#or e/ve and r/azputin
erigold13261 · 8 months
Hello. This is I the deranged JJK anon back with more comic info. Feel free to delete this ask bc I am profusely sorry for taking up your time and I really enjoyed the last answer./srs ...speaking of getting into the anime/manga, I cannot recommend it now bc the anime is quite gorery/depressing and the manga has jumped the shark
Satoru and Suguru are best friends, and it is highly implied that their relationship has romantic undertones.
Satoru's canon theme song by the comic author is "Shame on Me" by Avicii, which has many romantic lyrics.
Suguru wears Gojo Kesa as an adult, or a Buddhist monk outfit just because it is a "Gojo" kesa.
Satoru is from a family of prolific, rich sorcerers (or just an influential, rich and powerful family in the NSR world) who would probably not want a "scandal" if their heir was some flavor of gay. (below is more NSR world main HCs)
This could explain why the Satoru Suguru Shoko gang ran a phony scheme in the NSR world, maybe to escape harsh reality.
Hobie hates Satoru and Suguru for some reason, probably because Satoru is a snobbish rich brat.
Miles (bc he is sunshine reincarnate), Peni (the only Arachnikid who can communicate with the JJK gang (what is their group name) in Japanese) and Yu(also sunshine) have to work together to make them GET. ALONG.
They eventually do get along, since Nueva York is pretty messed up too and they want out
Yu adores Peni bc kits reminds him of his sister back at home
Speaking of Yu... T-boy Yu HC?
And Satoru and Yu both using neopronouns too bc silly is cool (blue/blues Satoru? pup/pups Yu?)
Satoru likes blues eyes bc Suguru thinks they are the most beautiful thing in the universe, and tells blues that all the time
Satoru could have a combo of space/psychic powers, like DJ Sub to some extent
Nanami used to hide his 30 percent side with makeup and hair, like what Eve did. After coming to Nueva York, he has stopped hiding. (Also bc the rest of the gang encouraged him to do so)
Shoko used to be a heavy smoker as a highschooler in Japan, and sure wants to smoke again although they know it isn't good for their glass/plant body
Noir agrees, and they both wish to smoke after they both get out
AroAce "So Done With Your Shit Gojo" Nanami... Satoru(flamboyant gay) and Suguru(literature gay/bi/enby) eventually becoming the cringe/j gay couple...(their annoyingness is on par with GhostFlower(Miles/Gwen) and Pavitri(Pavitr/Gayatri), although those four are far nicer than SatoSugu(Satoru/Suguru)) "I am anything but cis and straight" Shoko... "I used to be a girl and now I am a boy who likes boys and girls" Yu...
... sorry again for the ask dump. I know it's messy and feel free to dump this too
I actually love gorey animes and movies so that’s not a bother to me! Don’t know how I feel about “jumped the shark” stories though because the only ones I know really are things like Family Guy or Simpsons that have that trope and I don’t watch those shows really anymore (and they are an entirely different feel from a continuous narrative story).
Anyway you can keep sending this stuff in! I like learning stuff second hand for some reason, it’s a lot of fun! (I know a LOT more about One Piece than I should thanks to tiktok and one movie I watched not realizing it was part of a series lol)
Gonna try and give feedback to ALL points because I realized I completely forgot to answer something on your last ask because I skipped a sentence when rereading (about Eve and Nanami).
-Satoru/Suguru relationship: Oh cool! What if they were in a QPR? That would be neat for some reason lol! Also, could only think of the lesbian version of “and they were best friends” hehehe. But good for them (maybe, unless they are doomed by the narrative).
-Satoru theme song: This song has a really good beat to it! Only Avicii song I knew before was “Hey Brother” so this was a complete shift in what I thought the beat of the song was gonna be. But it seems to fit well with what I know of the character (could seem to fit better if I knew the more intricate details lol).
-Suguru and Gojo Kesa: Okay that’s actually really funny lol. To me that’s like a guy named Gene wears only jean jackets hehe.
-Satoru family/gayness: I can see that being a thing unfortunately. It would also make sense for Satoru to be from a famous/influential or powerful family as his powers would probably be a family trait and that kind of power (of reality manipulation) would definitely make a family well known and rich.
-Escape reality: Having the three, who all probably have higher-up families because of their powers, does make sense that they grouped together to try and escape their family life. It would also make them less empathetic (sympathetic? idk) to the common people and allow their scheme to continue without really feeling bad about it (because logically it makes sense to them, we are healing you of something no one else could, so you have to give something no one else could, your power).
-Hobie’s hate: Yeah. There’s also the fact the two (3 with Shoko) took advantage of people in vulnerable states for their own selfish reasons. The rich brat personality is just another facet for Hobie to hate.
-Get along (2 of the points): Okay, for some reason I immediately thought of Satoru, Suguru and Shoko (don’t know what their group would be called) would try and get Peni to help them scheme as a technomancer could be really valuable, but kit obviously does not want to trick people and definitely wouldn’t want to do anything related to medical stuff at the moment considering kits pretty recent past.
Miles, Peni, and Yu are hanging out and talking as best as they can with Peni helping out because I can see the three having a lot in common (which allows Yu and Nanami become like unofficially apart of the Arachnikid friend group and probably be really good assets in the Power Revolution). 
