithets and allusions a lot. He refers to Nott as "my goblin friend," to Jester as "my blue friend," to Yasha as "my barbarian friend." Yussa is at one point "our wizard friend," and Essek is "my Kryn friend," in the two-shot.
He is also, notably, paranoid about being surveiled. He wears the amulet of nondetection for most of the campaign, and it's not unwarranted, given that Trent locates him and nearly burns down the Blooming Grove the moment he's able to get a lock on them. Trent in fact has been shown to use any and all information he can get ahold of about or from Caleb against him, to a truly extreme level. His seemingly single-minded goal is expressed to be to ensure that not a single aspect of Caleb's life and loved ones is safe at any moment, to perpetuate the threat of harm from any direction in order to essentially control and monopolize Caleb's every thought.
In Echoes of the Solstice, Caleb does suggest that he is not concerned with Trent being able to surveil him any longer, but Trent is not the only threat, and, timey-wimey plot nonsense aside, the Hells' inability to scry on him since then suggests that he is likely wearing an amulet at least by that point in the timeline.
The extent of Trent's focus on him and his ensuing paranoia is extreme, and even beyond when he may no longer feel that Trent is a threat to him, he seems unwilling to allow him to pose a threat to others, and people he cares about in particular.
Within that context, it's not difficult to read his use of epithets, particularly in referring to people who are not currently present (rather than using their name aloud), as a form of protection. Some of his manner of speaking implicitly or explicitly presumes that he is being surveiled, even outside of the context of protectiveness; after Vess Derogna's death, he frequently refers to Lucian only by epithets, most often, "our old friend," and at one point establishes "Lady D," (to Jester's glee) as a code name for Vess Derogna for the specific purposes of countersurveilance.
This method of protection, I would imagine, goes double for Essek; not only does Caleb have the habit of worrying over those who would use his loved ones against him, which is of course borne out in Echoes of the Solstice, but he also must consider that Essek has his own enemies, and a stray mention of his name in the wrong company or setting could get his partner killed. It seems even in that gifset, when Caleb says, "I am worried for Essek," after the encounter with Trent at Vergessen, that he first considers obfuscating, stumbling over allusory phrasing before acknowledging that Trent already has the information he needs, and at that point Trent is their only real concern about who might care, given Lucien is far too focused on reaching the Astral Sea to worry about hostages.
When Caleb answers Jester's, "And he's going to hurt Essek," with a silence and an oblique reply, it feels most to me like a further measure of protection, knowing that knowledge is power that can be used against him and his loved ones, and silence is the weapon he has against it.
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wizardnuke · 2 years
rereading sleeping in the shadow of the other self and having floor time. because of this fic
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zaynesaurora · 2 months
ʟ&ᴅꜱ ! reaction to bedroom talk/noises — (MDNI)
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a/n: idk i had some loose thoughts and tried to turn them into something, might be nothing ! bonus boys both got promoted for this one though because im insane about caleb in particular rn
zayne ! gets off on ambient noises. the rain battering the window panes, the crackling of a wood fire, the thump of the headboard against the wall- he’s romantic like that. he's pretty quiet broadly speaking when it comes to sex and so he enjoys when the atmosphere helps him to express his feelings, his own noises typically being the air escaping his nose in heavy puffs.
he has one sound he enjoys above all those though, always prefacing it with a gentle "are you ready, my love?"- before slipping himself into your awaiting walls, revelling in the gasp that follows in response.
accompanying it will always be the sounds of kissing. zayne pulling you under the sheets, wet lips planting themselves where ever he can reach- the dip of your collar bone being top of the list as he takes you chest to chest in his own perfected version of white noise. an instrumental that makes your skin burn until he stills above you, professing his love with a groan.
xavier ! forgets who he is, who you are, where he is, what hes doing- mind blank but his mouth works overtime to chant a chorus of "yes, Yes YES" with every drop of your hips, descending on him with precision.
if he could see himself from your perspective, he'd probably be unbelievably embarrassed- unaware of the drool thats collecting in the creases at the corners of his lips with every breathy mumble, voice horse from the sheer amount of satisfaction rushing through his veins and off his tongue. the same dewy look would be collecting in his eyes. pretty blues glassing over in a way that makes him look unresposive. he'd fail to let you know he was going to come. too caught up in his own choir to give it even a fleeting thought.
breathing would be laboured after the matter, lungs struggling to catch up with themselves as he comes back to his senses. he'd be slung right off of cloud nine when you start giggling beside him- suddenly aware that he has no idea what he was saying, or the noises he was allowing to be known. you had no idea a human being could change colour so fast.
rafayel ! has fun in sex. teasing nature seeping into all aspects of your life with him regardless of certain activities so it's completely expected that your shared quaters are filled with laughter and bickering even with him burried inside you- elegant hands swatting at your arse randomly to hear you yelp in surprise for him ( he's also doing it bc it makes you tighten around him but shh)
rafs tone would alter to have a more commanding edge as the pleasure really sets in, "dont you dare stop" being a phrase often thrown around and his nails sinking further into your skin- each time it's laced with a snarl that almost makes him seem intimdating if he wasn't belly laughing only a few minutes ago.
unfortunately, or fortunately in his case, he grows impossibly hard at the thought of someone hearing you guys- his pride and ego stroked thinking of an accidental visitor learning how healthy his sex life is, poor thomas has to do damage control fairly often to keep his reputation in good light.
caleb ! has a filthy, rotten mouth when he's caught in such an act. not really in a humiliation sense but more in that he swears like a sailor- each sentence broken or seperated by various profanities as he bigs his game up to egg you one. he won't admit it ever but his wordy displays are defenitely not rhetorical. he needs, and wants, you to let him know that he's doing you well.
"fuck baby, you lik- fuck, you like that dont you?", he'd hum into your ear, sweaty foreheads pressing together in an attempt to be as close to you as humanly possible- each question laced with a sweet pet name.
this boy has a unhealthy addiction to the sound of skin on skin, heavy plat plat plats ricochetting of the walls in a steady hyponitc rhythm that knocks all remaning sanity out of his head and into his dick. he’d drive into you for hours after he’s slipped into exhaustin just to hear the way it becomes messier, stickier- wetter as he annouces his orgasm to you.
jeremiah ! desperately tries to keep himself as quite as possible, shyness seeping into his bones when a stray moans slips from behind his lips- a soft note from the back of his throat that makes his ears flush a painful, deep red and his lip catch between his teeth until the skin breaks and theres a metalic tinge to his delicate kisses.
would have the tendancy to be higher pitched when he's in the bedroom, somewhat squeaky in his efforts to keep a lid on his excitement and would just about explode at the sound of your voice carrying him toward a sweet release- air coming out in hurried pants as his shoulders start to shake, stomach convulsing in waves with each desperate attemp to fill his chest and focus his mind.
"atta boy miah", he ascendes. literally. minimal contact with the mattress when his being raises in an attempt to escape you and get closer at the same time.
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owlhousetarot · 1 year
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Wheel of Fortune: Cycles of Violence and Trauma
Upright: Cycles, change, destiny, life cycles, turning point, fortune, karma, external forces at play, breaking negative cycles
Reversed: Lack of control, bad luck, resisting change, clinging to control, upheaval, setbacks
The Wheel of Fortune card is an important one in this deck: The Owl House’s narrative is all about cycles of violence and trauma, how they’re perpetuated, and how they can be broken. These cycles include Luz inheriting Camila’s struggles with conformity and acceptance, Lilith mirroring Philip’s attempts to force a sibling to conform to their ideals supposedly for their own good, the Collector perpetuating his species’ tendencies to subjugate entire worlds, and of course the most blatant example: the Grimwalker cycle.
The Wheel card reminds you that the world is in a state of constant change, most of which is unavoidable and entirely outside our control. Hollow Mind is a rude awakening for Hunter, as he learns how little control he truly has over his life. We the audience learn that in creating Hunter and all the Grimwalkers, Philip has been attempting to re-create the relationship he had with Caleb, but better; Caleb’s decision to leave the human realm and love a witch completely upended his entire worldview, and he is clinging to an image of the past that will never truly come back. The Wheel can also represent a critical turning point in your life; Hollow Mind is the moment that finally causes Hunter to break away from Belos’ abuse, becoming the first Grimwalker to break the cycle and survive.
The Wheel’s theme of the inevitability of change is mirrored in the conflicting ideals of the Collectors and Titans; Collectors preserve and objectify living beings so they will “never fade,” while the nature of the Titans is to embrace death and change as natural and necessary. Life itself springs forth from the decay of the Boiling Isles, illustrating the cyclical but ever-changing nature of life. In season 3, the Collector has the Isles trapped in a stagnant fantasy land much like the one Luz was expecting to encounter in episode 1, likely because the trauma of losing his baby Titan friends and being imprisoned for thousands of years makes him crave control over his surroundings. Like Luz had to temper her expectations and accept the Isles for how they were, he must let go of the illusion of control and allow the world around him to change in order to break that cycle of trauma, lest he end up trapped in it like Belos.
< Previous Card: The Hermit
> Next Card: Justice
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monarch-apostate · 2 months
Trigger Warning, content on this blog may be very triggering
Apostate- A freed or runaway slave, also known as a person who leaves a religious movement.
This account is effectively my own personal diary for streams of consciousness as I deprogram, explore my system and myself, and find who I am again. I am no expert everything shared on this account is simply our own point of view.
Leaving a "religious" sector/cult (I've gone into detail about my traumas and abuse in other posts that I won't detail here), in my early days of leaving I was angry and disheartened. Where was god? Where was he during my abuse? I was redirected into Atheism, under this philosophy I found much comfort in denying many of abusers claims. As I grow older now I find more connection to Earth. I have once again regained my ability to practice safe and beautiful non destructive Magic to connect to Earth and all of its wonders. As for my connections to any higher powers due to trauma I'm still working on that. Infact we've put a pause on magic, earth and light work for now as we re-center and re-ground ourselves.
I support all of us to use what our tools that are inside of ourselves to connect and heal to our higher powers of our own understandings and to not let abusive cults tell us what God is and isn't.
About us; We are a survivor of Highly Advanced Governmental, Military, Intelligence, FreeMason, Spiritual and Religious Trauma Based Mind Control. We were born into MK Ultra/Project Monarch in a bloodline family and experienced very advanced Programming with many purposes for our life within the structure of the cult. A few of those roles were as a lead programmer in the area of the cult we were in, and a very high leadership position to specify a few. In 2019 after many years of seeking guidance and clarity from a troublesome life full of trauma and abuse, and wanting to heal we discovered that we had Highly Complex Polyfragmented Dissociative Identity Disorder (Formerly Multiple Personality Disorder), that we had grown up in an abusive cult that practiced mind control and ritual abuse. Ever since waking up and choosing to heal we have faced many setbacks, beautiful healing, horrible trauma and even more. This account is where we are choosing to document our life as it is the one place we can share this side of ourselves. As we start another chapter of our lives, we want to share the path we walk on with those we meet on here.
This page is simply our stream of consciousness as we attempt to recover from our various traumas and create a safe space for our system, to talk about our mind control programming trauma as well as other things.
-Dani, Caleb, Scarlet & co.
Disclaimer, we claim no expertise in any subjects we discuss we are only sharing our points of view and nothing on this blog should be taken as advice.
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