But yeah, Peni helping bridge the gap is a nice thing to think about. Even if it is just letting Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko be friendly or at least cordial with the rest of the group. They would mainly be doing their own thing, while Yu and Nanami are actually trying to be friends with everyone.
-Yu and Peni: I love this idea. Especially the thought that Peni could get a kind of older brother figure because of how Yu sees her. Both being in pretty shitty situations (Peni having lost kits dad and Yu being away from all his family with just a single friend) would probably look for a type of familial bond without realizing it. (which also makes me think Yu and Noir would become pretty good friends once they work out the language barrier because of how close Noir and Peni are).
-T-boy Yu: Fuck yeah! (I don’t have much to add since I barely know him, but yeah! T-boy swag!)
-Neopronouns: Those are cool neopronouns! Will try to use them for the rest of this ask when I can! (I will be honest, I keep getting names mixed up because they are all new names to me and I don’t exactly have the names to faces memorized yet lol, so hopefully I don’t use blue for Suguru by accident)
-Eyes: Aw that’s sweet. I can see Satoru not liking blues eyes when blue was younger because… well it’s not common to have multiple eyes (not impossible, but not common) so maybe had some kind of resentment to blues eyes for a while until Suguru kept complimenting them, allowing Satoru to start loving blues eyes (also when I first read that I thought it meant blue as in color and was thinking how would Satoru like Purl’s eyes since they are a pretty blue color when not wearing their sunglasses).
-Space/psychic powers: It’s basically like a combination of Eve and DJSS’ powers which is such a dangerous and powerful combination to have. Which I feel like really fits blue a lot. I can see these powers not being super distinct from each other (like you can tell when Tatiana is using fire vs using time) and so they meld together making a seemingly single type of power instead of two distinct power types (I have no idea how to explain it better than this lol).
-Nanami 30%: OMG THIS! I forgot to address this in my other ask! I had something planned for it too! UGH!
Anyway, I was going to say I don’t think people would make fun of Nanami for his skin condition (I think that was how it was worded in the ask) but they do compare him to Eve, only because Eve is probably like the only person with this kind of condition that the people around Nanami know about. It would be like someone with vitiligo always being compared to Micheal Jackson because it isn’t a common skin condition that a lot of people would have heard of outside of a celebrity.
So yeah, I can definitely see Nanami being really annoyed with the constant comparisons and actively trying to hide his condition for a long while before coming to terms with it. It was more of an annoyance to hear and to hide the condition than anything else. 
Once he got to Nueva York, he might not have been ALLOWED to hide his condition. Maybe he had “bad behaviour” (it wasn’t actually bad, he just kept using his powers thinking it was fine but the counselors had to keep stopping him) and so he lost some privileges like hair dye and makeup. 
Thankfully the people around him didn’t care all that much. There were definitely comments comparing him to Eve (especially from Pav who explained how he is related to Eve) that annoyed Nanami, but he explained his feelings and the group apologizes because they didn’t know (maybe him and Pav’s relationship starts off a bit rocky because of this connection and Nanami having a hard time dissociating his feelings for his condition and Eve from Pav).
After Nanami gets hair dye and makeup privileges back, I do think the gang would encourage him to not hide it again and so he doesn’t (still has to grow out his hair though to get the 30% to outgrow the dye)
-Smoko Shoko (and Noir, 2 points): Oh her plant parts are absolutely hating the smoke she puts into her body, but I don’t think the glass part would be as affected as something more organic (the glass is organic as well but to a lesser degree like Tatiana’s rock body or Matvey’s metallic body). I wonder if her healing powers could help reduce any problems she might have with being a heavy smoker, that would be a neat thing to be able to do!
Her and Noir, when given access to go out for good behaviour, go and have a smoke together. They can’t really communicate without Peni or without their phones to translate stuff, but they just sit down at a park or beach and watch the sunset together silently as they smoke (they definitely are not allowed to smoke on Nueva York premises so they get a lot of their smoking done in this small time frame).
-Queering it up HCs: 
Love AroAce headcanons, good job Nanami!
SatoSugu and GhostFlower (didn’t know that was their ship name, cute!) being happy and annoying while Pav is sad and alone in Nueva York missing Gaya (you better believe they become the most annoying when reunited because of the time they were forced apart).
Trans Shoko? Nice :3 (also for some reason like the idea of her being a part of SatoSugu but in a queer platonic way. Like they are also dating her but in an emotional sense while SatoSugu are also just super gay for each other).
And then Yu is an icon with t-boy swag hehe
So yeah! That’s all I got for each of your points! Don’t worry about sending in these asks, I do like learning about media second hand, it’s fun! So these asks are pretty fun to do! I’m just sad I can’t add a lot more ideas like I could for a media I know a lot about, but you seem to be having fun talking about this stuff (like I have fun talking about shit which is why I make long answers to asks lol) so that’s good!
Glad you are able to enjoy my ideas even when they might not all be correct with the source material in how people act or relationships with other characters! But hey, that’s the fun part lol. Sometimes a little mischaractization is fun hehehe
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